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The Better Part of Darkness
The Better Part of Darkness
The Better Part of Darkness
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The Better Part of Darkness

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Atlanta: it's the promised city for the off-worlders, foreigners from the alternate dimensions of heaven-like Elysia and hell-like Charbydon—some bring good works and miracles, and some bring unimaginable evil...

Charlie Madigan is a divorced mother of one, and a kick-ass cop trained to take down the toughest human and off-world criminals. She's recently returned from the dead after a brutal attack, an unexplained revival that has left her plagued by ruthless nightmares and random outbursts of strength that make doing her job for Atlanta P.D.'s Integration Task Force even harder. Since the Revelation, the criminal element in Underground Atlanta has grown, leaving Charlie and her partner Hank to keep the chaos to a dull roar. But now an insidious new danger is descending on her city with terrifying speed, threatening innocent lives: a deadly, off-world narcotic known as ash. Charlie is determined to uncover the source of ash before it targets another victim—but can she protect those she loves from a force more powerful than heaven and hell combined?
PublisherPocket Books
Release dateNov 24, 2009
The Better Part of Darkness

Kelly Gay

Kelly Gay is a USA TODAY bestselling author and the critically acclaimed creator of the Charlie Madigan urban fantasy series. She is a multipublished author with works translated into several languages. She is a two-time RITA nominee, an ARRA nominee, a Goodreads Choice Awards finalist, and a SIBA Book Award Long List finalist. Kelly is also a recipient of the North Carolina Arts Council’s Fellowship Grant in Literature. Within the Halo universe, she has authored the widely lauded novels Halo: The Rubicon Protocol (a USA TODAY bestseller), Halo: Point of Light, and Halo: Renegades, the novella Halo: Smoke and Shadow, and the short story “Into the Fire,” featured in Halo: Fractures. She can be found online at

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Reviews for The Better Part of Darkness

Rating: 4.035087719298246 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a solid paranormal fantasy series with a good mix of flawed but relatable characters. The storytelling is great and the premise is lovely. However, some readers find the writing style to be bland and the character development lacking. The ending is unnecessarily corny. Overall, it is an okay book that is better than other paranormal stuff, but not recommended for everyone. Despite its flaws, some readers immensely enjoy the series and find it refreshing and captivating.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I read THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS and its two currently-released sequels, THE DARKEST EDGE OF DAWN and THE HOUR OF DUST AND ASHES back to back, and my comments in this review will be spoiler-free but cover all three.

    I'm used to books where the scrappy hero/heroine saves the day against incredible odds - Charlie Madigan limps away from most confrontations having lost more than she's gained. When the going gets rough, Charlie caves. When the big baddie attacks, her first comment is, "Uncle!"

    This is especially frustrating because Charlie is supposed to be very powerful. We find out early on in the first book that Charlie died and was brought back to life by magical means. Her resurrection left her changed, equipped with magical power that she doesn't know how to harness or direct with any finesse. She trains quite a bit but three books down the line I've noticed that

    (1)Almost every enemy she faces shrugs off her magical attacks as though they're inconsequential
    (2)Using magic leaves her drained and vulnerable - but she always does it anyhow, because she can't help it
    (3)She seems just as out of control magically at the end of book three as she did at the end of book one.

    That's all really frustrating. And it's a core problem with the series - though, actually, the books are incredibly fun, easy reading. The plotting doesn't really satisfy but I'm sold on the characters.

    Charlie is a winning leading lady, trying to balance life as a reckless, act-first-and-think-later detective with her responsibilities as a mother and sister. She has a lovely relationship with her daughter, Emma, a character smart and interesting enough to helm her own series.

    Her partner, Hank, is a siren. Most women can't resist his angelic looks and compelling voice; after working at his side for two years, Charlie is a little too good at resisting it. Hank is wonderful, and every scene with him positively sizzles. The other main contender for Charlie's romantic attention is her ex-husband Will, a handsome and charismatic fellow whose addiction to black magic eventually led Charlie to divorce him. He struck me from the beginning as being beyond redemption, but that gives him his own seductive power and for all his flaws he loves Charlie.

