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Rise Again: A Zombie Thriller
Rise Again: A Zombie Thriller
Rise Again: A Zombie Thriller
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Rise Again: A Zombie Thriller

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Rise Again marks a vivid and powerful fiction debut from an author who “balances kinetically choreographed scenes of zombie carnage with studies of well-drawn characters and enough political intrigue to give his tale more gravity and grounding than most zombie gorefests” (Publishers Weekly).

A mysterious contagion. Mass hysteria. Sudden death. And a warning that would come all too late...

Forest Peak, California. Fourth of July. Sheriff Danielle Adelman, a troubled war veteran, thinks she has all the problems she can handle in this all-American town after her kid sister runs away from home. But when a disease-stricken horde of panicked refugees fleeing the fall of Los Angeles swarms her small mountain community, Danny realizes her problems have only just begun—starting with what might very well be the end of the world. Danny thought she had seen humanity at its worst in war-torn Iraq, but nothing could prepare her for the remorseless struggle to survive in a dying world being overrun by the reanimated dead and men turned monster. Obsessed with finding her missing sister against all odds, Danny’s epic and dangerous journey across the California desert will challenge her spirit . . . and bring her to the precipice of sanity itself. . . .
PublisherPocket Books
Release dateOct 26, 2010

Ben Tripp

After attending the Rhode Island School of Design for illustration, Ben Tripp worked as an experiential designer for more than twenty years, creating theme parks, resorts, museums, and attractions worldwide. He is the author of the horror novels Rise Again, Rise Again: Below Zero, and The Accidental Highwayman, his first book for young adults. He lives with his family in Los Angeles.

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Reviews for Rise Again

Rating: 4.000000007874016 out of 5 stars

127 ratings19 reviews

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Readers find this title to be the absolute best of the BEST. It is a riveting read that creates a unique and enthralling universe. The characters are well-developed and the pacing is just right. While some readers felt that the beginning was slow and the ending was rushed, overall, this book is fantastic and enjoyable from beginning to end. It is a masterpiece that will leave readers worrying and eagerly anticipating the sequel.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Well, it was a zombie story. Pretty typical as far as zombie stories go: confusion during initial infection, a hearty band of survivors make it out and find a safe-sh place to hang out, another band of people show up and are worse than the undead. There are a few less typical elements, but I won't mention them. It's not brilliantly written. I think the editor might have been slacking off a bit, but you don't read a zombie thriller for eloquent prose. A few awkward sentences and grammatical errors probably only bother me.

    If you like zombie books, read this. If you don't, leave it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    What a thrilling, adventurous story Tripp takes us on. The dark, mysterious, gory, and violent travels of Sheriff Danielle Adelman will have you at the edge of your seat. So strap yourself in because, this fast paced ride is one you will never forget!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I know, I know, I'm reading another apocalyptic book, with zombies now. It's wrong, but it's like dystopian candy to me. I'm on a roll. So this feels like the "before" pic for The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Danny's a ex-soldier (and a woman) with PTSD and a bit of a drinking problem, and is a small town cop in California. Her little sister has just run away, in Danny's cherry red Mustang. Before she can go find her, all hell breaks loose in town as refugees from the city come to town running and screaming and dropping dead. Turns out to be some sort of plague, and before we know it most of the town is dead. Danny is just getting a handle on things, when it turns out the dead rise again and turn into dangerous zombies. Danny and a small troop of survivors band together to survive and exit the town for somewhere safer. Most of the US seems to be dead. Or undead I guess. Danny's a rather compelling character, and the relationships built among the survivors and the nonstop mayhem and action certainly kept me interested. The book's actually a pretty good zombie thriller, classic tropes and all. I don't think it will have the legs that Day of the Triffids or Matheson's I Am Legend have, but that's ok. It was fun. The last line's a killer too. What?! Next book please!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is the perfect zombie book. Rated 4 1/2 stars from me. Would have been 5 if it didn't ruin every other zombie book I plan on reading. The removal of the cooks face from the stove with a spatula is my favorite moment. Will forever scar me... Awesome!!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A friend of mine recently pointed out that my obsession with zombies has become something of a cliche... An idea with which I am both pleased and in agreement.A small town sheriff, still suffering from post-traumatic stress from her three tours in Iraq, must pull herself and a band of survivors together and out of harm's way when a massive viral outbreak turns the majority of the world into flesh-eating zombies. Desperate to find her sister, Sheriff Danny Adelman gets her group somewhat secured, then takes off towards San Francisco, hoping to find her sister there. What she finds is the breakdown of society, and a new kind of zombie.While this is a typical zombie story - small group of survivors, lead by a strong-willed, yet clearly damaged person of authority, getting into trouble with other groups of survivors - it's no less compelling for its similarities. Rise Again is very brutal and gory, but this is to be expected: zombies plus humans driven to survival by any means equals a lot of violence3 and a certain lack of compassion.Danny is a truly broken individual, and makes a lot of bad decisions (and I'm not sure she really learns a lesson there, but that's okay by me, actually), but takes responsibility for all of it, which is refreshing. She's a heroic figure and a total badass. She makes me want to get into the gym and beef up a bit...Exciting, scary and intense, this is a great read for anyone craving a creepy thriller involving zombies!Recommended.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I probably would have given it 3.5 stars but I rolled back because I didn't like it enough for 4.

