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Pegasus Bridge
Pegasus Bridge
Pegasus Bridge
Ebook266 pages4 hours

Pegasus Bridge

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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In the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, a small detachment of British airborne troops stormed the German defense forces and paved the way for the Allied invasion of Europe. Pegasus Bridge was the first engagement of D-Day, the turning point of World War II.

This gripping account of it by acclaimed author Stephen Ambrose brings to life a daring mission so crucial that, had it been unsuccessful, the entire Normandy invasion might have failed. Ambrose traces each step of the preparations over many months to the minute-by-minute excitement of the hand-to-hand confrontations on the bridge. This is a story of heroism and cowardice, kindness and brutality—the stuff of all great adventures.
Release dateApr 23, 2013

Stephen E. Ambrose

Stephen E. Ambrose was a renowned historian and acclaimed author of more than thirty books. Among his New York Times bestsellers are Nothing Like It in the World, Citizen Soldiers, Band of Brothers, D-Day - June 6, 1944, and Undaunted Courage. Dr. Ambrose was a retired Boyd Professor of History at the University of New Orleans and a contributing editor for the Quarterly Journal of Military History.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I enjoy reading good writing. Great read and well studied.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of the most influential books that impacted my leadership style.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Very good book and quite entertaining. A history of liberation
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Never knew of this account, Really shows how brave these men were and the intense training they had to go through. Major Howard is a real hero and a great leader.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Pegasus Bridge, by historian Stephen Ambrose, describes the capture of key bridges over the Caen Canal (the titular one) and the Orne River in the early morning hours of June 6, 1944. Ambrose cites the inspiration for the book in his introduction; he was leading a tour of WWII battlefields and had just finished inspecting the bridges. As he was getting back on the bus a white-haired man hobbled up and asked if any of them were British from the Sixth Airborne Division; Ambrose said “No, we’re all Americans on this bus”; the elderly man leaned on his cane and said “Oh, I’m sorry”; Ambrose replied “Don’t be sorry; we’re all rather proud to be Americans” and then, perhaps regretting being a little snarky, asked “Were you in the Sixth Airborne?” At that point the elderly man introduced himself as Major John Howard. Serendipity indeed.This is a straightforward, well-written modern military history. Ambrose interviewed participants from both sides (and French civilians) and presents the results in a nicely organized fashion. There’s no excessive drama, as I’ve run across in some other WWII accounts I’ve read recently; Ambrose is a historian, not a journalist, and has no need to add anything artificial to the actual events. At the same time Ambrose states he wants to get to the heat of things in a small unit action, without any more of the large-scale level than necessary to set the scene. If you’re not familiar with the Pegasus Bridge action, a reinforced company of the 2nd Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry glider landed almost in contact with two bridges on the extreme left flank of the D-Day invasion zone. The mission was to take the bridges intact and hold them against counterattack until relieved; the idea was that holding the bridges would prevent the Germans from using them to counterattack the beachhead and also allow them to be used when the British and Canadian forces on Gold, Juno and Sword beaches eventually broke out. The Ox and Bucks recovered from fairly rough landings, stormed out of their gliders, shot up a few sentries, beat off some desultory German counterattacks (including taking out an incautious Pz IV with one of their two PIAT bombs), and waited until paratroopers from 6th Airborne (dropped nearby) and Commandos (marching overland from the beachhead, piper and Lord Lovat in front) showed up. There are the usual war stories; when the movie The Longest Day built a replica Horsa glider to recreate the attack, it was refused an airworthiness certificate and had to be broken down and shipped by sea rather than towed to Normandy; when the Commandos captured a couple of Germans who had fled their barracks in their underwear, they were handed off to higher authorities as members of a Panzoff Division; when Corporal Killean took out a sniper in a church tower with a couple of PIAT bombs, he crossed himself and said “I’m sorry to see what I have done to a wee house of God”.In final chapters Ambrose does allow himself a little speculation. Failure to capture the bridges would not have led to a German victory, but it would have been pretty unpleasant. The 6th Airborne would have been cut off on the wrong side of a major river, and German armored units would have had a much easier time getting to the landing zone. He also contends that the airborne and airlanding troops involved in the action were kept in Normandy as line infantry way too long; their presence at Arnhem might have made a difference.No maps; this is slightly atoned for by aerial photographs of the bridges, but in my trade paperback all the photographs are printed on uncoated stock and are thus badly washed out. The index and references seem a little sparse. Still, an easy and exciting read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Short, and very tactical, book which focuses on the British 6th Airborne Division's task of securing the D-Day inland bridges. It was well written and easy to understand. I'd suggest looking at a map before one listens to this book as it will help in understanding. The use of gliders is well explained. A very good account of Major John Howard and the men of Company D, the Ox and Bucks Light Infantry Regiment.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    WWII taking of bridge during D-Day.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Not going to say much, I even find it strange giving a book about real life events stars. This is immensely interesting and makes you realise how brave were these men. Thank you Major Howard and his men and thank you Stephen E. Ambrose for bringing their stories to the world.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Interesting account of the first engagement of D-Day (6 June 1944).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is very a good book, it involves the nice "Brotherhood'ness" of band of brothers, and it was written by the same Author. It also gives a lot of detail on where these brave soldiers are now. This book is an amazing book and I HIGHLY recomend it to any one who enjoys reading about the second world war or just enjoy's the Band Of Brothers shows/books.