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Becoming Sister Wives: The Story of an Unconventional Marriage
Becoming Sister Wives: The Story of an Unconventional Marriage
Becoming Sister Wives: The Story of an Unconventional Marriage
Ebook322 pages5 hours

Becoming Sister Wives: The Story of an Unconventional Marriage

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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The uncensored, New York Times bestselling memoir by the polygamist stars of the hit show Sister Wives, Kody and his four wives openly discuss what it’s like living in a plural marriage.


Since TLC first launched its popular reality program Sister Wives, Kody Brown, his four wives—Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn—and their seventeen children have become one of the most famous families in the country.

Now, with the candor and frankness that have drawn millions to their show, they reveal exactly how their special relationship works—the love and faith that drew them together, the pluses and pitfalls of having sister wives, and the practical and emotional complications of a lifestyle viewed by many with distrust, prejudice, even fear. How do the four relationships differ? What effect does a polygamous upbringing have on their children? What are the challenges—emotional, social, or financial—involved in living this lifestyle? Is it possible for all four sister wives to feel special when sharing a husband? How has being on camera changed their lives? And what is it like to add a new wife to the family—or to be that new wife?

Filled with humor, warmth, surprising insights, and remarkable honesty, theirs is a love story at heart, unconventional but immediately recognizable in the daily moments of trust, acceptance, forgiveness, passion, and commitment that go into making one big, happy, extraordinary family.
PublisherGallery Books
Release dateMay 1, 2012
Becoming Sister Wives: The Story of an Unconventional Marriage

Kody Brown

The Brown family members—husband Kody, wives Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn, and their seventeen children—are open polygamists and the stars of the popular TLC reality program Sister Wives. 

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Reviews for Becoming Sister Wives

Rating: 3.417910447761194 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a mixed bag. Some appreciate the honesty and background information provided by the authors, while others find certain wives unlikable. The book explores the complexities of polygamy, with some readers seeing it as a blessing and others finding it disgusting and sexist. Overall, it is worth a read for fans of the show who want a deeper understanding of the characters and their lives.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    If you enjoy their show, you'll enjoy the book. Nice to have their backgrounds elaborated upon which gives you even more understanding of where they came from and how they are who they are. Having said that, even with a ghostwriter, Robyn is an unlikable here as she is in the show. Every time I try to make a case for liking her, she opens her mouth (or, in this case, starts writing). Overall, worth the read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Am I the only one that finds the constant references to monogamous relationships as "simple" or "simplistic" grating and annoying? It implies that their life and marriages are so much more difficult than others, and I think that's presumptuous. All relationships and marriages have challenges. I'm about halfway through and the book is interesting, but this is one thing that's really stuck out so far.

    I have finished the book, and it was just okay for me. I am a fan of the reality show and was excited to read this book. However, I wish the book would have talked more about the tenets of their faith and why they believe in this lifestyle. I would have also liked to hear from some of the older children about whether or not they think they will join the faith and practice polygamy. A second book, perhaps?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This in-depth and candid look at how the Brown wives met Kody, how they all came to be a family, and how being on television has affected them was incredibly fascinating. A lot of the questions I've had while watching the show were answered, such as: What do they all do for work? I really liked how the chapters were split between each of the wives, so they got to tell their story in their own words. I enjoyed reading about Janelle the most. Her professionalism, career-mindedness and interest in Native American culture were interesting to learn about. Janelle is generally the most quiet and reserved on the show, so it was nice to get to know her better in this format. The reader gets a feel for how this lifestyle has benefited these women in leading their lives, raising their children, and growing in their faith. I am so happy for them that they no longer have to hide who they are and that they are showing that there is a different side to polygamy than we see from the Warren Jeffs types. They have really met their goal of showing the public that this lifestyle can be healthy and beneficial. It's also refreshing how open they are towards other people whose lifestyles might be considered deviant. A lot of religious folks have a big problem with LGBT folks. The Browns accept everyone, which is great because it would be hypocritical to condemn gay people yet ask the public to accept their non-typical practice. They are also very clear about how their children are not being coerced into their faith. Each child will be allowed to make a choice whether or not to practice the principle of celestial marriage; no one is being brainwashed here!I don't share their faith, but I have no problem with their lifestyle. Good for them!