    What I really liked was that it was gory and violent and that the main character was a bad ass woman Marine. I have a soft spot for bad ass women Marines...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Quick review: thrills, chills, and some mighty smart writing.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So... you're thinking, yet another zombie book. Well, yes and no. It is another zombie book and zombies are bad, and people are bad when the world falls apart - at least many of them are... but... this one is actually better written than a lot of the more recent zombie schlock out there - particularly in how well the people are written. Of course, there is the standard zombie gore and hack-n-slash, and this part is not very different or unique, but... the characters are distinct and real, and they behave in mostly normal ways. They don't suddenly become super heroes, and the women are not just there to be raped then rescued (or rescued then raped)...Sure, the women are rescued then raped - it is still a genre novel and the author relies heavily on the stereotype behaviour of humankind (dare I say "men"?) post-apocalypse - but the women are not ONLY there for that. The main character is a strong woman (non-lesbian too, nice change to see a female lead that isn't portrayed as a pseudo-man). Sure, she is flawed and damaged, but most male protagonists are as well... The author actually made me care what happened to the people in the story - this doesn't happen very often in zombie books; normally I just read them for the action and zombie bashing and don't really care which of the "survivors" survive until the end of the book because we aren't usually able to tell them apart. In this case, however, we want at least the main character and her original entourage to survive... because... well, we like them.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Danny Adelman is a veteran of the Iraq war suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome. She is working as the Sheriff in the quiet town of Forest Peak (which is about an hour outside of LA). She knows she's not going to have a good day when she wakes with a hangover, realizes her young sister Kelly has run away in none other than her car and dreads dealing with the crowds at the town's Independence Day gathering. What more could go wrong right? She definitely wasn't expecting for people to grip their heads, screaming at the top of their lungs, run off and eventually drop dead, and rise as flesh-eating corpses.This book scared me to death. I don't know what my infatuation with zombies is... I'm not a fan of scary movies nor do I read a lot of horror, but tell me it's a zombie book and I just MUST read it. Thus was the case with Rise Again, and although it did scare me to death, I could not put it down.Mr. Tripp created one bad-ass heroine in Danny. She is not perfect - far from it - but her strength, perseverance, the need to protect the civilians that have remarkably put their trust in her to help save them as well as her unstoppable need to find her missing sister were something that I was in awe of. She grew on me and I found myself cringing and more than once not wanting to turn the page in fear that something would happen to her or some of the other characters. As with all zombie books, I'm always afraid to love a character for fear of them getting killed off. I truly think this is what up's the fear factor in these books for me. Some of the supporting characters were awesome as well, and some were just the type that you love to hate. I love how humanity always turns against itself at one point or another in these type of books. Sometimes the zombies are the least of the worries.In the end, I loved this book! It was not overly gory nor overly violent, although there is both, yet it was done in a tasteful manner. I mean it is a zombie book - blood, guts and brains are expected. But what I found refreshing were its rich characters, great action and tight, well-paced story. Horror and, especially, zombie lovers will find a gem in this one.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Danielle Adelman, known to most as Danny, is an ex Marine struggling with a bad case of post-traumatic stress disorder. Working as the sheriff in the small town of Forest Peak, California, and drowning her nightmares in pills and alcohol. She is also responsible for the care of her younger sister who decided the 4th of July was a good day to run away. Danny wakes up with a wicked hangover to find her sister, and beloved Ford Mustang gone. Thinking the worst thing she’d have to do that day is suffer silently through the small town’s Independence Day festivities while waiting for word Kelley has turned up. She soon discovers she’ll be fighting more than a hangover when people start behaving strangely.Let me start by saying this book was scary as hell. I don’t read a lot of horror or watch many scary flicks, but I have a strange love of all things zombie. Rise Again was the perfect combination of flesh eating undead, and human response when things start to fall apart.Main character Danny isn’t like any female protag you’ve met before. She isn’t beautiful, nor is she brilliant. She’s a hard ass and street smart. As the plot progresses she deals with flashbacks of her time in Iraq, while trying to cope with the zombie invasion happening in her present. She is described in the book as “the unstoppable alpha female”. I found that to be the perfect description for Danny. She’s flawed, and doesn’t realize how badly until her only family takes off leaving just a brutally honest letter behind. She’s left feeling compelled to find her missing sister, Kelley, and save the civilians who have put their faith in her as their savior from the madness taking over the country. I loved reading about Danny’s journey.Not only does this book have a great main character, but the secondary characters are perfect additions to the story line. I loved watching them grow as characters throughout the novel. At least those lucky enough to survive ;) Parts of this novel gave me chills. Especially when they’re listening to the reports from the weather channel on the radio. Super creepy!Gruesome and intense, but I loved every minute! I devoured this novel like the undead did their human prey. The perfect addition to my Halloween reading list!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This had really good characters and pacing. It's not too gloomy but neither is it overly hopeful. Just the right mix.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Danny is one badass mofo. The end felt rushed, what with the plot twists to build hype for the sequel.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Beginning was very, very slow (story only gets to the real deal about 150 pages in). After that, the plot moves fast and you really get to know and feel for a few characters.

    The ending was rushed out, what with the zeros seemingly evolving to becoming human-like and suddenly, they talk! Didn't really care much for the characters, other than the few main cast.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The absolute best of the BEST!!!! And I've read A LOT of these types of books. Should be made into a movie....EXCELLANT!!!!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A riveting read. If you like zombies, this one will get you to worrying at the end.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    does away with cliches and creates a unique and enthralling universe. a masterpiece.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This zombie apocalypse novel starts out slow and meanders a bit before it really hits a groove. I felt parts could have been edited down a bit. Rise Again's apocalypse is a biological attack that causes death then reanimation. These zombies are a little original in that they evolve throughout the novel. Our major character, Danny, is a flawed individual. She is a Veteran with PTSD. What I can say about her is that she takes a lick and keeps on going. I would call her a bad ass as she survives being blown up, set on fire, zombies constantly going after her, being shot at and surviving car wrecks. Leading her group of survivors, she tries to keep everyone alive while trying to fight her own demons. Decent novel with a few original ideas.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Fantastic!! I enjoyed this book from beginning to the end. I will read the second one
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Could have been shorter. I found my self skimming through the more drawn out areas of the story.

Book preview

Rise Again - Ben Tripp

For my son Ian.

This is one of the stories

I never told you at bedtime.

pity this busy monster, manunkind…

—e. e. cummings


Kelley Adelman hadn’t written this many words since the history final in senior year. Her fingers were cramping up. The buck-a-dozen ballpoint pen left globs of ink in its wake and the police notebook paper was so thin she could read the impression of her words three sheets below. These words were going to make an impression on Danny, too, Kelley figured. If they didn’t, it made no difference. Kelley was gone either way. But she wanted—needed, on some level—to know that she would have Danny’s undivided attention, just for once. Even if it meant not being there when it happened.

