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Sunshine Rising (The Evans Family, Book Seven)
Sunshine Rising (The Evans Family, Book Seven)
Sunshine Rising (The Evans Family, Book Seven)
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Sunshine Rising (The Evans Family, Book Seven)

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Five years ago, Cherisse Nicholson’s world collapsed. In a freak accident, her beloved husband, Police Sergeant Brandon Nicholson, was killed in the line of duty. However, all was not as it seemed. With the help of the Evans family, Brandon’s death was investigated, and an international plot came to light involving powerful businessmen and the Mexican cartels. The Evans’ banded together in a multi-agency case to catch those involved and put them away forever.

With John Woods, Nathan Medina, and Rocky Alvarez behind bars, there is hope that they have stopped a massive smuggling organization – at least until next time.
Now it falls upon Assistant U.S. Attorney, Robert Wolffard, to bring them to justice while the Evans’ prepare for their next case. However, their hard work does not come without a price. As Wolffard struggles to keep the major players in jail, he meets the sergeant’s widow, Cherisse Nicholson and her two fatherless sons, and suddenly the case becomes more personal. The ambitious but lonely lawyer falls in love with her family while Cherisse clings to her unwavering loyalty to her deceased husband. She has a choice: continue to live with his memory, or take a chance at a new beginning.

While Wolffard builds the case of his career and grapples with his personal life, he and the Evans learn that they are the targets of an assassination. The cartels do not take the loss of their product easily, and they will make those involved pay. Will Wolffard live long enough to convince Cherisse to take a chance on him, or will she receive his body in pieces? How many Evans' will live to see the end of the trial?

As the Evans family run headlong into danger, they learn the hard way not to become too confident of their skills in this explosive culmination of the John Woods adventure.

Release dateFeb 4, 2014
Sunshine Rising (The Evans Family, Book Seven)

Collette Scott

Always composing stories in her head, Collette began her first novel at the age of eight. Since then, she has obtained her bachelor's degree in English literature and master's degree in education while squeezing in her writing whenever possible. The author is currently hard at work on her best-selling Evans Family Series and Lemieux series. Her previous novels include Hannah's Blessing and the critically acclaimed Forever Sunshine, which was voted #35 in the Heart Press Publishing's Best Women's Fiction poll. The New England native now resides in Arizona with her family and multiple family pets.

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    Book preview

    Sunshine Rising (The Evans Family, Book Seven) - Collette Scott

    Table of Contents

    Books by Collette Scott




    Cast of Characters

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    About the Author

    Author’s Note

    Books by Collette Scott

    Forever Sunshine

    Hannah’s Blessing

    If We Dare to Dream (The Evans Family, Book One)

    Through Winter Skies (The Evans Family, Book Two)

    Eyes on Tango (The Evans Family, Book Three)

    Kat’s Last Chance (The Evans Family, Book Four)

    Terri’s Gift (The Evans Family, Book Five)

    Cooper’s Choice (The Evans Family, Book Six)


    For Marlys B., for fighting through her tragedies with the strength of an Evans!

    A special thank you to all of my readers for your patience and support. When Murphy’s Law hits, it comes in spades, and you have all been so understanding. This one is especially for you.

    And the greatest thank you goes to my parents, for graciously allowing me to use the family home on Martha’s Vineyard in the story. If you go to visit there one day, do check out the guest book described in the story, and you’ll see my signature as a child… Thank you so much for allowing me to use that magical place of heaven.

    Sunshine Rising


    Collette Scott

    Smashwords Edition

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Copyright © 2014 by Collette Scott

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental or used with permission.

    Cover design by Laura J Miller

    For information address Marimay Publishing, P.O. Box 11821, Tempe, AZ 85284

    ISBN-13: 978-1495439667

    ISBN-10: 1495439666

    Cast of Characters

    Forever Sunshine

    Cherisse Nicholson; her sons, Tyler and Mikey

    Evans Cousin, Detective Chuck Evans and Lt. Jose Fierro

    If We Dare to Dream

    Jamie Evans and ex-Special Forces Andrew Sheehan

    Through Winter Skies

    Evans Cousin, FBI Agent Zachary Evans and Emery Flores

    Bad Guys – 2Tuff and Nathan Medina

    Eyes on Tango

    Hayden Evans and Dr. Danielle Ryan

    Bad Guys – Rocky Alvarez and Micaela Medina

    Kat’s Last Chance

    Task Force Officer Ian Evans and Kat Woods

    Bad Guys – John Woods

    Terri’s Gift

    Evans Cousin Brian Evans and Terri Woods

    Cooper’s Choice

    Evans Cousin Brianna Evans and Cooper Francis

    And Introducing

    Robert Wolffard – Assistant U.S. Attorney in charge of the case

    Special Agent Douglas – Command Center Unit Leader

    The Mexican Cartel under El Padrino

    Slug – Lead Assassin

    Tick (Robert Wolffard)

