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Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Some friends fade away….Others disappear. Now in paperback, a riveting mystery that will “keep the pages turning” (Chris Crutcher, author of Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes).

Imagine you and your best friend head out West on a cross-country bike trek. Imagine that you get into a fight—the cheap SOB won’t kick in any cash—and you stop riding together. Imagine you reach Seattle, go home alone, and start college. Imagine you think your former best friend does too. Imagine he didn’t, that he was carrying more than $20,000 in cash the whole trip, and that now the FBI is looking for him. Imagine your world shifting....

Shift is a breathtaking tour-de-force that explores the depths of loyalty and friendship—and the unknowable depths of another person.
Release dateJul 6, 2010

Jennifer Bradbury

Jennifer Bradbury is the author of the middle grade novel River Runs Deep and of several critically acclaimed young adult novels, including, Take, A Moment Comes, Wrapped, and her debut, Shift—which Kirkus Reviews called “fresh, absorbing, compelling” in a starred review. Shift was picked as an ALA and a School Library Journal Best Book for Young Adults and is also on numerous state reading lists. She is also a rock climber and teacher in Burlington, Washington, where she lives with her family.

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Rating: 3.6666666666666665 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Chris and Win, best friends since early childhood, spend their final summer before college cycling across the country from W. Virginia, destination Seattle, WA. Somewhere out west, Chris loses his cycling partner when Win doesn’t stop while Chris is changing a flat tire. As the story evolves, we learn about the friction between the friends and that, ultimately, Chris didn’t mind finishing his journey alone. The plot flips back and forth between Chris in college, tailed by an FBI agent and the boys’ journey across the west. Chris makes a trip back out west to search for Win. There is a good focus on coming into one’s own personality under/despite parental performance pressure. Could be a good read for high school students gaining independence from helicopter -or judgmental- parents.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Best friends, Chris and Win, are about to graduate from high school when they plan a cross-country bicycle trip before they head off their separate ways to college. However, along the way, the friends have an argument. Chris gets a flat tire….again, but this time, Win doesn’t stop for him. After Chris fixes his flat, Win is nowhere to be found. Chris finishes the trip alone and then heads off to college. Then, one day, an FBI agent shows up and starts questioning Chris about Win’s disappearance. I really enjoyed this book and could totally relate to Win’s need to escape his overbearing father, as many teens probably can, as well as the desire to head out on an adventure to see more of the world. The book is well written and has enough mystery and adventure to keep readers interested. Older teens may relate to the pressures Chris and Win face in transitioning from High School to adulthood and to college. Many will relate to Win’s relationship with his father and the feeling of wanting to escape.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great descriptions of landscape, people, and incidents on a cross country bike ride by two new high school graduates.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Chris Collins and his best friend Win set off on a cross-country bicycle ride, from West Virginia (where Win's dad is one of the most powerful and wealthiest men in the state) all the way to the Pacific Ocean. The journey starts just after high school graduation, and the goal is to get there and back (returning via bus or other powered means) before the start of fall term at their respective colleges in August. On the ride, the two friends discover more about themselves-- and Chris realizes that the things that have irritated him for so long about Win are amplified after spending so much time together. Near the end of the journey, the two friends get separated. Chris returns home and starts college, assuming Win did the same. But the FBI is investigating, and Win's powerful father wants to know what really happened. Author Jennifer Bradbury alternates the story between the ride itself and the aftermath as Chris tries to decide what he really knows. As a bicycle enthusiast, this book held special appeal-- and it made me wish for similar circumstances to make a similar journey back through Montana and into Seattle. Bradbury's writing leaves a few questions lingering throughout the book-- such as how Chris could leave Win without looking any harder for him. These are questions that are ultimately answered. The story is part coming-of-age novel, part adventure, part police investigation. It's well written, and I think many students-- especially boys, since there are two male protagonists-- will enjoy this story of friendship and growing up during a life-changing bike ride.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    YA Book Club Book 3. I felt a bit deceived as it's billed as (and described to me as) something of a mystery. Not so much. It's basically a coming of age story of 2 high school friends on a cross-country bike trip. There's nothing wrong with that and there is some good insight into growing up and out of friendships. However, overall, the writing is nothing special particularly the dialogue which seemed inauthentic at times.