On the muted TV by the stove, news footage of foreign wars alternated with Fourth of July celebrity chef barbecue tips. The quartz clock on the wall ticked off the seconds around the printed fishing scene on its face, the mountain wind sang its lament in the trees outside, and it was a night like any other night in Forest Peak, except it was Kelley’s last one.

She realized she had stopped writing. Kelley was staring at the big black revolver that lay on the plastic kitchen tablecloth, and it was staring back at her.

Dear Danny,

When you went to war, you promised me you’d come back. But you didn’t. I don’t know what I’m waiting for. It’s over for me. I know you never much liked to read, but I wonder if you remember a play from high school by Thornton Wilder called Our Town. One of the characters says something big that I never forgot. He said the dead don’t stay interested in the living after they’re gone. Gradually, gradually, they lose hold of the earth…and the ambitions they had…and their pleasures…and their suffering…and the people they loved..

Kelley felt tears of self-pity pricking her eyes. Or maybe it was plain old sorrow. The end of the ballpoint was pretty chewed up, like she could gnaw the right words out of it. She thought of switching to pencil in case she got something wrong. Or she could write out a clean copy later. But high school was done. All she had to do now was tell Danny what Danny wouldn’t hear. No extra points for neatness.

I guess you figured you came back alive. And seeing as you’re the sheriff, who’s going to tell you different? Everybody nods and smiles when you go by, but inside they’re scared of you. When you get mad, that war in the desert comes out of your eyes. And everyone here has secrets they don’t want you to know.

She summoned the town of Forest Peak in her mind, this place she knew so well but hardly recognized, like a once-beloved grandparent gone senile. The foremost thing was the forest, dark and shaggy, the pelt of an immense animal draped over the mountains, the trees going on and on.

Then there was Main Street, halfway down the mountainside along a flat shelf of land. It was narrow at the ends and wide in the middle, like a guitar strap. There were uneven rows of buildings on uphill and downhill sides, some with concrete sidewalks, some with the asphalt road lapping at their foundations. This holiday weekend the whole place was strung with red, white, and blue bunting and cheap Chinese-made American flags on dowels. The locals had decorated the entire street (with money left over for fireworks) out of a $1,100 city projects fund. It offset the shabbiness a little, and also emphasized it. Mostly the décor helped attract a few hundred tourists. Main Street was nothing but a wide place along Route 144, the old road that once took Model T goods trucks from the flatlands of San Bernardino to the mountain ski resorts of Big Bear and Alpine Glen.

Mentally gliding down into town, Kelley pictured one particular house along Main Street, Jack Carter’s place. Mr. Carter was the local science teacher, his career spanning the ten years between Danny’s and Kelley’s attendance at Skyline High.

Mr. Carter owns more than a thousand pornos, did you know that? Not just your basic action. You could spend a week watching movies in his basement and never see the same act twice. He has a closet by the water heater full of rubber and leather bondage gear as well. Just for him. I guess he’s lonely.

Kelley thought of old Mrs. Dennison above the Junque Shoppe next door to Mr. Carter. She was known to be an avid birdwatcher with formidable ex-military German binoculars. It was less known that the bird she most observed through the binoculars was Jack Carter, into whose basement window she could see from the corner of her upstairs bedroom. The angle wasn’t very good, but she would wait for hours to catch a slice of the solo action going on down there. She kept a notebook describing what she saw. She was thoroughly scandalized and believed Carter was a pervert who should be arrested. She hadn’t missed a Carter-watching session in eleven years.

If only he knew old Mrs. Dennison is always there with him.

Kelley fed Mrs. Dennison’s cat when she was away; Kelley had read the notebooks, a dozen of them, filled with meticulous observations of Mr. Carter’s habits. Despite herself, Kelley relished revealing the shabby dark secrets of Forest Peak to Danny the cop. God knew what Danny would do with this information. Probably try to arrest everybody in town. Kelley could almost regret that she would miss all the fun.

But wait, there’s more.

Forest Peak was the same as it ever was, clinging to the shoulder of the mountain, in desperate need of new roofs and fresh paint. With her eyes shut, Kelley could see Wilson and Pine streets branching off Main Street to twist away uphill and down. The tangled ways were peppered with frame houses, trailers, and broke-down vehicles. One of the little peeling houses was Zap Owler’s. The one with the Camaro parked on the verge in front. There was a rusting 1938 Ford in the ravine out back, crashed there by Zap’s grandfather the same day Germany invaded Poland.

Kelley could picture the kitchen of the Owler house, conveniently located well out of sight in the back: the precision scales, the skillets, coffee machines, double-boilers, a sea of bottles and boxes and plastic packaging materials: Contac tablets, codeine, acetone, iodine, heaps of batteries. Hanging over it all a metallic smell, like rotten garlic.

Zap Owler cooks speed in his kitchen and sells it down in the flatlands at go-kart tracks. Including that place by the freeway you took me for my seventh birthday.

That would settle Zap Owler’s lecherous ass. Danny was crazy for sure, but a powerful instrument of vengeance. Kelley had an insight as the ballpoint hung above the page: She was confessing the collective sins of Forest Peak to ensure she would never, ever change her mind about what she had to do. There was something religious about it. What the hell, Kelley thought. While I’m at it:

Jimmy Dietrich killed a man in 1975 and the body is under his garage.

Kelley had seen the irregular oblong patch in the oily concrete floor with her own eyes, right at the foot of the gun cabinet. She dreamed for weeks afterward of the horror festering beneath the patch, a sightless, lipless thing in the dirt with skeletal hands still raised in supplication.

Betty Mills uses roadkill down at the Wooden Spoon Café to make the hamburger go further. Wolfman Gunnar brings it to her. That’s why I never ate at the Wooden Spoon. Maybe I should have told you.

She scribbled out another half-dozen samples of the unpleasant doings that went on under the skin of Forest Peak: perverts, criminals, shameful secrets, and wrongs done. Then Kelley was staring at the gun again, its muzzle a black disk like a shark’s eye. With the tip of the pen, she nudged the barrel around until it pointed away from her heart. She glanced up at the clock on the wall, without absorbing what time it was. She looked over at the framed picture of Danny and Amy as teenagers, sitting together on a horse. Then she looked back at the clock. Twenty minutes past midnight. Might as well lay it all out there.

