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Party, Sex & Drugs
Party, Sex & Drugs
Party, Sex & Drugs
Ebook81 pages54 minutes

Party, Sex & Drugs

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Bravo! Finally there is a book that both parents and their children should read together.
The narrative voice is simply fantastic! It is simple and easy to read.

The author speaks to teens and young readers in such a candid manner, that it will warm the hearts of teens all across the world. In today's society we need to acknowledge that a change needs to be made on how we communicate to our youth, and teens need to know the truth about life.

This book is politely "in-your-face" about what teens are doing, and what parents should know. The author does a fantastic job of awareness for parents and teens.

As teens across the world embark on sexuality, self-confidence, self-esteem, and drug awareness, they often have not only non one to talk to, but nowhere to turn for help.

This magnificent book, written by a teen, expresses the truth; the truth about the rumors, the truth about the myths, and most of all the truth about the peer pressure that society and friends put upon our youth to just "fit in" with what they call the normality of life. But what this book teaches more than anything is that what they call the normality of life is not normal, it can not only cause harm to our youth but even lead to teen suicide.

After reading this book, teens across the world will have a better understanding of life and growing up in today's society. It will teach them how to have fun as a teen without compromising their self truth and image, but at the same time, teach them to live in moderation, and to believe in themselves.

This book is a "Must Read" for teens and parents. Parent's get in the know—know what your child is doing!

Bravo! – A well crafted book for Teens!

PublisherNesa Kovacs
Release dateAug 3, 2011
Party, Sex & Drugs

Nesa Kovacs

Nineteen year old teen renaissance Nesa Kovacs is Hollywood 's most sought after multi-talented quadruple threat. Kovacs is an author, producer, writer, singer, actress, film major and more. Kovacs is more than just another girl breaking her way into the entertainment industry, she is taking Hollywood by storm by producing, writing, directing, and starring in her own projects not to mention she is among Hollywood 's elite socialite's also known as "Young Hollywood". Kovacs "kicked open her own door" in Hollywood when she pitched her first feature film she created and co-wrote at age 13 and later signed with a literacy agency. Kovacs has also starred in some of Today's Hit Television shows such as NBC "Las Vegas", Style Network "Split Ends", and most recently ABC Family "Ruby and the Rockits" and if that's not enough she recently created the much anticipated teen reality show called "The Real Teens of Hollywood", later optioned by Dick Clark Productions and is currently writing a pilot for TV. Kovacs is also currently hosting her own talk show on New Day Talk Radio titled "On Air with Nesa and is releasing her first published book titled "Party, Sex & Drugs…A Teenage Survival Guide". With a combined superstar presence and beautiful display of strength and courage not to mention her extraordinary presence, Kovacs has a desired talent of infinite value to be admired that will surely win the hearts of teens across America .

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    Book preview

    Party, Sex & Drugs - Nesa Kovacs

    Party, Sex & Drugs

    "A Teenagers Survival Guide"


    Nesa Kovacs


    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright © 2011 Nesa Kovacs

    Cover Design by: Laura Shinn

    Formatting by: Laura Shinn

    License Notes:

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic or mechanical, transmitted in any form or, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher or copyright owner except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    A Little Publishing Company

    Hollywood, CA


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    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Thank you

    Wow…this may take a moment since this is my very first book!

    My personal thanks goes to many people I feel that have been influential in my short life span thus far. People come in and out of your life and some stay and some go, but the ones that leave their imprint on my heart and soul are the ones I salute and say thank you to.

    The list starts here:

    My mom: You are my rock, you are my friend, you are my soul, and I am a mini-me of you. Not sure if that is good or bad, but either way I thank you for letting me be me.

    My Dad: You always stayed on my case and made sure I had a fair enough relationship with God and I respect you for that. We have a lot of different views on life but I still love you. You’re still my favorite dad. Wait, you’re my only dad!

    The Christies: Wow! You came into my life like a tornado, you could of gave a girl a warning…lol. You were the first that believed in my visions besides my own mom. You took my vision and made it happen and for that, I owe you more than words can say. Thanks to Chani for inspiring me to write my very first book and to create my very own foundation.

    Lin Bickelman: My very first manager in Hollywood. Boy oh Boy…lol. It was a long battle but you hung in there, thanks for offering me a chance to come to Cali and do what I love to do best, simply act.

    Laron Tate & Debbie Holstein: When I had nowhere to turn and we were lost in LA, you came in the nick of time to be my personal assistants, acting coaches and more. With little money, you guys made it happen for me, you just did. Maybe it was just that Chi-town love we had for one another but regardless you did it. You will always be in my heart.

    Ms. Sheila Baker: Thank you for throwing me on stage as an emcee without any training, you just believed in me and you still do. You are a hero to the thousands of students you taught in school as a retired teacher, and you are still a hero to the youth of today, and for that I salute you for inspiring us to be somebody in society.

    Candy: You already know! What you did for me and my mom is priceless! Although you were going through rough times, you never let us go without! You are worth so much more than you think. I will always cherish every day we lived with you, you definitely deserve peace in your life. Oh and thanks for teaching me how to drive at age 12, that was cool!

    Montana: Thank you for always having my back and being a true friend. When gunshots were flying around us and you covered me at the age of 14 just on instinct, I knew then this was the kind of friend my mama said I need to have, her famous words are: Know who you rolling with. And trust me, you proved it, thank god that night I was rolling with you!

    Pamela Smith: You were that bank account we never saw coming when we needed it

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