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Paranormal Encounters
Paranormal Encounters
Paranormal Encounters
Ebook123 pages1 hour

Paranormal Encounters

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From the author of A Mediums Guide to the Paranormal, comes a new book, Paranormal Encounters. Have you ever wondered what a mediums paranormal encounters were like? How are their experiences different from other people’s? What can they see and hear that other people cannot. How do they communicate with spirits and help people with their paranormal problems, such as hauntings, attachments, and strange occurrences.

This is the first in a series of three books. It is a collection of twenty-three real-life paranormal encounters. These stories recount some of the mediums personal experiences with the supernatural. From her earliest recollections at the age of nine to present day. Read along as she recounts her visit to a graveyard on Halloween night, as she encounters a demon trapped in a mirror and helps a woman be rid of a demonic attachment.

PublisherJune Lundgren
Release dateDec 2, 2013
Paranormal Encounters

June Lundgren

I am a psychic medium, animal communicator, nurse, healer, and international author. I live on a farm in Oregon City, Oregon with my husband, son and a variety of animals. My books include A Mediums Guide to the Paranormal and Paranormal Encounters and Paranormal Encounters Book 2, The dark side of the paranormal, Outta Time and Demon Seekers: the journey begins which are available on and My new book Demon Seer will be released in December 2019.I have appeared on Ghost Adventures: graveyards of the pacific: Norblad Hostel

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    Paranormal Encounters - June Lundgren

    Paranormal Encounters

    June Lundgren

    Published by June Lundgren at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2013 June Lundgren

    Discover other titles by June Lundgren at



    In the many years that I have been doing intuitive readings my clients always ask about my paranormal experiences. They want to know: have I even seen a ghost? Do angels really exist and have I seen one? Are all ghosts bad? How can you tell the good ones from the bad? Why do some people see ghost and others don’t? It is questions like these that I hope to answer in this book. I recount some of the paranormal encounters I have experienced in my life. But first, some introductory thoughts to help you better the paranormal side of life.


    What is a paranormal experience? Paranormal is defined by Webster’s dictionary as: anything that is beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation. This includes phenomena such as telepathy, a medium’s abilities, apparitions, Deja-Vu and telekinesis. I communicate with spirits, angels, animals and other spiritual beings telepathically.

    Does everyone have paranormal experiences? I have found that most people have had a paranormal experience of one type or another in their life. Whether they acknowledge it or not is entirely up to them. As a psychic medium I can tell you that most people have the ability to sense the paranormal in one way or another. But most of the time we listen to our head and not our senses. What people fail to understand is that the paranormal and extra-sensory perception (ESP) are inextricably linked together.

    Some people have dreams that are so real that it’s hard for them to separate the dream from reality. It seems like the only time that those on the other side can get through to most of us is through our dreams. It is the one time in the day when our minds are actually open to receive messages from the other side. Most of every waking hour is consumed with stress, worry, work and a sundry of electronic devices that are meant to make our lives easier. All of these things keep your mind so busy that you forget to listen to your gut instinct and your intuition. Your intuition, or inner voices as I call them, are the connection to your soul. If you listen to them they will never steer you wrong. If you have a feeling that you shouldn’t do something or should do something don’t let your brain talk you out of it or into it, as the case may be. This is a form of paranormal experience because there’s no scientific way to verify it.

    Almost 80% of the world’s population has experienced a paranormal encounter of one type or another in their lifetime. About 60% of these people will write it off to their imagination, fatigue, stress or watching too many horror movies and never give it a second thought. Another 10% will accept the encounter but be too terrified to even contemplate the whys or wherefores of the incident. The last group of 10% will be curious, accept what they are seeing and want to explore it further. For some it is the incident that will get them into ghost hunting or exploring the paranormal world. Unfortunately dealing with the world of the paranormal is not something that is without risk.

    Most people who delve into the paranormal are not prepared for the experience and that’s where the trouble begins. So if you’re planning on doing some ghost hunting, heed my words of advice. Before you start, learn how to protect yourself physically, mentally and most importantly, spiritually.

    Table of Contents

    I still don’t believe it

    Graveyard encounter

    Footsteps in the house

    Ghosts are people too

    Now you see it now you don’t

    The pushy ghost

    A match made in heaven

    Vegas demon

    I am not what I appear to be

    Shadow person

    Can you help me?

