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English Creek
English Creek
English Creek
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English Creek

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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In this prize-winning portrait of a time and place—Montana in the 1930s—that at once inspires and fulfills a longing for an explicable past, Ivan Doig has created one of the most captivating families in American fiction, the McCaskills.

The witty and haunting narration, a masterpiece of vernacular in the tradition of Twain, follows the events of the Two Medicine country's summer: the tide of sheep moving into the high country, the capering Fourth of July rodeo and community dance, and an end-of-August forest fire high in the Rockies that brings the book, as well as the McCaskill family's struggle within itself, to a stunning climax. It is a season of escapade as well as drama, during which fourteen-year-old Jick comes of age. Through his eyes we see those nearest and dearest to him at a turning point—“where all four of our lives made their bend”—and discover along with him his own connection to the land, to history, and to the deep-fathomed mysteries of one’s kin and one’s self.
Release dateJul 2, 2013

Ivan Doig

Ivan Doig (1939-2015) was born in Montana and grew up along the Rocky Mountain Front, the dramatic landscape that has inspired much of his writing. A recipient of a lifetime Distinguished Achievement Award from the Western Literature Association, he is the author of fifteen novels and four works of nonfiction.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is just a beautiful book. It is not profound. It's a very nice family story - Jick, almost 15 years old, is trying to figure out why his dad and Stanley have such tricky relationship. That's enough of a puzzle to keep the story moving. But this is not a novel driven by plot, or by political or philosophical issues. It is a panorama of ranch life in Montana. Haying, shepherding, fighting fires, a 4th of July picnic and dance. The story is just a framework on which to hang a rich tapestry of place and lifestyle.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    After reading this author's excellent autobiographical, This House of Sky, I was immediately struck at the beginning of reading this book by how difficult it was for me to distinguish between the "true" non-fiction work and this fictional narrative. Both books deal with rural Montana and its life in livestock and the like. I rarely have trouble sorting out fiction and non-fiction, primarily because fiction writers, even when trying not to be fantasty-like in any way, still tend to eventually reach those points in the narrative where you can feel the author manipulating the course of events for effect. Non-fiction, assuming it isn't obviously biased, is not being manipulated by the author. No matter how unlikely an event may seem to the non-fiction reader, those supposedly strange twists in events are always true. This author makes even his fictional lives ring very real. Having said that, at some point in my reading, I realized I had transitioned from a nearly non-fiction fictional tale to just a great, engaging yarn. I found myself savoring the book in small proportions to extend my enjoyment. I look forward to the second installment in the author's Montana centennial McCaskill trilogy.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Too long, not enough plot. No match to Dancing at the Rascal Fair.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I LOVED The Last Bus to Wisdom and although this has a similar tone to it, it didn't resonate as much. Another coming of age story, this is about 15 year old Jake who is growing up in Montana during the 1930's. The beauty behind this story is the description of the setting. The country is suffering from the Depression and even the sheep and cattle farmers in Montana are struggling. Jake's father is a forest ranger and the whole concept of National Parks is relatively new. I definitely enjoyed reliving a piece of that part of history. But the story, although sweet, was a bit slow and although the characters are quirky and interesting, there wasn't that much growth. But, if you are looking for a quiet gentle read, this might be it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is a coming-of-age story set in Depression-era Montana. It’s the first published book, though in chronological order it is book two, in Doig’s Two Medicine Trilogy, which chronicles the McCaskill family over several generations. Jick McCaskill tells the story of his youth, focusing on the summer of 1939, when he was fourteen, and his family faced some challenges: “where all four of our lives made their bend.” Doig really puts the reader into the era and landscape of this novel. The sky is vast, the landscape majestic, the weather sometimes brutal, and the dangers – both natural and manmade – palpable. Jick is a keen observer, if sometimes perplexed. I love his descriptions of various events – accompanying his father as he “counts” the sheep, helping a wounded camp tender, tasting his first alcohol, enjoying the Fourth of July town picnic and rodeo. And I love how he’s so “consumed” by food. This boy is ALWAYS hungry! He’s also curious and continues to question those around him trying to ferret out the information he needs to piece together the puzzle that is his family’s history. He’s young enough that he still feels “responsible” for many things that happen, and consequently naïve enough to think he can affect the outcome with a well-chosen word. There were times when Doig’s work made me think on my own father, and how he taught us love of the land and nature. That made the book all the more enjoyable for me.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is listed as No.1 in Doig's McCaskill trilogy, but I believe that Dancing at the Rascal Fair is first in chronological, if not publication, order. One hot summer in the Montana mountains is featured here, as the narrator recalls how he spent the last "free" season before Europe erupted in a second World War, and big changes came to his family. This is a dense rich story, of a boy learning to be a man; working with his father, a member of the US Forest Service--counting sheep herds, provisioning remote camps, worrying through fire season and playing flunky to the cook at a tense fire-fighters' camp--and with his rancher uncle during a month of cutting, raking and stacking the winter's supply of hay. Along the way, he finds he can be as resourceful as the environment requires, and through his own persistence, also learns some things about his family's past that the adults have been inclined to keep buried.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I've read quite a few coming of age tales, yet "English Creek" genuinely stands out. Jick is a memorable boy who is a thinker living in the land of doing, Montana. I guess I identify with the Scottish heritage and the fact that my mother spent her summers on a ranch in Montana. However, I think even without those common denominators a reader would become completely engaged with this young man and his queries about his family past and present. The passionate love of the land and dedication to its care, the intense family bonds and bonds of friendship. What would any coming of age tale be without some loss of innocence thrown in as well, not to mention some facing of truths and a pinch of heroism. This story was marvelous!