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    In the summer between finishing high school and starting college best friends Chris and Winston decide to ride their bicycles across the country from their home in West Virginia all the way to Oregon. Many doubters thought they’d never even start, but no one thought that only one of them would return.In this debut novel, teacher, cyclist and one-day Jeopardy! winner, Bradbury creates great tension in alternating chapters where we follow Chris and Win on their big adventure, and where we learn about Win’s troubled past and his father’s aggressive search to bring him home. But is his father’s desperation to find Win one of love and concern or just another manipulative and controlling strangle hold that Win might go to extreme lengths to escape?As Chris tries to negotiate his first busy weeks at college he is hounded by calls, notes and threats regarding Win’s whereabouts, not to mention being followed by an FBI agent. It seems that Win’s dad will stop at nothing to get his way, but Chris doesn’t have any answers and doesn’t understand Win’s disappearance any better than anyone else, until he starts getting some confusing postcards.Shift is intriguing and easy to read while it focuses on friendship, loyalty and finding one’s true place in life.SLJ Gr. 8 up, PW age 12 up, clean
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    For best friends Chris and Win, nothing could be more gratifying than a two-month-long cross-country bike trip following high school graduation. But when Win suddenly disappears somewhere in Montana, and Chris, the narrator, returns home alone to Virginia with only a hunch where his friend might be, Chris's once-firm grasp on reality slowly begins to weaken-especially when Win's overprotective, blowhard father launches an FBI investigation to track down his son. Chapters alternates between the boys on their trip to Chris in college.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Plenty of YA books show relationships between BFFs who have magical, memorable times together, and learn and share and become central parts of each others lives. In fact, just about every YA book does this. Much rarer is what Bradbury shows here: friends who are friends because of convenience, friends by default. The relationship between Chris and Win, who spend a post-senior year cross-country bike trip together, is an awkward and aggravating one. They are friends because they equally do not fit in with their peers, not because they fit with each other. Bradbury captures this relationship perfectly. Plot-wise, this may leave some teen readers disappointed. The "mystery" of the book is obvious. (No one will waste a second wondering who those mysterious postcards are from.) And Win's father is a little one-dimensional (and ultimately non-threatening) as an antagonist. But what shines here is the all too real depiction of the shakiness of young friendship.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A captivating story that is told from a first person point of view about the complications of friendship as well as the strong bonds of friendship. Chris and Win challenge each other, fight each other, and learn to get along with each other. Bradbury adds a bit of mystery to the story to keep the reader guessing as to where Win really is.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I saw this book first mentioned in theolog, the blog of the Christian Century, and decided to check it out. After 25 pages I knew for a fact that either I knew the author or knew someone she knew. Why? There were too many details of WV life. Who else would know about John's Cyclery next to Taco Bell? That clue made me stop reading and google some information. After some research and a couple of emails it was confirmed, I knew the author's husband, but enough of that -- back to the book.The book is a great read. It tells the story of Chris' and Win's cross country bicycling trip from WV to WA. The author tells the story in alternating chapters, one from Chris' current point of view then one from Chris's running diary of the trip. I do not want to give any more details of the book. I do want to highlight the author's creative usage of the biblical story of Jacob wrestling the angel. I also want to say the way the author narrated the tricky and troubling aspect of young adulthood of growing up. Well done Mrs. Bradbury, look forward to future works!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Win and Chris have graduated high school and decide to bike across country from West Virginia to Washington state. However, it soon becomes apparent that each boy is planning on something different for the journey. When Chris returns home from his bike trip alone and angry, questions arise as to what happened to Win during the trip. Bradbury's debut novel excels at both depicting friendships and relationships with parents as well as being an engrossing mystery. The characters are complicated and definitely depict a realistic look at teenagers confronted with growing up. Highly recommended!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This book details the disappearance of Chris Collins' best friend Win towards the end of their cross country biking trip prior to college. This book was billed as a mystery, but it was pretty easy to guess what was going to happen. I think, despite the protagonist being an 18 year old, this book might go over better with a younger crowd then teenagers. There was nothing objectionable in the book that would make me hesitate to recommend it to an 11 or 12 year old.

Book preview

Shift - Jennifer Bradbury


The nose of the seat bit into my shoulder as the toe clip scraped the back of my thigh. I wrestled the bike through the dorm’s gaping front doors, the derailleur cable snagging on the knob as I stepped inside. I lurched, swore, and hoped none of the half-dozen people hanging around the sweltering lobby were watching. I tried to block out the lingering smells of puke and cheap beer as I headed for the row of mailboxes along the far wall.

