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Where Are You Now?: A Novel
Where Are You Now?: A Novel
Where Are You Now?: A Novel
Ebook351 pages5 hours

Where Are You Now?: A Novel

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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From America’s Queen of Suspense and #1 New York Times bestselling author comes a gripping tale of a young woman trying to unravel the mystery of a family tragedy—a quest with terrifying repercussions.

It has been ten years since twenty-one-year-old Charles MacKenzie Jr. (“Mack”) went missing. A Columbia University senior, about to graduate and already accepted at Duke University Law School, he walked out of his apartment on Manhattan’s Upper West Side without a word to his college roommates and has never been seen again. However, he does make one ritual phone call to his mother every year: on Mother’s Day. Each time, he assures her he is fine, refuses to answer her frantic questions, then hangs up. Even the death of his father, a corporate lawyer, in the tragedy of 9/11 does not bring him home or break the pattern of his calls.

Mack’s sister, Carolyn, is now twenty-six, a law school graduate, and has just finished her clerkship for a civil court judge in Manhattan. She has endured two family tragedies, yet she realizes that she will never be able to have closure and get on with her life until she finds her brother. She resolves to discover what happened to Mack and why he has found it necessary to hide from them. So this year when Mack makes his annual Mother’s Day call, Carolyn interrupts to announce her intention to track him down, no matter what it takes. The next morning after Mass, her uncle, Monsignor Devon MacKenzie, receives a scrawled message left in the collection basket: “Uncle Devon, tell Carolyn she must not look for me.”
Release dateApr 8, 2008

