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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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One way or another, terror will reign tonight.

School teacher and single mom, Emma Livingston, has been through hell—and back so she thinks. While dealing with the night terrors and active imagination of her five-year old daughter, Hannah, she attempts to lead a normal life. That is, until the demon from those nightmares pays her a visit, too, and threatens both of their lives. Desperate, she reaches out for help—and finds Michael waiting.

Michael D’Angelo is known to everyone in Prophet’s Point, Arizona, as their loving elementary school principal. But to The Brethren, he is the most powerful Protector. Immortal and angelic does not mean he’s without doubts or fears, as protecting Emma and Hannah from Evil tests his ability to fight his tortured past.

As the Trinity is formed, ancient secrets are revealed and faith is tested. When a prophecy is exposed, Hannah becomes the main target and Emma wonders if a normal life will ever be possible again. Hope is like an anchor, but can a mother, her daughter, and an angel overcome the evil determined to annihilate the world?

PublisherDeena Remiel
Release dateMar 18, 2014

Deena Remiel

It was the mystique of Arizona’s history and landscape that called to Deena and catapulted her career as a USA Today Bestselling Author. When she’s not writing urban fantasy or paranormal romance in the wee, small hours of the morning or in the deep, dark of night, Deena teaches language arts to gifted middle school students. She currently lives in Mesa, but New Jersey will always tug at her heartstrings.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Reviewed by Stephanie OReview copy provided by authorHow long can one person keep a wall up to protect their heart? Emma is about to find out. Dealing with her daughters nightmares (that seem to be coming more often) alone, just doesn’t seem to be in the cards anymore. Resigned to talk to with someone, Emma just didn’t know how her life was going to change all at the same time. Grab a seat and settle in for a crazy and wild ride. One that will have your heart pounding one second and all mushy the next. Just an honest warning here, there was a moment I had to put the book the down. It actually scared the you know what outta me (it was in the details, lol). Overall I enjoyed the story very much, and look forward to reading the next installment. Quote: “Just so you know, if I had my sword, I’d slice your hands off your arms so fast you wouldn’t even realize they were gone until you reached to pick your nose.”

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Trinity - Deena Remiel


Ever since the dawn of man, a war has waged between Good and Evil. Good has tried to claim supreme eternal victory, but like the ebb and flow of the tides, Evil rises up periodically trying to usurp Good’s reign over the mortal world. Evil has its minions, immortal and mortal alike. Good has the Brethren, angels who were hired by an enigmatic leader to manifest on Earth, to fight against Evil, and protect and heal the human race. Time and again, the two sides have clashed over the centuries, both suffering great losses, yet Good has always come away triumphant and maintained its sovereignty.

It was during a time of economic and political turmoil that Satan had begun quietly amassing his minions once again. Letting the good and the righteous settle into a comfortable existence, unaware of how tenuous their lives really were.

But not everyone was oblivious. Doomsayers flooded the streets in the larger cities; cults arose in smaller towns promising salvation. And in one of those small towns, a child was born to a mother. Not just any child and her mother, but both born to an ancient, powerful lineage. Fated to fulfill prophecy, both were a part of the key to securing a lasting victory against Evil.

And neither of them knew it.

Chapter One

I’m dead. Emma yawned and rubbed at her dry, bloodshot eyes. I must be dead. Or maybe I’ve become one of the living dead. How else could she explain her zombie-like manner as she walked through her house at nine o’clock in the evening, locking windows and doors, shutting off lights, and nearly passing out at the foot of her bed? At the very least, she was one extremely sleep-deprived single mom who hadn’t become so due to an overactive sex life, that’s for sure. Oh, she had a nightly ritual, all right, one that starved her body of the healing affects a full night’s sleep could offer. And she was certain as she plunged into a deep, dreamless sleep that the ritual would likely continue this very evening.

A blood-curdling scream shattered the peaceful silence of the wee hours. She roused, instantly alert. Her soul, rocked by the echoing scream, seized up like a blown car engine.

Ow! Son of a bitch! Emma swore under her breath. She kicked aside the inconsiderate Malibu Barbie. Hannah, I’m coming! Mama’s coming!

Her stomach roiled at the terror and desperation in her daughter’s panic-stricken voice echoing through the hallway.

I won’t go! I won’t go! No! I’ll never let you take me! I won’t do it! You can’t make me do it! Mama! Help me! Mama!

Well hell, this is something new. Usually, when Hannah was having one of her nightmares, she shrieked until Emma talked her out of it and put her back to sleep. Now she’s talking in her nightmare, too? Completely at a loss, she raked her hands through her hair as she rushed to her daughter, writhing on the bed.

