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Slider Heaven: A Weird Crime Tale
Slider Heaven: A Weird Crime Tale
Slider Heaven: A Weird Crime Tale
Ebook21 pages14 minutes

Slider Heaven: A Weird Crime Tale

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Marky's business is armed robbery, and business is good. After tonight's take, he might even have enough to score actual bullets for the gun he shoves in girls' faces. However, just when he thinks he's clear Marky will stumble into an unusual hell and find himself getting a taste of true terror.

With "Slider Heaven," C. C. Blake again shows his affinity for the kind of weird horror tales popularized by Eerie, Creepy, and EC Comics. Here, the thrill master spins a surreal story of transgression and terror.

Release dateMar 4, 2014
Slider Heaven: A Weird Crime Tale

C. C. Blake

C.C. Blake has lived across the United States, starting in the suburbs of Detroit, to Massachusetts’ second largest city (Worcester) to the country’s seventh largest city (San Antonio, Texas, that is). He’s has a variety of jobs, working as a substitute teacher, the graveyard shift dishwasher at a haunted Denny’s, lab research monkey and teaching assistant at a second tier college. Currently, he works as an automation consultant for a chemical company on the Northeast side of SAtown (which isn’t as Hellish as it sounds). Blake’s most popular character, irrepressible adventurer Chuck Cave, has appeared in over two dozen stories, including the 2005 Man’s Story 2 Story of the Year Award winner “Chuck Cave and the Vanishing Vixen.” The character’s supernatural thriller stories (which began with the seminal “Cave and the Vamp”) are all being released as a part of’s initial foray into e-books. These new versions are presented in expanded and revised versions, all are the author’s preferred texts. Be sure to collect them all! In addition to his pulp stories for the 2-Empire (Man’s Story 2, Vampires 2, Androids 2 and Paranormal Romance 2), Blake’s fiction has appeared in several anthologies, including Unparalleled Journeys II (from Journey Books Publishing) and Fearology: Terrifying Tales of Phobias (from Library of Horror Press).

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    Book preview

    Slider Heaven - C. C. Blake

    Slider Heaven

    A Weird Crime Tale

    By: C. C. Blake

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

    Fiction © 2014 by C. C. Blake

    Cover Design © 2014 by Twice Told Tales, includes cover art by © Nomadsoul1 |

    Smashwords Edition

    Published by Twice Told Tales

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

    If you have any questions, please contact the publisher at [email protected].

    Table of Contents

    Slider Heaven

    Further Reading

    About the Author

    Slider Heaven

    Marky watched the last of the customers leave

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