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    i like the honesty here bc you could see in tv the resentment n jealousy the other wives had of robyn.i cant believe shes everyoned least liked wife Id say Meri & after seeing a younger pic of janelle n meri i see why meri was jealous & flaunted her affections with Kody as janelle was waaay prettier I feel bad for janelle n robyn.meri n christine having grown up in pologamy shouldve been a lot nicer less jealous or why do it? i feel bad janelle married kody yet got treated like she was an outsider Meri knew better than to act that way in fact why do they do it when they all seem bitter towards one another? those are normal human emotions but if you are gonna live in jealousy pick on the kids you didnt give birth to, make your husbands life miserable bc hes paying attention elsewhere why do it? in watching recent seasons if sistee wives it seems now robyn looks unlike her jovial original self like the arrangemenr as taken its toll. janelle is super smarr and pretty i think shed make a great wife to a man she doesnt have to share or where other women make her life miserable.wish i could tell them that***Cara Crawford
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    plural marriage is awesome! I really hope to join it some day. I loved this book. if it is loved right, it can be a blessing more then a cursing. having a sister wife is like having a best friend, you can talk about anything and everything without being afraid of them thinking you are crazy. anyone who thinks that it is disgusting and wrong should try understanding it before judging it so quickly. polygamy is not something of immortality it is a blessing.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    The most disgusting, sexist book I ever read. Polygamy is evil and this book should be banned from Scribd

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I liked this book. I find it difficult to 'rate' non-fiction that's about people's lives - it feels a bit like I'd be rating how interesting their life was, or something along those lines.

    The best part of this book, for me, was the insight into what Janelle, Meri, Christine and Robyn have experienced in their marriages to Kody. Their struggles and triumphs, and also their perspective on their choice and living with that choice. Janelle's story especially was fascinating to me - she chose Kody for faith and practical reasons, and love has sprung out of that over the years. Realising how hard these women have had to work, and how open they have had to be, really makes me admire them. Being a plural spouse is not easy and these women seem to handle it a lot better than I could ever imagine doing so. I admire their dedication and faith.

    I'll admit that at times I was irritated with the impression of Kody that I was getting in the book - it came across a bit as a young kid, thinking 'Oh, this is great, I can be married to multiple women!' But he's stuck it out for the long haul, so I respect his determination as well.

    I'd recommend this to anyone who has enjoyed the show, it's interesting to get their perspective on things.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Started watching this series last week or so. (watched all seasons, playing catch up) At first I really liked all of them, but after a while you see the cracks they so try to hide. They try to show how great they live together but they are all very jealous. Reading this book it proves I was right about one woman. The one I liked most at first, is the one I like least now. The over controlling Meri. Reading this book it so confirms that she is not such a nice woman as she tries to portray on the show. She wants to be boss and always plays the victim.

    I think she is postponing her decision if she wants to try for another child, because then she wont be pitied anymore. It was always poor Meri, who has only 1 child. ONLY!! Now that she could have another her role will change. She will not be able to play the victim cause she had the chance to have a baby. You also see on the show what a big spender she is.She wanted the biggest house with many bedrooms. And with the house that they are (not) going to buy, she has to have the 5th bedroom cause she has to have the wet bar. (what ever that is) ;)

    Then you have saint Robyn. She seems nice , they all do but they are all so very conservative. Kody pretends he lets his kids choose their lives. Well we all watched he is constantly harping on that what he thinks is best,and makes sure they do what he wants.
    I think I like Janelle and Kristine best.

    Things that caught my eye is that when Robyn entered the picture,Meri and Kody decided the other 2 women did not need to know. Meri enjoyed her little secret with kody.

    It is also obvious that Meri has treated Janelle very nasty. I have never heard or read about her really apologizing for that. She is always full of excuses.
    Poor Janelle who slept in a little back room, having to watch Meri and Kody making out and being romantic. Meri who wanted Janelle to do it all her way in the kitchen.
    Even in this book she blames Janelle, saying she is not honest to herself. No she is non-confrontational. which does not mean you are not honest!

    She also stats she does not tell all because she wants to protect Janelle. To me this feels like she means Janelle did some horrible stuff but out of the good of her heart Meri is not going to tell. (rolls eyes)

    I can go on and on with all the highlights I made reading this on my kindle.

    Another thing. yes they tell a bit of the jealousy but I still feel this is a very superficial book. They talk about their faith only that they explain how they live. I still do not know their beliefs.