    While each book in the series wraps up the main plot that fuels the book, the threads are so closely tied that the three books I read felt like one long novel and Kelly Gay has a devilish way of finishing each book with a hook that leads you into the next. It worked on me, pulling me through the three available installments with hardly a pause, and I'm eager to continue with the series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've somehow fallen in love with the urban fantasy genre without even realizing it. I was looking for books similar to the October Daye series and Kelly Gay's Charlie Madigan series kept popping up so I thought I'd give it a try. Turns out it's a good thing I did. Charlie's a single mom, a cop and all around awesome/badass lady. Gay's book is fun, a little dark and while not quite as good as McGuire's (but then again, who could compare?), I really loved it. I can't wait for the second book (but I'm going to have to).
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the first book in the Charlie Madigan series. I had been wanting to read this series a while since I am such a big urban fantasy fan. While this book wasn't exceptional, it was a solid urban fantasy with an interesting world. It was a fun read and I am glad I read it.Charlie works for the police hunting down otherworldly beings. She is also a divorced mother of a pre-teen named Emma. When one of her daughter's friends is put into a coma by the strange drug known only as Ash; Charlie is determined to find out what Ash is and hunt down its source. Previously Charlie had died and was brought back to life under mysterious circumstances, as a result of this Charlie has been having horrible nightmares and developing strange powers.There were some things I really loved about this book. I love the world-building. The idea of two parallel realities outside of our own, one representing heaven and one hell, was an interesting one and intriguing. I also loved how Charlie started manifesting strange powers and had to learn how to control them; her powers were interesting...if not all that well explained. I also loved that Charlie had a daughter to consider. To often in urban fantasy the main kick-butt woman is single and is just easier for an author to not have to deal with a child in the story. I liked the element of reality this added to the story.I also had some problems with the story. Charlie is very much your kick-butt heroine-developing-strange-super-powers that I see over and over in urban fantasy. She didn't have a lot to distinguish her from many other urban fantasy heroines. Charlies also had a very serious problem with rushing into situations without thinking. The secondary characters would even stop and say "Charlie you need to step back and think about this"...still she would repeatedly charge ahead despite the consequences. I am hoping that in the next installment Charlie matures a bit and starts thinking before she acts.That being said the secondary characters more than made up for Charlie. Charlie's sister Bryn is a powerful witch that I am dying to know more about. We also meet Aaron, a powerful and mysterious mage, who was an awesome character. Additionally we meet Rex, a demon spirit, who has quite a bit of depth for a demon. Even Emma, Charlie's daughter, is plucky and packs a lot of punch to her personality.The story was engaging and fast paced. There were some excellent action scenes. The plot was well done; with a small objective that is concluded by the end of the book and a larger plot that will continue into the next book. This book is pretty much straight urban fantasy, not much romance at all.Overall I enjoyed this story. The world is intriguing and creative, I loved watching Charlie gain her powers, and also really enjoyed a lot of the secondary characters. Charlie herself was kind of cookie cutter kick-butt charge-ahead urban fantasy heroine, but her support staff more than made up for that. I am hoping that Charlie will grow some as a character in future books and look forward to reading the next book in this series, The Darkest Edge of Dawn.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Twitter-sized review: Hardboiled cop murder mystery combined with urban fantasy stylings in a wrecked version of Atlanta. Surprisingly awesome.Longer notes: Honestly, the premise of this sounded like something I'd heard before, right down to the wrecked version of Atlanta (although in this case, it's less magic and more aliens who were the inspiration for demonic and angelic style myths). But once I got to reading the book, the world it described was different, interesting, and the lead character as a self-sufficient single mom cop actually worked pretty well. Humour, drama, and a lot of potential for more. I was shocked that the author managed to avoid having ridiculous urban fantasy style romances starting in the first novel, although it seems likely we'll be seeing some in later books. The next book is out, but the library hasn't gotten it yet and I'm antsy!PS - Passes Bechdel. Which is actually disturbingly impressive for both urban fantasy and for woman cop novels.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I decided to review the The Better Part of Darkness and The Darkest Edge of Dawn together because I couldn't help myself from reading the two books back-to-back. There was a very strong continuity between the individuals stories, and unresolved subplots from the first book were further developed & explored in the second book. Moreover, I found myself very engrossed by the series. I think what drew me in the most was the world-building. I was fascinated by the descriptions of the different alien races, their individual abilities, their unique cultures, and the mythologies associated with Elysia and Charbydon. I eagerly consumed all the little bits of information Kelly Gay provided along the way and kept looking forward to learning even more. Another element that had me intrigued was Charlie's multifaceted struggle. Throughout the two books, she constantly struggled with her body's supernatural changes, with balancing her work & family, with her tumultuous emotions, and with her decisions. This helped me connect more with the story and made me care about Charlie.For the most part, I really liked the main characters. Charlie was well-developed and had depth to her characterization. I liked how tough and fearless she was, especially when someone she cared about was threatened. However, I did feel that she was way too hotheaded given her profession. Too many times, she rushed head first into a situation or ran her mouth off without analyzing the circumstances and considering the ramifications. This definitely diminished her credibility as a cop and investigator in my mind. I did though appreciate the fact that her partner, Hank, totally called her out on that kind of behavior. Unfortunately, Charlie did not seem to take it to heart and/or learn from it as much as she should have. Speaking of oh my, he sure was a treat. Given his siren nature, he is not only ridiculously yummy looking but confident, sexy, and sensual as well. On top of that, he is a smartass with a sense of humor and a heart of gold. I adored the dynamic between him and Charlie. They clearly care deeply for one another and are completely loyal to each other as both partners and friends. I was amused by their occasional banter and the way they playful teased each other. And I most certainly enjoyed the growing chemistry and sexual tension between them that was introduced in the second book.I did have some minor issues with the series. I thought that some of the supporting characters weren't fleshed out enough or didn't play a significant enough role in the story progression as they could/should have. I also wished there had been more suspense and more mystery. Some things were spelled out a little too easily or were quite predictable. Finally, a few subplot points felt a bit underdeveloped and were left dangling.Bottom Line:I would definitely recommend this to Urban Fantasy readers that enjoy eclectic world-building and incorporation of unique mythologies. This series has a good amount of action, entertaining character dynamics, and some interesting twists. The series has its shortcomings, but it also has lots of potential that promises more excitement to come in the next installment.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Thought you had a rough day? Charlie has just had one, or a few, with just one thing after another coming up. It all started when she got the call of an unconscious girl on the bathroom floor at her daughters school, fearing she's another victim to ash. When she goes to investigate the scene she learns the girl is the girl who's babysat her daughter and is like a daughter to her. Then, her day just goes down hill from there; she gets beaten to a pulp by jinn, and her ex-husband wants to be with her again - after what he did. On top of all going wrong today the nightmares that started eight months ago, when she died, which have been haunting her every time she closes her eyes have pushed her to the exhausted state and now strange things are happening to her; emotionally and physically.I enjoyed this book more and more as I read. I liked the world that Kelly has created here. She has taken the world we know and added a few extras to it. We have a sound explanation to where the different beings come from, and the abilities they have. Through these parallel planes we have mages, sirens, a being I like to call a vampire/elf mixed type but what Charlie calls aliens, and jinn along with a other beings as well. There was one small piece that threw me off only a few times and that was the sudden appearance of unexpected beings, or item. In these few moments I felt I might have missed a piece that would lead up to them, but this in no way affected the story happening.Part of what I enjoyed the most was the storyline direction and mystery. Charlie was constantly in action and uncovering a piece of the puzzle. The story was constantly on forward movement, in a fast pacing. We got the pieces right along with Charlie as she went through the actions and we tried to piece them together, together.The characters where great. As Charlie wasn't my favorite character in the story, it was no fault of hers. It was the secondary characters I enjoyed. They helped in drawing the character of Charlie. Her sister is a wonderful addition with her magic skills and friends. Her partner, Hank, is a nice addition with being a siren. Charlie's husband, or he is one to watch as you read. And then we have Charlie's daughter, nice to see we have a main character who is a single mom and trying to make it work. And the relationship she has with her daughter is a great one.In the end, I enjoyed the book very much and look forward to reading The Darkest Edge of Dawn. As the story here ends there is lots of room and a few questions to answer to follow through further in the series. Kelly has a great start to a fresh new series here. Kelly has done a wonderful job drawing a mystery in a fantasy world with enough similarities to ours, but with many amazing surprises.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    ehhhhh.....not great. forgettable in fact that I picked it up off the shelf thinking "oh I need take this to work and read it." Well after I started reading it I figured out I already had but couldn't remember how it ended, skipped ahead to the end and said "yeah I read that but it must not have made an impression".
