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Synagogue of Satan (Exposing the two most dangerous churches in Nigeria)
Synagogue of Satan (Exposing the two most dangerous churches in Nigeria)
Synagogue of Satan (Exposing the two most dangerous churches in Nigeria)
Ebook176 pages2 hours

Synagogue of Satan (Exposing the two most dangerous churches in Nigeria)

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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The accounts of all the events recorded in this book are exactly as the author experienced them both physically and spiritually. In other words, it is indeed at true story. The author has decided to change the names of the characters involved as the objective of the book is not to accuse and condemn people, but to expose the evil works of Satan and its demons in our churches especially in this endtime.

The book aims to shed more light on the evil ways through which the devil deceives, seduces, lures, ensnares and entraps unsuspecting Christians using its human agents who pose as men of God. That is why the true identities of the characters involved in this story are irrelevant for they are merely insignificant, tiny, puny puppets of the devil their evil puppet-master. Even if you labeled and ostracized them from Christendom, the devil will still raise up much more of such puppets to take their place in the churches hence we should focus more on how to identify them in our midst as the “wolves” in sheep clothing according to Bible prophecy pertaining to this perilous endtime that we live in today.

What is important is our endtime battle against the Antichrist’s deadly devices, wiles and lies of our common enemy, Satan the evil-puppet master whom the Bible say is definitely not flesh and blood.
(...For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places...Ephesians 6:12)

PublisherBrother Nosa
Release dateJan 24, 2014
Synagogue of Satan (Exposing the two most dangerous churches in Nigeria)

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Reviews for Synagogue of Satan (Exposing the two most dangerous churches in Nigeria)

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is very well written. Grammar, tenses and most importantly the author quotes the bible accurately and in its right application. I liked the fact that he wrote the confession about Jesus Christ as a litmus test. With regards to the subject he wrote on, I believe him 100%. As the major character is no more, this book is still relevant because of the secondary player and I hope all the people who are deceived will see the light of Jesus Christ and know the truth that will set them free

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I genuinely appreciate that the author behind this book intends to point out there's a class of false ministers deceiving a majority of believers. This is true and the Bible is firm on that BUT this Author nullifies every Supernatural encounter and terms such experience as fettish. This Author Presents his perception and understanding of how he thinks God works BUT his insight is limited and incomplete. The author justifies what he wants to justify and locks out every possibility that God is more than able to anoint His Servants for Special Works e.g Healing, deliverance, and divine Miracles.
    The author has an issue with waving of hands, laying of hands etcetera.
    All these he terms, "Devilish" is not NECESSARILY from the Devil. Next time, He may say that speaking in tongues is of Satan. The logic behind the author is that GOD CANNOT DO ANYTHING SUPERNATURAL IF IT'S NOT GONE THROUGH THE NATURAL PROCESS; This Assertion is wrong! It's possible for God to Supernaturally empower a man to do an impossible task even if the individual has never learnt the craft.
    May the Lord grant this Author the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation Knowledge in Christ Jesus. Amen!

    4 people found this helpful

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Synagogue of Satan (Exposing the two most dangerous churches in Nigeria) - Brother Nosa


Brother Nosa

Copyright 2005 By Brother Nosa

Smashwords Edition

…I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the




…Revelation 2:9

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be commercially reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic, or digital or mechanical methods, without prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews, previews, samples and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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All Scriptures are taken from the King James Version (KJV) of the Holy Bible.


The accounts of all the events recorded in this book are exactly as the author experienced them both physically and spiritually. In other words, it is indeed at true story. The author has decided to change the names of the characters involved as the objective of the book is not to accuse and condemn people, but to expose the evil works of Satan and its demons in our churches especially in this endtime.

The book aims to shed more light on the evil ways through which the devil deceives, seduces, lures, ensnares and entraps unsuspecting Christians using its human agents who pose as men of God. That is why the true identities of the characters involved in this story are irrelevant for they are merely insignificant, tiny, puny puppets of the devil their evil puppet-master. Even if you labeled and ostracized them from Christendom, the devil will still raise up much more of such puppets to take their place in the churches hence we should focus more on how to identify them in our midst as the wolves in sheep clothing according to Bible prophecy pertaining to this perilous endtime that we live in today.

What is important is our endtime battle against the Antichrist’s deadly devices, wiles and lies of our common enemy, Satan the evil-puppet master whom the Bible say is definitely not flesh and blood.

