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Slice of Cherry
Slice of Cherry
Slice of Cherry
Ebook394 pages5 hours

Slice of Cherry

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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"Brutally beautiful — not like anything else you'll read this year, or any other." - Cassandra Clare, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Clockwork Angel

Kit and Fancy Cordelle are sisters of the best kind: best friends, best confidantes, and best accomplices. The daughters of the infamous Bonesaw Killer, Kit and Fancy are used to feeling like outsiders, and that’s just the way they like it. But in Portero, where the weird and wild run rampant, the Cordelle sisters are hardly the oddest or most dangerous creatures around.

It’s no surprise when Kit and Fancy start to give in to their deepest desire—the desire to kill. What starts as a fascination with slicing open and stitching up quickly spirals into a gratifying murder spree. Of course, the sisters aren’t killing just anyone, only the people who truly deserve it. But the girls have learned from the mistakes of their father, and know that a shred of evidence could get them caught. So when Fancy stumbles upon a mysterious and invisible doorway to another world, she opens a door to endless possibilities….
Release dateJan 4, 2011
Slice of Cherry

Dia Reeves

Dia Reeves (1977–2019) was the author of many sci-fi, fantasy, and horror novels for teens, including Bleeding Violet, Slice of Cherry, and Heartsick. She lived in Texas and worked as a librarian.

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Lots of fun, very fast paced, but so inconsistent in terms of, well, everything, that I could not give it three stars. 2.5
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book has a lot going on. But I mean that in a very good way. I really enjoyed this book. It's a sort of horrific tale of two sisters learning what it means to grow up and to be ok with that and each other. This book is easily one of my favorites. I enjoyed all the magic, paranormal, horror, and plain teen girl issues. It was a very interesting read that went by too quickly; but only because it ended at all. I could have read this book for ages. As another plus the book is well written, well paced, the characters are well developed, and the story just flows so well. I can't say enough how good this cringe worthy book is.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Little BookwormFancy and Kit Cordelle are the daughters of the Bonesaw Killer and are ostracized by their town because of their serial killer dad. But the girls have inherited their dad's love of murder though they try to suppress it. Until Fancy opens a door into another world, that is. With a place to hide the bodies, the girls begin giving into their desires though they try to only hurt those who hurt others. But once the Turner boys, whose dad was the Bonesaw Killer's last victim, take an interest in the Cordelle sisters things begin to change. And Fancy does not like change...Well, this For me, anyway. I don't usually read horror since I like to sleep at night but I was drawn to this book, initially, because of the super amazing cover. And then I read the description and thought well, okay, I'll give it a shot. Then I download it onto the Nook and got scared. What was I thinking? I thought. I'll wait. But I peeked at the beginning and decide to read the first chapter, then a chapter after that. And wouldn't you know it? I read the whole thing. But only during the day. I'm serious about sleeping. And it was a good thing I did. Because this is some disturbing stuff. Girls who like to murder people, yeah. Disturbing. But strangely compelling too. I honestly could not figure out where this story was headed especially with the introduction of the two guys. And so I kept reading because I was invested in Fancy and Kit and could not tell where this was going and where they were going to end up.There is a whole fantasy element to the story that is rare in a horror novel. At the first appearance of the monsters, I was surprised (I haven't read Bleeding Violet which is set in the same town), but once I went with the whole concept, it blended horror and fantasy perfectly. The town is interesting with the way they have developed coping mechanisms for the appearance of real life monsters and their reaction to the girls' "solving" of their problems is different. It defies expectations which is something that can be said for the whole book.Fancy and Kit do not invite sympathy. At all. But the character growth in both of them is done with such style. And the love interest part of the story was very mysterious. I really couldn't figure out what angle the Turner boys were coming from until it was spelled out for me. I liked that. I hate guessing the ending before the story is over. Despite the fact that I liked it and that I'm praising it, I must say that this book isn't for everyone. It has some really gory elements and is disturbing. The fantasy elements might be off-putting for straight horror fans and the horror elements might be too much for fantasy fans. But if you can put up with fairly graphic scenes of murder and mayhem, then I suggest you read it. Just don't read it before bed.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book has a lot going on. But I mean that in a very good way. I really enjoyed this book. It's a sort of horrific tale of two sisters learning what it means to grow up and to be ok with that and each other. This book is easily one of my favorites. I enjoyed all the magic, paranormal, horror, and plain teen girl issues. It was a very interesting read that went by too quickly; but only because it ended at all. I could have read this book for ages. As another plus the book is well written, well paced, the characters are well developed, and the story just flows so well. I can't say enough how good this cringe worthy book is.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Slice of Cherry is a 500 page book that is not sure what it wants to be: paranormal romance? comedy-horror? Supernatural magical realism? Or all of the above. Kit and Fancy Cordelle are the daughters of the “Bonesaw Killer” who is awaiting execution making the girls the town pariahs of Portero, TX. They get hate mail and fan letters, sightseers and stalkers but the townspeople avoid them, all except the sons of their father’s last victim, Ilan and Gabriel Turner, which is odd. Kit has gone boy-crazy beginning with Franken, short for Frankenstein, after they catch him in their room in the middle of the night looking for a souvenir. Kit begins to cut him and then sew him up again and after a while he begins to look like, well, Frankenstein. The secrets of the town and the girls’ powers, especially Fancy’s, are slowly revealed but to confusing effect. After Fancy discovers a portal to the “happy place” through a kinetoscope they found in the basement, the girls strike on a plan to kill only people who deserve it like the perverted old man who attacks Kit and dispose of the evidence in the happy place. This way they won’t get caught like their dad. There are many subplots that add nothing to the main narrative including excerpts from Fancy’s Dream Diary before each chapter adding to the confusion. This might find an audience among hardcore supernatural horror fans.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    As the Bonesaw Killer's daughters and with their daddy on deathrow, sisters Kit and Fancy Cordelle are shunned by the people of their small town Portero, Texas and that's the way they like it. When a young man breaks into their home, they capture him and tie him up in their father's basement. What begins as a game of cutting the young man open and stitching back together, soon becomes a satisfying killing spree as the girls take out their desire for bloodshed on those they think deserve it. Things get really interesting when Fancy finds a door into a doorway into another world, opening onto her happy place, where anything is possible and the girls can kill without getting caught. I was looking for a YA novel with strong horror themes, something unsettling and frightening but with kids in high school or younger. Fantasy romances, like Twilight or Shiver, though they contain vampires and werewolves, creatures born from horror, don't count as their point is the love story, not to frighten. My searching lead me to Dia Reeves and her Portero novels, and when I saw Slice of Cherry on the library bookshelf, I couldn't resist picking it up.Bloody and unsettling from page one, it seemed like just the book for me, one clearly comfortable in the realm of horror. This love of gore and splatter was combined with the story of two sisters, learning to have lives of their own after having only each other, also firmly settling the story in YA. I read through this book quickly, and at some points had trouble putting it down to eat or sleep.Portero is a fascinating little town with all its invisible doorways for people to stumble through and never return, not to mention the monsters that make it through into the town and tend to leave a string of corpses and pools of blood in the downtown center. The cacklers in the woods are a particularly creepy creature, which laugh as they hunt and have large smiling mouths with lots and lots of teeth. I'd say this biggest flaw is that I had a hard time connecting with the characters. Perhaps it's because it's from the point of view of two killers, who see other human beings as worthless and just waiting to be victims. It's hard to pull off sympathy for the ruthless and I'm not sure Reeves entirely managed it. Also, it seemed that almost everyone in the story was far too accepting of the murders. Yes, the girls were getting rid of bad people (mostly), but it was still a kind of slaughter and everyone in town seemed to be okay with it, even cheering them on (of course, these are Porterenes and it's a very strange town and the people are kind of used to seeing blood and body parts). It seems a little variation in the reactions would have been better, so that it didn't come off as one note personalities. I may be grateful to someone who got rid of someone beating on me, but I'd also be wary and frightened, too, especially if they came back splattered with blood. So, I don't think sending the message that murder is hunky-dory as long as you're killing bad people is a good thing.That said, it was an entertaining story and I'm curious to read more by Reeves. So I'll probably go ahead and pick up the first book in the series (Slice of Cherry is book two).
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I just. I don't understand why Dia Reeves would want to write a book like this? I mean, who told her it was a good book? Not only is this book completely.. well f***ed up, but it's not at ALL appropriate for its intended audience. This should NOT be labeled YA, because it most definitely is NOT. Reeves basically goes through the novel making light of the two sisters torturing and killing the people they think "deserve it" and the whole magical door thing? What the heck! If i had been any younger when I read this book last year, I would have had nightmares. The entire book is an unorganized mess of gore, and it honestly should have NEVER been published, at least not with the intention of it being sold as YA.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a really unexpected read, and by unexpected, I mean surprisingly good. Really good. I’ve flip-flopped back and forth on it (actually recc’d it to a friend—“It’s about two sisters who become fledging serial killers, I haven’t read it, but I’ve heard it’s good!”), and yeah, I’m glad that I finally read this.