Through the glass of box number 118, I saw a small scrap of green paper. As I fumbled in my pocket for my box key, the bike slipped off my shoulder and crashed to the tile floor. I swore again, let the bike lay where it fell, and pulled the message out of the mailbox.

TO: Chris Collins

FROM: Your mommy

RE: Win

NOTES: Call home immediately. Urgent.

I had to start carrying my cell phone. Mom had probably left a couple of messages on it already. She was pretty thorough when she got panicky, and lately she panicked a lot. Part of it was her having a hard time letting go. The other part had more to do with what happened this summer. Still, I couldn’t imagine what qualified as urgent these days with her. Had she found another one of my socks in the dryer?

The desk phone rang. Behind the counter another freshman who’d fared better in the work-study lottery than I had answered while managing to keep his gaze on the TV blaring from across the mock living room, a mixture of sweaty tile, cast-off couches, and giant floor fans that had to have been around since the eighties.

Armstrong Hall, he mumbled as I shut the mailbox, shoved the message and key into my pocket, and heaved my bike back onto my shoulder. But then a voice too close made me jump.

I hear those things are a lot easier if you ride them instead of letting them ride you, said a man in a dark suit as he gestured toward the bike.

I nodded, looked the guy over. Chain busted on the way back from the square, I said, wondering why this guy had decided I looked like I was in a mood for conversation. The tie meant he was probably someone’s dad.

Too bad, he said.

I shrugged, causing the bike to slip again, the back wheel banging into the mailboxes. The whole cycling-around-campus thing hadn’t turned out to be as cool as I’d imagined. People in the way. Speed bumps. Crowded sidewalks. Stairs.

I missed the road.

Nice talking to you, I said, taking a step toward the hallway.

You’re Christopher Collins. No hint of a question in his voice.

I answered anyway, taking another look at him as I did so. He must have been at least six feet tall, because I could look him straight in the eyes without slouching, but he had me by forty pounds, easy. Not that that was surprising. I’d been the skinny kid since second grade.


Must have a lot of miles on that thing, he said, pointing toward the chain dangling from the front crank. They don’t wear out fast, do they?

My legs began to itch from the inside out. For as long as I can remember, the itching has been an early warning indicator. Anytime I have that feeling, I know something big is on the horizon. The sensation is as reliable as the smell of rain before a storm. Who are you? I asked.

Abe Ward, he said, reaching into his breast pocket. The gesture allowed the flap of his jacket to fall open, revealing a slick-looking pistol holstered just above his belt. I’m with the FBI, based here in Atlanta. Mind if I ask you a few questions? He pulled his hand out of his pocket and flipped open an ID badge with a practiced motion. His voice was even, measured, his forehead dry even in the oppressive heat.

Anytime somebody wants to ask me a few questions, my natural suspicions come into play. But when that person has a gun and flashes an official-looking piece of government ID, I can only say one thing.

Shoot. I dropped the bike to the floor and leaned it against the wall.

Mr. Ward actually grinned.

What’s this about? I asked.

He ignored my question, gesturing toward a couch in a quieter corner of the room. This okay with you?

I nodded. Sure. My roommate, Jati, was an international student from Malaysia. If I brought a guy in a suit with a government ID into the room, he’d probably think someone was coming to revoke his visa.

Ward sat. I sank into a chair across from him. A scarred coffee table littered with old copies of alumni magazines and the student newspaper—the Technique—filled the space between us. You probably know what this is about, he began. Something about the way my legs were itching said I did, but the message hadn’t quite reached my brain. I shook my head lamely. Maybe spending the last few days playing getting-to-know-you games and talking about the evils of binge drinking had made me stupid.

Heard from Win lately? Ward asked.

Win. Short for Winston. Short for bane of my existence and onetime best friend.

I tossed my head back against the couch. Great. Mr. Coggans sent you, I said.

Answer the question, please, he replied.

I sighed. I wasn’t eager to jump back into the events I’d been recounting to Win’s parents and mine since I returned without him two weeks ago. I thought once I got to school, I might get a break. Apparently not. No. Not since I finished the trip—well, sort of finished the trip—with him a couple of weeks ago. We got separated at the end, and I couldn’t find him. So I rode to the coast, got on a bus, and came home. Showed up here for orientation a week after that.

Why didn’t you look for him after you reached the coast? the agent asked.

Besides the fact that he didn’t bother looking for me? I thought. I figured he’d gone on to his uncle’s in Seattle. Truth was, I was still pissed at him for not stopping when I got that flat near Concrete, Washington, a dead little town fifty miles from the coast.

