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Magister Templi
Magister Templi
Magister Templi
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Magister Templi

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Magister Templi shows how modern science and chaos theory are compatable with advanced metaphysical concepts. Science is not in conflict with paranormal and supernatural activity. This is the OAK 1st Degree study material and provides conceptual initiation into advanced metaphysical topics. It provides a solid framework on which to build your own paradigm or belief system.

PublisherJoe Bandel
Release dateJun 8, 2010
Magister Templi

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    Magister Templi - Joe Bandel

    Magister Templi

    Joe Bandel

    Published by Joe Bandel at Smashwords

    Copyright 2010 Joe Bandel

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Joe E. Bandel

    Published by Joe Bandel

    Copyright 2010 Joe Bandel

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    Hanns Heinz ewers Volume I

    Anarchist Knight:Apprentice

    Magister Templi

    Modern Survivalism

    Lakes Area Pagan Book of shadows

    Coming Soon!



    Hanns Heinz Ewers Volume II


    Anarchist World

    on the web at

    Magister Templi

    Advanced Concepts in Human Potentials

    This book is dedicated to everyone that believes in hard work and self evident truth. Life is not such a mystery as many would like us to believe. Live free!


























































    Introduction to the Order of Anarchistic Knights

    OAK is a modern day mystery school that has teachings adapted and appropriate for modern humanity. It is a magickal Order devoted to the empowerment of the human race and to the advancement of magick in it’s most simple and primal form, pure energy and pure power.

    OAK is based on Chaos theory and results. This knowledge and power is freely given to all and is believed to be the fastest and safest way of magickal development possible at this time. As a person works through all three degrees of self empowerment they will learn to understand the benefits of physical initiation and it is hoped that all Anarchistic Knights will choose to link energies when possible through physical initiations.

    There are striking similarities between this tradition and the commonly observed Wiccan tradition. Any student of the Wiccan or Pagan path will find much of interest here.

    This represents the OAK 1st Degree study material and will provide conceptual initiation into advanced metaphysical topics. It will also provide a solid framework on which to build your own paradigm or belief system. Compare to a software upgrade on your computer that is more suitable for today’s world. It integrates hard science, religion, psychology, metaphysics and objectivism into a working system that gets results.

    The work of the 1st Degree is purification, development of a personal belief system and integration of the ego with the Super Ego, Christ Consciousness, Collective, Holy Guardian Angel or Deity. Different paths use different words for the same thing.

    Magister Templi is meant to complement the OAK 1st Degree Initiation. The 1st Degree initiation is a physical initiation that creates a magickal link and energy exchange between members. Physical initiation and membership in a community is an important part of self empowerment. It is also a life choice.

    The work of the 2nd Degree is physical empowerment, assertiveness and integration of the ego with the Shadow, Power Animal, Id, or instinctual self. Different paths use different words for the same thing.

    Modern Survivalism is meant to complement the OAK 2nd Degree Initiation. The 2nd Degree initiation is a physical initiation that creates a magickal link and energy exchange between members. Physical initiation and membership in a community is an important part of self empowerment. It is also a life choice.

    The work of the 3rd Degree is to find others of like mind that share your personal values and beliefs. Family, community and support are important and life is not worth living without them. Different paths use different words for the same thing.

    The work of the 4th Degree is the establishment of local OAK centers around the world and the establishment of OAK as community with its rewards and challenges. It requires personal commitment to the Order and taking a leadership position. Different paths use different words for the same thing.

    Part One

    Duality-The Male

    I would like to share a few essays that compare the process of ego development with some of the more recognized landmarks of metaphysical and psychological research. I've used the grade system of the Golden Dawn as a convenient way of organizing this data using Israel Regardie's book as a reference. I could just as easily have used terms used by psychology or some other school of thought. The main point is that even if different terms are used the experiences described are the same.

    There is a universal experience that is true for all people even if it is highly subjective. Therefore these next chapters are tied together in a way that builds on what went before. What they propose is a progressive ladder or stairway we each must travel in the process of healthy ego development.

    With a little imagination and memory work you will be able to identify personally with almost every stage that is listed. We achieve these stages all the time but do not recognize them for what they are. They offer a type of initiation that will act as a catalyst for personal growth and healing.

    While my examples may not be strictly accurate they should be very evocative and I welcome comments that would help smooth these concepts out a little more.