    After reading this book where they showed a little of the cracks it is obvious that they hide most of it on the show.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I didn't expect to like this book as much as I actually did. But it was a pretty good book. All 5 of the adult Browns write a chapter on each topic presented in the book, offering each of their individual perspectives but at the same time also telling the story of their family and their lifestyle together. They did a good job of it.

    I've always been a fan of the show, and of course at first I started watching it because of the whole "train wreck" factor, but then I grew to respect and like them and their family and even their lifestyle. The Browns are really nice people who are honestly just trying to change the face of polygamy and make things easier for good families like theirs who are loving, well balanced, well adjusted people with healthy, happy kids who all just do things a little bit differently.

    The book is basically the show, but with a lot more detail and in depth discussions. After reading the book I realize the show leaves a lot out and doesn't tell the fully story. I'm sure the book doesn't tell the full story either, but you get a lot more out of it. For example, on the show they kind of tend to be made out to be this perfectly happy family that always works everything out, so it makes you kinda wonder what REALLY goes on behind the scenes... in the book, there is a lot more honesty about struggles and problems, which makes it a lot easier to accept their lifestyle.

    All in all I am glad I read the book. :) I've always had an interest in the subject of polygamy and found it intriguing, so for me it was a great read.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    If you have seen the show, you don't need to read the book. I really was hoping for more. I didn't find it here.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    'Becoming Sister Wives' is a companion memoir to a television show that I have never seen, called 'Sister Wives'. Nonetheless, I was eager to read it, as I have a long-standing fascination with the church of LDS, and with the many groups that have sprung out of that faith. Kody Brown was raised in a polygamous household in Utah, and believes he was called to have multiple wives in his own life. He and his first wife, Meri, were both eager to expand their lives to include sister wives, and over time, three more women, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn, joined the family, became vital members of it, and helped raise the family's seventeen children. It certainly does not sound like an easy road to follow. Obviously jealousy rears its ugly head, as it would be bound to. But all sorts of issues surround those who live closely together, and even minor grievances can gnaw at one if one leaves them unspoken. The wives have run the gamut from best friends to loathing each other, and often cyclically, but no matter what their differences, they put family first, and concentrated on raising their children, and committed to God and their belief that they were doing the right thing. Often I think the media thinks that having four wives - and in this case, four young and pretty wives - must be a kinky adventure for the man involved. Frankly, I think that it must be incredibly difficult for any man who truly cares about his family, as Kody Brown seems to do, to juggle so many needs with sensitivity. At the time of the end of the book, all four wives were living in separate homes, which meant that Kody was not always with all of his children, which he wasn't happy about. He is a natural father, tending to needs big and small, and truly in love with his kids and parenting them. He sounds exhausted, tired from the financial and logistical demands of his life, yet he sounds like a truly nice man, and it is no wonder that his appeal brought him four lovely brides. This is the first book I've ever read that left me thinking positively about polygamy. It would never be a lifestyle that I would choose for myself. I can't even imagine it. But if done with sensitivity, and with the open heart of the members of the Brown family, I can see that it could be successful. Each of the women work; they share child-care duties, and family expenses are divided amongst them. The women are encouraged to follow their choices about career and child-rearing. It does not sound at all like a patriarchal nightmare, if anything, the women rule this particular roost in almost every way. They defer to Kody's final judgement on an issue, but he does not decide until he has heard the opinions of all of the people involved. I found this book interesting and intriguing, and would be very curious to see the television show that it was designed to accompany.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of my not-so-secret shames is that I love TV tie-in books so when I saw that a Sister Wives book had come out, I had to get it. (Sister Wives is a reality TV show on TLC that stars Kody Brown, his four wives: Meri, Janelle, Christine and Robyn, and their seventeen children.)Becoming Sister Wives is divided into four parts and each wife wrote her own section for each part. Part 1: Matrimony is each wife's story of how they came to marry Kody. Part 2: Sorority is about how the wives get along with each other. Part 3: Family is about how the financial side of the marriage works and how the wives raise their children. Part 4: Celebrity is about how the wives' extended families reacted to them being on a reality TV show and how the wives are handling the stress of press tours, etc. Kody wrote the prologue and epilogue.Since I am a huge fan of the Sister Wives TV show, I'm happy to learn any inside information about the show and family that I can. One of the reasons I like the show so much is that for the most part everyone gets along and there isn't too much drama or negativity. After reading this book, I know that the Brown's are keeping a lot of the more negative things going on in their lives from the camera. The show gives the impression that the first three wives have always been best friends. However, according to the book, they actually have never gotten along that great and are friends on a surface level at most.Although I mostly admire the Brown's for being discrete on the show and in the book, part of me wants to know some down and dirty secrets! The wives mention fights and conflicts but are vague about details. Janelle writes about moving out several years ago when she and Meri had a really bad fight but doesn't write anything about what the fight was about. Meri writes about how she and Kody courted someone before Janelle but broke of the engagement when things went sour. She gives no details about why. This book was only 270 pages with a pretty big font so there was definitely room for dishing dirt. I can understand why they didn't even though I was somewhat frustrated by it.This book goes into more of the religious reasons that they believe in plural marriage but doesn't go all the way. I think they are probably afraid of alienating people if they explain the whole deal because it is a very male dominated thing, with the man being the only way his wives can get into heaven. Also, the Brown's emphasize that although they are fundamentalist Mormons, they are not part of the FLDS led by Warren Jeffs. They don't name their domination in the book but according to Wikipedia, they belong to the Apostolic United Brethren, which is fairly liberal as far as fundamentalist Mormon sects go.Although this book is intended for those who watch Sister Wives, I think that it would also appeal to those who want to learn more about modern day polygamy. If you are a die-hard fan of the show like I am, then you need this book for sure.(less)

