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Africa on a Pin and a Prayer
Africa on a Pin and a Prayer
Africa on a Pin and a Prayer
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Africa on a Pin and a Prayer

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This true life adventure to the Middle East and Africa took place beginning in 1961, when I was 17-years of age. I left as a boy from the USA seeking adventure. In 1963, I came home to America, with life altering memories of experiences in places, peoples, animals, vistas and times that changed my immature perspective of life, forever! ~ Bob T. Epstein

Massawa, "filthy" Massawa was my first experience with the degradation of children selling themselves as sexual objects. Little blue-eyed boys and girls propositioned us. These chocolate skinned children, we were to learn, were the progeny of the many Italians (as well as various visiting seafarers) that passed through or were stationed here and had strong economic control of Ethiopia and Eritrea for a very long time. There were hundreds of these bedraggled and waifish young people, who, for a bit of food would do anything, and whose degradation was directly proportional it seemed, to their miserable predicament. Many of these girls and young boys were the orphans of the lonely loins of sailors and occupiers alike, who made babies by the thousands. What I saw there were small, dilapidated attached homes; they were once clean and attractive abodes, now remnants of foreign occupational Italian provincials, vacated by the victors. They stood dirty and run-down in so many more ways than architecturally. These homes had young girls hanging out of every window, sitting on the front steps leading to their front doors, vying for the attention of anyone they could get to pay them a few cents for their sexual favors’.

Release dateDec 15, 2013
Africa on a Pin and a Prayer

Bob T. Epstein

Bob Epstein has been a photographer and writer for 40 years. He has worked in public relations for 19 years. He has served as Official Documentary-Lead Photographer for FEMA and reporter/photographer for the FEMA Recovery Times Weekly. He currently writes columns for three publications in Florida.

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    Africa on a Pin and a Prayer - Bob T. Epstein

    Africa On A Pin

    And A Prayer

    By Bob T. Epstein

    Published by Bob T. Epstein

    Written by Bob T. Epstein

    Edited by Barbara Epstein

    Copyright 2013


    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    All things have a beginning and end, what is completed between those times is the sum total of the reality of each and every person that is, or has been on this earth. Some few make an indelible mark during their time on earth, while most others leave not even the slightest footnote in history.- Author


    Hours before, a Pygmy hunter rolled under an elephant. He struck and ripped into its vitals with a very sharp spear. We trailed the animal as it bled out for hours. We came upon a remarkable scene. The group of elephants fretted over their fallen member, and the scene was very sad for my tamed, western eyes. The feeling I compared it to, was that someone of my family was hurt seriously and the entire family tried in vain to help where there was no help possible. I felt for those animals, I recall shedding more than one tear that day. I was there at the raw edge of where humanity left off, and wild stepped in. The experience had me awe struck. I never felt so alive, and close to the wide open nerve of life and death before. Here I was, I mused while waiting along with the hunters for the elephants to depart from their dead family member, in the guts of a savage and strangely beautiful interlude, whose experience was mind boggling, yet so natural as to dispel any doubt that I should be any other happening than as this reality presented to us. Many minutes passed into hours, and finally the last animal abandoned its family member. The hunters fell upon the warm carcass of the elephant, and began slicing great chunks of meat from the animal. The small tusks were cut, sawed, and hammered into submission, out and away from their supreme owner. The tusks would be carved into representations of forest and river animals, such as crocodiles, snakes, small antelope, and monkeys. The trunk was taken off with several hacks of a hunter’s machete, to be used in a roast for the hunters, to commemorate their kill, and to also prove their sexual prowess feeding on this appendage, which was considered a great aphrodisiac. Most of the meat was hoisted upon the heads of the hunters, and we began a long trek home.


    I know Bob Epstein for more than three decades and had encouraged him to write his adventures down for everyone to enjoy and learn from. He has done a wonderful job! I’ve read part his manuscript and I am proud to say that anyone that is about to embark on his own adventure of a lifetime will feel they are sitting right next to him in his Land Rover as you take the journey with him. This journey took him through parts of Africa including The Congo and more than 12 other countries on the continent and the game parks of East Africa. I more than highly recommend this book to you. I exhort you to read every word of it. This book is a window into a world that is rapidly disappearing, and Bob has captured the essence of this place and has book-marked an adventure for a lifetime.

