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Rogue Wave
Rogue Wave
Rogue Wave
Ebook426 pages6 hours

Rogue Wave

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This book was previously published as The Palmyra Impact.

A minor seismic disturbance in a remote section of the Pacific causes barely a ripple of concern for Kai Tanaka, acting director of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Honolulu. But when an airliner en route from L.A. to Sydney vanishes in the same location, Kai is the first to realize that a mysterious explosion has unleashed a series of massive waves destined to obliterate Hawaii. In just one hour, Kai will lose all he has ever known—including his wife and daughter— unless he can save them from nature’s most destructive force.
PublisherPocket Books
Release dateNov 30, 2010
Rogue Wave

Boyd Morrison

Boyd Morrison has a Ph.D. in industrial engineering and has worked for NASA, Microsoft’s Xbox Games Group, and Thomson-RCA. In 2003, he fulfilled a lifelong dream and became a Jeopardy! champion. He is also a professional actor who has appeared in commercials, stage plays, and films. He lives with his wife in Seattle.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Rogue Wave had me at the first page. Boyd Morrison doesn't fail in bringing this "edge of your seat" suspense thriller that will keep you spellbound to the very end. You'll be drawn in from page one with his very believable characters that will leave you with a lasting impression of their lives and their determination to live. In Rogue Wave Morrison has done his research and displays a true setting for a very real tsunami disaster that makes you think "it's not if, it's when."Rogue Wave will bring to mind just how tragic the December 2004 tsunami really was and how it affected everyone across the globe.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I lost my 1st review, so this one is going to be more nutshell in lots of ways.....
    The science is fantastic! It is obvious the author really dove into his research. I learned quite a bit about tsunamis and related subjects.
    The supporting characters are great and definitely serve an important role in holding up the storyline as well as carrying it along.
    The character development is pretty good.
    The world building is impressive.
    The plot is well built, yet not unique. But is still entertaining and engaging. The story is exciting enough to keep your attention, yet tainted quite a bit by what I outline below.
    So that was the good stuff.
    What I found odd (no spoilers) was when certain things happened regarding the two main characters, a husband and wife, which would cause other real life people to panic and freak out to the extreme - they were just sort of ... blase about it. Like, parents who miscommunicated which one was picking up their high schooler that day, so they'll then be late. Stress Level 3 for those parents, much like our main characters. In the story, our characters should have been Level 10 - at least! But, no. So that was strange, off, took me right out of the story every time
    (No spoilers) The main characteristics are incredibly annoying regarding their decisions and their thought processes.
    (No spoilers.) The wife, her sense of "duty" - it's not like she's in the armed forces, first responder, or in medicine. She is so annoying that nearing the end I was WISHING a tsunami would come and wash her away! Ok, mean but my truth! lol
    Both of them just get so under my skin.
    (No soiler.) There is a "theme," or undercurrent to be nautical, which runs throughout this story that I'm not even sure the author of the actual book is even aware of. As it's never contemplated nor mentioned. The way the plot progresses, as well as the inner/outer dialogue and thoughts, it would have been a part if known.
    It is: "Do what I say, not as I do." "...Even if I throw hissy fits about it, talk about you, call you names, think I'm better than you, and COMPLETELY have no idea at all that we're doing the same thing you are in going against what I say."
    This is not a spoiler. It's just a ridiculousness which shadows this entire group. And the "undercurrent" should have been brought up in story. As it's part of story from start - to finish.
    So should YOU dive into this watery grave??
    Sure! Why not? The science is really interesting in an approachable manner, not a thing dry about it.
    And the overall story is pretty fun and engaging
    Also, the main characters may not irritate you in the least. Who knows??
    The first few pages will definitely draw you in..... See what you think!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The Tsunami Countdown by Boyd Morrison 3.75/5

