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God in the Wild: Blood Waters 4
God in the Wild: Blood Waters 4
God in the Wild: Blood Waters 4
Ebook47 pages40 minutes

God in the Wild: Blood Waters 4

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From the Publisher that brought you popular YA short story series Song of Teeth, Children of Time, Children of Two Futures, Chains of Darkness, The Magaram Legends, The Night Sculptor Series, Requiem for a Dream, The Taken, The Whispering. And now, Blood Waters...

“...he still remembers being Tomás. He still remembers that he loves me.” - Mila


Mila and the others navigate their way through the dense Yucatan jungle, enduring hunger and thirst. With help from fate - or perhaps some godly being - they are able to survive to get back to civilization.

While they are enduring the hurricane that hits the jungle, the same hurricane also wreak havoc on her home and nearby towns and cities. This makes her family evacuate for safety, leaving the house vacant when Mila reaches home. And she realizes that she is free to return to Boston, but only at a price: her family, and Tomas.

Is it one that she is willing to pay? And will she let Tomas go?

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“Huh, I guess the jungle does listen,” Tim said.
Mila was already wrapping leaves into cones, the way Tim had done the day before. Now that they were no longer under the thick foliage of the jungle, they got drenched quickly, and it wasn’t long before they all pressed against each other, back-to-back, trying to stay warm and collect as much water as they could. The rain tasted metallic and warm, but it was liquid, and they were parched.
They stayed where they were while the rain poured down around them, drinking as soon as they managed to collect a full “cup” of water, even though they were no longer thirsty. Even though Mila didn’t think their bodies could actually hold onto the water—they were not camels, after all—and even though Tim confirmed to her that, short of catching and recycling their sweat and the moisture they lost through breathing, the water would just pass out of them, she still felt compelled to drink. Feast and famine, she thought, as she drank down her third cup.
And then she saw him—Tomás, standing on the road. She startled, and scrambled to her feet. She didn’t know what she would say or do once she reached him. But the long grass hid tough tendrils, and her foot got caught in one, and she fell. By the time she extracted herself, he was gone again.
“Mila!” Tim shouted, as he came up behind her. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
“I saw him,” she said. “I saw him—Tomás.”
“You saw him, too?” he said.
“You mean you also saw him?”
“I saw him,” Tim said. “I didn’t want to believe it. I was afraid he was going to try to kill you, but I couldn’t be sure he was real.”
Mila shook her head. “He won’t kill me,” she said.

Books in the Series:

1. The Boy From the Sea
2. The Tribute to the Sacred Waters
3. The God of the Sky Serpents
4. Blood Waters: The Complete Book

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PublisherSandra Ross
Release dateNov 28, 2013
God in the Wild: Blood Waters 4

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    Book preview

    God in the Wild - Eve Hathaway


    By Eve Hathaway

    Published by Publications Circulations LLC.

    SmashWords Edition

    All contents copyright (C) 2014 by Publications Circulations LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, companies and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.

    ~ ~ ~ ~

    Chapter One

    Mila! Wait!

    She heard them, but her heart was racing too wildly-her legs, it seemed, were running of their own accord. Anything to keep from remembering what it was she'd just seen-Tomas, summoning a bolt of lightning from the sky, incinerating a man before her eyes. How could that be real? How could that be possible? What happened to Tomas? She stumbled through the jungle, panicked at the thought of losing Tomas and everything he was to her, unable to comprehend what she'd just seen. A man had died. Tomas had killed him. Those two facts alone were incompatible to her. Run. That was all she could do.

    And yet-somehow, somewhere, from the depths of her heart, there came a measure of calm. He's dead. He died, just like they said he would. Tomas is dead. She slowed down, taking deep gulping breaths. She should feel sad, or angry about it. Yet she couldn't bring herself to feel anything. The replacement of the boy she'd known and loved with some vengeful demigod who probably didn't even know who she was not as traumatic a loss as she'd thought it would be. A moment passed before she understood what it meant: that she'd always known that she would lose him. Somehow, some way, she would lose him-that she'd always known that he was not of this world, even before the incident with the snakes.

    Tim and Meredith came crashing through the foliage after her, gasping for breath as they caught up to her. We really should stick together, Tim panted. It's a jungle out here.

    Right, Mila agreed, but even as she spoke, the jungle seemed to-shift around them, and she realized that she hadn't been crashing through the jungle at all, that a path had opened up for them where there had been none.

    Which way do we go? Meredith asked, her voice shaking. The three of them glanced around. There was no track-they'd lost it when they were drawn into the clearing. Mila's mad plunge back into the jungle meant that there was no way for them to figure out where they had been, unless they wanted to go back and see the horrific sight of the incinerated body. Facing down Tomas, or whatever it was that Tomas had become, was not something any of them considered.

    I guess we follow the path, Mila said.

    Tim shook his head. We don't know where it goes.

    Do we have a choice? Mila asked. She was looking at Meredith, who had been quiet for most of their ordeal. Meredith had been worrying Mila in

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