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History of The Nation of Islam
History of The Nation of Islam
History of The Nation of Islam
Ebook131 pages1 hour

History of The Nation of Islam

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More basic subjects include Malcolm X, Noble Drew Ali, C. Eric Lincoln, Udom, and a comprehensive range of information. This interview also gives the reader an understanding of the type of questions Messenger Elijah Muhammad begins to interview the interviewer.

It's an excellent example of how to frame questions to get the proper answers necessary to understand the mind of the powers that be.

Release dateAug 17, 2011
History of The Nation of Islam

Elijah Muhammad

The Honorable Mr. Elijah Muhammad is the Father of Us all. He taught us to be Muslims. He turned the hearts of our people back to our roots. He taught that the Black man is the Original man. The Maker, Owner and God of the Planet Earth.

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    History of The Nation of Islam - Elijah Muhammad





    Interview of

    Elijah Muhammad

    (Messenger of Allah)

    Compiled & Edited





    Copyright © 1993

    Published by Secretarius MEMPS Publications

    111 E. Dunlap Ave. l Phoenix, AZ 85020 l [email protected] l 602-466-7347 l

    MEMPS eBook Edition, License Notes:


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    Printed Books written by Messenger Elijah Muhammad, Nasir Makr Hakim, and Published by Secretarius MEMPS, can be obtained either through the author’s official website:

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    All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, photocopying, mechanical, recording, information storage or retrieval system without permission from the publisher - MEMPS - Brief quotations may be used in reviews or commentary.

    Printed Books written by Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah,

    and Published by Secretarius MEMPS, can be obtained either through the author’s official website: or through select online retailers.

    * * * * * * *




    The First Meeting Between Master Fard Muhammad and Messenger Elijah Muhammad

    The History of the Saviour: His Origin, Disappearance, and Whereabouts

    The Beginning of Races

    The Secret of God: Yakub

    By One Man Sin Entered

    The Devil or Satan: Is There a Difference?

    The Negro Problem: Separation Is The Key

    100% Hatred Between The Races

    Malcolm’s Defection

    On Violence

    The Purpose of The Fruit of Islam (F.O.I.)

    The Destruction of North America

    Immediate Problems That Confronts The Nation of Islam

    Background of The Messenger’s Roots

    Muslims In Prison

    Can White People Become Muslims?

    Do You Consider Jews As White People?

    Are Turkish People Muslims?

    The Making of The White Race

    A New Book

    Is The Bible Wrong or Misleading?

    Qur’an versus Koran, Muslim versus Moslem, or Muhammad versus Mohammed

    On Returning To Africa

    On Voting

    Was Mr. Fard A Member of the Noble Drew Ali Movement?

    On E. U. Essien-Udom’s Book: Black Nationalism

    On C. Eric Lincoln’s Book: Black Muslims In America

    The Messenger Interviews The Interviewer


    We seek the assistance of Allah (God), Who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, through His Last and Greatest Messenger, the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.

    We can never thank them enough for the Supreme Wisdom showered upon us; for the Messenger himself said, He (Allah) gave it to me like a flowing spring or flowing fountain. The fountain has enough drink in it to give everyone drink who comes to drink. YOU DON’T NEED A NEW FOUNTAIN, JUST TRY DRINKING UP WHAT THIS FOUNTAIN HAS. Therefore, we avail ourselves of that water without hesitation, because we never get full. This means that the need for another fountain is totally obsolete.

    I thank the MEMPS staff for their hard work in developing this great title, and pray that Allah (God) continue blessing us with His favor.


    Nasir Makr Hakim,

    Minister of Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah


    It is such an honor and noble privilege to be afforded the opportunity to not only come into the possession of the great lectures, writings and private utterances of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Last and Greatest Messenger of Allah, but as well, to make them available to those of our people who are thirsting for his pure word.

    When reading what the Messenger states in this writing, one is actually given excellent answers to question every believer as well as non-believer have had, but didn't know how to ask. And who is better qualified to answer questions about the Messenger, the Nation of Islam and its history, than the Honorable Elijah Muhammad himself.

    The Messenger eloquently and masterfully addresses subjects, which range from the first meeting of Allah (God), Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, himself; Master Fard Muhammad's origin, the race question, the Secrets of Gods, Are the Jews considered white, are the Turks Muslims, The New Book, just to name a few.

    Much of this information has not previously been available; however, in light of the great necessity and our devotion to this much needed task, we pray to Allah (God), Master Fard Muhammad, that His Words, which were echoed, carried and personified by His Last and Greatest Messenger, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, serve as a light in this time of great spiritual darkness and uncertainty.

    In these troubled times of the Messenger’s absence, the process of national self realization is taking it course. Those who were actually in the presence of the Messenger directly, those there by proxy and those now here are wrestling with our budding identity.

    With history as a guide, it teaches us that as great splits and disagreements developed in years past after the departure of Messengers; whereas, those belonging to the physical bloodline thought they had more rights to the Messenger’s legacy than those more consistent to the principles that he taught.

    There is civil war between Orthodox Muslims and the enemy of them both is the cause, instigators, and yes, the mediators, although they are the ones who put one against the other, then mediates between them while ruling them both.

    We were asked by the Messenger of Allah, Elijah Muhammad, Can you fool a Muslim? We answered, Not nowadays. This is only possible if you have up to date truth to aid in identifying the time you’re in and the necessary actions that goes with that time.

    What they are fighting over is a burnt offering. It had its value yesterday as a sign, but now that the fulfillment is present, it doesn’t have the same value as it once had. This books points the way to the wide awake Muslim.

    We have been invited into the home of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, leader of the Nation of Islam, better known to most people as the Black Muslims. Mr. Muhammad, it is great that you can sit down and chat with us for awhile, and explain some of his studies and some of his philosophy [and views] on religion.

    Chapter 1: THE FIRST MEETING


    Question: Mr. Muhammad, what is the purpose, what is the goal of the Nation of Islam.

    Messenger: It is to reform our people in America and put them to themselves in some place where they can go for themselves and do for themselves. I don't know of any other way that I could say it, other than to separate them and put them back to doing for themselves and furthering themselves.

    Question: What is the background of the Nation of Islam in America?

    Messenger: When I first heard of Islam it was in Detroit Michigan, back in the early fall of 1931, and I heard that there was a man teaching Islam by the name of Mr. Wallace Fard. At that time He used the initials W.D. Fard, that was in Detroit Michigan. When I heard what was said, I wanted to meet Him and I finally did. When I met Him, I looked at Him and it just came to me, that this is the Son of Man that the Bible prophesied would come in the last days of the world, and I couldn't get that out of me. I shook hands with Him and I said to Him, 'You are the One that the Bible prophesied would come at the end of the world under the name Son of Man and under the name The Second Coming of Jesus.'

    And so, He looked at me a little stern, and then He smiled, put His head down beside my head then whispered in my ear and said these words, Yes I am the One, but who knows that but yourself, and to be quiet.

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