    This is a very competent disaster book (I almost said movie, which I guess shows you my feelings for this book). It is a very easily digestible blend of action and disaster. This is a popcorn book that can be consumed in one go. It won’t stick with you but neither did “The Towering Inferno or The Core,” but they kept you on the edge of your seat and were worth the price of admission.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Boyd Morrison resurrects a lost art formAs a child of the seventies, I have a lingering affection for an all but lost art form—the disaster thriller. Remember the fun of first reading (and then watching) classics like The Poseidon Adventure, Airport, and The Towering Inferno? Good times.Novelist Boyd Morrison has transported me back to that era with his latest, Rogue Wave. (Well, at least it’s his latest for mainstream publication. It was originally published via Kindle under the title The Palmyra Impact.) The formerly eponymous impact is that of an asteroid in the Pacific, which is the cause of the currently eponymous rogue wave. Today it’s a tsunami; if we were back in the seventies, we’d simply call it a tidal wave—a big one—and it’s heading straight for Hawaii.One person who is immediately aware of the jeopardy is Kai Tanaka, the acting director of the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Honolulu. You’d think he’d be exactly the person to get out a warning in this situation, but things are never that cut and dried. “Sending out a tsunami warning would be a bold step. The situation didn’t fit any established scenarios. He would simply be going on gut. Issuing a tsunami warning was not a responsibility that he took lightly, particularly because he’d been on the job for less than a year. Doing so would cause a massive disruption to businesses and tourists in Hawaii, not to mention the enormous cost associated with an evacuation.” Soon enough, however, the magnitude of the event becomes clear… “A catastrophe of epic proportions,” and Tai and a small band of others do all that they can to save as many lives as possible.The timeline of this novel is ridiculously compressed, with the bulk of the action taking place over about three hours. The pace of this story is petal to the metal all the way—often literally. The novel isn’t about a heroic effort to save Honolulu, it’s about one man’s struggle to get a message out and save the people he loves. Kai battles against all manner of impediment as he races against Mother Nature. You will be holding your breath as you wait to see who will live and who will die. Revel in the destruction! Dare we hope for a film?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A real page turner! I had a lot of trouble putting it down. I was hooked from page 1. Gets into the story immediately, and my eyes were glued to the story right from the start!

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Rogue Wave had me at the first page. Boyd Morrison doesn't fail in bringing this "edge of your seat" suspense thriller that will keep you spellbound to the very end. You'll be drawn in from page one with his very believable characters that will leave you with a lasting impression of their lives and their determination to live. In Rogue Wave Morrison has done his research and displays a true setting for a very real tsunami disaster that makes you think "it's not if, it's when."Rogue Wave will bring to mind just how tragic the December 2004 tsunami really was and how it affected everyone across the globe.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Quick read; interesting premise. Good airport book!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm a disaster junkie. By this, I mean that I cannot seem to resist disaster movies (to my husband's great chagrin) and novels as well. I think it may be due to the fact that I was born in '71 and remember watching too many made-for-tv disaster flicks to count. LOL Anyway, when I read the blurb on this one, I just had to give it a try. It was quite and interesting read, though I will admit that somewhere along the way, I got a bit distracted by the increasing unbelievability of the way the main characters seemed to continually avoid major injury and/or death. They just seemed to be leading charmed lives. This resolved itself a bit at the end, but by then I'd gotten used to everyone surviving against insurmountable odds and instead of lending a more realistic feel to the novel, it just annoyed me. Still, there is something to be said for how much time and energy the author spent in trying to help us get to know the characters as "real" people. The inner struggles and angst was perhaps more realistic than many other novels of this ilk, though in the end, many of them settled into cliched roles. It took longer than I expected for the "jerk who's only concerned about himself" character to appear, but sure enough, he did. The end of the book felt somewhat rushed, as though once the final wave struck, the author was through with the story and just tacked on a bit more to keep it from stopping cold. I would have liked a bit less of the "running for you life from each successive wave" and a bit more of how everyone coped with the aftermath. In general, I enjoyed the book because I have always enjoyed this genre, but when it was all said and done, I was left feeling marginally disappointed. Still, I would recommend the book to anyone who likes this kind of story. I certainly have read worse.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Wish I could say I liked it...I wanted too because it was about my birth place, Hawaii. Rogue Wave is a story about people and their reaction to disaster. Even though this was more like a made for TV movie, I found myself becoming involved as beloved hotels and landmarks gave way to the never ending waves. By the end I loved it more that I realized. Thanks Boyd Morrison.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    At the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii, Kai Tanaka struggles to understand a string of events unfolding in the Pacific: a relatively minor earthquake; loss of all contact with Christmas Island, where a warning buoy would have given him data to determine the size of any resulting tsunami; reports of an airliner gone down over the earthquake site. All of it points to an event which has been dismissively discussed among tsunami experts over the years: a meteorite strike. At risk to his career, he puts out a tsunami warning with little but instinct to support him, and the islands slowly begin to respond as it becomes obvious that a series of monstrous waves, higher than any in modern history, are going to arrive in less than 90 minutes and level most of the area.This is a fast-paced thriller and would make a great disaster movie. The characters are interesting, not all the good guys survive, and the drama of the main characters dealing with each higher wave (the third of the four is 200 feet high, and the fourth much worse) while buildings collapse and people are swept away, would be thrilling on the big screen.

