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Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds
Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds
Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds
Ebook351 pages6 hours

Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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In her New York Times bestseller, Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds, Dr. Kelly A. Turner, founder of the Radical Remission Project, uncovers nine factors that can lead to a spontaneous remission from cancer—even after conventional medicine has failed.

While getting her Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkley, Dr. Turner, a researcher, lecturer, and counselor in integrative oncology, was shocked to discover that no one was studying episodes of radical (or unexpected) remission—when people recover against all odds without the help of conventional medicine, or after conventional medicine has failed.  She was so fascinated by this kind of remission that she embarked on a ten month trip around the world, traveling to ten different countries to interview fifty holistic healers and twenty radical remission cancer survivors about their healing practices and techniques. Her research continued by interviewing over 100 Radical Remission survivors and studying over 1000 of these cases.  Her evidence presents nine common themes that she believes may help even terminal patients turn their lives around.

Release dateMar 18, 2014
Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

Kelly A. Turner, PhD

Dr. Kelly A. Turner is a researcher, lecturer, and consultant in the field of integrative oncology. Her specialized research focus is the Radical Remission of cancer, which is a remission that occurs either in the absence of conventional medicine or after conventional medicine has failed. Dr. Turner has a B.A. from Harvard University and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.

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Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Brilliant, inspiring and wonderful tales of survival against the odds and often the dire doctors' predictions. I would recommend this book to anyone who faces cancer, or even the possibility of it. My father, uncle and grandmother all died of cancer, so I am well aware of the epigenetic potential but I want to switch that off. I am writing about cancer prevention as I am a nutritionist, psychologist and kinesiologist but I fear it will be in the shadow of this great work!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book. This is an adventure of magical realism into the depths of the rain forest. Love Allende!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great introduction to the world's major religious traditions, putting each in it's historical context which really aids in gaining some understanding and appreciation of them.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Alex Cold is not taking his mother's illness very well. He has become sullen and distant. He's even broken everything in his room in a rage. When his father tells him that he will be joining his grandmother, Kate, on an Amazon expedition while his mother undergoes treatment, to say the least he is not happy. Kate has always been the weird grandmother.

    On the expedition he meets Nadia, the daughter of the group's guide who has never lived anywhere else. Alex and Nadia become friends despite the vast difference in their lives so far. They pick up clues that lead them to believe that the harmless expedition they are part of is being used for nefarious purposes. After being kidnapped by The People of the Mist, a native tribe untouched by the outside world, they become the saviors of this tribe.

    Up to this point I loved the story. Its when the 'Beasts 'are introduced that I began to loose interest. These beasts resemble Bigfoot; hairy, smelly, ugly, ancient. But there's a whole tribe of them. And they've hidden in the rainforest with only the People of the Mist as their outside contacts. Still alright so far, but then Allende lost me. It is revealed the the 'Beasts' have magical powers. They are the living history book of the People of the Mist. They communicate via a language that no one knows but those who are meant to understand. They have hidden the People through various invasions and sustained them through sicknesses and times of deprivation. Its all too convenient. It just seems like a disaster movie that in the end, everything was caused by aliens. It felt like Allende got bored and didn't want to spend any more time on the story so just wrote an expedient ending. Except that I've also read the next book in the series, yes I know, I should have learned from this one, and it ALSO has a mythical monster solution to the characters' problems. Not what I would have expected from the author of Portrait in Sepia. Please know that these books are NOT representative of Allende's writing for adults. I loved her version of the story of Zorro. So; read Isabel Allende, just not her books for young adults.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I have really liked Allende in the past, but this book seems monumentally unspired in style. Everything is narrated, leaving nothing to the imagination. We are told, unimaginatively, what happens and what is said and what is thought and what happens next. Bleh.

    Good premise... young man's mom is sick and has to undergo some hefty treatment, so young man goes to live with Gramma. Gramma just so happens to be an ascerbic, snarky (but warm-hearted (we are told, heavy-handedly)) adventurer about to embark on a trip to remotest jungle in search of a Bigfoot-like creatured rumored to be stomping around killing people.

