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Tears Of The Heart
Tears Of The Heart
Tears Of The Heart
Ebook278 pages3 hours

Tears Of The Heart

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Shiloh Martin vacationing in France with her fiancé returns to the hotel to find him in bed with the maid.
Enraged, she races in her car up a dangerous road to discover her brakes have failed and out of control, she crashes.
In 1885, Dorian Wolfermont, a duke known as Wolf, walks his estate that night to discover beautiful woman badly hurt.
Shiloh awakens to discover that she’s trapped in the past and falls in loved with a man who not only captures her heart but her spirit.
Sharing months of blissful love and experiences Shiloh awakens one morning to discover that she’s all alone in a ruined mansion.
Confused she discover a tombstone with Dorian’s name and that he had been dead for a long time.
Mystified, she collapses in tears and feels herself floating in another dimension and when she opens her eyes she discovers that she had been in a coma.
Determined to find the truth she returns to France and to the mansion to discover that the ruined house is being rebuild by a distant relative of the late duke,
a young Dorian Wolfermont, the spitting image of the man she had loved in the past.

Release dateApr 5, 2014
Tears Of The Heart

Therese A. Kraemer

Because I am dyslexic, I find writing a challenge, but my love of writing has inspired me to write more than sixty children’s stories, over two hundred poems and thirty-seven Romance Novels. I have also illustrated two story books used by primary teachers and students as a part of a vocal hygiene program at University of Arizona’s Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences. My credits also include four stories published by McFadden Publishing Co. in NYC. I wrote, illustrated and published two books of poetry used as fund-raisers by the Leukemia and Multiple Sclerosis organizations. I wrote illustrated and published in one book, forty-two children’s stories. I had an exhibition at the King Center for the Performing Arts in Melbourne, Fl of my pen and ink drawings of animals. Recently, I have had three E-Book Romance Novels and a book of short stories published on the Spangaloo.Com website and another on the Smashwords.Com website. I make my home in Melbourne, Florida where I continue to write and illustrate

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    Tears Of The Heart - Therese A. Kraemer


    Although gone, you’ll always be around in someone’s mind.

    Be careful what you do, what you leave behind…

    Tears burned a path down her cheeks as Shiloh Martin raced the small blue coop up the winding road over the treacherous wet pavement somewhere in a little sleepy village in Metz France. Her knuckles were white from the tight grip on the steering wheel and the storm combined with tears made it all the more impossible and hazardous for her to see. A streak of light illuminated the inside of the car and she shut her eyes momentarily against the burst of electric energy. The bitching storm outside echoed the rage within her or was the fury within more forceful than Mother Nature’s wrath? In all honesty, it could have been a matter of just a few degrees one way or the other.

    Moisture dampened her forehead and her clammy hands gripped the steering wheel more tightly as she recklessly sped on and it mattered not where she was heading. Nothing mattered anymore because her heart had been ripped out of her chest, and if she were lucky she’d plunge off a cliff.

    Be careful of what you wish for, her mother’s words came back to warn her. She scoffed. Ruth Martin never forewarned her about the agony of a cheating fiancé. And he had the balls to cheat on her on their vacation. And, with a French maid, no less!

    Shiloh could scream. And she did, pounding her palms hard against the steering wheel. But her frustration and hatred for that man only mounted. If only she owned a gun; not for her, but for him. And the bullet would be put where he’d never cheat on anyone again. Her mind was racing as fast as the car and her thoughts were becoming dangerously close to being insane.

    Her eyes closed for a split second recalling the pain of that final scene. She shouldn’t be bringing it to mind now, but it stuck in her brain like adhesive tape. Because she had missed Jamison, she had returned earlier than planned from her shopping spree, apparently the feeling was not mutual. Sniffling, she wiped her runny nose against her sleeve. That bastard! Son-of-a-bitch! That worm puke! That, that…. Ohhh! No words could describe him. For sure the top of her head would explode she was so infuriated.