Mary Higgins Clark

The #1 New York Times bestselling author Mary Higgins Clark wrote over forty suspense novels, four collections of short stories, a his­torical novel, a memoir, and two children’s books. With bestselling author Alafair Burke she wrote the Under Suspicion series including The Cinderella Murder, All Dressed in White, The Sleeping Beauty Killer, Every Breath You Take, You Don’t Own Me, and Piece of My Heart. With her daughter Carol Higgins Clark, she coauthored five suspense novels. More than one hundred million copies of her books are in print in the United States alone. Her books are international bestsellers.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a good book. The ending was a surprise to me. This is the first book by this author that I have read, but I plan to read more by her. I like how she made you think it was someone who commited the murders, but it turns out to be somebody that you never would have guessed in a million years. Carolyn did not give up even in the end. She was going to prove that her brother was innocent no matter what the cost.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Clark definitely knows how to write suspense. It is entertaining stuff. However, I find her dialogue somewhat stinted. She is like Robert Ludlum in that, they are fun to read, but if I read too many too close together, they begin sounding the same.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this one, my first MHC book in a while. The suspense was enough without dragging on too much, and I like the twists. Like typical MHC, this was one-day brain candy but a good read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love Mary Higgins Clark. I received this book in the mail and read it in one week. It is an awesome story and you don't want to put the book down once you start reading it..
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Every Mother's Day since Charles "Mack" MacKenzie, Jr. disappeared from Columbia University 10 years ago, Mack has phoned his mother in Manhattan to let her know he's all right. .Now Mack's younger sister, Carolyn, a graduate of Columbia and Duke Law School, tells him during his annual call that she's going to find him. When a note from Mack turns up in the collection plate at St. Francis church, asking Father Devon MacKenzie, his uncle, to tell Carolyn not to look for him, she becomes even more determined to do so. Clark always manages to keep readers on the edge of their seats. Once you pick up one of her books, it's hard to put down. As usual, the perpetrator of the crime is the last person you would expect. I love to read Mary Higgins Clark books for the suspense and plotting, but there is very little depth to the characters. This is not exception. This is suspenseful and entertaining, but easy to forget once you've put it down.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    MHC always writes great books. Her most latest was excellent. Carolyn has decided to look for her brother again after he was spotted in the church where her uncle is a pastor. Carolyn's brother Mack went missing 10 years ago when he was about to graduate from Columbia University. Everyday Mother's Day he phones home. Carolyn wants to find out if her brother really is alive and why he would do this to his family. On the course to finding out the truth Carolyn herself is in danger.( A close family friend is not really who he says he is ).) I was very happy that Carolyn found out what really happened to her brother and found love .
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    From the moment I started this book, I couldn't stand how the voice of the main character was written. Once I got into the book and read all the different perspectives I enjoyed the book much more. Overall, I found the book to be a good distraction, which was what I needed, but I doubt I will read another book by MHC very soon.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Mary Higgins Clark wrote this book after reading about a young man who disappeared for ten years. No one ever finds out what happened to him. In this book, a young man disappears and the family gets a phone call from him every Mother's Day. His sister decides to look for him and is warned to leave him alone. The story takes many twists and the ending was a real surprise.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great weekend read. Mary Higgins Clark is an A+ writer. If you have read her books before, you already know. If not, you are in for a treat. I would say this book is not her best work, but I would still recommend it!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is one of those books where the blurb on the book jacket doesn't really leave the reader much to find out (except the ultimate explanation). Read the blurb here.Charles McKenzie Jr. disappeared ten years ago shortly after his 21st birthday. Every year on Mother's Day he rings his mother and assures her that he is fine. Even when his father died on 9/11 he didn't emerge from hiding.And now his sister Carolyn has had enough. She is determined to find Mack and when he calls his mother on Mother's Day she interrupts and announces her intention to locate him.Her search for Mack triggers a number of events including it seems the disappearance of a young woman, like Mack when he disappeared, on the eve of graduation. The connections with Mack's own disappearance are too coincidental to ignore.While this story was very readable, it isn't what I call a "strong" book. In the final explanations there were just too many coincidences. The other thing I found a bit odd was that there were two narrators. Part of the book is written in the first person - that is the voice of Mack's sister Carolyn, as she pursues the investigation. The rest of the book is written in the third person - and the result is that as the reader we are "privy" to information that Carolyn doesn't have. I didn't find the blend a particularly comfortable one.If you are looking for a quick read, this is probably a good one to pick up at the airport bookshop. The 79 chapters are invariably about 2 pages, but sometimes only half a page. They give WHERE ARE YOU NOW? an episodic feel which makes it easy to put down and take up again.What drives this book is the sequence of events. It is a "whodunnit" rather than a "whydunnit" although in the long run all that the blurb leaves the reader to find out is the final who and why. It is a murder mystery but not a taxing read, and it's not going to be an award winner. Just one of those good reads from a very successful author.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Audiobook...............If you like Mary Higgins Clark, it's a good one! If you've never read one of hers, start with a better one.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A decent mystery coming at you in a couple of different directions. Weird tense though, part of it first person and the rest third person. My first Mary Higgins Clark. Will read another of hers.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was the first MHC book I'd ever read. I don't know why, but her and Danielle Steele books have always intimidated me.This was a selection in one of my book clubs, and I was game.This was one of the few books so far this year that I literally could NOT put down. Clark paints all of her characters so throroughly, yet you know there's SOMETHING she's not putting out there. I look forward to reading more from her.Carolyn is a successful lawyer. She has a close relationship with her mother, her father died in the 9/11 attacks. Shortly before that, her brother disappeared from his apartment. He had everything going for him. Attending Columbia, accepted to Duke Law. Popular, a steady pre-med girlfriend. Even more puzzling is that he calls home once a year, Mother's Day, to let them know everything is okay and that he loves them. Carolyn needs closure, and one Mother's Day she decides not to leave things be. Will the truth be more than she can handle?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    An interesting twist at the end, but the book was mainly boring and repetative, with lots of dated references. This is a recent book, but it really bothered me that the main character loved to wear white jeans (who wears white jeans in 2009?). Also, Higgins Clark used dated phrases/situations (i/e: a hardy man).
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Another excellent book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The whodunit mysteries by Clark are always fun to read. She builds up the suspense throughout the book which keeps your interest. This is no different. The end wraps up all the plot-lines and leaves you completely satisfied.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Although not a happy ending, it was satisfying and kelt my interest!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Mary Higgins Clark-what else can I say? This book came my way when I was looking for a little distraction and light reading. Perfect! If I hadn’t promised myself to write a post about every book I read, I wouldn’t have bothered with this entry.Let’s face it, Clark’s books are all pretty much the same. Her astounding popularity, and ability to sell books, have always perplexed me. Where Are You Now? is slightly better than the last MHC book I read (don’t remember the title). It’s a mystery, with the requisite red herrings thrown in.I really have nothing else to say about this book. If you’re a fan of MHC, read it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Where Are You Now?A riveting suspense worth of the best detective novel. Mary has the right amount of mystery and suspense in this story, by pointing finger to many suspect at the same time. The main character is a young woman hunted by her lost brother’s phone calls on mother’s day. She plead that she will find him and stead she find herself in the most intriguing case of abduction and killings in which her brother is one of the suspect. The police think she is in communication with her brother and those who are suppose to help her become her enemies. Her needling almost brought her mother to insanity, then to the arms of the old time family friend and the paparazzi to her door. The end will surprise you completely. A great tale with good police background and well written.