    Sadly, I just didn't care.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Really amazing book! It's my textbook for my World Religions class and I absolutely love it! First textbook that I actually am not going to get rid of after I finish the class. A great book for anyone interested in different religions.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is a wonderful book for comparative religions. It doesn't feel like one is more favored over another, and it treats the history of all the religions equally. I respect Smith for being able to talk about the good and bad sides of religion without favoring the easy ones.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Love the mix of mythology, fairytale, history, different cultures and adventure. The book is for teenagers, but I think many good fantasy books are made for teenagers and they are still very readable.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I found City of the Beasts by Isabel Allende an absorbing read. Telling the story of Alexander, who is sent off to accompany his grandmother on an expedition to the Amazon. His family is in crisis, with his mother very ill with cancer. Alex and his sisters are to be farmed out to the grandparents. Alex thinks he has drawn the short straw by being sent to his decidedly eccentric grandmother, Kate.This coming-of-age tale was written beautifully, the South American jungle comes to life as do the inhabitants of the jungle. As the expedition travels deeper and deeper into the rainforest, civilization seems so very far away, and Alex comes into full contact with his spirituality. We are taken into the realms of a fantasy world as Alex and his friend Nadia are taken captive by the People of the Mist and eventually these two are taken to the City of the Beasts to meet the legendary creatures. They are given the tools they will need to ensure that the People of the Mist don’t come under the control of greedy entrepreneurs in the future.Isabel Allende manages to include both the topics of genocide and the exploitation of the Amazon Basin in her story, but first and foremost, she stays true to her younger audience and tells a wonderful fantasy adventure story about a boy coming to terms with his life and taking those first steps towards becoming a man.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I haven't read any Isabel Allende before, so this, the first in a trilogy of adventure novels for YA readers may not exactly be representative of her work, but I was in the mood for a light read. Incidentally, I don't read much YA books either. I noticed many of the reviews tend to compare this, either favourably or unfavourably to Harry Potter. Not having read any of the Harry Potter books, I can't really comment on that either. What I can say is that this is an entertaining adventure story, packed with exotic locations and an exciting quest, which is engaging without really managing to be enthralling.The story follows young Alexander Cold, a 15 year old American boy whose mother has unfortunately contracted cancer. While his father looks after her, Alexander is sent to live with his grandmother, a tough, whiskey-swilling journalist for 'International Geographic' who wouldn't win any prizes for wise parenting. She drags Alexander off to a trip deep into the Amazon searching for a mythical Beast (sort of a Bigfoot like creature). This is an adventure story in the mould of Indiana Jones (though much more culturally sensitive, thank goodness). Probably the best parts of the book are when the expedition is making its way up the Amazon river where Allende's descriptions of the flora and fauna in all their wild abundance and variety are particularly effective.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    not as good as her other books but an enjoyable read. This series is meant for her younger readers
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Alex’s mother has cancer, and he is sent off to his grandmother in New York while she undergoes chemotherapy. His grandmother makes little or no allowance for his youth, and thinks nothing of having him accompany her on a trip to the Amazon, in search of the legendary ‘Beast’. (I suppose I'm not the only one who thought 'Heart of Darkness' at this point, and it perhaps wasn't an entirely inappropriate comparison.) I liked the way in which the book was grounded with such a realistic beginning, and I loved the enticing descriptions of the Amazon, its danger and its beauty. I enjoyed the coming of age elements of the story, where Alex and his friend Nadia both meet challenges, overcome their fears, and (of course!) learn things on their journey.But the fantasy elements of the story didn't really appeal to me (and seemed a bit weak, in comparison to some of these other parts of the book), and I felt a little disappointed overall.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    At first I was wary of this book, when I realized there would be odd non-human characters walking around in the amazon - I'm not a great fan of fantasy - but this turned out to be a great read. The characters - even the supernatural ones - were fun to read about, but I would limit the description of this book to just that: fun. Still definitely worth a read!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Indiana Jones movie had similarities to this, though I think this wins hands down. I love teen books!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    it´s a really good book.You cant stop reading it. it´s written in a way that traps you.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent young adult fiction that also captures the attention of adults.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    City of the Beasts, by Isabel Allende, follows Alexander, a disgruntled 15-year-old tagging along on a trek up the Amazon River. He befriends a local girl who can talk to the indigenous Indians along the way. This skill allows them both to relunctantly enter into a supernatural otherworld where the decisions they make will figure prominently into the preservation of life for the Indians who will come to depend on them. Allende shows that she can masterfully spin a yarn, drawing the reader in with plainspoken plotting that moves the action stirringly along without excess characterization. Trouble occurs though when she takes her central characters into a fantasyland world where they will inherit the powers needed to save an Indian tribe central to the storyline. Descriptions here tend to be labored, and one can almost imagine Allende working overtime to astound the reader with overblown details that, unfortunately, aren't in line with the rest of the adept storytelling taking place back in the real world. This story addresses the plight of threatened Indian tribes living along the Amazon and can be used in the classroom to help highlight both ecological and sociological concerns now affecting its rainforests.