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I couldn't get in to this one at all. When the first chapter didn't grab me, I flipped to the ending and found it kind of meh too. The various scenes I dipped into between showed a vaguely interesting storyworld built up from mythologies, but it's this book's poor luck that I began reading it the same day Vaughn's Discord's Apple arrived in my mail — and I felt very strongly that if I was going to read one book rooted in Greek mythology I'd rather that book be Vaughn's then Gay's. (And if I'm reading a book while longing to read a different book it's a very, very bad sign.)One and a half stars.I've also become terribly sick of the Chris McGrath covers.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Its a fairly typical book of this sort. I like that the protagonist, Charlie (short for Charlene) has a family, friends, a daughter, etc. Where this book is weak is initially, the author likes to describe good looking men in terms of sex - I have no problem with this, but when Charlie is on a case, I expect her to behave like a police officer, not a 16 year old girl. The non-stop action is a bit annoying, as is the Scooby Doo Ending. There a couple of scenes that could be cut out completely, I don't think the ex-husband adds anything till the last quarter of the story.All in all, its one of the better additions to the genre, but it is a bit cookie cutter in plot.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    "Charlie is a stong minded, physically strong ITF officer. The problem with Charlie is she died. Then she came back alive and now she is dealing with powers she never knew she had from the beginning, and some that shouldn't be there at all. While the plot focuses on the mystery behind Charlie's "death", and a drug called "ash", it is also about Charlie's insecurities and stubborn will. The supporting cast in this book is great especially her sister, daughter and partner. You'll also love Rex (think Dark-Hunter "Simi"). If you aren't used to Urban Fantasy you might want to make notes of who's who so you don't get confused because they are all in this book. I loved the book right from the beginning. It was a fun, fast, heart-racing read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    When the opportunity to read The Better Part of Darkness by Kelly Gay presented itself, I eagerly snagged it. I've wanted to read this book ever since I’d seen the art work for the cover several months back. After I read the synopsis, I was even more intrigued that the heroine was a divorced mother. You don’t see that scenario often in Urban Fantasy. I was not disappointed by my anticipation.The Better Part of Darkness, told from Charlie Madigan’s point of view, was an exciting, fast-paced read for me. I finish this book in nearly one sitting. What kept me glued to the pages was how clues were dropped at just the right place, and the mystery just kept building. The pace of was perfect. The unique world and atmosphere of this book had the right combination of dark and gritty paranormal aspects.The biggest attention grabber for me was the colorful personalities of the characters. From Hank, Charlie’s gorgeous off-world partner to Byrn, her eclectic sister who runs a herb shop in the Underground. Charlie, a mother of a pre-teen, is a gusty heroine, who has heart. But she’s tough as nails when the situation calls for it and it’s called for many times. She presents everyone with a tough exterior and acts like she can handle whatever comes her way on her own, but on the inside she is always questioning herself. I could see Charlie as a real person.The thing that can make a book really pop for me is when the bad guys are truly evil and vile. You get that kind of scary here. So when your reading a scene with the bad guys, your on the edge of your seat with worry and dread. More than once I was wondering how Charlie was going to save herself.The ending left me feeling very satisfied but full of anticipation for the next book. This was a story that left me thinking about it long after I finished reading it. I will be picking up the next book in Charlie Madigan's universe. This one is going down in my top 10 reads of this year.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I tried to make this my bedside book so that I could give it the reading time it deserved....and I had really whack-a-doo dreams the two times I tried it. I tend to have a rather vivid imagination and the images my brain retained from the Elysians, the hottie sirens, black mages, bigass scary jinn, the effects of ash, all made for some freaked out dreams that made me claw my way out and awake. I love reading Urban Fantasy since I get to kick ass vicariously through the characters. They get the bruises and I get the virtual rush. And there was a hellah lot of virtual rush in this one. Charlie is smart and tough and has come back from the dead. She is slowly learning to come to grips with her growing abilities after the fact, but she wants answers. And to protect her daughter, her sister and her partner. And the world. Five kickass beans save the world beans.....
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An entertaining, if angsty novel. The main character, while tough as nails, had a lot more emotional depth than other heroines I've read about lately. Charlie's feelings and struggles involving her daughter and ex-husband, her past, and her insecurity with her newfound abilities make her character realistic and likable, if angst-ridden at times. The premise was interesting, though the "chosen one" thing and the overabundance of gorgeous hunks made it a bit cliche. But the plot was fast-paced and filled with enough unexpected twists to make up for it. The writing, besides some redundancy here and there, wasn't bad either. I like that not everything was explained or wrapped up - there's still a truck load of mysteries to clear up and personal issues to be worked out. Overall, it was an entertaining and fairly satisfying read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I thoroughly enjoyed The Better Part of Darkness. There was intense action, fascinating characters and even a little romance. The author managed to construct a complex and interesting setting that didn’t leave me feeling overwhelmed or confused. After discovering this was her debut novel I was even more impressed. I’ll be anxiously awaiting the next book in this series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of AllThingsUrbanFantasy.blogspot.comImagine a world where Heaven and Hell combine, where beings thought to exist only in myths live and work alongside with humans who are still reeling from the shock of worlds beyond their own. Or better yet, let Kelly Gay imagine for you. "You told a two-thousand-year-old oracle to prove it." Hank kept pace beside me, nursing his bloody nose with a handful of fast-food napkins I'd pulled from the glove box earlier. "I mean, do you ever think before the words spew out of your mouth, Charlie?" – Opening line from The Better Part of DarknessThe Better Part of Darkness is an a balancing act between contrasts: heaven-like Elysia and hell-like Charbydon, humans and off-worlders(including Sirens, Jinns, Necromancers, Hellhounds, angel-like Adoni, Mages, Goblins, and Revenants -you’ll have to read the book to find out what those are), motherhood and being a warrior, love you want but can’t have and love you left that wants you back, and ultimately the inner struggle between light and darkness.The alternative Atlanta in The Better Part of Darkness might just be my favorite new urban fantasy world. It is at once instantly familiar as it pulls concepts from Greek mythology (heaven-like Elysia and hell-like Charbydon), and yet delightfully other as it twists those concepts on their head. Male sirens, where have you been all my life?The characters that populate this world are just as interesting. Divorced mother turned paranormal police officer Charlie is sarcastic, determined, and capable. Yet beneath her tough exterior she is also vulnerable, scared, and occasionally reckless. The combination made for a wonderfully realistic heroine. I loved the mystery regarding Charlie. Prior to this book she died for two hours and now suffers from chronic cryptic nightmares reliving the experience. Oh and there's also the inhuman bursts of strength that accompany strong feelings of anger that she can't explain.I wasn't sure if I would like the fact that the main character was a single mom or if I would hate the idea that she willingly placed herself in a dangerous situation that could at any time deprive her daughter of a mother. But the author did a wonderful job portraying the situation in such a way that I knew that Charlie put Emma first. She was always trying to ensure not just Emma's physical safely, but her emotion safety as well.And then there's Hank. “a drop-dead gorgeous siren with all the grace and power of a lion.” A male Siren who happens to be Charlie’s partner. Gorgeous, funny, strong, brave, (fill in your own perfect male trait and Hank probably has it).There is plenty of sexual tension here too as Charlie deals with the advances from her ex-husband who she might still love, and the undeniable yet impossible attraction she feels for her partner Hank. I held up both hands, putting an immediate halt to any mention of sex. Definitely not something I wanted to discuss with a drop-dead gorgeous siren with all the grace and power of a lion. That was a personal boundary I promised myself long ago I'd never cross. If I did, it would be way too easy to start wanting something I couldn't -- and shouldn't -- have. Hank was not only my partner, but one of my best friends. Not something I wanted to mess with. –The Better Part of Darkness.There is so much to like about The Better Part of Darkness, but if I have to nitpick, I would say the first half of the book was better than the last, and trimming about 30 pages from the ending showdowns could have improved the pacing as it did drag just slightly. And I would have loved more scenes with Hank, but I’m reaching here. I have a list of ‘ingredients’ that I love to find in urban fantasy: * Strong world building-check * tough yet realistic heroine with an as yet not fully realized paranormal potential-check * alpha males-double check * romantic tension that promises to develop in subsequent books-check * complex plotting without needing to take notes to keep everything straight-check * and most of all consistency with characters or believable growth/redemption of characters-checkIts almost as if I handed my recipe to Kelly and she cooked it up just for me (*side note: Patricia Briggs and Ilona Andrews have this recipe down cold).I read a lot of urban fantasy books in 2009: good, bad, and everything in between, but The Better Part of Darkness is one of my favorites. The promise of this series alone given the concept of the mythology-meets-reality world, the fresh influx of paranormal characters (forget vampires, I want more male sirens), and a protagonist who acknowledges her human weaknesses while embracing a strange and frightening future with strength and determination is enough to have me giddy with anticipation for The Darkest Edge of Dawn (Charlie Madigan, Book 2) Available now for pre-order! Street date: Aug. 31, 2010Sexual Content:A brief scene of graphic sensuality. Characters visit a Bath House but nothing is graphically described. An implied scene of oral sex.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    My thoughts...This debut novel by Kelly Gay takes the reader into to an incredibly complex, fascinating, and scary world where humans are not the only creatures that walk the streets. But these are not your average beings, I'm not talking about Vampires and Werewolves, I am speaking of beings from other worlds that have come to our world to live. The incredibly strong heroine Charlie deals with being a single mom, a paranormal police officer and a set of personal problems that would make anyone think they were crazy. She has a supernatural partner, a Siren, who is sure to steal your heart. The two try to prevent a foreign drug from harming the population of the city of Atlanta. The storyline of The Better Part of Darkness moved along at a steady pace. Although the pages are filled with elaborate details of their world, I was not overwhelmed but fully immersed. I could imagine the city and the emotions experienced by the characters. Like any good mystery, there were clues to help the reader piece together the crime and determine the culprit. There were some grey areas when trying to determine who was good and who was evil. While the current plot wrapped up nicely, Charlie is left with quite a few loose ends for the next book, The Darkest Edge of Dawn.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Firstly can I say that I absolutely loved this book. This is Ms. Gay's debut novel and she has totally kicked butt with it. Not only does she make you love her main character - but she makes her so unique and likeable and the Atlanta that she depicts in her story so unique and detailed that you almost wish you were in this world.Charlie is a single mom/police officer who makes it her mission to uncover and take down the people pushing the drug "Ash" that has recently hit the streets. Along with her partner Hank (who is a Siren - yes, a male Siren) they go up against all sorts of bad guys to help protect the innocent. Not only was Charlie a fantastic heroine, but so were all the other characters. There are a slew of characters that were very well-written and I can only hope but to hear/read of again.My only complaint would be that there was no romance in the whole story. I expected Charlie to have a love interest and, in a way she did, it just was not a man, it was her daughter. In the end, I found that refreshing - I liked that Charlie's world revolved around the love for her daughter.This was a fantastic start to a series that leaves you feeling closure but anticipating the next installment. This was very well done and I highly recommend to lovers of urban fantasy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was exactly what I needed to clear my head after my last book. I really enjoyed reading it. Charlie is feisty, if sometimes rash character, and she can kick a little butt. Heck she can kick a lot more than a little. Hank her partner is just as well written and I find I have a soft spot for him. There were a slew of other characters I really liked. Charlie's sister Bryn, and Rex were fantastic.The story was engaging and I was drawn into the world. I had a hard time picturing some of the characters but it didn't distract me enough to stop my enjoyment of the story.I fantastic debut! I hope to get a chance to read more from Kelly. (received from Pocketbook for review)
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Better Part of Darkness by Kelly GayA female cop still takes heat in our so called enlightened society. Gay shows how hot it can get in a future that has put Charlie Madigan on the front line with an alien partner and a refusal to admit who she truly is. Plenty of action in a good mystery with scifi and urban fantasy co-mingled. If you read my reviews at all, you know I like butt kicking females. It has been suggested that my family contains some delicate flowers who have the propensity and audacity to compete and win against the “stronger” gender. Charlie Madigan is a butt kicker, par excellent. Gay grounded the character with self doubt, a deep loyalty to those around her and an abiding affection for her daughter. Threats to family lie in the arena of unimaginable retaliation and revenge; I feel the author captured that essence with a lot of realism. Kelly Gay did a marvelous job painting the scenes. You felt like you were looking over Hank’s shoulder as he backed up Charlie. I highly recommend the book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Charlie Madigan is an police detective in Atlanta. But not the Atlanta we know and love - Charlie's Atlanta is a city transformed by the influx of off-worlders migrating through from Charbydon and Elysia. Tagged with names - and powers - right out of fairy tales and myths, the newcomers are a dangerous and seductive group with their own agenda, and Charlie is more involved than she knows. She's the only hope humanity has, and like it or not, she's going to have to save the world.Gay has talent, and I have my fingers crossed that future installments will move a bit faster. My most serious complaint here is that it takes an awful long time to get the story moving. Once the stage is finally set, the pace picks up. I'll be looking for the sequel, The Darkest Edge of Dawn to see what happens next.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Simply put - this book kicks a**! I devoured it. I read it in two days. I read it when I should have been eating, sleeping and bathing. I couldn't put it down. I didn't want to put it down! And when it ended - I was sad. I wanted more, more, more! More Charlie and all her bada**ness. More Hank with his heavenly beauty. More Emma. More Bryn. More Will. And not just the characters. I want more background, more history, more of the fantasy!I have to be honest. I'm a fantasy/sci fi junkie but I have been reading so many YA books lately I thought I would get bored with an adult novel (especially after my last disappointing adult read). Fantasy is wonderful in any form, in my book, but some adult novels bog you down with so much extra nonsense that does nothing to add to the story. Not so in The Better Part of Darkness. The setting laid itself out beautifully. I felt like I was being drawn into the story - like I was a long for the ride with the rest of the characters. I laughed when they did, gasped when they gasped and was left longing when get the picture.The world that Gay has created is spectacular. I found it incredibly unique. Mythical creatures we would associate with heaven and hell are really creatures from different dimensions. They have been visiting our world since time began but when a brilliant American scientist discovers the existence of these dimensions, humans find themselves living side by side with beings that previously only existed in their dreams...and nightmares.Kelly Gay is an award-winning writer but The Better Part of Darkness is her first novel.I was truly blown away by the awesomeness of this book.My last words on the subject? READ THIS BOOK! :)Thank you Kelly!!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Refreshing! The story captivated me until the end. Waiting for the next one..
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Marvelous! lovely premise Great storytelling. I want more like, yesterday
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very interesting and edgy, with a badass female main character.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    a complex reimagining of-the-world but I found it difficult to care about the characters. if anything the complexity of the storyline and the plot hindered the heart of the story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great story line, believable and relatable characters - great start to a series!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    sangat baik
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Bland writing style. Poor character development and lack of details. Unnecessarily corny ending. The author seems to want the reader to supply details with her own imagination, perhaps relying on cliche.
    Overall, an okay book. Better in some ways than a lot of other paranormal stuff I've read. Not good enough for me to recommend to anyone, but good enough to read the sequel if I'm bored.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed it immensely
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Good first book. A little fast, but character development was decent. Main character decently flawed but not hugely so, isn't a whiny why me, but isn't completely tough letting everything just roll off. A good mix.
    A few little romantic elements but nothing crazy looks to be shaping up to be a solid paranormal fantasy series. Looking forward to the other books.