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    English Creek by Ivan Doig is about a soon-to-be fifteen-year-old Montana boy forced to learn harsh lessons about people during the summer of 1939. The younger son of a national forest head ranger, John Angus (Jick) McCaskill experiences unsettling experiences that force him to feel, reflect, and conclude. At the summer’s conclusion he has developed a better understanding of the damage stubbornness of will can cause within a family, and he is more perceptive and accepting of the character deficiencies of flawed people.In a conversation with his school friend Ray Heaney, Jick, thinking about his parents and his brother Alec, reveals his frustration about grown-ups arguing and falling “out over it. Why can’t they just say, here’s what it was about, it’s over and done with? Get it out of their systems?” Ray accuses Jick of thinking too much. Jick responds: “Thinking is thinking. It happens in spite of a person. … I don’t have any choice. This stuff I’m talking about is on my mind whether or not I want it to be.”What Jick must think about is the argument his parents had had with Alec about Alec’s immediate future. Four years older than Jick, Alec has university potential. From early childhood he has demonstrated the ability to compute large numbers rapidly in his head. His parents have sacrificed during the Depression years to finance Alec’s higher education. Accustomed to success, as willful as his parents, Alec instead is determined to get married, work as a cowboy on a large cattle ranch, eventually buy a parcel of land, and attempt to raise cattle. He is unwilling to heed his father’s advice: “… whatever the hell you do, you need to bring an education to it these days. That old stuff of banging a living out of this country by sheer force of behavior doesn’t work. … You’ll be starting in a hole. … And an everlasting climb out.” But Alec is insistent upon getting married. He is unwilling to wait the four years that would enable him to get a university degree. “… we got to start [our lives]. … And we’re going to do it married. Not going to wait our life away.” Jick is deeply disturbed. “… I somehow knew even then, that the fracture of a family is not a thing that happens clean and sharp … No, it is like one of those worst bone breaks, a shatter.” He hopes that reconciliation is yet possible. He talks to his mother about it. She describes Leona, Alec’s finance, as “too young and … flibberty. Leona is in love with the idea of men, not one man.” She exhorts Jick not to “go through life paying attention to the past at the expense of the future. That you don’t pass up chances because they’re new and unexpected.” Fairly late in the novel Jick visits his brother at the cattle ranch and discovers that Leona has cooled about marriage and Alec is working a demeaning job. Jick asks: “What is it about the damned life here that you think is so great?” Alec answers: “That it’s my own.” Days later, Jick attempts to force a reconciliation.This is the conflict that drives the novel. As a parent of grown children, I identify with the theme that parents, utilizing their wisdom, must not only advise but strongly advocate beneficial paths to their child’s successful future. I also know from experience that every child is different and in some instances the willfulness of the maturing child trumps all degrees of parental persuasion and persistence. Looking back on this summer of 1939, the mature adult Jick McCaskill comments: “Ever since the night of the supper argument our parents thought they were contending with Alec’s cowboy phase or with Leona or the combination of the two. … What they were up against was the basic Alec.”Jick’s secondary conflict involves his desire to learn about an apparent rift between his father Varick McCaskill and Stanley Meixell, an old codger that Jick and Varick encounter as they ride into the higher slopes of the Two Medicine National forest, just east of the Continental Divide. Varick McCaskill is the Two Medicine National Forest top ranger. He and Jick have ridden out to take a count of hundreds of sheep grazing in the national forest. Meixell is leading a pack horse carrying food and supplies to the first of several sheep herders. Jick remembers Stanley’s presence several times at his parents’ dinner table when he was four, of he and Alec being amused by Stanley’s revelations to them “that where he came from they called milk moo juice and eggs cackle-berries and molasses long-tailed sugar. Yet of his ten or so years since we had last seen him I couldn’t have told you anything whatsoever.” The talk between Varick and Stanley on the mountain slope is strained. Then, noticing that Stanley’s right hand is badly cut, Varick volunteers Jick to accompany Stanley on his trip to the sheep herders. “Those packs and knots are gonna be several kinds of hell, unless you’re more left-handed than you’ve ever shown.” Jick is astonished and, thereafter, resentful. Not only is Stanley seriously incapacitated and his pack horse extremely ornery. Jick discovers that Stanley is an alcoholic. Jick has to do virtually all of the essential physical tasks; skin dead, wet sheep; provide his and Stanley’s meals; nurse Stanley’s wound; and deal with unexpected calamities caused by the recalcitrant pack horse. In response to Stanley implicit apology, “I hope you don’t feel hard used,” Jick, feeling exactly that way, answers, “No, it’s all been an education.” Part of what Jick learned was that Stanley had been the original Two Medicine National Park head ranger -- had, in fact, drawn the actual boundaries. Having formed immediately a low opinion of Stanley, hearing this from him, Jick is surprised. He is forced to think. What exactly was the relationship between his father and Stanley. Why had there been an apparent cautiousness in their recent conversation? Where had Stanley been the past ten years? Jick learns the answers during a dangerous fire in the Two Medicine forest and realizes that Stanley is a man he should respect.My only criticism of this novel is that the story took too long to reach its conclusion. In his acknowledgments, Doig indicates specific subject matter that he conscientiously researched. He uses this information liberally throughout the book, some of which doesn’t pertain directly to Jick’s conflicts. The information is instructive to any reader that appreciates how particular people lived in a specific locality at a specific time in history. We read about the work of a packjack, we witness a community Fourth of July picnic and rodeo, we learn how hay is stacked, we experience an out-of-control forest fire. We meet unusual types of people. (Doig is excellent at characterization and the use of dialogue) I liked the information but wanted more to see how the story concluded.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    John Angus (Jick) McCaskill spends his fourteenth summer in the year of 1939 puzzling over why his older brother wants to forgo the opportunity of going to college to get married. There are lots of adventures in this book -- some small like digging a new hole for the outhouse and some big like a forest fire that threatens the livelihood of Jick's family and neighbors in northern Montana.This is my second book by Ivan Doig, leaving one more in the Montana trilogy. This one is written before Dancing at the Rascal Fair but it actually comes after it in time. They both have some beautiful descriptive passages like this one:"...Roman Reef and all the peaks south beyond it stood in sun, as if the little square of window had been made into a summer picture of the Alps. It still floors me, how the mountains are not the same any two days in a row. As if hundreds of copies of those mountains exist, and each dawn brings in a fresh one, of new color, new prominence of some feature over the others, a different wrapping of cloud or rinse of sun for this day's version."If you enjoy nature writing of this caliber and don't mind a story without gimmicks about an earlier time in America when people depended on hard work to make a living, then I recommend this series to you. And I haven't even read the third one yet!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    (Query: how much do you remember about the summer of the year you were 15 years old? Altho I'm 87 many of my memories are still fresh: I had graduated from highschool, and spent that summer as a camp counselor.)"English Creek" gives its readers a view of early 20th century life in northern Montana thru the eyes of Jick McKaskill. Jick has his fifteenth birthday in the summer of 1939. (His family's history is detailled in "Dancing at the Rascal Fair.") Each chapter is headed by an excerpt from the Gros Ventre Weekly Gleaner but the voice of the book is Jick's. . .what he sees, hears, does, thinks. He has a busy summer and, tho only a few months older, is much wiser at its end.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Two Medicine country is in northern Montana. It’s a fictional setting but by the time the reader is finished, this wonderful setting will be imprinted firmly in your mind. It’s the summer of 1939. The depression is winding down and as June begins, we are introduced to fourteen year old Jick McCaskill, the son of a tough hard-working forest ranger. We follow the boy through his many summer tasks and adventures, including sheep counting, delivering supplies to the outposts, toiling through the hay harvest and fighting a raging forest fire. All of this is told in much vivid detail: the 4th of July celebration goes on for over fifty pages but this helps immerse the reader into this special time and place. For Jick, it is also a summer of awakenings and revelations and he will find himself in September, a wiser and more mature young man. This is the first of a trilogy and I look forward to the others.