Even your best friend Amy Cutter: She’s a lesbian, did she tell you? I guess she didn’t. How come I know all this and you don’t? Because nobody knows I’m here. I’m the invisible girl. I’ve seen everybody do everything, and nobody’s seen me do anything, because I haven’t done anything. You’re the big war hero with your Purple Heart and Silver Star. Key to the Mountains and all that. I’m only the accidental kid sister. You went off to war and I spent four years in foster homes and learned all the dirty secrets.

Twenty feet away, Danielle Adelman quit pacing back and forth in her narrow bedroom and thumbed up the volume on the police scanner next to the bed. The blat of chatter between cars and dispatchers down in the flatlands could sometimes drown out the noise in her head. The scotch helped, too, and the little yellow pills. Danny shook a drift of them onto the nightstand and pulled up the button on the alarm clock. It was set for eight in the morning, which meant Danny would wake up at six to beat the bell. Or five, or four. She didn’t need the alarm, but if it wasn’t set, she’d stay up all night to make sure the morning didn’t catch her off-guard. Tonight could be especially bad, because of the frigging holiday with its crowds of illegally parked, littering, jaywalking, shoplifting, vandalizing tourists. Not to mention the ceremony in which she was supposed to take part.

Danny pulled the tan uniform shirt off over her head, necktie and all. No need to unbutton the entire shirt, only the top two holes. She tossed it on the rocking chair, along with the side-stripe pants. She would iron the whole rig in the morning before she went into town, set some kind of an example for the trogs of Forest Peak. Especially her three shambolic deputies. Danny glanced in the tall boudoir mirror that had been her mother’s. Arched an eyebrow. Dark, rusty hair, strong features, and a firm womanly figure with an ass you could cut steaks off, as Harlan used to say before he rolled over that bomb in Sadr City. Yes, indeed. Hell of a woman. Then she turned her back to the mirror, fetching a come-hither look over her shoulder. She caught sight of the scars. Someday she would turn the mirror around to face the wall.

For now, a couple of pills, washed down with the watery remains of the last whiskey of the night. Second-to-last. She slopped a little more in the glass, a finger or two, or so. Did she need more ice? Kitchen a mile away, Kelley probably sulking on the couch watching some dipshit cop show on TV—because the cop show right in front of her wasn’t suitable to her tastes. Forget the ice. Knock back the shot, neat, splash it down the throat without hitting the tongue. Burn, baby, burn. Her bedroom seemed to be slipping sideways, gravity moving out of plumb. Pretty soon she could catch some sleep. Danny fell back on the bed to watch the ceiling revolve. It was her favorite show.

I thought things would change when you came back. Instead you spend your days being a cop and your nights fighting the war again, and I’m still the invisible girl. You keep that police scanner on all night, but I can hear the things you yell in your sleep. Post-traumatic stress disorder doesn’t make you a bad person. But it sure makes you a crappy sister.

A fat tear plopped down on Kelley’s notebook page. She shoved the wet out of her eyes with the back of her wrist. There was something deliciously tragic in writing a note of such finality. All those bottled-up feelings, all those things left unsaid, they could all come out now, just as long as she could keep writing. And always assuming Danny didn’t emerge from her bedroom down the hall in one of those escalating rages, starting off with the irritable trip to the fridge for more ice, then the trip to the bathroom, then the circuit around the house to turn off the lights (muttering about the price of energy measured in blood, and so on), and finally pacing up and down the length of the place, ranting and shouting about anything there was to shout about. Often as not, Kelley.

Kelley’s boyfriends (any male under the age of fifty who looked in Kelley’s direction) were a favorite subject, and how soft and spoiled her generation was, as well as anyone else that had not served in combat; Danny was also fond of ranting about how nobody knew what it was like to be a cop, how hard it was, even if it wasn’t as hard as serving in combat. Sometimes Danny would stand there in her plain cotton panties and olive drab tank top and yell about the horrible brown-gold upholstery on the couch or the awful nicotine-colored wood-print paneling on the walls. Anything that took her fancy. She’d wind down around two in the morning, or sooner if Kelley left right away to sleep on the pull-out bed at her friend Ashleen’s house.

Why was she even writing to Danny? Because it felt good to put it on paper? There was so much else to say, so many things to slap her sister in the face with. But on some level all Kelley could blame Danny for was leaving her, who had no more choice in the matter than did Kelley. There was supposed to be some military rule regarding sole guardianship that could have gotten Danny out of the three tours she did over there. But the military machine was bending all the rules to keep boots on the ground without a draft, and in any case Kelley wondered sometimes if Danny would have waived the right, simply for another chance to get out of Forest Peak for a while. Maybe Kelley would have done the same. Danny had become a parent to her little sister far too early in life, head of the household at age eighteen. Maybe she had preferred patrolling death’s door to watching over a moody kid who wouldn’t eat the local hamburgers.

And yet, despite it all, Kelley felt a tug of sympathy in her heart for Danny, even pity. Losing Kelley was going to be hard for her sister. Probably. Maybe. Kelley wasn’t entirely sure.

She thought about crumpling the note up and burning it to ashes out on the driveway. Where Kelley was going, there wouldn’t be any satisfaction in having been cruel to her sister. But that was only part of the reason she was writing. She also needed Danny to know, going forward, that all was not right in her world.

Tomorrow on the Fourth of July, Danny would be receiving the so-called Key to the Mountains award, an idiotic publicity stunt dreamed up by the town council. Every year, the one person in town who accomplished anything beyond putting up the window screens was given an oversized, yellow-chromed churchkey. Congratulations, and by the way, it don’t open shit. Danny was dreading the presentation, as Kelley knew, but in some way it probably validated Danny’s dream-state of okayness. She might not be great, but she was okay. She got the Key to the Mountains, didn’t she?