    --Horace Carter, Pulitzer Prize Winner for Literature, CEO Southern Publications and Author of more than twenty-nine books.

    NOTE: Mr. Carter passed away before publication of this book, he was a wonderful man and I use his comments with love.


    Richard Dreyfus was a neighbor of mine when I lived in Queens. When I left New York for Israel, he had graduated from Julliard School of Music and Drama. Richard went on to make the movie American Graffiti, and became a star. At that time, his mother was a friend of my mother’s. During my travels she kept me informed of his successes in some of her letters to me which I was able to receive at various embassies along my travels, when I was able to pick up my mail. Many years later, I was on assignment for the Miami Herald on their Nature Island venue at Disney in Orlando, when we met up again. He wished me luck and said he would have liked to take that trip too! He said he really wants to read my book once I finally publish it! I told him that maybe he could play me in the movie my book should inspire, as we both look so much alike. He laughed that Long Island giddy laugh of his, and said: Who knows.

    My adventures started in 1961. At that time I was a 17-year old teenager living in Queens, New York, after recently moving from Brooklyn. Over a two year period I traveled to Israel, and after seven months in Israel, my African journey began. It started in East Africa and then on to central Africa into the Belgian Congo. Accompanying me to Africa was Eugene Weiss. I met Gene while living, working and studying the Hebrew language at kibbutz Ein Hashofet (Spring of the judge as there was a clear year-around spring on the property when founded in 1937) in the more northern part of Israel.

    The following are my loved ones who have influenced me to write this book and always encouraged the best in me:

    This book is dedicated to my grandfather, David Schwartz. My grandfather had always told me and taught me to enjoy the adventure and learn from the going, as much from getting and the being there. Papa David passed away in 1959 when I was almost 13. He missed my Bar Mitzvah by a couple of months and before he died, he made me promise to someday go to Israel and bring back a piece of the land. When I left Israel, I kept some soil to pour on his grave. I named my first son David in his memory. It is also dedicated to all the other wonderful people, and especially my mom Mary, dad Nat, Aunt Rose and Uncle Bill, my sons David and Brian, also my father-in-law Herb Cooper, and last but never least, my dearest wife Barbara.

    Of Special Note* Dr. Gene Weiss, my companion on this odyssey passed away at the age of 72, just before I finally located him to go over old times and for his assistance in the final edit. Gene, more than anyone else is responsible for my life’s research on the African portion of this adventure of a life-time. He was a caring and wonderful human being. I am sure he has well established himself with G-d today!


    This book, as my nine other labors’ of love and often misery, would just not have been possible without the enthusiastic assistance of several people. My friends and acquaintances were excited to be a part of the process of creating this book. First and foremost, and of highly special note in making this book a reality is my wife, Barbara. For half-a-century she has been my most enthusiastic supporter and the one person that has been able to keep me almost out of the procrastinators club. My mother Mary and father Nathan always encouraged me, and also made it possible for me to take my trip of a lifetime. Although mom balked at her 17-year old son leaving the country to live in Israel, with my father's help, she let me out of the coop that was my home in Queens, to pursue my dreams on my own footing. Frankly, everyone I mention in these acknowledgements has definitely helped me make it possible to finally write my true life story of my time in Israel and Africa.


    It’s been fifty-two years since my journey to Israel and then onto Africa. I have been asked many times, after casually mentioning some of the details of my true-life adventures to friends, family and acquaintances, why I haven’t written a book about my life, and my life changing experiences and travels?

    More than five decades ago there was no internet, cell phones or social media of any kind. The only way we could communicate with the outside world most of the time, was when we could get a snail-mail out from the embassies that we visited, or lucky enough to find a HAM operator. Some of the letters we sent never reached their intended targets; some took more than a month or even longer to get to mom, Brother Mike, friend Stephanie, etc. As I look back, everything was going at a speed of between 5 to 20 mph. It took us a day, often with an overnight sleeping bag siesta, on rutted, water filled roads (main roads in most cases) decrepit bridges, and nearly mortally relaxed hand-ferry, owner-operators to go just 100-miles. Sometimes it took two days, to even go 40-miles, or we had to make a full backtrack, only to return to our starting place after a full days travel, due to complete bridge washouts over deep ravines and rivers. Most of the time we had to get used to travel as it would have been in America during the time of horse and wagon days. The big difference was that we had 56-British horses pulling us forward.