Book preview

English Creek - Ivan Doig


This time of year, the report from the dust counties in the northeastern part of the state customarily has it that Lady Godiva could ride through the streets there without even the horse seeing her. But this spring’s rains are said to have thinned the air sufficiently to give the steed a glimpse.


THAT MONTH OF JUNE swam into the Two Medicine country. In my life until then I had never seen the sidehills come so green, the coulees stay so spongy with runoff. A right amount of wet evidently could sweeten the universe. Already my father on his first high patrols had encountered cow elk drifting up and across the Continental Divide to their calving grounds on the west side. They, and the grass and the wild hay meadows and the benchland alfalfa, all were a good three weeks ahead of season. Which of course accounted for the fresh mood everywhere across the Two. As is always said, spring rain in range country is as if halves of ten-dollar bills are being handed around, with the other halves promised at shipping time. And so in the English Creek sheepmen, what few cowmen were left along Noon Creek and elsewhere, the out-east farmers, the storekeepers of Gros Ventre, our Forest Service people, in just everyone that start of June, hope was up and would stay strong as long as the grass did.

Talk could even be heard that Montana maybe at last had seen the bottom of the Depression. After all, the practitioners of this bottomed-out notion went around pointing out, last year was a bit more prosperous, or anyway a bit less desperate, than the year before. A nice near point of measurement which managed to overlook that for the several years before last the situation of people on the land out here had been godawful. I suppose I ought not to dwell on dollar matters when actually our family was scraping along better than a good many. Even though during the worst years the Forest Service did lay off some people—Hoovered them, the saying went—my father, ranger Varick McCaskill, was never among them. True, his salary was jacked down a couple of times, and Christ only knew if the same wasn’t going to start happening again. But we were getting by. Nothing extra, just getting by.

It gravels me every time I read a version of those times that makes it sound as if the Depression set in on the day Wall Street tripped over itself in 1929. Talk about nearsighted. By 1929 Montana already had been on rocky sledding for ten years. The winter of 1919—men my father’s age and older still just called it that sonofabitch of a winter—was the one that delivered hard times. Wholesale. As Dode Withrow, who had the ranch farthest up the south fork of English Creek, used to tell: I went into that ’19 winter with four thousand head of ewes and by spring they’d evaporated to five hundred. Trouble never travels lonesome, so about that same time livestock and crop prices nosedived because of the end of the war in Europe. And right along with that, drought and grasshoppers showed up to take over the dry-land farming. It began to be just a hell of a situation, my father always said of those years when he and my mother were trying to get a start in life. Anyplace you looked you saw people who had put twenty years into this country and all they had to show for it was a pile of old calendars. Then when drought circled back again at the start of the thirties and joined forces with Herbert Hoover, bad progressed to worse. That is within my own remembering, those dry bitter years. Autumn upon autumn the exodus stories kept coming out of the High Line grain country to the north and east of us, and right down here on the highway which runs through the town of Gros Ventre anybody who looked could see for himself the truth of those tales, the furniture-loaded jitney trucks with farewells to Montana painted across their boxboards in big crooked letters: GOODBY OLD DRY and AS FOR HAVRE YOU CAN HAVE ’ER. The Two country did have the saving grace that the price for lambs and wool recovered somewhat while other livestock and crops stayed sunk. But anybody on Two land who didn’t scrape through the early thirties with sheep likely didn’t scrape through at all. Cattle rancher after cattle rancher and farmer after farmer got in deep with the banks. Gang plow and ditcher, work horses and harness, haymow and cream separator: everything on those places was mortgaged except the air. And then foreclosure, and the auctioneer’s hammer. At those hammer sales we saw men weep, women as stricken as if they were looking on death, and their children bewildered.

