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Clockwork Prince
Clockwork Prince
Clockwork Prince
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Clockwork Prince

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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True love is shrouded in secrets and lies in the enchanting second book in the #1 New York Times bestselling Infernal Devices Trilogy, prequel to the internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series.

In the magical underworld of Victorian London, Tessa Gray has found safety with the Shadowhunters. But that safety proves fleeting when it becomes clear that the mysterious Magister will stop at nothing to use Tessa’s powers for his own dark ends.

With the help of the handsome, tortured Will and the devoted Jem, Tessa discovers that the Magister’s war on the Shadowhunters is deeply personal and fueled by revenge. To unravel the secrets of the past, the trio journeys from mist-shrouded Yorkshire to a manor house that holds untold horrors. When they encounter a clockwork demon bearing a warning for Will, they realize that the Magister knows their every move—and that one of their own has betrayed them.

Tessa is drawn more and more to Jem, though her longing for Will continues to unsettle her. But something is changing in Will. Could finding the Magister free Will from his secrets and give Tessa answers about who she really is? As their search leads to deadly peril, Tessa learns that secrets and lies can corrupt even the purest heart.
Release dateDec 6, 2011
Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare

Cassandra Clare is the author of the No. 1 New York Times, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly bestselling Shadowhunter Chronicles. She is also the co-author of the bestselling fantasy series Magisterium with Holly Black. The Shadowhunter Chronicles have been adapted as both a major motion picture and a television series. Her books have more than fifty million copies in print worldwide and have been translated into more than thirty-five languages. Cassandra lives in western Massachusetts with her husband and three fearsome cats.

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Reviews for Clockwork Prince

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Readers find this title to be a wild ride with relationship drama, unexpected betrayals, and shocking truths. The story is wonderfully written and the series is a favorite among readers. Although some were disappointed that the next book is not available on Scribd, overall, readers find this book to be amazing.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I have listened to the whole series on audiobook so far, and this was by far my least favorite as far as the narrators. One of the narrators was hard to understand and I found myself having to re-listen to sections (I do listen to audiobooks at twice the normal speed).I was worried about not liking this one, as I could not get into the beginning. As the story continued, I loved it. I liked learning more about Will and his family and also Tessa and who/what she may be. I also enjoyed learning more about Will and Jem and their bond/friendship. The romance! I cannot decide if I am team Jem or team Will. As soon as I feel I am picking one way, something else would happen to make me routing for the other Ship! I am so torn!Ready to finish the Infernal Devices!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Yep, I cried. So much angst but joy, too. Can't wait for the next one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the second book of the Infernal Devices trilogy. I am loving this series. I read the Mortal Instruments first this trilogy has been fun going back in time and reading about some of the characters who were mentioned in the other series or hinted about. The two series really tie together well. This book delved more into the characters than the first one. Revelations are unearthed and true characters come out. The action was not as violent as the first book and also no as often. I would highly recommend this trilogy along with the Mortal Instruments series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Read the full review. The second book in The Infernal Devices series is even more gripping and wonderful than the first. This is a truly unique series that highlights the skill and finesse of Clare as a writer. While Clockwork Angel focussed more on setting up the story and introducing major characters, this book was able to focus more on character development and the unfolding of major plot elements. I finished the book in one sitting, and now I am eagerly awaiting the publication of the third book, Clockwork Princess. Romantic elements take the forefront in Clockwork Prince, and while I found Tessa's confusion heart breaking, I thought the story focussed too much on her inability to choose between Will and Jem. The mixed messages that Will sent her made it difficult for her, and when it was finally revealed why he acted that way, I was filled with sympathy for him. However, it was Jem's steadiness and dependability which endeared him to me. The characters were, again, the best element in the book for me. They developed in wonderful ways, and while they didn't always behave how I thought they should, they always stayed true to themselves. Charlotte and Henry overcame some huge barriers in this book and I was very happy for them. The most complex and interesting character is definitely Jem, but he was closely followed by Gideon and Jessamine. I loved getting to know the Lightwood brothers better, and of course, uncovering the complexity that lies under Jessie's hard exterior was fun. This was a great read, which showcases the best of the young adult genre. I urge anyone who has it already to read it as soon as possible!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I skim-read most of it, except the parts with Magnus, because he's wonderful. Oops.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The adventure continues for Tessa Gray, Will Herondale, and James Carstairs.  As they chase after more clues to find out who Tessa really is and why The Magister so desperately wants her.  New twists and turns for these three, and the other characters introduced in Clockwork Angel, make for a spell-binding adventure. NEW OBSESSION ALERT! I am officially obsessed with Will Herondale.  Also, I am officially obsessed with this The Infernal Devices series.  I loved Clockwork Angel and cannot wait to get my hands on Clockwork Princess.  Every time that I think there is finally a time to breathe and regain composure throughout the book, I am catapulted into another spinning plot twist.  The depth of not only the plot but each character (and there are quite a few) is immense.  I have not read a book in a long time that has forced me to react outwardly.  The world that Cassandra Clare creates is entirely consuming and it became difficult to separate myself from the book and reality.  I want to be part of Tessa, Jem, and (most especially) Will's world.  It is gripping, encompassing, and unpredictable.  I root for these characters, I hope for these characters, and I grieve with these characters.  I have found this series to be riveting and invigorating!Although I have only read 2 of the 3 books in this series, I highly recommend the series to those who love action, betrayal, romance, and fantasy.  I think it is appropriate for readers over the age of 16 and I recommend it for those seeking adventure.On the other hand, I would not recommend this book for those who do not appreciate betrayal, violence, manipulation, demons, magic, love triangles, unrequited love, or drug addiction.  Furthermore, I would not recommend this book for readers who have not read Clockwork Angel yet, as it would be very confusing.Lastly, I listened to this book on AudioCD.  It was read by Heather Lind and Ed Westwick. More than half was definitely read by Heather Lind, who was fantastic and gave a unique voice to each of the many characters.  Additionally, I also really enjoyed listening to Ed Westwick read the parts when it was in Will's perspective.  His deep, sultry voice, made Will's character even more alluring. 
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It is amazing how much more I like this series than I do TMI. Perhaps the author learned from her fans what not to do this time around.

    While there is still a stinking love triangle, it's not nearly as annoying Simon/Clary/Jace. Now we finally understand why Will is the way he is, but that doesn't make me wish that Tess would pick him. I want her with Jem. I think he loves her just as much as Will does, and I believe Tessa loves him equally as well. I just hope this doesn't turn into a sense of duty for her rather than love. I can understand doing the right thing by Jem, but not out of duty. She should want to keep from hurting him because she loves him.

    Romance aside, the story is interesting. I cannot wait to find out what Tessa is (though I already know from the TMI series). But I want to know how she finds out and what everyone's reaction is. And what will eventually happen to Jem? What will become of Charlotte, Henry andrhe Institute? And when will they finally find Mthe Magister? Or will he find them?

