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Jonah Beckett has been in love with his older brother’s best friend, George "Laurie" DeWitt, since he was thirteen-years-old. When his boyfriend, Dirk, breaks up with him for refusing to put out, Jonah uses his heartbreak over the situation as an excuse to ask Laurie to teach him all about sex before he starts college in the fall. Problem is, he made Dirk up, and Jonah has no idea what will happen when Laurie finally finds out the truth.

PublisherPiper Vaughn
Release dateJan 21, 2014

Piper Vaughn

Piper Vaughn is a queer Latinx author and longtime romance reader. A reader to the core, Piper loves nothing more than getting lost in a great book. Piper grew up in a diverse neighborhood in Chicago and loves putting faces and characters of every ethnicity in their stories, making their fictional worlds as colorful as the real one. Above all, Piper believes there’s no one way to have an HEA, and every person deserves to see themselves reflected on the page.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Gave up about 10 pages in. The use of cursive is so weird that I couldn't read it. So I don't know if it's good or not.....

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Wanting - Piper Vaughn


Published by Piper Vaughn at Smashwords

Wanting © 2014 Piper Vaughn – Second edition

© 2011 Piper Vaughn – First edition

Distributed by Piping Hot Books

Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

All rights reserved worldwide. This eBook may be distributed freely in its entirety courtesy of the author, Piper Vaughn. This work may not be sold, manipulated, or reproduced in any format without express written permission from the author.

Cover Design © 2011 L.C. Chase

Content Warning: This work is classified as a gay romance. It contains graphic language, brief mentions of underage drinking and illicit substances, and sexual content between two men. Not intended for anyone under the age of 18.

Written as part of the Hot Summer Days anthology for the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads. Visit them at:

For Shanna

.: CHAPTER 1 :.

I WANT you to take my virginity.

Laurie paused with his cheeseburger halfway to his mouth. When he realized Jonah wasn’t going to say anything else, he set the burger on his plate with as much careful precision as he would’ve used when handling a bomb. Assuming he’d ever touched a bomb…which, of course, he hadn’t.

He grabbed a napkin from the table and wiped his hands clean with equal care. Only once he’d finished did he lean back in his seat and meet Jonah’s gaze. Jonah regarded him with such an earnest expression, no levity, no glint of his normal humor. He appeared to be entirely serious. And that made Laurie entirely terrified. He had a feeling he’d be taking that cheeseburger to go.

Come again? he finally said for lack of anything better. Because he must have misheard. There was no way in hell his best friend’s eighteen-year-old brother had just said those words. Over lunch. In the middle of a diner. With an old, white-haired couple sitting right behind them.

When Jonah approached him and said he needed some advice, Laurie had been perfectly willing to lend an ear. He figured as a gay teenager, the kid probably didn’t have very many people to talk to about safe sex or boyfriends or relationships in general. And since he and Jonah’s older brother, Marcus, had been friends practically since birth, it made sense that Jonah would come to him. Jonah had been trailing after them since he was old enough to walk, always underfoot and wanting to be involved in whatever he and Marc were doing. Over the years Laurie had started to think of him as just another pesky little brother to add to the brood that constantly annoyed him when he was at home.

Until Jonah’s seventeenth birthday party when Laurie caught Jonah making out with one his classmates in the basement. One of his male classmates.

That day Laurie had learned he and Jonah had one very big thing in common. And he would’ve been lying if he said his perception of Jonah hadn’t changed after that. He started to notice things, like how Jonah’s skin was the perfect shade of pale gold, and his smile sort of took Laurie’s breath away, and how his tight little body was the type wet dreams were made of. But the more he’d noticed, the harder Laurie fought to keep Jonah locked away in the platonic, no-sexual-feelings-allowed section of his mind. If sometimes he failed and his thoughts wandered into fantasy territory at the sight of Jonah without a shirt, well, that was between him and his traitorous brain. No one else would ever have to know.

So Laurie had listened to Jonah’s story about the guy he’d dated toward the end of his senior year. The guy who’d cheated on Jonah and then broken up with him because he wasn’t willing to waste his time on a frigid little shit who wouldn’t put out. Jonah’s eyes were shining with tears as he told that part, and Laurie’s stomach had clenched with anger and sympathy. But Jonah didn’t need a guy like that, and Laurie told him so. There would be other guys. Better guys. Someone like that wasn’t worth tears. Might as well save the waterworks for when it really counted, and being dumped by some high school douche bag with an overinflated sense of self-importance so didn’t make that cut.

Jonah had nodded and agreed. Then, not five minutes later, those words had come out of his mouth. Words Laurie still wasn’t sure he’d heard right. People didn’t just burst out with things like that over French fries and milkshakes in crowded greasy spoon diners. Not when the bubblegum-chomping waitress could swing by at any second to ask if they wanted some apple pie for dessert. Talk about awkward.

I want you to take my virginity, Jonah repeated.

Laurie blinked at him. Okay. So those words hadn’t actually been some sort of warped, sugar-induced auditory hallucination. I thought that’s what you said.

Just…just hear me out before you answer, okay, Laurie?

Look, I don’t think this is the best place for this conversation. Laurie inclined his head toward the family of five seated at a round table a few feet away from them. One of the three towheaded boys stared their way, his eyes magnified to double their size by thick-lensed glasses.

Jonah glanced over at the table and nodded. Yeah, I guess you’re right. But can we talk about it on the ride back?

Laurie sighed and raked his fingers through his hair. Jonah’s virginity was not a topic he wanted to discuss, especially when it pertained

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