Book preview

The Better Part of Darkness - Kelly Gay


"You told a two-thousand-year-old oracle to prove it. Hank kept pace beside me, nursing his bloody nose with a handful of fast-food napkins I’d pulled from the glove box earlier. I mean, do you ever think before the words spew out of your mouth, Charlie?"

Yeah, all the time. I jogged up the four brick steps. If Alessandra didn’t have to act like a know-it-all, then I wouldn’t have to say things to her.

"She is a know-it-all!"

A tired huff escaped me as I opened the front door to Hope Ridge School for Girls and fixed Hank with a deadpan look. You’ve been whining ever since we left.

He swept past me, riding high on his martyrdom. I’m not whining, I’m complaining. About you. And your incredible talent for pissing off people way more powerful than yourself.

I was exhausted from another sleepless night, and Hank’s bitching grated on my last nerve. Well, what do you want me to say, Hank?

We strode at a fast clip down the empty hallway, passing Emma’s homeroom door. Hope Ridge was my daughter’s school. I’d been there hundreds of times in the last four years. But never like this.

Granted, the call that went over the wire was for paramedics, not ITF. The only reason we’d come was to make sure everything was okay. Otherwise we’d be over at Thumbs Up having a late breakfast.

How about I’m sorry, Hank was saying. Sorry, Hank, for always getting you punched, kicked, cursed out, et cetera, et cetera … He dabbed at his nose a few times. The bleeding had finally stopped. "I don’t know why they always hit me when you’re the one who—"

Two school security guards blocked the restroom door. Hank had the good sense to end the conversation as we approached.

She’s in there, one of them said, holding the door open.

I nodded my thanks, stepped inside, and immediately froze. My lungs deflated on a stunned exhale. Shit.

Hank let the door close behind us, gave a quick once-over of the victim on the floor, and then studied my shocked face. What? You know this girl?

I stared down at the female body curled into a fetal position, one hand under her cheek, as though she’d simply decided to lie down on the ugly green-and-white tiled floor of the girls’ bathroom and take a nap.

Numbness and disbelief stole over me. I blinked hard, wanting to erase what I was seeing, wanting to go back to this morning and somehow change the course of events that had led to this.


I didn’t answer. My voice wouldn’t come.

Hank knelt by the right shoulder of the girl, rested one arm casually across his thigh, and stared up at me. Annoyed wrinkles creased the corners of his mouth. Nothing unusual. Hank looked at me like that all the time.

Hello? Earth to Madigan. What the hell’s with you today?

I did a mental shake to regain my clarity. Didn’t help much. I knew what I had to do. Investigate. Gather information. But I couldn’t remember how to begin. Nothing had hit so close to home before. Hank’s big form made the teenage girl on the floor look so small, so childlike … so innocent.

Wait a second, he said as it dawned on him, October tenth. Your favorite day of the year. How could I forget? An entire day of you being loopy as hell. He sighed and raised his perfect face to the ceiling. What did I do to deserve this?

"Uh, you invaded my world, my city, my life. How’s that for starters?" I shot him my trademark smile—cynical and slightly twisted.

Yeah, October tenth was my favorite freaking day of the year. The thirteenth anniversary. The day heaven and hell came out of the closet. Literally.

It wasn’t a day one tended to forget.


Yeah, I answered automatically.

I had to regain control of myself. I was good at my job and now it meant more than ever because I knew this girl. I’d practically watched her grow up. I’d just seen her this morning, for God’s sake.

Yeah, I know her. Don’t you recognize her? My voice didn’t break, but my heart hurt like a sonofabitch. Amanda Mott. She’s—I swallowed—"was Emma’s friend and babysitter. Big sister, really …"

Hank gave a solemn nod. Thus the ‘shit’ comment.

Thus the ‘shit’ comment.

She have any illnesses you know of? Depression? Unstable?

No, nothing like that. She’s a good kid, Hank.

His troubled sigh echoed in the sterile bathroom. I watched him turn his attention back to Amanda’s body, leaning closer—too close.