So it was time hope showed up.

 • • • 

Jick! Set your mouth for it!

Supper, and my mother. It is indelible in me that all this began there right at the very outset of June, because I was working over my saddle and lengthening the stirrups again, to account for how much I was growing that year, for the ride up with my father on the counting trip the next morning. I can even safely say what the weather was, one of those brockled late afternoons under the Rockies when tag ends of storm cling in the mountains and sun is reaching through wherever it can between the cloud piles. Tell me why it is that details like that, saddle stirrups a notch longer or sunshine dabbed around on the foothills some certain way, seem to be the allowance of memory while the bigger points of life hang back. At least I have found it so, particularly now that I am at the time where I try to think what my life might have been like had I not been born in the Two Medicine country and into the McCaskill family. Oh, I know what’s said. How home ground and kin together lay their touch along us as unalterably as the banks of a stream direct its water. But that doesn’t mean you can’t wonder. Whether substantially the same person would meet you in the mirror if your birth certificate didn’t read as it does. Or whether some other place of growing up might have turned you wiser or dumber, more contented or less. Here in my own instance, some mornings I will catch myself with a full cup of coffee yet in my hand, gone cold while I have sat here stewing about whether my threescore years would be pretty much as they are by now had I happened into existence in, say, China or California instead of northern Montana.

Any of this of course goes against what my mother forever tried to tell the other three of us. That the past is a taker, not a giver. It was a warning she felt she had to put out, in that particular tone of voice with punctuation all through it, fairly often in our family. When we could start hearing her commas and capital letters we knew the topic had become Facing Facts, Not Going Around with Our Heads Stuck in Yesterday. Provocation for it, I will say, came from my father as reliably as a dusk wind out of a canyon. Half a night at a time he might spend listening to Toussaint Rennie tell of the roundup of 1882, when the cowmen fanned their crews north from the elbow of the Teton River to the Canadian line and brought in a hundred thousand head. Or the tale even bigger and earlier than that, the last great buffalo hunt, Toussaint having ridden up into the Sweetgrass Hills to see down onto a prairie that looked burnt, so dark with buffalo, the herd pinned into place by the plains tribes. Strange, but I can still recite the tribes and where they pitched their camps to surround those miles of buffalo, just as Toussaint passed the lore of it to my father: Crows on the southeast, Gros Ventres and Assiniboines on the northeast, Piegans on the west, Crees along the north, and Flatheads here to the south. Something to see, that must’ve been, my father would say in his recounting to the rest of us at supper. Mac, somebody already saw it, my mother would come right back at him. What you’d better Put Your Mind To is the Forest Supervisor’s Visit Tomorrow. Or if she didn’t have to work on my father for the moment, there was Alec when he began wearing a neck hanky and considering himself a cowboy. That my own particular knack for remembering, which could tuck away entire grocery lists or whatever someone had told me in innocence a couple of weeks before, made me seem likely to round out a houseful of men tilted to the past must have been the final stem on my mother’s load. Jick, I can hear her yet, there isn’t any law that says a McCaskill can’t be as forward-looking as anybody else. Just because your father and your brother—

Yet I don’t know. What we say isn’t always what we can do. In the time after, it was her more than anyone who would return and return her thoughts to where all four of our lives made their bend. The summer when . . . she would start in, and as if the three-note signal of a chickadee had been sung, it told me she was turning to some happening of that last English Creek summer. She and I are alike at least in that, the understanding that such a season of life provides more than enough to wonder back at, even for a McCaskill.

JICK! Are you coming, or do the chickens get your share? I know with all certainty too that that call to supper was double, because I was there at the age where I had to be called twice for anything. Anyway, that second summons of hers brought me out of the barn just as the pair of them, Alec and Leona, topped into view at the eastern rise of the county road. That is, I knew my brother as far as I could see him by that head-up way he rode, as if trying to see beyond a ridge-line in front of him. Leona would need to be somewhat nearer before I could verify her by her blouseful. But those days if you saw Alec you were pretty sure to be seeing Leona too.

Although there were few things more certain to hold my eyes than a rider cresting that rise of road, with all the level eastern horizon under him as if he was traveling out of the sky and then the outline of him and his horse in gait down and down and down the steady slow slant toward the forks of English Creek, I did my watching of Alec and Leona as I crossed the yard to our house behind the ranger station. I knew better than to have my mother call me time number three.

I went on in to wash up and I suppose was a little more deliberately offhand than I had to be by waiting until I’d dippered water into the basin and added hot from the kettle before announcing, Company.

The word always will draw an audience. My father looked up from where he was going over paperwork about the grazers’ permits, and my mother’s eyebrows drew into that alignment that let you know you had all of her attention and had better be worth it.

Alec and Leona, I reported through a face rinse. Riding like the prettiest one of them gets to kiss the other one.

You seem to know a remarkable lot about it, my mother said. Actually, that sort of thing was starting to occur to me. I was fourteen and just three months shy of my next birthday. Fourteen, hard on to fifteen, as I once heard one of the beerhounds around the Medicine Lodge saloon in Gros Ventre describe that complicated age. But there wasn’t any of this I was about to confide to my mother, who now instructed: When you’re done there you’d better bring in that spare chair from your bedroom. She cast the pots and pans atop the stove a calculating look, then as if having reminded herself turned toward me and added: Please. When I left the room she already had rattled a fresh stick of wood into the kitchen range and was starting in on whatever it is cooks like her do to connive food for three into a supper for five.

Remind me in the morning, Bet, I could overhear my father say, to do the rest of this Uncle Sam paper.

I’ll serve it to you with breakfast, promised my mother.