Book preview

Where Are You Now? - Mary Higgins Clark

In memory of Patricia Mary Riker,


Dear friend and wonderful lady

With love

Where are you now

Who lies beneath your spell?

The Kashmiri Song,

Words by Laurence Hope,

Music by Amy Woodforde-Finden



It is exactly midnight, which means Mother’s Day has just begun. I stayed overnight with my mother in the apartment on Sutton Place where I grew up. She is down the hall in her room, and together we are keeping the vigil. The same vigil we’ve kept every year since my brother, Charles MacKenzie Jr., Mack, walked out of the apartment he shared with two other Columbia University seniors ten years ago. He has never been seen since then. But every year at some point on Mother’s Day, he calls to assure Mom he is fine. Don’t worry about me, he tells her. One of these days I’ll turn the key in the lock and be home. Then he hangs up.

We never know when in those twenty-four hours that call will come. Last year Mack called at a few minutes after midnight, and our vigil ended almost as soon as it began. Two years ago he waited until the very last second to phone, and Mom was frantic that this slim contact with him was over.

Mack has to have known that my father was killed in the Twin Towers tragedy. I was sure that no matter what he was doing, that terrible day would have compelled him to come home. But it did not. Then on the next Mother’s Day, during his annual call, he started crying and gasped, I’m sorry about Dad. I’m really sorry, and broke the connection.

I am Carolyn. I was sixteen when Mack disappeared. Following in his footsteps, I attended Columbia. Unlike him, I then went on to Duke Law School. Mack had been accepted there before he disappeared. After I passed the Bar last year, I clerked for a civil court judge in the courthouse on Centre Street in lower Manhattan. Judge Paul Huot has just retired, so at the moment I’m unemployed. I plan to apply for a job as an Assistant District Attorney in Manhattan, but not quite yet.

First, I must find a way to track my brother down. What happened to him? Why did he disappear? There was no sign of foul play. Mack’s credit cards weren’t used. His car was in the garage near his apartment. No one of his description ever ended up in the morgue, although in the beginning, my mother and father were sometimes asked to view the body of some unidentified young man who had been fished out of the river or killed in an accident.

When we were growing up, Mack was my best friend, my confidant, my pal. Half my girlfriends had a crush on him. He was the perfect son, the perfect brother, handsome, kind, funny, an excellent student. How do I feel about him now? I don’t know anymore. I remember how much I loved him, but that love has almost totally turned to anger and resentment. I wish I could even doubt that he’s alive and that someone is playing a cruel trick, but there is no doubt in my mind about that. Years ago we recorded one of his phone calls and had the pattern of his voice compared to his voice from home movies. It was identical.

All of this means that Mom and I dangle slowly in the wind, and, before Dad died in that burning inferno, it was that way for him, too. In all these years, I have never gone into a restaurant or theatre without my eyes automatically scanning to see if just maybe, by chance, I will run into him. Someone with a similar profile and sandy brown hair will demand a second look and, sometimes, close scrutiny. I remember more than once almost knocking people over to get close to someone who turned out to be a perfect stranger.