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Dove posso impostare la lingua italiana??
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is so not the kind of book I usually read, but I picked it up at the library. How could I not be intrigued?I am religious myself (though not Mormon) and so completely understand that some issues are simply a matter of faith. It may not make sense to much of the world, but it's not about making sense; it's about performing actions because that is what God wants.I also consider myself very tolerant; I have friends of all faiths (and plenty of atheists...) And so I approached this book with an open mind. Unfortunately, I didn't really gain any great insight here about what, to me, is an exceptionally strange situtation. The notion that I would share my husband with three other women is simply unfathomable. And I tend to think that most women would agree with me.So I wanted answers: How on earth do these women cope when their husband goes off to sleep with another of their "sister wives"? How does that NOT ruin the kind of one-on-one intimacy shared between one man and one woman? Why do they believe that God demands that of them as women - yet not of men? There are no real insights here, just suggestions that questions of intimacy are better left ignored. (Two sister wives admit they prefer not to look at film footage of Kody with another wife sharing their honeymoon.) I appreciate that this family has chosen to make their lives public because I have learned a lot, and I fully support their right to having this kind of marriage. Still, I would have appreciated a text that left me with a true understanding of the complexity of their lives and how they cope. This is not that book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    When I bought this book, I'd never heard of the show Sister Wives. I'm not much of a television person, and I bought the book simply because it sounded interesting to me. The book is divided into four parts: matrimony (how each wife met Kody), sorority (how the wives interact with each other), family (children and how the blended families interact), and celebrity (how each wife dealt with the reality show Sister Wives). The book was interesting, I'll give them that. I've never given much thought to modern-day polygamous marriages (outside of the FLDS). And it was intriguing to read about how five adults can possibly make their relationships work. Unfortunately, there seemed to be a lot of bickering and jealousy amongst the wives, even as they touted how awesome their marriages were. Meri seems like she would be a pill and a half to live with; she comes across as very aggressive and the "alpha" of the group. Meanwhile, Janelle comes across as a doormat. Altogether, I feel sorry for some of the members of the group (particularly Janelle, who seems to get the raw end of the deal more than once). I think this book would probably appeal more to those who are familiar with the show Sister Wives, but it worked okay as a stand alone book. There's nothing particularly earth-shattering here, but it was interesting to read how other people live in alternative family relationships.

Book preview

Becoming Sister Wives - Kody Brown



I am sitting in a room off of the grand ballroom in the Beverly Hills Hilton. I almost can’t believe I’m here. I’m a small-town boy, not some Hollywood superstar. This glittering place is a far cry from my current hometown of Lehi, Utah. The occasion is the Television Critics Association biannual press tour at which networks announce their fall lineup of television shows to the media.

Onstage they are playing a clip from a new show on the Discovery Channel. It’s about Greenpeace crusaders who are devoted to saving whales. It’s a hippie version of that channel’s smash hit Deadliest Catch. This is the kind of show the critics are expecting—the kind of show guaranteed to draw attention without polarizing the audience.