Hannah, I’m here. You’re okay. Mama’s here. Wake up, honey. Sweetie? Mama’s here. She repeated these phrases like a mantra, trying to keep her voice as calm and soothing as possible. But who was she kidding? This newly added dimension to these nightmares was sending her over the deep end herself. She hoped her little one couldn’t sense it.

Mama! He’s got me! Save me, Mama! Hannah pleaded in a frenzy of emotion. It looked as though something tugged on her arms and she tried to pull them back.

And her eyes were open.

Crap! She’s never had her eyes open before, either. What the hell is going on?

She sat next to her jerking body and waved a hand in front of her face. Hannah gazed at and then past her, as though there really was someone else in the room—someone seated right next to her. Crap, crap, crap! As she turned to peer beside her, she saw a hint of a shadow, but then figured it to be her own. Get a hold of yourself.

Honey, look at me. It was only a dream. You’re okay. You’re safe.

Hannah shifted her eyes back to her, and in a foreboding, chilling tone said, I’ll never be safe, Mama. Not anymore. And with that, her little angel flopped back onto her pillow and was instantly asleep.

What the hell just happened here? She’d acted as though possessed. Emma stood at the bedside, paralyzed by the utter helplessness and despair that invaded her soul. Completely unnerved and sick to her stomach, she dropped to the floor like a rag doll and sobbed until she was spent.

What had happened to her baby girl? Almost six months ago, she had been a carefree, charismatic girl of five. And, for a little girl whose birthday was a week away, anyone would expect her to be bouncing out of her skin with excitement.

Now, to look at her these days, she was anxious, withdrawn, and simply drained. Doctors hadn’t been any help so far.

Change her routine. Okay.

Don’t let her watch scary shows. Fine.

Let’s try medication. Well, all right.

All of their suggestions proved fruitless, and left her completely alone with more questions than answers. What was she going to do now? There was no chance in hell that she would tell the doctors about this latest episode. They’d want to put her baby in a psychiatric facility, and she drew the line at that. There had to be another way to stop this nightly assault. But how?

Emma gathered the energy to drag herself onto Hannah’s bed. She snuggled close to her baby girl’s fragile body, and sank into the nest of Care Bear blankets. As she dropped off to sleep, she prayed, Please, for heaven’s sake, someone help my baby. End this madness.

Chapter Two

Well, Agremon? Have you brought me the child?

Mr. Namirha, sir, I’d like to say yes, but I can’t. You know I’ve been trying for so long now, My Lord, and tonight I got the closest yet to grabbing her, but….

Namirha scowled and tossed the newspaper he’d been reading to the floor. Agremon, remind me. Why do I keep you alive? Why do I keep your worthless, sniveling ass around here if I never see results from your supposed gift? Hmm?

Well, sir, you must know my gift for terror is truly great and none can match it. Why, I’ve kept your followers in line for years now. He puffed out his chest like a preening gorilla. But I think it’s the girl’s mother that’s causing the problem here. My Lord, there is something about her that’s shielding her daughter from me and breaking the connection between us.

Is that so?

I can’t put my finger on it, but I know that every time I get to the point where I’m about to take her, the mother comes in and is able to push me away. I can’t figure how or why. But I’ll get to the bottom of it and make sure it doesn’t happen again!

Agremon stood a good distance away from his fearsome boss, not quite trusting the look in his Lord and Master’s eyes. He’d worked for him successfully for centuries, but at the moment, his repeated failures left him open to Namirha’s wrath. Knowing what the Dark One was capable of definitely raised the alarm.

Excuses, excuses! Namirha bellowed. I’m done with excuses. Her birthday is a week away for Hell’s sake! I need her, and I need her now. You get that girl and bring her to me, or I’ll have your body roasting on a spit while your head watches from a poleax! Now leave and find a way to get that girl here. Your life depends on it!

As does yours, Agremon snickered inwardly.

Yes, my Lord. I’ll get her. I promise. Don’t worry. All will be as you wish, My Lord, or my name isn’t Agremon the Terrible. He bowed and made a quick exit from the throne room.

Namirha’s patience was running out with him. The look of admiration he’d once enjoyed from his Lord had withered to one of downright disappointment. The clock was ticking. If he didn’t produce the child soon, he was a total goner. He could kill that mother! If she would have stayed out of the damned room he could have taken the child a while ago. But the kid’s shrieking always brought her! What could he do?

Maybe if he visited the mother first he could do some damage, and then he could get the girl while the mother cowered in her own nightmares.

