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Breach of Nature
Breach of Nature
Breach of Nature
Ebook199 pages3 hours

Breach of Nature

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Ever feel like someone else is at the controls of your daily activities? Stunning information from a noted Health Expert suggests there may be a conspiracy to control your families and their futures.
His revelations totally altered the course of a book describing the comical situations created by a woman's full figure. He suggests that her embarrassing escapades are the result of a decades of lies being perpetrated by the main stream media on behalf of some very powerful people.
To perpetuate this agenda, we are fed propaganda that states good health is only possible via a skinny minnie body type. Which make you wonder. Was the disappearance of the feminine perfection in a Jayne Mansfield or Marilyn Monroe silhouette by design?
Are some of our most basic human instincts being tampered with? And if so, why?

Release dateMay 6, 2011
Breach of Nature

Daniel & Sherry Insights

Background is in the legal arena and the financial planning and benefits fields for executives and their employees. Undergrad degree in engineering.

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    Breach of Nature - Daniel & Sherry Insights

    Breach of Nature

    Published by Daniel S. Insights at Smashwords

    Copyright 2011 Daniel S. Insights

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of these authors.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – Introduction: Where did She Go

    Chapter 2 – A Day With the Misses

    Chapter 3 – Love at First Sight

    Chapter 4 – The Issue of Clothing

    Chapter 5 – Social Attire

    Chapter 6 – Needless Embarrassment

    Chapter 7 – Apparent Disadvantages

    Chapter 8 – Advantages Owned by the Full Figured

    Chapter 9 – Girl Watching

    Chapter 10 – Male Pondering on the Net

    Chapter 11 – Damage Control

    Chapter 12 – Demographic Tides Arising

    Chapter 13 – Skinny Minnies’ Good Friend Hollywood

    Chapter 14 – My 2 Cents Worth (by the Misses)

    Chapter 15 – Discrimination Run Amuck (by the Misses)

    Chapter 16 – A Look at Useless History

    Chapter 17 – A Doctor’s House Call

    Chapter 18 – A Thin or Depopulation Conspiracy (by the Misses)

    Chapter 19 – By the Numbers (by the Misses)

    Chapter 20 – A Little Extra Fat = Better Sex

    Chapter 21 – Breast Reduction or the Back of the Bus (by the Misses)

    Chapter 22 – Simmering Anger (by the Misses)

    Chapter 23 – Philosophy & the Natural Order

    Chapter 24 – Negative Evolution

    Chapter 25 – Closing Arguments (by the Misses)

    Chapter 1 - Introduction: Where Did She Go?

    What really happened to the feminine ideal of a Marilyn Monroe or Jayne Mansfield body type? The mainstream media and Hollywood left their silhouettes in sealed dust covered albums over four decades ago. WHY?

    A bizarre answer came from what was to be a routine interview with an eminent doctor regarding the health aspects of being thin. Enter a conspiracy that boggles the mind, and if it's true the WHY? might be answered. But, the actual motives verge on being unforgivable, and are at the very least ruthless by their very nature. The very who, what, when, and where of this possible conspiracy would lead the average citizen again back to, WHY?

    Following the doctor's interview, my wife, who was also in attendance, looked at me with a look of disbelief that was easily mirrored by my dumbfounded expression. What was to be a simple book detailing her day-to-day struggles with being a Jayne Mansfield body type in a media driven Skinny Minnie world just became very un-simplified. The genesis of a book that revolved around the awkward, amusing, and discriminatory situations created by her aggressive curves, just made a surprising and abrupt lane change.

    Might this change in direction bring an explanation as to why a man's instinctual cravings for a curvy feminine physique are being completely doused? Imagine being a teenager proud of the fact you are already configured in a Jayne Mansfield bodied silhouette, only to be crushed by a movement that started in the mid to late 1960's and continues to this very day. Another big, WHY?

    Add to that, the confusion that prevails when men say, You are beautiful and sexy, only to be reminded, again and again, by the mainstream media and Hollywood that you are unacceptably overweight.

    What caused this swift and potentially baseless promotion that a thin body is analogous to being inspired, vigorous, beautiful, sexy, and just down right cool? From the time they can walk little girls are taught to maintain an exterior that appeals to their preeminent judges. Who are the judges they wish to impress the most? Some may not want to admit it, but the answer is men!