My show is a lot more controversial. It’s the first of its kind. Like the Greenpeace activists onstage, I, too, am taking a stand. But I have no idea how my fight will play out in the court of public opinion. I have no idea how critics, the audience, and the American public are going to react to me. I’m getting nervous.

I’m sitting in a chair getting my hair and makeup done. Makeup! I grew up on a ranch in rural Wyoming. I never, ever thought I’d wear makeup, let alone have a team of people apply it, making sure I’m camera ready. The stylist asks me casually, So what’s your show about?

Oh, I say, trying to be as offhand as possible, it’s about my family. I’m a polygamist and I have four wives.

The stylist stops fussing with me for a second. I can see the shock in her eyes. I know what’s she’s thinking. I’m an average-looking dude who looks more like a surfer than a religious fanatic. How could I be a polygamist?

After I’m done with hair and makeup, I’m ushered backstage with my wives. We wait anxiously as the 120-second teaser for our show plays on the big screen in the auditorium. They’ve added some pumping music to the trailer, trying to infuse my family’s life with tension and intrigue.

My heart begins to pound. I’m breathing shallowly. What have I done? I’m about to expose my family to the world. I’m about to do the very thing most polygamous families live in fear of—I’m about to go public.

I know that I’m putting my family at risk. My wives and I could lose our jobs. Our children could be tormented at school. But I’m tired of hiding. I’m tired of living like a second-class citizen. I’m tired of lying about my life. I have a wonderful family—a perfectly happy family—with beautiful wives and beautiful children. I don’t want us to live the rest of our days in fear. I am about to ask America to accept us.

I grasp my wives’ hands in an informal prayer circle. We draw strength from one another, and from our faith in God. We renew our commitment to our beliefs. I steady myself. The world is ready, I think, to hear our story. The world is ready to accept us for who we are and not shun us for our beliefs. I drop my wives’ hands as we are called to the stage.

Let me introduce you to the real face of polygamy.

When people hear the phrase Mormon fundamentalist, they probably think about a small subset of our population—the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For too long this organization, and the handful of abusive men who ran it, have been the poster children of polygamy in America. Until recently, the FLDS was run by Warren Jeffs, who has been found guilty of child sexual assault and is now serving a life sentence in prison. He ruled his organization with an iron fist, creating a climate rampant with abuse and fear. He not only tolerated but also promoted child brides. He summarily reassigned the wives of men he deemed unworthy to new husbands. These are not my beliefs. This is not my world.

While we share a belief in the principle of celestial plural marriage, I want to make it clear that the practices of the FLDS have no place in my universe. We belong to a different religious community, one that has several thousand members worldwide. In our faith, incest and spousal abuse are serious crimes, which, when discovered, result in immediate legal action.

I’m sure when most people think of Mormon fundamentalists they think of long, modest dresses and old-fashioned hairstyles—something you might see in an old Western movie. This only covers a fraction of polygamists. If we weren’t on TV, you wouldn’t be able to pick my family out of a crowd. We dress like anyone else—maybe a tiny bit more modestly, but definitely modernly. Our kids go to public school. They watch TV, go to the movies, play computer games, go to parties, and listen to popular music. They play sports, wear makeup (sometimes too much for my liking), and participate in school activities. Basically, my family is not all that different from yours.

Our sect is one of the more liberal branches of Mormon fundamentalism. Unlike some other fundamentalist Mormons, we accept the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a legitimate faith. We follow the same scripture they do. In most beliefs and practices, we differ very little from the LDS church. Of course, the one area in which we do diverge is in our belief in The Doctrine of Celestial Plural Marriage, which we call the principle. Although not every member of our faith enters into a plural marriage, we still believe that it is a crucial step in our personal spiritual development.

Celestial plural marriage isn’t something we take lightly or take for granted. It’s a calling, something we are summoned to by God. It’s a commandment in our scripture, fundamental to our belief system. Its intention and design is specific to our personal development and spiritual growth. Not all people in our sect enter into polygamy despite their belief in the doctrine. Some never find the right partners with whom to live the principle. However, when the opportunity for plural marriage is placed before us, and when we are called to it—it seems wise to accept.

Religion is by nature elitist. Everyone wants to believe that his way is the right way. Too many people, regardless of their faith, are small-minded enough to imagine that their beliefs, their doctrines, and their rituals are the only way to be saved or to know God. I’m not self-centered enough to entertain these thoughts. In no way do I imagine that my family members are the only people who got it right.