    The last hurrah

    Letting go

    A visit to the theater

    The hitch hiker

    Harbor haunting

    The haunted car

    The dream

    Get out of my head

    Visual warning

    Demon in the mirror

    A word of warning

    Dark portal


    Not everyone believes in the paranormal or is open to the possibility of another world beyond the physical. There are skeptics who feel if they can’t touch, see, or hear it, it doesn’t exist.

    My husband Dan is one of those people. He is a wonderful man who calls himself an agnostic. He believes in a higher power, but does not give it a name.

    I think God played a great practical joke when he put us together. Dan is so logical and left-brained that he could not conceive of anything beyond the scope of scientific knowledge. I, on the other hand am so right-brained, emotional and illogical that I sometimes drive him crazy.

    I did not tell Dan about my psychic abilities until we had been married a couple of years. After all there was no reason to scare him off. Even after I told him, I don’t think he quite believed me, but was willing to humor me.

    All that changed one day when my grandmother Edith decided she was going to prove to him that angels and guardians really exist.

    On a Saturday night; I went to bed and Dan stayed up to watch a movie. The next morning I was in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee.

    He came in and poured himself a cup of coffee.

    So what did you want last night? he asked.

    What do you mean?

    You know what I’m talking about, he said frowning at me.

    No, I don’t. What are you talking about?

    "About an hour after you went to bed I saw you come out of the bedroom, walk down the hall to Ray’s room, check on him, and then stop just short of the living room.

    You looked at me, turned around, walked back down the hall toward the bedroom, and disappeared.

    Well, I replied, I’ll tell you one thing, it wasn’t me walking around checking on you. I was asleep, and I didn’t get up until morning.

    Yeah, it was you …except you were wearing your glasses.

    Listen, I was not wearing my glasses because I already had my contacts in. I wondered out loud. What did the glasses I was wearing look like?

    Like most men, Dan does not usually pay attention to things like that. He tried to remember.

    Well, come to think of it, they didn’t look like your regular glasses. They were shaped like the old cat’s-eye glasses that my mom used to wear.

    I got my glasses, which are round, and showed them to him. ’Do these look like the glasses I was wearing?

    No, not really.

    Well, it wasn’t me you saw but someone else.

    No, it had to be you, he insisted, and then paused. Well, if it wasn’t you, who was it?

    I went into the dining room and picked up the picture of my grandmother, who always wore cat’s-eye glasses. Handing him the picture, I asked, Is this the person you saw?

    He looked at the picture intently. I’m not one hundred percent sure but it might be the same person.

    This is a picture of my grandmother Edith. She’s been dead since 1979. She and I are very similar in looks and stature.

    It sure looks like the person I saw but, it can’t be her. He didn’t want to believe the evidence of his own eyes.

    I smiled. Grandma says to tell you that because you needed to see to believe, she decided to show herself to you.

    Dan continued to refuse to believe what he saw. He put the incident out of his mind until a few months later. He was on his way to the kitchen, walking past the stairs leading down to our family room, when he saw the back of a female figure going down the stairs. Thinking it was me, he shouted out June?

    I answered from the bedroom. What?

    Can you come into the kitchen?

    Sighing, I headed for the kitchen. As I entered Dan asked Did you just go downstairs a minute ago?

    No, I was in the bedroom folding the laundry, why?

    He took a deep breath, I saw her again!

    Who did you see? I asked with exaggerated patience.

    Her, you know, your grandmother.

    Oh, is that all? I thought the way you bellowed that something was really wrong.

    "Something is wrong. Tell her to stop coming around! I do not want to see her."

    Well, I said, that’s your problem. You told me you had to see it to believe it. Now that you’ve seen her, you still don’t believe. When are you going to admit ghosts and angels exist?

    Okay, I admit she does exist. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it when she drops by.

    I chuckled in glee. "Well you had better get used to it. They’re not going to go away just because you don’t like it. In fact, you’ll probably be seeing more of them from time to time.

    Several months later Dan and I were sitting in the living room late on a Saturday evening watching a movie. All of a sudden I noticed him look up at the opening above my head. On the other side of the opening was the darkened kitchen.

    Ray? Ray?

    Ray’s down stairs. I told him.

    Well then I’m not going to tell you what I saw.

    "Alight, what or should I say who, did you see this

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