Book preview

Rogue Wave - Boyd Morrison

Civilization exists by geologic consent,

subject to change without notice.

—Will Durant

Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.

Seize the day, put no trust in tomorrow.




8:41 A.M.

CAPTAIN MICHAEL ROBB OPENED his eyes and found himself lying on the cockpit floor. Heat washed over him as if the airliner had been plunged into a blast furnace, and multiple warning horns blared. Blood trickled from his brow, stinging his eye. For a second he lay there, dazed, wondering what had happened. Then he remembered. The impact.

He had just returned to the cockpit, swearing off coffee for the rest of the trip. It had been his third trip to the lavatory, and the flight from Los Angeles to Sydney wasn’t even halfway over. His copilot, Wendy Jacobs, a good twenty years younger than he, had smirked at him but said nothing. He had been about to climb back into his seat when a streak of light flashed by the airliner’s starboard wing.

Robb thought it was a lightning strike from the storm they were flying above, but then the plane was thrown sideways, as if batted away by a giant hand. A sonic boom blasted the plane, and he smacked into the bulkhead, his head and shoulder taking most of the blow.

He must have been out for only a few seconds. Though his mind was still fuzzy, his vision quickly came back into focus. Robb sat up and wiped the blood from his eye. The instrument panel was intact. Jacobs had disengaged the autopilot and grabbed the yoke, which she now fought for control. Robb pulled himself to his feet. He had no idea how badly he was injured, but he was moving. That was enough.

As Robb clambered into his seat, he glanced at the cabin differential pressure gauge. Its needle was pegged at zero. Explosive decompression.

Reflexively, he reached for the mask hanging to his left, years of training taking over. His shoulder protested the motion, and he winced in pain.

Oxygen masks on, one hundred percent! he shouted.

Robb pulled the mask over his head, and Jacobs did the same. The masks in the passenger compartment had already dropped automatically. He mentally raced through the possibilities for the blast. A terrorist bomb? Missile attack? Fuel tank explosion? To depressurize that fast, some of the passenger windows must have blown out, maybe an entire door. The aircraft was still flying though, so that meant the fuselage was intact.

With his attention focused on getting the airliner under control, there was no time for Robb to talk to the passengers. The flight attendants would have to deal with them. The best thing he could do for the passengers was to get the plane down to ten thousand feet, where there was breathable air.

He pushed the yoke forward and silenced the decompression horn, but another one continued to wail. The lights for the starboard engines flashed red, meaning both were on fire.

Pull number three engine T-handle! Robb barked out. He suppressed the panic edging into his voice.

Jacobs pulled the handle and pressed the button beneath it, extinguishing the fire. She glanced out the starboard window to make a visual check.

Fire’s out on number three engine! Number four engine is completely gone!


Sheared off from the pylon.

Robb cursed under his breath. His 747–400 was certified to fly with only three engines, but with just the two port engines they’d be lucky to stay in the air.

He turned to Jacobs. Her face was ashen but otherwise professional.

Issue the distress call, Robb said.

Jacobs nodded, understanding the implications. Even if someone heard the radio call, it would make little difference. The best they could hope for was to report their position in case they had to ditch. She keyed the radio.

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! This is TransPac 823. We are going down. We are going down. We’ve lost both number three and number four engines. Our position is seventy-five miles bearing two four five from Palmyra VOR.

No answer, just static.

