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The Endless Night
The Endless Night
The Endless Night
Ebook184 pages2 hours

The Endless Night

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The world as we know it has changed overnight and it is a world filled with vampires, shape shifters, and other things that go bump in the night. That howl of the wolf at night that makes you clutch the blankets just a little tighter around you? Is it really a wolf or is it your next door neighbor?

Paranormal crime has become a horrible reality and Cassandra James quickly became known as one of the best in the world and she has arrived in Charlotte, North Carolina. A serial killer is on the prowl in Charlotte, killing his victims by draining them of their blood. The killer must be a vampire, right? Well if it isn't a vampire who and why? These are questions that Cassandra must answer while dealing with Jared MacAllistair, the vampire king of Charlotte.

Could all of this be linked to The Mall of The Endless Night that is close to completion or could it also be linked to Cassandra's past which even the vampire king of Chicago could not find anything on. One thing is for sure, nobody will be quite the same.

Release dateJan 27, 2014
The Endless Night

Duchess MacKinnon

I grew up in a small town in Western NC before moving away. I've lived in Greensboro & Charlotte areas before living in Canada for three years. I'm back in the Charlotte region presently. In addition to writing, I love to read, knit, and spin. My writing is supervised by my two cats. One who micromanages from the comfort of my lap.

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    Book preview

    The Endless Night - Duchess MacKinnon

    Chapter 1

    This was one of the worst crime scenes I had ever seen. Not because it was gruesome. I had already seen the ones that would make a lesser person hurl. This one was chilling in the execution. The victims were perfect in every way. Their nails were perfectly manicured. Not a hair was out of place. They wore matching black outfits. There wasn’t even a smudge in their matching dark red lipstick. It was the popular color called Vampyre Kiss. Something I wouldn’t have known, but one of the female officers had recognized it.

    For all intents and purposes, the victims looked like they had gotten up, gone to the salon, gotten dressed, laid down side by side, and simply died. Even their hands were folded over their chests with a single red rose. It was chilling in the details.

    Unfortunately, they did not die of natural causes. The medical examiner had determined on the spot that they died from a vampire attack. There were at the appropriate places bite marks and they died from loss of blood. A vampire bite after the fact does not look like what is depicted in cartoons and films with two neat puncture marks. It looks like an overzealous hickey with teeth imprints that can be measured.

    They had dreamy smiles on their face as if they had been entranced. The room of a crime scene is usually completely filled with cops taking pictures and examining everything that could be evidence. However for the moment it was empty with the exception of the lead investigator, Detective Mike Anderson, and me.

    This was the first time I had ever worked with him. Hell this was my first official night in Charlotte, North Carolina. I got the call to see where I was when I was just west of a town called Asheville. I hadn’t even had a chance to see if my stuff for the house I was renting had arrived or if I would need to check into a hotel for the night.

    I was concentrating so hard on the victims that they seemed to have little black dots floating around them and I realized the dots and tight feeling in my chest were from me holding my breath for just a little too long. Cassandra? I heard the voice repeat over again with increasing urgency. I realized that I was also tuning everything out including the detective.

    Sorry, I muttered.

    Do you usually concentrate this hard? He asked with a note of concern.

    Only if it is a difficult case.

    It’s not open and shut? He asked with a hopeful look on his face. Detective Anderson was not a normal detective. He was incredibly good and he was always given the hardest cases. Unfortunately, he lacked certain social barriers, if you’re being kind and if you weren’t being kind, you could say he was flat out inappropriate at times. He joked a great deal and even in the short time that I knew him, he was caught whistling Jingle Bells. I could see how it would be unnerving to others when the lead detective is whistling Christmas carols while looking at a dead body. There were many complaints until his superiors had to do something with him

    They couldn’t just fire him because he was too good at what he did, so they did the only thing they could think of. They put him in charge of the regional preternatural unit. A position that they were having a very hard time filling. At my interview he confessed that he was just as happy to be removed from the mundane homicide investigations since they were boring.

    He didn’t look like a normal law enforcement officer either. He was just a little under 5 foot 9 and while not fat, he had a bit of belly that indicated that he did indulge in the stereotypical doughnut here and there. He looked like a cross between a computer lab geek and a mad scientist. He had unruly, dark, curly hair that was all over the place and thick black rimmed glasses that made his brown eyes, that were so dark you could call them black, look bigger than they were. His clothes were sloppy as if he threw on whatever was wadded up on the floor and I suspected that he had a touch of attention deficit disorder but I could be wrong there.

    Merry Christmas, I said with a smile, there has never been a vampire in this room. Or any other magical creature. There once was a ghost but probably when this area was covered in trees and the white man hadn’t even discovered America for the second time.

    So not our jurisdiction? He looked crestfallen. I had to repress the desire to sigh and roll my eyes in exasperation. Not necessarily. It is a very good representation of a vampire attack. Your medical examiner had every reason to believe that it was a vampire attack. It looked convincing which I think is important to investigate. It was a deliberate attempt to implicate vampires. In most places it would be successful.

    I confess I don’t know as much as you do about the monsters. So for the sake of my report could you explain why it couldn’t be a vampire? Besides that, you couldn’t detect anything magical. The courts you know. They love their facts and what you do, he wiggled his fingers, doesn’t always convince prosecutors or judges.

    I hated the finger wiggle. It wasn’t annoying the first time, but when you’ve seen it a thousand times; you lose any sense of amusement.