    ‘Cisco (Hayden Evans)

    Sapo (Terri)

    Oso (Ian and Kat)

    Chapter 1

    Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Wolffard

    Zach and Chuck Evans shifted uneasily in the hallway as they strained to hear the raised voices of their cousin, Ian, and Assistant U.S. Attorney in charge of the Organized Crime section, Robert Wolffard, as their heated discussion increased in volume. They had begun to draw curious looks from others in the office long ago, and they were growing more frequent with every outburst.

    Grinning, Chuck glanced at Zach. I told you he wouldn’t take it well.

    Zach snorted, but one corner of his mouth curved into a half-smile. Fine, you won. I’ll get lunch.

    You owe me twenty bucks, cuz.

    That’s not fair. I’m spending a fortune on diapers. Cut me some slack and settle for lunch.

    Ha, Chuck said with a shake of his head. Not a chance when your wife’s making a killing with her paintings selling in Brad Vember’s gallery. You’ll get no pity from me.

    You can’t do this, Rob, Ian shouted.

    Conversation pausing, Zach and Chuck exchanged glances before leaning closer to the closed door. It was a useless effort, for seconds later it was yanked open, and a red-faced Ian came to an abrupt halt when he spied his cousins hovering outside. What the hell are you doing?

    Eavesdropping, Chuck admitted cheerfully.

    Will one of you please explain to him the importance of my suggestion? Wolffard called from his desk.

    Zach glanced at Chuck before holding out his hands helplessly. Not my forte, Chuck. You’re up.

    Traitor, Chuck muttered.

    Ian scowled at them. Don’t bother. You both know it’s not going to happen. There’s no way I’m going into hiding for this trial. I’ve worked too damn hard and gone through too damn much to hide like a cowering wimp.

    Consider Kat and Dallon, Ian, Chuck said soothingly. They’re vulnerable.

    Wolffard cleared his throat to gain their attention. I’ve spoken to Judge Brace, and he’s agreed to keep the witness list secret, but this is the second threat your family’s received from Mrs. Woods, and someone just left a barrel outside your house with a note. You know what they do with those big barrels, Ian. They put bodies in them, mixed with chemicals to make them burn away. Woods knows exactly how to find you and hurt you most, Wolffard continued sternly. Ian, I don’t want to take a chance. This snitch coming forward saying he’s trying to arrange a hit on you was the final blow. I can’t risk you or your family.

    It’s a load of crap, Wolf. I can take care of my family, Ian snarled.

    No one’s saying you can’t, and I, of all people, know how capable you are. This is a precaution, Chuck said firmly.

    Zach remained silent when Ian glanced at him for backup, earning him a scowl as nasty as the one he bestowed upon Wolffard. Say something, will you?

    Zach shrugged. No, and I’ll tell you why. Woods’ wife has called Kat and Terri twice, and those calls were full of promises that he was coming after them. Now we have reports that Woods is trying to arrange hits from jail, and, to top it off, I get notified that two barrels have been delivered with threatening notes. I know he’s been in touch with Medina myself, Ian. Listen to Wolffard. He’s right to take the cautious route.

    No, Ian said emphatically. Woods’ wife is harmless. She’s just trying to bully her daughters the way she has their entire lives. He can try to arrange a hit from jail, but all he’s going to get for takers is a bunch of thugs, and I can handle them easily. They’re trying to intimidate us so we don’t testify.

    Can’t you at least compromise? Chuck offered, his cheerful smile fading slightly. This is serious. What if they mean it? Those girls stole Mrs. Woods’ money and lifestyle away, as well as her reputation. She could very easily be working on Woods’ behalf with the cartels for revenge. What if the barrels are from them and not some hired thugs? Think of the Stew Maker. He was paid $600 a week to dissolve bodies. A barrel is a classic cartel sign. Just because we couldn’t prove she had knowledge that he was dealing with the Mexicans doesn’t mean she didn’t. She could be stepping into his role as we speak.

