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Mahogany Sin
Mahogany Sin
Mahogany Sin
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Mahogany Sin

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Valerie Chambers is a feisty and beautiful young woman, climbing the corporate ladder at an astounding pace. She has a clear life plan and is well on her way to achieving her goals. That is, until one night she meets a strikingly handsome and intriguing man who sets her entire body on fire with just one glance. She falls in love so fast and gets in so deep that when her world begins to crumble – it's almost beyond her control.

Edric is the quintessential, handsome and successful bachelor that every woman wants on her arm, except this bachelor has a dangerous twist. He lives in a world that normal people only see in scary movies or read about in horror books. Edric has been hired to find a woman, a job he's done a million times before. But this woman is anything but ordinary; she captures his heart and imprisons his soul, changing his life forever.

Just as Valerie and Edric have found each other, they soon discover a woman bent on causing her demise, is stalking Valerie. When Edric is faced with the possibility of losing the love of his life, he quickly has to find a way to save her – before time runs out.

Release dateJul 23, 2013
Mahogany Sin

Kellee Gilmore

Kellee A. Gilmore was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois where she currently resides with her husband and two sons. As a young girl, Kellee was captivated by horror movies and R.L. Stine novels. Her love of books began at a very early age thanks to the children's book clubs her mother enrolled her in every year. Whenever the briefcase shaped boxes that contained her new books arrived at her doorstep, she opened them immediately filled with joy and anticipation. Kellee's love of books naturally shaped her passion for writing. She has been creating short stories and poems since the age of eleven. Although she's written romance stories and dabbled in fan fiction, her favorite genre to both read and write is paranormal romance. At the age of thirty-one, she began writing her first paranormal romance novel, embarking on the journey of living out her dream.

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    Book preview

    Mahogany Sin - Kellee Gilmore


    Kellee Gilmore

    Copyright 2013 Kellee Gilmore

    All rights reserved.

    Smashwords Edition

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    To my wonderful husband, I love you more than you can ever imagine. To my amazing sons, I hope that this achievement gives you the strength to always follow your dreams no matter how impossible they may seem. Mommy loves you both very much.


    Rome, thank you for supporting me through this journey, you are the best husband any woman could ask for. Thank you mom for instilling in me the willingness and determination to always pursue my dreams. You taught me strength, persistence and resilience. I’m truly blessed to have a mother as loving as you. Thank you to all of my friends and family that took the time to read my draft and gave me valuable feedback and encouragement. You all gave me the courage to not only finish my book but to publish it. Thanks to my awesome editor, Marina Curtis and amazing book cover designer, Dafeenah Jameel. You both helped to make my dream become a reality. Last but not least, thank you God for the countless blessings you’ve bestowed upon me.


    Chapter 1 - Blind Date

    Chapter 2 - Trying Something New

    Chapter 3 - Seduction & Despair

    Chapter 4 - Strange Occurrences

    Chapter 5 - Addictive

    Chapter 6 - New Orleans

    Chapter 7 - Falling

    Chapter 8 - Happy Birthday

    Chapter 9 - You’re what?!

    Chapter 10 - Transformation

    Chapter 11 - Stretching My Limbs

    Chapter 12 - She’s Back

    Chapter 13 - Masquerade Ball

    Chapter 14 - Unpleasant Surprises

    About the Author


    I was content with curling up on my couch with a glass of Moscato and a good paranormal romance book to whisk me away to a universe filled with fantasy, love, sex and action-packed fight scenes. In fact, I looked forward to it, but my best friend Jordan was definitely not in agreement with my evening plans. It was 4:30 on Friday afternoon when my phone rang, just as I was shutting down my laptop and packing up my things to head home from work.

    Hey girl! We are hitting the streets tonight! Jordan exclaimed as soon as I put the phone to my ear.

    I’m not up for it Jordan. It’s been a long week, I objected tiredly.

    Val you can NOT stay in tonight! I want to go out! Troy, you know the fine brotha that works in the mailroom at my job, has some extra tickets to the Jill Scott concert at the House of Blues tonight. He also promised to get VIP backstage passes for us. Jordan pleaded excitedly.

    Jordan you know I love Jill Scott but I’m so tired girl. I have been busting my butt at work this week and I was looking forward to just staying in tonight.

