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Heaven Is For You
Heaven Is For You
Heaven Is For You
Ebook305 pages2 hours

Heaven Is For You

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“These are My words and not those of any man.” says the Lord God Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, whose preferred name is Jesus. “I spoke them through My servant Susana. They are not her words, but Mine. I want all men to know that I love them and want them to be with Me in heaven someday.”

PublisherSusan Muir
Release dateFeb 26, 2014
Heaven Is For You

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    Heaven Is For You - Susan Muir


    IS FOR


    by Sue Muir

    Cover Art by Scott Muir

    Copyright © 2013 by Susan Muir

    [email protected]

    P.O. Box 9187

    Phoenix, AZ 85068

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords edition

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright© 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page


    A Better Life Begins

    A Heavenly Chorus of Joy

    A Life and Death Decision

    A Time to Die, Yet Live

    All Bets Are Off!

    All Things Are Possible

    An Inexhaustible Closet

    Angels Around You

    Angels Assist Me

    Angels Observe You

    Angels Rejoice

    Are You Saved Yet?

    Baby Steps

    Basic Training

    Be Careful What You Write

    Be Safe with Me in Heaven

    Be Set Free

    Be Warned!

    Behold the Wonders of the Lord!

    Beyond Price

    Bring Some, Bring Many; Bring All!

    Choose Wisely

    Citizen of Heaven

    Claim Your Inheritance

    Cry Out to Me!

    Daddy Called Me!

    Dance with Me

    Dancing in Glory

    Death Cannot Stand Against Love

    Death Is the Door

    Death Shall Be No More

    Do Not Gamble with Your Life

    Do Your Homework

    Do You Want to Live Forever?

    Don’t Wait

    Dream, Children!

    Eternal Bliss

    Eternal Destination

    Eternal Life or Eternal Death?

    Exalt My Name!

    Extensions of My Power

    Face to Face

    Faith Takes You a Long Way!

    Fear Me Only

    Fear Not

    Feast on the Fruit of the Spirit

    Find the Bridge

    First Love Me

    Fishing for Souls

    Fly High!

    Fly with Me

    Follow Me


    From Time to No Time

    Glory to Come

    Go This Way

    Gold Is Common

    Grow Strong in the Spirit

    Grow Tall

    Heaven Awaits You

    Heaven Is Near

    Heavenly Music

    Heaven’s Not Like You Think

    Heirs of Salvation

    Hidden Treasure

    Horses of Fire

    How Do You Love Me?

    I Am

    I Am Coming for You

    I Am the God Who Laughs

    I Am With You

    I Am Worthy

    I Am Your Constant Companion

    I Come As a Thief in the Night

    I Don’t Want to Lose You

    I Have All the Time You Need

    I Have Created Only One Like You

    I Help You Change

    I Hope

    I Never Give Up on You

    I See You

    I Want Souls

    I Will Always Surprise You

    I Will Invite You In

    I Will Never Reject You

    I Will Rescue You

    I Will Teach You

    I’ll Fly Away

    I’m Waiting for You

    It Is Written

    It’s Fun!

    Joy Forevermore

    Joy in Heaven

    Keep Your Eyes on Me

    Know the Truth

    Laugh and Be Happy

    Laughing in Heaven

    Leap for Joy

    Learn All You Can

    Learn and Become Wise

    Learn My Ways

    Learning and Creating

    Let Patience Have Its Perfect Work

    Let’s Fly Together

    Life Has Just Begun

    Life Here Is Temporary

    Light Shining in Darkness

    Live Forever

    Long Have I Waited

    Love Is the Key

    Love Me with Your Whole Heart

    Love Men into the Kingdom

    Make Haste

    Mansions in Heaven

    Marvelous Hope


    My Angels Love You

    My Angels Protect You

    My Coming Approaches

    My Love Is Sufficient

    My Wonders Never Cease

    Mysteries and Secrets

    Mysteries Unveiled

    Nap with Lions, Swim with Dolphins

    Never Give Up!

    Never Look Back

    No Limits!

