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The Road to Grace
The Road to Grace
The Road to Grace
Ebook251 pages3 hours

The Road to Grace

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

The third novel in the New York Times bestselling series about an advertising executive who loses everything and embarks on a walk across America: “definitely a journey worth taking” (Booklist).

Reeling from the sudden loss of his wife, his home, and his business, Alan Christoffersen, a once-successful advertising executive, left behind everything he knew and set off on an extraordinary cross-country journey. As he treks the nearly 1,000 miles between South Dakota and St. Louis on foot, it’s the people he meets along the way who give the journey its true meaning: a mysterious woman who follows Alan for nearly a hundred miles, the ghost hunter searching graveyards for his wife, and the elderly Polish man who gives Alan a ride and shares a story that Alan will never forget.

Full of hard-won wisdom and truth, this is a moving stand-alone story as well as the continuation of the unforgettable bestselling Walk series. The Road to Grace is a compelling and inspiring novel about hope, healing, grace, and the meaning of life.
Release dateMay 8, 2012
The Road to Grace

Richard Paul Evans

Richard Paul Evans is the #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than forty novels. There are currently more than thirty-five million copies of his books in print worldwide, translated into more than twenty-four languages. Richard is the recipient of numerous awards, including two first place Storytelling World Awards, the Romantic Times Best Women’s Novel of the Year Award, and five Religion Communicators Council’s Wilbur Awards. Seven of Richard’s books have been produced as television movies. His first feature film, The Noel Diary, starring Justin Hartley (This Is Us) and acclaimed film director, Charles Shyer (Private Benjamin, Father of the Bride), premiered in 2022. In 2011 Richard began writing Michael Vey, a #1 New York Times bestselling young adult series which has won more than a dozen awards. Richard is the founder of The Christmas Box International, an organization devoted to maintaining emergency children’s shelters and providing services and resources for abused, neglected, or homeless children and young adults. To date, more than 125,000 youths have been helped by the charity. For his humanitarian work, Richard has received the Washington Times Humanitarian of the Century Award and the Volunteers of America National Empathy Award. Richard lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his wife, Keri, and their five children and two grandchildren. You can learn more about Richard on his website

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Rating: 4.0801886037735855 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The third book in "The Walk" series and I think I enjoyed this one the most. Allan realizes that forgiveness and grace are just as important to the giver as the one that receives it. The first person he meets is McHale's mother who wants forgiveness for abandoning her daughter. He also meets a Polish, Jewish man who survived the death camps of WWII. He teaches Allan that hate for someone gives them a place and power in your life. Are they worth it. A real learning experience. Love this series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    another wonderful book. not as many quotes for me but still a good book. on this leg of the journey it was all about forgiveness and giving and receiving grace.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Light, easy read. A bit moralistic in places but I enjoyed this third book in the Walk series. Towards the end Alan covers a portion of Missouri that I explored on a personal trek of my own (by car) and that portion especially resonated.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In this third instalment of the series we once again walk with Alan Christoffersen, eight months into his pilgrimage, this time through the Dakotas and Missouri. Once again there are a few adventures along the way and most assuredly the heartwarming tales that Mr. Evans is famous for.

    I have read all three in The Walk series and enjoyed them. It is Alan’s story and with him I enjoy the people he meets along the way. This one is no different, although I was not pleased with the ending. Kind of saw it coming, but now have to wait until next Spring to know the outcome. But, alas, that is the sad reality of reading a series. If I were forced to note one bad thing about this book it would be that it had a little bit of a “travelogue” tone to it that the first two did not. Interesting, but sometimes I got the feeling that it was a bit of filler.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Have read the other two in the series. Sad but full of life's lessons as we should live each day as if it were our last. Now almost halfway through his trek, Alan sets out to walk the nearly 1,000 miles between South Dakota and St. Louis, but it’s the people he meets along the way who give the journey its true meaning. We never know what paths people walk and where they have been. People are put in our paths sometimes for a reason and season. Very interesting series. I am assuming there will be another to the series the way it ended. Compelling and inspiring novel about hope, healing, grace, and the meaning of life.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Alan lost his wife, his business, and his home. Rather than giving up on life, he decides to walk from Seattle, Washington to Key West, Florida. On the way he meets his mother-in-law (who is seeking forgiveness), an elderly Polish man (who teaches Alan about forgiveness), and a ghost hunter (who has been searching for his deceased wife for 40 years). This is a quick read - sure to prod readers to ponder the meaning of forgiveness.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Life is something that many of us take for granted. A fiction book that hits the hard spots we tend to ignore in life...makes it a must-read. I felt a weight lifted when I finished this book. If you struggle with forgiveness, then you will be hit with reality with this read.