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Stephen E. Ambrose is a master storyteller. He makes it so easy, interviewing people then write about them. Imagine the editing works, placing one story after another, in the way that the readers would better understand and imagine. Pegasus Bridge is not as special as Citizen Soldiers or Band of Brothers (BoB), but it still delivers.The story is about a gliderborne unit of the British Ox and Bucks Light Infantry Regiment, 6th Airborne Division, commanded by Major John Howard, who captured two bridges (one rechristened Pegasus) between Bénouville and Ranville, Normany, and held them until reinforcements came. This is claimed to be the first assault by the Allies as well as the first combat engagements between the opposing parties in Normandy during D-Day. The troops were the first who liberated a French home (whose owners were spies working for the Resistance) and one of its platoon leaders was the first casualty from the Allies side in D-Day. Yes, Howard’s D Company indeed scored many ‘firsts’.I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed when I read the first pages of the book. I thought I was going a read a book about paratroopers. Blame my silly infatuation on paras due to BoB. I was a bit indoctrinated as well by the impression in BoB that gliderborne troopers were not as qualified and disciplined as the paras. Well, that is not the case with Howard’s men. It surely took lots of courage to surrender your fate on a Horsa whose movement and bearing were not entirely up to your own pilot, but the bomber towing your glider. Paras are more mobile because they have their own chutes.Along with the glider pilots, the sappers, the paras, Howard and his troopers managed to surprise the Germans who, just like what happened during the D-Day sea invasion, showed a very lousy and ineffective chain of command and communication. It sometimes frustrates me (seriously) to read their ridiculous mistakes in D-Day (thanks to the Fuhrer) whereas they had legendary field marshals like Rommel and Von Rundstedt to lead.This feat was very influential to the outcome of D-Day, since it blocked the way of a strong panzer division, whose counterattack could destroy the advancing seaborne invaders.The training part of the book was a bit boring unfortunately. [Ambrose used the same formula with BoB and his other book Wild Blue, i.e. giving many details about the training phase:] I’d like to read more about the action part but it only covers half of the book. I noted that Howard’s D Company was the toughest SOBs in the whole airborne division due to their fanaticism over sports and physical endeavors, but that’s about the only interesting fact I found. More detailed actions, please.Apparently, this story appeared a bit in the movie version of The Longest Day. Hell, I dislike the movie so much I can not remember anything (but the book is super excellent, mind you). The actor who played John Howard was in fact a part of the operation, a member of the 7th Battalion of the Parachute Regiment who reinforced the British troops in the area.Anyway, this is still recommended for military buffs, especially the ones who want some light reading or curious about events that are not (presumably) widely covered by other battle accounts.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is vintage Stephen Ambrose storytelling from the days before he became a cottage industry and became caught up in arguments over who wrote what and when. It is also the rarely told story of a single company sized unit in a single important combat, specifically D Company (or Coy as the Brits often say) of the Oxford and Buckinghamshire Regiment here identified as "the Oxs and Bucks."The regiment was assigned the role of glider-borne infantry as part of Britain's 6th Airborne Division. Their mission on D-Day, the 6th of June in 1944, was to seize and hold two bridges - one over the Orne River and the other across the adjacent canal. These waterways marked the left flank of the British landing beaches on D-Day and therefore the left flank of the entire Normandy invasion force. It was considered critical that these two bridges be captured intact and held in order to deny them to the use of German tank units in the vicinity and to preserve them for the eventual use of the Allied breakout from the initial beachhead. In the words of John Wayne as the American airborne's General Gavin - this mission was strategic.Ambrose tells the story not just of the battle but of the preparations for the battle being made by both sides for some two years before D-Day. While his focus is primarily upon D Company and its commander, Major John Howard, through good research and a little luck he is also able to include in his narrative the viewpoint and experiences of the German troops and of the local French Resistance members in the vicinity of the bridge.In part because they have long since disappeared from warfare, the glider troops do not seem to get the full share of credit they deserve. As is cited in a number of books on the subject, including this one, those paratroopers who found themselves riding the gliders came away unanimously prefering to parachute and some arguing that the glider troops weren't paid enough. Neither the glider troops nor the glider pilots wore parachutes, reflecting a bond between the cockpit crew and their passengers that whatever happened they were all in this venture together. Losses among the glider troops were high and often resulted from midflight failures of their aircraft or friendly fire from anti-aircraft guns on Allied ships or ground units that in the heat of combat failed to recall their orders or to recognize the aircraft as friendly. And then, of course, there were the losses in combat with the Germans. Ambrose does an excellent job in the story of this one company of setting out the arguments for using gliders and the details of how to use them successfully. This is a history, a biography and memoir, and almost a textbook on glider operations.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Having read this book, I went to the Pegasus Bridge site in Normandy, and the Gondree Cafe (the first place to be liberated) Going round the excellent pegasus Bridge museum really brought the book to life as their were reminders of several of the men mentioned in the book. This gave it an almost personal feel as you felt you had met them. I am no historian, but I felt the book gave a very real sense of the raid with good character studies of those involved
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Definitely a good read, but Ambrose typically overplays the role played by D Company during the later D-Day battle and indeed the Normandy campaign. His habit of not acknowledging sources is also an irritation, as are the many minor factual errors in the book.A good read, but you'd be better off with Harclerode's divisional history of the 6th, or Denis Edwards autobiography.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was a pretty good book by Stephen Ambrose but not one of my favorites.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great little book by my favorite historian on the assault on the Caen canal bridge at Ranville, just inland from the far eastern end of the Normandy beachhead. I have been to Pegasus Bridge and this book was a fun read, knowing the terrain. Did not even know Ambrose wrote this book until recently.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Good tactical history, from the master of tactical description and personal war experience. Annoying, unctuous, and full of American sentimentality, but still a good read.