    Ian shook his head. She’s too weak. She’d never do that.

    Nevertheless, do you want something to happen to your wife or son? You can’t watch them every minute of every day.

    Still observing the men, Wolffard came to his feet and rounded the desk, his dark eyes solemn. All they need is one minute, Ian.

    Then I’ll send her and Terri on a vacation.

    If they involve the cartels, we all know they’re smarter than that. They’re pros. They’ll find them before they board an airplane, Zach said pointedly.

    It was no secret how Medina and 2Tuff had tracked down Zach’s wife, Emery, who had lived for years in hiding in a small cabin in the mountains of Colorado. With her completely off the grid, their speed and efficiency in tracking her down had been a startling wakeup call to all of them. No one could hide for long from the cartels. They were far too skilled and had the means and knowledge to find anyone.

    Wolffard watched as Ian sighed heavily and considered their words. He glanced at the three men hovering around him in turn, taking in their somber faces and worried frowns that were so similar in appearance. There was no denying the Evans family had strong genes, and almost all of them were embroiled in this case. Ian’s brother, Hayden, was the undercover DEA Agent who had exposed the connection between Medina and Woods. He then linked them to the crooked agent feeding them updates on the case, Rocky Alvarez. That left Hayden the most at risk behind Ian. He, too, would be marked for death and could be receiving a barrel even as they were arguing.

    The Evans family had succeeded in breaking an organization that had shuttled millions of dollars, drugs, and humans and had angered powerful men on both sides of the border by doing so. They were in serious danger now, and Wolffard noticed that it took Ian only another moment to realize how precarious their situation was.

    I’ll consider it, he finally conceded. Before the other men could express their relief, he held up a finger. But… only if we do the same for Hayden and Brian. He paused and glanced at Zach. And you, too, Zach. If you’re right, and the cartels are involved, if they can’t reach me, they’ll go after the ones they can.

    That’s a good point, Wolffard said, nodding in agreement.

    Zach scowled at Chuck, jerking a thumb at his older cousin. What about him?

    Wolffard glanced at Chuck, his steady dark eyes contemplating him until Chuck shuffled uncomfortably. What?

    Zach and Ian exchanged a glance before grinning at one another triumphantly, but Wolffard remained serious. I’ll see how it goes with you. For the most part, you’ve been on the periphery, but you filed the state charges of abuse against Woods. If you receive any threats, you’ll have to do the same.

    Chuck cursed under his breath, and his cousins shared a chuckle, all anger forgotten. Grimacing at them, Chuck planted his hands on his hips and glared at them. Fine. If you’re going to laugh at me, I’ll let you deal with Cher. She’s going to flip out when she hears about all this.

    Both men immediately fell silent while Wolffard frowned in confusion. Cher?

    Cherisse Nicholson, Chuck said with a hint of triumph in his voice. She’s the widow of the officer who started it all, and the recipient of the second barrel. She’s actually due in to give you a statement.

    In about five minutes, Zach said with a quick look at his watch followed by a glance down the hall to the still-closed doors.

    Good luck with that, Ian piped in victoriously, following up with a devious chuckle. I’m not staying.

    Wolffard’s confusion grew. How’s she involved in this? And why should I be worried?

    She’s, well, uh, she’s… Zach fell silent and glanced at his cousins for assistance.

    She’s a spitfire, Chuck offered.

    I don’t see how that has anything to do with my concerns about your safety and that of your family, Wolffard responded with an unconcerned shrug. Why would she receive a barrel anyway?

    Ironically, she’s not only the widow of Sergeant Nicholson, but she’s very involved. She volunteers at the women’s shelter, A Better Place, where Kat and Terri hid until Woods’ arrest, Chuck explained. She’s very overprotective and outspoken, and she had no problem taking Curtis Reich’s mother to task when she harassed Kat. Oh, trust me, Woods knows exactly who she is.

    She won’t like hearing that the witness list is being held secret. The minute she finds out what that barrel could mean, she’ll hit the roof. Overprotective is definitely an appropriate word to describe her, Ian offered with a wry shake of his head.

    Yeah, she makes my mother look tame, Zach piped in.

    Wolffard did not know Zach’s mother, so he only watched as the other two Evans cringed noticeably in agreement.

    I’d agree with that. She’s tough.

    There’s no reasoning with her, Zach said with a grimace.

    Cher won’t be much better.