    It’s very unexpected—the plot twists in ways that I didn’t expect it to, the atmosphere and setting where completely creepy, and the character dynamics kept shifting throughout the book. The book’s chiefly told from Fancy’s perspective, and the way her character ends up is through a slow, twisted path through a literal heart of codependent darkness. She’s very childlike, not only in how she dresses and acts, but the way Reeves describes events through her eyes. It makes Kit’s growing distance feel more like a betrayal, and really gets into Fancy’s darker side. There’s some good moments of her stronger nature—like the chase through the dark park—and you can see that Fancy has much of a chance of being the strong one instead of Kit. Slice of Cherry really feels more like Fancy’s story and her coming-of-age. (With more murder and evisceration.) Because of this, I felt like we really didn’t get to know Kit as well. She’s very obviously the more assertive of the two girls, but we get to see her jealous nature as Fancy takes more control of their murders. I would have like more of her perspective, but at the same time, I don’t think the book would have worked as well if it were narrated by both sisters. (Follow-up? Maybe?)

    The Turner brothers create for an interesting foil to the girls, if only because they seem to have similar predatory natures. Both Ilan and Gabriel hit my creep radars (especially Gabriel); while they start off as the now-standard “Mysterious bad boys who want to kill/hurt/maim the main character,” Fancy and Kit are just as dangerous and bad. It’s very much an anti-hero story—technically the sisters are avenging serial killers, but their glee at what they’ve discovered is deeply unsettling. It’s almost hypnotic to read as the two sibling sets spiral deeper into this.

    One of the things Reeves pulls off is her subtly in setting up Portero and its culture. There’s already a layer of Southern Gothic with the East Texas setting, and the fledging serial killer plot. And then the townspeople just casually mention that there are regular monster attacks, and to avoid wearing bright clothing, unless if you’re a part of a special forces group. A lot of this is thrown in to normal conversations—the first monster attack, I basically said, “Wait, what?” (I know there’s the prequel/companion, Bleeding Violet, which now I’m interested in reading.) But the smaller details, like how the townspeople ward off the monsters and even the fact that creatures just lurk around on the street are given much detail, they’re just there. This subtlety also extends to the African-American culture described in the book—you’re not beaten over the head with the fact that the Cordelles are black. Aside from the importance of the Juneteenth celebration, more focus is on Fancy’s deteriorating mental state and relationship with her sister. I wish Reeves would have gotten more into how doors open into other worlds (aside from Fancy’s ‘happy place’), but again, need to read the first book.

