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Pagan Stories For Children: A Fairy's First Year in the Forest Of Songs
Pagan Stories For Children: A Fairy's First Year in the Forest Of Songs
Pagan Stories For Children: A Fairy's First Year in the Forest Of Songs
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Pagan Stories For Children: A Fairy's First Year in the Forest Of Songs

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In the magical Forest of Songs there is a mighty and wonderful tree called the Great Tree. It is the home of a clan of fairies whose varied personalities are reflected in the colors of their brightly decorated wings.

These sixteen short stories follow the first year of life for one young fairy, Arylide. She is born from a flower and lives in the Great Tree as she learns about making friends, discovers who she is, and finds out how to celebrate and honor Earth and her changing seasons.

These stories are designed to be entertaining and fun while also helping children learn basic Pagan concepts about the unity and sacredness of life; the meanings of the Solstices, Equinoxes, and Cross-Quarter days; and how to live together in a diverse and peaceful community.

Release dateMay 19, 2011
Pagan Stories For Children: A Fairy's First Year in the Forest Of Songs


Shanddaramon is a published writer, composer, and poet and is the author of several books and articles on living and being a modern Pagan. He lives in the Boston, Massachusetts, area with his wife, daughter, dog, and 2 cats. When not writing, he is a Professor of Music and teaches classes at a local college. He has often sought ways in which to combine his interest in the arts with a growing interest in the mystical and, specifically, through Paganism. He applies these skills through his art and writing and through services such as divinatory advising, pastoral counseling and ritual work. Combining the arts with mysticism, he has created classes and workshops for others with similar interests and has led rituals for organizations and individuals.

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    Pagan Stories For Children - Shanddaramon

    Pagan Stories for Children:

    A Fairy's First Year in the Forest of Songs

    by Shanddaramon


    Pagan Stories for Children

    A Fairy's First Year in the Forest of Songs

    by Shanddaramon

    Art by Shanddaramon

    Copyright 2011 by Shanddaramon

    Smashwords Edition

    This book is available in print at most online retailers.

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    Other Books by Shanddaramon

    For Adults:

    Self Initiation for the Solitary Witch: Attaining Higher Spirituality Through a Five Degree System.

    New Page Books, 2004.

    Living Paganism: An Advanced Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. New Page Books, 2005.

    Dewdrops In The Moonlight: A Book of Pagan Prayer. Astor Press, 2007.

    The Sacred Quest: A Pagan Perspective on the Pursuit of Happiness. Astor Press, 2008.

    The Worlds of Tarot: Expanding the Tarot Universe. Astor Press, 2009.

    Paganism: A Religion for the 21st Century. Astor Press, 2009.

    Just Being: A Guide to Pagan Meditation. Astor Press, 2009.

    The Five Rings: A Guide to Pagan Ministry. Astor Press, 2009.

    Sacred Gatherings. Astor Press, 2010.

    Voices of the Earth: Pagan Songs and Chants. Astor Press, 2010.

    Thoughts on a Pagan Life: Collected Essays. Astor Press, 2010.

    Just Becoming: A Pagan Guide to Discovering and Expressing Your Authentic Self. Astor Press, 2011.

    For Children:

    Sabbats of the Northern Hemisphere: A Pagan Book for Children. Astor Press, 2008.

    The Twelve Days of Yule: A Pagan Children's Activity Book. Astor Press, 2009.

    A Pagan Book of ABCs. Astor Press, 2009.

    Pagan Degrees for Children. Astor Press, 2009.

    Pagan Degrees for Children Companion Book. Astor Press, 2009.



    This book is a collection of sixteen short stories and a prelude that center on the life of one young fairy. Arylide is born and then matures quickly with other fairies in their home called the Great Tree which is located in the Forest of Songs. Each story takes place during or between one of the eight seasonal celebrations: the two equinoxes, the two solstices, and the four days between those events called the Cross-Quarter days. The stories are meant to be both entertaining and educational as they help children learn about the seasonal events and principles basic to modern Paganism.

    I was inspired to write the stories after I read Selena Fox's poem entitled I Am A Pagan. The poem illustrated in very simple terms what it means to be a modern Pagan and I wanted to write a collection of stories that helped to teach those concepts to children in an entertaining way.

    My young daughter loves fairies and we often look for fairies in the woods behind our house on Midsummer nights so it made sense to write these stories about young fairies and their adventures in the woods through the seasons. We have a small area of conservation land behind our house and it was those woods that became the backdrop for the stories: the Forest of Songs. There is a small water runoff that leads to these woods and in the early Spring, the runoff can become quite a rushing creek. This became the waterfall that plays an important part in the stories.