    No More Time

    No Time; No Traveling

    Nothing Can Restrain Me

    Only a Breath Away

    Only I Am Perfect

    Open the Door and Let Me In

    Parades in Heaven

    Praise Creates

    Precious Seconds

    Pursue Me

    Reflections of My Glory

    Reflections of My Glory and Grace

    Rejoice Before Me!

    Rejoicing in Heaven

    Reunion in Heaven

    Riding on Angel’s Wings

    Seek and You Shall Find

    Share What You Learn

    Shine with My Light

    Sign with Me, My Friend!

    Sojourn in the Flesh

    Some Will Live Forever

    Soon You Shall See


    Spirit and Light

    Spiritual Riches

    Store Up Knowledge and Understanding

    Super Powers


    Templates and Patterns

    The Best Is Yet to Come

    The Book of Life

    The Day Grows Short

    The Hope of the Resurrection

    The King of Glory

    The Music of Creation

    The New Wine

    The Spirit Is Willing

    The Valley of Decision

    The Water of Life

    The Wonders and Beauty of Heaven

    There Is No Question I Cannot Answer

    Tick, Tick, Tick

    Time Shall Be No More

    Together Again

    Treasure in Heaven

    Treasures of Gold

    Two Choices


    United in Love

    Walk in the Light and Joy in the Lord

    We Are Family

    Weigh Your Options

    What Comes Next?

    What Do You Need?

    What Have You Written in My Book?

    What Is Reality?

    What’s Next?

    Where Does Your Soul Go?

    Win a Soul for Me

    Wish Not!

    Won’t You Invite Me In?

    You Are Invited

    You Are Mine

    You Are Never Alone

    You Are the Focus of My Affection

    You Are Welcome in My House

    You Shall Be As I Am

    You Shall Be Creators

    You Shall Be Translated

    You Shall Be Young

    You Shall Command Angels

    You Shall Do as I Do

    You Shall See Your Animal Friends Again

    You Shall Understand

    You Speak to Spirits

    Your Life Is Balanced on a Pin

    Your Life Shall Never End

    Your New Name

    Your Old Name

    Your Secret Name

    Rise and shine! Give Me the glory! All the glory is Mine. says the Lord of hosts. Prepare yourselves and be ready, for My coming draws near.

    Be ready, says the Lord God Almighty, for I come on a white charger to carry away My bride. Be ready! I am coming!

    I said it three times. So shall it be! Look up! Be ready and be blessed.

    Heaven and earth may pass away, but you and I will be united in love forever. You shall dwell in My presence and we shall never be parted. Rise up and shout! Fly through eternity, with unceasing joy!

    Praise Me, My people, for I am standing next to you, watching you, as you glorify Me! Bless and exalt My name and know that I am with you, this day and all days. Thus I say and thus shall it be. Hallelujah and amen!

    The counsel of the LORD stands forever; the plans of His heart to all generations.

    Psalm 33:11

    New King James Version

    A Better Life Begins

    In heaven there are no tears; I have dried them all away. I wiped your cheeks with the anointing of joy and you received it. Didn’t I say, There shall be no more tears, no more sorrow.? All those sad memories are as though they never were. I rejoice with you eternally, in heaven.

    If you have Me, in your heart, you’re already there! Release Me from your tears, your sorrows, your regrets, fears and longing for a better life. The better life begins now! You have Me, don’t you, in your heart and mind?

    Rejoice over Me with singing. Leap, spin and sing with delight! You are Mine and I am yours! How delightful, how marvelous beyond compare!

    And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.

    Revelation 21:4

    New King James Version

    A Heavenly Chorus of Joy

    I danced the day you were born. I dance whenever one of Mine is born, because I see the future. I see you saved, watch you grow and learn to do My will.

    I see in advance all the deeds you do for Me; hear all the words you speak. I see the souls that are saved because you drop a word, a seed in their hearts. The word sprouts and bears the fruit of salvation.

    When My people are born on this earth, I not only rejoice over them with singing, I dance, also. You, My children, and I shall dance and sing in heaven. Even the angels shall join in the eternal chorus of joy.

