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The Shadowhunter's Codex
The Shadowhunter's Codex
The Shadowhunter's Codex
Ebook451 pages5 hours

The Shadowhunter's Codex

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Delve into the details of all things Shadowhunter with this illustrated guide to the knowledge and lore of the Shadowhunter world.

Since the thirteenth century, the Shadowhunter’s Codex has been the one and only manual for Shadowhunters looking to brush up on their demon languages, learn proper stele use, and discover just what exactly a pyxis is. Featured in both The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices, this guide is a necessity for any young Nephilim on their journey to becoming a Shadowhunter. Beautifully illustrated, the Codex contains images of the famous Shadowhunter homeland of Idris, as well as depictions of demons and other Downworlders.

But this isn’t just any copy of The Shadowhunter’s Codex. It’s Clary’s copy, and as an artist herself, she’s sketched pictures of her friends and family in the book, and scrawled helpful advice in the margins. Of course, she couldn’t exactly stop Jace or Simon from adding their thoughts either. Part encyclopedia, part history, part training manual—complete with commentary from Shadowhunters who have seen it all—this beautiful guide is a perfect supplement to the #1 New York Times bestselling series.
Release dateOct 29, 2013
The Shadowhunter's Codex

Cassandra Clare

Cassandra Clare is the author of the No. 1 New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly bestselling Shadowhunter Chronicles. She is also the co-author of the bestselling fantasy series Magisterium with Holly Black. The Shadowhunter Chronicles have been adapted as both a major motion picture and a television series. Her books have more than fifty million copies in print worldwide and have been translated into more than thirty-five languages. Cassandra lives in western Massachusetts with her husband and three fearsome cats.

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Rating: 4.22 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title helpful, enjoyable, awesome, and love it. It is recommended to mortal instruments readers. The formatting is bad, but other than that it's pretty good.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The formatting on this is really bad and there's no distinction between the writing of the different characters, but other than that it's pretty good.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Honestly,I am a HUGE fan of this series.This rather sober book along with a ting of humor proved to be a reliable companion.Totally recommended to mortal instruments readers

    2 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's a pretty helpful book to read if you wanted to know the background of Shadowhunters. I enjoyed reading this book very much.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love it
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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The Shadowhunter's Codex - Cassandra Clare

Cover: The Shadowhunter's Codex, by Cassandra Clare and Joshua Lewis, illustrated by Various


Publisher’s Note

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The Shadowhunter's Codex, by Cassandra Clare and Joshua Lewis, illustrated by Various, Margaret K. McElderry Books



What Is a Shadowhunter?

The Shadowhunter Oath

Shadowhunter Names

The Shadowhunter’s Glossary



Armor and Other Tools


Combat Training

The Tradition of the Parabatai

How to Report a Demon


What Are Demons?

How Do We Kill Them?

The Void and the Demon City of Pandemonium

Demons, Demons, Demons







Angels: Our Mysterious Patrons


The Forsaken

Ghosts and the Dead


An Introductory Note on Magic


Glamours and the Sight

Angelic Magic

Demonic Magic


The Law Is Hard, but It Is the Law.

The Life of a Shadowhunter

Silent Brothers and Iron Sisters


Idris, the Nephilim Homeland


The Silent City

The Adamant Citadel

Institutes of the Clave


Before the Nephilim

The Rise of Nephilim in the World

The Hunts and the Schism

The Accords


Artist Acknowledgments

'City of Bones' Teaser

'Clockwork Angel' Teaser

'Lady Midnight' Teaser

About Cassandra Clare and Joshua Lewis

Welcome and Congratulations. You have been chosen to become one of the Nephilim. Soon, if you have not done so already, you will drink from the Mortal Cup, taking into yourself the blood of angels, and you will become one of the Shadowhunters, named for the founder of our order. Our eternal work is the battle against the forces of darkness that encroach upon our world. We also keep the peace in the Shadow World—the hidden societies of magic and magical creatures wrought by the demons we fight—and keep it hidden from the mundane world. And this now is also your charge. You are protector, defender, knight errant in the name of the angels. You will be trained to fight demons, to protect mundanes, to negotiate the complex landscape of the Downworlders—werewolves, vampires, and the like—that you will encounter. Your life will be spent in the pursuit of the angelic against the demonic. And when you die, you will die with glory.