Book preview

The Road to Grace - Richard Paul Evans


I had a dream last night

that McKale came to me.

Where are you? she asked.

South Dakota, I replied.

She stared at me without speaking and I realized that she didn’t mean my location.

I don’t know, I said.

Keep walking, she said.

Just keep walking.

Alan Christoffersen’s diary

A few years ago I was walking through a Seattle shopping mall when a woman at a kiosk peddling discounted airfare shouted to me, Sir, if you have a minute, I can save you nearly half on your travel!

Thank you, I politely replied, but I’m really not interested.

Undeterred, she asked, If you could go anywhere in the world, where would that be?

I stopped and looked at her. Home. I turned and walked away.

I suppose I’m as unlikely a candidate to walk across the country as you could find. I was never one who, as Steinbeck wrote, was afflicted with the urge to be someplace else.

That’s not to say I haven’t traveled. I’ve done my share of it and I have the passport stamps to prove it. I’ve seen the Great Wall of China, the Hermitage in Russia, and the Roman Catacombs. Truthfully, all that travel wasn’t my idea. My wife, McKale, wanted to see the world, and I wanted to see her happy. Actually, I just wanted to see her, so I went along. The foreign locales were just different backdrops for my picture of her.

Her. Every day I miss her. I may be a closet homebody, but life has taught me that home was never a place. Home was her. The day McKale died, I lost my home.

Up to the moment I lost McKale, I had lived my life as a liar. I don’t say that just because I was in advertising. (Though that qualifies me as a professional liar.) Ironically, I was annoyingly honest in unimportant matters. For example, I once went inside a McDonald’s to return a dime when the gal at the drive-in window gave me too much change back. But I deceived myself about the things of greatest consequence. I told myself that McKale and I would be together until we were old and gray—that we were somehow guaranteed a certain amount of life before our time expired, like cartons of milk. Perhaps a certain amount of self-deception is necessary to get one through the day. But whatever we tell ourselves, it doesn’t change the truth: our lives are built on foundations of sand.

For those of you just joining my journey, my childhood sweetheart, my wife, McKale, broke her back in a horseback riding accident, paralyzing her from the waist down. Four weeks later she died of complications from her accident. During her last days, while I was caring for her, my business was stolen by my partner, Kyle Craig, and my financial world collapsed, leading to the foreclosure of my home and repossession of my cars.

With my wife, business, house, and cars gone, I contemplated taking my life. Instead, I packed a few things, said good-bye to Seattle, and started my walk to the farthest walkable distance on my map: Key West, Florida.

I suppose if I were completely honest with myself (which I’ve already established I’m not), I’d have to admit that I’m not really walking to Florida. Key West is as foreign to me as any of the towns I’ve walked through on the way. I’m walking to find what life may hold. I’m looking for hope. Hope that life might still be worth living, and hope for the grace to accept what I must live without.

Perhaps that’s true of all of us. I’m certainly not alone in my quest to find that grace. There are others I have met on my journey. Like the elderly Polish man in Mitchell, South Dakota, who took me in; a young mother I stayed with in Sidney, Iowa; the old man I met in Hannibal roaming graveyards in search of his wife; and the woman I met as I walked out of my hotel in Custer, South Dakota. This is their story too.

Again, welcome to my walk.



One can never know what

a new road will bring.

Alan Christoffersen’s diary

Custer, South Dakota, is a tidy little tourist town near Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial. I spent two days in Custer, convalescing after a long and emotionally challenging stretch through eastern Wyoming. Sunday I was ready to resume my journey. It was a cool May morning and I rose with the sun, showered, and shaved. The luxuriousness of my temporary surroundings was not lost on me. In the weeks ahead, crossing through the barren stretch of South Dakota’s badlands, I would be without a soft bed and hot water.