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Normally I don’t read Young Adult fiction because usually the level of sophistication—justifiably so—is lower than I like to read. Not that I’m always happy with adult fiction in that regard, for that matter! However, I do recognize the differences in target audiences. But I couldn’t’ resist this one. Isabel Allende is one of my favorite authors; I have almost all of her books in translation and one in Spanish. Her work is superb. And this story is set in the Amazon basin, a region I’ve visited a number of times and love. Allende dedicated the book to "Alejandro, Andrea, and Nicole, who asked me for this story". These, as it turns out, are the names of Alexander, one of the protagonists, and his two younger sisters. Clearly Allende meant the book as a story for young people to enjoy. I decided to buy it.The story’s main protagonists are two teenagers, an American boy, Alexander, and Nadia, a Brasilian girl. The heart of the action actually takes place in Venezuela, off the upper Orinoco River. The plot centers around the efforts of a party sponsored by the magazine International Geographic, which includes Alexander’s grandmother who is a free lance writer of some renown, an eccentric anthropologist who is one of those all too common types who makes up theories to make him famous and then goes searching for the “facts” to back him up, a Brasilian female doctor, various army people, and a shadowy Brasilian entrepeneur who has made fortunes off of stealing lands (legally) from indigenous Amazon tribes. They are all on the search for The Beast, a legendary gigantic two legged creature that resembles the Yeti in many ways. Interestingly enough, in real life there have been reports on the river—but east of the area in which Allende has set her story—of a Yeti-like creature. It’s quite possibly what Allende based her story on.Naturally there is an encounter with a heretofore-unknown tribe of indigenous people, skullduggery, kidnapping, adventures to the heart of the jungle—all with generous doses of humor (I can believe that Allende is well-acquainted with teenagers) and South American magical realisism to boot. What I particularly appreciated about the book was the Allende provided large amounts of information about deforestation of the Amazon and the illegal activities that go on there without either being preachy or intrusive. It’s a great way of teaching.I enjoyed the book—it was fun. It’s the first of a trilogy involving Alexander, his grandmother, and Nadia; the sequel takes place in the Himilayas.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the first book by Isabel Allende for young adults and it's very good! It was a bit hard to get in to but once you did you were right there in the Amazon with them-lost. Alexander Cold goes on a trip with his grandmother and International Geographic to the Amazon in search of the beast. There Alexander meets Nadia who accompanies him on his journey. They soon discover something that will be unforgettable to them and the reader.This is a great, great book and it is also the start of a series so there's more to come once you've finished!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This novel exceeded my expectations! I thoroughly enjoyed this exciting adventure, and found the setting and all the details very fascinating. A wonderful book to get lost in!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The best general introduction to world religions ever written. Smith conveys both the practical external elements and spiritual inner realities of the major religions.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Allende's first y/a novel in the Alexander Cold trilogy, The City of Beasts is an exciting adventure story that also packs a political and spiritual punch. Through her main character Alexander Cold, the Amazon jungle and its inhabitants are able to demonstrate the wisdom still left to teach those of us who purport to be civilised. My only quibble concerns Alex himself. He goes from being a somewhat pampered, skeptical teenage boy dealing with the harsh reality of his mother's cancer, to a spiritually enlightened young man who has recognised his spirit animal and who is oddly receptive to the visions offered up by the jungle. The change was a little brusque in my opinion and not sufficiently explained by the plot. Otherwise, I would categorise this book as a page turner with substance and not hesitate to recommend it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A good review of the major religions. Sometimes it drags. Most of the time, it's a good mix of history and context with theory and theology.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book for me formed a kind of starting point for an exploration of world religions that's continued for quite a while now. The sections on Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism are invaluable for the westerner looking for an inroad into these subjects. I'd recommend this book to anybody.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I believe this was of of the first, if not the first of Isabel Allende's children's novels. It's absolutely fantastic and mystical. A GREAT adventure.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Used this book in my comparative religion course this summer. overall very good, informative, factual and an easy read.The Judaism chapter reads like a mathematical proof in places, and there are too many modern scientific parrallels in the Christianity chapter. Aside from that a Very good book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was given this book by someone who hadn't realised that it's a children's book, as for some reason (in the UK at least) it's been marketed solely as an adult book. I'm really not sure why this is, as although it's a great adventure story for 12 to 14 yr olds there's not really anything deeper to hold the interest of an adult.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I am constantly rereading this. Very accessible. A look into the soul of the world.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    On the very short list of books that every human being should read.