Activate the emergency transponder, Robb said. He knew activating it was a useless procedure. They were beyond the range of any radar units.

Setting transponder to 7700 in squawk emergency, Jacobs replied.

As their rapid descent took the plane through thirty thousand feet, an unearthly glow bloomed within the cloud cover ten miles to their right. At first the clouds softened it, but then the light pierced them, shooting toward the stratosphere, for a moment brighter than the sun.

What the hell? Jacobs said.

A fireball rolled upward in the distinctive mushroom shape Robb had seen in countless photos. He gaped, mesmerized by the sight. Atomic weapons testing in the Pacific had been outlawed for years, and there were no volcanoes in this region of the ocean. What else could have caused such a massive explosion?

Whatever it was, the explanation didn’t matter.

Roll left! he yelled. Stabilizing the plane should have been his highest priority, but they had to get away from the blast zone.

Rolling left, came Jacobs’s response after only a second’s hesitation.

Robb just had to hope that he could ride out the shock wave and find someplace to land. They had passed over the Palmyra Atoll only ten minutes before, but the runway built during World War II had been abandoned decades earlier. Christmas Island, five hundred miles away, had the closest operational runway. Despite all the damage the plane had sustained, it was still flying. They might make it.

Come on, you bastard! Robb grunted as he strained at the controls.

The nose of the enormous plane came around slowly. Too slowly.

The blast wave from the explosion caught up with them and slapped at the plane from behind, heaving its tail up. A colossal crack of thunder hammered the aircraft. The windows shattered and wind howled through the cockpit. The number one engine was wrenched from its mounts, shearing half the port wing from the plane and setting the fuel tanks aflame. The plane plummeted like an elevator cut from its cable.

With two engines gone and another shut down, the airliner was mortally wounded. Thinking of the 373 men, women, and children in the plane—people who were his responsibility—Robb didn’t give up, but he had no more hope of flying it than one of the passengers. He battled the controls trying to level the plane, but it was a dead stick. Despite his efforts, the plane spun downward in a death spiral. By the time the airliner plunged through the lowest cloud layer, the altimeter read one thousand feet. For the first time in an hour, Robb could see the blue water of the Pacific.

Realizing that their fate was inevitable, Robb let go of the yoke and sat back. He held out his hand to Jacobs, who grasped it tightly with her own. Never much for religion, Robb nonetheless closed his eyes and found himself reciting the Lord’s Prayer. He was up to the words Thy kingdom come when the plane slammed into the ocean at over five hundred miles per hour.


8:51 A.M.

THE BROCHURE WAS SLICK and professional, but Kai Tanaka still hated the idea of sending his thirteen-year-old daughter away to a scuba diving camp. He sipped his coffee at the kitchen counter as he scanned the pamphlet and thought about how to let Lani down gently.

She and her best friend, Mia, sat close together at the dinette table, talking over a magazine in low, conspiratorial tones. Then they erupted into shrill screams that dissolved into giggles while they pointed at a glossy photo.

Kai walked over to the table and made as if to get a better look at the magazine. "And what are you guys reading this morning? Is it Newsweek or Car and Driver?"

Lani quickly flipped the magazine closed. It was Seventeen. Mia must have brought it with her. Like most fathers, Kai couldn’t help wonder at how fast they were growing up. They were barely teenagers. To him, seventeen was far in the future.

Lani giggled at Mia, and then adopted a mock-serious tone. We’re just doing some research for our trip this morning. Mia nodded in agreement.

Uh-huh, Kai said dubiously. "Seventeen has an article about boogie boarding, does it?"

Not exactly, Mia said. But there are some tips about beachcombing. At this, Lani and Mia erupted into another peal of laughter. Kai assumed it was something having to do with how to meet boys, but he didn’t want to know.

So, what do you think about the camp, Dad? Lani said. It looks awesome, doesn’t it?

Bilbo, the family’s wheaten terrier, lapped noisily from his bowl, then dribbled water across the floor after he finished. Avoiding Lani’s question, Kai busied himself wiping up the drool. While he threw the paper towel away, he glanced at the countertop TV. It was tuned to a Honolulu newscast with a graphic that said Breaking News, but the volume was so low that all Kai could hear was the indistinct mumbling of the anchorwoman.