    Even if no facts can be produced?


    I began to think about the facts so that I could present them to him. That was the problem with magical law enforcement. Much of it was circumstantial at best and at worst pure conjecture; unlike DNA which is the ultimate smoking gun. Most of what was known about the preternatural community was based in legends and myths. The problem was that legends and myths were just that. Now it was a good idea to take them seriously in this day. Especially the multi-cultural ones. Every culture had their own form of vampire and shape shifter for instance. Egyptian hieroglyphs depicted humans in partial animal form. They even built statues, the most famous being the Sphinx.

    However, for every legend, there are misconceptions. Misconceptions that could mean your life if you took them literally. One instance is that vampires were afraid of crucifixes. Myth! The Vampire King of Chicago wore one around his neck just to make a point. The same with garlic and in some cases sunlight is inaccurate, as the Vampire King of Charlotte has been known to walk in the day. Some legends had vampires being able to change into other animals. If Dracula had existed and not been a fictional character, he would not have been able to turn into a bat, mist, rat, or anything else.

    So unfortunately Virginia, there is no Santa Clause that we know of. However, there are vampires, were-animals, zombies, and all sorts of things that go bump in the night. And the boogie monster that you think might be hiding under your bed? Well I wouldn’t rule it out either. All because he has not come out from under the bed so to speak and made a public declaration does not mean he doesn’t exist.

    It was only in 1982 when the vampires came out of the coffin. Unfortunately, nobody believed it was real. The 1980’s were so crazy it was thought to be a fad like the big hair and wild clothes.

    After the vampires came out, one group after another started to come out of the woodwork and the skeptics started to pay attention. But the real attention didn’t come into play until preternatural crimes began to occur. Crimes that could not fit any normal explanation. To be safe the courts and lawmakers ruled that any monster found was to be subjected to a swift execution. Providing the potential executor didn’t turn up dead, an occurrence that happened very frequently.

    After two decades of persecution the monsters were ruled as citizens providing they didn’t take unfair advantage by using mind games. The economy had gone to hell in a hand basket and the essentials were that the government needed the monsters. Monsters were big business. Especially vampires, since they had been romanticized in pop culture. It saved the economy though the anti-monster groups have questioned at what cost.

    Still after decades of mostly denial, but just in case we’ll kill you on sight policies, there was a shocking amount of ignorance. To be fair most of it was because the monsters simply weren’t willing to talk about themselves and really, could you blame them? The only thing that has been clear is that silver is deadly to most everything. For a time after that discovery, silver became more valuable than gold. Then scientists managed to make an effective synthetic silver and liquid silver nitrate. Both were proven to be effective though I didn’t trust it completely.

    I finally spoke, By the size of the bite marks, it appears that the same being bit both women. However, a single vampire is unable to drink a human dry. Nevertheless two people. Their stomachs wouldn’t be able to contain it all. To give you a scientific test, drink a quart of water and see how full you are. Then double that. A human being could survive 2 pints being removed. They might be weak and run down. They might even feint but a healthy one could survive. I don’t know what killed these women but I do know that it was not something of the preternatural community. Another fact is that there was no struggle. In order for there not to be a struggle they would have had to be completely bespelled. Which would indicate an older vampire, at least half a century old. The older the vampire, the less blood they need to make a meal.

    I realized that I was being tested and that he knew some of the facts but the last one surprised him. Why is that?

    I shrugged, It just is. According to interviews, Jared the local vampire king doesn’t need much and he doesn’t even drink pure human blood anymore. He harvests from his were-animals. Ultimately, the only vampires that really drink a lot of blood are the newbie’s.

    And it was the truth. If the vampires were such raving monsters they would never have been able to hide so efficiently for so long. Were they dangerous? Absolutely. The problem with being powerful and ancient was that age could corrupt. It didn’t with some but many had developed godlike personas that had been repressed after being in hiding for so long. Some literally had been worshipped as Gods. Now that they were out again and at least in the USA could be themselves openly, those personas peeked out with increasing frequency.

    Do you need me any further? Or would you like to test me some more?

    My apologies, I didn’t mean to come off sounding as if I was testing you. There have been many rumors about you and I did want to see how you handled yourself when being made to defend your findings without your gift. After all there will be times you will need to testify.

    No problems. Though I silently thought that was the biggest line of bullshit I had ever heard. He knew damn well that I was good on the stand because there were transcripts of me.

    Get some rest, Ms. James. I imagine you will need it.

    Please, call me Cassandra. Ms. James makes me feel old.

    Get some rest then, Cassandra.

    Chapter 2

    As I got into my car and plugged in my address to the GPS I couldn’t help but think about my new home. I was renting again but getting three times the place for half of what I was paying before yet making twice as much money than I was in Chicago. It was a standalone home and not an apartment so I wouldn’t have people crammed on all sides of me. I even had a yard. I wasn’t sure what I would do with it, but it was all mine. For me it felt like I was on top of the world in luxury. For the first time in my life, my wretched gift was being a real profit to me.

    My abilities and knowledge of the monsters was such that it cost me dearly. It cost me my family and made me an outcast to some extent because I must be a monster to know so much more than others. I remembered as a small girl I was beaten severely by my father when they were actually talking about Jared himself and I made a comment that he wasn’t a monster he was special.

    My name is Cassandra James and I would act as a consultant for the preternatural crimes unit and head up the preternatural

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