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The Human Insurgency
The Human Insurgency
The Human Insurgency
Ebook61 pages50 minutes

The Human Insurgency

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Skye Geocaris is a young woman at the wrong place at the wrong time, abducted by the Glowing Ones after their first attacks on Earth. Can she escape? Or will her courage help achieve something else no one could have imagined? Hu Jin watches the destruction of China under the aliens' assault. Can the disillusioned Chinese leader devise a plan to liberate his country and perhaps the world? Two groups in a worldwide conflict struggle for salvation. But both the human resistance on the ground and the human abductees on the aliens' ship have only two choices: rediscover human resilience or die.

PublisherJ. Kirsch
Release dateJan 26, 2014
The Human Insurgency

J. Kirsch

I'm an avid writer, traveler, and dog lover. I grew up in Chicago, IL raised by two librarians with a sincere love for storytelling, and the rest has been one long and mostly memorable adventure. I have published 3 novels, 7 novellas and more than 65 short stories. My stories have been featured on The Book Cave, received praise from award-winning authors, and become bestsellers on Amazon and Smashwords. I currently live in Spartanburg, SC, where I have the privilege of working with amazing people who love books and storytelling as much as I do.

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    The Human Insurgency - J. Kirsch

    The Human Insurgency

    By J. Kirsch

    Copyright 2014 J. Kirsch

    Smashwords Edition

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    Human Insurgency

    July 16, 2089

    Chapter 1

    The Resistance

    Video-feed streamed into the bunker as Hu Jin watched. Beijing was wreathed in flames. Three large aircraft hovered overhead like waterless carriers. They spat out sleek fighter-craft like demonic cockroaches, and those cockroaches were slinging slugs powerful enough to level whole buildings with a single hit.

    Dragon Unleashes the Wind. I repeat, Dragon Unleashes the Wind. General Chao's words came in harsh and clear. The Chinese code words changed every hour. Though it didn't seem that the Enemy had tapped into the military's communications, they used precautions all the same.

    Jin's aide sat across the table, her hands folded tensely in her lap.

    Meiyu, go catch an hour's rest. Just because I am needed here, sleep be damned, there's no need for you to exhaust yourself. Call in Ling to assist me. Get some rest.

    She shook her head adamantly as the ground shook beneath them. One of Jin's monitors showed that another skyscraper was on fire. People were jumping, many of them transformed into flailing torches. Jin turned away.

    That's when he saw it, if only for the second time, on the left-hand monitor. The new weapon in action still made his heart pound. Those missiles arched, breath-taking in their grace. He watched as they streaked for the nearest carrier-ship.

    The ship resembled an aircraft carrier, but its contours were far more rounded. It looked like a giant, floating oblong egg. Panels in the ship's flanks seemed to open on all sides to release their deadly fighter craft. These seamless bays were in the process of releasing at least a dozen more squads of the cockroach ships when the missiles struck. Most exploded harmlessly against whatever shields the Enemy used. But one of the missile's propulsion systems suddenly tanked, holding clear of the fiery if impotent deaths of its many siblings. It was designed to blend in until just before that all-important moment of impact.

    And suddenly a projectile that should have been harmless from all of the Enemy's past experience became an embrace of the most lethal persuasion.

    The last missile held aloft in the sky, a hiccup in time. Then the blast exploded like an opening flower, a blue nova blooming in all directions, swamping the port side of the carrier-ship.

    A gaping void, like half of a sandwich suddenly eaten, appeared in the side of the invading carrier. The rest of it began to break up and fall away. Even though this newly made junk from space would probably crush hundreds of innocent people below, Jin heard cries of jubilance over his com link. Heady slogans filled his ears from other members of the Chinese Communist Party's Secretariat. He heard Wen Shan's excited voice through the static.

    Our red blood shall flow with the revolutionary fervor of our soldiers until every last Invader is wiped away clean! shouted Shan euphorically.

    Damn him for an idiot! Jin swore. As the General Secretary of the CCP's most powerful and still functioning governing body, Jin wanted to have that man shot. But Shan was the descendant of the old elite because his great-grandfather had been a Red Guard in the Cultural Revolution. Shan had been taught that to struggle was glorious and wonderful. To that half-crazed lunatic blood was something to be welcomed. If he could sacrifice 20 million lives to destroy 2 more of those ships, he would call such a thing victory and crack his face with a hearty smile. He was the type of man that would do things the costly way before ever wondering, 'Is a better way within my reach?'

    God damn such men. God damn them all, Jin grumbled inwardly. But he needed

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