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Married While Intoxicated
Married While Intoxicated
Married While Intoxicated
Ebook47 pages40 minutes

Married While Intoxicated

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Ever do anything ill-advised while under the influence? Melinda and Matthew did. Stranded in a snowstorm, drowning their sorrows these two strangers got "Married While Intoxicated." See how they handle their sticky situation in this hilarious romantic comedy from Award-Winning Author Fran Shaff.

PublisherFran Shaff
Release dateJan 26, 2011
Married While Intoxicated

Fran Shaff

Just about all of us want to get away from the demands of everyday life from time to time. Unfortunately, most of us don't have the luxury of being able to take off to some new, exciting place whenever we feel the urge--unless we like to read. A book can take us anywhere we'd like to go. For readers who enjoy living vicariously in pastimes or in modern times Fran Shaff provides a great escape in the more than twenty novels she's published over the years. Fran's fictional books have won awards from readers, reviewers and fellow authors, and her non-fiction has been acknowledged in this way too. Love is the main focus of all of Fran's books, whether they're contemporary or historical, serious or humorous, written for adults or teens. Love between men and women and among friends and families is featured in her books because there is nothing most of us want more than to love and be loved. Happy endings abound, but the journey to reaching that joyful final moment is always a rocky struggle, just the way we want our fiction (even though we could do without the drama in our real lives). Look for new, full-length historical romance novels from Fran Shaff in the ten-book "Tender Mysteries Series," available now and debuting throughout 2013 and 2014. The first novel in the series "Resurrected" is available as a free download at most Internet bookstores. The series is available in single e-book and two-pack paperback formats. Reviewers say: "Ms. Shaff is a gifted writer that always delivers in her stories." (The Romance Studio) "I have discovered a great new author in Fran Shaff. She writes with depth and understanding and digs deep into the emotional lives of her characters bringing the reader with her all the way." (A Romance Review) "Fran Shaff is a wonderful writer whose prose speak with passion from her heart." (Fallen Angel Reviews) "Ms. Shaff writes about characters that warm your heart and give you a good chuckle as well." (Coffee Time Romance)

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    Book preview

    Married While Intoxicated - Fran Shaff


    By Fran Shaff

    Classic Contemporary Romantic Comedy

    Married While Intoxicated by Fran Shaff

    All rights reserved

    Smashwords Edition

    Coypright 2011 by Fran Shaff

    Characters, names and incidents used in this story are products of the imagination of the author and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.

    Discover Fran Shaff books and short stories available in e-format, paperback and hardcover by visiting her website at:

    E-mail Fran Shaff at: [email protected]

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    New from Award-Winning Author Fran Shaff.

    10-Book Historical Romance Tender Mysteries Series Available 2012, 2013, 2014

    Available in 2013, 2014 Love Trap, Kelly and the Candidate, Little Greek Gods


    Melinda tried to open her eyes, but it felt like they’d been glued shut. A heavy object was crushing her chest, and a hundred-pound weight clamped down on her lower body.

    A wool sock had somehow covered her tongue.

    Maybe waking up wasn’t such a good idea, she decided when regaining consciousness made her feel more miserable than she had in a long time.

    She struggled against the restrictions on her body until she was able to dislodge the object lying on her chest. As her torso became free, the glue in her eyes miraculously dissolved.

    She opened her eyes and looked straight ahead. Clusters of lilacs against a white background stared back at her. They were beautiful, almost fragrant, but they were totally unfamiliar to her.

    This was not her room.

    Where was she?

    She ran her fingers through her hair, rubbed her sticky eyes and tried to moisten the wool sock on her tongue.

    Then she saw him.

    His heavy leg, covered by thick denim jeans, lay across her legs, weighing them down heavily.

    Suddenly realizing she was in bed with a man she didn’t know, Melinda screamed. She grabbed her aching head when the piercing sound met her ears, and she screamed again.

    The man in her bed twisted away from her, pulling his heavy leg from her lower body. He covered his ears with his hands. Stop screaming! he shouted.

    Melinda responded to his command by screaming again.

    He sat up next to her and placed his hand over her mouth. Stop screaming! In the name of all that is holy, please, stop screaming. My head will explode if you don’t.

    She pushed his hand away from her mouth. Don’t do that.

    Don’t do what?

    Don’t put your hand over my mouth.

    You gave me no choice. You wouldn’t stop screaming, and my head feels like Quasimodo is inside using a sledge hammer on his bells.

    "Never mind the haunting hunchback in your head or his clanging bells. What are

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