    The doors behind him swung open, and Zach’s gaze traveled down the hallway to where an attractive redhead was entering the office. Cherisse Nicholson was no more than five-foot-three and petite in stature, with shiny auburn hair and large blue eyes enhanced by a pretty heart-shaped face.

    From a distance, it was difficult to view her as intimidating, and all three Evans’ stared in her direction while Wolffard chuckled behind them. Come on, guys, she’s just a woman.

    Ouch, Ian said with an exaggerated wince. You just made it completely obvious that you’re a bachelor. Not only was that an extremely sexist comment, but you’ve never had to deal with a woman like Cherisse Nicholson.

    Well, he’s about to now, Chuck said gleefully. Have a great day, Wolffard. I’m sure we’ll be speaking soon… if she doesn’t put you in a barrel herself.

    Yeah, she’ll chop you up into bits and pieces, Ian teased.

    Like torn-up beef.

    Yeah, the shredded kind. Chuck turned on his heel, spurring Ian and Zach to do the same, and all three strode down the hall to surround the petite woman by the secretary’s desk. Compared to the Evans’, she appeared no taller than a child, and Wolffard reached up to scratch his head curiously. Almost immediately, he instinctively smoothed down his salt-and-pepper hair. She was a pretty little thing, and her smile of greeting was engaging and appealing. She also was openly affectionate, reaching for each of them and giving them a tight hug, and her laughter was infectious when Chuck lifted her and spun her around enthusiastically. Wolffard felt his mouth drop open in surprise.

    Catching himself quickly, he lowered his grooming hand and shoved it into the pocket of his trousers. Seriously, how much trouble could this tiny woman pose anyway? She appeared harmless enough and friendly as well. They were trying to rattle him because they were upset about his request to place them in hiding. That had to be it.

    Still, he continued to watch them chatter from the doorway instead of joining them to introduce himself, and he took a quick step back to get out of sight the moment Zach jerked his thumb toward his office. Okay, so sometimes he was awkward around women, especially pretty ones. Their teasing certainly did not help his flaw.

    Grimacing, he returned to his desk and sat behind it, busying himself by straightening the open files and returning his pen to the desk organizer. Almost as an afterthought, he stood and pulled his suit jacket back on then straightened his navy tie before hastily sitting back down and glancing around. Spying his three-hour-old coffee resting next to his blotter, he grabbed it and nearly spilled it when the phone on his desk rang.

    Tossing it into his garbage can, he grasped his handset, managing to snap, Yes, Emma?

    He winced at the violence in his tone, blaming it on the Evans’ and their threats. As he absently patted his hair again, he made a mental note to track all three of the troublemakers down the first chance he had.

    Mrs. Nicholson’s here to see you, Emma said cheerfully. Would you like me to have her wait in the conference room?

    No, I’ll see her in my office.

    Oh... Emma stuttered, most likely as surprised as he was by his strange offer. Shall I send her down now?

    Just a minute, he snapped, growing more frustrated with his lack of composure.

    How about five? Emma responded hesitantly.

    This was ridiculous. Sure, he might not be married or date regularly, but he was not a complete idiot. He dealt with all kinds of men and women on a daily basis. This was a simple statement regarding her witness account of the threats against Woods’ daughters and herself, as well as a recounting of the matter that happened that morning with the barrel. Surely he could handle an hour in her presence without having to go to battle.

    As he continued straightening his desk nervously, his hand fell upon the file of Brandon Nicholson. The police sergeant who had died in a tragic explosion had exposed the organization, and his death had triggered a series of events that led them all to this moment. This was probably the largest case he would ever prosecute. The press coverage had been relentless since he had been named the lead prosecutor, and murmurs of a political seat had been spreading all over the city. Perhaps knowing that it was the widow of this man was shaking him up.

    He glanced down at Sergeant Nicholson’s official photo and shook his head. The man staring back at him was so young. Though his expression was serious, his aquamarine eyes sparkled with intelligence and determination, and Wolffard concluded it would take an equally charismatic woman to hold this man’s attention. Nicholson had been handsome, with short, dirty-blond hair and a cleanly shaved square jaw. Remembering the pretty face of the woman now waiting for him, he imagined that they had made a striking couple. It was a shame.

    Although he already knew the details of his death by heart, Wolffard scanned the press clipping in the file to learn more about the woman down the hall. In his line of work, personal information was not always relevant, but Chuck’s threat hung heavily over his head. If she really was difficult, perhaps he could feel less awkward by appealing to her personally. They could begin with what he knew about her and then move on to the bad news he had to break to her. Yes, that was it. He would talk about her husband and move from there.