Book preview

Pegasus Bridge - Stephen E. Ambrose


In 1984, on the 40th anniversary of D-Day, the British had to make a difficult choice—where to concentrate their celebration. The Americans had chosen their beaches, Omaha and Utah, and the British were tempted to do the same. They could have gone to Lion Sur Mer, near the center of Sword Beach, or to Arromanches, on Gold Beach. Arromanches would have been especially appropriate, because it was there that the British placed the artificial harbors, built at tremendous cost by British industry and representing a triumph of British imagination, technology, and productivity.

Instead, the British centered their celebration on the tiny village of Ranville, some ten kilometers inland from the coast. Ranville had been the D-Day headquarters of the British 6th Airborne Division. Prince Charles came there and participated in a moving memorial service in the military cemetery. There were hundreds of airborne veterans present, and thousands of spectators, plus photographers, reporters, and television crews.

The veterans paraded past Prince Charles, who is the Colonel-in-Chief of the Parachute Regiment. As the bands played, the old men marched past with glistening eyes, proudly wearing their berets, their chests covered with their medals. Norman men and women lined the streets, four and five deep, waving, cheering, weeping.

Prince Charles had flown to Ranville; on the way, he passed over and studied intently a small, nondescript bridge over the Caen Canal, two kilometers from Ranville. It was a bridge that had been captured by a gliderborne company of the 6th Airborne Division on the night of June 5/6, in a coup de main operation. The remainder of the division had come by either parachute or glider to the area, where it spent the day defending the bridge, turning back determined German counterattacks.