Yes! That’s it! Genius! Why didn’t I think of that before? Tomorrow would be a most auspicious evening. He’d put his pan into action, and this time he’d be damned if he failed.

Chapter Three

Mama, wake up, we have to get ready for school. Come on, Mama, wake up. Your alarm is going off and I don’t know how to stop it.

Mmmm…okay, honey, okay. I’m up. Bleary-eyed and stiff, Emma slowly moved each limb, testing to see that they were still in working order. Oh, my word! she groaned as she tried to sit up, her back screaming with resistance.

Is it seven o’clock already? She slunk her way back to her own bedroom and turned off the offending alarm that pounded nails straight through her skull with every beep. Her personal alarm clock followed timidly behind.

Are you tired, Mama? Hannah asked. She nodded grimly and patted her back. I’m sorry I woke you up again.

Don’t be sorry, sugar. I know you can’t help these nightmares from coming any more than I can. I just wish we could get a break from them every now and again. She sighed guiltily and caressed Hannah’s face.

But it wasn’t a dream this time, Mama! It wasn’t! You saved me. You really did. If you hadn’t come, that awful, scary monster would have taken me to Him forever.

Emma was trying her best to will away any outward signs of frustration and knew it wasn’t working. She felt like the absolute worst mother in the world! Honey, I know it felt real to you, but trust me. It was only a nightmare. Tell me something, though. What did you mean when you said the scary monster was going to take you to Him? Who’s Him?

The scary monster who is always in my dream, his name is Agremon. He keeps trying to take me to a man named Mr. Namirha. He wants me to become his daughter. But I’m already yours, Mama. I don’t want to be his. That’s kidnapping or stealing. Isn’t it? And last night, Agremon was really angry with me for fighting him. He grabbed me and was pulling me from my bed, but then you came in and pushed him away. You saved me, Mama! Hannah cried out and grabbed her so fiercely she thought she’d cracked a couple of ribs.

Whoa! Anytime, Angel. You know I wouldn’t let anyone or anything hurt you or take you away from me. Despite the aching ribs, Emma hugged her tighter, not quite sure at the moment if it was to comfort the grateful child or herself, and then kneeled down to speak to her face to face. You know, sometimes our dreams can feel so real to us. Sometimes we can convince ourselves that what happened in them really happened. It takes a great mind with a great imagination to think so. You, my dear, have a great imagination. And now that you’ve shared this dream, you don’t have to think about it anymore. You can take a deep breath, knowing it wasn’t real, and let it go. She stroked her daughter’s long, jet-black hair and kissed her pixie nose. So, why don’t we start getting ready for school now, okay? We’ll have a good hearty breakfast, and I’ll tell jokes on the way to school. How does that sound?

Well, okay, I guess. Do you think I could sleep with you tonight, though? Hannah asked tentatively. Emma’s sleep-deprived brain was no match for the doe eyes peering up at her, nor a trembling mouth.

Sure, Hannah, she caved. Maybe she would get a better night’s sleep if she didn’t have to actually get out of bed and run down the hall to deal with the nightmares. And maybe she wouldn’t feel like the worst mother in the world for one night.


As Emma drove her ancient pickup truck down the school’s dirt road, she paid little attention to the striking, craggy mountains rising up to kiss the sky. She didn’t feel the hot breeze wafting through the opened windows, causing sweat to gather around her neck and trickle down between her breasts. No, what she felt was relief washing over her.

She had jokingly called Prophet’s Point Elementary School her second home for six years now, but it had only felt like one since Michael D’Angelo, the school’s principal, came on board. He was a breath of fresh air for the school and had become a good friend. He’d unintentionally made it a place one could leave worries at the door, like she needed to today. Once there, she thought maybe Hannah would forget about last night and concentrate on her friends and schoolwork. The jokes she told on the way to school hadn’t gone over so well. Hannah had offered her usual polite smile, but that’s as far as it went. Was last night’s nightmare going to affect her daughter’s life during school hours, too? How was she to explain it away? Damn it all if today wasn’t going to be a good day for her!

Living in such a small town made it difficult for anyone to keep secrets. The two of them had kept the nightmare issue a private matter, knowing it would be completely humiliating if any of her friends found out about it. She knew they would be relentless with their questions and their teasing, and she needed an escape. School was that escape.

Emma, on the other hand, was at her wit’s end. She needed to confide in someone or she would have a nervous breakdown herself. Only thing was, she didn’t know who. Admittedly, she had major trust issues. Once burned, twice shy, as the saying went. But closing herself off to any kind of relationship, be it friend or lover, left her severely lacking in the confidant department. She had vowed never again to desire the pajama party friendships she used to have, or trust her heart to a man, but she reluctantly acknowledged that without opening herself up a little bit right now, she would implode.