God speaks to each of us in His own way. He calls a person in that person’s language and reaches individuals in terms they will understand. What I’m called to do is not what you are called to do. I don’t consider followers of another religion any less worthy in God’s eyes or in mine. I don’t believe that what’s appropriate for one person is necessarily appropriate for all. The principle is my calling. It’s probably not yours—and that’s fine with me.

The principle of plural marriage is sacred to me and to all fundamentalist Mormons. It’s not something I’ve come to casually or flippantly. It’s not easy and it’s not something I recommend to anyone who is not prepared for the challenges.

Building a complex family from four separate marriages has its challenges. My wives and I have had to learn to be understanding, kind, compassionate, and patient. We have had to develop ourselves morally and ethically.

The demands on a plural family are far greater than those on a monogamous couple. Since we have to consider the sensitivity of other wives and other marriages on an everyday basis, plural marriage consistently challenges us. It makes us confront our shortcomings and overcome them. We have to learn to handle our jealousy, contain our aggression. We have to check our selfishness. There is no room for ego in plural marriage.

Although we know these things, we are by no means perfect. Each member of my family has his or her flaws. Every day, we must work toward a higher level of communication with one another. In the end, our acceptance of the doctrine of plural marriage allows us to transcend our limitations and become enlightened. It challenges us to be the best version of ourselves in this lifetime.

I know people probably misinterpret what I do. They probably think I’m wife hoarding—that I’m satisfying my carnality at the expense of my wives’ feelings. I know there are people out there who assume I’m some kind of macho pig. While this couldn’t be further from the truth, I understand that this misconception comes from the perceived imbalance in the practice. Why can I have multiple wives, yet my wives cannot have multiple husbands?

In the first place, that is not our commandment. Second, when my wives are asked if they would take a second husband, they emphatically answer, Not interested. Perhaps there are people out there for whom taking plural husbands is a viable lifestyle. Perhaps there is a religion where this is a sacred way of life. But this is not our faith.

Each of my wives has come into our family of her own free will. Choosing to join a plural family has been their choices, their preferences. It’s something they prayed over, then sought out of their own volitions. Believe it or not, some of them made the first move, asking to join my family even before I proposed.

When I say I love each of my wives wholly, passionately, and eternally, I am telling the truth. I believe that with each of my wives I share a destiny and that together we five adults were predetermined to be one family. We believe on a very deep level that we belong together in an absolute fashion. We are meant to be.

So how can I love four women? It’s a fair question and an easy one to answer. Loving them is simple. It’s like breathing, waking up in the morning, putting one foot in front of the other. It’s one of those things you do unconsciously, something so deeply ingrained into your psyche and your way of being that you never question it.

It’s hard to explain how I love my wives to someone who is not inside the principle. The simplest analogy is of a mother who is pregnant with her second child and worries that she will not love this one as much as she loved her first. It’s an honest fear. But on the day her new baby is born, she loves it as much as her firstborn. She loves it independently of her firstborn. She loves both of her children because they are her children, but she loves them individually for their different qualities. She loves one because he’s a remarkable athlete but she doesn’t love him any less because he’s a terrible student, even as she loves the other for her sense of humor and her scholarly habits.

It’s the same with my wives, but on a much more intimate level. I love them for different reasons—for their different strengths and their different passions and talents. I love them for their weaknesses and their humanity. But I don’t love one more or less than the others.

Being in love with four women is easy, but not easy at the same time. Since my wives are so different from one another and so independent, each of my marriages is distinct and each is dynamic in its own way. I can’t always pinpoint the moment I fell in love with each of my individual wives, and I don’t always feel that love all the time, but the love is so deep I can’t imagine being without it. Our bond is the kind of thing you know you need for the rest of your life, not in a codependent way, but in a way that bonds us so deeply that when I have been away from any one wife too long, I feel an emotional ache.

To be honest, I am not sure if any one of my wives could fulfill all my needs, nor do I believe that I am fulfilling all of theirs. Janelle and I can talk business. With Christine I can enjoy the lightness of being together. With Meri the world is structured and organized, her house is peaceful and in order. When Robyn came into the family, she brought about an emotional honesty that required me to start dealing with things I’d avoided.