This may appear an intimidating description of the Shadowhunter’s life, but we must emphasize the sacredness and the weight of our mission. Joining the Nephilim is not like becoming a mundane policeman, or even a mundane soldier. Shadowhunter is not what you do; it is who you are. Every aspect of your life will change to accommodate the holy assignment you have been chosen for.

This Codex serves to assist you in acclimating to the new world into which you have been thrust. Most Shadowhunters are born into this life, raised and immersed in it constantly from birth, and thus many things about the world that are second nature to them will be new to you. You have been recruited out of your mundane life, and you will quickly encounter much that is confusing and dangerous. This book is designed specifically to reduce your confusion and, ideally, to keep you alive long enough to become a full Shadowhunter in good standing in your local Institute.

It goes without saying that it is against the Law for the Codex to be shared with any persons other than Shadowhunters and mundanes in the process of Ascension (see "Intermarriage,").


The Nephilim are the appointed warriors on Earth of the Angel Raziel. We are appointed specifically to control and preside over the demonic in our world, both demons and the supernatural creatures born of their presence among us. A thousand years ago Raziel bestowed on us the tools to accomplish this task. These tools are:

—The Mortal Instruments, by which we may know truth, speak with angels, and make more of our own kind

—The country of Idris, in which we may live safely away from both demons and the mundane world

—The Book of Raziel (or Gray Book), with which we may make use of the magic of angels to protect and augment ourselves

These were gifts given by Raziel to the first Nephilim, Jonathan Shadowhunter, and so after him we call ourselves Shadowhunters.

Yeah yeah yeah. Get to where I learn kung fu!

Sure is convenient that he was named that already. It makes a good name for them.


There have been many versions of the oath that is spoken by new Nephilim when they drink from the Mortal Cup and join our ranks. The one currently in use was created a little more than a hundred years ago, as part of the reforms that swept through the Shadow World around that time. It replaced an older oath whose language was very martial in tone and that focused mostly on the fact that Shadowhunters are good at killing things. Typically at that time the oath was spoken in one of several holy languages—Latin, Sanskrit, Hebrew, et cetera—and thus was treated more as a formality to execute rather than words to listen to and reflect upon.

The oath follows. You should commit it to memory. At the time you are made a Shadowhunter, you will need to recite it without any prompting. Many new Shadowhunters have complained that this is an unnecessary burden, to which we respond that half-angelic soldiers against the dark forces of the world should not be fazed by the need to memorize a hundred words.

I hereby swear:

I will be Raziel’s Sword, extending his arm to strike down evil.

I will be Raziel’s Cup, offering my blood to our mission.

I will be Raziel’s Mirror; when my enemies behold me, let them see his face in mine.

I hereby promise:

I will serve with the angels’ courage.

I will serve the angels’ justice.

And I will serve with the angels’ mercy.

Until such time as I shall die, I will be Nephilim. I pledge myself in Covenant as a Nephilim, and I pledge my life and my family to the Clave of Idris.

Would think the oath would be longer?

It’s not like that—there’s a zillion laws you’re agreeing to follow. It’s covered by the in Covenant.


Most Ascending mundanes like yourself give up their family name in favor of creating a traditional Shadowhunter name. By tradition most Shadowhunter family names are compound, like Shadowhunter itself—in this case, shadow + hunter. Jonathan Shadowhunter’s name was, obviously, not actually Shadowhunter—such a coincidence would beggar belief. NM, my complaint has been anticipated. Codex 1, Me 0.

That coincidence—beggars belief. A 60 ft tall angel appears to you—apparently does not beggar belief.