    Nicholson’s widow, Cherisse, was newly pregnant at the time of his death, so she was now a mother of two children. She looked good, he mused before slamming the door on that train of thought. No sense going there. He was married to his job, and that wife was demanding and possessive. Returning his attention to the clipping, he learned that at least one of them was a boy who would be in Kindergarten now. At least he assumed so. Unfortunately, kids were as alien to him as women. While he had two younger brothers, Matt and Colin, they were also bachelors, and grandchildren were not in their futures anytime soon, much to his father’s dismay.

    He was still scanning the article to see if there was any further information about Cherisse when he heard the knock on his door. Shooting to his feet, he hastily buttoned his suit jacket and ran his hands down his chest to make sure his tie was in place. After glancing down at himself, he decided it was too formal and unbuttoned it again. Nevertheless, as he cleared his throat and called for Emma to enter, he found his fingers buttoning it once more.

    The door swung open as his hand fell back to his side, revealing the sound of residual female laughter. Emma was smiling cheerfully as she met his gaze, and it broadened when she made the introductions. Cherisse Nicholson, this is Mr. Wolffard.

    She stepped aside to allow the petite woman entry, giving him his first close look at the woman who so intimidated the Evans guys. He had been wrong when he assumed she was pretty. Up close, he decided she was beautiful. Dressed in a simple skirt suit that hugged her figure nicely, she presented the picture of a young professional. The years since her husband’s death had been kind to her, and her lovely face was clear, smooth, and nearly devoid of makeup. With a touch of gloss on her pink lips and a hint of shadow over her large blue eyes, she made him feel like a breath of fresh air had brightened his small office. Her mid-back-length auburn hair was so shiny that he had the craziest urge to reach out and touch it with his suddenly clammy hands. The desire was so strong that he felt as though he had been knocked in the head.

    Almost scowling, he struggled to regain control, swearing he would get his revenge on those troublemaking friends of his. It was their fault he was nervous. He was seeing her as a woman to be feared, not interrogated. Damn them all. Somehow or another, he would make them pay for his unnatural reaction to this woman. This time their jesting had gone too far.

    He had work to do, and he was not about to allow those guys destroy his case… Nor would he let the woman.


    Cherisse Nicholson

    Cherisse Nicholson blinked at the tall, grim-faced man standing in front of her. Unwelcoming seemed to be the kindest word she could use to describe his countenance, and some of her enthusiasm dampened. She had such high hopes for this day and had looked forward to meeting the man who would avenge Brandon’s death for her once and for all. However, the handsome man with the chiseled face and salt-and-pepper black hair was almost glaring at her as though she was a pesky ant taking up his time.

    Feeling her smile slowly fade, she glanced over her shoulder at the friendly secretary, Emma, and gave her a questioning look.

    Thank you, Emma, he said, dismissing the secretary in a deep, steady voice that carried much authority and removed the chance to voice her concern.

    Rather than respond to her look, Emma nodded at him and backed away, but she offered Cher a reassuring smile before she closed the door behind her.

    Come in, Mrs. Nicholson.

    His voice was as stern as his expression, and there was no welcoming handshake. Cher began to feel her excitement turn to resentment. This was not how she had hoped their first meeting would go. She had gone over it in her head multiple times, and each time she had seen a wise older man with revenge in mind, eager to take on Woods and his gang to avenge her husband’s death like an elderly Superman. The man standing before her was nothing like she imagined. In fact, he appeared to be the opposite in every way. Granted, he had salt and pepper dotting his jet-black hair, but he was far younger than she expected, perhaps only a little older than her thirty-five-years. She suspected the gray had arrived prematurely due to his work, which she knew from Chuck was demanding and consisted of long hours.

    He was also more handsome than she expected, in a dark sort of way. Brandon had been a man who exuded light, and not just in appearance. With dark blond hair and aquamarine eyes that said so much but revealed nothing, he had been as pure as his morals. This man, on the other hand, had dark-brown eyes under black brows and thick black lashes that encircled his eyes like eyeliner. He was of average height and build with surprisingly rugged hands, but he filled out his suit nicely. She struggled to size him up, but her first impression remained hesitant. There was no friendliness in his gaze, and for some odd reason, she was reminded of her sister’s deceased husband, Joe. It had to be his dark coloring, she thought, stifling a shiver of unease.

    At least she hoped so.