Fried, he said. Done to a cinder would suit me, particularly Van Bebber’s permit. It’d save me arguing the Section Twenty grass with him one goddamn more time.

You wouldn’t know how to begin a summer without that argument with Ed, she answered. Are you washed?

By the time I came back into the kitchen with the spare chair which had been serving as my nightstand Alec and Leona were arriving through the doorway, him inquiring Is this the McCaskill short-order house? and her beaming up at him as if he’d just recited Shakespeare.

They were a pair to look on, Alec and Leona. By now Alec was even taller than my father, and had the same rich red head of hair; a blood-bay flame which several hundred years of kilts and skirts being flung off must have fanned into creation. Same lively blue eyes. Same straight keen McCaskill nose, and same tendency to freckle across it but nowhere else. Same deep upper lip, with the bottom of the face coming out to meet it in stubborn support; with mouth closed, both Alec and my father had that jaw-forward look which meets life like a plow. Resemblance isn’t necessarily duplication, though, and I see in my mind’s eye that there also was the message of that as promptly as my brother and my father were in the same room that evening. Where my father never seemed to take up as much space as his size might warrant, Alec somehow took up his share and then some. I noticed this now, how Alec had begun to stand in that shambly wishbone way a cowboy adopts, legs and knees spraddled farther apart than they need to be, as if hinting to the world that he’s sure longing for a horse to trot in there between them. Alec was riding for the Double W ranch, his second summer as a hand there, and it had caused some family ruction; his going back to cowboying instead of taking a better-paying job, such as driving a truck for Adam Kerz as my mother particularly suggested. But the past year or so Alec had had to shut off his ears to a lot of opinions my parents held about this cowboy phase of his. Last Fourth of July, when Alec showed up in rodeo clothes which included a red bandanna, my father asked him: What, is your Adam’s apple cold?

Not that you could ever dent Alec for long. I have told that he had a head-up, nothing-in-life-has-ever-slowed-me-up-yet way of riding. I maybe should amend that to say that on horseback Alec looked as if he was riding the world itself, and even afoot as he was here in the kitchen he seemed as if he was being carried to exactly where he wanted to go. Which, just then, I guess you would have to say he was. Everything was coming up aces for Alec that year. Beating Earl Zane’s time with Leona. Riding for the Double W in a green high-grass summer. And in the fall he would head for Bozeman, the first McCaskill to manage to go to college. Launching Alec to college from the canyon of the Depression was taking a mighty exertion by our whole family, but his knack for numbers plainly justified it; we none of us held a doubt that four years from now he would step out of Bozeman trained in mechanical engineering. Yes, Alec was a doer, as people said of him. My own earliest memory of this brother of mine was the time, I must have been four and him eight, when he took me into the pasture where the ranger station’s saddle horses were grazing and said, Here’s how you mooch them, Jick. He eased over to the nearest horse, waited until it put its head down to eat grass, then straddled its neck. When the horse raised its head Alec was lifted, and slid down the neck into place on its back and simultaneously gripped the mane to hang on and steer by. Now you mooch that mare, Alec called to me and I went beside the big chomping animal and flung my right leg over as he had, and was elevated into being a bareback rider the same as my brother.

 ’Lo, Jicker, Alec said across the kitchen to me now after his greeting to my mother and father. How’s the world treating you?

Just right, I said back automatically.  ’Lo, Leona.

Leona too was a horseperson, I guess you’d call it these days. When Tollie Zane held his auction of fresh-broke saddle horses in Gros Ventre every year he always enlisted Leona to ride them into the auction ring because there is nothing that enhances a saddle pony more than a good-looking girl up there on his back. Right now, though, as she entered my mother’s kitchen Leona’s role was to be milk and honey. Which she also was first-rate at. A kind of pause stepped in with Leona whenever she arrived somewhere, a long breath or two or maybe even three during which everyone seemed to weigh whether her hair could really be so gold, whether her figure actually lived up to all it advertised on first glance. I managed to notice once that her chin was pointier than I like, but by the time any male looked Leona over enough to reach that site, he was prepared to discount that and a lot more.

Anyhow, there in the kitchen we went through that pause period of letting Leona’s looks bask over us all, and on into some nickel and dime gab between Alec and my father—

Working hard?

Well, sure, Dad. Ever see me do anything different?

Just times I’ve seen you hardly working.

The Double W makes sure against that. Y’know what they say. Nobody on the Double W ever gets a sunburn, we don’t have time.

—and an old-as-womankind kitchen ritual between Leona and my mother—

Can I help with anything, Mrs. McCaskill?

No, probably it’s beyond help.

—until shortly my mother was satisfied that she had multiplied the food on the stove sufficiently and announced: I expect you brought your appetites with you? Let’s sit up.

I suppose every household needs some habited way to begin a meal. I have heard the Lord thanked in some of the unlikeliest of homes, and for some of the unholiest of food. And seen whole families not lift a fork until the patriarch at the head of the table had his plate full and his bread buttered. Ours, though, said grace only once every three hundred sixty-five days, and that one a joke—my father’s New Year’s Eve invocation in that Scotch-preacher burr he could put on: We ask ye on this Hogmanay, gi’ us a new yearrr o’ white brread and nane o’ yourrr grray.

Other than that, a McCaskill meal started at random, the only tradition to help yourself to what was closest and pass the food on clockwise.

How’s cow chousing? My father was handing the mashed potatoes to Leona, but looking across at Alec.

It’s all right. Alec meanwhile was presenting the gravy to Leona, before he realized she didn’t yet have spuds on her plate. He colored a little, but notched out his jaw and then asked back: How’s rangering?