    In this degree the Neophyte or newborn begins explorations of the ego. What I'm really saying here is we move from an animal awareness into an awareness of self. Typically these levels are dealt with naturally during childhood. Each must be developed before we can move on and mature in a healthy way. This degree has eight levels of awareness. Each level deals with personal limitations and how our developing ego grows and adjusts to confront and gradually master these limitations.

    I don't know of any order or sequence these areas may fall into. I do know we are not complete until we have explored and come to terms with all of these areas. There are many similarities with Erickson's eight stages of Man. Those familiar with his work will find this addition especially interesting.

    Limitations of Language. So often in our lives words are inadequate to express the depth of our emotions and the intent of our actions. We feel no one understands us, no one will listen to what we are trying to say. Gradually we accept that we have a unique perspective on life and many things that happen will remain forever secret between ourselves and the God of our hearts. We are not able to share them with others and we will never be able to share them.

    At least this is the healthy way things should be. All too often we expect others to understand and have insight into our personal situation. We want to think our loved ones know us but the reality is that no one can really know us that deeply, not even our loved ones.

    Limitations of action. We learn very rapidly in life that certain things are acceptable and others are not. We think things are unfair. Why are bad things happening to us? Why can't we do the things we want to do?

    We learn there are consequences to our actions, that action causes reaction and we are in the highest sense responsible for our actions. We learn to do the right things at the right times so we are socially acceptable.

    Our parents are a great help in this regard. We do unto others as we would have them do unto us. These are the beginning insights into the cosmic law of karma, cause and effect. They are also the beginnings of our natural sense of justice and fairness. There is pride in knowing we have earned the rewards we get in life.

    Sadly generations of children are being raised without learning that their actions have natural consequences. Parents over protect their children and let them get away with things. How can children be expected to know how to behave when they turn eighteen if mom or dad always comes to the rescue?

    Limitations of emotions. This deals directly with our strongest personal desires. Often we want things so badly we would do or give anything to achieve them. We feel hurt, anger and helplessness when they are taken out of our reach. We WANT these things and we can't have them. This is especially true in relationships that involve other people. In time we learn to desire things that are within our grasp and our abilities.

    It is very important our sights are aimed high early because otherwise we will lose our desire to succeed in life. Unfortunately many parents have killed the higher ambitions in their children by not giving them the emotional support they need when they need it. This is often during the critical teenage years.

    Personal limitations. Now we deal with the limitations of our own newly developing ego. We realize our perceived shortcomings. Life is not fair. Why is my nose so big? Why am I so fat? Why am I so tall? Does any of this sound familiar? We come face to face with what we have been given in life and react with intense personal dissatisfaction. As we mature hopefully we grow above these things and accept ourselves as we are.

    Learning to love ourselves goes hand in hand with believing in our abilities. This means to expose ourselves to life and be successful in our own eyes.

    We are Gods and Goddesses Here we ponder what it would be like to live for ever and ever. As children we feel immortal and nothing can harm us. Life is huge and just goes on and on. We have no control over this at all. Awareness just goes on and on and on. We have a destiny to fulfill whether we want to or not. We believe we are important and have an important part to play in the universe.

    Some children are told they will be judged according to their deeds and sentenced to heaven or hell upon death. Others exposed to reincarnation at an early age will see karma as a wheel of life where we are born again and again until we get some meaningless lesson right. It is easy to feel helpless and small as we consider these forces of destiny.

    Right and Wrong. Here we deal with our desire for revenge and the destruction of the wicked. We know through our parents and others the difference between right and wrong. We try to do the right things and God help those who are doing the wrong things. We are on their case in an instant. As children we tattle and as adults we turn others in to the authorities. We feel a strong desire for reward and recognition because we are doing the RIGHT things. We also fear the pain and humiliation of punishment.

    We' re given an early understanding of life. We have now mastered the fundamentals. The stories and dogmas have been read to us. Our questions have been answered and our thoughts carefully directed to conform with the wisdom of our elders.

    In their infinite wisdom they assure us there is nothing more to learn. Our education is over and we can take our place as adults even if we don't feel like adults. We do this through ceremonies such as confirmation, baptism, and graduation. There is a strong sense of stagnation and we no longer question the way things are. Sadly many adults seem to be stuck at this stage of ego development.