    Come on girl! Please just do it for me. I miss you. We haven’t hung out in at least three weeks. You can’t work 24/7 honey, you have to have some fun! Jordan insisted, adding, Plus Troy is bringing his cousin with him and if he looks anything like Troy you will be a very happy girl tonight.

    Jordan, that’s even worse. I don’t want to go on a blind date! I was horrified at the very thought of being setup on a blind date.

    It’s not a blind date Val. Jordan swiftly corrected. It’s just friends getting together for a fun night, he’s well aware of that. And honestly girl, when was the last time you really had some fun?

    I paused at her question for a second, it had been a long time since I’d been out with Jordan and whenever we found the time to hang out we always had a blast. I guess I’ll go. I have a new dress that I haven’t worn yet, but you’re driving tonight. I told her, giving in.

    Deal! Jordan exclaimed. The concert starts at 9:00, so I’ll be at your place around 7:30 and we can have a drink or two before we leave.

    Ok. See you then. I agreed and hung up the phone. I grabbed my coat and laptop bag and headed home.

    As soon as I unlocked my door and stepped inside my apartment my home phone rang. Geesh can I get my other foot in the door before the phone rings? I complained irritably.

    Hello? I answered.

    Hey honey. How was your day?

    Hey mom. It was ok. I’m glad to be off. I replied, without my initial irritation, while I set my things down on the living room floor.

    I’m sure you are. Are you staying in tonight or do you have plans?

    I had actually planned on staying in but Jordan called and convinced me to go to the Jill Scott concert with her tonight. I conveniently left out the fact that there would be men with us. My mom was extremely nosey and would ask me a million and one questions about the guys we were going with. Sometimes when I talk to her I feel like I’m still a teenager instead of a 26 year old woman. I just didn’t feel like getting the third degree tonight.

    Oh that sounds like fun. Well I’ll let you get yourself together for your night out. Give me a call tomorrow. she replied sweetly.

    Ok, talk to you later mom. Have a good night. I was surprised she didn’t ask more questions.

    After hanging up the phone, I headed straight to my bedroom. I eyed my pillow top king sized bed longingly. My big fluffy down pillows and comforter looked so inviting. I had my nightgown draped over my wooden mahogany headboard and my furry slippers at the foot of the bed. I promised Jordan that I’d go out, so instead of diving into bed, I stripped off my clothes and went to the bathroom to take a hot shower.

    I had a huge shower with the most amazing showerhead on the planet. It was chrome colored, had ten adjustment settings and was detachable. Black and white tiles lined the walls and I had an adjustable seat that turned into a bath pillow with water resistant cushions at the very back of the tub. I set a record by spending only fifteen minutes showering, as opposed to my usual thirty. I massaged lotion onto my skin, pulled on my undergarments, and laid my clothes out on the bed. I walked to the kitchen to find myself something to drink. My kitchen was lined with oak cabinets and laminate oak floors. My counter tops were dark, a nearly black granite with tiny flecks of red and silver that matched nicely with my silver appliances. I opened the fridge to check for alcohol and found a nearly empty bottle of vodka in the back. I made a mental note to go grocery shopping this weekend to fill up my vacant refrigerator and walked back to my bedroom to get my cell. I sent a text to Jordan asking her to please bring some vodka along with some juice. I headed to the bathroom with my phone in hand but before I could reach it, there was a knock on the door.

    Just a second, I yelled. I placed my cell on the sink and grabbed a robe before jogging to the living room to see who was at the door. Who is it?

    FedEx, a deep voice replied.

    I looked through the peephole to confirm it was FedEx before opening the door. Good afternoon, I have a package for Valerie Chambers.

    That’s me. I replied with a sweet smile. When had the FedEx delivery guys gotten so fine?!

    I accepted the envelope and thanked him. He gave me an appreciative once over before saying, You’re very welcome, beautiful. Have a good night.

    I closed the door, set the envelope on my kitchen table and headed back to the bathroom to do my hair and make-up. I turned on the radio and grabbed my make-up brushes on the way. I was so glad I made the decision to cut my hair short this summer because it took me very little time to style it. It was quick and easy, unlike before the big chop when my hair used to fall past my shoulders, stopping just beyond the middle of my back. I dreaded washing my hair every week; it was such a tiring two hour task to complete. My cell phone began to vibrate on the bathroom sink as I applied my blush and simultaneously shook my ass to the newest club hit playing on the radio. It was a text from Jordan, ‘Come answer your door heffa!’

    I laughed out loud as I walked to the door to let her in. Hey girl. My bad, I didn’t hear you knocking over the music.