    When she remained standing by the door, he held out a hand indicating to the two leather chairs on the opposite side of his desk while he rounded it to return to his plush one. She ignored the gesture and glanced around the small office, absorbing its nearly bare walls, simple desk and minimal framed photographs on the walls alongside his degrees. She surmised that Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Wolffard was a man who cared little for pomp and preferred functionality, displayed by a large chart filled with names, dates, and photographs.

    Still standing on his side of the desk, he cleared his throat to gain her attention and held out his hand. Have a seat so we can get started.

    Crossing her arms over her chest, Cher ignored the offer. I’m sorry, is there some kind of a rush?

    His dark brows lifted over dark eyes as if surprised by her direct question. He cleared his throat, but his deep baritone remained gruff. We have a lot of information to go over in a short amount of time.

    If you prefer, I could speak to someone else in your office. Perhaps the Victim Witness Coordinator? I don’t want to take your time if you’re too busy.

    Her clipped voice seemed to confuse him, for his hand wavered in the air between them before falling to his side. However, he was quick to recover. Using the hand to spin his seat around, he lined it up to his body and sank into it. I prefer to meet my witnesses directly, Mrs. Nicholson, he said evenly. It’s very important to discuss certain aspects of the trial and what to expect in this pre-trial conference.

    I can get all that from Chuck, she responded. He was supposed to be here anyway. I don’t know why he just left.

    A look of irritation flashed across his face before he covered it by staring pointedly at the chair across from his desk. Please, sit down, Mrs. Nicholson.

    Lifting her chin haughtily, Cher thought back to the words spoken about him prior to their meeting. Every Evans thought highly of him, but their praise was directly contradicting the stranger now staring expectantly at her. Battling back her rising temper and disappointment, she pulled out a chair and sat down stiffly.

    Nodding his approval, Wolffard reached into the top drawer of his desk and pulled out a notepad. When he reached for his pen, he grimaced and sat back to unbutton his suit jacket. The move nearly made her smile. It did not take a genius to realize that he had buttoned it for her arrival. After all, she had done the same, pulling out her best black suit for the occasion. It softened her to him slightly, but when he finally gripped the pen, all softness faded. The rapid tapping was a blend of impatience and foreboding, and she could feel her stomach muscles clench with dread.

    I understand that you were instrumental in hiding the Woods daughters from their father and have since received several… unpleasant phone calls from Mrs. Woods? Furthermore, I’ve been informed that you received a threatening note today? When she nodded, his lips thinned. There was a lengthy pause before his words continued in a rush. In lieu of this information, it’s my duty to inform you that you might be at risk.

    Cher’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. At risk? How?

    He stared at her solemnly for a moment before heaving a sigh. For the time being, I’ve asked the court to keep the witness list in the Woods case secret to protect the identities of those testifying. When she nodded expectantly, he pursed his lips. However, as I’ve just explained to the officers involved, further steps might be necessary in the future.

    What kind of steps?

    For starters, I believe it best that you stop volunteering and avoid A Better Place altogether.

    Cher’s eyes went wide. I beg your pardon?

    In addition, he continued as if she had not spoken, I’d like to go over what to expect should you require protection or need to go into hiding during the trial.

    Cher felt her ire begin to rise. Who did this man think he was? There was no way she would pack up and leave, not when she was so close to avenging Brandon’s death. Her husband deserved her loyalty and presence in the courtroom, and she would be there every minute until they were put behind bars forever. You’re joking, right?

    We’d help you, of course. Either 24-hour protection or a government-funded location to stay at. Naturally, you’d be placed with your children. He glanced down at a file folder in front of him on the desk and scanned it for a minute. When he raised his head, he stared at her impassively. You have two?

    Sons, yes, she replied sharply.

    They’d be protected as well.

    Protected from whom? I have no enemies.

    He glanced down at the file folder again, scanning through several pages before inhaling deeply. Your husband was a member of the team that entered a property to serve a warrant for a suspected drug dealer?

    Yes, she said sharply.

    The two men who were taken into custody were, unfortunately, able to plead down their sentence, claiming that the coyote killed in the explosion was in charge of the house, and they were just visiting.

    Cher closed her eyes. She remembered that day so clearly, a nightmare that had never ended. At the time, she had been discouraged and depressed, asking over and over again why she had to endure that insult. Hadn’t she been through enough? But, luckily, at Lieutenant Jose Fierro’s insistence, the Evans’ had gotten involved and began to dig deeper. With the Feds involved, a case was found and built – this case. The one she was placing all of her hopes on… So why, once again, did it appear as though they were being dashed? What was happening here?