All this was going through my mind as I set the volume of the phone on the loudest setting, got into bed, and tried to go to sleep. I guess I did fall into an uneasy doze because the jarring ring of the phone made me bolt up. I saw from the lighted dial on the clock that it was five minutes to three. With one hand I snapped on the bedside light and with the other grabbed the receiver. Mom had already picked up, and I heard her voice, breathless and nervous. Hello, Mack.

Hello, Mom. Happy Mother’s Day. I love you.

His voice was resonant and confident. He sounds as though he doesn’t have a care in the world, I thought bitterly.

As usual the sound of his voice shattered Mom. She began to cry. Mack, I love you. I need to see you, she begged. I don’t care what trouble you may be in, what problems you have to solve, I’ll help you. Mack, for God’s sake, it’s been ten years. Don’t do this to me any longer. Please . . . please . . .

He never stayed on the phone for as long as a minute. I’m sure he knew that we would try to trace the call, but now that that technology is available, he always calls from one of those cell phones with a prepaid time card.

I had been planning what I would say to him and rushed now to make him hear me out before he hung up. Mack, I’m going to find you, I said. "The cops tried and failed. So did the private investigator. But I won’t fail. I swear I won’t. My voice had been quiet and firm, as I had planned, but then the sound of my mother crying sent me over the edge. I’m going to track you down, you lowlife, I shrieked, and you’d better have an awfully good reason for torturing us like this."

I heard a click and knew that he had disconnected. I could have bitten my tongue off to take back the name I had called him, but, of course, it was too late.

Knowing what I was facing, that Mom would be furious at me for the way I had screamed at Mack, I put on a robe and went down the hall to the suite that she and Dad had shared.

Sutton Place is an upscale Manhattan neighborhood of town houses and apartment buildings overlooking the East River. My father bought this place after putting himself through Fordham Law School at night and working his way up to partner in a corporate law firm. Our privileged childhood was the result of his brains and the hard work ethic that was instilled in him by his widowed Scotch-Irish mother. He never allowed a nickel of the money my mother inherited to affect our lives.

I tapped on the door and pushed it open. She was standing at the panoramic window that overlooked the East River. She did not turn, even though she knew I was there. It was a clear night, and to the left I could see the lights of the Queensboro Bridge. Even in this predawn hour, there was a steady stream of cars going back and forth across it. The fanciful thought crossed my mind that maybe Mack was in one of those cars and, having made his annual call, was now on his way to a distant destination.

Mack had always loved travel; it was in his veins. My mother’s father, Liam O’Connell, was born in Dublin, educated at Trinity College, and came to the United States, smart, well-educated, and broke. Within five years he was buying potato fields in Long Island that eventually became the Hamptons, property in Palm Beach County, property on Third Avenue when it was still a dirty, dark street in the shadow of the elevated train track that hovered over it. That was when he sent for and married my grandmother, the English girl he had met at Trinity.

My mother, Olivia, is a genuine English beauty, tall, still slender as a reed at sixty-two, with silver hair, blue-gray eyes, and classic features. In appearance, Mack was practically her clone.

I inherited my father’s reddish brown hair, hazel eyes, and stubborn jaw. When my mother wore heels, she was a shade taller than Dad, and, like him, I’m just average height. I found myself yearning for him as I walked across the room and put my arm around my mother.

She spun around, and I could feel the anger radiating from her. "Carolyn, how could you talk to Mack like that? she snapped, her arms wrapped tightly across her chest. Can’t you understand that there must be some terrible problem that is keeping him from us? Can’t you understand that he must be feeling frightened and helpless and that this call is a cry for understanding?"

Before my father died, they often used to have emotional conversations like this. Mom, always protective of Mack, my father getting to the point where he was ready to wash his hands of it all and stop worrying. For the love of God, Liv, he would snap at Mom, he sounds all right. Maybe he’s involved with some woman and doesn’t want to bring her around. Maybe he’s trying to be an actor. He wanted to be one when he was a kid. Maybe I was too tough on him, making him have summer jobs. Who knows?