I knelt down. Jesus, Hank, are you sniffing her?

Blue topaz eyes met mine, and he hit me with a full-on grin. Sometimes, when he did that, it stole my breath for a split second. He dragged his fingers through thick, wavy hair the color of sunshine on gold and then frowned. You don’t smell that?

I leaned closer and sniffed. Uh, no.

Figures, he muttered. You people are so out of touch.

Oh, did I mention? Hank wasn’t human.

All part of the policy. Integrate. Work together. Build relationships. Hank and I have been partners for three years now, both assigned to the ITF—Integration Task Force—which has pretty much taken over the policing and monitoring of all immigrant beings … whether from here or somewhere else.

No one had been happy about being assigned to work with an off-world partner. In fact, there wasn’t a law enforcement officer out there who’d been comfortable with the new assignments. But we soon saw the necessity. With the influx of any alien, illegal or otherwise, crime rose. Better to have the insider knowledge to deal with it.

Hank was a siren. Particularly useful in police work. Criminals, suspects, witnesses—they all wanted to tell the truth just to please him. All he had to do was take off his voice modifier. Developed by Mott Technologies and made of thick iridescent metal with two balls at the ends, similar to a Celtic torc, the voice-mod adjusted Hank’s supernaturally alluring voice into something we mere mortals could handle without embarrassing ourselves. And it wasn’t just women. Men, kids, babies, animals, you name it. Any living creature was drawn to Hank like he was the village piper. I liked to call him the village idiot, but, hey, that’s just me.

Hank’s expression became serious, his frown deepening. He reached out and put two fingers on the side of Amanda’s neck and then closed his eyes. I waited, knowing not to interrupt. Hank was right, for the most part. Humans were more out of touch in the psychic sense, though ITF had begun hiring any psychically-inclined officer they could get their hands on. Off-worlders, however, were blessed with an overabundance of senses.

You gotta be kidding me. He removed his fingers and gave me a frank look. She’s not dead.


She’s not dead.

Immediately I felt for her pulse. Nothing. I swear to God, Hank, I’ll put a bullet in your belly and send you back to Elysia if you’re messing with me. And I’d done it once before, so he knew to take me seriously.

Jeez, Charlie, give me some credit will you? I wouldn’t kid you about this.

Emma loved Amanda like any devoted little sister would. She also adored Hank. And I knew that if this affected her, then Hank wouldn’t mess with me on something so personal.

I stared at my partner over Amanda’s body for a hard second, then shot to my feet and radioed the paramedics with the news as Hank began walking slowly down the row of stalls, searching each one for clues as to what might’ve caused Amanda to drop into a death-like sleep on the cold, dirty floor during third period Algebra.

I crouched next to Amanda, wanting so badly to tuck the loose strands of white-blonde hair behind her ear. But I didn’t dare. God, please don’t let this be what I think it is.

As we waited for the paramedics, I used the time to scan her body, searching over the Black Watch plaid skirt, the knee-high white socks, the chunky black Mary Janes, and the white blouse. It was the same uniform Emma had worn to school, the same one she wore every day. Nothing seemed out of place, except for Amanda herself. She looked peaceful, happy even.

The medical examiner entered the bathroom with her hard, shiny black case and equally shiny black bob, which curved under a small oval face, determined red lips, and dark Asian eyes. She’d gotten another new pair of glasses and they framed her eyes perfectly, as did the other twenty-odd pairs she owned. Liz bought designer eyeglasses like some women bought expensive shoes. Hey, Madigan. She shut the door behind her. How is it you can afford to send your kid to a swanky place like this?

I was going to kill Hank. The blabbermouth.

I stood and moved aside. It’s called child support. Automatic draft is a wondrous thing.

Ah, that would explain it. She set down her case, opened it, and withdrew a small pair of latex gloves, which she put on with a loud snap. Then she knelt next to Amanda to check her pulse and listen to her heartbeat. Heard over the radio you have a live one here. She sighed, preferring to analyze the dead over the living. Not exactly my specialty but … How old is she?

Sixteen, I answered quietly, allowing Liz to be the brilliant medical examiner that she was. Of course it didn’t hurt that she was also a kick-ass necromancer. Usually, what the dead couldn’t tell us from our investigation, they could tell Liz. But we always tried to solve a case ourselves. It took a massive amount of energy and life force to raise the dead. And if Liz did it for every John Doe who rolled through the door, she would’ve lost her own life a long time ago. After a long moment, she removed the earpieces to the stethoscope.

Anything? I asked.

Heartbeat is so damn faint and slow you can hardly hear it with the stethoscope. At this rate, she should be going into cardiac arrest. Looks like all the others.

I glanced impatiently at the door. Where the hell were the medics?

Still hopeful, Liz examined Amanda’s skull. There appears to be no external damage to her body at all. Maybe an aneurysm, or … She lifted Amanda’s eyelid, and we both gasped even though we’d seen this a dozen times in the last week.

I knelt down. Damn.

A cloudy white film glazed over Amanda’s eye. Goose bumps crept up my arms and legs, a sign of foreboding that left me downright cold. The Pine-Sol scent of the room was starting to give me a headache.

"Looks like ash has just moved uptown," Liz said on a resigned breath.

Hank dropped to his haunches next to me and took in this new information. A steel curtain slid over his features. Hank always showed his emotions. And with the realization of what we were seeing, ash making its way from Underground Atlanta into a midtown private school, Hank should’ve been cursing or hitting something by now. I studied him intently and didn’t miss the telltale flex of his jaw before he stood. Yeah, something was definitely up.

Mom! Mom, what’s going on? Emma’s terrified voice echoed from the hallway.

Motherhood and work. Usually I had no trouble keeping the two separated, but this time the lines were seriously blurred. Damn it. I closed my eyes for a second, hating that they had crossed, hating that they’d even come close. I drew in a deep breath and switched gears from detective to mom. Hold on a sec, I told Hank and Liz and then walked calmly into the hallway, mentally preparing myself.

Seeing her standing there in her uniform, all tall and thin, approaching twelve way too fast, it suddenly hit me how much Emma had grown in the last year. A rush of sad realization squeezed my chest. Time was racing by where my daughter was concerned. She pressed against the police tape, which had gone up while we were inside, and pushed against the school security officer. He held her back with a hand on her shoulder. My hand went to the service weapon on my hip. An automatic gesture. I didn’t intend to use it, but the guy had better get his paws off my kid.

Hey. I placed my hand on his left shoulder, probably harder than I should have. I got it.