    I almost want to start the next book this instant!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of Dark Faerie TalesQuick & Dirty: This a YA Paranormal book that has everything: action, romance, betrayal, love triangle, and a wonderful story that will leave you wanting more. Anyone that enjoys a paranormal book will love all of Cassandra Clare books.Opening Sentence: The fog was thick, muffling sound and sight.The Review:Clockwork Prince is the second book in the Infernal Devices trilogy. Set in London in the 1800s we follow the lives of all the people that live in the shadowhunters Institute. The London Shadowhunters have been issued a Challenge to find the Magister in two weeks or another Showhunter will be given control of the Institute. The book is told from two points of view: Tessa and Will.Tessa never knew she was a warlock till she came to London to find her brother. All warlocks have a mark identifying them, but Tessa’s seems to be missing. All warlocks have a special ability and Tessa is a shapeshifter. She can become anyone as long as she has something that belongs to the person she is impersonating. She has escaped the Magister for now and is safe at the Institute, but for how long. If they can’t find the Magister in two weeks she will be kicked out by the new shadowhunter taking control. She has so many questions about her past and who she really is, who her parents really are, what the Magister wants with her, and what boy does she truly love.Will is a tormented young shadowhunter with a secret. No one knows why Will is always so distant and pushes everyone away. He has been cursed and is looking for a cure, but will he find one in time to salvage the mess he has made with his life. Can he rebuild the relationships that he has tried so hard to destroy?Tessa is a great heroine. She has no problem stepping up to the plate and doing her part in finding the answers that she wants. I love getting to learn more about her and how she came to be. She grows and learns a lot in this book which help you to connect more to her as a character. She has some tough decisions to make but she is constant and sticks to her decisions which I like. She is also very forgiving which can be really hard at times to do and I love that about her. I have to admit, I don’t envy her when it comes to choosing between Will and Jem. I honestly don’t know who I would pick, I love both of them.Will is that boy that is a mystery to everyone that meets him. He is about as gorgeous as they come in the looks department, and an amazing fighter. He is best friends with Jem and secretly in Love with Tessa. I love that we get to hear from Wills point of view in this book. We get to learn so much more about his history and it makes you love him even more. I love his dark attitude, but we get to see his sweet side as well. His love for Tessa is so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. He is a great character and totally swoon worthy!Jem is also a shadowhunter living in the institute. At a young age he was cursed by a demon, and the curse is slowly killing him. There is no cure that they know of, but he takes drugs that help delay the inevitable in hopes of finding a cure. He is such a great person that you just can’t help but love. He is totally devoted to Will even though he can be a jerk at times, and he is so sweet to Tessa. He is just one of those characters that you connect with because he always seems to be there when you need him. We get to see so much more of him in this book and you get to fall more in love with him.I don’t generally include the villain in a lot of detail in my reviews but this villain deserves a paragraph about him. First off, I love his name: The Magister. It just sounds totally evil and epic. I love a villain that is evil and you totally hate, but at the same time you actually understand them. Throughout Clockwork Prince we get to see glimpses of The Magister’s life and some of the sorrow and pain he went through to become the hateful, evil person he is now. I love that I can understand him and connect to him even though he is the villain.Cassandra Clare has done it again. I really enjoyed Clockwork Angel, but I loved Clockwork Prince. I mean seriously, how can you go wrong with London in the 1800s and Demon hunters!!!! The world that Clare creates is beautiful and magical. There is such a good mix of action, sorrow, mystery, suspense, and some steamy romance. I love everything about this book and I can’t wait for Clockwork Princess to be released. This series is also great for either gender. I recommended it to my husband and he also really enjoyed it.Notable Scene:He bent to put his cheek against hers. His breath against her ear made her shudder with each deliberately spoken word. “ I have wanted to do this,” he said, “every moment of every hour of every day that I have been with you since the day I met you. But you know that. You must know that. Don’t you?’She looked up at him, lips parted in bewilderment. “Know what?” she said, and Will, with a sigh of something like defeat, kissed her.FTC Advisory: Margaret K. McElderry Books/Simon & Schuster provided me with a copy of Clockwork Prince. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I took my time on getting around to this one because there were so many rumors as to when the final installment would come out. Now that its available, I'm trying to hurry and play catch up.
    This book brought up so many questions. Such as "What is Tessa?" and "What is the Magister REALLY up to?" It was the perfect setup for the last book. Had I not waited to read it, I would have been very upset at having to wait so long to finally get the answers to these questions.
    The best part of this book has to be the emotion surrounding it. With Clare's writing, the grief that Tessa, Will, and Jem face, is not only read, but FELT by the reader. I honestly felt my heart breaking many times for Will throughout the entire novel. Gah, Will is such a misunderstood character!
    I saw that many people were also afraid of the love triangle in this series. Although it is a big part in the story, it is not overwhemling. I enjoyed it, (#TeamWill) besides the times when she was with the "wrong person." lol The triangle is well written and as I said before, sets up for the last installment to the series where Tessa will hopefully pick.
    Lastly, something that I enjoyed from the first book to this series, is the characters. They are explained more in depth in this novel. We learned so much more about Will, Jem, Tessa, her brother, Mortmain, and even Jessamine. Although we learned about them in the first one, I feel that they were explained more and the reasoning for their actions is explained. Hence the reason I said Will is misunderstood.
    This book will give you some answers and will give you even more questions. It was the perfect sequel novel, and I don't say that often. I am definitely looking forward to reading the last installment to the Infernal Devices series to answer all my questions, such as who will Tessa pick, what is she, and how does the actual Mortal Instruments come in to play at the very end of the story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Well this might have **spoilers*** because I just feel like I can write it any other way.

    Well I have to say I closed the book feeling throughly pissed off. Not because it was awful, it was of course so well written that got me emotionally involved. Cassandra Clare never disappoints even when she makes me so angry.

    I loved the twist and turns in this book. The betrayls, the things I couldn't even guess and of course the love. I felt like I was looking around every corner of my house waiting for a Clockwork monster to pop out. I also enjoyed the addition of Gideon and his affections for a little lady.

    Now Tessa, well I just wanted to climb right into the book and slap that girl. I swear if she said Jem was so good and and kind one more time....Tessa I felt was very judgemental in this book. She was so willing to see Will's flaws even though he supposedly broke her heart. If her heart was really invested in him she wouldn't have given up on him so easily. Jem on the hand she judged in a different way, holding him on pedistal. I feel like she is a little on the needy side, just wanting someone to love her with the least amount of effort. Jem is safe, easy and uncomplicated. Her witty side does not come out when she interacts with him though. She's not the Tessa I liked so much from the first book with him. If she can't decide between the two then maybe she should choose neither. Of course she would be alone then. The whole thing just had me fuming.

    People said this was truly Jem's book. I didnt really get that from it. I still don't really feel like we know Jem in depth. Just scraping the surface of him.

    Well see though. I'm beyond anxious for the next book of course.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I love this series.. but I don't like the Mortal Instruments... I loved the Clockwork angel and then this amazing and so much awesomer than the clockwork angel..... i love the whole romance theme and wow so many surprises in this book i couldn't keep up.. I finished this book in 3 days.

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I really like this. Although the story progressed much slower, the mystery and intrigue was less cumbersome. The characters were familiar enough as people died earlier in the book, hence there's less character overcrowding. The book focus on the triangle love *AGAIN* between Tess, Will and Jem. But I like this better since its not a first person reading, hence its not an annoying book about this girl liking two boys from start to finish. Its more about a girl, confused with her feelings to a gentle fragile and somehow determined boy and then attracted to a guy who seem to ignore her and then like her and then... whatever. Young love. Young love.

    But what surprise me was the first chapter when the author revealed the extend of Will's feeling to Tess. Later it was revealed that Will was cursed by a demon when he was twelve; to have everyone he love die. With the death of his older sister, he immediately ran away from his home and become shadowhunter. Will was allowed to evolve according to the storyline and brought some insight to his character and how serious he thought about how the curse would have an effect to everyone around him. He's just a misunderstood boy.

    Although the cover is Jem, I had most certain that the book is all about Will. I'm such a sucker with complicated boys so as for character development, Will is definitely A .

    As for the story, the book was situated neatly right after the event that leads from the death and despair at the Institute with the fresh raw betrayal from Nate Gray, Tess's brother and the investigation that attempt to uncover The Magister. As usual, some books was never that predictable.