I laid my road atlas open on the bed and studied it for a few minutes, drawing a path with my finger. Then, once I was committed to a course, I marked it in pen. My next target was thirteen hundred miles away: Memphis, Tennessee, by way of St. Louis. From Custer I would walk north until my path intersected with Interstate 90, then I’d walk east through South Dakota, through the badlands, about four hundred miles to Sioux Falls.

The night before I had washed five pairs of my socks in the hotel sink. They were all gray and threadbare and due to be retired. Unfortunately, they were also still damp. I put them in the dry-cleaning sack from the hotel closet and packed them into my backpack. Then I put on my sweat-stained socks from the day before, laced up my shoes, and headed out of the hotel.

As I walked through the hotel’s lobby I noticed a woman sitting in one of the chairs near the reception desk. She had gray hair, though she looked too young to be so gray. She wore a long, black woolen coat, and a burgundy silk scarf tied around her neck. She was beautiful, or had been once, and something about her was hard to look away from. Something about her looked familiar. Peculiarly, she was likewise watching me with an intense gaze. When I was just a few yards from her she said, Alan.

I stopped. Excuse me?

"You are Alan Christoffersen?"

As I looked into her face I was certain we had met before, but I couldn’t place her. Yes, I said. I am. Then I realized who she was.

Before I could speak she said, I’ve been looking for you for weeks.



There are people such as Benedict

Arnold or Adolf Hitler, whose names

become synonymous with evil and

more adjective than proper noun.

For me, Pamela is such a name.

Alan Christoffersen’s diary

The woman was McKale’s mother.

Pamela, I said. It was a name I had never spoken without pain or anger—and usually both—a name that seemed to me, as a boy, and even as an adult, to represent everything wrong with the world. Pamela was the source of McKale’s greatest angst—a permanent sliver in her heart. There’s a good reason that I hadn’t recognized her immediately. I had met Pamela only once before, briefly, at McKale’s funeral and had said all I ever intended to say to her then.

What do you want? I asked.

I was hoping to talk to you, she said.

About what?

She swallowed nervously. Everything.

Everything, I repeated. I shook my head. No. We have nothing to talk about.

She looked upset, but not particularly surprised by my response. I don’t blame you, but I’ve come a long way . . . 

I looked at her for a moment then lifted my pack. So have I. I turned from her and walked out the hotel’s front door.

The town of Custer was bustling with tourists and the traffic was brisk, the sidewalks along Mount Rushmore Road crowded with those who had come to see the monument. I planned on walking about twenty miles that day and I was ready for breakfast, though, admittedly, seeing Pamela had somewhat dulled my appetite.

I couldn’t believe she had come looking for me. What could she possibly want to talk about? After I had walked about a hundred yards from the hotel, I looked back. To my dismay Pamela was following me, walking about a block behind me on the same side of the street. She wore a sun visor and had a large pink bag draped over her shoulder. Half a block later, I stepped into the Songbird Café—the restaurant the hotel clerk had recommended.

The café was small and crowded and the waitress had just seated me at a round table in the corner when the bell above the door rang and Pamela walked in. She held her bag in both hands and glanced furtively at me as she waited to be seated. Fortunately, the hostess led her to a table on the opposite side of the room, where she stayed. I was glad that she didn’t come to my table. I would have left if she had.

I wolfed down my breakfast—a tall stack of buttermilk pancakes with two fried eggs, three strips of overdone bacon, and a cup of coffee. I paid my bill, then slipped on my heavy backpack and walked out. Pamela was still sitting at her table, sipping coffee, her dark eyes following me.

I crossed to the other side of the street and walked several blocks back toward the hotel, turning in the middle of town at the 16 Junction. I followed the highway north toward the Crazy Horse Memorial. There was more than one route to I-90 from Custer, but 16 would lead me back by the monument, which, if not a shorter route, seemed more interesting.

When I got to the top of the hill above Custer I glanced back at the town. Unbelievably, Pamela was there, walking a quarter mile behind me. I shook my head. Did she really intend to follow me? I doubted that she was in the physical condition to keep up with me. She didn’t even have the shoes for it. If she thought I was going to stop and wait for her she was sadly mistaken.

