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Chasing Matt
Chasing Matt
Chasing Matt
Ebook68 pages56 minutes

Chasing Matt

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Chase Williams is a gorgeous but painfully shy web designer whose long-term boyfriend dumped him for being such a “nice” guy. Instead of meeting his buddies at the local bar for a drink, he helps his elderly neighbor with a DIY project. When a wobbly step ladder leads to a banged up wrist and a trip to the ER, Chase is convinced it’s the worst night ever. Then he meets his handsome nurse.

Matt Owens is the boy next door who loves working in the busy ER. He’s more than ready to clock out from his double shift until he meets his patient in Bed 4.

But will Matt’s attraction to Chase be enough to make him break his rule about never dating patients?

Release dateAug 22, 2013
Chasing Matt

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great all around short story. Liked the characters and thought it was the perfect length!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a great short story. The characters are wonderful and even though it was short it pulled me into the story! Will definitely be looking for more from this author.

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Chasing Matt - Nikka Michaels

Published by Evernight Publishing at Smashwords

Copyright© 2013 Nikka Michaels & Eileen Griffin

ISBN: 978-1-77130-528-0

Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

Editor: Avril Ashton


WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Nikka Michaels would like to thank her family and Eileen for putting up with never ending rambles.

Eileen Griffin would like to thank her family and Nikka for putting up with emo-ness.

Together they’d like to thank Team Swordfight: KD Wood, Lisa, Mel, Jordan and JR Gray; Karen Stivali for her Newbie Writer Wrangling; and Tiffany Reisz for inspiring their manlove.


Nikka Michaels & Eileen Griffin

Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

I got out the car and tossed my grassy cleats into my gym bag. I shivered as the cold night air hit my sweat-dampened skin. Rec league soccer during the fall might have been a good outlet for exercise, but I was always freezing when I came home at night.

My phone’s ringtone sounded. I dug one hand into my bag as I shut the car door with the other. Though it was after hours for my home-based business, I always answered professionally. Williams Web Services, Chase speaking.


The yelling and screaming coming through my phone could only be from one person. Brett, my college roommate. From the loud cheering in the background, he was no doubt at a bar downtown, celebrating his professional football team’s win with an obnoxiously loud group of people.

We won again, my man! Come out with us and have a beer.

I pushed open the glass door of my apartment building. From prior experience, I already knew where this conversation was headed.

Sorry, Brett, I’ve got some work to catch up on and—

It’s 7:30. I know you’re not still working. Put the mouse down and leave your nerd cave for just one beer.

It’s not a nerd cave, it’s my home office, thank you. I just happen to work where I live.

The noise from the bar was the only response I got as I hit the up button for the elevator. I stepped inside and leaned against the wall when the doors slid shut. I pressed my ear closer to my phone, only to hear loud, exaggerated snoring over the dull roar of the bar chatter.

Chase, don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re twenty-eight years old, not sixty. Back away from the mouse and come out with me for once. Sam and Todd are here too. Your work will still be there Monday.

I just got home. I’ll catch up with you next time.

You said that last time, and the time before that. Stephen would drag you out if I called him, you know that. Hey, how is he doing? I haven’t seen you guys out in a long time.

I closed my eyes and slumped back further against the wall of the elevator. Stephen dumped me. I’m lame. Too boring. Too nice. Not funny or outgoing or enough for him. I’m too much of a recluse for Mr. Popular.

There were more on the list of things Stephen said to me when we’d broken up, but I didn’t have the energy to think about it at the moment.

Hold on, man. I listened as Brett told people to move out of his way. The noise was dulled and muted when he came back on the line. Oh shit, I’m sorry, man. You’re not boring, and he’s a dick for saying that. I just haven’t seen you in forever, and you’re one of my best friends. Come out and have one beer. It’ll be good for you to hang out with your friends, especially after your break up with that douchenozzle. Think of it as an opportunity to try something new. Come out, and let the world see the new and improved Chase who doesn’t date douchenozzles anymore. The one free of the idiot ex.

I smiled, despite my crappy love life. The elevator doors dinged open and I pushed the strap of my gym bag farther up my shoulder. As I fiddled with my keys, my across-the-hall neighbor’s door swung open. He poked his head out.

Chase? Can I get your help for a second?

I held up a finger to Mr. Hodges, relieved I didn’t have to go into my break up with Stephen in more detail. Sorry man, I gotta go. I made a hasty apology to Brett. "My neighbor needs something.

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