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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The second book in the dazzling Spellcaster series from New York Times bestselling author Claudia Gray is perfect for fans of the Beautiful Creatures and Hex Hall series.

Nadia, Mateo, and Verlaine saved Captive's Sound from the dark Sorceress Elizabeth…or so they thought. Despite their best efforts, a greater evil has arisen, and its dark magic has begun to call Nadia.

With her Steadfast, Mateo, and her best friend, Verlaine, Nadia must fight the black magic that tempts her, and stop the One Beneath before He comes to claim her power as His own.

Release dateMar 4, 2014

Claudia Gray

Claudia Gray is the pseudonym of New Orleans-based writer Amy Vincent, the author of the New York Times bestselling Evernight series. She has worked as a lawyer, a journalist, a disc jockey, and an extremely poor waitress. Her grandparents' copy of Mysteries of the Unexplained is probably the genesis of her fascination with most things mysterious and/or inexplicable.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If the book had continued on in the same fashion as the first half, I would have rated this book three stars, maybe two. The beginning was almost torture to get through. I wanted to skip over the parts that Nadia or Mateo narrated. Their relationship is sooo boring to me, I can't stand it. I hate that they love each other so intensely after knowing each other for only, what, three months?? It's ridiculous, and every time they narrate it's nothing but cringe worthy sappiness. It's not even good romance. Their relationship sprung out of nowhere and means nothing to me.
    Don't get me wrong, I love romance. I absolutely adore it, but only when it grows on me and allows me to fall in love with it as well. That is why I love the relationship between Verlaine and Asa. Now this is a relationship that grew over time, developed, and manifested into something so strong and beautiful and forbidden that I swoon whenever they happen to be together in a scene. Verlaine is my all time favorite character. Her narrations are always the best, they're probably the ones that I rely on most to keep the story going. She has shown SUCH character development that I find myself feeling proud of her. I found myself practically skimming the parts when Nadia/Mateo narrated, and then clinging to every word whenever it was Verlaine/Asa. They're the good ones, they should be the protagonists.
    Other than these drastically different relationships aside, the story has definitely gotten better. Like I said, the beginning was tough to get through. There was so much Nadia/Mateo going on that I felt as though we weren't progressing at all. Finally, it happened. Sure, there was weird stuff going on left and right, with Elizabeth slowly starting to build a bridge for the One Beneath, but it was moving so slowly that I was losing interest. Then, suddenly, all hell broke loose (pun intended). Elizabeth was getting desperate and her plans had to move a little quicker, which I was grateful for. It's hard to believe that I was actually just as impatient as the One Beneath to get this show on the road. Once that crap went down, I was hooked. I couldn't put the book down, and to my relief, the romance between Nadia and Mateo turned up less and less. There was a lot more Verlaine and Asa, and I'm not just talking about their relationship, but what they had to offer to the whole equation. These two characters really brought everything together and helped to completely build the suspense and action. They're the only two characters that showed any form of character development and progression. Is it obvious I adore them? Without them, this book would be an absolute bore and I probably wouldn't have finished it.
    I'd like to say a thing or two specifically about Asa. Claudia Gray definitely did her research on the typical demon stuff. He's exactly the way you'd expect a demon to be, except not. He's a complicated character with actual depth (unlike Nadia or Mateo). I felt a connection with him and I found myself getting excited whenever he turned up.
    A few things to make note of plot wise...We finally discover the true meaning of the dark magic that blocks anyone from truly seeing Verlaine, and we discover the mystery of Nadia's mother's sudden disappearance from her life. Both of these revelations are emotionally painful. And then there's Elizabeth being her typical psychopathic Sorceress self, except ten times worse. Or should I say better? I can honestly say that she is officially on my top ten list of Antagonists Of All Time. She's power hungry, ruthless, and capable of way more than you could have imagined from just reading Spellcaster or The First Midnight Spell.
    As I mentioned above, the first half of Steadfast is painfully slow, but once the shit hits the fan, there was no turning back. It was all rise from there. Things just kept getting more intense, suspenseful, action packed, and emotionally painful. I loved every moment of that ride. If the entire novel had been as good as the second half, I would have given this five stars. I absolutely recommend this book. As long as you fight your way through the beginning, you will not be disappointed. I for one cannot wait to get my hands on Sorceress, book three of the Spellcaster series.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    If I'd only read the first book in the series, I would've given it four stars in the hopes that subsequent books in the series would get better. But I found the opposite to be true.

