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First (A Crescent Chronicles Novella)
First (A Crescent Chronicles Novella)
First (A Crescent Chronicles Novella)
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First (A Crescent Chronicles Novella)

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About this ebook

Levi's got it all. He's a paranormal prince with more money and power than he knows what to do with, but something is missing—a mate. He only has until college graduation to find her.

Allie's perfect but she wants nothing to do with him. When attraction becomes something more, will he take a chance and show her who he really is or will he lose everything?

** Levi POV Novella of approximately 18,000 words**

Release dateFeb 1, 2014
First (A Crescent Chronicles Novella)

Alyssa Rose Ivy

Alyssa Rose Ivy is the bestselling author of more than fifty novels with over one million books sold worldwide. She loves to weave stories with romance and humor, and she is best known for writing about college boys with wings. After surviving law school and earning her masters in library science, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. She lives in Alabama with her two children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.Series by Alyssa Rose IvyThe Chronicles- New Adult Paranormal and Fantasy Romance-The Crescent Chronicles-The Empire Chronicles-The Dire Wolves Chronicles-The Allure Chronicles-The Forged Chronicles-The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles-The Pteron Chronicles-The Heart Chronicles-The Triton ChroniclesOther Paranormal/Fantasy/Dystopian Romance- Full Moons- The Corded Saga- Willow Harbor- Vampire Emails- Lunar Academy-Ghostly ShadowsYA Fantasy Romance-The Afterglow TrilogyNA/Mature YA Science Fiction Romance-Half LightContemporary Romance/ Romantic Comedy-The Hazards Series-Clayton Falls-The Mixology Series-Life After FallingVisit me on the web at: up for my new release newsletter:

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    First (A Crescent Chronicles Novella) - Alyssa Rose Ivy


    a crescent chronicles novella

    Alyssa Rose Ivy

    Copyright © 2014 Alyssa Rose Ivy

    Smashwords Edition

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

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    Cover Design: Once Upon a Time Covers

    Editing: Final-Edits

    Other Books by Alyssa Rose Ivy

    Flight (The Crescent Chronicles #1)

    Focus (The Crescent Chronicles #2)

    Found (The Crescent Chronicles #3)

    Soar (The Empire Chronicles #1)

    The Hazards of Skinny Dipping (Hazards)

    Shaken Not Stirred (Mixology)

    Derailed (Clayton Falls)

    Veer (Clayton Falls)

    Wrecked (Clayton Falls)

    Beckoning Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #1)

    Perilous Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #2)

    Enduring Light (The Afterglow Trilogy #3)

    [email protected]

    To my readers: Thanks for taking this journey with me.

    Chapter One

    Looks like tonight’s activity just arrived. Jared’s comment made me snap my head up from the bar. The only activities my friend cared about involved girls—he had my attention.

    It didn’t take long to see what caught his eye. She was gorgeous—especially those long tan legs that were shown off nicely in the short yellow dress she wore. Slim but clearly athletic, I could only imagine how much fun she’d be.

    I finished off my Jack and Coke, slamming the empty glass down on the mahogany bar. The new guy who’d bought the place had gone to town on the hunk of wood. I doubted he had any idea that the hotel he’d purchased housed a hell of a lot more than rooms, food, and booze.

    The girl walked around the lobby like she owned the place, her eyes taking in every detail. Finally they found me, and I got a look at her bright green eyes. I gave her my trademark smile. It worked every time. She smiled back, and I nodded, telling her to come over. I thought she was going to, until she shook her head and kept on walking. She didn’t even give me a second glance. What the hell?

    So focused on her retreating figure, I was barely aware of Jared talking. I call dibs on the blonde.

    Blonde? She was a brunette. He must have been losing it.

    My other friend, Owen, laughed. There were two girls, Levi.

    Oh, I only noticed the one. Had there really been someone else with her?

    Jared smirked. You seriously didn’t notice that blonde? That top didn’t leave much to the imagination.

    Did you see where they went? I really didn’t care about the blonde, but I had to find Miss Legs. I couldn’t believe she’d blown me off like that. Maybe I was right—she was going to be a lot of fun.

    They’re probably in the courtyard. Owen yawned. He seriously worried me sometimes. A girl dumped him, and he’d practically been a monk since. The guy needed to get laid. Jared and I were going to have to try harder to get him out there.

    I could really use a night with that one. I turned to Owen. Our taste in women had always been more similar. Jared only went for busty blondes, where as I wanted the brunettes with the long legs. A nice chest didn’t hurt—not at all, but a short skirt on the right girl could drive me crazy.

    I noticed her. Owen’s small smile would have been enough for me to let him have her usually, but this one was for me.

    I’ve got to find her. She might even be worth a second night. Or a third.

    Owen snorted. Real nice.

    I shrugged. Just saying.

    Jared finished his drink. We’ll find them, but we need to get moving. Your dad’s going to get pissed if we’re late.

    Yeah, I know. I left a twenty on the bar and took one last glance around to make sure she hadn’t changed her mind and come back, before I walked over to the elevator. I smirked at the weird bellboy that was always staring at us. He took a step back and lowered his eyes.

    Once the doors shut, I inserted the key card and pushed the button for the basement. The central offices and chambers of the Society were housed on a level of the hotel that wasn’t supposed to exist. It was better for everyone if humans didn’t go looking for us. When you’re a prince of a supernatural society, you understand the importance of keeping some things secret.

    What do you think he wants us for this time? Jared asked, leaning back against the wall.

    Like I’d know, but he didn’t sound happy. I listened to one message, but it was only the latest of many. My dad’s calls were always the same. Either I’d done something wrong, or I was about to do something wrong.

    Jared stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. I guess we’ll find out.

    The elevator doors opened, depositing us into a room that would be dark for the average person, but we had no problem seeing. One of the benefits of being a Pteron was perfect night vision. I pushed open the doors, and we headed toward my dad’s office, which was located just off the main chamber.

    I knocked on the door loudly. Who is it? Dad called.

    I knocked one last time just to be a pain. Who do you think?

    Come in, Levi. His low, gravelly voice always sounded pissed when he talked to me.

    I walked in, Owen and Jared

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