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Haunted Bedtime Stories
Haunted Bedtime Stories
Haunted Bedtime Stories
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Haunted Bedtime Stories

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Six short stories about ghosts and spirits but also love, friendship and revenge. Enjoy these tales that take you from the Arizona desert to London to Morocco.

PublisherK. F. Kirwin
Release dateAug 30, 2011
Haunted Bedtime Stories

K. F. Kirwin

K.F. Kirwin is a horror and urban fantasy writer owned by a Welsh Corgi named Princess. Her interests include reading, traveling and torturing her son. Haunted Bedtime Stories is her second book. It is a collection of short stories she has written over the last few years.

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    Haunted Bedtime Stories - K. F. Kirwin

    Haunted Bedtime Stories

    By: K. F. Kirwin

    Copyright 2011 Kirwin and Son Publishing Company

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and all incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictiously. Any resenblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental.

    To: Dan, Erich, Gerry, Robin, Laura, Cherianne, Francy, Princess Gwenie.

    Thank you for your love and encouragement. You all made this easy for me.


    When I was asked by Kitty to write the foreword to her book of short stories, Haunted Bedtime, my first reaction was excitement, the second, fear! I am a big fan of Kitty's writings, and wanted to make sure I conveyed her book in the best way possible. As I read through each story, I felt myself being pulled into the storyline. Rooting for the good guys, cursing the not so good. With each story, I could picture myself right there with all the characters, feeling what they felt, and kind of wishing I was! I traveled to London, Arizona, even Morocco. I was a witness to ultimate payback, loyalty of friends, fantasy, family drama, mental illness, and pure horror.

    It was hard to pick one particular story that was my favorite....but I did. As you read through the stories, I think you will find yourself being pulled into the lives of the characters; being pulled into the setting as well. Which story will be your favorite? Will it be the same as mine?


    Cheri Anne (Cheryl) Svendsen

    Table of Contents

    Eternity Realty

    Ghost’s Walk


    Swamp Full of Lies

    Annie’s Letters

    Aunt Francy’s Ghosts


    Eternity Realty

    Welcome to Eternity Realty, hi y’all I am Tammy Sue, the proprietor. It is a beautiful day to place you in your forever home. Now, I see that you have filled out all the forms. As you know, I have never not found a client a home. I do believe you baseball fans call that batting a thousand. As for me, it would be one hundred thousand!

    Okey-dokey, oh yes, you have picked a wonderful area. The Southeast of New Mexico—wide-open space, great weather year round and short drives to so many attractions. Now, I have three properties to show you. All in a small town with quick drives to both Roswell and Clovis. Yes, it is lovely out here—fresh air, sunshine, and the antelope roaming free. I know you get goosebumps when you see these beautiful landscapes. This is why they call New Mexico the Land of Enchantment.

    So now it’s just you. Will your family be joining you later? Not sure, huh. OK, sugar, let’s go!

    Well, as you can see on the way to the first house, you have Max’s Gas Station, convenience mart, and Post Office. I know you can send and pick up your mail and gas up your pickup in one stop. Yes, that is City Hall across the street and down a block. The Police Department, as well as the volunteer Fire Department, is here. The Elementary School is closed now; all the kids are bussed to Portales. Well, tmp_8ff212105538875a021a0a3c156c4db9_OIBlCr_html_m19f8130a.gif you know with ENMU there, the kids are exposed to such a great education venue. MaryLou told me that her grandson watched a dinosaur dig sponsored by ENMU at Blackwater Draw. Now, you just don’t get that in the big cities.

    Let’s get you back on the house tour and house hunt. This first house was owned by a woman who passed, and her kids are selling; immediate occupy. It was built in 1950s and has updated central heat and refrigerated air. Also, you have a newer evaporated cooler. Three bedrooms with a bath and a half, living room—now don’t you worry about the stains on the carpet or wall, they will wash right up. Now, this house has a carport and a lovely screened in patio. As you can see it is just a quarter of a mile from Max’s, a lovely daily walk to pick up your mail. You’re just a quick twenty-five minutes to Roswell and about forty-five to Clovis.

    Now, don’t worry, all the properties I am showing you have none of those silly HOAs and fees. Just one of the many benefits to living here. Well, think about this house, and we are off to see the next.

    This house is an adobe two bedrooms, one bath. You have an evaporated cooler and a sweet beehive fireplace for heat. It’s about seventy-five years old. No carport or garage, but one can easily be added later. The patio has great views of the high plains; sunsets are just out of this world to see. This living room has the beehive fireplace. Yes, stains again… well those on the adobe walls can be removed, as well as the ones on the hardwood floor. Some pretty tiles, as you can see in the kitchen and bath. This is 1500 square feet. As you can see, there’s lots of storage in the bedrooms. Now you’re a mile from Max’s so another good daily walk to get your mail. Yes, that’s the UPS truck. They deliver out here too! You know with the satellite televisions you can do all your shopping right in your living room. Don’t forget you can order online too; after all this is the twenty-first century. Have a good look and we will add this to your list of houses.

    Okey-dokey, off to the last house. This one is closer to Portales and is just inside the Roosevelt County line. You can get your mail in your box at the end of your own drive.

    Beautiful, isn’t it? Brick two-story with a nice semi-attached two-car garage. Half acre of land. Your eyes have just brightened up seeing this house. Three bedrooms, two full baths, and a half bath under the stairs. Kitchen opens up to a huge family room. Formal living and dining rooms, central heat and air conditioning. All hardwood floors and new appliances. As you can see, the landscaping is well worth it.

    So are you ready to have a walk through now! Isn’t this entry to die for? Just look at this beautiful chandelier; it just sparkles.

    What’s wrong? Oh. The blood stains again. No, oh, it’s the blood pouring from the upstairs. Well, now you really can’t be that picky. Oh look! Mrs. Schmit, oh silly me, just her head sitting in the microwave. There is her body in the pantry. Mr. Schmit, well look at that, cut in half. Well, don’t worry blood washes right up. Let’s pop up the back staircase. Here is a good boy’s room—Joey seems to be very attached to it. Cute, isn’t he, riding the ceiling fan like a rodeo star. Here is little Emma’s room. She is still cheering away, both sides of her. Right up the wall to the mirror.

    Why are you so upset? Blood? Oh my God. I keep telling you it can be washed up. The blood gushing down the stairs; I see that really upsets you. Well, this is your new home. Just as you last

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