Book preview

Radical Remission - Kelly A. Turner, PhD


anomaly noun: Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.

You have probably heard a story like this: A person with advanced cancer tries all that conventional medicine has to offer, including chemotherapy and surgery, but nothing works. She is sent home to die but five years later strolls into her doctor’s office, healthy and cancer-free.

When I first heard a story like this, I was counseling cancer patients at a large cancer research hospital in San Francisco. During my lunch break, I was reading Dr. Andrew Weil’s book Spontaneous Healing when I came across a case of what I call Radical Remission. I froze, confused and stunned. Had this actually happened? Did this person really overcome advanced cancer without using conventional medicine? If so, why had it not been on the front page of every newspaper? Even if it had happened only once, it was still an incredible event. After all, this person had somehow stumbled onto a cure for his cancer. The men and women I was counseling would have given anything to know this survivor’s secret—and so would I.

Intrigued, I instantly began trying to find other cases of Radical Remission. What I found shocked me. There were over a thousand cases in print, all quietly published in medical journals, and yet here I was, working at a major cancer research institution, and this was the first time I had ever heard of one.

The more I dug into this topic, the more frustrated I became. It turned out that no one was seriously investigating these cases, nor were they making any attempt to track them. What’s worse, most of the Radical Remission survivors I began talking to said that their doctors, while happy for them, often had no interest in hearing about what they had done to get better. The final straw for me, though, was when a few of the radical survivors told me that their doctors had actually asked them not to tell any of the other patients in the waiting room about their amazing recoveries. The reason? So as not to raise false hope. While it is certainly understandable that these doctors would not want to mislead their patients into thinking another person’s healing methods might work for them, it is quite another thing to silence completely these true stories of healing.

A few weeks later, a counseling client of mine broke down in tears while receiving her chemotherapy. She was thirty-one years old, with young toddler twins, and had recently been diagnosed with aggressive stage 3 (out of a possible 4) breast cancer. Through her sobs, she pleaded with me: "What can I do to get better? Just tell me what to do. I’ll do anything. I don’t want my children growing up without a mother. I watched her sitting there, exhausted and bald-headed, with her only hope of recovery dripping slowly into her veins. And then I thought of those thousand-plus cases of incredible, radical recovery, which no one was investigating. Taking a deep breath, I looked into her eyes and said, I don’t know. But I’m going to try to find out for you."

That was the moment I decided to continue on for my Ph.D. and dedicate my life to finding, analyzing, and—yes—talking about cases of Radical Remission. After all, if we are trying to win the war on cancer, doesn’t it make sense to talk to those who have already won? In fact, shouldn’t we be subjecting these amazing survivors to numerous scientific tests and asking them every question we can think of in an attempt to find out their secrets? Just because we cannot immediately explain why something happened, that does not mean we should ignore it—or worse, tell others to keep quiet about it.

The example I always use is Alexander Fleming, a scientist who chose not to ignore an anomaly. As the story goes, in 1928 Fleming came back from vacation to find mold growing in many of his petri dishes, which was not surprising to him given his long absence. He began sterilizing the dishes, figuring that he simply needed to start his experiment over. Thankfully, though, he decided to pause and take a closer look, and this is when he noticed that all the bacteria in one particular dish were dead. Instead of ignoring this anomalous dish and dismissing it as a fluke, Fleming chose to investigate the matter further—and doing so led him to the discovery of penicillin.

This book shares the results of my ongoing research into the Radical Remission of cancer. It is the outcome of my decision not to ignore these anomalous cases but rather do as Alexander Fleming did: take a closer look. However, I will first give you a bit of my own background, so you can better understand where I am coming from and what inspired me to dedicate my life to this topic.