    How could you Jamison Truman? she shrieked to herself. Bam! Bam! Again the palms of her hands took out her madness on the car wishing that it was his head. Why had she merely stood there in total shock instead of pulling every bleached hair out of that French slut’s head? Oh no, not her, she was stupidly rooted to the floor, numb with increasing rage while the maid grabbed her uniform and dashed out of the room. Idiot, ten times over! When she finally had gathered her wits and she saw Jamison opening his mouth to say something, as if he could excuse this, Shiloh threw a vase shattering a mirror and her composure once again. She almost laughed thinking seven years of bad luck, as if her destiny could get any worse. They had been together since college, how many times had he cheated on her? My God, she might have contacted HIV, if not the crabs! She took a deep breath, and luckily they used protection, but still!

    Shiloh, please, he had begged as he comically hopped on one foot to put on his pants which should have stayed on in the first place. In his haste he had fallen, hitting his head on the nightstand. Served him right but she was sure it did no good knocking some sense into him. If the situation weren’t so serious she could have had a good laugh.

    Jamison had cursed and rubbed his cranium, as he managed to stand and zipper his fly. His cheating eyes pleaded with her for forgiveness. Not in a million years to and beyond infinity would she ever consider that! Finally, Shiloh had gotten her stubborn legs to work. Turning, she fled, hearing him call after her.

    Honey, sweetheart, I love you. She meant nothing to me. I’m sorry, forgive me!

    There was nothing he could have said that would have interested her, especially all his lies. Sick inside, feeling like she could puke, Shiloh stood at the elevator pushing the button frantically as if that would make the lift come any faster. Come, come on! she had fidgeted and yelled at the door as if it would open at her command. A man stuck his head out of his room. Sorry, she mumbled and thankfully the elevator door opened and gratefully it was empty. Shiloh dashed in and when the door closed on her, it was as if she were locked in a room of total misery, never to escape.

    Never claustrophobic, the walls were now closing in on her. With a heavy sigh, she watched as the numbers flashed before her wet eyes and her terror squeezed her heart, thinking that she was descending straight to Hades. Maybe it would’ve been less painful there! What a time to worry about the sight she must have made running through the lobby, tears streaming down her face, bumping into people. She even knocked over one little man’s suitcase and she nearly had landed in his lap.

    Fow Américain! she heard him grumble. "Yes, she was crazy all right! Crazy for loving a cheating, lowlife, pond scum, bastard! Once outside, people busily went on their way, but their faces were all a haze to her. The wind wiped her hair around her face as she looked for the rented car.

    Mademoiselle, may I help you?


    Do you want your car? asked the parking attendant.

    She gawked at him for a moment, and then scrambled in her purse for the key. She nodded, Yes, please. Merci.

    Fidgeting, she kept looking over her shoulder expecting her fiancé to show up any minute and drag her back into the hotel. But thankfully, the car arrived and she nearly knocked over valet getting into the vehicle.

    Bon sejour, Shiloh had heard him call after her, but his voice lacked sincerity.

    Flooring the pedal to the metal, she raced into traffic. If Americans thought Europeans drove hap-hastily, ha! She put them all to shame cutting off taxies and busses causing screeching of tires and brakes, not to mention horn honking and vulgar language all directed at her.

    At that moment, that thought made her smile for a second as she rubbed her eyes with the heel of her hand. Lightning streaked across the black sky and she could have sworn that she spied a huge structure atop a hill. I spy with my one little eye, popped into her head. Boy, it’s strange what one thinks about at the oddest of times. It was a game she and her father had played even if it was only to the neighborhood stores. Right now, she could use her father’s shoulder to cry on.

    Her father was a firefighter who died in the line of duty. Shiloh could never and would never forget that day when she came home from high school. She was a senior and was looking forward to the prom. Her mother was sobbing, sitting at the kitchen table. A neighbor was there comforting She had known the moment she stepped into the room that her father was dead.

    At the wake people gathered and gave her their condolences, saying that Adam was a brave fireman. He had saved a comrade. They all meant well, but she would’ve rather have had her father alive then a dead hero. Ironically, it was three months before 9/11 and the young man he had saved perished on that day leaving behind a pregnant wife. She missed her father as much as she missed her mother who had died four years later from kidney failure.

    Shiloh had offered one of her own kidneys, but she was not a match. After that she remained in a shell until she met Jamison. And at twenty-five he had brought life back into her soul. Now that was funny, since now he had also taken it back. She voiced a pathetic laugh.