    Steampunk YA romance. What not to like?
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    As with the first book in this series, I was disappointed by this book. It's been a while since I read the Mortal Instruments series, but I remember loving it. These books, however, I certainly don't love. The characters are rather weak and unbelievable, many of them caricatures - Jem is unreasonably kind; Henry is supposed to be a genius but appears as an idiot; Will is one of the better characters but doesn't seem consistent, nor many of his actions believable; Tessa is weak, conforms totally to the expectancies of the time and doesn't seem to question anything - which while believable, is disappointing and a definite waste of her potential as a badass; Charlotte, who also has the potential to be a strong, badass female character, comes off as weak and silly. The plot is rather unremarkable, the so-called 'twists' foreseeable from miles off, and there's a definite over-use and abuse of 'deus ex machina's .Overall, still a fairly enjoyable book, but definitely not as good as Cassandra Clare's other series.EDIT: I can't believe I forgot : the love triangle. BAD! It seems to be popping up everywhere in YA literature these days, and I hate it! In this book is was completely unnecessary, contrived and godawful. We were only given a vague idea as to why Will likes Tessa, and adding in Jem was stupid. He has no reason to like her, nor is any reason given. If the plot is that boring, just change it, don't add in a love triangle. It plays to so many tropes and negative stereotypes to both genders, not to mention it's unrealistic and not believable. Quite frankly, I've never read a well-written love triangle, nor have I ever read one I've enjoyed. Quite frankly, the awful things should be outright banned. Case in point: this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The second book in the Infernal Devices series, a prequel series to Clare's popular Mortal Instruments books, keeps the momentum moving along briskly with more fights, more spies and double crosses, and plenty of romantic tension. In this installment, Tessa has escaped Mortmain's machinations (pun intended) for the time, but she still is oppressed by the knowledge that he is actively pursuing her and trying to destroy the Shadowhunters, who are now both family and friends. To make the situation plunge from bad to worse, Benedict Lightwood has convinced the Council that Charlotte has made a mess of things, what with Mortmain breaking into the institute and the whole de Quincey debacle, and Consul Wayland has put Charlotte on probation, of a kind: she must find Mortmain in two weeks or else cede authority of the Institute. This mission directs the plot of the novel, as Jem and Will and Tessa work alongside Charlotte and Henry to uncover any information they can. Jessamine is, at first glance, uninterested, while Sophie is a willing ally. A couple of characters come to the forefront, when the Council insists that Lightwood's sons, Gideon and Gabriel, train Tessa and Sophie so that they are not so helpless should another attack occur. All of this provides plenty of action and intrigue, but we also have the romantic side of the story. Tessa is still hurt and angry with Will, and spending more and more time with Jem. She develops a tenderness that falls close to love, but can't destroy the fiery passion that Will inspires in her, no matter how hard she tries. Will, meanwhile, is working with Magnus to find the demon that cursed him originally; he is desperate to break the curse and be free to win Tessa's love.I have to admit, I was drawn to this second book more by Will and Tessa's relationship than any other component of the series. Not that the rest of the novel is deficient - the fantasy is original, the action is suspenseful and thrills in the blood, the other characters are complex people that I like meeting again, and the mystery surrounding Mortmain is only deepened. This is a well-written genre read that is inventive and sustains the interest. However, I have reservations about the demon aspect of the book, on a personal faith-based level, which gave me qualms about reading the second book in the series. I recognize that this is a fiction, but I dislike reading stories with that type of character. What slightly redeems the situation for me is that the demons seem more like monsters from some other dimension, rather than real beasts from hell, so I can view them as purely fictional creations. Nonetheless, it still bothers me a little. (It brings my rating down just a bit from the four stars I would assign this book, otherwise.)But I really wanted to learn what would happen between Will and Tessa. This book is a heart breaker for those two, but in the best of ways, with romantic angst and sexual tension to drive the reader to distraction. Also, I hear that this is a trilogy, so my fingers are crossed for everything to work out, somehow. Charlotte and Henry have a sweet turn in their relationship, and Sophie has some interesting developments, too. With characters I love, and love lifes I want to watch, all mixed up with a compelling fantasy world and original mythology, I'm sure I'll be drawn to read and finish this series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Clockwork Prince is set in the fog shrouded streets of Victorian London – but this is NOT your mother’s Victorian London! This is a London filled with werewolves, vampires, and the Shadowhunters, a group of powerful guardians who take on the role of protecting the world from the darker side of paranormal society. American Tessa Gray is relieved to have been given sanctuary with the Shadowhunters, but her relief is short lived when she discovers that the evil Magister has created an army of automatons that are driven to attack the Shadowhunters to kidnap Tessa for the Magister. Why does the Magister want Tessa and does the Magister know the secret behind Tessa’s strange shape-shifting abilities? That and more mysteries will keep you glued to your ear buds. Throw in a love triangle between Tessa, the gallant Jem, and handsome bad boy Will and you have a rollicking good story.

    Clockwork Prince is the 2nd book in Cassandra Clare’s Infernal Devices Trilogy. If you haven’t read the series opener, Clockwork Angel, start with that first because you do not want to miss a single word of this awesome series. Romance, action, steampunk and amazing characters - you will love these books. The audio version is wonderfully narrated by actors Ed Westwick and Heather Lind. Both are excellent, but Ed Westwick’s portrayal of Will’s Irish lilt will soften the hardest of hearts and will leave you eager to listen to the conclusion of this series. So here’s the bad news… the last book in this series, Clockwork Princess, has not yet been released. But now for the good news – you won’t have to wait long, Clockwork Princess is coming out on March 19th. And now for the really good news… Cassandra Clare will be in Menlo-Atherton Performing Arts Center on March 23rd to discuss her new book. See you there!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was so disappointed with City Of Bones that I really didn't think I would like the Infernal Devices series. But maybe it was that very lowering of expectations that made me love it. LOVE it. It could also have been that the writing feels tighter and the ideas original - two issues I had with City Of Bones. The author has redeemed herself in my eyes. I plan to continue with the third book eagerly anticipating what will occur between will, Jem, and Tessa...and not forget that this is a prequel so I'll be looking for signs that point to Mortal Instruments as well.

    Thank you for making this story wonderful...I so had hoped they would be and now they have lived up to that hope.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This review is for the entire Infernal Devices trilogy: Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Prince, and Clockwork Princess. When teen-aged New Yorker Tessa Gray travels across the ocean to England to join her brother, Nate, after her aunt's death, her life changes irrevocably. Taken prisoner and forced to develop talents she never knew she had, she is introduced into a life full of beings she never knew existed, from warlocks to demons to vampires to the mysterious Shadowhunters. She discovers that her brother is not the man she thought he was, and that she herself is not who or what she had always believed herself to be. Rescued from captivity and torture at the hands of The Magister's minions by a handsome young Shadowhunter name Will Herondale, Tessa finds refuge amongst London's Shadowhunters. Mercilessly pursued by The Magister, Tessa and the others have to find out why he wants her so badly and what evil he has planned before it's too late. Friends and relatives become bitter enemies as betrayals run rampant in the battle for control of the Shadowhunters and their power. However, new attachments are also formed as Tessa finds herself caught between two young men--the dashing Will and his best friend, the sickly James (Jem) Carstairs. Can they stop The Magister from realizing his horrific vision of domination via the Infernal Devices? Can Tessa prevent herself from helping him bring about the destruction of those she has come to love? Can she divide her heart between two incredibly different yet equally honorable men? How much sacrifice will they all have to endure? For the most part, I really enjoy this trilogy. While the characters are generally very young (15-18), they are necessarily more mature than ordinary humans at the same age because of what they do. They are trained to fight and kill at a very young age. They definitely grow and mature further during the space of time covered in the books. The love triangle, for lack of a better word, between Tessa, Jem, and Will was at times a bit uncomfortable for me, primarily because of their ages. (I'm sure that the fact that I have an 18-year-old daughter probably had something to do with that.) I had to remind myself, though, that at the time (late 19th century) this would not have really been unusual. The ending of the third book was the most poignant part of the whole trilogy, I think, at least the part that takes place prior to the last chapter. I won't spoil it, but it is a true tear-jerker. It's not hard to figure out once you realize that Tessa, due to her mysterious parentage, is immortal. Will is not. Jem is not. The other Shadowhunters are not. I'm not quite sure, however, that I liked the the last chapter. To me it seemed a bit unfair in some ways that Tessa essentially ends up getting to have her cake and eat it, too, although having to see everyone that you love, including your own family, grow old and die does perhaps make her somewhat deserving.I will definitely be reading the Moral Instruments series next to see what else Cassandra Clare has in store.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    “No,” Tessa said. Just torn my own in two. “I haven’t broken his heart at all.”—TessaThe ending of the first book, Clockwork Angel, got me totally excited about the next one. So, when Clockwork Prince was out, I was fast at getting my hand on it and read it in one sitting. And have to say, I was satisfied. Like, very very satisfied.The story began as the Clave discuss Charlotte's ability to manage the Institute—being a woman, and viewed as a soft and weak-willed person—or not. With a challenge from Benedict Lightwood, it was up to the residence of London Institute to help Charlotte stay as a leader, or to have her removed and Benedict came up instead. And in the midst of all the confusion, Tessa might be able to knew who she really was, and what was the Magister really want . . . when her brother came back to her life once again.I really love the plot of Clockwork Prince better than the previous book. It flow quite nicely, and the suspense was really well-built too, leaving the reader curious and flipping over and over to the next page to know what happened, but at the same time keeping them well-informed. I also love how Cassie threw the love triangle between Tessa and Will and of course you-know-who. It was, in my opinion, pretty much unsolvable. Tessa could not just choose one guy over another without the risk of breaking one of them, not just his heart but also his whole live, for both of them. It was lovely to see the love triangle with so many realistic problem and a very strong base. I would really want to know the ending of the three of them.The character was, I think, way more developed too than the first book, most notably on Will. Being an arrogant and annoying as well as egoistic narcissistic guy, we learnt more about his true personality and past on this book. That he was actually very caring and gentle, and he actually loved Charlotte and the other the same way they loved him, and many more.Jem too, was opening up on this book, showing more of his fragile side, and showing that behind her calm facade, there was actually a fierce willingness to live.Another one that showed a significant change was Jessamine, from just an arrogant girl defying her blood into a fragile woman who was just desperate of someone who would loved her.And Tessa, as out main character, showing less significant growth than the characters I've mentioned above, but I still loved to read how she changed into a more mature, more clever, and ultimately, more fearless woman than she was on the first book.I also love Bridget, the new cook of London Institute. While she didn't play a crucial part on the story, it was funny to read about her ballad song and how she would sing all day long.One thing I'm not quite fond of this book was how there was sagging on some part, like when Cassie overly described the dinner scene on the York Institute, or in London Institute, or in the training room where all of the weapon was explained and all. It was actually minor, but still, it counted as an imperfection for this book. Overall, I you had read and loved the first installment of this series, Clockwork Angel, or you just love Cassandra Clare's work, or even if you just adore any urban-fantasy novel, this one is a must try.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Cassandra Clare does such a good job developing the characters in her books so that you grow to either love or hate them and just have to know what happens to them! Fans of her Mortal Instruments series should enjoy this prequel series also.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I am so very in love with this series (these multiple interwoven past and present series). It's so very true, this books is basically sitting on the gold mine of an OT3 and you see it in every single which way as this volume unwinds.