    Being a lifelong member of that group has proved to me that the majority of men want their female partners to have curves. No matter who is pulling the strings, history has shown that human instinct and the natural order of life will surely prevail. Yet someone could be making a grand attempt at disrupting instinctual desires. Again, the proverbial, WHY?

    After almost twenty-seven years of watching my wife's curves land her in some ridiculous situations, I felt a compilation of stories as a tribute to the love of my life might be modestly interesting. After the interview with the doctor I realized modestly interesting was out and way over my head was in. I needed her first hand, in the trenches; I have been dealing with this most of my life, experience. A co-writer was enlisted. Her hands-on knowledge is tempered now by the anguish that comes from realizing she might be an unwilling pawn in a very large game. The sad news is that this chess board might be loaded with unknowing participants. Perhaps even you?

    Now some of the chapters will out of necessity be conveying a more ominous message. At the risk of appearing condescending, these very same chapters may cause a self examination that will assist in an understanding of the significance of the gift of life. Quite simply, procreation combined with a dose of civilized human instinct, is a natural right for everyone. Could it truly be plausible that some higher powers are trying to manipulate these, our precious gifts for their own personal gain?

    Once again, WHY? Is it a lust for power, money, or the just the ultimate control of our day-to-day living? Or is it all of the above? If the revelations from the doctor are on target, then someone has been lurking outside our doors for a long time. The bad news is we may have invited them in!

    Chapter 2 - A Day With the Misses

    It's Saturday morning and I made the mistake of promising my wife I would assist her with the weekend shopping. I can plead memory loss, since the promise was made weeks ago, but what the heck, at least yard detail will be in the rear view mirror. The good news is there is no racing on TV, and the slate of college football games today is unexciting at best. And, sometimes watching shoppers gawk in the direction of my very buxom bride, of twenty-seven years, is quite entertaining. This alone usually stems the embarrassment of the traditional, feeling like a wimp because I am shopping with the misses syndrome. The truth is that I love her. A couple of joint shopping trips per annum ain't going to neuter me.

    Our first stop is to a discount clothing store. Now this is the biggest waste of gas on the schedule, and has nearly zero entertainment value. She will buy some jeans - I'm not needed, some tee shirts - I'm not needed, and she will try on some outfits that she says make her look fat: once again I am not needed. For some reason gawking is held to a non entertaining minimum at these types of establishments.

    Ah, but next up a trendier high end women's store which is truly an entertainment highlight reel. The soured faces of the women that frequent these establishments are priceless. One look at the misses all natural 59-36-49 curves creates some pruned faced scowls, which could only be duplicated at the County Fair's lemon eating contest. There are typically one or two men at the store, but in these places they are normally very well behaved. In this case, it is the women that awaken my previously bored eyes, and normally the moniker I think fits them is Skinny Minnies. Now to be quite honest, some of them are very pretty, but just not my cup of tea. No need for special mind reading skills because their faces tell the story; Why how dare she come to this place dressed that way. The misses is great in this situation. She has a very sweet looking, humble, southern belle face and is cleanly and politely dressed. It infuriates them even more because she acts totally oblivious to their facial protests.

    The sad part is, stores that cater to high end clientele seldom have much of an inventory of blouses or outfits that will properly cover The Girls. This is good news for the wallet and great entertainment. It usually includes a fashion walk for my opinions right out of the fitting rooms and normally within viewing range of the Minnies. The Misses typically leaves with a couple of items, but is slightly miffed because she feels that the sales clerks paid her little attention. I must admit she is analytically spot-on. I, on the other hand, am completely satisfied as demonstrated by the shit eatin' grin I am wearing as we exit the store.

    Next, we grab a quick meal at one of our favorite Italian restaurants. There is very little to report here except that we are seated in a booth where the table is mounted solidly to the wall. It's a tight fit. The Girls and the table argue over space requirements. We are seated well away from the restroom and a visit is required. This longer walk creates some serious neck craning and that yields some entertainment value. Truthfully, enjoying the food is more important, and the neck craning falls well short of the pruned face scowls at the trendy women's clothing store.