When my father was a boy a stick of kindling flew up from the ax and struck the corner of his left eye. The vision was saved, but ever after that eyelid would droop to about half shut whenever amusement made him squint a little. It descended now as he studied the meal traffic piling up around Leona. Then he made his reply to Alec: It’s all right.

I had the bright idea this conversation could benefit from my help, so I chimed in: Counting starts tomorrow, Alec. Dode’s sheep, and then Walter Kyle’s, and then Fritz Hahn’s. Dad and I’ll be up there a couple, three days. Remember that time you and I were along with him and Fritz’s herder’s dog Moxie got after a skunk and we both—

Alec gave me a grin that was tighter than it ought to have been from a brother. Don’t let all those sheep put you to sleep, sprout.

Sprout? Evidently there was no telling what might issue from a person’s mouth when he had a blond girl to show off in front of, and the look I sent Alec told him so.

Speaking of counting, Alec came up with next, you got your beavers counted yet? Here he was giving my father a little static. Every so often the Forest Service regional headquarters in Missoula—Mazoola, all of us pronounced it my father’s way, emphasis on the zoo—invented some new project for rangers to cope with, and the latest one we had been hearing about from my father was the inventory he was supposed to take of the beaver population on the national forest portion of English Creek. Christamighty, he had grumped, this creek is the beaver version of New York City.

Now, though, with Leona on hand—this was the first time Alec had brought her out for a meal; the rest of us in the family recognized it as an early phase, a sort of curtain-raiser, in the Alec style of courting—my father just passed off the beaver census with: No, I’m waiting for policy guidance from the Mazoola inmates. They might want me to count only the tails and then multiply by one, you never know.

Alec didn’t let it go, though. Maybe if they like your beaver arithmetic, next summer they’ll have you do fish.

Maybe. My father was giving Alec more prancing room than he deserved, but I guess Leona justified it.

Who’s this week’s cook at the Double W? My mother, here. Leona, take some more ham and pass it on to Jick. He goes through food like a one-man army these days. I might have protested that too if my plate hadn’t been nearly empty, particularly of fried ham.

A Mrs. Pennyman, Alec reported. From over around Havre.

By now it’s Havre, is it. If Wendell Williamson keeps on, he’ll have hired and fired every cook between here and Chicago. My mother paused for Alec’s response to that, and got none. So? she prompted. How does she feed?

It’s—filling. The question seemed to put Alec a little off balance, and I noticed Leona provide him a little extra wattage in her next gaze at him.

So is sawdust, said my mother, plainly awaiting considerably more report.

Yeah, well, Alec fumbled. I was beginning to wonder whether cowboying had dimmed his wits, maybe driven his backbone up through the judgment part of his brain. You know. It’s usual ranch grub. He sought down into his plate for further description and finally proclaimed again: Filling, is what I’d call it.

How’s the buttermilk business? my father asked Leona, I suppose to steer matters off Alec’s circular track. Her parents, the Tracys, ran the creamery in Gros Ventre.

Just fine, Leona responded along with her flash of smile. She seemed to be on the brink of saying a lot more, but then just passed that smile around to the rest of us, a full share to my father and another to my mother and then one to me that made my throat tighten a little, then letting it rest last and coziest on Alec. She had a natural ability at that, producing some pleasantry and then lighting up the room so you thought the remark amounted to a whole hell of a lot more than it did. I do envy that knack in a person, though likely wouldn’t have the patience to use it myself even if I had it.

We still were getting used to the idea of Leona, the three of us in the family besides Alec. His girls before her were from the ranch families in here under the mountains or from the farm folks east of Gros Ventre. Nor was Leona in circulation at all for the past few years, going with Tollie Zane’s son Earl as she had been. But this past spring, Alec’s last in high school and Leona’s next-to-last, he somehow cut Earl Zane out of the picture. Swap one cowboy for another, she might as well have stayed put, my mother said at the time, a bit perturbed with Alec anyway about his intention for the Double W summer job again.

All right, I guess, Alec was answering profoundly to some question of my father’s about how successful the Double W’s calving season had turned out.

How’s this, how’s that, fine, all right, you bet. If this was the level of sociability that was going to go on, I intended to damn promptly excuse myself to get back to working on my saddle, the scenic attractions of Leona notwithstanding. But then just as I was trying to estimate ahead to whether an early piece of butterscotch meringue pie could be coaxed from my mother or I’d do better to wait until later, Alec all at once put down his fork and came right out with:

We got something to tell you. We’re going to get married.

This kicked the conversation in the head entirely.

My father seemed to have forgotten about the mouthful of coffee he’d just drunk, while my mother looked as if Alec had announced he intended to take a pee in the middle of the table. Alec was trying to watch both of them at once, and Leona was favoring us all with one of her searchlight smiles.

How come?

Even yet I don’t know why I said that. I mean, I was plenty old enough to know why people got married. There were times recently, seeing Alec and Leona mooning around together, when I seemed to savvy more than I actually had facts about, if that’s possible.

Focused as he was on how our parents were going to respond, the philosophy question from my side of the table jangled Alec. Because, because we’re—we love each other, why the hell do you think?

Kind of soon in life to be so certain on that, isn’t it? suggested my father.

We’re old enough, Alec shot back. And meanwhile gave me a snake-killing look as if I was going to ask old enough for what, but I honestly didn’t intend to.

When’s all this taking place? my father got out next.

This fall. Alec looked ready to say more, then held on to it, finally just delivered it in one dump: Wendell Williamson’ll let us have the house on the Nansen place to live in.

It was up to my mother to cleave matters entirely open. You’re saying you’ll stay on at the Double W this fall?

Yeah, Alec said as if taking a vow. It’s what I want to do.