    I love the amount to which Tessa and Will read and quote and debate works of literature. How do you ever not love Charlotte, or her marriage, or all the growth therein shown in this one? I was sad for Jess this time, but also, not very surprised. I'm watching carefully the Magnus thing (with an eye to the later timeline series).

    I have such big predictions for what happen to certain characters and I can't wait to see how it might come together at the end of this trilogy with the next book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was the best book I have read in a WHILE. I cannot think of a single thing I didn't like about this book.

    I loved the writing. The sophistication of it along with the British accent thrown in. The story was brilliant. The ending was wonderful and unexpected. This book definitely got me out of a bit of a reading slump.

    Poor Will! I feel so badly for him. He finally realizes he can have the girl only to find that he is too late.

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I rather enjoy immersing myself into Clare's Victorian England. And this novel is a worthy instalment, even if it does rather leave me hankering for the next one. I hope I do not have to wait too long. I re-read the "Clockwork Angel" in preparation for reading this novel, and I am glad I did, for the two merge seamlessly together and it did me well to relive the adventures and the plotting of the first and re-introduce myself to the characters. There is a bittersweet flavour to this novel, and the title seems somewhat deceptive - for who is the "Clockwork Prince"? Is it Mortmain? Learning more of Will's tale was heart-breaking.

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Almost finished with this but my lunch hour ran out!!!! Tessa just agreed to be Jem's wife - but no!!! Will just learned he is not cursed and has not spoken with her yet. Not the way I wanted this story to go.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Words.....nope. Sorry, I've got nothing. There are no words.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This series is really sweet, and the author seems to understand her limitations--she quotes great poetry, but when her characters write poems and songs of their own, she makes a point of making fun of how terrible they are--and doesn't try to overreach what she is capable of doing well. It makes her writing here enormously enjoyable.

    There are some missed opportunities plot-wise and the grammatical mistakes were the same types as those in the previous book, but the love story manages to be exciting while remaining pretty buttoned-up, and the characters are lovely.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Stunning. Much better than the first, I think.

    Complete review to come.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I definitely make no secret of the fact that I love Cassandra Clare's books! I've adored The Mortal Instruments from the beginning and I really enjoyed the first Infernal Devices book, Clockwork Angel. So of course I was delighted when I was finally able to get my hands on a copy of Clockwork Prince and I started it immediately. It definitely wasn't a let down and I was really pleased with it over all.

    The writing is still as wonderful as ever. I find it so easy to get lost in these stories. The writing flows so easily that I find myself having read 100 pages without even looking up from the book. Clockwork Prince was definitely captivating and almost impossible to set down! The plot continues to be fascinating and complex. There are lots of twists along the way and I feel like I never really know where the book is heading next. Unlike lots of book twos, this one actually manages to move the plot along and didn't feel like a filler at all!

    My feelings about a lot of the characters really changed as I read this one. I felt like I could connect with Tessa a lot more. She felt much more real in this one than she did in Clockwork Angel and I really started to like her. I loved finding out more about Will! He was so mysterious in book one that it was hard to decide whether to like him or not. It was awesome finding out his background and I really hadn't suspected any of it. I thought he was just mean for the sake of it! I didn't warm to Jem in the first book but he was simply lovely in this one! His personality really shines through and you can see that he's sweet and strong despite his illness and his inevitably sad future.

    Of course, the ending really leaves us hanging and I do not know how I'm going to handle the wait for book three! While cliffhangers can be exciting, they really just drive me crazy. I'm sure that anyone who enjoyed the first book in this series will definitely adore this one.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    this book was even better then the first one I am so getting into this series
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Will, Jem and Tessa dig into the Magister's past in an attempt to figure out where he's hiding and what he's planning to do with his clockwork army. Meanwhile, Jem and Tessa grow closer as Will tries to fight against his own feelings for Tessa. Exciting, suspenseful and, at times, heartbreaking, the second book of "The Infernal Devices" is another outstanding novel from Cassandra Clare.

Book preview

Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare


The Outcast Dead

The fog was thick, muffling sound and sight. Where it parted, Will Herondale could see the street rising ahead of him, slick and wet and black with rain, and he could hear the voices of the dead.

Not all Shadowhunters could hear ghosts, unless the ghosts chose to be heard, but Will was one of those who could. As he approached the old cemetery, their voices rose in a ragged chorus—wails and pleading, cries and snarls. This was not a peaceful burial ground, but Will knew that; it was not his first visit to the Cross Bones Graveyard near London Bridge. He did his best to block out the noises, hunching his shoulders so that his collar covered his ears, head down, a fine mist of rain dampening his black hair.

The entrance to the cemetery was halfway down the block: a pair of wrought iron gates set into a high stone wall, though any mundane passing by would have observed nothing but a plot of overgrown land, part of an unnamed builder’s yard. As Will neared the gates, something else no mundane would have seen materialized out of the fog: a great bronze knocker in the shape of a hand, the fingers bony and skeletal. With a grimace Will reached out one of his own gloved hands and lifted the knocker, letting it fall once, twice, three times, the hollow clank resounding through the night.

Beyond the gates mist rose like steam from the ground, obscuring the gleam of bone against the rough ground. Slowly the mist began to coalesce, taking on an eerie blue glow. Will put his hands to the bars of the gate; the cold of the metal seeped through his gloves, into his bones, and he shivered. It was a more than ordinary cold. When ghosts rose, they drew energy from their surroundings, depriving the air around them of heat. The hairs on the back of Will’s neck prickled and stood up as the blue mist formed slowly into the shape of an old woman in a ragged dress and white apron, her head bent.

Hallo, Mol, said Will. You’re looking particularly fine this evening, if I do say so.

The ghost raised her head. Old Molly was a strong spirit, one of the stronger Will had ever encountered. Even as moonlight speared through a gap in the clouds, she hardly looked transparent. Her body was solid, her hair twisted in a thick yellow-gray coil over one shoulder, her rough, red hands braced on her hips. Only her eyes were hollow, twin blue flames flickering in their depths.

William ’erondale, she said. Back again so soon?

She moved toward the gate with that gliding motion peculiar to ghosts. Her feet were bare and filthy, despite the fact that they never touched the ground.

Will leaned against the gate. You know I missed your pretty face.

She grinned, her eyes flickering, and he caught a glimpse of the skull beneath the half-transparent skin. Overhead the clouds had closed in on one another again, blocking out the moon. Idly, Will wondered what Old Molly had done to get herself buried here, far from consecrated ground. Most of the wailing voices of the dead belonged to prostitutes, suicides, and stillbirths—those outcast dead who could not be buried in a churchyard. Although Molly had managed to make the situation quite profitable for herself, so perhaps she didn’t mind.

She chortled. What d’you want, then, young Shadow-hunter? Malphas venom? I ’ave the talon of a Morax demon, polished very fine, the poison at the tip entirely invisible—

No, Will said. That’s not what I need. I need Foraii demon powders, ground fine.

Molly turned her head to the side and spat a tendril of blue fire. Now what’s a fine young man like you want with stuff like that?

Will just sighed inwardly; Molly’s protests were part of the bargaining process. Magnus had already sent Will to Old Mol several times now, once for black stinking candles that stuck to his skin like tar, once for the bones of an unborn child, and once for a bag of faeries’ eyes, which had dripped blood on his shirt. Foraii demon powder sounded pleasant by comparison.

You think I’m a fool, Molly went on. This is a trap, innit? You Nephilim catch me selling that sort of stuff, an’ it’s the stick for Old Mol, it is.

"You’re already dead. Will did his best not to sound irritable. I don’t know what you think the Clave could do to you now."

Pah. Her hollow eyes flamed. The prisons of the Silent Brothers, beneath the earth, can ’old either the living or the dead; you know that, Shadowhunter.