    The car skidded and she swerved, bringing her out of her painful reveries. That was a close call, she almost hit another vehicle. Pay attention to the road, she ordered herself. Blinking, another bolt of electricity flashed and she was certain this time that her swollen eyes weren’t playing tricks. A castle, she thought, sat like a huge monster atop that hill. She recalled being told about an old mansion that was being turned into a hotel.

    As she rounded another curve, headlights from an oncoming car blinded her momentarily and Shiloh turned sharply to avoid a collision, but she over-compensated and lost control. Slamming her foot onto the brake, to her horror it went to the floor. She pumped it but to no avail, she simply had no brakes. She tried the emergency brake but at her speed, it put her car into a tailspin and the vehicle spun a few times before it sped down a steep hill.

    Oh, God, oh, God, oh God! she prayed but her cries for help and her screams were drowned out by the thunder. There was no way that even the Almighty could have heard her prayers. The car picked up momentum until a large tree sprang up in its path causing the ear shattering abrupt stop. The steering wheel slammed into her chest sucking the air out of her lungs. Shiloh’s head snapped back causing a sharp pain in the base of her skull to travel down her spine. She gasped as if her breath was cut off. Then mercifully everything went black.

    How long she remained unconscious was not the most important question in her foggy mind when she opened her eyes. Her first thought was how grateful she was to be alive, but that notion lasted but a second when sheer pain consumed her whole body. Then she wondered why the air bag hadn’t exploded and her brakes had failed. Some car company was looking at a big law suit, she thought foolishly. But, first she had to get out of this and live. Moaning, she tried to open the door but it was jammed shut.

    This was not good.

    A cold knot formed in her stomach. Shiloh sucked in an excruciating shallow, quick breath and struggled over the seat to fall out the passenger’s side. Although discovering that gasping only caused her more torture, it was in no way a deterrent. She still would not give up. She wanted to live and her mother’s words came back to haunt her. Crap! Now a wish came true.

    Only able to crawl a few inches, Shiloh lay in the mud sobbing and unable to control her spasmodic trembling. She couldn’t detect if she was still crying, drowning in her own tears or rain because it fell so hard against her face. She seemed to be drifting in and out of reality. One moment she experienced pain and the next she was recalling hours before when she and Jamison arrived in France.

    They had fallen into bed exhausted but not too tired to make love. It was early in the day still, so after their nap she coaxed him to go shopping with her but he claimed to be too bushed. She kissed him and promised to be back no longer than two hours, but she decided that shopping wasn’t fun without her fiancé. Assuming that Jamison was still in bed, she tiptoed into the room to surprise him. As it turned out, he was definitely in bed but it was her who got the bombshell dropped in her lap. And what had her anger proven? Nothing! But it might have gotten Jamison his release from her if she were to die.

    Great! Give him the easy way out! Oh, wonderful, more self-derision.

    What was that?

    A twig snapped bringing her back to the miserable present. Icy fear wrapped around her heart. God, please let it be someone.

    Help, she croaked. At least she thought she had uttered a cry but she did not hear her own voice. Leaves rustled and now she feared that it might be a wild animal. Her eyes closed and she prayed even harder.

    And then her body was being lifted by strong arms. Was she dreaming? Too frightened to open her eyes just in case she was, she snuggled into the warmth of her imagination. Shiloh had a sensation that she was at peace, safe, where she belonged. Once again she succumbed to nothingness.


    Do we hide the truth from our own eyes?

    Not to see the world with all its lies…

    Dorian Wolfermont had been taking his nightly stroll when he heard a cry for help. His husky, that looked more like a wolf growled low in his throat. Hush, Napoleon, he ordered. It did not sound human and as he waited a moment, but the canine whined and scampered ahead. Now that the violent storm had abated, nothing reached his ears but night sounds and the ocean’s roar carried by the wind. The moon was making only sporadic appearances and the sea breeze was moving the gray clouds rapidly overhead. He pulled his hat lower as his black greatcoat flapped around his boots. He could see himself as a man that projected a menacing aura about him.