There were all kinds of special events at Ranville and at the bridge over the Caen Canal on the 40th anniversary, including an air drop by a platoon of paratroopers from the Parachute Regiment, themselves veterans of Northern Ireland and the Falklands War. Queen Elizabeth II came through the Caen Canal on the royal yacht Britannia, passing under the raised bridge and saluting it as she did so.

Obviously, this was no ordinary bridge, and the struggle that took place for control of it was no ordinary battle. Called Pegasus Bridge today, after the symbol of the British airborne forces, the British chose it as the centerpiece of their anniversary celebration because it was an operation that showed the British at their best. Furthermore, it was the critical point on their flank of the invasion.

• • •

Bridges are always central features in war. Battles and campaigns are often decided by who holds the bridge, or seizes the bridge, or destroys the bridge.

In World War II, in the campaign in Northwest Europe, three bridges became especially famous. The first was the Ludendorff Railroad Bridge at Remagen, on the Rhine River. On March 7, 1945, First Lieutenant Karl H. Timmerman rushed his company of the U.S. 9th Armored Division across the bridge, expecting it to be blown at any instant, in the face of enemy fire. It was one of the great actions of the war, and has been appropriately celebrated in books, magazine articles, and movies (the best account is Ken Hechler’s The Bridge at Remagen).

The second famous bridge was Arnhem. It was better known in the British Isles than in the United States until 1974, when Cornelius Ryan published A Bridge Too Far. With that book, the exploits of Colonel John Frost and his paratroopers on the Arnhem Bridge received their proper due on both sides of the Atlantic.

The third bridge, Pegasus, remains better known in the United Kingdom than in the United States, even though it was a featured section of the movie version of Ryan’s The Longest Day and is covered in every extended account of the invasion. But no book-length account has appeared.

I first became attracted to the story on June 7, 1981. I was at Pegasus Bridge with a group of American veterans and their wives, leading a tour of World War II battlefields. We had examined the bridge, marveled at the skill of the glider pilots, visited the small museum. I had just got the group back on the bus and was ready to move out—behind schedule as always—when a white-haired, exceedingly friendly older man, leaning on a cane, stopped me as I boarded the bus and asked, I say, are any of you chaps from the British Sixth Airborne Division?

No, sir, I replied, we’re all Americans on this bus.

Oh, I’m sorry, he said.

Don’t be sorry, I answered. We’re all rather proud to be Americans. Were you in the Sixth Airborne?

I was indeed, he replied. I’m Major John Howard.

How do you do? How do you do? I exclaimed, pumping his hand. What a thrill and honor to meet you.

He asked if my chaps would like to hear a word or two about what had happened here. Indeed they would, I assured him, and dashed to the bus to get everyone out. We gathered around Major Howard, who stood on the embankment, his back to the bridge. Nearly every one of us on the tour was a hopeless addict for war stories—consequently we were all experts. All of us agreed afterward that never had we heard such good war stories, so well told. The next year, Howard was a featured speaker for my tour group, telling in more detail about the events of June 6, 1944.

He came again in 1983, giving an especially memorable account. As the bus pulled out that year to head for Rommel’s headquarters, en route to Paris, he stood in front of the café and snapped into a salute. At that moment, I decided I wanted to write the story of Pegasus Bridge.

I had just completed twenty years of work on Dwight D. Eisenhower. During this time, I had studied something over two million documents before writing a manuscript of more than two thousand pages. I necessarily looked at World War II, and then the Cold War, from the rarefied perspective of the Supreme Commander and the President. In my next book, I wanted to do something radically different, in terms of sources, length, and perspective.

Pegasus fit perfectly. A company in action does not produce much in the way of documentary evidence, but it does create vivid memories—meaning my sources would be interviews with survivors, rather than surviving documents. As to length, one day in the life of one company would obviously be much, much shorter than the seventy-eight years of Ike’s life. Finally, Pegasus would let me get down to the level of a company commander and his men, where the action is.

What I had in mind is best said by Russ Weigley in his preface to his magisterial book Eisenhower’s Lieutenants. Weigley writes, I have long been troubled by the tendency of the ‘new’ military history of the post-1945 era . . . to avoid venturing into the heat of battle. This avoidance is in part an effort to generate supposed academic and intellectual respectability for modern military history. . . . Nevertheless, it is to prepare for and to wage war that armies primarily exist, and for the military historian to avoid the test of war is to leave his work grotesquely incomplete. After all those years I had spent studying Ike, I felt the force of that passage, because at Ike’s level one did not hear the guns, see the dead, feel the fear, know any combat.