Why didn’t you go to Seattle?

Win never told me the address. Or the phone number. Or even his uncle’s name, I said.

Ward pressed on. But I’m sure there were other ways you could have gotten the information—

Probably. But I was a little tired of it all by then, I said.

Tired of what? he asked, his voice inching from the friendly tone he’d opened with to something more businesslike.

Win’s always playing games. I was sick of him. Getting to Seattle would have been too much of a hassle.

Doesn’t seem like a guy who’d ridden his bike across the country would have minded. What can it be, an eighty-mile ride?

That’s a whole day of riding, and probably more since I’d have been on back roads. We only rode freeways when we had to.

Didn’t the bus stop in Seattle before it turned back east? he asked.

I nodded. For maybe half an hour.

He paused, scratched the back of his head. Why didn’t you call Win’s parents when you split up?

I shrugged. I was in the middle of nowhere. And Win had the cell phone. But that was dead by then. Besides, it didn’t seem right that since Win decided to ride on his own, I should be the one to catch hell for it.

Huh, he said finally.

What’s going on with Win? I’d been telling myself for the last week that he must have turned up, since his dad had stopped making his daily phone calls. It dawned on me that if the FBI was involved, then that could mean a lot of things … few of them good for Win … or me.

Again he ignored my question. But you could have called them to get the uncle’s address.

I hesitated. Since middle school I’d avoided conversations with Win’s parents almost as carefully as Win did himself, but I didn’t want to go into all that. Seattle’s a pretty big place. Why won’t you tell me what’s going on?

The agent stared at me a little longer; I tried to stare back, was reminded of the stupid contests Win and I used to engage in, and looked away.

Ward began to loosen his tie, as if he knew we might be here awhile. Do you want to try that again?

What? I asked.

That story.

It’s the truth, I said, sounding more panicked than I wanted to.

He shook his head. Nope.

I was taken aback.

You’re kidding, right? Why would I lie? I couldn’t remember the last time someone had accused me of lying.

He glared at me again. I wonder if the feds provide training for intimidating stares at the FBI academy. Or maybe it’s a prerequisite—like running a six-minute mile. His gaze made me so uncomfortable that I began to doubt my own story.

I told the exact same thing to my folks when I got on the bus to come back, I said.

Yeah. I talked with them earlier today.

He’d talked to my parents? So then you know I’m telling the truth, right?

Ward snorted. Nope. I only know that you lie consistently. This isn’t high school PE—a note from your mommy isn’t going to get you out of climbing the rope.

What exactly is ‘this’? I asked, almost as annoyed by another mama’s-boy reference as I was freaked by the appearance of an FBI agent asking me questions about something I’d been trying pretty damn hard to forget.

"This, Ward said, is an investigation."

Of what? I asked. Me?

Ward was quiet for a beat. The fans droned heavily behind me. On TV the announcer shouted, Yahtzee! as a player smacked the ball out of the park on the highlight reel.

"Win has no uncle in Seattle, he said carefully, gauging my reaction. And he hasn’t contacted his parents in over a month. You’re the last person to have seen him."


I think you’d better start from the beginning, Chris, Abe Ward said as he settled back into the sofa, one arm tossed casually across the back so I had a better view of the weapon sleeping quietly in its holster.


Three weeks before I graduated from high school my mother asked me a question. Actually, Mom never really asked anything, she just camouflaged commands inside queries.

Wouldn’t you like to get a job this summer, Chris? Translation: You’re too old to sit around here all summer mooching money off your father and me.

I mean, you’ll want to have spending money for college next fall, right?

I hadn’t even decided if I was going to college yet. The acceptance letter and my housing application for Georgia Tech were still in my backpack, wedged between wave theory and relativity in my AP physics textbook—a fitting spot for a decision I’d yet to make.

Mom …

Kmart’s hiring. You’d like working there, wouldn’t you?

Generally talking about me getting a job was one thing, but she’d clearly been making plans. I had an immediate and horrifying vision of myself wearing a stupid plastic name tag and one of those lower-back support belts as I unloaded giant boxes of toilet paper destined for Blue Light Specials.

The thought of a summer spent shuffling two-ply for the value-minded made me desperate. And I did sort of have other plans. Plans I’d so far been too chicken to share with anyone but Win.

Actually … I’m going to ride my bike to the West Coast with Win, I said.