He hesitated. He might be the big guy here at school, but he knew not to mess with an ITF agent. Our training and selection process had become legendary. Not many people could look a hellhound in the eye and know how to defeat it. We’d been trained to face every being and beast from both worlds, and we all had the scars and nightmares to prove it.

Ma’am. He nodded, stepping back.

I turned to my daughter, lowering my voice. What are you doing out of class? I had to show my confident side, let her know everything would be all right. But my heart pounded. She was highly intuitive and knew me better than anyone. I reached out to smooth the wavy brown bangs behind her ear. She always wore a ponytail to school—couldn’t convince her to do anything different.

She did a quick wave with her wooden bathroom pass. Mom, she began in an I’m-not-a-stupid-kid-I-know-what’s-going-on tone, "they told us to stay in class, that something happened with a student, but I saw you and Hank from the window and said I had to go. She leaned close, her big brown eyes turning wide and glassy. Amanda was supposed to be my lab buddy today, but she never showed. Her nostrils flared and tears rose to the surface. It’s not her, is it?"

I opened my mouth to answer at the same moment the paramedics burst through the front door and raced down the hall. Great. I turned back to her. Two lines of tears trailed down her cheeks. Her bottom lip trembled, tugging hard on my protective instincts.

Oh, God. I knew it! There was a hint of accusation in her tone, as though I somehow had control over what had happened.

Oh, baby. I pulled her close, hugging her tight and smoothing back her hair, breathing in the familiar scent of Cherry Blast shampoo. She was too young to know this kind of worry and fear. But Emma was a strong kid. She’d had to fly by the seat of her pants right along with me when I became a mother at nineteen, and she’d handled that learning curve like a champ. And she’d been able to get through the divorce with way more strength and understanding than me.

We’d get through this. And I damned sure as hell was going to find out who was flooding the city with ash. The optimistic part of me wanted to believe there was another explanation for Amanda’s condition, that somehow it was just a medical issue. But I knew it was a silly hope. No medical problems I knew of turned your eyes into something out of The Exorcist. How in the hell had it spread so quickly?

It’ll be all right, kiddo. I leaned back and gazed down at her, giving her my most reassuring smile. She was the one innocent, good thing in my world. And I intended to keep it that way. Amanda will make it, you’ll see. She’s not hurt, not bleeding; she’s just asleep and we can’t figure out why.

I kissed her forehead, pausing there for a moment to breathe in her scent again. No one else could give me that kind of immediate peace. She grounded me, kept me always looking forward and never back. Kept me from lingering too long on all the evil things I’d witnessed over my career and in my past. I straightened and drew in a deep, cleansing breath, then looked her straight in the eye. But we’ll fix this, I promise. Okay?

Her mouth dropped open. One hand went to her hip. "Okay? That’s it? Okay? Like I’m eight years old or something? Her chin lifted a notch, and her eyes glinted in opposition. It’s not okay. I want to see her."

"You know I couldn’t let you, even if I wanted to, which I don’t."

Well, I’m not leaving, she said, until I see her. Attitude poured off her in maddening waves that, in any other circumstance, would’ve riled me. But the challenging stance and the belligerent cock to her head couldn’t hide her fear. She was like a wounded puppy—scared to death, too small to defend itself, yet baring its teeth anyway.

I took her shoulders and turned her around to face the way she’d come. There’s not a thing you can do right now. Let me do my job, okay? We’ll talk tonight.

Her chin didn’t drop, but her tone did. Fine.

I watched her shuffle down the hall, wanting nothing more than to run to her and give her one more hug, but I couldn’t. I had to make good on my promise. She stopped at her classroom door and glanced back at me, the uniform reminding me of the first time she wore it in third grade. So young then. So young now. Even from that distance, I saw her vulnerable look and the deep sigh that escaped her lips.

She’s hurting, Hank observed quietly, coming to stand beside me as Emma went inside her classroom.

Yeah, I don’t need super senses to figure that out. I marched away from him, down the hall in the opposite direction, needing some air before I totally lost it.

Usually on cases, I had no trouble remaining distant and methodical. Don’t get close, and you don’t lose your objectivity. And you don’t get yourself beaten to death running down a back alley after a pissed-off ghoul before your partner gets there to back you up. I’d learned my lesson. And I hadn’t made a mistake like that again.

I couldn’t make one now.

The unmistakable scent of autumn, of changing leaves and cool soil, rode on a leisurely breeze, helping to calm my emotions as I stepped into the courtyard where the kids often ate lunch on nice days like this.

I turned my face to the warm sunlight, letting my eyelids close. The voices on my radio drifted into the background along with the birds in the courtyard and the sound of cars on the side street beyond the high stone walls that surrounded the school grounds.

Just a moment’s peace was all I was after, but as my mind drifted all I could think about was the irony. I busted my ass every day to afford the best and safest school for Emma, to pay for everything else myself and use Will’s child support solely for her education.

Kindergarten through twelfth grade, Hope Ridge was one of the best private schools in Atlanta. And, despite all that, I couldn’t protect her from the harsh realities of life. I knew what it was like to be a victim, and I knew what it was like to love a victim, to feel helpless and lost. Crime happened anywhere and in the safest places. It was inevitable. But, still, part of me had been convinced that if I worked hard enough, somehow my child would be exempt.

The mention of Amanda’s name over the radio interrupted my thoughts. They were taking her to Grady Memorial Hospital. All her vital signs were normal except her heartbeat. She didn’t appear to be worsening.

Ash had hit the market so fast, just in the last few weeks, that we still didn’t know what we were dealing with. Chemically engineered? An airborne agent? An ingested substance from Elysia or Charbydon? There were so many mysterious things brought into the country with the influx of our new neighbors. I scrubbed my face with both hands, feeling overwhelmed. Protecting citizens was hard enough, and lately, as we mingled more and more with the off-worlders, it felt as though we were patrolling blind.

At least I had Hank.

And he knew way more than he let on. I turned and headed back into the building, steeling my resolve. He’d spill his alien guts one way or another.

The soles of my black boots echoed in the empty space as I marched down the hall. Ahead, Hank was speaking to the school superintendent and Principal Anton. He pacified their fears. I could see it in their faces, the way they breathed relief and the gratitude they showed as they shook his hand.

Hank turned to me as I approached. I didn’t halt my stride, just grabbed his thick bicep and propelled him down the hall with me.

Whoa, I know you like to manhandle me and all, but this should probably wait until we’re alone.

Shut up, Hank.