(...For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places...Ephesians 6:12)


...To God only wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen...Romans 16:27

...And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb...Revelation 12:11




1. Hell’s Hotel

2. The Prophet

3. The Urge

4. The Contact

5. Moving in (

6. The Doubt

7. Voice of Reason

8. Altar Call


1. The Search

2. The Disciples

3. The Meeting

4. The Censoring

5. Fact finding …ye shall know the truth...

6. Member’s Testimony

a. Silent Prayer

b. The Disciple’s Revelation

c. The Dead Man

d. The Handbag

e. The Hitch-hike

f. The Gift Car

g. Man-in-the-moon

h. The Sculptor

i. Escort Demons

7. Witch Hunting Meetings

8. The Choirmaster


1. The Devil’s Anointing

a. Speaking in tongues

b. Prophecy, vision, revelation and word of knowledge

c. Healing, miracles, signs & wonders

2. The Devil’s Grand Design

3. The Anti-christ Church

4. The Link

a. Healing Class

b. Affliction Placards

c. Hand and Feet Motions

d. Holy Spirit Commentator


1. The Exit

2. The Backlash

3. The Spiritual Battle

a Night Visitors

b. Snake Woman

c. The Reminder

d. Mr. Long-hands

4. Guardian Spirit

5. Synagogue of Satan

6. Appreciation



1. Hell’s hotel

2. The prophet

3. The urge

4. The contact

5. Moving in

6. The doubt

7. Voice of reason

8. Altar call


I a matured man in my thirties, who is a born-again Christian, saved from the kingdom of sin and Satan into the glorious light of the kingdom of God. My autobiography would fit the average sinner’s CV and my deep cravings for the material wealth of this fallen world that we live in. While I was generally ignorant of the spiritual world and its ways, I was completely and fully aware of the physical world and the pursuit of material gain and riches. In conclusion, I would classify myself as an individual who has done very nasty things indeed, from armed robbery to fraud; all in the bid to make money.

Thanks to God most high who has found it in His good pleasure to save me from sin and certain damnation in hell fire through our Lord Jesus Christ. After I became born-again, and while still in the United Kingdom,

God revealed to me in various ways that He wanted me to be His minister and also to work in his vineyard in Nigeria. In direct obedience to His instructions, I left London for Lagos in October 2003. With a view to begin to work in the ministry, the good Lord has prepared for me. That is how I came to Lagos and the beginning of my encounter with the Church led by Prophet Josiah (a prophet with an international acclaim for healing and miracles with his church based in Lagos - Ikotun Egbe, Nigeria).

One fateful night after I was about a week in the country, God gave me a revelation that was very strange, disturbing and frightful. (Psalm 57:4.1.My soul is among lions: I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows...). In this revelation, I found myself in an ultra modern Seven-Star hotel. I was in the midst of people of different races and colors. There were blacks, whites, Asians, Arabs, a truly international gathering which could only be matched by a United Nations assembly of delegates. Very prominent among these people was Pastor Christopher (another internationally acclaimed preacher renowned for healing and miracles, with a large following of youths, with the head quarters of his church is also in Lagos - Oregun, Nigeria). He had on a white suit and appeared to be in control of the situation.

On close scrutiny, I realized that he was actually shepherding all these people into some of the rooms in the lobby where we all stood. These people all seemed to be helpless or powerless against Pastor Christopher’s efforts to send them into these rooms. As the doors of the rooms were randomly opening and closing I was then able to see what went on in them.

The sight was both appalling and shocking I saw, as the doors opened and closed, strange creatures that had animal heads like that of a lion with human-like bodies covered with brown furry skins. They were all dressed in fanciful bright colored Victorian Costumes of tailcoats, petticoats, frilled collars and cuffs. The prominent thing about them was their fingernails. They were actually long, sharp, talon-like nails. The sort of nails one could identify as vampire-nails as we commonly know from the movies.

As the doors opened and closed I saw horrifying scenes of these human like creatures pouncing on the individuals that had been sent into the rooms by Pastor Christopher. These creatures were either ripping to shreds the skins of these people or sucking their blood vampire style, just like in the movies. So it went on as I caught glimpses of the opening and closing doors. Suddenly, I realized that I was also on this Pastor Christopher’s conveyor belt, waiting for my turn to be sent into one of the rooms. I stood there pondering my plight, but helpless like the others to do anything about it. When it got to my turn to be sent into one of the rooms or more appropriate to be offered to these vampire beasts, somehow someone else was sent in instead of me. That’s how I escaped!