What Jonathan Shadowhunter was called, before he was made the first Nephilim by Raziel, is lost to history; we do not even know from what country he came. He was given the name Shadowhunter by Raziel (often found written as separate or hyphenated words, as in Shadowhunter, earlier in history) as a symbol of his transformation. According to many tellings of the story, Raziel told Jonathan, I grant you the light and fire of angels, to illuminate your way in dark, for you and your companions will be Hunters of the Shadows. Like Masters of the Universetm

Not much like them no.

Wait till you meet Jonathan Universemaster.

There is a kind of poetry in the selection of a Shadowhunter family name; combining just any two things into a name is not enough. Your name should try to reflect something about who you are, or where you’re from, or what you hope to be. In order to stimulate ideas of your own, we here supply a list of appropriate English words that can be combined to make names. Simply select two of them and put them next to each other. Usually they will sound better in one order than in the other order.

NOTE: USE YOUR JUDGMENT. Your name must be approved by those evaluating your petition for Ascension. Do not try to name yourself Dragonrider or Firedance or Elfstar. Nephilim are meant to be inconspicuous. Obviously things such as Hammerfist or Bloodsteel should also be avoided.








































































What is your Shadowhunter name?


Can’t believe you actually wrote that in.

Definitely either STORMWALKER

or NIGHTRAVEN—what do you think?


Not cool bro


Shouldn’t that be glossarie?

The world you are entering is a secret one. It is kept hidden from the vast majority of the mundane world, who do not know even that our kind exist, much less the many varieties of monsterHANDSOME INDIVIDUAL among whom we are responsible for keeping peace. Naturally, the denizens of that world may make common reference to places and things with which you are not yet familiar. We thus provide this handy short guide to some of the more common terms, which will be explored in more depth in later chapters as warranted.

Well, thank goodness.


I don’t know you. I can’t guess who you might be. But I’m done with this Codex now, and I think it’s time I pass it on.

Okay, I’ve written all over it. And . . . drawn all over it. But I think it’s better than a fresh clean Codex, because I’ve corrected some stuff and added some things. I think it’s more true, has less of the political stuff the Clave puts in to make themselves look good.

So this is yours now. Whoever you are. If you need to find this, you’ll find it.

Anyway, welcome. This is the Codex. I always thought it was like this great tome of wisdom, but it’s more like an army field manual—how you teach someone to be a Shadowhunter when you’re already being chased by demons. So I’m not the usual reader. Luckily, Jace has added some notes too. He’s taking my training a little too seriously, by the way. I think it’s because everyone already thinks we’re just pretending to train and actually making out. So, he’s Jace, he has to prove them wrong. Hence real serious training. Which is why I am writing this with an icepack on my hip, by the way.

Simon has appeared to announce that the Codex reminds him of a Dungeons & Dragons manual. Like, you know, it tells you the rules. Vampires are weak to . . . fire! They bite you for 2d10 damage with their vicious fangs! Now he is making a bitey face at me. He kind of looks like a hamster. Seriously, I love Simon, but he is like the worst vampire ever.

Simon, you don’t have to make pretend fangs with your fingers. You have actual fangs.

Why Do People Become Shadowhunters, by Magnus Bane

This Codex thing is very silly. Downworlders talk about the Codex like it is some great secret full of esoteric knowledge, but really it’s a Boy Scout manual.

One thing that it mysteriously doesn’t address is why people become Shadowhunters. And you should know that people become Shadowhunters for many stupid reasons.

So here is an addition to your copy.

Greetings, young aspiring Shadowhunter-to-be—or possibly already technically a Shadowhunter. I can’t remember whether you drink from the Cup first or get the book first. Regardless, congratulations. You have just been recruited by the Monster Police. You may be wondering, why? Why of all the mundanes out there was I selected and invited to this exclusive club made up largely, at least from a historical perspective, of murderous psychopaths?

Possible Reasons Why:

1. You possess a stout heart, strong will, and able body.

2. You possess a stout body, able will, and strong heart.

3. Local Shadowhunters are ironically punishing you by making you join them.

4. You were recruited by a local Institute to join the Nephilim as an ironic punishment for your mistreatment of Downworlders.

