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Accidental Werewolf
Accidental Werewolf
Accidental Werewolf
Ebook93 pages3 hours

Accidental Werewolf

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They also find out that the small village where they had stopped to wait for the storm to pass is inhabited by a large pack of werewolves, who do accept them as the incarnation not their Alpha male and his mate.
William and Margaret become the leaders of these benign creatures, and go through many fascinating experiences.

PublisherAaron Pery
Release dateMar 15, 2011
Accidental Werewolf

Aaron Pery

As most authors might claim, I was always been a natural storyteller and voracious book reader. Somehow, I also knew that some day I would sit down and write a book, which I did quite recently.When I finally sat in front of my computer monitor to do just that, the words literally came pouring out. Before very long, I had written many books in various genres.At first, my prolific writing was mainly for the pleasure and self-entertainment involved, until I discocered Smashwords and ebooks, and here I am, a published author with a long list of books to my credit. And many more to come.

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    Book preview

    Accidental Werewolf - Aaron Pery

    Accidental Werewolf

    By Aaron Pery

    [email protected]

    Published by Aaron Pery at Smashwords

    All Rights Reserved

    Copyright 2011 by Aaron Pery


    License Notes:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or if it was not purchased for your use only, please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This is a work of fiction. It is purely speculative and does not profess to proselytize any specific religious belief. It is purely based on the author's speculative ideas of the world's possibly most significant historical events.

    Also by the same author:




    Second Putsch


    Pogrom Progeny

    Queen's Legacy

    Phoenix Bloodline

    Hermaphrodite Revenge

    Primeval Rebirth

    Feminization Of A Marine

    Armageddon Circle

    Surrogates And Lovers

    Succubi Swarming

    Succubi Sisters - The Werewolf Wars

    Escape From Hades

    Temptation in The Garden of Eden


    Chapter 1

    William and Margaret Bordman were traveling to Los Angeles on highway 395, California's inland route, when it began raining heavily, quickly turning to hail and then severe snow. It took them completely by surprise since when they had began the vacation trip through the famous California Gold Country three weeks earlier, they experienced daily sunshine all the way, that had lasted until they ran into the storm.

    Margaret shivered as she looked at the fat flakes quickly accumulating on the sides of the windshield where the wipers could not reach. We should've checked on the forecast before we left the motel this morning.

    How could we? The place was pleasingly rustic without a television or phone.

    Yeah, I guess so. And the front desk moron wouldn't have been any help either. Besides, there was no reason to do it considering the beautiful weather we were fortunate to have throughout the trip. Until now, that is

    But it looks like the State Highway people knew a storm was coming. William pointed to the turned sign at the edge of the highway. It says that all cars must use snow chains or get off, which is strange because I doubt there's anyplace to stop around here for at least twenty miles.

    Maybe there is, and this is the warning to let us know to make arrangements to stop at the nearest place and wait out the storm. Do we have snow chains, though?

    We do, in fact, so I better pull over into the chain installation area to put them on.

    Like a good old Marine, you're always prepared for things, aren't you?

    Sure am. William answered with a chuckle. In fact, when we rented the SUV I'd insisted they provide us with chains even though it's a four wheel drive with all-weather tires.

    Because you thought that we might run into snow and ice in the high mountains passes?

    Exactly, but we were fortunate not to run into any such conditions.

    And then we got it here, of all places, so close to LA. Need any help with it?

    No, these new kind of chains are simple and easy to install. And while I do that, you should turn the CD music off and switch the radio on to get information on the weather and road conditions ahead of us.

    Good idea, I will.

    It took William twenty minutes to install the chains, and Margaret turned in her seat to watch his snow-covered form when he opened the rear hatch to drop the chain box and the tools he had used. Suddenly, to her horror, she saw the outline of a huge wolf launch itself at his back and sink its teeth into his neck.

    Having been an FBI agent most of her life, and still carrying a personal weapon on her, Margaret quickly opened her purse while with the same motion she unlocked the door and rushed to the back of the vehicle. To her relief she saw William holding off the wolf with one hand while his teeth were now clamped on his other forearm at the same time.

    Margaret went into a shooting stance and waited for a split second as she anticipated the wolf's head to bob up to a specific point as William pushed it upward. The moment it did, she fired three bullets in quick succession and saw the head burst into pieces over her husband chest and face.

    About to rush over to check on William, she heard, or thought she heard, a very deep voice addressing her with anger and grief. You killed my mate, you bitch, and I'm gonna tear your heart for it.

    Turning around quickly, Margaret saw a blur of another wolf's body leaping at her and had no time to shoot at it before it's great weight pushed her to the ground and was on top of her with its fangs sunk deeply into her throat. She tried to fight it off but to no avail when she suddenly heard a thud like a ripe melon bursting, and felt the wolf falling off of her body.

    To her relief, she saw William hitting the motionless wolf with the big lead-weighted baseball bat that he had always used to exercise with and normally kept in the back of the car whenever they travelled. He pounded to body until he was sure that the wolf was dead before leaning down and pulling Margaret up by the hand that she raised to him.

    You okay, Maggie? William asked as he hugged her tightly.

    I think so. How about you?

    Better than I must look. Let's get in the car and use the first aid kit on our wounds before we do anything.

    Actually, I think we should use some of the clean snow to rub off the blood on our wounds, which will not only wash them but the cold stuff will actually seal the lesions so they'll stop bleeding.

    Good idea. Not only that but it'll numb the pain, which I'm sure will be appearing in a few minutes once our adrenaline infusion in our system start diminishing

    It most likely will.

    After following Margaret's suggestion, they reentered the car but not before William vented his hatred of them by urinating on both animal's bodies. Oh, I know it was quite childish of me to do that, but I'm still terribly mad at those animals.

    Same here. Margaret said with a chuckle as she searched in the back seat for the medical kit that they always carried. God, it was freezing out there. She added.

    "It is, and must be worse for you because I'd at least put on an overcoat before I went out to

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