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intheflow: Clearing and Cleansing the Houses of Clutter
intheflow: Clearing and Cleansing the Houses of Clutter
intheflow: Clearing and Cleansing the Houses of Clutter
Ebook72 pages42 minutes

intheflow: Clearing and Cleansing the Houses of Clutter

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About this ebook

Lifestyle Coach Milton S. Williams challenges you to evaluate the excesses in your life with honest introspection and contemplation. Through careful examination of the domains where energy accumulates, individuals and businesses can effectively strive to achieve optimum production, performance, and lifestyle/business management. Take action! Move your life and business forward.

Release dateMay 28, 2010
intheflow: Clearing and Cleansing the Houses of Clutter

Milton S. Williams

Based in San Francisco, CA, Milton S. Williams has an innate aptitude and sensitivity for organizing. He has been developing this trait since childhood, and now as an adult, by bringing a feng shui type order to home and workplace environments. A friend's mother described this book as a "feng shui-ing of the mind." Fascinated by how clutter and its powerful energy connection factor into everyday 21st century life, Milton drew upon his breadth of knowledge and practical experience to produce an indispensable tool and resource guide to help individuals and business professionals achieve balance and harmony. He coined the phrase 'houses of clutter' to delineate and holistically address nine prevalent energy domains where clutter accumulates and impacts modern life. Clearing and cleansing clutter is an ongoing process that requires conscientious attention, introspection, contemplation, and most importantly, action! Take action. Move your life and business forward. Contact Milton at: email: [email protected] Twitter: @MiltonSWilliams Skype: miltonsw1

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    Book preview

    intheflow - Milton S. Williams


    Clearing and Cleansing


    Houses of Clutter

    By Milton S. Williams

    Smashwords Edition, Licensing Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

    Copyright ©2009 by Milton S. Williams

    Cover Design by Milton S. Williams

    ISBN: 978-1-4507-1894-3

    All Rights Reserved




    Dr. Beverly K. Jaeger



    Chapter One

    Take Action, Move Your Life and Business Forward

    Create the impetus and motivation for change and transformation (paradigm shift)

    Chapter Two

    The Houses of Clutter

    I. Physical – the body temple, home, vehicles, workplace, possessions

    II. Mental – the mind as master repository, its state and condition

    III. Emotional – inner feelings (love, anger, pain, hopes, desires, fears)

    IV. Spiritual – your inner core, soul, essence, invisible self (often felt)

    V. Environmental – surroundings (earth, air, water, systems, neighborhoods)

    VI. Electronic – phones, televisions, computers, videos, mass media, and their consumption

    VII Chemical – natural, synthetic, and artificial stimulants, reactors

    VIII. Financial – money, economics, and their powers/influences

    IX. Sexual – gender, identity, orientation, patterns, behaviors, imbalances (paraphilias, artificial relationships)

    Chapter Three

    Clearing – Becoming Free and Clear (Better Manager)

    I. Taking inventory – in depth self analysis, awareness of what is in your sphere

    II. Assessing Value - know your worth (evaluate relationships and possessions)

    III. Neutralize – center the self to become an objective, active observer

    IV. Marginalize -minimize distractions, place lower priorities in your periphery

    V. Eliminate – negative habits, patterns, behaviors, and people but learn and grow from experiences

    Chapter Four


    I. Soul Mining – exploring the depths and facing the truths of your inner self

    II. Forgiving – trespasses, transgressions, debts

    III. Accepting – loving yourself in spite of yourself and others

    IV. Purging – surrendering, sacrificing, letting go

    V. Moving On – life is a continuum, even beyond death and dying, so optimize its possibilities

    Chapter Five

    Living Truly intheflow of Your Life

    Creating Balance, Harmony, and Happiness

    I. Organize – bring systematic order out of chaos and disarray, improve time management

    II. Prioritize – create a healthy balance between academic, family, social, work, and love life

    III. Minimize – negative energies, bad habits, distractions, and behaviors; marginalize or eliminate

    relationships that don’t serve or support your needs

    IV. Maximize – the power of positive thoughts and actions; opportunities to broaden the scope of your personal, academic, and business growth; nurture the mind, body, and spirit by making time for introspection and contemplation

    V. Visualize – envision (use of the pictorial/third eye) yourself succeeding in all your life endeavors; set positive intentions towards the realization of your visions, goals, and dreams.

    Helpful Resources

    Dr. Beverly K. Jaeger's Biography

    About the Author



    This book, as with any of my life endeavors, cannot have been conceptualized, created and written without first giving thanks and praise to the Creator. The Creator has blessed me with many gifts and talents. It has taken some time in my adult life to fully

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