Danny needed far more than a chrome-plated key, a prescription from the VA, and a couple of annual interviews with a shrink, though. She needed to reinvent herself from front to back. Maybe get out of Forest Peak. This house, this town, was full of ghosts: those of their parents, their ideals, their threadbare thrift-store lives. Danny might finally figure it out when even Kelley was only a ghost.

But I won’t be a ghost, Kelley thought. I’ll just be free.

So for the sake of Danny, Kelley kept writing.

She wrote more about their neighbors, what she had discovered during her years as the Invisible Girl, staying with people she hardly knew from whom Danny had extracted the favor of a few months’ houseroom, putting up with being a burden and an object of pity in equal measure, hiding herself in plain sight. When she ran out of local dish, Kelley turned back to the subject of being the younger sister to a modern-day Spartan. She wrote about her yearning to have Danny back while she was on tour in the distant desert, and how sad she was when Danny returned on leave and seemed even more distant, right in front of her eyes. She wanted to write about how Danny seemed to love her stupid Candyapple Red 1968 Mustang with the 302 V-8 more than she loved her little sister. But it all seemed petty, given the matter at hand; the car was probably easier to love.

Kelley found herself staring at the clock again, watching the second hand lurch around the face. It was time to finish this. She turned her attention back to the note, searching for the right way to end it.

Kelley pushed the pen along for a few more lines, swallowing the knot of grief in her throat. Then she signed her name at the bottom, squared up the pages of the letter, and blinked back another flood of tears. Enough. Kelley reached across the table and dragged the big, ugly gun toward her.

Danny watched the ceiling turn and listened to the scanner as the highway patrol took a drunk driver into custody down on the 10 Freeway. Maybe she should call the Forest Peak Sheriff’s Station to make sure everything was shipshape. Deputy Dave was on night shift tonight, and he had no problem with insomnia, on duty or not. Could be asleep at his post. But Danny didn’t think she could speak without slurring her words. The empty glass bumped up and down on her chest in time to the beating of her heart. The whiskey must have evaporated. Only a splash more, and she was definitely done for the night. She reached for the bottle on the nightstand among the pills. The bottle slipped out of her fingers and hit the plywood floor—


Danny bolted upright. Hell of a loud noise.

Kelley? Are you still up?

She listened. Nothing. If she had to get out of bed, Kelley was going to catch hell. Then Kelley’s faint voice came through the door:

Go to sleep, Danny.

What are you doing awake?

Same thing you are. Waiting for you to go to sleep.

Kelley opened the bedroom door and looked in. She had that hunted look that made Danny crazy. For fuck’s sake, nobody was hunting her. Kelley had no idea what it was like to be hunted—not for real. But her eyes looked red and puffy.

Maybe Kelley had her own troubles, overblown as they might be. Danny ought to ask if everything was all right, have a little sister-to-sister time. Incoherent and stinking of booze. Maybe not.

I can’t remember if I took my pills.

I dunno.

I know you don’t. It was one of those questions.

You mean rhetorical.


Danny searched her brain for something else to say, something to move the conversation forward a few inches. Nothing occurred to her. Kelley broke the silence.

You want some water or something? Some ice?

Danny lay back down on the bed. Wanted to say something meaningful. Nothing volunteered itself.

Good night, Kelley.

Kelley closed the door. Danny tried to remember whether she had taken the pills or not. She was pretty sure she had, but they were a lifeline. She found a stray pill on the nightstand, pinched it between numb fingertips, and managed to get it into her mouth. It left a dry, bitter streak down her throat. She should talk to Kelley tomorrow, find out what her plans for the future were.

The summer was coming, the season for temporary jobs cleaning rental cabins, playing lifeguard at the recreational lake. Then college. Did Kelley want to go to college? She was smart. Smarter than Danny. Maybe she could get out of this one-horse shithole of a town.

They should talk. Danny tried to follow events surrounding a burglary on the scanner, the Fontana cops dealing with a freaked-out woman speaking rapid Spanish in her backyard. Somewhere around the third time they tried to get a description of the perpetrator, who might have been the woman’s nephew, Danny drifted into unconsciousness.

They followed the M1A1 Abrams tank toward the MSR—the main supply route around Al Fallujah. Second Tank Battalion was rock-solid. You couldn’t relax merely because there were tanks for protection, but you knew they would pitch in fast and hard if there was a fight on. The trick was to drive straight down their tread tracks if you could, because there wouldn’t be any operational ordnance buried there. Danny hadn’t felt safe in months, but she figured she was with the best guys she could ask for on a regimental combat team. Harlan had her back, and Ramirez, too, even if all he did was give her shit. Spasskey and Duke were good men, but she didn’t really know them—they had replaced the casualties of last week.

They found the burning mud-brick house about a mile before the appointed rendezvous. Whoever owned the house had been building a concrete addition when the war broke out, because there were three walls with rusted rebar sticking out of them, empty doorways and window sockets cast in place but without doors or windows. No roof. Just as well because the place was a write-off now. There was gunfire in the air, but they couldn’t tell where it was coming from. It didn’t seem to be headed their way, but nobody knew who was doing the shooting, or who was being shot at. Could have been some of the multinationals or a squabble between the locals and the so-called Iraqi security forces, a bunch of dangerous tribal gangbangers.

Whatever it was, gunfire was combat team business. They pulled around the burning house and in the flat distance, men were running. Requests and orders cracked around the radios. Air support on the way. But sometimes these incidents were intended to draw air support. The Black Hawks limped home with holes in them. Danny’s team was going to have to go out there and attract some attention. Tanks first, however. But there was a woman in front of the tanks. She was standing beside the house. Danny’s instincts told her it was a setup. But her instincts always told her that. Because the whole fucking war was a setup.

The woman looked like the Grim Reaper, black-veiled from head to feet. Maybe a hardcore Shia Islamist. These were still rare in Iraq, though less so now that fundamentalism was on the rise. Or maybe she was the woman of a mercenary from Iran or Saudi Arabia. Harlan flicked his eyes at Danny: Would she do the honors? Danny dropped down out of the Humvee, Spass-key covering her topside with the M249 SAW gun. Her eyes probed every shadow, her hands were wet on the grip of the Mossberg 12 gauge, but she strode almost casually across the dirt patch that served the house as a front yard. Just a friendly visit, neighbor, couldn’t help notice your house was on fire. You mind stepping aside so the tanks can roll through?

