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The Human Soul: Anger is Your Guide Session 1
The Human Soul: Anger is Your Guide Session 1
The Human Soul: Anger is Your Guide Session 1
Ebook165 pages1 hour

The Human Soul: Anger is Your Guide Session 1

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Jesus describes how to work through anger and other emotions within us to release anger, how anger can be used to guide us to deeper emotions, and practical ways to work through childhood and adult anger.
Document source filename: 20090425 The Human Soul - Anger Is Your Guide S1.
This ebook is a transcript of a seminar delivered by Jesus (AJ Miller) on 25th April 2009 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Release dateDec 14, 2013
The Human Soul: Anger is Your Guide Session 1

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    The Human Soul - Jesus (AJ Miller)

    The Human Soul:

    Anger Is Your Guide


    Jesus (AJ Miller)

    Session 1

    Published by

    Divine Truth, Australia at Smashwords

    Copyright 2015 Divine Truth

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    This ebook is a transcript delivered by Jesus (AJ Miller) on 25th April 2009 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. In this seminar Jesus describes how to work through anger and other emotions within us to release anger, how anger can be used to guide us to deeper emotions, and practical ways to work through childhood and adult anger.

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    Table of Contents

    Anger Is Your Guide: Part 1

    1. Introduction

    1.1. Reasons for suppressing anger from childhood

    1.2. Anger is used to control others and avoid our own pain

    2. Mediumship with angry spirits who were slaves while on Earth

    2.1. Explaining the reason for their location in the spirit world

    2.2. Visiting the location in the spirit world of their masters from Earth

    2.3. Viewing a brighter location in the spirit world

    2.4. Connecting to sadness under the anger

    2.5. Meeting other spirits who were slaves on Earth and who have progressed

    2.6. Connecting to emotions to move to a new location in the spirit world

    3. Audience discussion about the channelling

    3.1. Spirit influence of women with AJ following the channelling with the slave spirits

    3.2. An example of one of AJ’s friends dealing with her anger after the channelling

    3.3. The relationship between anger, trust and confusion

    4. Working through anger and layers of emotions within us

    4.1. An example of a participant having difficulty getting beneath anger

    4.2. Anger can affect electronic devices and other mechanical objects

    4.3. Differences between adult and childhood rage

    5. Practical ways in which to express anger

    6. Working through blockages to feeling our emotions

    6.1. An analogy of digging for treasure

    Anger Is Your Guide: Part 2

    7. AJ addresses the resistance in the audience to the discussion

    8. The importance of acknowledging all emotions within us

    8.1. An example of minor issues in AJ and Mary’s relationship covering large emotions

    8.2. An example Mary getting angry at the beginning of AJ and Mary’s relationship

    8.3. An example of women’s anger with men

    8.4. Identifying smaller emotions within us that cover large emotions

    8.4.1. Mild irritation or annoyance can cover huge amounts of emotion

    8.5. Working through emotions in a relationship

    9. Audience questions

    9.1. Gaining the courage to experience our pain by connecting to God’s Truth

    9.1.1. Anger indicates we are not in truth

    9.2. Anger is never justified

    9.3. Injustice in society

    9.3.1. The angry activist

    9.3.2. Passive resistance to societal problems

    9.3.3. The power of changing our souls

    10. Practical ways to work through adult anger

    10.1. Make an anger list

    10.1.1. An example of AJ’s anger with the world monetary system

    10.1.2. Asking why we are angry about an item on our anger list

    10.1.3. Asking what we are afraid of

    11. Audience questions

    11.1. Physically providing for ourselves and others in the world

    11.2. The power of our soul condition on our environment

    11.3. The benefits of working through anger

    11.4. An example of a participant coming to terms with the anger she has created in her sons

    11.4.1. Connecting with God

    11.5. Working through feelings of injustice and anger towards God

    11.6. Becoming willing to see the truth and work through our emotions

    11.7. An example of the Law of Attraction changing after AJ releasing his anger about money

    11.8. An example of a participant’s son responding to her projections

    12. Using anger as our guide

    12.1. An explanation of Tourette’s syndrome

    13. Closing words

    Appendix: Seminar Outline

    Anger Is Your Guide: Part 1

    1. Introduction

    Today our session is going to be about anger being your guide, and already I've had the projection of some people's anger today before the group. So those of you who did that know who it was (Laughter), I'll get you back at some time in the future! (Laughs)

    The reason why this subject is such an important subject is that a lot of people don't realise that anger is a key guide for you in your own progression towards God. And the reason why anger is such a key guide is because it's something that we all generally have a habit of falling into at some point in time or we have a habit of suppressing at some point in time. Underneath anger is just like usually this huge iceberg of emotions, so knowing how to work your way through anger and knowing how to feel your way through anger and then getting to an underlying emotion is very, very important.

    Now anger is an emotion that most of us feel on a daily basis, to be frank. The problem is that the majority of times we don't recognise it or we just see it as a mild annoyance or a little frustration or a little irritation here and there. So we have a tendency, particularly if we've been on spiritual paths, whether they be Christian or other religious basis or New Age, to actually overlook the anger that we're actually feeling. The reason why that often happens is because we're so ingrained in this idea that anger means you're not spiritual, or anger means that you're not connected with God, or anger is wrong.

    Now while it is true that anger is a very damaging emotion and can be a very damaging emotion particularly if it is held on to, the expression of anger is something that's a natural thing based on the deeper things that we choose to suppress. So for that reason anger is a really good guide into your deeper emotions. Every single time you feel angry, frustrated, annoyed or any of these even slight annoyances, slight irritation even, there is usually a huge emotion under it that you are avoiding and you're choosing to avoid it.

    What I'd like to do today is illustrate how to actually dig underneath that, start allowing your anger to surface and then start allowing what's underneath to surface because in a lot of ways your anger is almost the gateway into these other emotions. That's particularly the case if you had suppressed your anger when you were a child.

    1.1. Reasons for suppressing anger from childhood

    Now most of us have heavy suppressed anger from childhood. The reason why is, what normally happened to us when we expressed our anger when we were children? Usually you got a clout over the ear or you got something happen to you that was very painful. You might have got sent to your room, you might have got ostracised, punished. There are lots of things that happen to little children in order to shut down their anger. Often we get ignored when we're angry. So if I'm being angry as a child and then I'm getting ignored, what's that teaching me? I'm not going to get loved while I'm angry, I've got to stop being angry if I'm going to be loved. So there are a lot of hidden messages that come to a little child right from the time that they're very, very young that causes them to suppress their anger and their rage. And unfortunately there is usually a layer placed on top of their anger and their rage.

    So for a child for example, let's say we're a three or four year old child. At three or four years of age we are almost the perfect reflection of what our parents are denying. So if our parents are having an emotion, let's say the parents have an emotion where they feel unloved, as a child if I'm three or four years of age I’ll be perfectly reflecting that emotion; in other words, the child will be feeling unloved. And then what the child does is they reflect that emotion, through the Law of Attraction, back to the parent. So when the parent denies an emotion, the child acts out the emotion and then what does the parent generally do? They punish the child for acting out the parent's own emotion. Now how frustrating is that? If you got punished every single time and this is what happened during your childhood, you got punished probably every single time you acted out one of your parent’s emotions that they were trying to deny, and most of us grew up in this kind of environment.

    So here we are as children as the perfect little reflectors. We can't even help ourselves being a perfect reflector when we're so young like that. And instead of being allowed to reflect the emotion back at our parent, the reflection is actually suppressed through punishment, or through the parent's

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