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I am Hope
I am Hope
I am Hope
Ebook21 pages18 minutes

I am Hope

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Hope appears to be the ultimate perfect woman: she's beautiful, is incredibly intelligent, and seems to have no limitations. But Hope has one fatal flaw... she is not completely human. Hope is the 19241th Hope clone created from the genes of a deceased woman named Sarah Keefe. These Hope models are capable of anything and are expected to do whatever it takes to complete whatever mission they are given. But Hope 19241 is not like the other emotionless, compliant clones, and her creator, Conner Keefe, senses it immediately. Hope doesn't think mechanically like the others, which may cause problems when her mind glitches between the day she was initially programmed, and seven months later when she cannot remember anything since her initial meeting with Conner. Will Hope continue her mission to make the future senator Jesse Oliver, fall in love with her so her bosses can infiltrate the government, or will she find that her newly emotional self-awareness will get in her way?

Release dateMar 3, 2014
I am Hope

Mycheille Norvell

Mycheille Norvell has been writing since she was knee-high to a grasshopper! She began writing songs with her musician father, and found an instant love for creating stories that others could enjoy. Later in school, Mycheille had to write a nonfiction book report on an animal, but because a basic report seemed too boring, she decided to write her piece from the perspective of a hummingbird. Consequently her teacher loved it and suggested the fifth grade girl consider entering into Children's nonfiction literature. Mycheille declined, and quickly decided to write Young Adult fiction novels instead when she turned thirteen. Though her first book barely reached twenty pages, Mycheille realized that her calling was to write books… and so she did! Mycheille currently goes to school at Full Sail University and will graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing for Entertainment in October 2014. She continues to write constantly, as well as editing for local authors from home while also taking care of her one-year-old daughter, Abby. Mycheille currently resides in Oregon, and someday hopes to travel the world to share her works with anyone she can!

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    I am Hope - Mycheille Norvell


    I am Hope

    Mycheille Norvell

    Published by Mycheille Norvell at Smashwords

    Copyright 2014 Mycheille Norvell

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    I Am Hope

    "…Emotionless the voices seemed distant and scratchy as my eyes worked to open. …These…manufactures of real life… not disappoint." The voices managed to say though blotched out. "Assassins bred to…" then the voices scratched out completely and my eyes opened as if it were not my choice. Everything was bright—too bright to see. Suddenly my feet were hurting, and I didn’t understand why until my eyes began to adjust to the light around me and I realized I was running across a gravel road. I stopped as I looked all around, trying to give myself some idea of where I was.

    My ears perked up as I heard feet scuffing against the rocky terrain after me. Hope 19241! Come back! shouted a man’s voice. I turned towards him—he was wearing

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