I shoved open the front door, stepping out into the bright sunshine only to run into a large group of reporters. Perfect.

Is it true the victim is Cassius Mott’s daughter?

"Is she like all the others? Is it ash?"

Do you have any leads on what the drug is exactly?

Will you bring in a medium to help with the investigation?

Hey, aren’t you that cop who died a few months back?

Sometimes, I hated reporters. Especially the ones with memories like elephants.

C’mon! Back off! Hank flung out his arms, trying to shield me.

We pushed and elbowed our way to the car parked out front. I slipped behind the wheel and waited for Hank to get in. Once his door was shut, I drove around the corner and down one block where I stopped the car at the curb to question him.

Okay, spill.

He drew one leg in and propped his arm on the window ledge, obviously in tune with my meaning. I was going to tell you before the whole Amanda thing … I talked to the ER doc from Grady. Some of the tests came back from the first rash of vics. It’s definitely an off-world substance. Most likely in powder form since they found some residue in the nostrils and lungs of the two who didn’t make it. The effects are almost instantaneous. The few who have woken up from the coma are dying. Once it leaves their system, their bodies begin to shut down. He sighed deeply, shaking his head and staring out the front windshield. They’re doing more tests. So far, no other cities have reported any cases, and security has been increased at all the off-world gates.

So it started here in Atlanta. It came through our gate.

Figured. Many of the new crimes and problems stemmed from trafficking in off-world items. Spellmongers from Elysia and Charbydon had become a big problem, selling all kinds of illegal concoctions and substances. Soul bartering, a gigantic no-no, still occurred in dark alleys and private residences. And none of it would change unless we all suddenly became happy and content with ourselves and our lives. Fat chance of that. Any way to get a leg up, illegal or otherwise, was here to stay.

We need to figure out where it’s coming from. If it’s leaking into other schools … My voice broke. You’re a siren, I said, refocusing. Nothing about this seems familiar, like anything you’ve come across before? I was grasping at straws. We’d had an entire off-world team on this for the last week and no one seemed to know anything.

The condition on the eyes. The guys at the station have considered it, but don’t seem to think it’s related. Could be a long shot … Hank cleared his throat and I caught a split-second squirm. I turned in the seat, more curious than ever. He spared me a dry glance and then looked straight ahead. The condition happens naturally when some Elysians get, you know, excited.

"Excited about wha— Oh. Oh! That kind of excited. Really?"

Really. Look, he said, frowning, it doesn’t happen with sirens, but I’ve seen it with others. It’s like an effect of euphoria, happens when they perform certain ritual dances or prayers, or they … you know …

Got it. I held up both hands, putting an immediate halt to any mention of sex. Definitely not something I wanted to discuss with a drop-dead gorgeous siren with all the grace and power of a lion. That was a personal boundary I promised myself long ago I’d never cross. If I did, it would be way too easy to start wanting something I couldn’t—and shouldn’t—have. Hank was not only my partner, but one of my best friends. Not something I wanted to mess with. Have you seen this recently? I asked, wishing I’d rolled down my window for some air.

I’m never gonna hear the end of this, am I? He didn’t wait for an answer. Instead he said on an irritated breath, In Underground.

What place in Underground? I pressed.

Helios Alley. The Bath House.

No surprise. Helios Alley catered to off-worlders, Elysians to be exact. Restaurants, clubs, shops, you name it. Two streets over was Solomon Street—Charbydon territory. And the street in between was Mercy Street, a mix of everything—magic shops, psychics, anything supernatural and you’d find it there, legal or not.

If we’d learn anything about ash, it’d be in Underground.

My first reaction was to laugh, which I did, but then I saw he wasn’t exactly laughing with me. Are you serious? The Bath House? I didn’t take you for a nudist.

His eyes rolled. It’s not a nudist club. It’s a public bath house, like the Romans used to have. Didn’t you study history in school?

Yeah, and the Romans had all kinds of nasty sex orgies in the baths. I sighed dramatically, shaking my head. It all starts with a massage …

A spectacular groan came out of Hank’s mouth, which expanded his chest and made his white shirt stretch nicely across the broad expanse. Hell, seeing him lounging around naked in some bath would probably be worth the trip downtown. Hank had one of the best bodies I’d ever seen. But then he was a siren—his species had a knack for attraction and seduction.

I swear, Charlie, he grumbled, turning in the seat to face me with an evil glint in his blue eyes, if we weren’t friends, I’d take off this damned modifier, make you strip naked, and skip all the way down to the station house.

That sobered me up because I knew he had the ability. And because I knew Hank had his limits. Okay, point taken. So, why The Bath House?

Females, he answered without pause. "I’m single. I have a life, unlike someone in this car."

Yeah, well, you can be single without going to extremes. Women throw themselves at you all the time. You don’t need to hang out at a nud—er, bath house.

I do if I’m looking for one of my kind. You think it’s easy, getting hit on all the time and not being the tiniest bit interested? The only female sirens in Atlanta are ones who have mates, or work in the private sector, or occasionally hang out at the baths because it reminds them of home.

Poor you. I put the car in gear. Try being a single mother, who carries three lethal firearms and can take down a runner at fifty yards. Trust me; it doesn’t make a date feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I pulled into traffic and then made a U-turn at the light to head back to the station. I have to make babysitting arrangements for tonight. Hank blinked, confused, so I enlightened him with a smile before turning my attention back to the road. We’re going to The Bath House. Looks like you finally got yourself a hot date.

His lips dipped down, leaving a dimple in his left cheek. Joy, he said, as disgruntled as a teenager being told to clean their room. Please, please, please, Charlie, don’t do anything stupid.

Hank wouldn’t care about causing a scene. That’s why we made a good team. When it was necessary, neither one of us backed down, no matter what, no matter where. I switched lanes and passed a taxi, a thought suddenly occurring. What? You like someone there or something?

He rubbed his hands down his face and muttered, Oh, Jesus H. Christ.

Hah! A broad grin stretched across my face. You do! My laughter filled the car. You have a crush on someone at The Bath House, I sang. Hey, doesn’t that mean you’re shy if you have a crush? Hank’s shy! Oh, my God … I laughed for at least a good half mile. He cursed under his breath and slid down into the seat. Last time I had a date, with an officer from the ninth precinct, Hank had had a major field day. Payback is a bitch, my friend.

I parked the car in the fire lane off Ellis Street in front of ITF Building One, or as we referred to it: Station One. "It’s three right now. I’m gonna head over to the

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