They would end up apologizing to each other, Mom crying, Dad anguished and angry at himself for upsetting her.

I wasn’t going to make a second mistake by trying to justify myself. Instead I said, Mom, listen to me. Since we haven’t found Mack by now, he’s not worrying about my threat. Look at it this way. You’ve heard from him. You know he’s alive. He sounds downright upbeat. I know you hate sleeping pills, but I also know your doctor gave you a prescription. So take one now and get some rest.

I didn’t wait for her to answer me. I knew I couldn’t do any good by staying with her any longer because I was angry, too. Angry at her for railing at me, angry at Mack, angry at the fact that this ten-room duplex apartment was too big for Mom to live in alone, too filled with memories. She won’t sell it because she doesn’t trust that Mack’s annual telephone call would be bounced to a new location, and of course she reminds me that he had said one day he would turn the key in the lock and be home . . . Home. Here.

I got back into bed, but sleep was a long way off. I started planning how I would begin to look for Mack. I thought about going to Lucas Reeves, the private investigator whom Dad hired, but then changed my mind. I was going to treat Mack’s disappearance as if it had happened yesterday. The first thing Dad did when we became alarmed about Mack was call the police and report him missing. I’d begin at the beginning.

I knew people down at the courthouse, which also houses the District Attorney’s office. I decided that my search would begin there.

Finally I drifted off and began to dream of following a shadowy figure who was walking across a bridge. Try as I would to keep him in sight, he was too fast for me, and when we reached land, I didn’t know which way to turn. But then I heard him calling me, his voice mournful and troubled. Carolyn, stay back, stay back.

I can’t, Mack, I said aloud as I awakened. I can’t.



Monsignor Devon MacKenzie ruefully commented to visitors that his beloved St. Francis de Sales Church was located so close to the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine that it was almost invisible.

A dozen years ago, Devon had expected to hear that St. Francis would be closed, and he could not in honesty have contested the decision. After all, it had been built in the nineteenth century and needed major repairs. Then, as more apartment buildings went up in the area and older walk-ups were renovated, he had been gratified to see the faces of new parishioners at Sunday Masses.

The growing congregation meant that in the past five years he had been able to carry out some of those repairs. The stained-glass windows were cleaned; years of built-up soil removed from the murals; the wooden pews sanded and refinished, the kneeling benches covered with soft new carpeting.

Then, when Pope Benedict decreed that individual pastors could decide to offer a Tridentine Mass, Devon, who was proficient in Latin, announced that henceforth the eleven o’clock Sunday Mass would be celebrated in the ancient tongue of the Church.

The response stunned him. That Mass was now filled to overflowing, not only with senior citizens but teenagers and young adults who reverently responded Deo gratias in place of Thanks be to God, and prayed Pater Noster instead of Our Father.

Devon was sixty-eight, two years younger than the brother he had lost on 9/11, and uncle and godfather of the nephew who had disappeared. At Mass, when he invited the congregation to silently offer their own petitions, his first prayer was always for Mack and that one day he would come home.

On Mother’s Day, that prayer was always especially fervent. Today, when he returned to the rectory, there was a message waiting for him on the answering machine from Carolyn. Uncle Dev—he called at five of three this morning. Sounded fine. Hung up fast. See you tonight.

Monsignor Devon could hear the strain in his niece’s voice. His relief that his nephew had called was mixed with sharp anger. Damn you, Mack, he thought. Haven’t you any idea what you’re doing to us? As he tugged off his Roman collar, Devon reached for the phone to call Carolyn back. Before he could begin to dial, the doorbell rang.

It was his boyhood friend, Frank Lennon, a retired software executive, who served as head usher on Sundays and who counted, itemized, and deposited the Sunday collections.

Devon had long since learned to read people’s faces and to know instantly if there was a genuine problem. That was what he was reading in Lennon’s weathered face. What’s up, Frank? he asked.

Mack was at the eleven, Dev, Lennon said flatly. He dropped a note for you in the basket. It was folded inside a twenty-dollar bill.