    This was his property and no one ever trespassed on it so he was not overly concerned. He shrugged and turned but another sound, like whimpering was heard. Napoleon returned and barked for his master to follow. Dorian decided maybe he should investigate, his pet must have found something.

    There. It sounded like something was definitely injured. Was it an animal? With long, quick strides he reached the form and knelt, a small rock bruised his knee but he paid it no mind. He gasped realizing that it wasn’t an animal but a human. The dog sniffed the body and Dorian pushed the canine aside and ordered the animal to return home.

    Slowly, he brushed back the tangled hair and his hand stilled. In the dirt lay the most striking female; her beauty was exquisite. Honey brown hair haloed her bronzed face that was quickly whitening beneath her tan. Dark lashes swept down across her high cheek-bones. He was tempted to run a finger across her full red mouth but touched her brow instead. It was cool. Too cool.

    The woman’s sensuous mouth opened slightly releasing a weak cry. Foolishly, he wanted to kiss her lips but that thought was removed as quickly as it entered his mind. Instead he touched her mouth with the tip of one finger. A long dormant feeling of lust roused inside him, like a medieval dragon – long suspected of being dead – unexpectedly awakened.

    Shocked at his response he gathered her into his grip wrapping his arm around her midriff. She seemed too snuggle deeper into his embrace and her firm breasts against his chest made him conscious of her womanly body. For a tall woman, she was surprisingly light. Another shocker was the fact that something stirred in a region that had long been dead. A hot ache grew in his throat. Dorian frowned, this would not do.

    Never again he vowed to let a woman break his heart.

    He would see to her injuries, and then send her away.

    Swiftly, Dorian carried her through the woods, brushing aside foliage and snapping twigs beneath his boots. Napoleon’s barking alerted his man-servant and Pemberton was waiting by the front door.

    My words, the servant gasped. Who is she and what happened, your grace?

    I do not know, Pemberton. She was just lying there in the woods. I have no idea who she is or how she got there. It appears as if she had an awful accident of some kind but no horse was nearby. I’ll put the woman in Jane’s room. Go fetch hot water so I can clean her wounds.

    Aye, your grace, right away, his man servant replied. Shaking his head sadly, Pemberton mumbled, The duchess’ room? But, master you never entered that room since that awful day.

    Dorian didn’t have to be remained of that. He hadn’t been in this room for a long time and he had promised himself never to enter it again after that night, but he had to make an exception. It was the only room comfortable enough for the injured woman. With a cruse he kicked the bedroom door open. She didn’t stir when he placed her on the bed. He couldn’t help but to gaze at her loveliness again and run a finger across her soft lips. Just as he suspected. So very supple, he mused. He fingered a strand of her hair; it was as soft to the touch as well he knew it would be. Pemberton returned with the water and he ordered the servant to build a fire in the hearth. He prayed that he could nurse the beautiful stranger back to health.

    Dorian returned daily to find that she remained unconscious. He’d sit by her side and held her hand knowing he shouldn’t be there. The rise and fall of her firm breasts under the sheets would draw his gaze there and as always he would feel his manhood act in response. Why was he torturing himself? Why didn’t he simply stay away? Once she was awakened she’d be gone but he would never forget her. Every detail of her sweet face would be branded in his mind and the smell of her would always linger in his soul. How could one forget an angel that had fallen from the sky? Just then a hand on his shoulder snapped his head up. Pemberton had come into the room.

    Sir, go get some rest, I will stay with the woman for a spell.

    A snort that was half humor, half disgust, escaped from his throat. You know I do not need rest, Pemberton.

    Very well, your grace, but sitting here will not make her regain consciousness any sooner, he reprimanded Dorian as if he were the master. But his servant always spoke his mind to him, they were more than employer and employee, they were friends.

    He raised a dark brow and intoned, Indeed! That one word spoke volumes and he feigned being indignant, he was still the master. With a deferential bow, Pemberton removed himself without further comment.

    Dorian sighed and rose. Pemberton was right, and besides, he didn’t want her opening her eyes when he was there because he might be tempted to kiss her. And sitting here gazing into her beautiful face was not doing him much good either. The more he gazed at her, the more he wanted to kiss her. And kissing would lead to touching, and it would not stop there. It has been too long since

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