    Verlaine remains the most compelling character (despite being the least compelling to those around her!), and her relationship with Asa was the most interesting part of the book (except for the part about Verlaine finding the body Asa is inhabiting so attractive -- that wasn't necessary). The fact that Asa can truly "see" her isn't about physicality, so why did that have to be?

    The so-so interesting part: the relationship between Nadia and Mateo (there's not much "there" there)

    The least interesting part: Elizabeth's quest to release the "One Beneath," a kind of generic, one-size-fits all big bad. Honestly, Elizabeth pretty much kills the story, as she's just evil for the sake of being evil, with nothing potentially redeemable or sympathetic about her (in stark contrast to Asa). I don't even know why she's so intent on releasing "hell on earth," except that that's what evil witches do.

    I'm sure by the end of the last book, Nadia will vanquish her, as is right and proper for the heroine to do, but I unless I decide I really want to know more about what happens to Verlaine, I don't think I'll want to go along for that ride.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Having survived the Halloween fire, Nadia, Mateo and Verlaine are hoping to move on in a wonderful dark magic free world. But dark witches don't give up so fast and they find themselves once again fighting the evil Elizabeth. The odd thing is, Elizabeth wants Nadia to join her. Huh?I love Claudia Gray. This book is no exception. It is young adult so there is the teen angst thing. But mostly it deals with the problems they face fighting to save the town and themselves. Moral dilemmas abound and I think they are handled well. Nadia and her friends are strong characters with their hearts in the right place. More please.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Claudia Gray holds true to my expectations with this book as well. Despite my experience with several other sequels of magical books, I thought this one was extremely well written. The character development was great, and the plot was intriguing. The twists throughout the book were surprising and unpredictable - at least to me.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    OMFG THIS ENDING! I can't even. Words. Feelings. Emotions. Too many so good tears. Major cliffhanger you have to read the next book immediately!

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

Steadfast - Claudia Gray


NEARLY EVERY GRAVESTONE IN THE CEMETERY OF Captive’s Sound made a promise about forever.

The tombstones said things like Remembered Evermore or Always In Our Hearts. But for all those promises of unending devotion, nobody seemed to visit very often.

Today, though, three people had arrived.

Nadia Caldani stood directly under the cast-iron gate, which bent into curves to imitate leaves, roses, and thorns. Nothing about her wine-red sweater or dark jeans betrayed the most important secret Nadia had: that she was a witch—young and only half-trained, but more powerful than she’d once believed.

Her thick black hair was gathered back into a ponytail, which revealed the bruise on her temple and the small cuts along one cheek. Less than thirty-six hours before, she’d fought the darkest magic she knew of—wielded by Elizabeth, a sorceress, a servant of the One Beneath. Somehow, against all odds, Nadia had won. She knew she should feel elated. And yet fear still flickered inside her, a fire that wouldn’t quite go out.

I got lucky, she thought. But at least Elizabeth’s gone, and we can start picking up the pieces.

Next to her stood Mateo Perez, letter jacket slung over the black T-shirt and jeans he’d have to wear for his shift at the restaurant later. Nadia knew he’d always thought of himself as an outsider in Captive’s Sound, isolated by the curse that followed his family. For a long time, he’d believed he had only one true friend—but that had only been Elizabeth playing games with his mind. Elizabeth had used him, and the curse, for her own purposes.