    My one issue with the book is that it just ends on the reveal of who killed the Turners’ father and with Fancy and Kit’s mother finding out about the new murders. It’s extremely abrupt and barely ties up all of the loose ends with little conflict. Honestly, on reading the last line, I was all “What the hell just happened?” I’m sorta split on how I would have liked it to have ended—obviously, this isn’t the kind of book that ties up everything nice and neat, but more closure would have probably worked for me.

    Otherwise, immensely creepy and strangely hypnotic. Very disappointed in myself that I didn’t pick this up earlier.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ok, this was seriously a fun read. I really enjoyed this book. I love that it wasn't just, "oh hey a serial killers daughters kill people too!" It was much deeper than that. Though that aspect of the book was great to read about. I really appreciate the sisterly love between the two main characters. Its deep rooted and I totally understand the way they acted.I would definitely recommend. A+ Dia Reeves, A+.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Wow. Dia Reeves' twitter bio says she writes books that make people feel squicky, and while that may have been true from time to time in this dark and bizarre story of one of the creepiest towns I've ever fictionally experienced, this book made me feel much more than squick. The characters are seriously flawed--I mean...they're fascinated by slicing people up!--but I could still deeply empathize with them and become deeply engrossed in their very human, very universal coming-of-age. I absolutely love the eerie, magical-realistic setting of Portero, and I can't wait to read Bleeding Violet.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    WOW! When it comes to Dia's writing I become speechless. She has a way of capturing her readers, in a dark and disturbing way, which I personally love. Slice of Cherry WAS dark and disturbing, but also had some deep meaning. The relationship between two sisters, though extremely off kilter, had such a deep bond, that no one could come between. And if Fancy was ever threatened off losing her sister, Kit, should would be sure to rid that person of their life. Or at least from the real world. Fancy and Kit are daughters of the Bonesaw Killer, a serial killer and when their dad gets taken away to prison, the killing don't stop.There isn't much I can say about this book without giving anything away. Let's just say that it's like your reading your worst nightmare. You just have to read it. If you enjoy Dia's writing and have read Bleeding Violet, you'll LOVE Slice of Cherry. I always say that I am a Dia fan for life, but if you read her books, I know you would be too. She brings something entirely different to the YA genre. It's difficult to put thoughts about her books into words.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Ok! So let me start off by saying that I didnt realize that This story takes place in the same town as Bleeding Violet. Once I realized that I had a much better understanding of the book. This was a really interesting read. Definitely reminded me of dexter but, that was cool considering it was twin girls instead of a middle aged man : ) Overall, The cover is awesome. The pace of the book is really good, the story line is interesting. So, I would recommend you give it a read especially if you have already read Bleeding Violet. : )
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is one screwed up book. It takes the tone of a very dark fairy tale with a mix of coming of age. Sisters Fancy and Kit are the daughters of the famous Bonesaw serial killer, and seem to have inherited Dad's love of murder and mayhem. The sisters, however, decide to use their murderous tendencies for "good," eliminating people who have done something to deserve it. Everyone in their screwed up town seems to have some sort of magical malady, and everyone has a dirty little secret to hide. When older sister Kit falls in love for the first time and starts to move away from her creepy-close relationship with the younger Fancy, Fancy has some growing up to do of her own, and manages to do it with very little good grace. A very bizarre twist on growing up in a fractured family. The elements can sometimes be overwhelmingly gruesome, but I found myself unable to put the book down, as it is very well written. Check this one out if youre in the mood for something creeptastic.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I am currently readin Slice of Cherry.I cant put this book down its that good to me and i havent even finished it.So far its about 2 girls that are the daughters of the bonesawkiller.Now they are taking after there dad but they are only killing people who are being bad.Like beating people and etc.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Kit and Fancy Cordelle are more than simply sisters: they’re practically the same person. The daughters of an infamous killer, the girls keep to themselves, yet are always aware that their father’s tendencies may manifest in them as well. So when they begin to kill—only those who deserve it, of course—the sisters are not all that surprised.What shocks Fancy, however, is when Kit begins to want to branch out beyond their close relationship. The more Fancy kills, the more she tries to hold on to the way things were, the more things change. Turns out there are some things more horrifying than killing, and that may be acknowledging the real world.Dia Reeves is like a bucket of cold water on YA lit’s face…and I mean that in the best way. Her debut novel, Bleeding Violet, turned paranormal inside out and made it fascinating, in a sexy and gruesome sort of way. Her sophomore novel, SLICE OF CHERRY, is like a twisted childhood fantasy come true. Which is to say that I LOVED it.As she did in Bleeding Violet, Dia kind of simply throws readers to the wolves and makes you fight to understand and be sympathetic to what’s going on in the story. In a world where some YA writers seem to “baby” their readers, this is a refreshing challenge. Things are not outright explained to us, but rather allowed to unfold gradually over the course of the book’s many pages. SLICE OF CHERRY focuses greatly on the horrors of the human psyche. I mean, Portero is weird enough on its own, but Kit and Fancy’s sociopathic behavior could technically happen in any normal American town, which is the truly creepy part of this novel.The characters in SLICE OF CHERRY are fantastically messed up, definitely out there in a caricature-like but still completely understandable way. Little time is wasted on backstory, on explanations of what made the girls the way they are. Instead, they—especially Fancy—believe so thoroughly in their oddness that they leave us no room to question how they came to be that way…and that was totally fine with me. We don’t need complicated psychiatric explanations because they are so fully realized, their bizarreness so beyond our comprehension of typical human behavior that they successfully straddle the line between the real and the macabre.SLICE OF CHERRY is in a genre all its own. If Bleeding Violet didn’t convince me that Dia is a genius, then this book most definitely did. This book will appeal to anyone who has even a pinch of darkness to them, who ever felt like they were weird and enjoyed things that no one else seems to.