    Jordan walked in with a bag of spirits in one hand and a huge purse in the other. She had on a fitted, shimmery green halter dress that hugged her hourglass figure in all the right places. Her hair was flawless as always, styled in a short feathered bob and her face was beautiful, even without make-up. She smiled wide showing her deep dimples and pearly white teeth against her smooth, dark brown skin. Jordan had always reminded me of a young Nia Long, she was simply gorgeous. Hey girl. Your make-up looks great! Jordan complimented. That’s exactly why I came over here with a bare face so you can hook me up.

    I shook my head at my friend and smiled. Well let’s make our drinks first and then we can go in my bathroom to do your make-up.

    Jordan nodded her head and followed me to the kitchen. We mixed our drinks quickly and headed to the bathroom.

    So what are you wearing? Jordan asked as I applied her eye shadow.

    I bought this red bandage dress about a month ago that I haven’t had a chance to wear yet, so I’m going to put that on tonight. I answered.

    Oh cute! I’m glad you got something with some color girl. I was tired of seeing you in black all the time. You would think you were a big girl trying to hide love handles or something with all that black on. Plus, black against your light skin pales you out even more girl. she said bluntly, honest as always.

    Well tell me how you really feel! I said sarcastically and laughed with her. Anyway, what’s up with you and Troy? Is he trying to get in your panties or what? I know he must have paid some serious cash for just two Jill Scott tickets, let alone four.

    Girl I know. I’m not sure what he’s trying to do. I do know that his broke ass didn’t buy the tickets. He won them by calling in to a radio station. She rolled her eyes, I still might let him hit it though. He’s so FINE girl. You know I don’t usually go for the mailroom worker type but he may be an exception.

    He must be good looking if you’re considering sleeping with him and having to face him the next day at the office. I giggled at her unflattering synopsis of Troy. Jordan didn’t date anyone making less than eighty thousand dollars a year so I was quite surprised she was seriously considering Troy, who was probably barely making thirty thousand working in the mailroom.

    I know girl. But he gave his two weeks notice a week ago so I’m not worried about that. Plus it’s just sex, I’m not seriously considering dating him. It’s been a while since I’ve had some so this really is the perfect opportunity for me. If the sex is whack, and God help Troy if it is, I won’t have to face him at work after next week. Jordan reasoned.

    I guess so, I just hope you know what you’re doing. Jordan didn’t always make the best decisions when it came to men. I hope this guy didn’t turn out to be a complete asshole. I left the issue alone though, determined to go out and have a great time tonight.

    Alright let’s finish these drinks and get out of here! I stated excitedly.

    We arrived at The House of Blues at 8:30 and met the guys in front. A tall man, whom I assumed was Troy, approached Jordan wearing a sexy smile. Jordan didn’t embellish on Troy’s good looks one bit. He was around 6’ 3", had a lean athletic build and smooth, medium brown skin. His eyes were a deep chocolate brown color and had a cat-like shape to them.

    I glanced at Jordan and noticed she was blushing like a teenage girl. I guess I would be too if a man looked at me the way Troy was focusing in on Jordan. He looked like a man that hadn’t eaten in days and Jordan was a big juicy steak waiting to be devoured. It was seriously intense and I was starting to feel like a third wheel until another man stepped next to Troy and cleared his throat. Troy finally tore his gaze away from Jordan long enough to greet me and introduce us to his cousin, Edric.

    Edric stepped towards me, extended his hand and with a warm smile said, Hi Valerie. It’s very nice to meet you.

    Once my eyes met his I froze. Edric was simply gorgeous. No, that was too mild a word for him, he was stunning, dazzling, exquisite, damn near angelic. He was slightly taller than Troy, maybe about 6’ 6" with broad shoulders and intense light brown bedroom eyes. His smile displayed pearly white teeth that complimented his light cocoa colored skin. His hair was cut short, faded closely to his scalp with a clean, crisp hair lining. He had a shortly cropped, perfectly lined goatee that framed his full kissable lips and an athletic build like that of a basketball player. One that stayed in the gym at least five days a week – muscular, but not the kind of muscles that would crush a woman if he laid on top of her. Hmmm him lying on top of me, that was a nice thought. In the middle of my fantasy I heard him clear his throat, a clear sign that I stared at him just a tad too long.