    One of the main themes that runs through the stories is how Arylide gains her new wings and, eventually, learns about who she is as a fairy in a community of other fairies. Each of the fairies in the Forest of Songs has different colored wings some of which are deeper in color than others. Basic personality characteristics are displayed through theses colors. The inspiration for this concept came from the book I wrote before this one. That book, Just Becoming: A Pagan Guide to Discovering and Expressing Your Authentic Self discusses my ideas about personalities and their relationship to the four elements.

    The art work in this collection is my own paintings and do not directly reflect the stories but are images that I was inspired to create while writing them.

    Mostly, these stories are meant to be fun and entertaining and I hope you and your child or children enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them.



    Prelude: Welcome to the Forest of Songs

    Story no. 1: Arylide Meets Amber

    Story no. 2: Arylide's First Act of Kindness

    Story no. 3: Arylide's Second Act of Kindness

    Story no. 4: Arylide's Third Act of Kindness

    Story no. 5: Arylide Learns to Fly

    Story no. 6: True Friendship

    Story no. 7: Arylide Meets Scarlet

    Story no. 8: Amber Returns to Earth Mother

    Story no. 9: The Storm

    Story no. 10: Arylide Meets Han

    Story no. 11: Arylide Learns Meditation

    Story no. 12: Cerise Gets Carried Away

    Story no. 13: The Bulldozer Comes to the Forest of Songs

    Story no. 14: Percy's Machine

    Story no. 15: The Lighting

    Story no. 16: Good Night



    Welcome to the Forest Of Songs

    In a quiet neighborhood there is ring of houses that circle a grove of woods. In the middle of the woods runs a tiny creek. Squirrels and other small animals run along the forest floor and among the branches that reach out in all directions. Many birds fly through the air and make nests among the trees. Other animals like deer come in under the cover of darkness to sip water at the creek. At the corner of the woods is a small trickling waterfall that is always more active in the Spring when the snow melts from the long Winter. By all accounts, you might think this is a grove of woods like any other. But it is not. Deep within the woods there live creatures that few people ever see. This is the Forest of Songs; this is the land of the fairies.

    In the Forest of Songs, the small trickling waterfall is a grand waterfall and beside it is a large tree called the Great Tree. The tree is tall and proud and it stands over the rest of the woods. Beside it is some smaller but equally proud trees. If you listen quietly in the breeze you can hear the trees talk to each other and to the creatures that come near it. They rarely say much because they really do not like to talk. Mostly, they like to feel the soil and water at their roots and they like to bask in the sun and the rain. Just being a tall tree is often enough for a tree.

    In the Forest of Songs, the trees are home to many creatures but the ones who truly love to fly in and around the Great Tree are the fairies. They make their homes on the branches as they flit and fly around being merry and having fun. Fairies are like people only they are much smaller and lighter. Their bodies are somewhat clear and greenish (to stay hidden in the woods) and most have two pairs of colored wings. With these wings, they can hover like humming birds and they can dart between leaves like bees. Though they may do odd jobs around the forest like guide the Autumn leaves to the ground or teach songs to birds, mostly they enjoy having fun, playing jokes, and flying about in the sunshine.

    On this bright morning, the forest was filled with dew and mist. It had rained the night before and the rain had melted some of the snow that had filled the floor of the forest for months. In fact, enough of the snow had melted that a few hardy flowers had just pierced through the surface of the snow. Slowly, the mist began to dissipate as the first rays of the sun peeked through the branches of the trees. The golden rays filled the Forest of Songs with bright oranges and yellows that reflected off the browns of the tree trunks and the clear white of the remaining snow.

    As the sun rose further, the Great Tree became alive with the sight and sound of fairies. They each rose gently from their leaf nests and tree trunk houses. Usually there were several fairies that flew around and filled the air with color while many others simply enjoyed sitting and chatting or just lying around in the sunshine. But this was not a typical morning.


    On this morning, some new fairies were about to be introduced into the world. In the Forest of Songs the flowers are the cradles that hold the egg of Earth Mother and the rain is the seed of Sky Father. When the snows first start to melt, the hardiest of flowers break through the surface of the ground and reach for the light and warmth of the sun. When they open near the Great Tree, some of the flowers hold within them a small fairy child.

    Today was just such a day- for a gentle rain had filled the ground from the previous evening causing most of the snow to melt and the ground to warm. A single daffodil pushed through the ground and

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