Nadia had been able to show Mateo what Elizabeth really was. More important, she’d discovered who he really was: someone strong enough to bear the curse. Someone who could serve as her Steadfast, the person who could amplify the strength of her witchcraft. Someone who now could see magic at work in the world, both light and dark. She had known within weeks that she needed him beside her, always. They’d kissed for the first time only days before; she felt like she could taste that kiss, feel his lips against hers, every moment.

We have time now, she thought as he looked sideways at Nadia. All the time in the world. So today isn’t about us. It’s about Verlaine.

Verlaine Laughton leaned against the gate, trying to catch her breath. Her pale hand clung to the cast-iron leaves; around her wrist dangled the white plastic bracelet she’d worn in the hospital and hadn’t cut off yet. Though her dads had protested her going out with her friends so soon after being discharged, she’d convinced them she needed it. Sunshine, she’d said. Fresh air. That sounded healthy, right?

Now she was about to walk to her parents’ graves for the first time in far too long. Through Nadia’s magic, and maybe Mateo’s abilities as her Steadfast, Verlaine would learn whether their deaths had been caused by dark magic—whether every sorrow in her lonely life, all the way from being orphaned as a baby to having silver-gray hair at age seventeen, was a result of a spell Elizabeth had cast.

Elizabeth’s gone forever, Verlaine told herself. I can’t get back at her now no matter what. There’s nothing we can do to reverse the spell now that Elizabeth’s dead. So what good does it do to find out?

Nadia put her hand on Verlaine’s shoulder. Are you okay?

Yeah. Verlaine straightened to her full height—several inches taller than Nadia, even a couple above Mateo. I’m fine.

We don’t have to do this now, Mateo said. We could come back in a few days. There’s no rush.

I know we don’t have to do it now. The words rattled out of Verlaine, too fast and too shaky, but determined. "We don’t have to do it ever. But I want to know. Let’s just get it over with."

All right. Come on. Nadia put her arm around Verlaine, and that human contact helped her feel better.

Nadia had said that the magical resonance around Verlaine was old, going back very nearly to the beginning of her life. If Elizabeth had been responsible for the spell, they would be unable to break it—now that Elizabeth was dead.

But the magic around Verlaine was an especially cruel one. It kept her from being fully noticed or appreciated. The magic kept her from being loved.

It wasn’t an absolute barrier. Her family, who had loved her from infancy and thus before the spell, still cared deeply for her. And there had been moments during the past few weeks when other, stronger magical forces had temporarily canceled out the effect of whatever it was that had been done to Verlaine—when she felt like her friends truly cared for her.

Those moments were fleeting, however. Even now, Verlaine knew Nadia was here mostly out of a sense of obligation; when her eyes met Mateo’s, she saw the same sense of guilt. It wasn’t their fault any more than it was Verlaine’s. The magic was to blame.

Even if the curse is forever, I want the truth. Just so I know what I’m dealing with, instead of always wondering why.

They walked slowly along the rocky path that outlined the graveyard. Captive’s Sound had clung to this craggy, joyless bit of the Rhode Island coastline since colonial times; several of the tombstones were centuries old, blackened with age, the once-deep carved letters worn to mere scratches by rain and time. The chill of the November wind was sharpened by the salt air as it sent gold leaves skittering past their feet and caught at Verlaine’s long, gray hair.

Captive’s Sound was somehow fundamentally sick. Rotten at the core, Nadia thought, from all the dark magic that had been worked here over the centuries by Elizabeth Pike. She’d hoped Elizabeth’s death might have begun to heal the town. But the trees were still stark and too small, the light more watery and less bright.

Then again, it was only November 2. Give it time to heal, Nadia reminded herself.

Verlaine stopped short, her Converse sneakers kicking up dust on the path. There. My parents are over there.

She pointed at a still-smooth granite block, one of the long tombstones that bracketed dual graves. Nadia helped lead her toward them. She noticed Mateo taking care not to step on any place where a dead person might lie. From some people that would only have been superstition; from Mateo, she knew, it was a sign of respect.