The truck now sat under a shade tree, and the two of them held hands while walking into the school building.

Okay, Angel. I love you. Have a super day learning and playing with your friends. If you need me, you know you can tell Mrs. McNamara, and she’ll let you come to my classroom. But, I think you’re going to have a really good day. Right?

I’ll try, Mama. Really, I will. I won’t even come to your classroom today, Hannah promised with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. She gave her mother a kiss on the cheek, turned around every few steps and waved goodbye. Emma waved back with a smile that she hoped didn’t appear as forced as she knew it was. As the classroom door closed, her smile melted away. How could such a tiny girl battle such a big problem…and win?

She walked down the hall a bit further to her own classroom. Leaning against the door, she closed her eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. How was she supposed to focus on today’s computer lessons when all she could think about was her little, broken angel?

Hey, Emma. I believe you’re either sleepwalking or tired from a hot night of steamy sex with a new boyfriend. joked Maddie as she walked up to her.

Hey, Ms. Stewart. She waved to her colleague. Door Number One, please. Late night, couldn’t sleep, so I read ‘til God-knows-when. The lie was as good as it was going to get with fatigue keeping her at her breaking point. Since the divorce, lying had become an automatic reflex. She thought briefly about feeling guilty, but decided she was too exhausted to care.

"So, no real sex for the Mama. Well then, I sure hope the novel was loaded with hot alpha males and lurid sex to make it worth your while."

For heaven’s sake, girl! Sometimes you can be so brazen! Emma chided, then giggled. Whether she knew it or not, Maddie always had a way of putting a smile on her face, and she sent a silent blessing while she turned and opened her classroom door. See you at lunch, my friend.

Later, gator! Hey, one more day until summer vacation! Wahoo! Then you can nab a hot alpha male of your own when we I take you dancing! Maddie shouted as she flitted down the hall to her classroom.

Emma shook her head and sighed. As long as she’d lived here, there had never been the hint of a man around her to stoke the flames of gossip. That’s the way she liked it. Everyone knowing your business…she was still getting used to that. Plus, the small town limited one’s options where love was concerned. Now Maddie, she hooked a keeper before she moved to Prophet’s Point. But Emma had arrived with a baby in her arms and a tan line where a wedding ring used to be. Don’t go there. Not today.

She unlocked her door and began her daily routine of turning on the Computer Lab’s computers and printers, checking the servers, and looking over her lesson plans for the day. Not much of a plan besides having the kids clear out the files and prep for summer.

Emma noticed her computer booting up slower than usual. She looked around the room at the other computers and found they were taking longer as well. Suddenly, a grotesque image of a creature’s face appeared on all of the screens, with bubbling skin all mottled red and black, eyes that glowed with fire, needle-like shards of glass for teeth, and a mouth dripping with blood. She jumped back and cracked her elbows against her filing cabinet.

Ow! Oh, my freakin’ God!

It was speaking, and oddly enough, she could understand it. She inched her way back to the computer, morbid curiosity getting the better of her, to get a better listen.

Hello, Emma. Why, you get more beautiful the more tired you are. I love the way the dark circles play on your face. I’m coming for you, lovey. I’ll see you in your dreams tonight, my precious.

Her eyes widened, and she grabbed the back of her chair for purchase.

You look puzzled, frightened even. Don’t you know who I am? Why, I’m Agremon, my precious, Hannah’s friend, and now the suitor of your dreams. Until tonight.

The computer screens went black, and so did the lights, on Emma.

Chapter Four

Blackness slowly faded into light. Why was she lying down? She blinked her eyes a few times and realized she was on the floor of her classroom. There was someone with her, by her side, urging her to wake up.

Come on, Emma, wake up. Wake up, please. Michael D’Angelo was gently whisking her waist-length, ebony curtain of hair away from her face when she slowly stirred. There you go. That’s it. Wake up now. Emma, do you know who I am?

Yes, I know who you are. You’re my principal. Oh God! Why am I on the floor? Did I faint or something? She struggled to sit up, but he put a firm yet gentle hand on her shoulder that held her in place.

It seems like it. Now don’t get up yet. Just relax while I get you some water. He hopped up, took a bottle of water from her mini-fridge and returned to hand it to her. Now sit up slowly. She did. That’s it. Lean up against your desk here. Take a sip, not too much.