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Kit and Fancy Cordelle aren't like other girls their age. They are the only offspring of the infamous Bonesaw Killer, who is currently on death row. Ostracized by their classmates and neighbors, Kit and Fancy don't let this ruin their fun as they spend most of their time together committing horrific acts of violence. Kit fully embraces her dark side, but Fancy is more reluctant because she doesn't want to end up like her father. When she is guided to a way where evidence won't be a problem by one of her ancestors, Fancy and her sister are free to indulge in whatever dark fantasies they choose. Instead of going around killing people randomly, they put the word out that they want to kill people who deserve it and they get quite a few offers. Things seem to be going wonderfully until Kit falls in love with Gabriel Turner. She now wants to spend all her time with him and continually rejects Fancy. Fancy wants everything to stay the same and resists any sort of change vehemently, especially when Gabriel's brother, Ilan, starts to show interest in her. Can she get Kit to see the error of her ways or will she just have to be used to being alone?I was first introduced to Dia Reeves' work with Bleeding Violet and I unexpectedly loved it. I've been wanting to read Slice of Cherry since I heard about it and I devoured it in about a day. I would rank it just a little below its predecessor. I absolutely love the town Portero and its odd, quirky inhabitants. They see strange things every day, from monsters to dismembered people in the street. Needless to say, it takes a lot to shock a Porterene. Dia Reeves creates a world unlike any other I have ever seen. The mixture of horror and fantasy is both seamless and utterly harmonious. There are real life horrors, like serial killers and sociopaths, juxtaposed with fantastical ones and they blend very well together. The horrific actions of the sisters don't really seem out of place in a world where people on a regular basis get lost behind magic doors or eaten and tortured by monsters. When word gets out about their twisted good deeds, their neighbors actually start treating them as heroes rather than ostracizing them as they had before. Each chapter is followed by an entry from Fancy's dream diary, which inevitably contains something more twisted and dark than happens in reality. This adds an extra layer of psychological horror and gives the reader a peek into Fancy's psyche.Although there are two main characters, Fancy is the most prominently featured one. At the beginning of the novel, I had trouble differentiating between the two sisters because they were so much alike. As the novel goes on, Kit starts to create her own identity, with her own hobbies and activities, and embraces her journey to adulthood. This angers Fancy and she tries as hard as she can to create a stasis around her, including wearing her outgrown, childish clothes to resist her growth into a woman. I related to both Fancy and Kit at different points in the novel. I find it a great feat of writing that Dia Reeves can make two such unapologetic murderers into relatable, sympathetic characters. Fancy's frustrations and her relationship with her sister remind me of the horror film Ginger Snaps, where Ginger is developing into a woman and Brigitte tries to stop her sister's seemingly horrific change into an unrecognizable monster. Fancy feels a void inside of herself, which she tries to fill with murder and mayhem, but she still feels empty and despondent. The emptiness stems from her resisting the flow of time, life, and love and the loss of her sister.Slice of Cherry is a wonderful novel chock full of dark and twisted goodness. Be warned that there is graphic violence and torture throughout. If you are sickened easily or have a weak constitution, this book is definitely not for you. For all of you others that revel in such madness, enjoy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Step into Ms. Reeves world and you will never be the same. The only way to describe this book is crazy beautiful. These two crazy sisters just make me laugh. The dark horror in this book is nothing that I have seen before. This book is one book I will never forget.Two sisters, Fancy and Kit are so closer that nothing can separate them. Little by little their desire to kill becomes more and more demanding. First is just little cuts and then its a finger! Knowing the knowledge that their father left them, Fancy can't lose anyone else.These girls were just unbelievable. The things they did and said were just mind blowing. It was so crazy, I laughed. Now I know some people would read this and be disturbed but not me. It anything, Ms. Reeves voice as a writer is one you can't deny or miss. Her book totally stands out above others with it uniqueness and clarity.The paranormal part was one I enjoyed with the secret doorway and endless possibilities. I love how they did magic with the faerie ring. Really intriguing.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    *Read via ARC from Around The World ARC Tours I gave this wonderfully weird book a 5 out of 5 gnomes. Wow, I loved this book. It has such a fresh/original concept, it really mesmerizes you as you read it. Never knew that it could be possible to like two main characters so much that are killers. This book is full of murder and mystery, the pages just fly by.Fancy and Kit are sisters that have quite the relationship. Their father is a serial killer that's now on death row, this makes them not exactly popular in town. They are pretty proud of their heritage though and seem to take after their father. Both sisters have quite the knack and thirst for killing. Killing is something that just seems to be a part of their life. The first chapter has them taking a burglar hostage, Kat calls him Franken. Some parts in the book have to be read to be believed.I like all the magical elements of the story that are just a part of everyday life in Portero. In this town doors to other worlds can open up anywhere and monsters are very real. Another great aspect of the story that gives the reader an illuminating glimpse into Fancy's psyche is the page from Fancy's dream journal that is included before every chapter. If you don't like dark humor, this book is not for you. If you do like dark humor you will find yourself actually laughing out lout, a lot. It will make you see the phrase find your happy place in a whole new light.Fancy doesn't want Kit to end up like her father and wishes for a place where they can kill and not get caught. This wish comes true thanks to an event held at Cherry Glade because when you are there and hang your wish from the moontree, it is known to come true. Fancy actually makes contact with Cherry herself.The Turner brothers, Ilan and Gabriel come into their lives and change things between the sisters. The sisters aren't the only ones with secrets.It's a great that at different points in the story the reader is really not sure which sister to root for. The story changes to something truly awesome when they start to put their skills at killing into helping people.The end of the story hints that we'll be seeing more of the Cordelle sisters in the future. Now I can't wait to read more about Portero. I think with this book that I've found another author to add to my automatic buy list.