A lot of people wonder if there’s a plan or a system for taking a new wife. If there is, I’ve yet to see it. The only requirement is that I have a spiritual connection with a woman I’m considering courting, and that she feel connected not only to me but also to my family. In some cases in our faith, the woman makes the first move. If she feels drawn to a certain family or man, she can make her interest known through her father. But she must be willing to join herself not only to her potential husband but also to his wives.

Of course, a man must have the permission of his wives to consider a courtship. After all, the woman he wishes to court is going to be as much a part of his wives’ lives as she will be of his. If my wives didn’t want me to pursue a relationship with someone, I’d have no choice but to obey their wishes. My first duty is to them.

I married my first wives relatively quickly and relatively young by conventional standards, if not those of our faith. Each relationship developed along its own lines, for its own reasons, with its own trajectory. After sixteen years together as a family, I found myself in the position to pursue a new courtship. I was as surprised by this as my wives were, and I knew that it would involve a serious adjustment on their part. If I hadn’t had their blessing, I’d never have gone forward with courting Robyn. Family always comes first.

Standing backstage in Los Angeles, I’m growing nervous. I know that when I go public there will be questions about sex. It’s America’s obsession, after all. Even though my show is a family television program on a family-oriented network, the world wants to know what goes on behind closed doors. All I’m going to say is my marriages aren’t different from anyone else’s in that respect. As in most relationships, passion is always there, but it waxes and wanes. With each wife, we go through phases. There are the demands of work and kids—all the regular things that interfere with a couple’s private life. The one constant is that I keep my four marriages distinct and discreet. There is no overlap, no sharing, nothing untoward or salacious.

There are many benefits and blessings to our lifestyle. We are a large family, and not one of us will ever know loneliness again. We are a team, a strong foundation on which we’ve raised our children. My wives support one another. They can lean on one another for small favors and for large ones.

Our biggest struggles have been financial. There have been lean times. It took me longer than I’d hoped to establish myself in a career, especially with wives to support. Of course, all of my income goes to the family. I try my best to allocate money evenly and according to who needs it most. If a wife needs a bigger car because she is expecting a new child, I prioritize that. If another wife needs help completing a major home repair, this takes precedence over something more trivial.

All of my wives contribute significantly to both their individual households and the family as a whole. Before we went public, several of them worked full-time. They support their kids, and what is left over they kick into large group expenses such as mortgages. If one of my wives chooses not to work in order to stay home and look after our kids, I make sure she is taken care of. If another wife makes a bundle while her sister wife is looking after the kids, she will share her bounty. If someone has a windfall from tax returns or inheritance, then she usually shares a good portion of it. Although my wives are fiercely independent and entirely self-sufficient, they never let anyone go without. We are a family of equals.

I want to stress that equality and fairness are our guiding principles. Since there is only one of me and four of them, I am often considered the patriarch. Unfortunately, this word has acquired a negative connotation these days. I’m appealed to on a regular basis, simply because I’m the common denominator—I’m the basic element that my wives and children share. I’m a father to all the children and a husband to all my wives. Despite this, I rarely make unilateral decisions. If asked, I will choose the direction in which the train runs, but my wives are the ones who keep it on the track and running. They are the force behind our family.

I know the world wants definitions to understand us. They want to know who is the smart wife, who is the homemaker, who is the silly one, who is the mean one. But I won’t let my family be pigeonholed. Our relationships are complex and they are constantly evolving. Ours is a process that elevates us and allows us to abide in God’s presence.

I have a goal in mind of what my family is supposed to be and look like. It’s supposed to be happy and peaceful and free. I imagine a unity that comes from joy, not from overwhelming sacrifice or pain, anguish, and suffering. I don’t want my family to suffer for the sake of God, because if we are suffering for the sake of God in this life, we may not be happy with Him in the next one.

Privately we’ve arrived at this unity, this peace, but publicly we are still subject to prejudice. We are misunderstood. We are outsiders. And this is what has brought me here to Beverly Hills. This is why we are about to show our faces to the world and announce that we are polygamous and we are proud!

I never want my children to live in fear. I never want them to be forced to deny any part of themselves. I want them to live openly as siblings. I don’t know whether my children will enter into the principle. I don’t know whether they will live the life of polygamy. Some will be called to it and others won’t. But regardless of their choices, I want the world to be a more free and understanding place for them to grow up in. I want them to feel safe in their family, and if they choose polygamy for their future, I want them to do so knowing that they will not be treated as second-class citizens. What we do with our bodies and our hearts is the most important choice of all.

