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PeeDee3, Intergalactic, Insectiod Assassin in: The Pachydwerp in the Room (Season 1, Episode 6)
PeeDee3, Intergalactic, Insectiod Assassin in: The Pachydwerp in the Room (Season 1, Episode 6)
PeeDee3, Intergalactic, Insectiod Assassin in: The Pachydwerp in the Room (Season 1, Episode 6)
Ebook19 pages16 minutes

PeeDee3, Intergalactic, Insectiod Assassin in: The Pachydwerp in the Room (Season 1, Episode 6)

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PeeDee3, Season 1, Episode 6

One of the wealthiest beings in the universe’s darling daughter is missing and he’s hired PeeDee3 to find her and he doesn’t even have to kill her. Looks like a good day to be an intergalactic, insectiod assassin...but then it’s never a good day to be PeeDee3. Seems his current client, his mark, and the gigantic nudge he’s been saddled with are all Pachydwerps, one of the universes’ most manipulative species, and each of them has their own agenda.

Nestled between these strategizing goliaths and his paycheck floats a Radioactive Lunar Jellyfish brandishing a switchblaster, an upturned collar, and a bad attitude. Maybe the bug’s discounted the advantages of having a brain once too often.

Release dateSep 10, 2011
PeeDee3, Intergalactic, Insectiod Assassin in: The Pachydwerp in the Room (Season 1, Episode 6)

TA Cuce' and RyFT Brand

TA Cuce' and RyFT Brand having been creating nonsense together for over two decades and they still don’t know why.

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    PeeDee3, Intergalactic, Insectiod Assassin in - TA Cuce' and RyFT Brand

    PeeDee3, Intergalactic, Insectiod Assassin in:

    The Pachydwerp in the Room

    season one, episode six

    T.A. Cuce’



    This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to

    persons living or dead are purely coincidental.

    Tricorner Publishing’s Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2011

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    The Pachydwerp in the Room

    TA Cuce’ & RiFT

    They’re asking me to silence my cell phone. That means another one of those forced memories is about to begin. It’s like limbo, or wherever I am, becomes the universe’s biggest movie theater. Only I don’t get a screen, a speaker, or artificially flavored, yellow dye number three, I can totally believe it’s not butter syrup topped popcorn. Worst off, the lack of legs (or anything resembling physical form) means I can’t walk out after shooting the screen and/or the camera man. I’ve got to stop

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