Book preview

Slice of Cherry - Dia Reeves




Fancy only allowed three people in the whole world to get close to her: Daddy, who was on death row; Madda, who was working the graveyard shift; and Kit, who was dead to the world in the bed next to hers. And so when she awoke to find a prowler hanging over her, violating her personal space, her first instinct was to jab her dream-diary pencil into his eye.

But even in the dark of night with a stranger in her room, Fancy wasn’t one to behave rashly. Daddy had been rash, and now he was going to be killed. No, Fancy would be calm and think of a nonlethal way to teach the prowler why it was important not to disturb a young girl in her bed late at night.

She breathed in the yellow smell of the prowler’s beery exhalations. He was panting, as though from nervousness or excitement. The heat of his hand whispered across Fancy’s cheek, and she felt a tug on her scalp. A pair of scissors flashed in the dark, and then a lock of Fancy’s hair fell against her half-closed eyes, much shorter than it had been.

As soon as the prowler turned his attention toward Kit in the next bed, Fancy slipped quietly to the floor.

Because Fancy and her sister slept in the sleeping porch at the back of the house, a room with screens instead of proper walls, they relied on numerous paperweights to keep their papers from scattering in the constant breeze. Fancy plucked one such paperweight from the desk at the far end of the room, her eyes never leaving the prowler’s back.

While he hung vampirically over her sister’s sleeping form, Fancy crept closer, the paperweight cocked back, cool, smooth, and heavy in her hand, the prowler’s head growing larger in her sight. But before she could swing her fist forward, the prowler screamed and staggered backward, pinwheeling past Fancy and then crashing into the vanity.

The light clicked on. Fancy blinked in the glare and dropped the paperweight; she heard it rolling away. The light brought her back to herself, back to reality—the white summer linens on the beds; the broken-spined medical books along the only real wall, behind Fancy; the old black phonograph near the tea table. The jars full of various animal organs lining the shelves.

The prowler was the only unfamiliar thing, harmless and weaponless now that his scissors lay abandoned on the floor between the sisters’ beds. He sprawled before the vanity, paper white, young, and sweaty; the golden hilt of Kit’s switchblade curled ornately from his side like a strange doorknob to another world.

Help! he screamed, his hands fluttering over the hilt of the switchblade, afraid to pull it out.

Kit, in her pink satin slip, knelt beside the prowler, as awake and merry as if she’d been dancing all night. Who you yelling for, Buttercup? she asked with her usual zeal, despite the late hour and odd circumstances. Nobody here but Fancy and me.

She yanked her knife free, and the prowler jerked back against the vanity, blood soaking his white T-shirt and spreading like an electric-red bruise. One of Kit’s lipsticks dropped into his lap, a mute suggestion from the universe, perhaps, to fix himself up—he certainly wasn’t looking his best.

Before retracting the blade, Kit wiped it clean on the prowler’s jeans, and then scanned her younger sister for damage.

I thought you were asleep.

I thought you were, said Fancy.

I saw him leaning over your bed. What was he doing to you? Kit asked the question brightly, but the look she gave the prowler was anything but.

Fancy touched the shorn black lock dangling in front of her eyes. He cut my hair. He’d left plenty behind. Unlike Kit’s pixie-short hair, Fancy’s hair fell past her shoulders in a fluffy waterfall.

Well, he didn’t come all the way out here to give you a haircut, said Kit as she frisked the prowler. Better check the loot.

Fancy searched under Kit’s bed, but the treasure chest they stored their allowance in was still locked and untouched. It’s all there, she said, and returned to the foot of her own bed.

Kit’s search had turned up her charm bracelet and Fancy’s missing hair in a baggie. I get why you’d want a gold bracelet, she told the prowler gently, but hair? She slapped the bag against his runny nose, ungently. What do you want with my sister’s hair?

Please. Call an ambulance. The prowler was shocky, confused, as if he didn’t understand that the girl whose question he wasn’t answering was the reason he needed an ambulance.

Ambulance schmambulance, said Kit, and poked him in his hurt side. She smiled when he screamed.

I’m bleeding!

I know, Kit said with exaggerated slowness, as though the prowler were feeble. "I stabbed you." She rescued her lipstick from the prowler’s crotch in a way that made him wince.

You wouldn’t be the first person to die in here, Kit told him. Our great-uncle died in Fancy’s bed from influenza when he was eight. I’ll put you in my bed. Kit shot a questioning look at Fancy. Seems only fair, right?

Fancy had pressed her cheek against the cool brass bedpost, her eyes half closed as if she wished she were still asleep. We can’t let him die in here.

I guess not. You tell us, Kit said to the prowler. "Where do you wanna die?"

The prowler lurched to his feet and scrambled for the screen door. Before he could get it open, Kit snatched a paperweight from the vanity, one with Fancy’s baby teeth inside it, and rapped him on the back of the head. After he crumpled to the floor, Kit said, Interesting choice.

The prowler looked much younger in his unconscious state, but still older than Fancy and Kit. College age, at least.

You think he came as a prank? said Kit, prodding him with her bare toe. A college prank, or a hazing? Somebody ordered him to come to the Bonesaw Killer’s house and get proof that—

Who cares why he came? said Fancy, sliding her heated cheek along the post, seeking another cool spot. Only thing I care about is getting rid of him.