My heart is pounding as I step onto the stage. I can feel the smile plastered on my face. It’s my defense mechanism—this silly grin. There’s a sea of faces in the auditorium. The audience is silent. I can’t tell what they’re thinking. I feel the smile slip from my face. My heart is in my mouth.

Suddenly the audience begins to clap. I feel the atmosphere begin to warm. I sense that they are drawn to us. I think they are ready to hear our story.

Chapter One



I spent the early years of my life living in California with my parents, both of whom were devout followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When I was a baby, my mom had a friend who left the LDS church because she practiced plural marriage. When my mom learned about this, it piqued her interest, and she began studying the principle as well. Soon after, she suggested to my dad that the family move to Utah. He didn’t know her religious reasons at the time, but he said sure, let’s move—though it took them four and a half more years of research and studying the principle before they actually did. We finally moved to Utah when I was five years old.

It was my mother who urged my father to take his first plural wife. He did, and she joined the family when I was only five, but I still have fond memories of her. Unfortunately, it was a short marriage with no children, and she left two years later. When I was ten, my mom and dad once again brought a new wife into the family. I didn’t think there was anything strange about it—in fact, I was excited. I was a shy kid and didn’t make friends easily. When I found out that the woman my father was courting was from a large polygamous family, I was thrilled to have the chance to get to know a whole new group of people and be able to make more friends. Our family grew quickly. Eventually, my father took four wives in addition to my mother. In total, I have twenty-seven siblings!

I was in a slightly easier position than many of my siblings who came from my father’s second, third, fourth, or fifth marriages. Since I was the child of my father’s first marriage, his legal one, it was simple and natural for my father to be my father in public. Since polygamy isn’t widely accepted, for the other kids, it could be more difficult to acknowledge their father publicly. To my father’s credit, he owned, that is, acted as a true father to, every one of my brothers and sisters.

Growing up, I always assumed I would live the polygamous lifestyle. It was the tradition in which I was raised. My biological parents and my mother’s sister wives all seemed happy for the most part. Of course there were the normal ups and downs that happen in any family. I loved being part of a large family; it felt normal and comfortable. My parents, however, never pushed me toward the principle. They wanted me to make my own decisions and come to plural marriage, if I chose, through my own route.

My parents’ only rule about religion was that I had to go to church, but this isn’t so different from millions of parents around the world. It was always made clear to me that whatever religion I embraced as an adult—whether our branch of fundamentalism, LDS, or something else—was entirely up to me.

Despite the fact that I was shy, I managed to make a number of friends outside our church group. I worked at a portrait studio and became friendly with many of my coworkers, which helped me to overcome my shyness. Perhaps because I interacted with so many people outside my faith when I was a teenager, for a time I really questioned whether or not I was going to live the principle of plural marriage. I was struggling to find my way and discover my own identity within our close-knit community and the requirements of our faith—and then I met Kody.


I was raised in the LDS faith. Both of my parents were devout Mormons. However, when I was fourteen years old, my mother pulled me aside and explained to me some of the doctrines of Mormonism that are a little more intense. One of these is that of celestial plural marriage. The moment my mother described the principle to me, I had a feeling that this was something I was going to follow. I had no idea how or when, I just knew.

Of course, being young and stubborn, I battled hard against this calling. In the LDS church there’s absolutely no opportunity to explore plural marriage. It’s simply not done. Plural marriage is one of the few things that sets the Mormon fundamentalist faith apart from followers of the LDS church. The religions are similar, but this one difference is astronomical. Embracing it meant leaving the faith of my childhood forever.

When I was nineteen, I was sent on my LDS mission to southern Texas. During the two years I spent proselytizing for the Mormon church, the doctrine of plural marriage was constantly on my mind. It spoke to me. It called to me. But I still had no idea what to do with this summons.

While I was away in the ministry in Texas, I got a letter from my mother telling me that my parents had been excommunicated from the LDS church and had joined a fundamentalist Mormon faith. I thought, Well, this is interesting. But I was still too hardheaded to see it as a sign that I should follow in their footsteps. My parents’ excommunication from the Mormon church broke my heart. I was deeply concerned about their spiritual welfare, but God spoke peace to me. I continued my service in the mission field and finished my two-year calling.

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