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Ghosts of 9/11
Ghosts of 9/11
Ghosts of 9/11
Ebook86 pages45 minutes

Ghosts of 9/11

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About this ebook

The five stories in this collection were written by Sullivan in the hours and days immediately following the attacks on the US, on 9/11/2001, and showcase the author's attempts to come to terms with the disaster and what it would mean for his nation, and the world, in the days to follow. The stories originally appeared in Martian Knights & Other Tales. "A Serling for our century." - Paul McComas

Release dateDec 13, 2010
Ghosts of 9/11

Stephen D. Sullivan

Stephen D. Sullivan has written more than 50 books across many genres: fantasy, SF, horror, detective, movie adaptations, and more. Readers the world over enjoy his fast-moving prose style and hard-hitting action sequences. He has won numerous awards for his work, including the 2016 Scribe Award for his horror-comedy novel, Manos: The Hands of Fate. Not sure where to start? Try these: NEW! Manos: Talons of Fate BEST SELLER: Manos: The Hands of Fate (2016 Scribe Award Winner) HORROR & MONSTERS: Daikaiju Attack FANTASY: Tournament of Death novels SCIENCE FICTION: Heart of Steam & Rust ADULT: Elf Erotica (Elf Princess on Mars) OVERVIEW: Martian Knights & Other Tales There are plenty of others to choose from, too. (Including some books from other authors published by Steve's Company, Walkabout Publishing.) Browse! Buy! Enjoy!

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    Ghosts of 9/11 - Stephen D. Sullivan


    GHOSTS OF 9/11

    Stephen D. Sullivan

    • Walkabout Publishing •

    Smashwords edition.

    © 2008-2010 Stephen D. Sullivan

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return to the vendor of your choice and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Walkabout Publishing


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    Kansasville, WI 53139

    All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, scanning, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the author.

    Cover art & design © 2010 Stephen D. Sullivan.

    The stories in this collection first appeared in Martian Knights & Other Tales.


    GHOSTS OF 9/11

    1. The Last Terrorist – 9/11/2001

    2. 110 Stories – 9/12/2001

    3. Struggle in the Sky – 9/14/2001

    4. Fight the Darkness – 9/18/2001

    5. Ghosts of September Eleventh – 10/1/2001

    Samples of Other Stories

    Tricks & Treats

    Ares Zone-A

    The Gift of the Dragons

    Crash of the Titans

    About the Stories

    About the Author

    Alternate & Original Covers

    GHOSTS OF 9/11

    The stories that follow were written in the days and weeks immediately following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

    The stories have been lightly edited, but remain largely unchanged from when they were first written.



    The master terrorist sat in his posh room and sipped his bottled water. Wine was forbidden to him by religious faith, so he disdained it. Murder, too was prohibited by his religion, but the master terrorist ignored that commandment; it stood between him and his goals.

    It had been a good day, a good month, a good year. Images of the burning, crumbling towers—still fresh in his mind—brought a smile to his lips. It had all been so perfect, like a movie script, a script endlessly rehearsed by his operatives and flawlessly performed, a script in which thousands of unwitting extras had died on cue. A script that he, himself, had written.

    The master terrorist chuckled and took another sip of Perrier. The response, of course, had come quickly. But the terrorist was nothing if not a master of misdirection. Even now, US forces battered a city miles from where he sat drinking. They were destroying a set of buildings he had long since abandoned. Come dawn, they would discover their victory hollow—again. He had beaten them once more, though the victory had its price.

    He frowned. The endless shell game of eluding the authorities tired him. The result, though, was worth it. Headlines and pictures flashed all round the globe, showing the Americans for the fools that they were. The choices of airlines had been symbolic, of course: United, American. The fools should count themselves lucky there was no States airline. Symbolic airplanes, symbolic towers, symbolic deaths—symbolic of the weakness of the Great Satan.

    How he had showed them! Showed them that missiles weren’t needed to strike at the heart of America. Showed them that billions spent on high-tech space weapons couldn’t foil low-tech terrorism. Showed them that even the mighty could be brought low by a man prepared to do anything to achieve his cause.

    The cause. In his mind, he gave lip service to the service he had done it. In his cruel heart, though, he knew what his cause had become—chaos, destruction, death. His own glory. That was enough in itself, now. It made no matter that other people died at his behest, people on both sides, caught in the crossfire between two superpowers—the US, and the terrorist.

    He smiled again, feeling the warmth bubble up inside him as the water fizzled down his throat. The Americans were fools. They attacked the wrong target. They were weak and would never catch him. Soon, he would strike again.

    The explosion caught the master terrorist by surprise. He dropped the bottled water. It splashed across the expensive Persian carpet at his feet. The lights in the overhead chandeliers flickered. In the distance, he heard shouting and the sound of alarms. Gunfire followed.

    The terrorist’s pleasure melted as fear stabbed his icy heart. The room shook again, and gray smoke began to leak from beneath the door on the far side of the room. The master terrorist glanced around, frantically.

    Where were his bodyguards—the people who kept him safe? Someone should have responded by now. His men should have

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