Will held up his hands. No tricks, old one. Surely you must have heard the rumors running about in Downworld. The Clave has other things on its mind than tracking down ghosts who traffic in demon powders and faerie blood. He leaned forward. I’ll give you a good price. He drew a cambric bag from his pocket and dangled it in the air. It clinked like coins rattling together. They all fit your description, Mol.

An eager look came over her dead face, and she solidified enough to take the bag from him. She plunged one hand into it and brought her palm out full of rings—gold wedding rings, each tied in a lovers’ knot at the top. Old Mol, like many ghosts, was always looking for that talisman, that lost piece of her past that would finally allow her to die, the anchor that kept her trapped in the world. In her case it was her wedding ring. It was common belief, Magnus had told Will, that the ring was long gone, buried under the silty bed of the Thames, but in the meantime she’d take any bag of found rings in the hope one would turn out to be hers.

She dropped the rings back into the bag, which vanished somewhere on her undead person, and handed him a folded sachet of powder in return. He slipped it into his jacket pocket just as the ghost began to shimmer and fade. Hold up, there, Mol. That isn’t all I have come for tonight.

The spirit flickered while greed warred with impatience and the effort of remaining visible. Finally she grunted. Very well. What else d’you want?

Will hesitated. This was not something Magnus had sent him for; it was something he wanted to know for himself. Love potions—

Old Mol screeched with laughter. "Love potions? For Will ’erondale? ’Tain’t my way to turn down payment, but any man who looks like you ’as got no need of love potions, and that’s a fact."

No, Will said, a little desperation in his voice. I was looking for the opposite, really—something that might put an end to being in love.

An ’atred potion? Mol still sounded amused.

I was hoping for something more akin to indifference? Tolerance?

She made a snorting noise, astonishingly human for a ghost. "I ’ardly like to tell you this, Nephilim, but if you want a girl to ’ate you, there’s easy enough ways of making it ’appen. You don’t need my help with the poor thing."

And with that she vanished, spinning away into the mists among the graves. Will, looking after her, sighed. Not for her, he said under his breath, though there was no one to hear him, "for me . . ." And he leaned his head against the cold iron gate.



Above, the fair hall-ceiling stately set

Many an arch high up did lift,

And angels rising and descending met

With interchange of gift.

—Alfred, Lord Tennyson, The Palace of Art

Oh, yes. It really does look just as I imagined, Tessa said, and turned to smile at the boy who stood beside her. He had just helped her over a puddle, and his hand still rested politely on her arm, just above the crook of her elbow.

James Carstairs smiled back at her, elegant in his dark suit, his silver-fair hair whipped by the wind. His other hand rested on a jade-topped cane, and if any of the great crowd of people milling around them thought that it was odd that someone so young should need a walking stick, or found anything unusual about his coloring or the cast of his features, they didn’t pause to stare.

I shall count that as a blessing, said Jem. I was beginning to worry, you know, that everything you encountered in London was going to be a disappointment.

A disappointment. Tessa’s brother, Nate, had once promised her everything in London—a new beginning, a wonderful place to live, a city of soaring buildings and gorgeous parks. What Tessa had found instead was horror and betrayal, and danger beyond anything she could have imagined. And yet . . .

Not everything has been. She smiled up at Jem.

I am glad to hear it. His tone was serious, not teasing. She looked away from him up at the grand edifice that rose before them. Westminster Abbey, with its great Gothic spires nearly touching the sky. The sun had done its best to struggle out from behind the haze-tipped clouds, and the abbey was bathed in weak sunlight.

This is really where it is? she asked as Jem drew her forward, toward the abbey entrance. It seems so . . .


I had meant to say crowded. The Abbey was open to tourists today, and groups of them swarmed busily in and out the enormous doors, most clutching Baedeker guidebooks in their hands. A group of American tourists—middle-aged women in unfashionable clothes, murmuring in accents that made Tessa briefly homesick—passed them as they went up the stairs, hurrying after a lecturer who was offering a guided tour of the Abbey. Jem and Tessa melted in effortlessly behind them.

The inside of the abbey smelled of cold stone and metal. Tessa looked up and around, marveling at the size of the place. It made the Institute look like a village church.

Notice the triple division of the nave, a guide droned, going on to explain that smaller chapels lined the eastern and western aisles of the Abbey. There was a hush over the place even though no services were going on. As Tessa let Jem lead her toward the eastern side of the church, she realized she was stepping over stones carved with dates and names. She had known that famous kings, queens, soldiers, and poets were buried in Westminster Abbey, but she hadn’t quite expected she’d be standing on top of them.

She and Jem slowed finally at the southeastern corner of the church. Watery daylight poured through the rose window overhead. I know we are in a hurry to get to the Council meeting, said Jem, but I wanted you to see this. He gestured around them. Poets’ Corner.

Tessa had read of the place, of course, where the great writers of England were buried. There was the gray stone tomb of Chaucer, with its canopy, and other familiar names: Edmund Spenser, oh, and Samuel Johnson, she gasped, "and Coleridge, and Robert Burns, and Shakespeare—"

He isn’t really buried here, said Jem quickly. It’s just a monument. Like Milton’s.

Oh, I know, but— She looked at him, and felt herself flush. I can’t explain it. It’s like being among friends, being among these names. Silly, I know . . .

Not silly at all.

She smiled at him. How did you know just what I’d want to see?

How could I not? he said. When I think of you, and you are not there, I see you in my mind’s eye always with a book in your hand. He looked away from her as he said it, but not before she caught the slight flush on his cheekbones. He was so pale, he could never hide even the least blush, she thought—and was surprised how affectionate the thought was.

She had become very fond of Jem over the past fortnight; Will had been studiously avoiding her, Charlotte and Henry were caught up in issues of Clave and Council and the running of the Institute—and even Jessamine seemed preoccupied. But Jem was always there. He seemed to take his role as her guide to London seriously. They had been to Hyde Park and Kew Gardens, the National Gallery and the British Museum, the Tower of London and Traitors’ Gate. They had gone to see the cows being milked in St. James’s Park, and the fruit and vegetable sellers hawking their wares in Covent Garden. They had watched the boats sailing on the sun-sparked Thames from the Embankment, and had eaten things called doorstops, which sounded horrible but turned out to be butter, sugar, and bread. And as the days went on, Tessa felt herself unfolding slowly out of her quiet, huddled unhappiness over Nate and Will and the loss of her old life, like a flower climbing out of frozen ground. She had even found herself laughing. And she had Jem to thank for it.

"You are a good friend, she exclaimed. And when to her surprise he said nothing to that, she said, At least, I hope we are good friends. You do think so too, don’t you, Jem?"

He turned to look at her, but before he could reply, a sepulchral voice spoke out of the shadows,

"‘Mortality, behold and fear!

What a change of flesh is here:

Think how many royal bones

Sleep within these heaps of stones.’"

A dark shape stepped out from between two monuments. As Tessa blinked in surprise, Jem said, in a tone of resigned amusement, Will. Decided to grace us with your presence after all?

I never said I wasn’t coming. Will moved forward, and the light from the rose windows fell on him, illuminating his face. Even now, Tessa never could look at him without a tightening in her chest, a painful stutter of her heart. Black hair, blue eyes, graceful cheekbones, thick dark lashes, full mouth—he would have been pretty if he had not been so tall and so muscular. She had run her hands over those arms. She knew what they felt like—iron, corded with hard muscles; his hands, when they cupped the back of her head, slim and flexible but rough with calluses . . .

She tore her mind away from the memories. Memories did one no good, not when one knew the truth in the present. Will was beautiful, but he was not hers; he was not anybody’s. Something in him was broken, and through that break spilled a blind cruelty, a need to hurt and to push away.

You’re late for the Council meeting, said Jem good-naturedly. He was the only one Will’s puckish malice never seemed to touch.

I had an errand, said Will. Up close Tessa could see that he looked tired. His eyes were rimmed with red, the shadows beneath them nearly purple. His clothes looked crumpled, as if he had slept in them, and his hair wanted cutting. But that has nothing to do with you, she told herself sternly, looking away from the soft dark waves that curled around his ears, the back of his neck. It does not matter what you think of how he looks or how he chooses to spend his time. He has made that very clear. And you are not exactly on the dot of the hour yourselves.

I wanted to show Tessa Poets’ Corner, said Jem. I thought she would like it. He spoke so simply and plainly, no one could ever doubt him or imagine he said anything but the truth. In the face of his simple desire to please, even Will didn’t seem to be able to think of anything unpleasant to say; he merely shrugged, and moved on ahead of them at a rapid pace through the Abbey and out into the East Cloister.