My experience with cancer began when my uncle was diagnosed with leukemia when I was three. His disease was a long, drawn-out process that lasted five years, casting a shadow over our family gatherings and making all of us young cousins incredibly afraid of that mysterious illness called cancer. He eventually died when I was eight, leaving my nine-year-old cousin fatherless. That’s when I learned that daddies could die of cancer.

A few years later, when I was only fourteen, a close friend of mine was diagnosed with stomach cancer just after our eighth grade graduation. In shock, our small Wisconsin town instantly rallied around him, boosting him up with numerous pancake breakfast fund-raisers and hospital visits. Some of my friends were hopeful, but I could not ignore that feeling of dread deep inside my stomach. After all, I had seen this before. Following two long and side-effect-filled years, my friend died at the age of sixteen. Our entire community attended his funeral, and over the next few years, my other friends and I would go to his grave site regularly to leave flowers. His death taught me that absolutely anyone could die of cancer, at any time.

While earning my undergraduate degree at Harvard University, I was introduced to complementary medicine, yoga, and meditation for the first time. These strange practices and ideas made me start to question my previously held beliefs about the mind and body being separate, and I slowly began to practice yoga. Four wonderful years later, my first job after Harvard was to coauthor a book on global warming, and I suddenly found myself sitting behind a computer all day with none of the social interaction I had enjoyed during college. When a friend suggested that I address my isolation by volunteering, the first idea that popped into my head was to help cancer patients, no doubt because of my early experiences with it.

I still remember my first day volunteering in the pediatric wing at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. All I did was play Monopoly with some children who were receiving intravenous chemotherapy, but the depth of meaning I felt by helping them forget about their disease for a few hours was truly life-changing. I knew I had found my calling, and after a few more weeks of volunteering, I was already researching graduate school programs. I attended the University of California at Berkeley for my master’s degree in oncology social work, with a specialized focus in counseling cancer patients.

While attending graduate school, my interest in complementary medicine deepened, leading me to read many books on the subject and complete an intensive yoga teacher’s training course. I spent my days counseling cancer patients and my evenings studying and practicing yoga. At that time, my husband was earning his degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture, herbs, etc.) and also studying an esoteric form of energy healing, so I was surrounded by examples of complementary medicine. It was during this time that I read Andrew Weil’s book, which changed the course of my life by introducing me to what Weil calls spontaneous healing and convincing me to continue toward my Ph.D., so I could study this fascinating topic in depth. From that point on, I have devoted my life to discovering what people do to overcome cancer against all odds.


In order to understand what Radical Remission is, it is helpful first to think about what is considered standard or non-radical remission. A doctor expects cancer to go into remission if it is caught early enough and is one of today’s more treatable cancers. For example, if a woman is diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer, she will be expected—statistically speaking—to be cancer-free for at least five years, as long as she completes the recommended medical treatment of surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation. However, if that same woman is diagnosed with stage 1 pancreatic cancer, there is only a 14 percent chance that she will be alive in five years, even if she completes all the recommended medical treatment.¹ This is because conventional medicine does not currently have treatments for pancreatic cancer that are as effective as those it has for breast cancer.

I define Radical Remission as any cancer remission that is statistically unexpected, and those statistics vary depending on the cancer type, stage, and medical treatment received. To be more specific, a Radical Remission occurs whenever:

• a person’s cancer goes away without using any conventional medicine; or

• a cancer patient tries conventional medicine, but the cancer does not go into remission, so he or she switches to alternative methods of healing, which do lead to a remission; or

• a cancer patient uses conventional medicine and alternative healing methods at the same time in order to outlive a statistically dire prognosis (i.e., any cancer with a less than 25 percent chance of five-year survival).

Although unexpected remissions are rare, thousands of people have experienced them. I ask all oncologists I meet if they have ever seen a case of Radical Remission in their practice; so far, each one has answered yes. I then ask if they took the time to publish the case, or cases, in an academic journal; so far, each one has answered no. Because of this, we will not know how often Radical Remissions truly happen until we create a systematic way of tracking them. To help accomplish that goal, this book’s website——allows cancer survivors, doctors, healers, and readers like you to submit quickly and easily your cases of Radical Remission, which can then be counted, analyzed, and tracked by researchers. This database is also freely searchable by the general public, so cancer patients and their loved ones can read how other people with similar diagnoses managed to heal against all odds.