Finally they were at the foot of the graves, looking at an epitaph that read: Richard and Maisie Laughton, beloved children, loving parents.

Gone from us too soon.

They don’t have any flowers. Verlaine’s voice was small. I used to want to bring them when I was little, but it always made Uncle Dave cry. He was close to my mom; he said she was his best friend, always. Coming here hurt him so much that I quit asking. But now they haven’t had flowers for years and years.

It’s okay, Mateo said. They know you still love them.

Do they? We proved magic exists, and witches exist, and also crazy-ass sorceresses who sit near you in chemistry class, but we don’t know anything about heaven, last I checked. Verlaine wiped at her face, though she wasn’t crying; it was as though she was trying to focus herself, Nadia thought. Or is that in your Book of Shadows, Nadia? Proof that there’s an afterlife?

Nope. That’s as mysterious to you as it is to me. Nadia decided the best way to comfort Verlaine at this point was to stay focused on the task at hand. Verlaine, I want you to go stand between the two graves.

The effect was immediate. Verlaine steadied just at the thought of having something constructive to do. Up by the gravestone? Or does it matter?

It doesn’t, but there might be some, uh, physical impact. So standing farther back is good. She glanced over her shoulder. Getting a little distance is a good idea for you, too, Mateo.

He smiled at her, and it was one of those moments where it hit her all over again—how somehow this wonderful guy had come into her life exactly when she was trying to shut everyone out. Mateo had beaten down the doors. Burned the fences. Picked the lock on the gate. Distance, he said. Got it. You don’t need a Steadfast for this?

I always need my Steadfast, Nadia said softly. But you’ll be more than close enough.

Verlaine positioned herself between her parents’ graves, a strange look on her face as she gazed down at the place where her mother lay. Her usual vintage look was less polished today, but she’d put on acid-washed jeans and a poufy white sweater for an eighties vibe. All Nadia could think was how pale and thin she looked. Like a ghost among the graves. Here?

That works. Nadia lifted her hand and took hold of her wrist—specifically, the quartz charm that dangled from her bracelet. The bracelet wasn’t just a piece of jewelry; it was her way of keeping the primal elements she needed for her witchcraft close at every moment.

But the elements alone weren’t the magic. They only grounded Nadia, made her ready. For magic, she needed the spell.

For revealing magic done long ago:

Fear conquered.

Love betrayed.

Secrets laid bare.

Those were the ingredients. Now, to give them power. Nadia closed her eyes and thought of the deepest, most emotionally resonant memories that fulfilled each—

Standing with Mateo in the Halloween carnival fire, aware the house was about to collapse around them, facing Elizabeth’s magic and fighting back with her own.

It’s better this way, Mom said at the doorway, suitcase in hand, not even looking Nadia directly in the face before she left her daughter behind forever.

Meeting Elizabeth’s eyes across the chemistry lab as one of Nadia’s spells went haywire, and Elizabeth’s mocking smile, her utter lack of surprise, revealing that she was another witch—but horribly, undoubtedly, a Sorceress.

Nadia opened her eyes to see a bottle-green mist drifting around them—centered on the graves, and on Verlaine. A soft sound rustled through the air, like silk on silk. Verlaine’s long, silver hair began to drift around her, as though she were underwater.

It’s cold, Verlaine whispered.

Stay very still. Nadia held up one hand as a warning. Verlaine’s eyes went wide, but she didn’t move.

The mist swirled a little faster, then froze in place—literally. One moment it was vapor; the next moment, greenish crystals of ice sleeted down around them. Verlaine winced and covered her head as the ice rattled on her parents’ gravestones. It instantly melted, running through the carved letters to drip down onto the brownish grass below.

Verlaine peeked through her fingers. . . . That’s it?

Nadia nodded. Mateo stepped closer to them, and when she turned toward him, what she already suspected was confirmed in his eyes.