The first three miles from the city were mostly uphill and Pamela quickly fell back until I couldn’t see her anymore. Less than a half hour from Custer she was nowhere to be seen. I wondered what McKale would have thought of the situation. The mother she had spent her life longing for was chasing me.

Four miles out of Custer I reached the Avenue of the Chiefs. I was still enamored with Korczak’s work (will forever be), so I took a short detour and walked up to the park entrance. There’s a ten-dollar admission fee to the park, and I didn’t have the time or inclination to walk all the way to the monument, so I just stood at the entrance and admired the work from a distance. I wondered if the massive sculpture would be completed during my lifetime. I hoped so. Even as an old man, I would definitely return to see the finished piece. Suddenly my heart ached. The idea of growing old without McKale filled me with intense loneliness. I turned back toward the highway and resumed my walk.

The road after Crazy Horse was mostly steep downgrade with wide shoulders and only a few buildings along the way, including a business offering helicopter rides to the monuments.

I stopped in Pennington County and ate lunch out of my pack. I had an apple, a granola bar, and a slightly smashed ham and Swiss sandwich I had purchased the day before at the grocery store in Custer.

As I ate, my thoughts returned to Pamela—along with my anger. I wondered how far she had walked before she had turned back. I also wondered how she had found me. After a few minutes I pushed her from my mind. The thought of her following me overwhelmed me with disgust. I finished eating then got back on the road.

The next few hours were ideal walking conditions—smooth, new roads with black asphalt, wide shoulders, clean air, and a beautiful mountain setting—something I appreciated more after my long walk through the desolation of eastern Wyoming.

The sun had begun its decline when I heard a car pull up behind me and roll to a quick stop, gravel crunching beneath its wheels. I turned around to see an aged, turquoise Chevy truck with a matching camper top, stopped about fifty feet behind me. The passenger side door opened and Pamela stepped out of the vehicle. She said something to the driver, then swung her bag over her shoulder and continued walking after me. I groaned. She’s as persistent as McKale, I thought. Maybe persistence is genetic. If McKale wanted something she didn’t stop until she got it.

After the truck drove away, Pamela shouted to me. Alan, we need to talk.

No, we don’t, I shouted back without looking. Just leave me alone. I hurried my pace. When I reached Hill City an hour later she was nowhere to be seen.



I don’t know if poltergeists or ghosts

exist, nor do I care. There’s too much

I don’t understand about the world

I inhabit for me to worry about a

world I haven’t been to yet.

Alan Christoffersen’s diary

During its brief heyday, Hill City was nicknamed Hell City or One Mile of Hell, since there was a church on each end of town with fifteen saloons in between them. The city was established during America’s centennial celebration of 1876, and was originally a mining town, only the second to be settled in the Black Hills.

Hill City was about twenty miles from Custer, most of the way downhill, which may seem an easier walk, but I was feeling the descent in my knees, which were throbbing. Darkness was falling when I started looking for a place to spend the night.

On Hill City’s main road I came upon a hotel called the Alpine Inn, a quaint, Bavarian-styled building with gingerbread trim and a wood-planked porch. Above the front stairway was a sign that read:

Fine European Lodging

I walked into an empty bar scattered with small round tables. To the left of the room was a door that led to a restaurant, which was surprisingly crowded. A woman standing near the restaurant’s entrance was watching me from behind a burled walnut reception desk. She smiled as I approached her. Good evening, she said.

I’d like to look at your menu, I said.

No need, she said. We only have one item on our menu. Actually, two. Filet mignon, small or large.

At first I thought she was joking but her expression remained serious. Really?

She nodded. I know, it’s unusual, isn’t it?

I had never encountered a restaurant like this, but judging from how crowded the place was, they appeared to be doing something right.

I’ll have the filet mignon, I said.

Good choice, she said. Right this way, please.

She sat me at a small table near the room’s back, inner wall. There were paper menus in a stand on the table, which, considering the restaurant’s limited selection, seemed a little odd.

A moment later my waitress appeared. She was a tall woman probably my age, with blond hair and a prominent nose.

I’m Heidi, she said. Large or small?


Not surprisingly, she didn’t write anything down. Would you like something to drink?

Do you have juice?

Apple, orange, and cranberry.

"I’ll have some apple juice. Can

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