When I first began studying Radical Remission, I was surprised to find that two groups of people had been largely ignored in the thousand-plus cases published in medical journals. The first group was the radical survivors themselves. I found it shocking that the vast majority of academic articles did not mention what the patients thought might have led to their remissions. I read article after article by doctors who carefully listed all the biochemical changes the Radical Remission survivors experienced, but none of the authors reported directly asking the survivors why they thought they had healed. I found this very odd, given the fact that the survivors may have done something—even unwittingly—that helped to heal their cancer. Therefore, for my dissertation research, I decided to find and interview twenty people who had experienced Radical Remission and ask them: "Why do you think you healed?"

The second ignored group in the research was the alternative healers. Because most Radical Remissions occur, by definition, in the absence of conventional Western medicine, I was surprised no one had studied how non-Western or alternative healers treat cancer. Many of the radical survivors I was hearing about at this time had sought out healers from all corners of the world; therefore, I traveled throughout the globe and interviewed fifty non-Western, alternative healers about their approaches to cancer. I spent ten months tracking down and interviewing alternative cancer healers in the jungles, mountains, and cities of ten different countries, including the United States (Hawaii), China, Japan, New Zealand, Thailand, India, England, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Brazil. It was a life-changing research trip that led me to meet many fascinating healers, and this book summarizes all that they shared with me.

Since that initial dissertation research, I have continued to find more cases and have now conducted over a hundred direct interviews and analyzed over a thousand written cases of Radical Remission. After analyzing all these cases carefully and repeatedly using qualitative research methods, I identified more than seventy-five different factors that may hypothetically play a role in Radical Remission, including physical, emotional, and spiritual factors. However, when I tabulated the frequency of each factor, I saw that nine of those seventy-five factors kept coming up again and again in almost every interview. In other words, very few of the people I interviewed mentioned, for example, the seventy-third factor, which is taking shark cartilage supplements, but almost every person mentioned doing the same nine things in order to help heal their cancer. These nine key factors for Radical Remission are:

• Radically changing your diet

• Taking control of your health

• Following your intuition

• Using herbs and supplements

• Releasing suppressed emotions

• Increasing positive emotions

• Embracing social support

• Deepening your spiritual connection

• Having strong reasons for living

It is important to note that these are not listed in any kind of ranking order. There is no clear winner among these factors. Rather, all nine were mentioned just as frequently in my interviews, even though—as you will see in this book—some people tended to focus more on one factor than the others. Please keep in mind that the majority of the Radical Remission cancer survivors I study did all nine of these factors, at least to some degree, in their efforts to heal their cancer.

For the sake of organization, I have arranged this book into nine chapters that describe each of these factors in depth. In each chapter, we will first explore the main points of a factor, including taking a look at the latest scientific research on that topic. Then we will explore a complete Radical Remission healing story that highlights that factor. Finally, each chapter concludes with a simple list of action steps that, if you wish, you can take right now in order to start bringing these key factors for Radical Remission into your life.


Before I share these key healing factors with you, I would like to clarify a few things. First, I would like to state clearly that I am not at all opposed to conventional cancer treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Just as I believe that most people need shoes to run a marathon, yet a select few have found a way to run twenty-six miles barefoot and healthfully, I similarly believe that most people will need conventional medicine to outrun cancer, while a select few have found ways to overcome it using other means. As a cancer researcher, I am simply dedicated to learning more about the latter group’s training regimen, in an attempt to find out how they achieved such an odds-defying feat.

Second, it is not at all my intention to raise false hope by writing this book. Remember the doctor who did not want his other patients to hear about Radical Remissions? I sympathize with him, because facing a waiting room full of people who have little statistical hope of survival is certainly a daunting task. However, keeping silent about Radical Remission cases has led to something far worse, in my opinion, than false hope: no one is seriously investigating or learning from these cases of remarkable recovery. In my very first research class at UC Berkeley, I learned that it is a researcher’s scientific obligation to examine any anomalous cases that do not fit into his or her hypothesis. After examining those anomalies, a researcher has only two choices: she can either explain to the public why those strange cases do not fit into her hypothetical model or she can come up with a new hypothesis that includes those cases. Either way, there is absolutely no scenario in which it is okay to ignore cases that do not fit into your hypothesis.