    Over the years I kept the memory of those times of my 18th-19th birthdays, which took place in Israel and Africa. I have written and published some of these memories in many articles about these adventures. Fortunately, I had been able to refer to the diary that I kept along with the photographs that I took during my youthful adventures in both Africa and Asia for this new book. In this book, I’ve been able to faithfully re-capture my experiences of so long ago, into one publication: this new book about times so long gone by! Thanks to the fact that I carefully archived all my documents, my passport, visas, correspondences and diary I have been able to reconstruct those times and experiences. Over the years, I gave details to family and friends from the countries I had visited and lived in, beside the letters I sent from those countries, and was later able to access the letters and postcards that I sent to them and they saved from so long ago. Because of this, I was able to offer in-depth, the details now published in this book. The letters and diary have helped me greatly to be able to finally publish my new, long overdue book: Africa on a Pin & a Prayer!

    The following is a real-life account of our African odyssey, in some cases, into what can be called, prehistoric times. Our adventure of a lifetime changed my teenage life and Gene's, who was more than twenty years old, forever. Gene and I came to Africa, me as a teenager, and Gene as young man and we both became worldlier and grew up quickly in Africa.

    After growing up, in an insulated, loving, home, I eventually decided it was time to see the world. At that time, my world and interests consisted of wanting a Corvette (never did get one), late nights and burgers at the diner, rock & roll music, hair sprayed teenyboppers, the movies, fluff talking heads on television, some fishing opportunities sprinkled in on weekends and shopping malls.

    From a very early age, my Papa David regaled me with adventures that he had when he was living in Russia. He told me how he had to change his name from Blanc (white) to Schwartz (black) because he had been conscripted into the Cossack’s for the Czar and he defected and was forced to change his name, or if caught, he would have been shot. A story that my grandfather told to me has haunted me all these years. He told me how I lost what would have been my aunt. This was based on the fact that she was my papa’s sister. One day, my grandfather and aunt took a walk together. She was very young, only a small toddler. They headed out into a field near their cottage and climbed a small hill. According to Papa, suddenly, a giant eagle came from seemingly nowhere, and snatched his sister in its very large and powerful talons. My grandfather tried his best to have the eagle release her, screaming and running along under the big bird, but to no avail, the eagle carried little Chava away, she was never seen again. This incident was as real as the tears in my grandfather’s eyes, as he told this story to me! How could anyone forget?

    Another story that he told me took place when he was in the Cossacks. He was on his way home with his Chupka as he called his horse, during a heavy snow storm (the painting of this incident was in his hallway) when a pack of wolves came in for the kill on his horse. His horse, Chupka kicked one of the wolves, a glancing blow. However, that wolf and the other six other winter hungry carnivores were still after Chupka. My grandfather fired at them with his pistol, but sitting on a jumping, kicking horse did not allow for any decent accuracy with his pistol. Finally, he got lucky and it appeared he hit the Alpha wolf and it took off limping badly, the other wolves then followed. That night he and his horse made it home.

    My grandpa had many more stories and he shared them whenever we were together enjoying excellent quality time. When I was very young, as I was told; about two years old, we were at Bungalow Colony for the summer that belonged to one of his cousins in Loch Sheldrake, in upstate New York. It was at a Cuch Alane (cook alone) where there was a central shared kitchen that bungalow renters all used. I remember feeling that it was a true family very warm and loving time. The women were actually enjoying the communal cooking experience and each one was always learning from the other on the right way to do kreplach (a Jewish wonton, oh, so incredibly good) brisket of beef, roast and boiled chicken. I enjoyed the vegetables (even as a little boy), and enjoyed an entire real-life college of bakery product how-to’s. One fine sunny early morning, my grandpa David took me fishing with him for the first time! We walked to a lake near the bungalow rental colony, and on the way; he stopped at a large maple tree, he then pulled down a branch which exposed

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