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How To Develop A Performance Reporting Tool with MS Excel and MS SharePoint
How To Develop A Performance Reporting Tool with MS Excel and MS SharePoint
How To Develop A Performance Reporting Tool with MS Excel and MS SharePoint
Ebook28 pages46 minutes

How To Develop A Performance Reporting Tool with MS Excel and MS SharePoint

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About this ebook

This eBook is intended to serve as a simple step-by-step guide to developing a cost-effective performance reporting tool or data sharing tool that is based on MS Excel and using MS SharePoint as a platform. The guide can be used in developing a reporting mechanism for any type of data of any discipline. The eBook will focus on explaining the basic structure of the reporting tool with a basic design to ensure the flow of data from source. Simple cosmetics tips from design and macro coding will be covered at the end to add a professional look to the reporting structure.

PublisherS. Alyafei
Release dateMay 27, 2012
How To Develop A Performance Reporting Tool with MS Excel and MS SharePoint

S. Alyafei

Salyafei is an Environmental Advisor for one of the establishments in the UAE. He holds a B.S. degree in Environmental Sciences, an EMBA, and PMP. He co-authored a paper that was a reason for awarding his company "Excellene in Environmental Application" at Offshore Arabia 2009. He received several honors and academic destinction from Indiana University Bloomington and American University of Sharjah. His expereince, in addition to being an Environmental Advisor, exteneds to financial analysis and business perforance, project management, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

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    How To Develop A Performance Reporting Tool with MS Excel and MS SharePoint - S. Alyafei

    How To Develop a Performance Reporting Tool With MS Excel & MS SharePoint




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    How To Develop a Performance Reporting Tool With MS Excel & MS SharePoint

    Copyright 2012 by SALYAFEI

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