5. Your home, village, or nation is under siege by demons.

6. Your home, village, or nation is under siege by rogue Downworlders.

7. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

8. You know too much, and should be recruited because the secrecy of the Shadow World has already been compromised for you.

9. You know too little; it would be helpful to the Shadowhunters if you knew more.

10. You know exactly the right amount, making you a natural recruit.

11. You possess a natural resistance to glamour magic and must be recruited to keep you quiet and provide you with some basic protection.

12. You have a compound last name already and convinced someone important that yours is a Shadowhunter family and the Shadowhunteriness has just been weakened by generations of poor breeding.

13. You had a torrid affair with a member of the Nephilim Council, and now he’s trying to cover his tracks.

14. Shadowhunters are concerned they are no longer haughty and condescending enough—have sought you out to add a much needed boost of haughty condescension.

15. You have been bitten by a radioactive Shadowhunter, giving you the proportional strength and speed of a Shadowhunter.

16. Large bearded man on flying motorcycle appeared to take you away to Shadowhunter school. (Note: Presence of flying motorcycle suggests bearded man may be a vampire.)

17. Your mom has been in hiding from your evil dad, and you found out you’re a Shadowhunter only a few weeks ago.

That’s right. Seventeen reasons. Because that’s how many I thought of. Now run off, little Shadowhunter, and learn to murder things. And be nice to Downworlders.


We are called Nephilim or Shadowhunters. We are the children of men and angels; the Angel Raziel gave us our power.

Our primary mission is to eliminate demons, who come in a large variety of species and forms. We also seek to keep the peace among several populations of demihumans, known collectively as Downworlders. These groups are werewolves, vampires, faeries, and warlocks. We preside over a treaty known as the Accords that ordains how we and all of these groups may interact, as well as each group’s rights, responsibilities, and restrictions. The Accords are revised and signed every fifteen years by representatives of the Nephilim and all Downworlder groups.

We have our own secret country, which is hidden in Central Europe and is known as Idris. Its capital city—indeed, its only city—is named Alicante, and that is where the Council resides, and where Clave meetings are held (see below).

Most Shadowhunters spend their younger years as warriors. The exceptions are the members of our two monastic orders, the Silent Brothers and the Iron Sisters. The Brothers serve as our keepers of lore and knowledge: They are our librarians, our researchers, our medics. They reside in the Silent City, a place deep underground, many of whose levels are kept secret even from normal Shadowhunters. The Sisters design and forge our weapons; they are the keepers of adamas, the holy metal given by Raziel for our use. They reside in the Adamant Citadel, which is even more hidden than the Silent City; except for a single receiving chamber, it can be entered only by Iron Sisters. Obsessed with secrecy? A little?


The Clave is the collective name for the political body made up of all active Nephilim. All Shadowhunters that recognize the authority of Idris—and this should be all of them in the world who remain Shadowhunters—make up the Clave. When Shadowhunters reach adulthood at the age of eighteen, they declare their allegiance to the Clave and become full Clave members, with rights to contribute to any Clave issue under discussion. The Clave keeps and interprets the Law, and makes decisions about the guidance of the Nephilim through history as it unfolds.

What if you don't declare allegiance?

That’s called leaving the Shadowhunters. It’ll be covered later.

Smaller, more regional groups of Shadowhunters, for instance the Shadowhunters of a specific country or sometimes of a particularly large city, are collected in what are called Enclaves in most of the world, and Conclaves in the Americas and Australia. These regional groups coordinate their own local decision making and organizational structures as they see fit, although the Clave as a whole is responsible for placing Shadowhunters in charge of specific Institutes. The Clave may intercede in cases where an Enclave or Conclave is organized in some way that is against the spirit of the Nephilim as a whole (for instance, in cases where some individual Shadowhunter has tried to seize dictatorial power over nearby Downworlders, as with the infamous cult of personality and human sacrifice declared by Hezekiah Short in the Mayan ruins of southeastern Mexico in the 1930s).