What did it look like to you? she asked. Mateo, as her Steadfast, possessed a window into magic that even she could never match.

Dark red metallic . . . streaks, I guess. He struggled, obviously trying to find the right words. Like they were raining down in this greenish mist.

We saw the mist, too. That was a freebie. Verlaine walked toward them, her steps unsteady. Nadia wasn’t sure whether that was from the lingering effects of what Elizabeth had done to her last week or the emotions she had to be feeling. So. Dark red. That’s old magic, right? What did the spell tell you, Nadia?

Best to say it as quickly and cleanly as possible, Nadia decided. It’s not just an echo of an old spell. Whatever spell this was—it was cast a long time ago, but it’s still at work. It’s linked to your parents’ deaths. It’s unquestionably dark magic. And—the next was just Nadia’s judgment call, but she was certain—yes, Elizabeth was the one responsible.

Verlaine didn’t react at first. Her pale face remained almost expressionless, and except for her wind-tossed hair, she didn’t move.

Mateo took a step closer to her. Verlaine? Are you okay?

I could at least have brought some flowers. With that, Verlaine crossed her arms and let her head droop, drawing into herself.

Verlaine had told them the story of how her parents had died—and even to her it was only a story, one she’d been told, because she was still a baby when it happened. She’d been found wailing in her crib; her parents’ dead bodies lay in their bedroom, both apparently so severely and suddenly ill that they’d been unable even to call for help before they perished. Now they knew Elizabeth was the one responsible. Elizabeth would have been there that day, ignoring baby Verlaine’s cries as she looked down on her two victims.

But why? Had Verlaine’s mother been a witch, too, someone Elizabeth destroyed for opposing her? If Elizabeth had killed the father out of spite, why leave Verlaine alive? Had Elizabeth kept people from caring about Verlaine so that, perhaps, nobody would investigate her parents’ deaths?

None of it made sense. Next Nadia would try spells to find out what had been done—that much, maybe, she could manage. However, she’d never be able to tell Verlaine why Elizabeth did it. That had died with Elizabeth.

She thought again of Mom walking out the door, leaving her family for good. Sometimes Nadia thought the worst part of it all was not knowing why.

Mateo took her hand as they both stepped closer to Verlaine. The touch was still new enough to send a thrill along Nadia’s skin. Hey, Mateo said quietly to Verlaine. Are you okay?

Next time I’ll run by Jasmine’s first. Verlaine brushed back her silvery hair; her hand was still bruised from the hospital IV. That’s the florist in town, Nadia. I forgot you were new here and you might not know. I can run by there and pick up a dozen roses. Two dozen. Or—how many roses do you think they might have at any one time?

Nadia wanted to tell Verlaine that everything would be okay, but she didn’t want to give her friend false hope. Listen. I want to try something.

Another spell?

Yeah. I want to find out exactly what was done to you, and whether there’s some way to reverse it.

Verlaine glanced up at that. "Can you reverse it?"

Maybe. We won’t know until we try. Nadia gave her an encouraging smile. As long as they remained near the bodies of her parents—the first victims of the spell, and thus the ones who bore the deepest marks of magic—Nadia thought they had a shot.

She raised her hand to her bracelet, ready to begin her next spell—

Verlaine screamed. Mateo grabbed Nadia and pulled her back—only moments before her hair stood on end. It was as if lightning struck, but instead of a second’s flash of lightning, a column of fire swirled up in front of them, twisting and writhing with its heat. The roar of it deafened Nadia, and she staggered into Mateo’s arms.

My parents! Verlaine cried. The flames danced on their graves. No, not danced—consumed. As Nadia watched in horror, the graves caved in, as though the coffins and bodies within them had instantly disappeared.

The fire vanished as quickly as it had come. For a few moments they all stood there, staring at the scorched earth, their quickened breathing the only break from the silence.

What— Verlaine had to stop and take a deeper breath before she could finish. Nadia, what did you do?