Hello? Dad? Can I go?

I don’t know, he finally said. When is this?

First week in August.

You two are pretty young to be diving.

I’ll be fourteen next month, Lani said indignantly.

That was true, although Lani didn’t look thirteen. She looked sixteen. At five foot eight, she was now taller than her mother by a good two inches, and even more distressingly, she had developed a womanly figure. Her hair was auburn, not the strawberry blond of Rachel’s Irish heritage, but she had gotten her mother’s delicate facial structure and lean athletic body. From Kai, she inherited the olive complexion and almond-shaped eyes of his Italian-Japanese background. To Kai’s chagrin, the effect made her not only beautiful but exotic. He was going to have to plan for dates very soon, and he was terrified.

And Teresa gave her okay? Kai said.

Mia nodded. I think Mom needs some alone time, she said. She was Lani’s age but darker, shorter, and more petite. Kai couldn’t imagine her lugging an oxygen tank around on her back.

Where is she? he said.

Getting dressed, Mia said.

So, can I go? Lani said.

After a pause, Kai said, I’ll have to think about it.

Lani looked at Mia in disgust. That means no.

Kai waved the brochure. It means I have to check out this outfit, see what their safety record is. Scuba diving is a dangerous sport.

You’ve been diving fifty times, Lani said, pouting.

So I know what I’m talking about. Plus, I have to talk about it with your mother.

She already said it was cool. We talked about it with her and Teresa while you were out jogging.

"She was cool with it, huh? Maybe I should just confirm that with her."

Usually Rachel’s Monday shift didn’t begin until ten a.m., but that morning she had to be at the Grand Hawaiian early for the disabled vets’ brunch. As the hotel manager, she wanted to make sure everything was perfect, especially because the governor would be addressing the veterans. Kai dialed her cell.

Hello? Rachel said above a truck horn honking in the background. She was still on the road. Even on a holiday, the commute from Ewa Beach to Honolulu wasn’t fun.

Traffic? he said, moving into the family room to get a little privacy.

As usual.

You sound tired.

I didn’t get much sleep last night. Teresa and I were up late talking. It’s great to have her and Mia in town, but I’m going to be exhausted by the end of the week. Is she there?

I think she’s getting into her swimsuit.

Ask her to give me a call on her way to the beach.

I will. So Lani had a surprise for me this morning.

About the scuba camp? I think it’s a fantastic idea.

You do?

Sure. Why not?

Because she’s thirteen. You can’t even get certified until you’re fifteen.

It sounds like a wonderful program. Master instructors, top-notch facilities, lots of fun activities. One of the mothers in Lani’s class raved about it.

Kai didn’t bother to ask which mother. He wouldn’t know her. Taking the post of assistant director at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center had been a great career move for him, but he hadn’t counted on how demanding it would be. Including Kai, there were only eight geophysicists on staff, and the PTWC had to be monitored by two of them twenty-four hours a day. That meant they regularly had to pull twelve-hour shifts. Kai had been so busy that he’d participated in only one parent-teacher conference.

Lani has to have something to look forward to, Rachel said. She’s been here nine months now and hasn’t made any friends yet.

What do you mean? She hangs out with her soccer friends all the time.

Getting pizza after the game with her teammates doesn’t count. In the whole time we’ve been here, she hasn’t once brought somebody back home. Now that she’s with Mia, I see how she used to be in Seattle. And being in that compound hasn’t helped.

Please don’t call it a compound. Kai hated that word.

It was difficult to recruit geophysicists who were willing to spend that many hours on-site, so to sweeten the deal, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration—better known as NOAA, the parent organization of the PTWC—built houses on the Center grounds that some of the staff lived in for free. As assistant director, Kai had been given one of the houses. The biggest perk was that it was only three blocks from the beach, but the run-down neighborhood around the complex wasn’t safe enough for Lani to explore on her own.

She feels isolated there, Rachel said.

Maybe we can do more family outings, like the luau tonight.

Kai, your heart’s in the right place, but she needs to learn some independence. She isn’t going to be your little girl forever.

Oh, yes she will.

You know what I mean.

Yeah, Kai said with a sigh, I know. But I still think she should wait to do this scuba camp until next year.