    Praise and magnify Me, My people, for your life has only begun. We shall spend eternity together, laughing and singing, as heavenly music fills the air. We will rejoice, be glad and dance for joy! I see it now!

    Great joy shall be yours in heaven, My children. Start now, celebrating your new life, with Me! Be filled and running over, with joy unceasing, for of such are those who dwell in heaven!

    Look up! Look ahead, for the day of My coming shall soon dawn. We shall be together, forever!

    Spoken with love!


    Praise the LORD! How joyful are those who fear the LORD and delight in obeying His commands.

    Psalm 112:1

    New Living Translation

    A Life and Death Decision

    I don’t care what you look like! I look upon your heart. Not that fleshly pump in your chest, but your heart, your spirit, your soul!

    I don’t see, as a man sees. I don’t look at the outside. I don’t care; if you have tattoos up to your eyebrows. I don’t care about any of those external things; that men look at. I look upon your heart and to Me, you are beautiful and to be desired.

    I, the living God, look at the inner man or woman that is concealed by the flesh you wear. Eventually, sooner or later, the flesh shall fall away and your spirit will be revealed.

    Your spirit will be attracted to heaven, or to hell, depending on the choice you make, during your life on this earth. Yes, I say choice. There is one choice that counts, though you will make many in your life.

    This is the choice that determines where you shall live your eternal life. It is a life and death decision. Choose to live forever in heaven or die a slow and lingering death in hell.

    I will save you, if you ask. Ask! Say, Jesus, please forgive my sins and save me. If you are sincere, if you mean it, I will save you. You will love your life in heaven!

    Please, ask. I await your choice.



    For the honor of your name, O LORD, forgive my many, many sins. Who are those who fear the LORD? He will show them the path they should choose.

    Psalm 25:11-12

    New Living Translation

    A Time to Die, Yet Live

    Funerals are for the living to pay their respects to a person they remember as alive, though he or she is dead. Funerals are also reminders to those who live; that their turn is approaching.

    There is a time to live. There is a time to die, but yet live. How can that be? When your body dies, you don’t die, you live on and on and on. There is no end to the life of one who believes in Me!

    Time passes slowly on the earth. It moves as lightning in heaven. In fact, there is no time in heaven at all. Those in heaven live in perfect peace and joy.

    So don’t grieve, don’t mourn, rejoice; for your friend, your neighbor, your loved one has, indeed, gone to a better place and you shall meet again.

    Look through the years with hope, for you shall be united in heaven! Be at peace, children, for I love you.

    I have said it. saith the Lord. It shall be!

    Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die.

    John 11:26

    New Living Translation

    All Bets Are Off!

    I took a long time as you measure it, designing heaven. I looked at every detail, from all angles. Then I created, first in My mind’s eye and then, by speaking into existence, the perfect environment for My premier creation, man!

    In heaven, you shall leap high, dance and spin! All shall be effortless in heaven! There is no gravity to hold you down.

    There is no air in heaven; no time, either! It’s such an alien environment, compared to where you live now; that it’s difficult for you to understand.

    Now, you are limited in time and space; heaven is outside all such limitations!

    Just know that all things are made new! All bets are off! Anything can happen, in heaven!

    Whatever the LORD pleases, He does, in heaven and in earth, In the seas and in all deep places.

    Psalm 135:6

    New King James Version

    All Things Are Possible

    I just went from here to there without walking! How is that possible, Lord?"

    With Me, all things are possible! In heaven, you simply think yourself from one place to another. In fact, since you are omnipresent, present everywhere at the same time, you don’t even have to think yourself from one place to another, you simply are everywhere simultaneously.

    You turn your attention, your thoughts from one thing, to another. In fact, you can divide your attention. You don’t need to do one thing, be at one place, at a time. You may do a multitude of things concurrently at multiple places.

    This is difficult to grasp while you are in the flesh, but in heaven it will be like breathing. You don’t think about it, usually, you just do it!

    You have much to learn about heaven, but all of it comes to you automatically, when you dwell in heaven. You

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