The radios inside the vehicles were going crazy. Danny couldn’t quite hear what they were saying, but something big was going on. Not here. She didn’t see anything here. But somewhere, something was going down. The bell wouldn’t stop ringing—

Danny sprang awake as if shot up from the bottom of the ocean. Her alarm clock was ringing. It was eight o’clock on Saturday morning, Fourth of July weekend, and she was an hour late for roll call at her own Sheriff’s Station. Dispatcher Dave was calling for her on the radio:

Sheriff Adelman, where the heck are you? Come in, Danny.

Danny rushed through the house, shoving her rumpled shirt into her pants, jamming feet into boots. Hat over there. Gun belt on the chair. Gun on the table. Note from Kelley. What the hell was this? Out of the official notebook, no less! Danny shoved the gun in the holster, snatched up Kelley’s note, and ran out the door. She had been awake for no more than three minutes.

As she jumped in the cab of the Sheriff’s Department Ford Explorer, another bell rang in the back of her mind.

Danny’s blood turned cold. Something was missing besides Kelley. She blinked at the driveway.

Kelley took the Mustang.

The road descending from the Adelman place into Forest Peak was a scribble of tar a lane and a half wide through the steep woods. It curled upon itself like a rattlesnake gliding through the immense trees: heavy-browed ponderosa pine, Douglas fir with their thick scored skins, young black oaks coming up in the gulleys where the big trees let a little sunlight get through. The slope of the mountain was so steep here that the crowns of the trees on the downhill side were at the same height as the roots of the trees on the uphill side. It was a beautiful place, especially with the morning sun cutting through the mist. Danny took the hairpin turns at forty miles an hour, the Explorer’s tires screaming as they skated from shoulder to shoulder. She could make town in five more minutes. One hand grasping the radio mic, one hand on the wheel, she called in an all-points bulletin on her runaway sister.

A dark shape emerged from the brush at the next hairpin bend—Danny thought for an instant it was a bear. But it was a man, a shambling, filthy man moving with uncertain gait down the steep rocks above the road.

Then he was on the pavement, and Danny’s heel jammed the brake pedal to the floor.

The SUV lost purchase and stuttered over the asphalt in an increasingly sloppy arc, Danny fighting to correct the wheel. She passed within a foot of the red-eyed thing that stumbled across the roadway, and when the Explorer stopped, it was facing the wrong way up the road in an acrid cloud of scorched tires. Another two feet and it would have gone over the edge.

"Jesus Christ," Danny said, and threw the door open. The passing of the big vehicle had only just registered to the ragged creature now standing in the middle of the road. He blinked at Danny as she climbed down, one hand hooked behind her belt to the handcuffs she kept there, the other hand raised in front of her.

Goddammit, Wolfman, this is it, Danny said. She grabbed the man—a foot taller and forty years older—and spun him around against the hood of the Explorer. He moved with the underwater grace of the profoundly drunk. Danny could smell the alcohol yeast coming off him in waves, even above the raw-onion stench of his armpits. Wulf Gunnar was what they called a homeless person down in Los Angeles, but a tramp up in Forest Peak. He lived in abandoned hunting cabins and moved around some, wintering in the low desert. Made a little money at odd jobs in town. A kind of thorn in the side of the community, Danny thought, but there was something necessary about him, too. Like an old stray dog to remind people they weren’t so bad off. But today Danny was in no mood for strays, and the adrenaline in her system wanted to punish the son of a bitch clean off her mountain. She clapped the handcuffs around his dirt-varnished wrists and he slumped for support on the Explorer, cheek against the metal.

Gunnar, I warned you last time: You can drink yourself to death, but you can’t do it in public.

He squinted at her, forming his words with difficulty: So shoot me then.

I about ran you down. That would have done it. What the hell are you doing out here?

Wulf looked carefully around him, as if here was anywhere particular.

Keepin’ outta town.

And I told you to keep out of town, didn’t I.

Wulf scratched his beard on the shoulder of his grease-blackened fatigue jacket.

Yes, he said, at length.

Danny was at an impasse. She could let him go and he might stumble on down the mountain to Ferndale. Or he might loop around until he got to Forest Peak and stink out the tourists and puke in the old horse trough. In either case, Danny was now seriously late.

To hell with it. She hooked Wulf’s elbow and steered him into the backseat of the Explorer, where he lay down on the molded bench and blinked at the armored Plexiglas panel that divided front seats from back. Danny kicked his immense, rotten boots into the compartment and slammed the door. No handles on the inside, so he couldn’t open the door and fall out.

Danny got back up in the driver’s seat, restarted the engine, and stomped the gas pedal. There was a dense thud as Wulf bounced up against the back of the seat, then rolled off onto the floor.


Danny took the alley along back of the downhill side of Main Street, and parked behind the Sheriff’s Station, a red-brick block with a glass front entirely out of keeping with the local architecture. It had been the new Post Office in 1954, but there wasn’t enough mail to justify keeping the lights on. The building had been requisitioned for the library after that, but nobody went in for reading much around Forest Peak and the librarian was suspected of being a Red. So in 1971, the Sheriff’s Station was moved out from behind the firehouse on Sawyer Road, and into the refurbished Post Office building. The place hadn’t seen any improvements since then, but the roof was sound and the back room was air-conditioned.

Danny had been a deputy for a couple of years before she went off to Iraq. When she came back and needed a job, she ran for the office of sheriff against Stanley Curtiss Booth, the twenty-year incumbent. He figured she didn’t have a chance, so he didn’t campaign very hard, but referred to his red-haired opponent as that little carrot-top Adelman girl, until it became clear Danny’s house-to-house canvassing with her Veterans’ Administration–issue cane was eating away at his advantage. By the time the vote was three days away, he was calling Danny that gun-crazy bull dyke, and on election day he called her a high-toned cripple bitch to her face, and that was that. Danny had never painted Booth’s name out of the placard that marked the sheriff’s parking space—every time she pulled up into it was a little like kicking his ass out of the job all over again.