That wasn’t me, Nadia said.

From behind them came a voice: No. It was me.

They all turned as one. Standing beneath a stone angel was Elizabeth.

Alive and well.

Elizabeth smiled. Just who I was looking for.


THEY ALL SEEMED SO SURPRISED TO SEE HER. ELIZABETH would have assumed they understood the full dimensions of her power by now, but apparently not.

You’re dead. Mateo’s eyes narrowed; every word he spoke was rougher than the last. You died in the carnival fire. You were trapped there; I saw you.

I saw you in the carnival fire, too, Elizabeth pointed out. You seem to be alive and well. Why not me? And Nadia also, I see.

Important though Mateo had been to her in the past, Elizabeth had come here for one reason only. Nadia Caldani was the one who interested her now.

Nadia found her voice. We stopped you. I know we did. Halloween was the only night you could have pulled it off. That means you failed.

How naive they were. Did you think my plan was to destroy Captive’s Sound? That was only collateral damage. You were clever to find a way around it, Nadia.

And I remain alive to help the One Beneath on His great journey into the mortal realm, to bridge the gulf between His world and this one, not just for a moment, but for all time.

"The deaths of all those hundreds of people—maybe thousands—was only collateral damage?" Nadia’s expression was disbelieving, though Elizabeth wasn’t sure why. It hardly signified.

I’m sincerely grateful. Elizabeth saw no reason not to be honest. You’re a gifted witch. But you’re untrained in the higher forms of the Craft, and without a teacher.

Nadia’s head jerked back, as though she had been struck. Reminding her of her mother’s abandonment hit a nerve.

Elizabeth continued, You need someone to guide you as you complete your training. Without instruction, you’ll never fulfill your potential, which would be a crime. Don’t you agree?

It’s none of your business, Mateo said, stepping between her and Nadia.

It is, Elizabeth said, if I become her teacher.

The effect of this was what Elizabeth had anticipated: flat disbelief. Several moments passed before Nadia managed to say, You’re not serious.

Is it not one of the guiding principles of the Craft? To offer instruction and assistance to one another?

You’re not a member of the Craft—not any longer! Nadia retorted. The bruises on her face must have hurt terribly; they made her anger look ugly, almost desperate. You’re sworn to the One Beneath!

You mean I broke one of the First Laws? Elizabeth cast a meaningful look at Mateo. Like speaking of magic to a male?

Nadia shook her head. That’s different.

Is it? A coven wouldn’t think so. They’d throw both of us out, not just me. We’re outsiders together, you and I. You just haven’t realized it yet. The wind pulled at Elizabeth’s curls, made her skin prickle into goose bumps beneath her thin cotton dress. Now that she was no longer immortal, she could feel the cold. It was a curious sensation, new enough not to be unwelcome despite the discomfort.

The world was fresh to her again. After centuries of boredom, Elizabeth found this an almost boundless delight.

Think of it, she said to Nadia. I’ve lived longer than any other witch. I know magic nobody else can ever touch. I’m willing to teach you everything. What have you got to lose?

My soul, for one. Nadia wrapped her arms around herself as she stepped closer to Mateo, who embraced her. "Serving the One Beneath is evil. I’ll never do that. Never."

People who had never been immortal had some strange ideas about never. Elizabeth considered pointing this out, but at that moment, the gray-haired girl spoke.

You destroyed my parents, she said, voice trembling. Even their bodies. That was all I had left.

Blame your friend for that, Elizabeth replied. I can’t have you undoing all my hard work.

This isn’t happening. The gray-haired girl’s words were hardly more than a whisper, as though she lacked the breath to put any force behind them. And she was breathing fast—far too fast. I’m not seeing you. This is a dream I’m having. A nightmare. That’s all. It isn’t real.

Elizabeth cocked her head. Why would you think nightmares aren’t real?

The girl fainted, collapsing on the ground, her gray hair stark against the dark earth.