Monsignor Devon MacKenzie grabbed the scrap of paper, read the ten words printed on it, then, not trusting what he was seeing, read them again. UNCLE DEVON, TELL CAROLYN SHE MUST NOT LOOK FOR ME.



Every year for the past nine years, Aaron Klein had made the long drive from Manhattan to the cemetery in Bridgehampton, to place a stone on the grave of his mother, Esther Klein. She had been a lively fifty-four-year-old divorcee, who died at the hands of a mugger as she was on her daily run early one morning near the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.

Aaron had been twenty-eight then, newly married, comfortably secure in his upward climb at Wallace and Madison Investment Bankers. Now he was the father of two sons, Eli and Gabriel, and a small daughter, Danielle, who bore a heartbreaking resemblance to her late grandmother. Aaron never visited the cemetery without once again experiencing anger and frustration at the fact that his mother’s murderer was still walking the streets, a free man.

She had been struck in the back of the head with a heavy object. Her cell phone was on the ground beside her. Had she sensed danger and taken it out of her pocket to try to dial 911? That possibility was the only one that made sense.

She had to have been attempting to call. The records the police obtained showed she had neither made nor received a call at that time.

The cops thought it was a random mugging. Her watch, the only jewelry that she ever wore at that time of day, was missing, as was her house key. Why take her house key if whoever killed her didn’t know who she was and where she lived? he had asked the cops. They hadn’t had an answer to that one.

Her apartment had its own street-level entrance around the corner from the doorman-monitored main entrance of the building, but as the detectives who worked on the case pointed out, there was nothing missing from it. Her wallet, containing several hundred dollars, was in her pocketbook. Her jewelry box, open on the dresser, held the few pieces of valuable jewelry he knew her to own.

The intermittent rain began to fall again as Aaron knelt down and touched the grass over his mother’s grave. His knees sank into the muddy ground as he placed the stone, and whispered, Mom, I so wish you had lived to see the kids. The boys are finishing the first grade and kindergarten. Danielle is a little actress already. I can just see her in a dozen years auditioning for one of the plays you’d be directing at Columbia.

He smiled, thinking of what his mother’s response would be. Aaron, you’re a dreamer. Do your math. By the time Danielle is in college, I’d have been seventy-five years old.

You’d still be teaching and directing and you’d still be full of spunk, he said aloud.



On Monday morning, carrying the note Mack had dropped in the collection basket, I set off for the District Attorney’s office in lower Manhattan. It was beautiful out, sunny and warm with a balmy breeze, the kind of weather that would have been appropriate for Mother’s Day instead of the cold, wet day that had spoiled any hope of outdoor gatherings.

Mom and Uncle Dev and I had gone out to dinner Sunday night. Obviously the note that Uncle Dev handed us sent Mom and me into a tailspin. Mom’s initial reaction was to be thrilled that Mack might be so near. She has always been convinced that he is far away in Colorado or California. Then she became fearful that my threat to find him had put him in some kind of jeopardy.

At first I simply didn’t know what to think about it, but now I had a growing suspicion that Mack might be head over heels in trouble and trying to keep us away from it.

The lobby at 1 Hogan Place was crowded, and the security was as tight as it gets. Even though I had plenty of identification, without a specific appointment to see someone, I could not get past the guard. As the people on line behind me began to get restless, I tried to explain that my brother was missing, and we might finally have something to indicate where we could begin looking for him.

Ma’am, you’ll have to place a phone call to Missing Persons and make an appointment, the guard insisted. Now, please, there are other people who need to get upstairs to their jobs.

Frustrated, I walked outside the building and pulled out my cell phone. Judge Huot had been in civil court, and I never had much contact with the Assistant D.A.s, but I did know one, Matt Wilson. I called the District Attorney’s office and was connected to his phone. Matt wasn’t at his desk and had recorded the usual answering machine instructions. Leave your name, number, and a brief message. I’ll get back to you.

This is Carolyn MacKenzie, I began. We’ve met a few times. I was Judge Huot’s law clerk. My brother has been missing for ten years. He left a note for me yesterday in a church on Amsterdam Avenue. I need help to see if we can track him down before he disappears again. I finished by giving my cell phone number.