You’re right. Kit propped open the screen door. A dust-colored moth fluttered inside and alighted on Kit’s bare shoulder, as though she were the brightest thing in the room. Madda would lose her shit if she came home and found the place drenched in blood.

Don’t say ‘shit,’ said Fancy as Kit flipped the prowler onto his back and hoisted his legs. Where’re you taking him?

To the cellar.

The ground shifted under Fancy. She abandoned the bedpost, sweat beading beneath her pink sleep romper.

What’s wrong? Kit had paused in the doorway, leggy and boy thin in her slip; nothing like Fancy, who had begun to develop at an alarming rate since her fifteenth birthday a few months before.

Fancy felt as though she were experiencing another symptom of that unwanted development, something like a menstrual cramp, only in her chest instead of her belly. She thought of Daddy, and the last time she’d seen him in that courtroom three years ago. She didn’t want this to be the last time she saw Kit.

Madda’ll find out.

Madda’s scared of the cellar, said Kit, dragging the prowler halfway out the door, carefully navigating her backward descent down the porch steps. Not enough loot in the world to make her go near it.

What if he screams?

You ever hear Daddy’s people when they were in the cellar?

Fancy grabbed the prowler’s trailing arms and yanked him back into the room and away from Kit. You’re not Daddy.

The sisters’ dark, deceptively innocent eyes flashed as they squared off on either side of the threshold, the prowler lying bonelessly between them.

And this ain’t a squirrel or a deer, said Fancy. This is a person.

"No, this is a piece of shit who broke into our house. Kit snatched up the prowler’s legs again and yanked him through the door, rucking his bloody shirt up to his chest. She blinked at the display of flesh. Nice body, though."

When Fancy had lain in bed thinking of how to punish the prowler for invading her space, never once had she considered taking him down into the cellar. Well, maybe she’d considered it, but it simply wasn’t an option.

She said, You aim to get busted like Daddy did?

Kit looked at Fancy as though she wanted to scoop her up and drop her into the nearest cradle. "Before Daddy went to jail, did he somehow make you the boss of me? Did Madda come home while we were asleep, shove us back up her womb, and then give birth to you first?"

You know they didn’t.

Well, until they do, stop ordering me around! And in the meantime, why don’t you act like my sister and help me?

Fancy wavered, but only for a moment, before she took the prowler by the arms, struggling with his weight as she helped Kit lug him from the house. Kit was elder, after all, and as hardheaded as a statue—once she set herself on a path, dynamite couldn’t blow her off it.

But a nuke might.

Fancy racked her brain for something nuclear as they crossed the backyard to the cellar, confident like every baby of the family that she would get her own way in the end.

The only section of Portero that could support a storm cellar like the one on the sisters’ property was the upsquare area with its red hills and sprawling forests—the rest of the town was too low and prone to flooding. The towering hardwoods that characterized not only Portero, but all of deep East Texas, dwarfed the sisters’ one-story house and blotted out much of the moonless sky. The light from their sleeping porch spilled into the yard and picked out the cellar doors angling up from the ground several feet away.

Madda had eradicated all traces of Daddy in the house, and the cellar where he had tortured and killed at least fifteen people held no physical trace of him either. The tiny, windowless gray room had nothing to do with the man the sisters had known, a man who’d taught them how to make kites and teepees, who had taken them fishing and mushroom-picking.

The sisters carried the prowler into the cellar and lashed him to the metal cot the way they’d read in the papers their father had done to so many others. Except for the cot and a tall metal shelving unit lined with boxes of nonperishable foods and supplies, the only item in the cellar was the kinetoscope, a pretty wooden device that seemed almost as out of place as the prowler.

Kit sat on the cot with him and gave him a slap to hurry him out of his stupor. Wake up, Buttercup.

His eyes fluttered open, blue and startled. He tried to jerk upright, but the rope restricted him.

What’re you doing? He looked around, disoriented.

What is this place?

You mean you don’t know about Daddy? said Kit, surprised. About the room where he did everything? You’re in it. Don’t you feel special? You should, so take your shoes off and set a spell. Kit laughed. You’re gone be here awhile.

The prowler looked like he wanted to laugh too, like he wanted to believe it was all a big joke, but then Kit flicked her gold switchblade and the laughter curdled.

This is a mistake!

You got that right, said Kit, smiling at him. You picked the wrong house.

I just wanted some things! Just . . . Bonesaw Killer things. I wasn’t gone hurt y’all. I swear!

A few things for what? asked Kit.

The prowler hesitated, shamed. To sell online.

Craigslist or eBay?

It didn’t matter.

Don’t matter to me, either, said Kit, as if revealing a secret.

I figured I could make extra money for school, just—

Kit touched the switchblade to the prowler’s mouth, silencing him. His mouth trembled beneath the press of the blade. School’s out, Buttercup.

Fancy moved closer to the cot. Kit, listen—

What do you think? Kit asked as she tapped the blade against the prowler’s mouth. Throat? Heart? His eyes would be the obvious choice, but I want to look into ’em while he dies.

Why? Think you’ll see Daddy stamped in his corneas, giving you a thumbs-up? Fancy regretted her sharp words when Kit looked at her with tears shivering in her eyes.

Sounds good to me.

And like that, Kit handed Fancy the nuke she’d been looking for. If you wanna see Daddy, I’ll show you.

For a long moment Kit simply stared at her sister, unable to speak, and when she did, her voice was unusually soft. You said you couldn’t see him anymore.

I ain’t even tried, Fancy admitted. Not for a long time. But I will if you promise not to kill him.

You’d do that?

I’ll try.

Kit swung off the cot, her eyes shining as before, but not with tears—with excitement. Try now!