There was a square garden here surrounded by cloister walls, and people were walking around the edges of it, murmuring in low voices as if they were still in the church. None of them took notice of Tessa and her companions as they approached a set of double oak doors set into one of the walls. Will, after glancing around, took his stele from his pocket and drew the tip across the wood. The door sparked with a brief blue light and swung open. Will stepped inside, Jem and Tessa following just behind. The door was heavy, and closed with a resounding bang behind Tessa, nearly trapping her skirts; she pulled them away only just in time, and stepped backward quickly, turning around in what was a near pitch-darkness. Jem?

Light blazed up; it was Will, holding his witchlight stone. They were in a large stone-bound room with vaulted ceilings. The floor appeared to be brick, and there was an altar at one end of the room. We’re in the Pyx Chamber, he said. Used to be a treasury. Boxes of gold and silver all along the walls.

A Shadowhunter treasury? Tessa was thoroughly puzzled.

No, the British royal treasury—thus the thick walls and doors, said Jem. But we Shadowhunters have always had access. He smiled at her expression. Monarchies down through the ages have tithed to the Nephilim, in secret, to keep their kingdoms safe from demons.

Not in America, said Tessa with spirit. We haven’t got a monarchy—

You’ve got a branch of government that deals with Nephilim, never fear, said Will, crossing the floor to the altar. It used to be the Department of War, but now there’s a branch of the Department of Justice—

He was cut off as the altar moved sideways with a groan, revealing a dark, empty hole behind it. Tessa could see faint flickers of light in among the shadows. Will ducked into the hole, his witchlight illuminating the darkness.

When Tessa followed, she found herself in a long downward-sloping stone corridor. The stone of the walls, floors, and ceiling was all the same, giving the impression that the passage had been hewed directly through the rock, though it was smooth instead of rough. Every few feet witchlight burned in a sconce shaped like a human hand pushing through the wall, fingers gripping a torch.

The altar slid shut behind them, and they set off. As they went, the passage began to slope more steeply downward. The torches burned with a blue-green glow, illuminating carvings in the rock—the same motif, repeated over and over, of an angel rising in burning fire from a lake, carrying a sword in one hand and a cup in the other.

At last they found themselves standing before two great silver doors. Each door was carved with a design Tessa had seen before—four interlocking Cs. Jem pointed to them. They stand for Clave and Council, Covenant and Consul, he said, before she could ask.

The Consul. He’s—the head of the Clave? Like a sort of king?

Not quite so inbred as your usual monarch, said Will. He’s elected, like the president or the prime minister.

And the Council?

You’ll see them soon enough. Will pushed the doors open.

Tessa’s mouth fell open; she closed it quickly, but not before she caught an amused look from Jem, standing at her right side. The room beyond them was one of the biggest she had ever seen, a huge domed space, the ceiling of which was painted with a pattern of stars and constellations. A great chandelier in the shape of an angel holding blazing torches dangled from the highest point of the dome. The rest of the room was set up as an amphitheater, with long, curving benches. Will, Jem, and Tessa were standing at the top of a row of stairs that cut through the center of the seating area, which was three quarters full of people. Down at the bottom of the steps was a raised platform, and on that platform were several uncomfortable-looking high-backed wooden chairs.

In one of them sat Charlotte; beside her was Henry, looking wide-eyed and nervous. Charlotte sat calmly with her hands in her lap; only someone who knew her well would have seen the tension in her shoulders and the set of her mouth.

Before them, at a sort of speaker’s lectern—it was broader and longer than the usual lectern—stood a tall man with long, fair hair and a thick beard; his shoulders were broad, and he wore long black robes over his clothes like a judge, the sleeves glimmering with woven runes. Beside him, in a low chair, sat an older man, his brown hair streaked with gray, his face clean-shaven but sunk into stern lines. His robe was dark blue, and gems glittered on his fingers when he moved his hand. Tessa recognized him: the ice-voiced, ice-eyed Inquisitor Whitelaw who questioned witnesses on behalf of the Clave.

Mr. Herondale, said the blond man, looking up at Will, and his mouth quirked into a smile. How kind of you to join us. And Mr. Carstairs as well. And your companion must be—

Miss Gray, Tessa said before he could finish. Miss Theresa Gray of New York.

A little murmur ran around the room, like the sound of a wave receding. She felt Will, next to her, tense, and Jem draw a breath as if to speak. Interrupting the Consul, she thought she heard someone say. So this was Consul Wayland, the chief officer of the Clave. Glancing around the room, she saw a few familiar faces—Benedict Lightwood, with his sharp, beaky features and stiff carriage; and his son, tousle-haired Gabriel Lightwood, looking stonily straight ahead. Dark-eyed Lilian Highsmith. Friendly-looking George Penhallow; and even Charlotte’s formidable aunt Callida, her hair piled on her head in thick gray waves. There were many other faces as well, ones she didn’t know. It was like looking at a picture book meant to tell you about all the peoples of the world. There were blond Viking-looking Shadowhunters, and a darker-skinned man who looked like a caliph out of her illustrated The Thousand and One Nights, and an Indian woman in a beautiful sari trimmed with silver runes. She sat beside another woman, who had turned her head and was looking at them. She wore an elegant silk dress, and her face was like Jem’s—the same delicately beautiful features, the same curves to her eyes and cheekbones, though where his hair and eyes were silver, hers were dark.

Welcome, then, Miss Tessa Gray of New York, said the Consul, sounding amused. We appreciate your joining us here today. I understand you have already answered quite a few questions for the London Enclave. I had hoped you would be willing to answer a few more.

Across the distance that separated them, Tessa’s eyes met Charlotte’s. Should I?

Charlotte dropped her a nearly imperceptible nod. Please.

Tessa squared her shoulders. If that is your request, certainly.

Approach the Council bench, then, said the Consul, and Tessa realized he must mean the long, narrow wooden bench that stood before the lectern. And your gentleman friends may escort you, he added.

Will muttered something under his breath, but so quietly even Tessa couldn’t hear it; flanked by Will on her left and Jem on her right, Tessa made her way down the steps and to the bench before the lectern. She stood behind it uncertainly. This close up, she could see that the Consul had friendly blue eyes, unlike the Inquisitor’s, which were a bleak and stormy gray, like a rainy sea.

Inquisitor Whitelaw, said the Consul to the gray-eyed man, the Mortal Sword, if you please.

The Inquisitor stood, and from his robes drew a massive blade. Tessa recognized it instantly. It was long and dull silver, its hilt carved in the shape of outspread wings. It was the sword from the Codex, the one that the Angel Raziel had risen from the lake carrying, and had given to Jonathan Shadowhunter, the first of them all.

Maellartach, she said, giving the Sword its name.

The Consul, taking the Sword, looked amused again. "You have been studying up, he said. Which of you has been teaching her? William? James?"

Tessa picks things up on her own, sir, Will’s drawl was bland and cheerful, at odds with the grim feeling in the room. She’s very inquisitive.

All the more reason she shouldn’t be here. Tessa didn’t have to turn; she knew the voice. Benedict Lightwood. This is the Gard Council. We don’t bring Downworlders to this place. His voice was tight. The Mortal Sword cannot be used to make her tell the truth; she’s not a Shadowhunter. What use is it, or her, here?

Patience, Benedict. Consul Wayland held the Sword lightly, as if it weighed nothing. His gaze on Tessa was heavier. She felt as if he were searching her face, reading the fear in her eyes. We are not going to hurt you, little warlock, he said. The Accords would forbid it.

You should not call me warlock, Tessa said. I bear no warlock’s mark. It was strange, having to say this again, but when she had been questioned before, it had always been by members of the Clave, not the Consul himself. He was a tall, broad-shouldered man, exuding a sense of power and authority. Just that sort of power and authority that Benedict Lightwood so resented Charlotte laying claim to.

Then, what are you? he asked.

She doesn’t know. The Inquisitor’s tone was dry. Neither do the Silent Brothers.

She may be allowed to sit, said the Consul. And to give evidence, but her testimony will be counted only as half a Shadowhunter’s. He turned to the Branwells. In the meantime, Henry, you are dismissed from questioning for the moment. Charlotte, please remain.

Tessa swallowed back her resentment and went to sit in the front row of seats, where she was joined by a drawn-looking Henry, whose gingery hair was sticking up wildly. Jessamine was there, in a dress of pale brown alpaca, looking bored and annoyed. Tessa sat down next to her, with Will and Jem on her other side. Jem was directly beside her, and as the seats were narrow, she could feel the warmth of his shoulder against hers.