There wasn’t any relish in parking the Explorer today, however. Danny leaped out of the driver’s seat and sprinted for the back door of the station, twisting her midlength hair up under her hat. Way to go, she thought, and entered her domain. Deputy Dave Thurin was in the back room at the communications desk, ten minutes from the end of his shift. He lurched to his feet as Danny came in, the radio headphone cord stretching to its limit. Danny waved him back into his chair.

Anything, Dave?

Mrs. Davis reported her son Barry left again—

He’s eighteen, it’s his privilege, Danny said. Clear the bullshit off the blotter. Dave scratched his ear, trying to remember what else was happening even though it was written right in front of him. Danny felt a bubble of anger rising inside her.

There’s an RV illegal parked out by the gym, Dave continued, as Danny was about to bark at him, and some kids with firecrackers—

Dave? Kelley. Anything about Kelley.

Dave shook his head. Danny usually wanted the shift incident reports in detail, but now her thoughts were on her sister. Not to mention the midday ceremony. And she was late. Danny would have to make up for lost time and get her shit wired down tight. And even as Dave changed tracks in his slow-working brain, Danny was suddenly, monumentally hung over. All the moisture left her head at once and her brain was high and dry, resting on bony spines inside her skull.

Sheriff? Dave said.

Danny flapped a hand at him and headed for the water fountain on the wall. She sucked down icy draughts, and a little life flowed into her along with the chill in her stomach. The prisoner! Danny had forgotten about Wulf.

I got Wulf Gunnar in the back of the Explorer, Dave. Process him for me, public intoxication or something. I gotta make the rounds before they do the business with the key.

Without waiting for Dave to think it over, Danny headed into the glass closet that served as her office, dropped the blinds, and did her best to rearrange her uniform so she looked a little less like the Wolfman herself.

The back room of the station contained almost everything police-related. An evidence locker with a padlock on it. The communications desk with its radio, switchboard, and the walkie-talkie charging station. A couple of desks for whoever needed to do paperwork or take a statement. There was also Danny’s tiny glass-walled office, a conference table, a gun cabinet with an impressive arsenal, mostly impounded. And at the back by the outside door, a pair of cells, complete with old-fashioned iron-barred doors.

It was a trim little operation, as long as nothing went too wrong.

Danny emerged from her office as tidied up as she was going to get. Dave was half-carrying Wulf through the door of the nearest cell, grimacing as the old man’s smell was transferred onto himself. Wulf was complaining in a singsong murmur, but offered no resistance.

Danny passed through to the front room of the station, emerging behind the glass partition that spanned the space, a legacy of the Post Office days. A high countertop was let into the middle of the glass for dealing with the public. Danny unlocked the partition door and stepped into the waiting area. Beyond it were a couple of old plastic loveseats, a rest room, and a potted plant that Danny had assumed was artificial for the first four months she worked at the station, until she saw Deputy Ted watering it. On the public side of the partition were taped-up official notices, FBI Most Wanted lists, and government information posters. Some of the posters had become outright bizarre since the federal government began its Secrecy Is Strength campaign: The latest one featured an extreme close-up of an American eagle’s eye and the motto Help Us Watch Over You.

Outside the plate glass front wall of the station, a growing crowd of out-of-towners was moving down Main Street. Looked like the usual mix of families and retirees, working class mostly, with a few upscale seekers of quaint Americana mixed in. Not many teenagers, Danny was pleased to note. Her head still felt foul although she’d swallowed a couple of Advil tablets from the bottle in her desk drawer. She probably needed to eat something. The Wooden Spoon was right across the way, but the thought of the usual fried egg breakfast sandwich was nauseating.

And Christ, another thing had slipped her mind: the chili contest. In a couple of hours—she checked her watch: three hours, at twelve-thirty—the chili cookoff would begin, and as recipient of the Key to the Mountains, Danny was expected to be the official third judge on the tasting panel. The permanent judges were Gordy Morton, who ran the True Value hardware store, and Eleanor Dennison of the Junque Shoppe. The thought of watching the three-hundred-pound Gordy Morton eating cup after cup of chili was enough to make Danny’s stomach juke left.

She swallowed hard and stepped outside into the gathering warmth of Main Street, her eyes stung by the crisp sunlight and her ears set ringing by the bleating of the Skyline High Marching Brass Band. They were belting out the theme from Rocky, more or less. I’d be better off dead, if this keeps up, Danny thought.

Inside the Wooden Spoon, Weaver Sampson and Patrick Michaels watched through the window as the sheriff of Forest Peak emerged squinting into the sunlight. They had the two-seat window table. It was Weaver’s RV, The White Whale, that was illegally parked in the gymnasium lot, not far from the bandstand at the far end of Main Street upon which the Skyline High Marching Brass Band was sacrificing musical goats. Patrick observed Weaver’s eyes as they followed the sheriff on her way down the sidewalk.

It’s the heat, Patrick said.

Weaver grunted. He had an eloquent range of grunts, being a man of few words. It was one of the things Weaver did that kept Patrick guessing. Weaver looked like one of those rugged, lean men in the old photographs who built the Hoover Dam and the Chrysler Building; he had that silent sufficiency about him, in direct opposition to Patrick’s incessant babbling and complaining.

Lately Patrick had been waking up alone in the master bedroom with the chocolate-colored walls and cream trim. He no longer went stomping off to the guest room to confront Weaver, whom he invariably found sitting up in bed with his hands laced together behind his head (accentuating his veined rock-climber’s arms), staring thoughtfully out the balcony window at the view of the Sunset Tower Hotel, which had incidentally been renovated by that bitch Paul Fortune. But of course Paul Fortune didn’t have his own show on cable television—that honor belonged to Patrick. Was Weaver dreaming of another man when he gazed out the window? Of course not. Weaver was simply looking out the window; he had no interest in décor or fashion or any of the refinements of life.

That was what Patrick loved about him—and also what he loathed. They had nothing tangible in common. The more distant Weaver became, the more frantic Patrick became, and Patrick knew damn well the whole thing was a vicious cycle, and if he shut up occasionally, the problem would most likely go away.