I was standing on the steps. A man was going past me, a square-shouldered guy in his midfifties with close-cropped gray hair and a purposeful stride. I could tell that he had overheard me because, somewhat to my dismay, he stopped and turned around. For a moment we eyed each other, then he said abruptly, I’m Detective Barrott. I’ll take you upstairs.

Five minutes later, I was sitting in a shabby small office that contained a desk, a couple of chairs, and stacks of files. We can talk in here, he said. Too much noise in the squad room.

He never took his eyes off my face as I told him about Mack, only interrupting me to ask a few questions. Calls only on Mother’s Day?

That’s right.

Never asks for money?

Never. I had put the note in a plastic sandwich bag. I don’t know if his fingerprints might be on it, I explained. Unless, of course, he had someone else drop it in the basket for him. It seems so crazy that he would take a chance on Uncle Dev spotting him from the altar.

Depends. He might have dyed his hair, could be twenty pounds heavier, be wearing dark glasses. It isn’t hard to disguise yourself in a crowd, especially when people are wearing rain gear.

He looked at the scrap of paper. The writing was plainly visible through the plastic. Do we have your brother’s fingerprints on file?

I’m not sure. By the time we reported him missing, our housekeeper had dusted and vacuumed his room at home. He shared the student apartment with two of his friends, and like most of those places, there were at least a dozen others who were in and out every day. His car was washed and cleaned after the last time he used it.

Barrott handed it back to me. We can run this paper through for prints, but I can tell you now we won’t get anything. You and your mother handled it. So did your uncle, the monsignor. So did the usher who brought it to your uncle. My guess is that at least one other usher might have helped to add up the collection.

Feeling as though I needed to offer more, I said, I’m Mack’s only sibling. My mother and father and I came in to register with the familial DNA laboratory. But we’ve never heard from them, so I guess they’ve never found anyone who could be even a partial match.

Ms. MacKenzie, from what you tell me, your brother had absolutely no reason to willingly disappear. But if he did that, there was and is a reason. You’ve probably watched some of these crime programs on television so you probably have heard that when people disappear, the reason usually ends up being an accumulation of problems caused by either love or money. The jilted suitor, the jealous husband or wife, the inconvenient spouse, the addict frantic for a fix. You have to reexamine all your preconceived notions about your brother. He was twenty-one. You say he was popular with the girls. Was there one special girl?

No one his friends told us about. Certainly no one who ever came forward.

At his age, a lot of kids gamble too much. A lot more experiment with drugs and become addicted. Suppose he was in debt? How would your father and mother have reacted to that?

I found myself reluctant to answer. Then I reminded myself that these were questions my mother and father had undoubtedly been asked ten years ago. I wondered if they had been evasive. My father would have been furious, I admitted. He had no use for people who threw away money. My mother has a private income from an inheritance. If Mack needed money he could have gotten it from her, and she wouldn’t have told Dad.

All right. Ms. MacKenzie, I’m going to be perfectly honest with you. I don’t think we have a crime here, so we can’t treat your brother’s disappearance as a crime. You can’t imagine how many people walk out of their lives every day. They’re stressed. They can’t cope, or even worse, they don’t want to cope anymore. Your brother calls you regularly—

Once a year, I interrupted.

Which is still regularly. You tell him you’re going to track him down, and he responds immediately. ‘Leave me alone’ is his message to you. I know it sounds rough, but my advice is to make yourself realize that Mack is where he wants to be, and the most connection he wants to have with you and your mother is that one Mother’s Day call. Do the three of you a favor. Respect his wishes.

He stood up. Clearly our interview was over. Clearly I should not waste the time of the police department any longer. I picked up the note and as I did, reread the message. UNCLE DEVON, TELL CAROLYN SHE MUST NOT LOOK FOR ME.

You’ve been very—honest, Detective Barrott, I said, substituting the word honest for helpful. I didn’t think he had been helpful in the least. I promise I won’t bother you anymore.



For twenty years, Gus and Lil Kramer, now in their early seventies,

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