The unsaid part of this was huge, huger than anything I had ever felt come into our kitchen before. The financing to send Alec to Bozeman my parents had been gathering like quilt pieces: whatever savings the household managed to pinch aside, plus a loan from my mother’s brother Pete Reese, plus a part-time job which my father had set up for Alec with a range-management professor at the college who knew us from having spent time up here studying the Two, plus of course Alec’s own wages from this summer, which was another reason why his choice of the Double W riding job at thirty dollars a month again was less than popular—Christ-amighty, since my own haying wages later this summer would go into the general household kitty, even I felt I had a stake in the Bozeman plan. And now here was Alec choosing against college. Against all the expectation riding on him. Against—

Alec, you will End Up as Nothing More Than a Gimped-Up Saddle Stiff, and I for one Will Not—

More out of samaritan instinct than good sense my father headed my mother off with a next query to Alec: How you going to support yourselves on a cow chouser’s wages?

You two did, at first.

We starved out at it, too.

We ain’t going to starve out. Alec’s grammar seemed to be cowboyifying, too. Wendell’ll let me draw ahead on my wages for a few heifers this fall, and winter them with the rest of the outfit’s. It’ll give us our start.

My father finally thought to set down his coffee cup. Alec, let’s keep our shirts on here—language can be odd; I had the vision just then of us all sitting around the table with our shirts off, Leona across from me in full double-barreled display—and try see what’s what.

I don’t see there’s any what’s what about it, Alec declared. People get married every day.

So does the sun rise, my mother told him, without particular participation by you.

Mom, now damn it, listen—

We all better listen, my father tried again. Leona, we got nothing against you. You know that. Which was a bit short of true in both its parts, and Leona responded with a lower beam of smile. It’s just that, Godamighty, Alec, cattle have gone bust time after time these last years. That way of life just has changed. Even the Double W would be on hard times if Wendell Williamson’s daddy hadn’t left him such deep pockets. Whether anybody’ll ever be able to start off from scratch in the cow business and make a go of it, I don’t see how.

Alec was like any of us, he resisted having an idea pulled from under him. Rather have me running sheep up on one of your allotments, is that it? There’d be something substantial to look forward to, I suppose you think, sheepherding.

My father seemed to consider. No, most probably not, in your case. It takes a trace of common sense to herd sheep. He said it lightly enough that Alec would have to take it as a joke, but there was a poking edge to the lightness. Alec, I just think that whatever the hell you do, you need to bring an education to it these days. That old stuff of banging a living out of this country by sheer force of behavior doesn’t work. Hasn’t for almost twenty years. This country can outbang any man. Look at them along the creek here, even these sheepmen. Hahn, Ed Van Bebber, Pres Rozier, the Busbys, Dode Withrow, Finletter, Hill. They’ve all just managed to hang on, and they’re as good a set of stockmen as you’ll find in the whole goddamn state of Montana. You think any of them could have got under way, in years like there’ve been?

Last year was better than the one before, Alec defended with that litany of the local optimists. This one looks better yet.

I saw my father glance at my mother, to see if she wanted to swat down this part of Alec’s argument or whether he should go ahead. Even I could tell from the held-in look of her that once she got started there’d be no stopping, so he soldiered on. And if about five more come good back to back, everybody’ll be almost to where they were fifteen or twenty years ago. Alec, trying to build a living on a few head of stock is a dead end these days.

Dad—Dad, listen. We ain’t starting from fifteen or twenty years ago. We’re starting from now, and we got to go by that, not whatever the hell happened to—to anybody else.

You’ll be starting in a hole, my father warned. And an everlasting climb out.

I say warned. What rang through to me was an alarm different from the one in my father’s words; an iron tone of anger such as I had never heard out of him before.

That’s as maybe. Alec’s timbre was an echo of the anger, the iron. But we got to start. Now Alec was looking at Leona as if he was storing up for the next thousand years. And we’re going to do it married. Not going to wait our life away.

 • • • 

If I ever get old enough to have brains, I will work on the question of man and woman.

All those years ago, the topic rode with me into the next morning as my father and I set off from the ranger station toward the mountains. Cool but cloudless, the day was a decent enough one, except for wind. I ought to have been in a topnotch mood, elevated by the anticipation that always began with my father’s annual words, Put on your mountain clothes in the morning.

Going along on one of these start-of-June rides with my father as he took a count of the sheep summering on the various ranchers’ range allotments in the national forest was one of the awaited episodes of life. Better country to look ahead to could not be asked for. Kootenai, Lolo, Flathead, Absaroka, Bitterroot, Beaverhead, Deerlodge, Gallatin, Cabinet, Helena, Lewis and Clark, Custer, Two Medicine—those were the national forests of Montana, totaling dozens of ranger districts, but to our estimation the Two Medicine was head and shoulders above the other forests, and my father’s English Creek district the topknot of the Two. Anybody with eyes could see this at once, for our ride this morning led up the North Fork of English Creek, which actually angles mostly west and northwest to thread between Roman Reef and Rooster Mountain to its source, and where the coulee of the North Fork opened ahead of us, there the first summits of the Rockies sat on the horizon like stupendous sharp boulders. Only when our first hour or so of riding carried us above that west edge of the coulee would we see the mountains in total, their broad bases of timber and rockfall gripping into the foothills. And the reefs. Roman Reef ahead of us, a rimrock half a mile high and more than three long. Grizzly Reef even bigger to the south of it, smaller Jericho Reef to the north. I don’t know, are mountain reefs general knowledge in the world? I suppose they get their name because they stand as outcroppings do at the edge of an ocean, steady level ridges of stone, as if to give a calm example to the waves beyond them. Except that in this case the blue-gray billow up there is not waves but the Continental Divide against the sky. The name aside, though, sections of a fortress wall were what the three reefs reminded me of, spaced as they were with canyons between them and the higher jagged crags penned up behind. As if the whole horizon of the west had once been barricaded with slabs of rock and these were the mighty traces still standing. I must not have been the only onlooker this occurred to, as an even longer barrier of cliff farther south in the national forest was named the Chinese Wall.