Weigley’s concluding sentence also intrigued me. He wrote, A day’s trial by battle often reveals more of the essential nature of an army than a generation of peace. How true, I thought, and I also thought the principle could be extended; one day’s trial by battle often reveals more of the essential nature of a people than a generation of peace. Thus one of the most appealing aspects of the story of John Howard and D Company of the Ox and Bucks was the way it revealed the true quality of both the British Army and the British people.

I have always been impressed by the work of S. L. A. Marshall, especially by his use of postcombat interviews to determine what actually happened on the battlefield. Marshall insists that to do the job right, the combat historian must conduct the interviews immediately after the battle. That was obviously impossible, and in any case I felt that for the participants, D-Day was the great day of their lives, stamped forever in their memories. I knew that was the case with Ike, who went on to two full terms as President of the United States, but who always looked back on D-Day as his greatest day, and could remember the most surprising details.

I did the interviews in the fall of 1983, in Canada, England, France, and Germany. I got twenty hours on tape with John Howard, ten hours with Jim Wallwork, five hours with Hans von Luck, two or three hours with the others.

Listening to the old veterans was a fascinating process. D-Day had burned itself indelibly into their minds, and they very much enjoyed having an interested audience for their stories. The major problem with doing a book based solely on interviews, it turned out, was the sequence and timing of events. I would hear six or eight individual descriptions of the same incident. When the veterans differed, it was only in small detail. But they often disagreed on when the specific incident took place, whether it was before this one or after that one. By comparing all the transcripts of the interviews, and by using such documentary material as exists, and by constant rechecking with my sources, I worked out a sequence of events and incidents that is, I think, as close to accurate as one can get forty years later.

The key time, on which everything else hinges, is the moment the first glider crash-landed. I use 0016, D-Day, as that moment, on the basis of John Howard’s watch, and the watch of one of the privates. Both stopped at precisely 0016, presumably as a result of the crash.

• • •

There will always be controversy over who was the first Allied soldier to touch the soil of France on June 6, 1944. Pathfinders from the U.S. 82d and 101st Airborne, and from the British 6th Airborne, all have claims to the honor. Whether Jim Wallwork, John Howard, and the others in D Company’s #1 glider were the absolute first or not is impossible to say. What is absolutely fixed is that D Company of the Ox and Bucks was the first company to go into action as a unit on D-Day. It also had the most demanding and important task of any of the thousands of companies involved in the assault. It carried out its task brilliantly. What follows is the story of how it was done.



0000 to 0015 Hours

It was a steel-girder bridge, painted gray, with a large water tower and superstructure. At 0000 hours, June 5/6, 1944, the scudding clouds parted sufficiently to allow the nearly full moon to shine and reveal the bridge, standing starkly visible above the shimmering water of the Caen Canal.

On the bridge, Private Vern Bonck, a twenty-two-year-old Pole conscripted into the German Army, clicked his heels sharply as he saluted Private Helmut Romer, an eighteen-year-old Berliner. Romer had reported to relieve Bonck. As Bonck went off duty, he met with his fellow sentry, another Pole. They decided they were not sleepy and agreed to go to the local brothel, in the village of Bénouville, for a bit of fun. They strolled west along the bridge road, then turned south (left) at the T-junction, and were on the road into Bénouville. By 0005 they were at the brothel. Regular customers, within two minutes they were knocking back cheap red wine with two French whores.

Beside the bridge, on the west bank, south of the road, Georges and Thérèsa Gondrée and their two daughters slept in their small café. They were in separate rooms, not by choice but as a way to use every room and thus to keep the Germans from billeting soldiers with them. It was the 1,450th night of the German occupation of Bénouville.

So far as the Germans knew, the Gondrées were simple Norman peasants, people of no consequence who gave them no trouble. Indeed, Georges sold beer, coffee, food, and a concoction made by Madame of rotting melons and half-fermented sugar to the grateful German troops stationed at the bridge. There were about fifty of them, the NCOs and officers all German, the enlisted men mostly conscripts from Eastern Europe.