At first the Council proceeded much as had other meetings of the Enclave. Charlotte was called upon to give her recollections of the night when the Enclave attacked the stronghold of the vampire de Quincey, killing him and those of his followers who’d been present, while Tessa’s brother, Nate, had betrayed their trust in him and allowed the Magister, Axel Mortmain, entry into the Institute, where he had murdered two of the servants and nearly kidnapped Tessa. When Tessa was called up, she said the same things she had said before, that she did not know where Nate was, that she had not suspected him, that she had known nothing of her powers until the Dark Sisters had shown them to her, and that she had always thought her parents were human.

Richard and Elizabeth Gray have been thoroughly investigated, said the Inquisitor. There is no evidence to suggest either was anything but human. The boy, the brother—human as well. It could well be that, as Mortmain hinted, the girl’s father is a demon, but if so, there is the question of the missing warlock mark.

Most curious, everything about you, including this power of yours, said the Consul, looking at Tessa with eyes that were steady and pale blue. You have no idea what its limits, its constructs are? Have you been tested with an item of Mortmain’s? To see if you can access his memories or thoughts?

Yes, I—tried. With a button he had left behind him. It should have worked.


She shook her head. I could not do it. There was no spark to it, no—no life. Nothing for me to connect with.

Convenient, muttered Benedict, almost too low to be heard, but Tessa heard it, and flushed.

The Consul indicated that she might take her seat again. She caught sight of Benedict Lightwood’s face as she did so; his lips were compressed into a thin, furious line. She wondered what she could possibly have said to anger him.

And no one has seen hide nor hair of this Mortmain since Miss Gray’s . . . altercation with him in the Sanctuary, the Consul went on as Tessa took her seat.

The Inquisitor flipped some of the papers that were stacked on the lectern. His houses have been searched and found to be completely emptied of all his belongings. His warehouses were searched with the same result. Even our friends at Scotland Yard have investigated. The man has vanished. Quite literally, as our young friend William Herondale tells us.

Will smiled brilliantly as if complimented, though Tessa, seeing the malice under the smile, thought of light sparking off the cutting edge of a razor.

My suggestion, said the Consul, is that Charlotte and Henry Branwell be censured, and that for the next three months their official actions, undertaken on behalf of the Clave, be required to pass through me for approval before—

My lord Consul. A firm, clear voice spoke out from the crowd. Heads swiveled, staring; Tessa got the feeling that this—someone interrupting the Consul midspeech—didn’t happen very often. If I might speak.

The Consul’s eyebrows went up. Benedict Lightwood, he said. You had your chance to speak earlier, during the testimonials.

I hold no arguments with the testimonials given, said Benedict Lightwood. His beaky, sharp profile looked even sharper in the witchlight. It is your sentence I take issue with.

The Consul leaned forward on the lectern. He was a big man, thick-necked and deep-chested, and his large hands looked as if he could span Benedict’s throat easily with a single one. Tessa rather wished he would. From what she had seen of Benedict Lightwood, she did not like him. And why is that?

I think you have let your long friendship with the Fairchild family blind you to Charlotte’s shortcomings as head of the Institute, said Benedict, and there was an audible intake of breath in the room. The blunders committed on the night of July the fifth did more than embarrass the Clave and lose us the Pyxis. We have damaged our relationship with London’s Downworlders by futilely attacking de Quincy.

There have already been a number of complaints lodged through Reparations, rumbled the Consul. But those will be dealt with as the Law sees fit. Reparations isn’t really your concern, Benedict—

"And, Benedict went on, his voice rising, worst of all, she has let a dangerous criminal with plans to harm and destroy Shadowhunters escape, and we have no idea where he might be. Nor is the responsibility for finding him being laid where it should be, on the shoulders of those who lost him!"

His voice rose. In fact, the whole room was in an uproar; Charlotte looked dismayed, Henry confused, and Will furious. The Consul, whose eyes had darkened alarmingly when Benedict had mentioned the Fairchilds—they must have been Charlotte’s family, Tessa realized—remained silent as the noise died down. Then he said, Your hostility toward the leader of your Enclave does not do you credit, Benedict.

"My apologies, Consul. I do not believe that keeping Charlotte Branwell as the head of the Institute—for we all know that Henry Branwell’s involvement is nominal at most—is in the best interests of the Clave. I believe a woman cannot run an Institute; women do not think with logic and discretion but with the emotions of the heart. I have no doubt that Charlotte is a good and decent woman, but a man would not have been fooled by a flimsy spy like Nathaniel Gray—"

"I was fooled. Will had leaped to his feet and swung around, eyes blazing. We all were. What insinuations are you making about myself and Jem and Henry, Mr. Lightwood?"

You and Jem are children, said Benedict cuttingly. And Henry never looks up from his worktable.

Will started to climb over the back of his chair; Jem tugged him back into his seat with main force, hissing under his breath. Jessamine clapped her hands together, her brown eyes bright.

"This is finally exciting," she exclaimed.

Tessa looked at her in disgust. Are you hearing any of this? He’s insulting Charlotte! she whispered, but Jessamine brushed her off with a gesture.

And who would you suggest run the Institute instead? the Consul demanded of Benedict, his voice dripping sarcasm. Yourself, perhaps?

Benedict spread his hands wide self-deprecatingly. If you say so, Consul . . .

Before he could finish speaking, three other figures had risen of their own accord; two Tessa recognized as members of the London Enclave, though she did not know their names; the third was Lilian Highsmith.

Benedict smiled. Everyone was staring at him now; beside him sat his youngest son Gabriel, who was looking up at his father with unreadable green eyes. His slim fingers gripped the back of the chair in front of him.

Three to support my claim, Benedict said. That’s what the Law requires for me to formally challenge Charlotte Branwell for the position of head of the London Enclave.

Charlotte gave a little gasp but sat motionless in her seat, refusing to turn around. Jem still had Will by the wrist. And Jessamine continued to look as if she were watching an exciting play.

No, said the Consul.

You cannot prevent me from challenging—

Benedict, you challenged my appointment of Charlotte the moment I made it. You’ve always wanted the Institute. Now, when the Enclave needs to work together more than ever, you bring division and contention to the proceedings of the Council.

Change is not always accomplished peacefully, but that does not make it disadvantageous. My challenge stands. Benedict’s hands gripped each other.

The Consul drummed his fingers on the lectern. Beside him the Inquisitor stood, cold-eyed. Finally the Consul said, You suggest, Benedict, that the responsibility of finding Mortmain should be laid upon the shoulders of those who you claim ‘lost him.’ You would agree, I believe, that finding Mortmain is our first priority?

Benedict nodded curtly.

Then, my proposal is this: Let Charlotte and Henry Branwell have charge of the investigation into Mortmain’s whereabouts. If by the end of two weeks they have not located him, or at least some strong evidence pointing to his location, then the challenge may go forward.

Charlotte shot forward in her seat. Find Mortmain? she said. Alone, just Henry and I—with no help from the rest of the Enclave?

The Consul’s eyes when they rested on her were not unfriendly, but neither were they entirely forgiving. You may call upon other members of the Clave if you have some specific need, and of course the Silent Brothers and Iron Sisters are at your disposal, he said. But as for the investigation, yes, that is for you to accomplish on your own.

I don’t like this, complained Lilian Highsmith. You’re turning the search for a madman into a game of power—

Do you wish to withdraw your support for Benedict, then? asked the Consul. His challenge would be ended and there would be no need for the Branwells to prove themselves.

Lilian opened her mouth—and then, at a look from Benedict, closed it. She shook her head.

We have just lost our servants, said Charlotte in a strained voice. Without them—

New servants will be provided to you, as is standard, said the Consul. Your late servant Thomas’s brother, Cyril, is traveling here from Brighton to join your household, and the Dublin Institute has given up its second cook for you. Both are well-trained fighters—which, I must say, Charlotte, yours should have been as well.

"Both Thomas and Agatha were trained," Henry protested.

But you have several in your house who are not, said Benedict. Not only is Miss Lovelace woefully behind in her training, but your parlor girl, Sophie, and that Downworlder there— He pointed at Tessa. Well, since you seem bent on making her a permanent addition to your household, it would hardly hurt if she—and the maid—were trained in the basics of defense.

Tessa looked sideways at Jem in astonishment. "He means me?"

Jem nodded. His expression was somber.

I can’t—I’ll chop off my own foot!

If you’re going to chop off anyone’s foot, chop off Benedict’s, Will muttered.

You’ll be fine, Tessa. It’s nothing you can’t do, Jem began, but the rest of his words were drowned out by Benedict.

In fact, Benedict said, since the two of you will be so busy investigating Mortmain’s whereabouts, I suggest I lend you my sons—Gabriel, and Gideon, who returns from Spain tonight—as trainers. Both are excellent fighters and could use the teaching experience.