Listen, I’m about to go into the garage, so you’re going to lose me. Just think about it, and we’ll talk more this evening. All right?

Okay. I’ll think about it.

With a click, Rachel was gone.

So you got the spiel, huh? a voice behind him said.

Kai turned to see Teresa Gomez. Like the girls, she was already dressed in a tank top and sarong over her bikini.

Oh yeah, Kai said. The hard sell.

What’s the verdict?

Still thinking about it.

Good luck with that. I lasted about five minutes. She yawned and stretched her arms. I need to mainline some more coffee.

Kai followed her back into the kitchen. Lani and Mia stopped giggling and looked at him expectantly.

Still thinking about it, he said, eliciting a groan. He handed the coffeepot to Teresa. I heard you stayed up late with Rachel to continue our conversation after I went to bed.

She can’t hear enough about my residency program. Sometimes I think she’s the one who should have gone to med school. As she filled her mug, Teresa looked at the TV. A TransPac Airlines logo was next to the anchor-woman’s shoulder. I hope to God it’s sunny today. If I came all the way from Seattle for more rain, I’ll curl up into the fetal position.

Don’t worry. The report earlier said no rain is projected, so you and the girls should have great weather today.

If it’s your day off, grab your towel and come with us.

"Day off? I wish. I’m on call today. I have to give a tour this morning, and there’s a paper I’m submitting to the Science of Tsunami Hazards next month that I’ve got to finish."

Teresa appraised Kai’s outfit and began to laugh. I forgot. We’re in Hawaii.

He looked down at his clothes and realized why she was laughing. To a Seattleite like Teresa, the flowered shirt, khakis, and tennis shoes he was wearing might seem like weekend wear, but it was perfectly normal office attire for him.

This is formal wear for me, he said with a laugh. Where are you guys boarding?

"Well, I wanted to go somewhere quiet, but no, I got vetoed! She jabbed a finger at the girls. So it’s Waikiki. While they’re swimming, I plan to sit my butt down and do absolutely nothing."

Kai winced. Because of the holiday, Waikiki would be packed not only with tourists but with locals as well. May was a big month for travelers, and three-day weekends were always popular with American tourists from the mainland. Almost fifty thousand visitors stayed in Honolulu at any one time, and Waikiki claimed most of them. Teresa would be hard pressed to find any peace on the beach.

I think they just want to check out the eye candy, she said.

We do not! said Lani.

But Mia at the same time said Yeah! and Lani turned red.

Kai tried to help Teresa out. Why don’t you go to Kahana Valley? There’s a great beach there.

It’s boring, Lani said. If I finally get to go to a beach, I want to go to a good one.

What do you mean? We go to our beach all the time.

Yeah, right. Only when you’re with me. What’s the use of living three blocks from the beach if I have to wait for you to take me?

Here we go, Kai said. To Teresa: One time, I saw some kids smoking dope down at the little park that leads to the beach. Now she’s mad that I won’t let her go on her own.

If I didn’t live in this compound, I might have someone to go with.

Why does everyone call it that? Kai said.

I’m sure it’s not because of the barbed wire and security gate, Lani said, her sarcasm reaching new heights. Come on, Mia. Let’s get our stuff.

They ran off to Lani’s bedroom.

Good God, Teresa said. You know the attitudes are only going to get worse as the day goes on. I’ll pay you a thousand dollars to switch places with me.

Kai laughed and shook his head. No way. I like having the easy job. Kai handed her the keys to his Jeep. When do you think you’ll be back?

If I can endure it, I’m thinking around five. That way I’ll have plenty of time to recover before the luau tonight.

Perfect, Kai said. The boogie boards are in the garage.

We’ll get them! yelled Lani from the other room.

As he and Teresa went outside, Kai paused to turn off the TV. Just before he clicked it off, he noticed a new graphic saying AIRLINER MISSING OVER PACIFIC.


8:56 A.M.

THE RAIN HAD BEEN falling constantly for two hours now, but that didn’t keep Yvonne Dunlap from her duties. In her three weeks on the Palmyra Atoll, she had come to appreciate the damp weather, which gave the island a serene quality. Even with 175 inches of rain per year watering the lush vegetation, she could think of worse places to do scientific research.