Fancy scanned the metal shelves but knew it was hopeless. There ain’t anything in here to look through.

The kinetoscope?

Kit pushed Fancy in front of the small cherrywood box with a round lens on the front that sat atop a brass stand. It was what had passed for television about a hundred years ago—people would turn the crank and watch images unfurl through the lens. Daddy had fixed the kinetoscope but hadn’t been able to find the right kind of film or the crank that would make it work. But even though the machine was empty and crankless, it was still possible to see moving images inside of it.

It was for Fancy.

She had far-sight. That’s what Daddy called it, an ability to see what was happening in the next room or miles away. All she needed was something reflective to look at and she could see anything: She could even make up things. Like the happy place, a world she’d invented after Daddy had gone away, a world she needed. The real world had stopped being fun a long time ago.

I only ever see the happy place in the kinetoscope, Fancy protested, already sorry she’d offered. It hurt too much to think about Daddy. I’ve never seen anything real in this thing.

You said you’d try.

So Fancy tried.

She only had to think of what she wanted to see—real or imaginary—and she would see it. So she knew right away, when the lens of the kinetoscope remained black, that it wasn’t working, but she furrowed her brow and clenched her fists so that Kit would feel she’d at least—

A scream sent her whirling in time to see Kit’s gold switchblade slice across the prowler’s chest. A second slice crossed the first cut, forming a large red X.


Don’t mind me, she said cheerily. Just keeping myself entertained.

You promised you wouldn’t kill him!

He look dead to you? Kit pointed the dripping blade at the writhing, wild-eyed prowler. Cuz he looks real spry to me. I’m just gone play with him until you bring Daddy up on the screen. She drew back her switchblade, and Fancy quickly turned her gaze back to the kinetoscope. The happy place bloomed bright and large in the round lens, a mostly sepia-toned panorama straight out of Better Homes and Gardens. It did that sometimes without her having to think about it consciously.

The Headless Garden was in view on the screen, the area in the happy place she most liked to watch because it had the most calming effect on her. Fancy knew the place well, down to the sundial and the fountains, the animal topiaries and the carefully sculpted hedges.

At the very center of the garden stood a circle of headless, winsomely proportioned statues that gave the garden its name. Fancy loved looking at the statues, mostly because she could look at them as long as she wanted and they couldn’t look at her with disgust in their eyes or ask snide questions about Daddy and whether it was true that he ate all his victims.

But watching the statues wasn’t calming her. Because they were bleeding. Slashes appeared randomly on their golden skin as though from invisible whips, their blood a golden glitter that dusted the air like pollen, vibrant against the sepia landscape. The golden blood beckoned Fancy to run and play in it, to catch it on her tongue like snow.


Fancy jerked away from the screen, blinking, trying not to notice the whimpering mess on the cot and failing. What?

I asked you if you want a turn. Kit noticed the beige glow of the screen and rushed to the kinetoscope, beaming. I told you to tell me when Daddy— The hope in her face faded at the sight of the oddly bleeding statues. Try again.

But as soon as Fancy thought about Daddy, the screen went black.

Damn it! Kit kicked the bowed brass legs of the stand, nearly knocking the kinetoscope to the floor. She visibly reined herself in at Fancy’s disapproving look and took a deep breath. Tell you what, why don’t you take this—she held out the gory switchblade—and put a few hash marks on Buttercup over there. That’ll help clear your mind.

Fancy looked at the prowler, shirtless now and covered in myriad bleeding cuts. Some of them looked deep, possibly as deep as the one in his side. His blood wasn’t golden like the statues . . . yet still it glittered and beckoned in a similar way. She turned away from the knife and wiped her sweaty hands on the short legs of her romper. You’ll have to stitch all those cuts, she said, and her voice only shook a little.

Says you.

He’s gone bleed to death otherwise!

So? Death by a thousand cuts. Kit looked at the blank kinetoscope screen, defeated. You think Daddy ever killed anybody that way?

You promised.

Kit snatched the first-aid kit from the shelf and tossed it to Fancy, who almost fumbled it in surprise. "You stitch him up."

Fancy opened the kit and noted the sutures and hooked needles, trying not to be excited at the thought of poking holes into the prowler’s skin. She kicked away the bloody rags of his shirt and knelt by the cot, but Kit followed her down.

First things first. She put the switchblade in Fancy’s hand and wrapped her own around it, insistent. Not until you take a turn. It’s only fair. We do everything together.

Fancy’s hands began to sweat again, the prowler spread out before her like an oddly iced pastry, begging to be sliced. I don’t want to.

Kit guided her sister’s hand; the knife slid teasingly down the underside of the prowler’s bare arm as he strained against the rope. He flinched from the touch of the blade so near his armpit, as though he were ticklish, even in his fright.

We’re practically the same person, Kit said, like a cartoon devil whispering enticements into Fancy’s ear. You think I don’t know what you want?

Fancy quickly nicked the prowler’s underarm, and just as quickly elbowed Kit away. There, I did it. I’m done. She freed her hand from the knife, from Kit, from temptation. Now go get me some peroxide. I don’t see any on the shelf.

Kit refused to be shooed. She stood and set her hands on her hips. What did I tell you about ordering me?

I’m not ordering. I’m asking. Now go on!

Kit blinked at Fancy’s tone, one she almost never heard. Fine, spoilsport.

As soon as the cellar doors closed behind Kit, the prowler went to work on Fancy. Please, he said, his voice ruined by tears and blood loss. While she’s gone. Please let me go. I won’t say anything.

Fancy kept silent, carefully threading one of the needles from the kit.

I know you’re a good person. You didn’t let her kill me. I know you’re good. Please?

