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The Vampire Across the Hall
The Vampire Across the Hall
The Vampire Across the Hall
Ebook15 pages9 minutes

The Vampire Across the Hall

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Daisi Malone lives in the Presidio Building in Newtown, Sydney, Australia. The building is mysterious and its residents even more so. There is the couple with lots of children, the Glee Club and the English Backpackers- although not for long. In this, the first story by Daisi Malone, she meets her neighbour, Madden, the Vampire across the hall.

The Second book in the series, The Vampire Across the Hall 2- The Murmuring Lift, has been published under the name Daisi Malone.

Release dateJan 14, 2011
The Vampire Across the Hall

Leann Richards

I am a juggler, a writer, a pretend magician, an historian and a teacher. I've published some books on Australian theatrical history through Ginninderra Books in Australia, and have just finished another on Australian juggling history which will be published in early 2022. Between juggling, researching history and teaching I like to write fairy tales. I live with my imagination in Sydney Australia.

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    The Vampire Across the Hall - Leann Richards

    The Vampire Across the Hall

    By Daisi Malone

    As told to Leann Richards

    Copyright Leann Richards 2011

    Smashwords Edition

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    The Vampire across the Hall

    As soon as I set eyes on the place I knew this

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