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The Winter Warrior
The Winter Warrior
The Winter Warrior
Ebook67 pages40 minutes

The Winter Warrior

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Born and raised in a harsh, hostile climate, the Winter Warrior has learned to adapt, eventually developing an immunity to cold. She can blast enemies with freezing cold and ice shards, then move in for the kill with combat skills.
This book details a new character class (with an option for use as a prestige class). It also provides 10 new spells. They all have a cold power in them, but most can be used by other spellcasters. There are three new monsters: the Frost Mountain Troll, Snow Leopard, and Winter Wasp. The Winter Wasp has stats for four different size categories. There are also 5 one-paragraph "Story Starters" to get your Winter Warrior into the action! You'll definitely be prepared when winter is coming.
Most of this book uses 3.5 rules. The spells have 2e sections as well.
This PDF includes beautiful cover art, a bookmarked Table of Contents and a free sample of my game "Cliffside Manor: The World's Coziest Haunted Hotel." The new content weighs in at around 25 pages, so you're getting a lot of material for your money.

PublisherChris Lundy
Release dateMar 3, 2014
The Winter Warrior

Chris Lundy

Hi, Thanks for taking a few minutes away from reality with me. You'll find a variety of stories here, from literary fiction to pure imagination. Sometimes I'm silly. Sometimes I go to very dark places. Come along for the ride. Be an enabler and support my writing habit by buying shirts and bumper stickers: I also share writing tips on my blog, Have fun, ~Chris

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    Book preview

    The Winter Warrior - Chris Lundy

    Winter Warrior

    by Chris Lundy

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2013 Chris Lundy

    Find A Variety Of My Fiction At Smashwords

    Cover art: Winter Warrior

    by Tansy Appleby

    Used with permission

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Table of Contents

    The Winter Warrior Class

    New Spells

    New Creatures

    Story Starters

    Free Stuff!


    Born and raised in a harsh, hostile climate, the Winter Warrior has learned to adapt, eventually developing an immunity to cold. A hearty survivalist, she can endure dangerous climes alone as a recluse, or in small civilized areas. She can blast enemies with freezing cold and ice shards, then move in for the kill with combat skills.

    Fighters and Rangers adjust well to the new attack spells that come with this class. Druids are attracted to using the natural world in this manner.

    Adventures: Winter Warriors often feel they don't choose this life, they have to go down this path to survive. They work as guides, leading people through the harsh climate. They are prized defenders of remote villages and occasionally take on a leadership role there.

    Characteristics: A Winter Warrior is in tune with nature. The cold climate washes over her without harm, and she can bring out that cold in the form of magic, because it is a part of her. Her spell list is extremely limited, but she does not need to prepare them ahead of time.

    Alignment: Winter Warriors may be of any alignment. Lawful and good ones are more common because a settlement in a harsh environment is more likely to be made of normal, ordinary people, and that kind of struggle brings out the best in them. Evil people need someone to prey on and generally are attracted to more populated areas. If there is a chaotic, neutral, or evil Winter Warrior, they are usually hermits or a lone henchman.

    Religion: Kord, god of strength, Fharlanghn, god of roads, and Obad-Hai, god of nature, feature strongly in this character class.

    Background: A person doesn't need to be born into these climates, as long as they've spent most of their life there. With some races living hundreds of years, this could be very long, indeed. There is no formal training. A Winter Warrior comes into her own through a multitude of means: learning weapons from a trainer, how to live off the land through apprenticeship, and spells from a sorcerer. A Winter Warrior can pass down all she knows to an apprentice. Personal tragedy seems to be the unifying force behind most Winter Warriors.

    Races: Only hardier races survive the harsh climate. Dwarves and humans tend to dominate the field.

    Among the savage humanoids, there are greater chances, since they live in wild areas to begin with.

    Other Classes: A Winter Warrior values strength in numbers, provided those others aren't slowing her down or becoming a liability. Being a

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