Fancy looked him in his eyes until he stopped babbling and really focused on her, really saw her. When he was quiet, she said:

Daddy’s locked up, so we never see him. Madda had to start working twelve-hour shifts to support us, so we never see her, either. If Kit kills you, they’ll lock her up too, and then I won’t have anybody. That’s the only reason you’re alive. Because if I thought I could do it and not get busted, I’d kill you myself.

Fancy looked away from the prowler’s horrified stare and finished threading the needle.

I’m the Bonesaw Killer’s daughter, she whispered, almost to herself. Why would you ever think I was good?




After breakfast, said Fancy, setting the table while Kit sliced fruit at the counter, let’s go to Bony Creek. We ain’t been in a while.

Alas, we cannot, Fancy Pants, said Kit, the blade flashing in the early morning light that streamed in through the kitchen window. We gotta bathe Franken.

Thanks to Kit, the prowler was now covered in so many stitches that she had laughingly renamed him, like a pet. Kit cared for him like a pet too, feeding him, cleaning up his filth. Franken seemed to flourish under her care and rarely screamed anymore, even when she cut him.

Fancy admired her sister’s knife skills and wondered whether Kit had always been so adept or if her time with her cellar playmate had honed her abilities. Fancy herself had developed such first-rate suturing techniques that she could probably get a job at a hospital. She wished Kit would leave Franken alone, though. It was stupid to constantly slice up a guy you were never going to kill. It just created a lot of blood that had to be cleaned up, and Fancy had enough chores to do.

Don’t gimme that face, said Kit. She dumped all the fruit into a bowl and handed it to Fancy. You’re the one who wanted to keep him alive.

"Keep him alive, not keep him forever. We spend half the day fooling with him. We never hang out anymore."

We always hang out, said Kit, keeping watch over the bacon and eggs. Sometimes we hang out on a train, sometimes we hang out on a plane. We often hang out in the sun, and sometimes even in the rain.

Not at Bony Creek, said Fancy, ignoring her sister’s poetic exaggerations. Not since school let out. I wanna look for fairy rings.

Kit actually laughed at her. You don’t still believe in that stuff, do you? That’s just make-believe.

Doors aren’t make-believe. And they weren’t. It wasn’t a coincidence that Portero meant doorkeeper. Portero was full of doors, and not all of them had four sides and a doorknob. Many were much more subtle than that, and sometimes people would pass through one not realizing what it was and end up on a desert with four moons and purple sand and creatures that thought human beings tasted like chicken. People disappear through doors all the time.

"I know that, but not through fairy doors. Fairy rings are just mushrooms, Fancy. I can’t believe you’d rather play with mushrooms than a real-life boy in our cellar."

Kit had become disturbingly boy crazy over the past year. She pranced around in tight T-shirts and leggings that instead of emphasizing her skinniness showed off her curves, slight though they were. She wore lipstick and nail polish and rubbed blackberry-scented cream into her skin and hair, as if she wanted some boy to mistake her for a pie and eat her.

It ain’t about the mushrooms, Fancy said, setting the fruit bowl on the table. It’s about the doorway inside the mushrooms. Wouldn’t it be neat if— Fancy froze, realizing she’d set a place for Daddy, something she hadn’t done in a long time. She lifted the plate she’d set for him and caught a flash of his face on the porcelain surface, but she couldn’t hold on to the image.

What’re you looking at? Kit was watching her closely.

Nothing. Fancy thought briefly about telling Kit that she’d seen Daddy, even if only for a second, but decided against it. Kit would only get upset, and if she got too upset, she might take it out on Franken. I’ll figure out how to open a fairy door one day. And just cuz something’s a fairy tale doesn’t mean it’s not true. Fancy cleared away the extra setting. And Franken won’t be ‘real-life’ much longer. Not if you don’t stop cutting him so much. At least give him time to heal. He’ll get infected otherwise.

"I should be more careful with him. Do you know what he said yesterday? Kit emptied the bacon and eggs onto a serving dish, her eyes dreamy and faraway. He said, ‘The cellar is brighter with you here. You radiate light.’ She held the metal serving spoon to her face and smiled at her reflection. ‘You radiate light.’ Isn’t that pretty?"

Gorgeous. Fancy bumped Kit with her hip as she passed by to set the eggs and bacon on the table. But he’d say anything to get you to stop cutting on him.

Kit gripped the spoon to her chest and swooned against the counter. You don’t mean to say you think he was lying?


Kit unswooned and glared at her sister. You know, you could at least humor me, for Christ’s sake.

Boys always lie. Fancy shrugged. The sooner you face that, the better.

How would you know? Kit threw the spoon at her, but Fancy, used to Kit’s moods, caught it without even looking and set it gently on the table.

"Yeah, Fancy, how would you know?"

The sisters jumped as Madda kicked the back door shut behind her, her arms full of groceries from Alcide’s Cajun Market. She was wearing her black work Dickies with her name, Lynne, stitched over her bosom. She looked sweaty and tired and happy to be home.

Fancy felt the same grateful thrill to see her mother that she always felt, as though Madda had somehow been tricked into caring for them and any minute would realize the truth and flee. However, there was no mistaking the sisters’ maternity; Madda shared their looks: the whisky eyes and ballerina necks, the Cadbury-smooth skin and rolling gait that made a dance of every step. Once Madda’s hair had been swingingly long like Fancy’s, but working all night at the factory had robbed her of the time and energy needed to maintain such vanities, and so she’d shaved her head. That was Madda’s way: When something became inconvenient, she scrapped it.

Y’all got any boyfriends I don’t know about? she asked, grinning.

Puke, said Fancy as she dropped into her chair at the table. Not me, said Kit, when Madda looked at her. To my eternal shame. She took

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