    After glancing at her briefly, Wolffard stared down at the file again. It was later revealed that the property was run by a gang with connections to Mexico. It was an organization that Woods oversaw and laundered money through with Nathan Medina. In addition to the drugs going in and out, it was found that they used it as a stash house for illegal border crossers as a stopping point before heading to California.

    Yes, I know all this.

    The officers were unaware of the illegals inside when they entered the property. They had been briefed by an undercover Narcotics detective who completed a drug buy that illegal substances were being packaged and distributed through the home, but there were no illegals present at the time. When they entered, they discovered a functioning methamphetamine lab, which was the cause of the explosion when the suspect began to fire his weapon.

    Unable to hear any more, Cher held up a hand to stop him, blinking back hot tears. No matter how much time had passed, the loss of Brandon still haunted her. He had been her light, her mentor, and her love, and being forced to go over the details of his death opened a wound that had never healed.

    Look, what are you trying to do? She heard the tremor in her voice and tossed her head defiantly to cover her emotion. There was no way this man would see her cry, not when he appeared to have no soul and definitely no sympathy. Do you think I don’t know these details? Do you think I want to hear them all again?

    Wolffard’s gaze rose from the file, and his dark eyes widened. With a brief shake of his head, he pressed his lips together and compressed them tightly for a moment. You’re right. I apologize. I just wanted to explain…

    Snapping the folder shut, he ignored the photo that slipped out from between the pages, but Cher focused on Brandon’s face. He was so young then and so handsome in his uniform. Though he was not smiling in the picture, she remembered his laughter and the dry sense of humor that so few had the joy of experiencing. The tears burned harder, and Cher hastily glanced away. Now was not the time to fall apart, especially when she was getting the impression that Wolffard was expecting it.

    The reason I mention this, Mrs. Nicholson, is that you have very close connections to the case. Not only with Kathleen Evans and Terri Woods, but also because of your connections to law enforcement.

    He paused and gave her a moment to absorb what he was saying, but she still did not understand how she could have developed any enemies. When she shrugged, he continued softly.

    We’ve become aware that John Woods has been in contact with Nathan Medina from jail. We’re currently investigating the tip to confirm how he was able to move the information while in seclusion.

    What kind of information is he discussing with Medina?

    Suffice it to say that we’re doing our best to protect all of our witnesses and anyone else involved in the case. We will not hesitate to take action if the need arises. That means that it would be in everyone’s best interests if you took a break from volunteering at A Better Place.

    Cher scowled. I don’t understand why you’d want to keep me from something I love.

    It’s for your protection as well as the women at the shelter who are already in hiding from their spouses, family members, or whoever abused them. Your presence there could put them at risk, should something happen.

    What’s going to happen? Cher demanded. What have they been talking about?

    His dark face betrayed nothing, not even his eyes, and Cher’s frustration grew. Nothing’s happened yet. These are precautionary measures for the time being.

    You didn’t answer my question.

    I’m not at liberty to disclose the content, he replied smoothly.

    Then why are you threatening me and trying to rearrange my life?

    I wouldn’t call it a threat, he said, his steady gaze locked on hers.

    You wouldn’t? Cher leaned forward until only the desk separated their faces. That close, she spied gold flecks in the dark brown of his eyes, but that was all she was able to discover. His face remained as impassive and unwelcoming as it had since she first arrived. From the minute I walked in here, I’ve been given the impression that I’m nothing but a nuisance. You’re threatening to make me leave my home and take my children off somewhere with the Marshals or FBI or whoever else it is that work with you, you’re telling me that I have to give up my volunteering with women who truly need the help and support, and yet you won’t give me the courtesy of telling me why? You’re nuts, Mr. Wolffard.

    Please, Mrs. Nicholson, just calm down and let me explain –

    Calm down? You’ve been nothing but a bully, Mr. Wolffard, she hissed. Don’t you dare tell me to calm down.

    Her voice escalated as she spoke, and she came hastily to her feet. Slinging her handbag over her shoulder, she leaned over his desk one final time, planting her palms on the smooth cherry wood. Glaring down at him, she allowed her eyes to spit the fury she felt in her heart. Gone were the tears, burned away by her white-hot anger.

    I’m not leaving my home, and no one is chasing me away from A Better Place. You can take your concerns and go to hell, Mr. Wolffard.