But the Gondrées were not as simple as they pretended to be. Madame came from Alsace and spoke German, a fact she successfully hid from the garrison. Georges, before acquiring the café, had been for twelve years a clerk in Lloyd’s Bank in Paris and understood English. The Gondrées hated the Germans for what they had done to France, hated the life they led under the occupation, feared for the future of their daughters, and were consequently active in trying to bring German rule to an end. In their case, the most valuable thing they could do for the Allies was to provide information on conditions at the bridge. Thérèsa got information by listening to the chitter-chatter of the NCOs in the café; she passed along to Georges, who passed it to Mme. Vion, director of the maternity hospital, who passed it along to the Resistance in Caen on her trips to the city for medical supplies. From Caen, it was passed on to England via Lysander airplanes, small craft that could land in fields and get out in a hurry.

Only a few days ago, on June 2, Georges had sent through this process a tidbit Thérèsa had overheard—that the button that would set off the explosives to blow the bridge was located in the machine-gun pillbox across the road from the antitank gun. He hoped that information had got through, if only because he would hate to see his bridge destroyed.

• • •

The man who would give that order, the commander of the garrison at the bridge, was Major Hans Schmidt. Schmidt had an understrength company of the 736th Grenadier Regiment of the 716th Infantry Division. At 0000 hours, June 5/6, he was in Ranville, a village two kilometers east of the Orne River. The river ran parallel to the canal, about four hundred meters to the east, and was also crossed by a bridge (fixed, and guarded by sentries but without emplacements or a garrison). Although the Germans expected the long-anticipated invasion at any time, and although Schmidt had been told that the two bridges were the most critical points in Normandy, because they provided the only crossings of the Orne waterways along the Norman coast road, Schmidt did not have his garrison at full alert, nor was he in Ranville on business. Except for the two sentries on each bridge, his troops were either sleeping in their bunkers, or dozing in their slit trenches or in the machine-gun pillbox, or off whoring in Bénouville.

Schmidt himself was with his girl friend in Ranville, enjoying the magnificent food and drink of Normandy. He thought of himself as a fanatic Nazi, this Schmidt, who was determined to do his duty for his Führer. But he seldom let duty interfere with pleasure, and he had no worries that evening. His routine concern was the possibility of French partisans blowing his bridges, but that hardly seemed likely except in conjunction with an airborne operation, and the high winds and stormy weather of the past two days precluded a parachute drop. He had orders to blow the bridges himself if capture seemed imminent. He had prepared the bridges for demolition, but had not put the explosives into their chambers, for fear of accident or the partisans. Since his bridges were almost five miles inland, he figured he would have plenty of warning before any Allied units reached him, even paratroopers, because the paras were notorious for taking a long time to form up and get organized after their drops scattered them all over the DZ. Schmidt treated himself to some more wine, and another pinch.

• • •

At Vimont, east of Caen, Colonel Hans A. von Luck, commanding the 125th Panzer Grenadier Regiment of the 21st Panzer Division, was working on personnel reports at his headquarters. The contrast between Schmidt and von Luck extended far beyond their activities at midnight. Schmidt was an officer gone soft from years of cushy occupation duty; von Luck was an officer hardened by combat. Von Luck had been in Poland in 1939, had commanded the leading reconnaissance battalion for Rommel at Dunkirk in 1940, had been in the van at Moscow in 1941 (in December, he actually led his battalion into the outskirts of Moscow, the deepest penetration of the campaign) and with Rommel throughout the North African campaign of 1942-43.

There was an equally sharp contrast between the units von Luck and Schmidt commanded. The 716th Infantry was a second-rate, poorly equipped, immobile division made up of a hodgepodge of Polish, Russian, French, and other conscripted troops, while the 21st Panzer was Rommel’s favorite division. Von Luck’s regiment, the 125th, was one of the best equipped in the German Army. The 21st Panzer Division had been destroyed in Tunisia in April and May 1943, but Rommel had got most of the officer corps out of the trap, and around that nucleus rebuilt the division. It had all-new equipment, including Tiger tanks, self-propelled vehicles (SPVs) of all types, and an outstanding wireless communications network. The men were volunteers, young Germans deliberately raised by the Nazis for the challenge they were about to face, tough, well trained, eager to come to grips with the enemy.

There was a tremendous amount of air activity that night, with British and American bombers crossing the Channel to bomb Caen. As

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