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Perihelion Episode Four, Revenge of the Interlopers
Perihelion Episode Four, Revenge of the Interlopers
Perihelion Episode Four, Revenge of the Interlopers
Ebook26 pages18 minutes

Perihelion Episode Four, Revenge of the Interlopers

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About this ebook

Three scientists have discovered a theory that could possibly unify all forces, much as Einstein had wanted to do.They put their theory to the test and create a
portal called a "Convolution," which opens them to pocket universes where reality takes on as many forms as there are concepts of it.

In Episode Four Richard, Nancy and the Professor are swept into a new pocket universe which is the home of the Interlopers, fierce beings who destroy
all life.

This is a Serial Novel, a series of six episodes that unfolds to a conclusion through cliff hanger endings, much in the vein of the old Republic Serials like Flash Gordon, Batman, Superman and many other golden tales of early Hollywood. On the edge of your seat, nail biting action that just doesn't quit!

PublisherJohn Pirillo
Release dateFeb 20, 2014
Perihelion Episode Four, Revenge of the Interlopers

John Pirillo

The author was born in Washington, Pennsylvannia. He loves animals and birds. Has two pet cockatiels that keep him company while he writes. He has a lovely daughter and a rascally grandson. He is rich in friends that matter and well adjusted to a life of challenges. He writes and draws every day. He loves anything science fiction, fantasy or extremely well written. Same goes for movies and TV. Not married currently, but has an eye and ear open to possibilities. :)

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    Book preview

    Perihelion Episode Four, Revenge of the Interlopers - John Pirillo

    Inside Front Cover

    He paused a long time, and then wiped his forehead again. "Ancient myths talk of a time of great tribulations for the world.

    Not just our world. But all worlds." He continued.

    Ragnarok. Nancy said.

    Armageddon. Richard spoke up.

    Similar, but not quite so apocalyptic. Least not in the since of evil forces trying to destroy those of the Light. No I’m talking about an almost certain unhinging, unbalancing of the life force of the universe. Perihelion. He finished.

    Richard stood from the chair he was seated on, spilling the tea in his lap to the floor. He just managed to capture the cup before it shattered on the floor. He straightened up, gave an embarrassed smile to the Professor, and then took a deep breath. But no one’s talked about that in generations as anything more than a myth. Look, Professor, you had to dig for a score of years into native legends to even get what you did about it!

    True enough. Professor admitted. But the facts remain the same. Legends say that there will come a time when man will unwittingly cause a disturbance in the lines of force, the walls of space and time that keep everything in the universe connected.

    You’re saying that our Convolution has tilted the balance. Opened up the universe to chaos? Richard demanded.

    "I’m saying that we’ve opened up Pandora’s Box, and God only knows how we’re going to

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