But he couldn’t, not to save his life. Not even to save the relationship. Please shut up. Can’t. Even as the thought went through his head for the millionth time, Patrick spoke.

"She looks like she’s in a very poor mood. Are you sure we’re okay to park across all those spaces like that? I mean shouldn’t we just you know park along the street or something?"

Weaver disengaged his eyes from the sheriff and fixed them on Patrick. He considered carefully, and then spoke:

I think there’s something going on.

Patrick’s heart bumped in his chest. Did Weaver know about the intern? Only once, and eight long months ago when Weaver was on location in Hawaii for three weeks, but maybe that’s why he was slipping off to sleep alone. Patrick pursed his lips as if to ask, what? but no sound came out. Weaver hooked his chin at the television up above the counter.

Something weird. They keep showing part of these disasters in other countries, and then all of a sudden they cut away to cute stuff like babies watching parades and don’t go back. Something’s not right.

Patrick simply couldn’t understand the man. At this moment, the eggs and toast arrived.

Danny found Deputy Ted eating a churro in front of Vic’s Barber Shop. He saw her emerge from the crowd a few moments after she saw him, and made the tactical mistake of trying to consume the entire thing before she reached him. Ted was probably too fat for his health and certainly too fat for his uniform, and Danny refused to order him another one because she felt to do so would be to condone a failure of personal discipline, hence a failure of team discipline. Danny was a firm believer in the slippery slope theory. She accelerated her pace and reached Ted while he still had so much dough in his mouth he could hardly close his lips.

Eating on duty, Ted? Danny said. Ted held a finger up: Hang on a second. Danny crossed her arms and waited. Gluttony was one of the Seven Deadly Sins, as she recalled. Whereas drowning your sorrows in alcohol and pills is A-OK, the unhelpful little voice in her head observed. Danny uncrossed her arms and pretended to watch the crowd while Ted struggled manfully to swallow the mouthful.

Sorry, ma’am. No breakfast this morning ’cause we had to split our shifts.

Danny’s late arrival this morning must have created chaos at the station. The fact that things were running smoothly was due to successful improvisation by her deputies. She would have to acknowledge that when things quieted down. Tomorrow, after the fireworks and the drunk drivers.

Any word on Kelley?

No, ma’am, but this isn’t the first time she ran away, neither.

She…she took the Mustang.

Ted gasped. There were lines a person did not cross. Not even family. But Danny was already on to the next thing:

I’m going to be tied down from at least noon to one with this key thing and the chili contest afterward. I want you to be the point man if anything happens while I’m up there. Okay? Nick will be at the radio, but if you need extra hands, he can jump in.

There was a highway patrol interceptor parked at the curb down by the barber shop. Danny hadn’t been notified there would be a state presence in town. She didn’t see the uniform that went with it; maybe somebody was moonlighting, or had to drop off a subpoena or something. Still…professional courtesy said you tipped your hat to the local fuzz.

There was something bothering her, a sense of off-balance. It was probably only the raging hangover, but Danny never wrote off one of those feelings. Ted was noisily clearing his throat. Some sugar had gone down the wrong way. He gave Danny the thumbs-up, unable to speak. Danny thumped him on the back and turned toward the Wooden Spoon, because the churro and the throbbing in her head had reminded her of something: the prisoner in cell one would need to eat. And in Forest Peak, the jailhouse kitchen and the local café were the same place.

The big woman who delivered the breakfast had aluminum-colored hair and a smiley-face nametag on her blouse that read Betty. Weaver asked for Tabasco. Patrick tried to change the subject, whatever that had been. Anything to take his mind off the squalor of this rustic little flypit in the mountains.

"It’s like Deliverance without the river," he whispered.

Just eat, Weaver said, accepting the Tabasco from Betty with a gracious John Wayne inclination of the head. I want to see the news.

Then a red-eyed fellow turned around to face Weaver. He looks like that singer from that band, Patrick thought. Or a drug addict.

You see it coming, right? Red-Eye said. He was sitting at the next table, submerging a plate of pancakes in syrup and ketchup. He tapped the air with a finger. His nails were bitten down until the tips of his fingers looked like raw steak.

Weaver stabbed his eggs in the eyes with a sharp piece of toast. What’s that, brother?

Patrick could see Red-Eye thought he maybe had a sympathetic ear. Emphasis on the pathetic part. His teeth were awful.

Something, the man said. War on D-R-U-G-Z, war on poverty, unliteracy, cancer, dietary supplements, and terror? One in a hundred Americans is behind bars, and people keep celebrating the Fourth like ‘freedom’ meant something. It’s bullshit. They’re up to something.

At the counter directly behind Red-Eye, an old-timer in Caterpillar cap and suspenders turned from his hash browns to inspect the author of these treasonous words.

Zap Owler, you communist asshole, we stop celebrating Independence Day, the terrorists win, the old-timer reasoned. His name was Eugene, or at least his coveralls had a patch that said Eugene on the breast pocket.

Zap Owler turned in his chair as if Eugene had flashed a badge at him.

What terrorists?

They could be anybody. Could be you. Eugene obviously figured he had Owler trumped.

Patrick ate elaborately, hoping to demonstrate he wasn’t part of the conversation. But Weaver turned to face the clashing locals:

Day like today means whatever you bring to it.

Eugene nodded in agreement. You got that right. But Weaver wasn’t done.

Then again, can’t mix patriotism with going along to get along, either. That’s what happened to the Germans a while back.

But you can’t say there are no terrorists, Eugene protested.

I’m not. But we better damn well stop using them as an excuse for what we do to people.

Zap Owler was about to add something when Betty interposed her massive behind between the men to cut off any further argument, pouring coffee refills.

Eugene’s eyes drifted saintlike to the taxidermied deer head up above the front door: I didn’t slaughter all them Koreans just so I could sit here and watch some dingleberry piss on the flag. Nosir. We get into a war on terror, we finish the job.

Patrick pinched the bridge of his nose as if to clear his mind of suffering, a gesture he’d perfected on television. Zap Owler muttered under his breath and went back to his short stack.

Weaver was pissed off. He slapped the table

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