Emma felt embarrassed as all hell, but obliged the man standing above her who looked like he’d lost ten years off his life. And then she remembered. Tremors took hold as the gruesome memories flooded back to her, and she dropped the bottle.

He immediately knelt down next to her and enclosed her hands in his. Whoa, whoa there, Em. You’re okay now. What’s happened here?

I-I-I think someone’s gotten to the computers to play a terrible trick on me, or my imagination’s getting the better of me. I’m not sure which. Would-would you please check the computers and tell me what you see, Michael?

She watched intently as he glanced around. Well, it looks like the computers are all booted up, ready for your first class. What did you think I’d see?

You know what? It was nothing. A silly prank, really, I’m sure of it. Class is going to start soon, and I need to be ready for the kids. So, if you’ll help me up, I’ll get on with my day, and I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t say anything about this to anyone. It’s rather embarrassing, you know? Me fainting, and you, well…you know the rest. Jesus! She was so undone she was rambling on and on, making a bigger ass out of herself than she already felt.

You know, I don’t like this one bit. The school has an alarm system. It never went off between yesterday and today, and you’re saying someone tampered with your computers enough to make you faint. I’m going to have someone from the district office come over and check things out. For now, the computers are off limits.

Now wait a minute. You’re overreacting. Let me check things out on my own first before you call in the technology cavalry. Besides, what the heck do you expect me to do if you close this room down? Sit around and twiddle my thumbs all day? There was no way Emma would have her routine changed in any way. She couldn’t handle it. This was all she could cling to for sanity’s sake.

Okay. Then at least cancel your first couple of periods today so you can look things over. I don’t want any surprises when it comes to the kids’ safety. With his hands firmly supporting her elbows, Michael helped her to her feet and watched as she tried to hide the extreme effort it took to make herself appear reasonably stable.

I agree, and thanks for everything. Uh, hello? She waved a hand in front of his face, looking for some kind of response. Why is he staring at me with that goofy look on his face? Are you in there?

What? Oh, his voice cracked, you’re welcome. Listen, how about I come by after school and you can give me an update on this computer thing, issue, you got going on here? I won’t be free until then, what with all the closeout procedures and final meetings I’ve got scheduled. You can put Hannah in the After School program, no charge.

Sounds like a plan. See you later, then. And with that, Emma walked her fearless leader to the door. He narrowed his eyes and gave her one lingering glance that she met boldly with a show of confidence she didn’t nearly possess, and closed the door. When her heart stopped pounding and her knees stopped feeling like jelly, she planned on finding out exactly what was going on around here.

But first, she gave herself permission to freak out.

Wasn’t Agremon the name of the monster Hannah had spoken about from her nightmares? If it was one and the same, no wonder she had been having such a horrible time of it lately. That creature, that thing was downright horrifying. And why did he appear on the school’s computers? How could something from her imagination show up like this and be so threatening to Emma as well? It didn’t seem possible.

A thorough scan of the computers showed nothing irregular at all. No one had tampered or hacked into the system. Maybe it was her imagination working on overdrive, since last night’s episode was so different from all the others.

The bell rang, ushering in a swarm of students to the building. Their buzzing voices, like jackhammers, rattled her head. She decided to take her first two periods off, like Michael had wanted her to do in the first place. The kids’ homeroom teachers wouldn’t mind keeping them. They could use the extra help preparing the classrooms for the summer. She took a couple of aspirin and tried to calm herself down. Looking out the window, she soaked up the shining sun. It was a beautiful day. Why let a little techno-horror get in the way, right?

No further incidents occurred except, of course, for the inevitable visit she got from Hannah an hour before the ending bell. And what was more, she had come bearing pictures she’d drawn today during her art rotation; disturbing pictures of demons and devils crudely drawn, but clearly identifiable. Emma knew it was time to share this whole ordeal with someone, and that someone, she felt was definitely Michael D’Angelo. She couldn’t put her finger on the why of it, but after this morning, she felt a curious and unexpected magnetic pull towards him. Imagine, opening up to a man again. After all these years. She shook her head, nonplussed. Could she truly trust him enough to share such a private and painful piece of herself? And would he be able to do anything to help?

Prayers did get answered, didn’t they?

Chapter Five

It wasn’t until an hour after school let out that her principal showed up at Emma’s door. But that was okay with her. She’d needed that time to build up her courage. Luckily, Hannah went without a fuss over to the Aftercare Program. With that concern out of the way, she now prayed Michael wouldn’t think she was nuts and reconsider continuing her contract for next year. He wouldn’t let this interfere, would he? She’d known him for six years now. They had a great professional relationship. He’d always been kind to anyone having a problem and was

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