Then I started to see the people who had been devoured by these creatures coming out of the rooms. I could see ugly and horrible scars criss-crossing their bare bodies, showing where they’d been ripped and sucked. They were really looking like freshly butchered, living carcasses. They came out lamenting bitterly that they’ve been completely destroyed and devoured by these creatures and did not know what to do.

So I found myself now rallying these people together. Both the devoured and the about to be devoured ones with the evident exception of Pastor Christopher. I started to tell them that we could really come together as one and destroy these creatures. Next thing I knew, we now formed ourselves into a lynch mob and started seeking out these creatures with one intent only: to destroy them!

Suddenly the hunter became the hunted, the predator the prey. As soon as these creatures realized our objectives, they took to flight. They started running from room to room, trying to escape our lynch-mob. We in turn went after them in hot pursuit, from room to room, lobby to lobby and even floor to floor.

The grandeur of this hotel must be stressed, as even the railings on the stairs were all in gold and the floor was completely made with glass. Somehow we had some information that one of them was in a particular room, so we rode down the glass-elevator to the floor on which the room was. As we got to the door, we all bunched together ready to kick in the door, when the door suddenly opened and a black man stepped out of the room. The rest of the people ahead of me tried to edge him out of the way as they saw and perceived him to be human.

They were all focused on attacking these creatures, so seeing the black man, they thought he was also one of us and let him through. As the man got to where I was he was staring straight into my eyes and as I stared right back at him, I instantly knew he was the beast we were looking for. What was strange was that; I knew that he knew that I knew who he really was. As he walked towards me, I prepared to lay hold of him. When he finally got near me, I stood in his way, blocking his path as he made a move to brush past me! There the revelation ended. Then I woke up!

I was very confused indeed and I told the brothers I was staying with about the revelation, but none of us could make any meaning out of it. Now Pastor Christopher was someone I only got to know, from watching his Christian T.V broadcast in my first week on arriving in the country. Prior to then I hadn’t the faintest clue who Pastor Christopher was. So I surmised that it might not really be him who the agent of the devil was in the revelation, but that it could also easily had meant someone else. One thing was sure though, whoever that fellow was, he was no doubt a collaborating agent with demons from the pit of hell.

Vampire Beast Illustration


Three days after this revelation, we were in the living room of my host, as we started discussing the sorry state of Nigeria as a country teeming with false prophets and prosperity preachers. The name of Prophet Josiah came up and as the brothers in the living room began to talk about him and the many good works and miracles the Lord has been using him to perform, I became very interested in him. They told me how very simple and humble he was; and he did not flout his wealth around, he even fed the poor around him on a day-to-day basis.

They also told me of many miracles of the blind seeing, the cripple walking, the sick healed, the deliverance of those possessed with evil spirits, even pastors from other churches I was told go there to receive Holy Spirit anointing. At this time I was still very new in the country and had never before in my entire life heard of Prophet Josiah, not to talk of his church. Little did I know that in less than a week, I would find myself as a disciple with a close proximity to the inner caucus of the prophet’s church.


After digesting all that these Christian brothers had been telling me about Prophet Josiah, I believed them as a result of their conviction and I had a sudden and inexplicable urge to see this prophet whom I deemed to be a man of God of the order of the prophets and apostles of old; if all the things I had heard about him were true. Then I was waiting on the Lord for His instructions and directives as to when and where to start the ministry into which He had called me.

The scripture says that God chooses the location of His church (Joshua 9:27...and for the altar of the LORD, even unto this day, in the place which he should choose...). So we should always remember that if we are truly called by God into the ministry (Hebrews 5:4..And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron...), we should always seek God’s counsel first before we raise an altar anywhere for the Lord.

Nevertheless, I thought it would be a great privilege and opportunity to train to be a pastor under such a mighty man of God. That very day, I resolved to try to see Prophet Josiah, by all means and ask him for a chance to be a trainee pastor under him while still waiting on the Lord. With hind-sight, I now know that it was actually Satan the devil that had put that weight on me, as an urge in my heart with the sole purpose of ensnaring me (lChronicles 21:1....And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel...).


Early next morning, which was a Thursday, I headed for the church of Prophet Josiah.

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