    Death. People die, animals die, plants die and we have a growing realization that we too will someday die. It is inevitable. What happens after we die? Where do we go? Is there life without the physical body? Does it hurt to die? Are ghosts real and can they hurt us?

    Our parents and churches tell us we will go to heaven. They tell us heaven is the most beautiful place we can imagine. But they also tell us about hell and damnation. If we do not believe certain things and do certain things we will go straight to hell with eternal agony and torment. We need to save our immortal soul by not doing things our bodies want us to do. We learn to not trust our own bodies and instincts. We learn to die

    Zelator Degree

    When is the last time you have been passionate and excited about a cause? When have you believed in something so strongly that you became a zealot? Have you ever been born again? As we mature and confront reality we also deal with lower emotional baggage. This level is the awakening of the conscience. Normally this development takes place around ten or twelve years of age.

    I was fourteen when it happened to me. Sadly it might never take place in some cases. The development of our ego can not continue in a healthy manner until this stage is completed. Most of us have a conscience but we might not always listen to it.

    This degree has two levels of thought. In the first part of this degree we hear the voice of our conscience and either ignore it or give lip service to spiritual and noble goals. We have good intentions but identify with our physical body and human ego. We feel unworthy to have the things we desire.

    We go to church on Sunday but keep falling short of our own expectations. In religious terms we don't want to sin but we still do. Every day we do things over and over again that we are ashamed of and despair. We are sinners. We are unworthy. We think evil thoughts.

    Heavy feelings of guilt and self loathing are encountered at this level of thought. A powerful force digs up our deepest subconscious psychic contents and exposes them openly to us. We are brought face to face with every word we ever regretted, every thought we were ashamed of. We feel little more than animals mindlessly reacting to physical and emotional stimulus. We are brought face to face with the mirror of our soul. We don't care if God/dess forgives us because we can't forgive ourselves.

    This is a very hard time and many flee in terror at what they see in the mirror. They spend the rest of their lives in misery, guilt and shame, hating themselves and dreading the day they must face their final reward. This is the crisis point of the Zelator degree that must be crossed.

    Once we have crossed this point we hear the call repent sinner. We change our lives and live differently. We no longer identify with our physical body. Instead we identify with our immortal body that lives on after death.

    He who believes shall never die.

    You must be born again into a new spiritual body.

    You must be saved.

    These are the messages we hear at this critical stage of ego development. Our conscience is erupting and when we are ready to listen huge changes take place in our lives.

    There is a mental shift where life becomes a test and trial that is necessary to pass before we earn eternal salvation. If we can look in the mirror and do the best we can every day the inner voice of our conscience will forgive us for the errors we make.

    Most importantly we learn to forgive ourselves. As we accept the inner voice of our conscience and strive to follow it we grow spiritually.

    In this second level we are born again. We identify with a spiritual body or soul that is immortal. We get excited about the idea of living forever.

    Because the ego is self-centered there is a feeling of separateness from others that occurs along with the joy of being saved. There is a sense of isolation and terrible loneliness that is bitter-sweet. We want others to experience what we have. It is hard to accept that others may not agree with us. We are forever alone with a unique personal perspective and path meant only for us.

    When we try to share this perspective we can't and this realization is devastating. The things that are so important to us simply do not matter to others. They laugh and ridicule us. Still this loneliness is the result of distorted thinking. We are never really alone because the entire universe is always a part of us and we are a vital part of it. Others don't need to follow our path. They need to follow their path.

    Our realization and experience of being born again causes us to weep for the loneliness and suffering of humanity. So much misery does not need to exist. People don't understand what they are missing. At this point we develop compassion in our hearts for others. As we share our message and interact with others we become less lonely.

    Our sharing becomes more mental as the material world becomes less important. Slowly concepts gain strength and reality over our lives. We live through conscious intent and will instead of passing fancy.

    As this happens the emotions lose their control over our lives. We gain control over them and repress them until they are almost non-existent. As this happens we depend more and more upon reason and logic.

    This is a very painful period because we sense the coming death of the emotions. Life is no longer as fun as it once was. We have lost our inner child. Life without emotions is no longer life.

    Practicus Degree

    In this degree we struggle with the problem of how to be both body and spirit. In the last stage of ego development we discovered our spiritual nature and determined it was the most important. Now we are trying to live in the correct way.