In addition to it being scientifically irresponsible to ignore flat-out the people who have cured their cancers using unconventional means (especially when our shared and common goal is to find a cure for cancer), I would like to discuss the term false hope. Giving false hope means making people hopeful about something that is untrue or false. Radical Remission cases may not be explainable—at the moment—but they are true. These people did cure their cancer in statistically unexpected ways. That is the key difference to understand, so we can get over the fear of raising false hope and begin the process of scientifically examining these cases for potential clues on curing cancer. The nine key factors described in this book are hypotheses for why Radical Remission may occur; they are not yet proven facts. Unfortunately, it will take decades of quantitative, randomized trials before we can say for sure whether or not these nine factors definitively improve your chances of surviving cancer.

I did not want to wait decades before sharing these important hypotheses with you. Instead, I wanted to share the results of my qualitative research so we can begin a much-needed discussion about why these cases are being ignored and what they might be able to teach us. The only possibility for raising false hope would be if I were to tell you that you will absolutely cure your cancer if you follow these nine factors. I am not saying that. I am simply saying that, based on my research, these are the nine most common hypotheses for why Radical Remission may occur.

Now that I have made it clear that it is not my intention to raise false hope, let me tell you what I do hope for. First, it is my sincerest hope that other researchers will begin testing these hypotheses for Radical Remission as soon as possible. I also hope that cancer patients and their loved ones will be inspired by this book of true healing stories, just as I was when I discovered my first case of Radical Remission—that they will be comforted by the fact that some people really do recover from cancer against all odds. In addition, I hope this book will motivate people to continue searching for additional ways to optimize their health, whether they are looking to prevent cancer, are in the midst of receiving conventional cancer treatment, or are looking for other options because that treatment has done all it can. Most important, though, I hope this book will be the start of a much-needed discussion about Radical Remissions, so we can stop ignoring them and start learning from them.

WHEN IT COMES to cases of Radical Remission, we may not yet be able to understand why these people healed from cancer or why their techniques worked for them but do not always work for others. However, I firmly believe that if we put intense effort into studying these cases—instead of just ignoring them because we cannot explain them—then two possible outcomes will occur: at the very least, we will learn something about the body’s ability to heal itself, and at the very most, we will find a cure for cancer. Neither of these outcomes can occur, however, if we continue to ignore cases of Radical Remission. After all, where would we be if Alexander Fleming had ignored the mold in that one petri dish? As history has shown us, studying anomalies is not an unproductive use of time. On the contrary, studying anomalies has historically led to tremendous breakthroughs—and that’s where real hope lies.



Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.


Hippocrates, the Greek physician who is heralded as the founder of modern medicine, strongly believed that food has the power to adjust, rebalance, and heal the body. Imagine, then, his disappointment if he were to find out that today’s M.D.’s receive a total of only one week of nutrition education during their four years at medical school.¹ Even at my own recent physical exam, I had to explain to the doctor that, as a vegetarian, I receive plenty of calcium from eating leafy greens (her only suggestion was milk) and plenty of iron from eating beans and seaweed (her only suggestion was red meat). In general, it is not that doctors disbelieve in the healing power of food, but rather that they simply never learned about it.

If doctors were to study nutrition in greater depth, they would find that we are indeed what we eat, because the cells of our food get broken down and transformed into the cells of our bodies. In addition, what we eat and drink directly affects our vessels and tissues, making them more or less inflamed depending on what we put into our bodies. To understand this concept, imagine giving a cup of coffee to a five-year-old. After about ten minutes, you would have no doubt that what we eat and drink directly affects our health.

Our health—and indeed our entire lives—can be seen as the sum of all our moment-to-moment decisions. This includes how we choose to eat and drink, think and feel, act and react, and move and rest on any given day. What makes food so powerful is that it is a very conscious decision. Will I choose a sugary cereal or oatmeal with fruit? Will it be the quick peanut butter and jelly sandwich or the longer-to-make quinoa salad? For most people, there is a nagging doubt underlying these daily food choices, and it whispers, "Does this really matter? Does what I eat really have a vital impact on my health? The Radical Remission survivors I interview—whose lives are at stake—take that question to the next level. They ask themselves, Can what I eat help my cancer go into remission?" The answer many of them find is yes.

After analyzing hundreds of Radical Remission cases, one of the nine key factors that consistently comes up over and over again is radically changing one’s diet in order to help heal cancer. What’s more, the majority of the people I study all tend to make the same four dietary changes. They are:

• greatly reducing or eliminating sugar, meat, dairy, and refined foods,

• greatly increasing vegetable and fruit intake,

• eating organic foods, and

• drinking filtered water.