    Despite her outburst, the Assistant U.S. Attorney in charge of the case did not even blink. He allowed her to vent her anger, remaining impassive and controlled. It only infuriated her more, so she shoved away from the desk and stormed to the closed door. Gripping the handle, she glanced at him over her shoulder as she yanked it open.

    When you have something tangible, show me the proof. I’ve done nothing wrong and only wanted to help.

    She heard him call her name as she hurried out of his office, but she ignored him and flew by the friendly secretary, Emma, without a word. She knew her tears could not be contained much longer, and it was a long walk back to the parking garage and her car. Damn that man, she thought, digging deep into her handbag to find a tissue during the short elevator ride down to the first floor. Shoving aside a Transformer’s figurine, her hand landed on a fast-food restaurant napkin, but it would work. She gripped it in her hand and bolted for the doors, dabbing at her eyes as she lunged back into the cold winter air. She never saw the second elevator doors open or the man in the dark suit with equally dark eyes rush out into the main lobby and scan the area for her. As far as she was concerned, Robert The Wolf Wolffard was the wrong person to handle her husband’s case. With his lack of sympathy and devotion to the law, he would surely lose against John Woods.

    Her heart ached all over again. She had so hoped that Brandon would be avenged, and Kat and Terri would never have to fear their father again. But those hopes seemed to drain away with every step she took away from the building.

    Brandon had been wrong when he told her to taste hope. Right now all she could taste was the salt from her tears.

    Chapter 2

    Cherisse Nicholson

    Baby girl… you know Wolffard has a good point.

    Cher glared at Chuck, ignoring the grin that was perpetually on his face. Mentally travelling back in time, she returned to the first night she met him, when her sister, Shelly, had come to her for help after her husband had beaten her. He had kind eyes, and she remembered the pity mingled with a level of knowing that she had not understood back then. Over the years, she had learned so much about violence and the cruelty of humans. But there were also good people, plenty of them. And Chuck was one of them. Even then, he had left an impression, and he had remained loyal to her long after Brandon was gone.

    Yes, gone.

    Chuck remained the only person she knew who had not told her to stop mourning over the loss of Brandon and move on with her life. Sure, five years was a long time to grieve, but Chuck seemed to understand that the bond she and Brandon had shared could never be replaced. She doubted she would ever find it again.

    Hello, Cher? Is anyone home?

    Sighing heavily, Cher glanced over at her oldest son, Tyler, as he made his way to his bedroom and grimaced. She had just tucked the boys in, but as always, her oldest had to make a final stop at the bathroom. It was an interesting quirk, and she loved him all the more for it. Tyler was the spitting image of her deceased husband, and watching him return to his bed reminded her how important Mr. Wolffard was to the case. If she wanted Brandon’s death to be avenged, she needed the lawyer to be on her side. Her first impression was that he was anything but. I don’t understand why he was so awful. You guys always tell me how great he is, but the first thing he did was start bullying me. He was cold and uncaring – not great by any means.

    He is a great guy, Chuck said promptly. He’s smart, too. He grew up back east and went to Yale. This guy’s not dumb, and he’s trying to make the best decision for everyone. Remember now, he spent a few years working in the D.A.’s office before taking the post here. His family’s prestigious, too. He’s got a father who was in the Senate, and a cousin in the military – I think SEALS – and one of his brothers is a cop, the other a lawyer like him. He knows what he’s doing.

    Cher whistled low. This man screamed wealth and connections. He might be smart, but it also seemed like a snob. Is that why he looked down his nose at me?

    Chuck laughed right away. No way. You’re a teacher. While you might not come from a pedigreed family, you’re one smart lady. He’s down to earth.

    I just don’t understand, she said with a sigh. From the minute I went in there, I felt his tension. It was awful.

    He was tense? Chuck grimaced. Oh… Baby Girl, just wait. There might have been a misunderstanding. You see… Well, if he was tense… That might’ve been our fault.

    Seeing her bulky friend so unsettled made Cher even more confused. She planted her hands on her hips and stared at him with her head cocked to the side. How so?

    Well, uh… His voice trailed off, and he avoided her gaze. The response made Cher scowl. She was not that naïve, and every instinct screamed that the Evans boys were up to their mischief somehow. She just could not determine what it could be. She was a good person, and they all liked her well enough. What could they have done or said about her to make Mr. Wolffard so hostile?

    Chuck, what did you do? Cher persisted sternly. She stared at him as she

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