    I now have to gird my loins for the battle at our next stop, The M-E-E-T Market / Grocery Store. Note I call it a meet market, because there are more Players hiding within its walls than at 1970's discotheque. During the spring or fall of the year or around holidays the number of Neat Gals (first cousins to Skinny Minnies) roaming the grocery isles is stunning. If shopping alone, the Misses attempts to complete her grocery shopping prior to high noon, thus avoiding the onslaught of pick-up artists, and the social meetings which clog the isles. I say girding my loins because getting through the isles loaded with these obnoxious punks trying to be college age cool again is no easy task. Unlike the visit to the trendy clothing store the ladies here seldom notice the buxom Misses, but the guys are a whole different subject. With an assist from my presence she normally doesn't get a visit from the pesky pick-up artists, but the blushing boy next door types just can't avert their stares at her substantial bust line. When she is shopping solo the hit parade can get pretty tedious.

    For years the Misses believed the attention she was receiving from men twenty to thirty years younger than her was quite innocent. How could they possibly be interested in a woman in her fifties? But her treating their attention lightly stopped one day while she was shopping alone as she noticed a creep following her every move. Thank goodness for cell phones, she called her hero, and I escorted her out with no physical confrontations. Of course cell phones can also be used inappropriately. She has spotted some of the younger males taking photos of her with their phones to only later be floated on the internet as candid shots of A Busty Shopper.

    Once we reach home, my duties pick up right where they normally would on a typical Saturday, helping unload the groceries. I ask myself, after a mental instant replay, would she have received the same amount of unsolicited attention as a fifty plus year old Skinny Minnie? In short, no damn way. My observations, as a personal color analyst puts me in the expert category. Plus I am one of the test subjects, a Testosterone Producer (TP), and 100% of us, that's right, each and every one of us will avert our eyes towards an aggressive hourglass figure. The 100% figure is based on my own unscientific survey of heterosexual men ages twenty-five to sixty-five, and this body type may not be the final cup of tea for each visual participant, but a glance is nearly impossible to avoid. Whether lust enters the cranium of the Testosterone Producer is another matter based on the desired physical proclivities.

    Note that each of us, TPs (stands for Total Packages, oops, Testosterone Producers), has predetermined genetics that leave us no control over which type hour glass we would prefer. Once again, in reference to the previous sentence, each TP will unwittingly eyeball an aggressive hour glass female body if it enters our field of vision. As a further qualification, I have personally seen some spectacularly busty ladies that, when their backs are turned, look similar to a man, broad at the shoulder tapering to a narrow waist, hip, and thighs. Most TPs, including myself don't feel that visceral attraction in this instance, some measure of an hourglass shape must be present.

    Any time the term Aggressive Hourglass is used anywhere in this book, it will be referencing a noticeable difference between bust line, waist, and hips in the female silhouette. This does not mean the waist should measure in the mid-twenties; it is only referencing some differential in the previously mentioned areas. The Misses is a prime example, she isn’t sporting the media's visually preferred twenty-five inch waist, but someone failed to deliver the memo to the drooling male onlookers. A full figured Aggressive Hourglass shape can get the job done just fine, in fact the differential in the three numbers can even be minor if the upper or lower measured body areas stand-out nicely, 36-24-36 is not necessarily a TP requirement.

    As asked in the Introduction of this book, what happened to Marilyn and Jayne? Why was their physical beauty phased out some three to four decades ago by the media, whether consciously or unconsciously? Is there any proof whatsoever that physically straining to remain a Skinny Minnie against your bodies metabolic and genetic comfort zone is factually healthy? One thing is for sure, every TP’s brainwaves still have the imprints of an impulsive positive reaction to an aggressive hour glass female shape. And the media, Hollywood, and the Skinny Minnies couldn't change it if their lives depended on it. The apparent planned discrimination against Full Figured women has in many instances violated the health and polite social standards afforded to the media darlings the Skinny Minnies. Please note, that we are not endorsing a life style that fosters being morbidly obese, and that should not be assumed when referencing the term Full Figured woman.

    In this book we reference Skinny Minnies. She is a woman who works against her natural body type to remain thin at any cost, for the purpose of looking fashionably correct. To her mindset, anything less than being thin is unacceptable, both in herself and for everyone she encounters. None of this is meant to imply that she is not of good moral character. She might be the person that is wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt, but without the benefit of seeing her face a gender ID is nearly impossible.

    In the following chapters, we will try to challenge or even confirm your views by drawing satirical and yet serious references regarding these issues.

    Chapter 3 - Love at First Sight

    At the risk of being too mushy it is probably a good idea to profess an obvious fact, I love my wife. A chapter providing some broad brush strokes of our early meetings though somewhat risky does seem appropriate. Please do not think less of this book's content based on the

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