After discussing each of these changes in depth, I will share two Radical Remission stories from people who radically changed their diets in order to heal their breast and prostate cancer, respectively. Finally, we will discuss some simple steps you can take in order to start eating an anticancer diet.


The vast majority of the Radical Remission survivors I continue to research talk about how they reduce or eliminate sweets (sugar), meat, dairy products, and refined foods from their diets in order to help themselves heal. Let’s start with sugar. There has been a lot of talk about sugar and cancer, and for good reason. It is an indisputable fact that cancer cells consume (i.e., metabolize) sugar—glucose—at a much faster rate than normal cells do. This is precisely how a PET scan (positron emission tomography) works: first, you drink a glass of glucose, and then the scan detects where that glucose is being metabolized the fastest in your body. Those glucose hot spots are the areas in your body that are most likely cancerous. While researchers are still not clear whether a high-sugar diet causes cancer, what we do know is that once cancer cells are in your body, they consume anywhere from ten to fifty times more glucose than normal cells do.² Therefore, it makes logical sense for cancer patients to cut as much refined sugar from their diets as possible, in order to avoid feeding their cancer cells, and instead rely on the glucose found naturally in vegetables and fruits. Knowing that the average American eats the equivalent of twenty-two teaspoons of sugar a day—when we should only eat six to nine teaspoons at most³—means there is much room for improvement, whether or not we are currently dealing with cancer.

The connection between cancer cells and sugar was first discovered in the 1920s by a doctor named Otto Warburg. Dr. Warburg won a Nobel Prize for discovering that cancer cells get their energy and breathe (i.e., respirate) differently than healthy cells do. Specifically, he noticed that cancer cells get their energy by breaking down unusually large amounts of glucose and that they also breathe without oxygen (known as anaerobic respiration). Healthy cells, on the other hand, break down a much smaller amount of glucose and breathe with oxygen (known as aerobic respiration). What’s interesting is that cancer cells will still breathe anaerobically even when there is plenty of oxygen around. This led Dr. Warburg to hypothesize that cancer cells must have something wrong with their mitochondria, since that’s the part of the cell where aerobic respiration takes place in healthy cells. Don’t worry if you are having anxious flashbacks to high school biology class—the take-home message is simple: cancer cells behave differently than healthy cells do, and one of the key differences is that they require lots of sugar in order to function. Therefore, cutting refined sugars out of your diet may be a key way to help starve a cancer cell.

One Radical Remission survivor who changed his diet—and, in particular, cut sugar from his diet—is a man named Ron. Ron was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the age of fifty-four. His blood tests came back positive for prostate cancer (Gleason score of 6 and PSA level of 5.2), and he tested positive for cancer on two out of twelve biopsy samples. Therefore, his doctors recommended immediate surgery to remove his entire prostate. However, Ron had recently heard of someone who had healed his cancer through nutrition, so Ron wanted first to look into that option. There was no integrative oncologist or nutritionist with whom to talk in his rural town, so he started reading books and articles that explained how cancer cells consume lots of sugar and how many typical American foods, such as white potatoes and white bread, contain it. After a few weeks of intense research, Ron decided to postpone the surgery for a little while and try radically changing his diet instead:

Cancer was probably the best thing that ever happened to me, because I was always pretty keen on fitness, but I did not eat that well. I was a big-time sugar junkie. . . . [To get rid of my cancer,] I eliminated sugar and everything white. No white potatoes, no white bread—that sort of thing. And I ate a lot of greens and did a lot of juicing of cabbage, which I still do, but not as frequently as I could. . . . Cancers are anaerobic . . . and glucose is a nitrogen shuttle, which feeds them. So, if you can just cut off that [glucose] shuttle supply, the cancer is not going to make it.

After changing his diet in this way, Ron’s PSA dropped down to a healthy 1.3 in less than a year—and he avoided having his prostate surgically removed, which can have permanent, negative side effects on urinary and sexual function. He has been cancer-free now for more than seven years.

MOVING ON TO dairy products, there are two main reasons that my research subjects suggest that you should reduce or eliminate them from your diet. The first is that dairy is the breast milk of another animal, which means it is packed with hormones and proteins meant to make a baby calf grow—not humans. (Incidentally, we are the only species on the planet that drinks the breast milk of another animal.) What’s more, research has shown that

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