    We have been won over to the cause and now it feels like we have been a abandoned. Our false human ego is still identifying with our physical body but at the same time holds up rigid idealistic standards for itself and for others to live by. Here we have puppy love. We establish role models and become hero worshipers.

    We have expectations for finding the perfect wife, the perfect husband, the perfect home, and the perfect job. We set our standards so high no one can fill them. Then we hate ourselves because of our failure.

    These standards are mental concepts that are not integrated into physical reality. They are unworkable. We have entered the realm of logic and reason and the human ego is no longer supreme. The ideal, representing logic and reason is now supreme. Although they rule our lives logic and reason are unable to get at truth. The answers we get bring more questions. This turns into a vicious circle that rapidly gets out of control until we finally learn to stop asking questions.

    Logic and reason distort things. We are no longer sure of what is good and evil, sin and salvation, or illusion and reality. Our head begins to spin and our overworked intellect feels inadequate.

    In desperation we trust our intuition and conscience instead. The intellect can sense it's approaching death even as the emotions did earlier. It feels threatened as it desperately tries to grapple with things and understand them.

    We find ourselves in an intellectual fog where the only voice of sanity and reason lies with unquestioning faith. We identify more and more with our intuitions, with the Christ spirit within us and faith in the inner voice of our conscience. As we do this our intellect is screaming at us to stop. It is trying to tell us what we are doing is insane and makes no sense at all.

    Trusting our intuitions and the inner voice of our conscience brings the birth of a higher level of consciousness. We think not with words but with the symbols given in our dreams and meditations. Our thought processes are more abstract and visual. There are no words for what we are thinking.

    The first stage is an uncomfortable struggle with logic and reason. The second stage of this degree brings the decline of the intellect and the true birth of intuition. We trust our intuition above all other things. We develop a great spiritual pride that our inner self has won over the intellect and physical self. This is a very dangerous time for us!

    We have a true feeling of accomplishment thinking we are one of the great adepts. We have little desire to try further but are content to stay right where we are. This is a great spiritual plateau and we must beware the poison of spiritual pride. This level marks the boundary between consciousness and higher-consciousness.

    Our new consciousness with absolute faith in the intuitive self is still untamed, it is a beast. It is still joined to the lower personality and to the physical body. The spiritual vision is distorted and our intuitive self is hindered in its attempts to communicate with us. The intuitive self rules but it is an uneasy rule indeed.

    Philosophus Degree

    We find joy , peace and inspiration in mental travels and daydreams as we build a bridge of communication between our intuitive self and objective consciousness. There are three progressive levels in the Philosophus degree that occur naturally.

    The first level is the realm of mentally traveling in imagination through time and space. This is the realm of avid readers and bookworms, especially readers of science fiction and fantasy. This is also the realm of heavy daydreaming. Our mind is constantly chattering away and we are enjoying it. This is a summary of all the previous levels and a great sense of peace and joy is found in loosing one's self in imagination and creativity.

    The Philosophus lets his or her imagination run wild as he or she explores all aspects of physical life and what could be. Anything and everything is possible. This stage begins the death of the lower human ego because the mental world is becoming more real than the physical world. There is a growing sense that all is one and the cares and worries of the distant world become vague and unreal. We are starting to become head trippers.

    We are drawn toward abstract thoughts and spirituality. The spiritual life seductively begins to lure the Philosophus with promises of great treasures and rewards. More and more time is spent in mental pursuits until all of his/her free time and energy is caught up in this type of activity. Material and worldly affairs suffer as we become careless. Our relationships with family and friends disintegrate and we weep bitterly at losing these things but we can't help ourselves and continue living in our heads.

    In the second level of this degree we feel and appreciate the things we have lost in our mental pursuits. We feel them because they are no longer there and we miss them. Our bridge of communication with our intuitive self is not being built very fast and the cost we are paying is very high. Mental pursuits are no longer as fun and take on an aspect of desperation.

    We explore the mystery of toil and the virtues of labor through intense study. In desperation we turn our vast creative energies exclusively to labor and study to build that bridge as soon as possible.

    We recognize only then will we know our true path in life. Our efforts meet with failure after failure as we struggle to manifest what is in our heads. Trial and error are the ways to turn our ideas into actual experiences.

    We consider one occupation after another and test it for intuitive approval. Time and

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