Verlaine! Nadia immediately kneeled by Verlaine’s side, followed by Mateo. What did you do to her?

Nothing. It’s the shock, I suppose.

Get away from us. Mateo looked as though he wanted to get up and punch her in the face, as foolish as it would have been to try. You’re pure evil.

Elizabeth shrugged and left. As she walked away, she heard them trying to rouse their fallen friend, their words caught in the rustling of the autumn leaves. It didn’t matter what they were saying, just as it didn’t matter that Nadia had refused her. Elizabeth had anticipated no other answer to this first invitation.

But the One Beneath had seen Nadia. Valued her potential.

And what the One Beneath wanted would be His.

Elizabeth would see to it.

What the hell is Elizabeth doing alive? Mateo said as he drove, occasionally glancing into the backseat, where Nadia had Verlaine’s head pillowed on her shoulder. That should be impossible.

Not impossible. Nadia kept fanning Verlaine’s face; although Verlaine was awake now, she was in a sort of daze. I should have known she was too fragile for this! Nadia thought. Everything I thought Elizabeth was trying to achieve—that wasn’t even her plan. Just the shadow of her plan. Obviously I didn’t understand what she was up to at all.

Mateo peered around again. But you stopped her.

I stopped her from destroying the town. I didn’t stop her from doing whatever she actually wanted to do. Her ignorance stung as badly as her failure. But Nadia refused to give in to it. Okay, fine, Elizabeth escaped this time. Not next time.

So how do we figure out what she’s really up to? Mateo said.

I go through every resource I’ve got, starting tonight—and oh, my God, Mateo, look at the road! We nearly hit that truck.

Okay, okay. Mateo turned to the front again. Nadia imagined driving Verlaine’s enormous clunker of a car was a far cry from steering his motorcycle around, and the last thing any of them needed was another accident.

Particularly Verlaine.

Verlaine? She patted the side of her friend’s face. Are you okay?

Wearily Verlaine nodded. Sure. Fine. Except for the suicidal ideation, I’m dandy.

Don’t joke about that, Mateo said. He sounded harsh; no doubt he meant to. His mother had killed herself while in the throes of the family curse.

I’m sorry, Verlaine said. "Really. I mean it. I just—seeing Elizabeth, and knowing she killed my parents—I wanted it to be a bad dream. I kept thinking if I wanted it enough I could just make her not be there. Which doesn’t make any sense, but my brain wasn’t exactly in good working order at the time. I’m not sure it is now, either. By the way, I might throw up."

It’s your car. Hurl away. But Nadia scooted her legs away just in case.

Her mind raced the entire time they got Verlaine back to her dads’ house, apologized profusely for overtaxing her, and helped her uncle Gary get her tucked in. Nadia had hardly had a chance to catch her breath since the Halloween carnival, or any time to analyze what had happened there. It had never occurred to her that Elizabeth might have another agenda besides causing death and destruction.

She glanced over at Mateo as they walked away from Verlaine’s house. The two of them had saved countless people in town, even if nobody else ever knew it. That mattered more than anything else.

Their last victory had only been a partial victory. Fine. Nadia decided it was also only her first victory. One way or another, Elizabeth was going down.

I want to go straight to Elizabeth’s house with an ax, Mateo confessed. That’s a bad idea, right?

Very bad. Nadia shuddered as she remembered the one time she’d broken into Elizabeth’s home. Elizabeth hadn’t been there; she hadn’t needed to be. Because her Book of Shadows was there—the spell book each witch created throughout her lifetime. With every spell added, a Book of Shadows would gain magical power until it could become a vital source of energy. Elizabeth had been around for about four centuries, which meant her Book of Shadows was so powerful it was nearly sentient. The book itself had trapped Nadia in cobwebs, attempting to keep her until Elizabeth could return to deal with her personally. Her skin began to itch as she remembered the spiders, and she swatted once at her jean legs. "Ax murder? Bad

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