The term Clave comes from the Latin clavis, meaning key, and its use in such terms as Enclave and Conclave refers abstractly to the idea of an assembly under lock and key—that is, meeting in secret. The Clave is, so to speak, the great secret of the Nephilim; with the key of the Mortal Cup, one earns entrance to its chambers.

The Council is the governing body of the Clave. Once, there were few enough Shadowhunters in the world that in matters of importance the entire Clave could be canvassed for their opinion, but it has been many hundreds of years since this was the case. The Council does, however, in representing the larger Clave, retain the power to recall any Shadowhunter to Idris at any time. Today local Enclaves choose representatives to sit on the Council, which deals with matters of immediate import that are not large enough for the entire Clave to become involved in. Enclaves may decide for themselves how to appoint their Council representatives. Most times this is accomplished with a simple vote or by the Conclave head appointing a chosen delegate; sometimes the Conclave head sits on the Council herself. Some regions have more colorful means of appointing their representative. For instance, in eighteenth-century France under the Sun King, the Council delegate was appointed by means of a dance competition. The Saint Petersburg Enclave to this day holds a massive annual chess tournament; the competitor who loses the most matches is named the Council delegate.

The Consul is the highest appointed official in the Clave. He is something like a prime minister rather than like a king or president; he wields little executive power but rather serves to preside over the Council, to officially tally its votes, and to help interpret the Law for the Clave. He also serves as an adviser to the Inquisitor, and is intended to be a consulting mentor for the heads of Institutes. His only real source of direct power is his authority to call the Council to session and to adjudicate disputes between Shadowhunters. The Nephilim do not have such uncivilized mundane notions as political parties; the Consul is voted into office by the Council and, like most prime ministers, can be put out of office by a vote of no confidence.

Tying all of these entities together is the Covenant, another name for Nephilim Law. It provides the rules of conduct for Shadowhunters and Downworlders; it is by the right of Covenant that the Nephilim enforce their Law in Downworld. (There have been times and places where that rule of Law has been held in place by force rather than by Covenant, but we happily live in more enlightened times today.) The Covenant protects the rights of Shadowhunters to enforce civilized relations among the Clave, Downworld, and the mundane world, and also protects the rights of Downworlders so that they may not be maltreated by Shadowhunters.

It is the Covenant also that guarantees that the Shadow World remains shadowed from the mundane world. Nephilim are sworn by Covenant never to reveal the truth of the world to a mundane, unless such a revelation cannot in any way be avoided. All Downworlders who have signed the Accords agree to the same. Demons are the great unpredictable force in keeping the Shadow World secret, but so far demons have decided that secrecy is best for them as well.

This description makes the Covenant sound simple, but its fine print is more or less the entire legal system of the Shadowhunters, specifying not only the criminal code that the Nephilim and various Downworlder communities have agreed to abide by, but also how that criminal code may be prosecuted, how trials may be run, and so on. This means both Shadowhunters and Downworlders may refer to the Covenant to claim some specific right. For instance, Shadowhunters may swear upon the Covenant to keep information confidential that has been shared with them in an investigation.

The Covenant long precedes the Accords; the Accords can be seen as a kind of Bill of Rights, amendments to the Covenant that are agreed to be taken as the law of the land by all of the Shadow World.


1. What do you notice about the kinds of words that are used to make up Shadowhunter names? What do they have in common? What might this say about the Shadowhunters’ identity and what family names are supposed to represent?


It’s not your book, Simon.

You don't need discussion questions either, CLARY HORSEPHONE.

2. Do you know who your local Council member is? Do you know who runs your local Institutes? Find out!

Yes. Yes. Okay. WHO

That’s not what it says!


3. Try: Introducing yourself to a Silent Brother! Their appearance may be intimidating, but you will find them to be friendly and patient. (Note: Do not try to introduce yourself to an Iron Sister at this time.)



Shadowhunters do not use firearms, and typically we fight in close quarters. We also usually fight in short, improvised confrontations rather than in planned battles. As such, the basic armaments of the Shadowhunters are those hand-to-hand weapons that humans have used for thousands of years. Each of these come in

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