Mom blinked. West Coast? West Coast of what?

My father, who had just come into the kitchen, tossed his lunch box in the sink and said, Sounds good, Chris. Make sure you call once in a while. He tried to sound casual, but instead of emptying his lunch box and loading the mason jar he used as a thermos into the dishwasher, he leaned against the counter and looked at me, his eyes filled with a weird blend of admiration and crazy hope.

Now hold on, my mother said, regaining her composure. Shouldn’t we discuss this? I could see her regretting the early graduation present—a rebuilt Trek 1200—they’d given me a few weeks back. Sure, Abby Sanders got a new 4Runner, but I wasn’t complaining. The road bike fit. Win and I had been entering biathlons since freshman year. I’d been limping to decent finishes on a pathetic ten-speed my dad found at a flea market. This bike would fly. It begged to.

Saying out loud that I was going to ride across the country and seeing that nobody laughed gave me confidence. It was as crazy as it sounded, but it was within the realm of possibility. If it weren’t, Mom wouldn’t have been so worried.

Win and I have been talking about it, I said. That wasn’t technically true. A few months ago we’d been sitting around watching the Discovery Channel on a Friday night because … well, because we really were that lame. They ran a documentary about this guy who rode his bike from somewhere in Europe all the way down to the bottom of Africa. One of us said, Wouldn’t it be cool to ride our bikes out west? Win and I hadn’t so much as discussed it since, but the notion had sustained me through the most debilitating later stages of senioritis.

But Mom was not to be denied her discussion. The West Coast is a long way from West Virginia. Probably at least two thousand miles, she said.

Closer to three, I’d imagine, my father said, sounding excited. I wasn’t exactly surprised at his reaction, but maybe a little at his enthusiasm. He’d had moments that made me wonder if he hadn’t been a hell-raiser before he got married, built this house, and started moving heavy stuff around for a living. When I built a tiny ramp on the flat part of the driveway for that five-horsepower minibike I got one Christmas, he was the one who squirted a thin line of lighter fluid and laid a match to it when I came tearing around the house to jump it again. This felt a little like that.

Mom shot him a Don’t encourage the boy look. Maybe you could just ride to Gram’s house. Gram’s house was in Ohio, a three-hour drive away. Not out west.

It has to be farther. The whole point is to see something different, I argued.

She sat back and crossed her arms. This is Win’s idea, isn’t it? You know I couldn’t love that boy any more if he were my own, but his greatest talent is getting you into trouble.

Mom—, I began.

Remember the tree house incident? Or that time at school you got blamed when he decided to change those letters around on the bulletin board and made you stand watch?

That was fifth grade, Mom, I said, adding, "I want to do this."

What about last fall when you guys went for your campus visit at Marshall?

She waited for me to argue. But the mention of the Marshall Plan, as Win had called it then, threatened to make me laugh out loud—something I was sure Mom wouldn’t appreciate in this conversation.

Remember those outlandish lies? she said, arms crossed as she stared at me across the table.

Mom, that was just Win goofing around—

He told that poor student tour guide that you’d been in a coma for three years!

Mom— I tried to break in, but I could feel the smile pulling at the corners of my mouth.

I’m not finished, Christopher, she intoned. I shut up and let her continue. And he wasn’t satisfied with just that lie, was he?

I sat quietly, unsure if I was supposed to answer this question or not.

Um, no, but—

He went on to tell her that he was an orphan refugee from— She paused, waved her fingers toward me, beckoning the answer.

I don’t remember, Mom. One of the Stan countries, maybe?

But it didn’t matter. Now she only wanted to ensure this was as long and painful as possible. "And, she said, positively vibrating as she said the words, and he claimed to be your adopted brother who’d tutored you to make up for those years of high school you missed during your coma!"

My father laughed. It’s not funny, Allen! Mom said. Chris could have gotten a lot of scholarship money at Marshall. And then he would have been close to home instead of going all the way down to Atlanta.

I didn’t even apply to Marshall, Mom, I said.

Mom glowered. Of course not! As if you could after I had to explain to the dean that Win made it all up.

She shook her head at the memory. I don’t think I’ve ever been so humiliated. That nice man pulling me out of a parent meeting to tell me personally how much he admired the sacrifices I’d made for my sons.

At least you got to be the hero in that one, I said. All I got to be was a coma survivor.

And which exactly do you think you’ll be after this little adventure with Win? she snapped, referring to the bike

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