The skyline of the Two. Even here at the outset the hover of it all always caused my father to turn and appreciatively call over his shoulder to Alec and me something like Nothing the matter with that. And always Alec and I would chorus Not one thing both because we were expected to and because we too savored those waiting mountains.

Always was not in operation this year, however. My father did not pause to pronounce on the scenery, I had no chance to echo him, and Alec—Alec this year was on our minds instead of riding between us.

So our first stint on the road up the North Fork was broken only by the sound of our horses’ hooves or one or the other of us muttering a horse name and urging a little more step-along in the pace. Even those blurts of sound were pretty pallid, because where horse nomenclature was concerned my father’s imagination took a vacation. A black horse he invariably named Coaly, a white one always Snowball. Currently he was riding a big mouse-colored gelding who, depend on it, bore the title of Mouse. I was on a short-legged mare called Pony. Frankly, high among my hopes about the business of growing up was that I would get a considerably more substantial horse out of it. If and when I did, I vowed to give the creature as much name as it could carry, such as Rimfire or Chief Joseph or Calabash.

Whether I was sorting through my horse hopes or the outset of this counting trip without Alec weighed more heavily on me than I realized, I don’t know. But in either case I was so deep into myself that I was surprised to glance ahead and learn that Mouse and my father were halted, and my father was gandering back to see what had become of me.

I rode on up and found that we had arrived to where a set of rutted tracks—in flattery, it could have been called almost a road—left the North Fork roadbed and crossed the coulee and creek and traced on up the side of Breed Butte to where a few log buildings could be seen.

Normally I would have been met with some joke from my father about sunburning my eyeballs if I went around asleep with my eyes open like that. But this day he was looking businesslike, which was the way he looked only when he couldn’t find any better mood. How about you taking a squint at Walter’s place, he proposed. You can cut around the butte and meet me at the road into the Hebner tribe.

All right, I of course agreed and turned Pony to follow the ruts down and across the North Fork swale. Walter Kyle always summered in the mountains as herder of his own sheep, and so my father whenever he rode past veered in to see that everything was okay at the empty ranch. This was the first time he had delegated me, which verified just how much his mind was burdened—also with that question of man and woman? at least as it pertained to Alec McCaskill and Leona Tracy?—and that he wanted to saunter alone awhile as he sorted through it all.

As soon as my father had gone his way and I was starting up Breed Butte, I turned myself west in my saddle to face Roman Reef, tapped the brim of my hat in greeting, and spoke in the slow and distinct way you talk to a deaf person:  ’Lo, Walter. How’s everything up on the reef?

What was involved here was that from Walter Kyle’s summer range up there in the mountains, on top of Roman Reef a good five miles from where I was, his actual house and outbuildings here on Breed Butte could be seen through Walter’s spyglass. Tiny, but seen. Walter had shown Alec and me this stunt of vision when we took some mail up to him during last year’s counting trip. There ye go, he congratulated as each of us in turn managed to extend the telescope tube just so and sight the building specks. Ye can see for as long as your eye holds out, in this country. Walter’s enthusiasm for the Two was that of a person newly smitten, for although he was the most elderly of all the English Creek ranchers—at the time he seemed to me downright ancient, I suppose partly because he was one of those dried-up little guys who look eternal—he also was much the most recent to the area. Only three or four years ago Walter had moved here from down in the Ingomar country in the southeastern part of the state, where he ran several bands of sheep. I have never heard of a setup like it before or since, but Walter and a number of other Scotch sheepmen, dedicated bachelors all, lived there in the hotel in Ingomar and operated their sheep outfits out of their back pocket and hat, you might say. Not one of them possessed a real ranch, just grazing land they’d finagled one way or another, plus wagons for their herders, and of course sheep and more sheep. Away each of those old Scotchies would go once a week, out from that hotel with boxes of groceries in the back of a Model T to tend camp. For whatever reason, Walter pulled out of hotel sheep tycooning—my father speculated that one morning he turned to the Scotchman beside him at the table and burred, Jock, for thirrty yearrs ye’ve been eating yourrr oatmeal aye too loud, got up, and left for good—and bought the old Barclay place here on Breed Butte for next to nothing.

Pony was trudging up the butte in her steady uninspired way, and I had nothing to do but continue my long-distance conversation with Walter. Not that I figured there was any real chance that Walter would be studying down here exactly then, and even if he was I would be only a gnat in the spyglass lens and certainly not a conversationalist on whom he could perform any lip reading. But I went ahead and queried in the direction of the distant reef: Walter, how the hell do people get so crosswise with one another?

For last night’s rumpus continued to bedevil me from whatever angle I could find to view it. The slant at which Alec and my parents suddenly were diverging from each other, first of all. In hindsight it may not seem such an earthquake of an issue, whether Alec was going to choose college or the wedding band/riding job combination. But hindsight is always through bifocals; it peers specifically instead of seeing whole. And the entirety here was that my father and my mother rested great hopes on my brother, especially given all that they and others of their generation had endured in the years past, the Depression years they had gotten through by constantly saying within themselves Our children will know better times. They’ve got to. Hopes of that sort only parents can know. That Alec seemed not to want to step up in life, now that the chance at last was here, went against my parents’ thinking as much as if he’d declared he was going to go out on the prairie and dig a hole and live a gopher’s existence.

Walter Kyle had seen a lot of life; his mustache, which must have been sandy in his youth, now was as yellow-white as if he’d been drinking cream from a jar. What about that, Walter? From your experience, has Alec gone as goofy as my folks think? And got

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