    It’s nice to meet you as well Edric, I was embarrassed that I stood there gawking at him like some lovesick teenager that just met her favorite heartthrob.

    So are you a big Jill Scott fan? he asked me in a slightly amused, deep baritone voice. The way he looked at me made it seem as if he’d asked me a more personal question, like what color underwear was I wearing.

    I cleared my throat, Red, uh I mean, yes I am a fan. She stays in rotation on my iPod. I quickly attempted to glaze over my slip-up. Inside I was absolutely mortified. Oh my God! I can’t believe I told him the color of my underwear. What the hell was wrong with me? Thank God I only said red and not ‘red thong’. I felt like an idiot. I hope he didn’t notice my flub, but if he did, please Lord let him just ignore it. Mercifully he did just that, although he did give me an odd look before continuing the conversation.

    I love her music. She’s a great artist. he replied, freezing me in place with this intense, melt a woman’s clothes off type of stare. Edric and Troy were definitely from the same family but Edric had much more finesse and raw sexual magnetism.

    Troy interrupted what would’ve been another embarrassing moment to ask if we were ready to head in. I quickly replied yes, silently thanking Troy for rescuing me from Edric’s penetrating gaze. The four of us headed into the theater and as Jordan passed by me I gave her a look that said ‘you should have prepared me for this irresistible man but thank God I came out with you tonight’. With a smile she gave a quick nod of her head and walked ahead of me to find our seats.

    The theater was small and intimate. The show started almost immediately - which I was thankful for - because I had no clue how to initiate small talk with Edric. I had to admit I felt a little intimidated by him. There are very few people in the world that intimidate me, especially men, so having Edric make me feel this way was unsettling. I mean, not to sound smug but I’m a beautiful woman. I have a nice curvy body with perky size C breasts. My waist is slim and my ass is thick. I have full pouty lips, high cheekbones and almond shaped gray eyes with little specks of green. My skin is cappuccino colored and glows – thanks to my nightly facial regimen. I’m a pretty hot chick if I have to say so myself, but still, this man actually intimidates me. I took three deep breaths as I sat in my seat. I needed to just relax and enjoy the show. I was hoping he wouldn’t throw another one of those ‘death by sex’ looks my way.

    The concert was amazing. Jill Scott sang chills through my bones. I was so happy I let Jordan talk me into coming out to see her. She had the entire theater swaying to her soft melodic beats and smooth hypnotic voice. As I glanced around the room it seemed as if everyone was entranced by the music. Some people had their eyes closed as they swayed and sang along. Some couples were slow dancing and some were full on making out without caring who was around – Jordan and Troy being one of those couples. Troy was clearly going to get lucky. If not tonight, then it would be in the very near future. After glimpsing at Jordan’s make out session I quickly turned away and caught Edric staring intently at me.

    I guess those two are getting to know each other better, he observed with a sexy chuckle.

    I guess so, I replied with a short nervous laugh before turning my eyes back to the stage. As Jill continued to sing, some of the nervousness Edric caused in me relaxed as I was caught up in the music. A few times I turned my head to take a peek at the gorgeous man standing next to me and every time I did his eyes met mine. He’d give me a small smile, I’d return it and then quickly focus back on the stage.

    After the concert ended we filed out of the theater and paused out front, discussing how wonderful the concert was.

    Jill certainly did her thing tonight, Jordan stated with a smile. I had goose bumps the entire concert.

    Yeah me too, Troy said suggestively and we all knew that Jill wasn’t the only lady he was referring to.

    Jordan blushed and changed the subject, So Troy suggested that we check this place out in Hyde Park. It has live music, a dance floor and great food. You guys wanna go?

    I surprisingly still had a lot of energy and didn’t want to go home so I quickly agreed, That sounds fun!

    I’m glad you suggested it, I’m not quite ready for the night to end, Edric answered, fixating his attention on me.

    It’s a plan then. Jordan chirped excitedly. Troy, Val and I will follow you guys in my car.

    As soon as Jordan and I sat in her car we both simultaneously sang, Gurrrrrrrl! and started giggling.

    Jordan! Edric is so gorgeous! I looked like a complete idiot when he introduced himself to me. I just stood there staring and salivating all over myself! Oh my God that was so embarrassing!

    Well he certainly didn’t lose any interest in you. He was staring at you like he wanted to hump you right there on the sidewalk! Jordan replied snickering.

    Look who’s talking. You and Troy almost ripped each other’s clothes off in front of a room full of people. I shot back jokingly.