Father! Gabriel protested. He looked horrified; clearly this was not something Benedict had discussed with him in advance.

We can train our own servants, Charlotte snapped, but the Consul shook his head at her.

Benedict Lightwood is offering you a generous gift. Accept it.

Charlotte was crimson in the face. After a long moment she bent her head, acknowledging the Consul’s words. Tessa felt dizzy. She was going to be trained? Trained to fight, to throw knives and swing a sword? Of course, one of her favorite heroines had always been Capitola in The Hidden Hand, who could fight as well as a man—and dressed like one. But that didn’t mean she wanted to be her.

Very well, said the Consul. This session of the Council is ended, to be reconvened here, in the same location, in a fortnight. You are all dismissed.

Of course, everyone did not depart immediately. There was a sudden clamor of voices as people began to rise from their seats and chatter eagerly with their neighbors. Charlotte sat still; Henry beside her, looked as if he wanted desperately to say something comforting but could think of nothing. His hand hovered uncertainly over his wife’s shoulder. Will was glaring across the room at Gabriel Lightwood, who looked coldly in their direction.

Slowly Charlotte rose to her feet. Henry had his hand on her back now, murmuring. Jessamine was already standing, twirling her new white lace parasol. Henry had replaced the old one that had been destroyed in battle with Mortmain’s automatons. Her hair was done up in tight bunches over her ears like grapes. Tessa got quickly to her feet, and the group of them headed up the center aisle of the Council room. Tessa caught whispers on each side of her, bits of the same words, over and over: Charlotte, Benedict, never find the Magister, two weeks, challenge, Consul, Mortmain, Enclave, humiliating.

Charlotte walked with her back straight, her cheeks red, and her eyes gazing straight ahead as if she couldn’t hear the gossip. Will seemed about to lunge off toward the whisperers to administer rough justice, but Jem had a firm grip on the back of his parabatai’s coat. Being Jem, Tessa reflected, must be a great deal like being the owner of a thoroughbred dog that liked to bite your guests. You had to have a hand on his collar constantly. Jessamine merely looked bored again. She wasn’t terribly interested in what the Enclave thought of her, or any of them.

By the time they had reached the doors of the Council chamber, they were nearly running. Charlotte paused a moment to let the rest of their group catch up. Most of the crowd was streaming off to the left, where Tessa, Jem, and Will had come from, but Charlotte turned right, marched several paces down the hall, spun around a corner, and abruptly stopped.

Charlotte? Henry, catching up to her, sounded worried. Darling—

Without warning Charlotte drew her foot back and kicked the wall, as hard as she could. As the wall was stone, this did little damage, though Charlotte let out a low shriek.

Oh, my, said Jessamine, twirling her parasol.

If I might make a suggestion, said Will. "About twenty paces behind us, in the Council room, is Benedict. If you’d like to go back in there and try kicking him, I recommend aiming upward and a bit to the left—"

Charlotte. The deep, gravelly voice was instantly recognizable. Charlotte spun around, her brown eyes widening.

It was the Consul. The runes picked out in silver thread on the hem and sleeves of his cloak glittered as he moved toward the little group from the Institute, his gaze on Charlotte. One hand against the wall, she didn’t move.

Charlotte, Consul Wayland said again, you know what your father always said about losing your temper.

He did say that. He also said that he should have had a son, Charlotte replied bitterly. If he had—if I were a man—would you have treated me as you just did?

Henry put his hand on his wife’s shoulder, murmuring something, but she shook it off. Her large, hurt brown eyes were on the Consul.

And how did I just treat you? he asked.

As if I were a child, a little girl who needed scolding.

Charlotte, I am the one who named you as head of the Institute and the Enclave. The Consul sounded exasperated. I did it not just because I was fond of Granville Fairchild and knew he wanted his daughter to succeed him, but because I thought you would accomplish the job well.

You named Henry, too, she said. And you even told us when you did it that it was because the Enclave would accept a married couple as their leader, but not a woman alone.

Well, congratulations, Charlotte. I do not think any members of the London Enclave are under the impression that they are in any way being led by Henry.

It’s true, Henry said, looking at his shoes. They all know I’m rather useless. It’s my fault all this happened, Consul—

It isn’t, said Consul Wayland. It is a combination of a generalized complacency on the part of the Clave, bad luck and bad timing, and some poor decisions on your part, Charlotte. Yes, I am holding you accountable for them—

So you agree with Benedict! Charlotte cried.

Benedict Lightwood is a blackguard and a hypocrite, said the Consul wearily. Everyone knows that. But he is politically powerful, and it is better to placate him with this show than it would be to antagonize him further by ignoring him.

A show? Is that what you call this? Charlotte demanded bitterly. You have set me an impossible task.

I have set you the task of locating the Magister, said Consul Wayland. "The man who broke into the Institute, killed your servants, took your Pyxis, and plans to build an army of clockwork monsters to destroy us all—in short, a man who must be stopped. As head of the Enclave, Charlotte, stopping him is your task. If you consider it impossible, then perhaps you should ask yourself why you want the job so badly in the first place."



Then share thy pain, allow that sad relief;

Ah, more than share it! give me all thy grief.

—Alexander Pope, Eloisa to Abelard

The witchlight that illuminated the Great Library seemed to be flickering low, like a candle guttering down in its holder, though Tessa knew that was just her imagination. Witchlight, unlike fire or gas, never seemed to fade or burn away.

Her eyes, on the other hand, were beginning to tire, and from the looks of her companions, she wasn’t the only one. They were all gathered around one of the long tables, Charlotte at its head, Henry at Tessa’s right. Will and Jem sat farther down, beside each other; only Jessamine had retreated to the very far end of the table, separated from the others. The surface of the table was liberally covered with papers of all sorts—old newspaper articles, books, sheets of parchment covered with fine spidery writing. There were genealogies of various Mortmain families, histories of automatons, endless books of spells of summoning and binding, and every bit of research on the Pandemonium Club that the Silent Brothers had managed to scrape out of their archives.

Tessa had been tasked with the job of reading through the newspaper articles, looking for stories about Mortmain and his shipping company, and her eyes were beginning to blur, the words dancing on the pages. She was relieved when Jessamine at last broke the silence, pushing away the book she had been reading—On the Engines of Sorcery—and said, Charlotte, I think we’re wasting our time.

Charlotte looked up with a pained expression. Jessamine, there is no need for you to remain if you do not wish to. I must say, I doubt any of us was expecting your help in this matter, and since you have never much applied yourself to your studies, I cannot help but wonder if you even know what it is you are looking for. Could you tell a binding spell from a summoning spell if I set the two before you?

Tessa couldn’t help being surprised. Charlotte was rarely so sharp with any of them. "I want to help, Jessie said sulkily. Those mechanical things of Mortmain’s nearly killed me. I want him caught and punished."

No, you don’t. Will, unrolling a parchment so old that it crackled, squinted down at the black symbols on the page. You want Tessa’s brother caught and punished, for making you think he was in love with you when he wasn’t.

Jessamine flushed. "I do not. I mean, I did not. I mean—ugh! Charlotte, Will’s being vexing."

And the sun has come up in the east, said Jem, to no one in particular.

I don’t want to be thrown out of the Institute if we can’t find the Magister, Jessamine went on. Is that so difficult to understand?

You won’t be thrown out of the Institute. Charlotte will. I’m sure the Lightwoods will let you stay. And Benedict has two marriageable sons. You ought to be delighted, said Will.

Jessamine made a face. Shadowhunters. As if I’d want to marry one of them.

"Jessamine, you are one of them."

Before Jessamine could reply, the library door opened and Sophie came in, ducking her white-capped head. She spoke quietly to Charlotte, who rose to her feet. Brother Enoch is here, Charlotte said to the assembled group. I must speak with him. Will, Jessamine, do try not to kill each other while I am gone. Henry, if you could . . .

Her voice trailed off. Henry was gazing down at a book—Al-Jazari’s Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices—and paying no attention whatsoever to anything else. Charlotte threw up her hands, and left the room with Sophie.

The moment the door closed behind Charlotte, Jessamine shot Will a poisonous look. "If you think I don’t have the experience to help, then why is she here? She indicated Tessa. I don’t mean to be rude, but do you think she can tell a binding spell from a summoning one? She looked at Tessa. Well, can you? And for that matter, Will, you pay so little attention at lessons, can you tell a binding spell from a soufflé recipe?"

Will leaned back in his chair and said dreamily, ‘I am but mad north-north-west; when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw.’

"Jessamine, Tessa has kindly offered to help, and

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