    We laughed and discussed the guys during our fifteen minute drive to a place called Mahogany Sin. We parked the car in the crowded lot and before we could open our doors Troy and Edric were on either side of the car opening them for us. I was extra careful not to let my dress ride up my legs too far while I got out of the car. I wouldn’t want Edric to think I was trying to give him a peep show, even though I did tell him what color underwear I was wearing.

    Thank you, I said as I made it out of the car successfully, still leaving plenty to Edric’s imagination. He looked down at me with a sexy smile and replied, You’re welcome.

    When I brushed passed him so he could close the car door, I caught a whiff of his cologne and got a little weak in the knees. God this man smelled good! I had to force myself to keep walking; otherwise I’d be sniffing him like some horny dog. What the hell was wrong with me? No one has ever had an impact on me like this. Even as a high school girl, no boy I ever had a crush on reduced me to some adolescent, horny cave woman. I laughed inside, because I could so see myself hitting him over the head and dragging him off by the collar to have my way with him. I definitely needed to keep a safe distance between this sinfully seductive man and myself.

    The four of us walked into Mahogany Sin and were instantly seated at a booth. My plan to keep my distance from Edric failed almost instantly because he sat down right next to me. We all ordered a round of drinks and a few appetizers to share. Mahogany Sin was a dimly lit restaurant/lounge. It had a bar that stretched across one side of the room and there was a small stage at the front where a live band was performing all the latest R&B hits. Along the wall were booths lining each side, with tables scattered throughout the large room that surrounded a small dance floor. There was a very cool, relaxed and sexy vibe about the place that I really liked. It was definitely my kind of hang out spot. The crowd was age 25 and up, which was definitely a plus, and added to the relaxed environment. You could feel that everyone just wanted to hear good music, eat good food and dance. There’s nothing worse than dance clubs with a bunch of sweaty drunk guys trying to hump on your ass all night, or stupid women fighting each other over some loser guy that had already moved on to another chick in the club. Mahogany Sin was the exact opposite. I think this was going to be my favorite new spot to hang out and unwind.

    So what do you think of the place? Edric asked me, interrupting my thoughts.

    I love the vibe in here and the band is great. I answered, looking towards the stage to avoid his gaze.

    He leaned a little closer to my ear and with that deep, sultry voice said, I’ve been meaning to tell you all night how beautiful you look.

    I turned towards him to thank him for the compliment and looking into his eyes made me stutter over my words, Th-thank you. I managed to get out. Ugh! This man turns me into a blubbering idiot! Get it together Val; he’s just a man for Christ sake! After I gave myself a mental pep talk, I smiled and added, You look very nice as well. I wasn’t so sure about this possible blind date, but I’m glad I came.

    I’m glad you came too. His response was genuine as his eyes roamed my face and finally settled on my lips.

    So what do you do for a living Valerie? he inquired while moving his eyes back up to mine.

    I’m an accountant, I purposely didn’t add my company’s name. He didn’t need to know where I worked. He was sexy and all but every man has the potential to be a nut job. I hurried and asked him the same question so he wouldn’t dig further. What do you do?

    I own a few night clubs throughout the city, this is actually one of my newer businesses, he replied with a hint of pride in his voice.

    Oh really? Troy didn’t mention you owned this place when he suggested we come here. I was a little suspicious that he hadn’t mentioned it until now.

    Yeah, I know. I asked him not to. Before we all met up, I suggested we come here afterwards but only if you two seemed like you’d be cool to hang out with. You know men take precautions too. Some of you women are crazy. he chuckled.

    I guess I can’t blame you for that. Women can be just as nuts as you guys. So I guess that means I passed the crazy test, huh?

    Yes. I think I’m a pretty good judge of character and you seem to be sane to me. But even if you were a little crazy I’d give you a pass. he said with a suggestive look.

    Just then, the waiter came back with our food and drinks and I took a healthy sip of my cocktail. I caught Jordan glancing at me over her glass with a smirk on her face. She seemed to notice that I was a bit unglued around Edric and I think she was enjoying it a little bit.

    The food was amazing and I made sure I let Edric know. I was beginning to feel a little more relaxed as we all ate our food and chatted with each other. Jordan seemed to really be digging Troy and I had a feeling that she might ask me to drive her car home. That resulted in another dilemma that would mean I’d have to drive Edric home, since he came with Troy. Me in a car, alone with

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