She picked her way across the beach looking for her quarry, avoiding the plastic garbage that marred the otherwise pristine habitat. Dark clouds stretched to the horizon, broken only by an occasional flash of lightning in the distance. The breaking surf and soothing patter of rain were her only companions.

None of Yvonne’s three colleagues on the island had joined her on this excursion. They were back at base camp, working on their computers out of the rain, compiling figures about the nesting habits of sooty terns or analyzing data about the impact of non-native species on the island’s flora.

Yvonne had come hunting much more interesting prey than birds and shrubbery. Her graduate studies in invertebrate biology had brought her to this isolated outpost for one reason. And it didn’t take long for her to spot what she was looking for. She took out her digital camera and approached slowly to add more photos to her collection.

An enormous blue coconut crab scurried up a thick palm tree looking for its favorite food. This rare example looked like it measured three feet across and weighed close to ten pounds, a size that would put most Maine lobsters to shame.

The Nature Conservancy had purchased the Palmyra Atoll as a wildlife preserve. To minimize the impact of humans on the ecosystem, they granted only a limited number of permits to researchers. Yvonne was one of the lucky few, and she reveled in exploring the island’s natural wonders. Rainy mornings like this were especially good for her outings, giving her time to enjoy nature as it was meant to be, alone and in silence. To her, the experience was spiritual.

Yvonne interrupted her photography to jot some notes in her journal. The crab in front of her was one of the finest specimens she’d ever seen, and she wanted a full record of it. At the top of the tree, the crab grasped a coconut in its claws and ripped it open like a ripe melon, tearing at the meat inside. Yvonne was setting her camera to video mode to capture its eating ritual when a great boom echoed across the island. The sound was so loud that she dropped the camera.

The crab, also startled by the noise, dropped from the tree and scuttled back to the safety of its burrow. Yvonne stooped to pick up the camera, waiting for the thunder to abate. She searched for the source of the noise, but the clouds looked uniformly gray in all directions. Nothing suggested a major storm headed their way.

In a minute the sound dissipated, and Yvonne strode over to the hole the crab had disappeared into. She plopped herself on a fallen log not far from it and waited for the crab to reemerge, aiming her camera in hopes of a close-up.

She continued staring at the burrow until a new noise intruded on the soft drizzle. A rumble from the island’s interior. At its widest, the Palmyra Atoll was only a half mile across. For some reason, Yvonne thought the sound was reaching her from the opposite side of the island.

She stood and peered into the thick foliage. The noise grew quickly, coming toward her. It sounded like a thousand elephants stampeding, knocking down every tree as they charged. Yvonne stepped back involuntarily, stopping only when her boots were splashed by the surf.

She spotted movement in the forest. It was indistinct at first, but within seconds it resolved into an image that took Yvonne a moment to comprehend. A churning mass of water raged toward her, uprooting and splintering every tree in its path. She couldn’t have been more shocked than if it had actually been elephants.

She froze, paralyzed, her voice choked by fear. The roar was so loud that it seemed to go through her, and the wind pushed before the wall of water blew the hood of her windbreaker backward. Yvonne’s eyes locked in terror on the rushing mountain of debris, and she hopelessly wished that she could find some kind of burrow to plunge into as the crab had done.

As the water reached the beach, the closest palm tree—the same one that had seemed so solid when the crab had climbed it—was yanked out of the ground. Just before it crushed Yvonne, she finally screamed.


8:58 A.M.

AS WAS USUAL ON Oahu, the May morning was bright blue, with just a few wisps of mist perched on the mountains northeast of Honolulu. The flowers lining the path contributed their sweet aroma to the ocean breeze that tickled the trees. The forecast was eighty and sunny. Kai sighed contentedly as he soaked in the warmth. Teresa and the kids couldn’t have picked better weather for a day at the beach.

They were busy packing the boogie boards into the Jeep when the center’s security gate hummed to life. Kai saw a jet black Harley idling on the other side, the distinctive exhaust gurgling.

Oh no, he said.

What’s with the Hell’s Angel? Teresa said.

It’s Brad.

The playboy, huh? This ought to be good.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Believe me, I’m immune. Divorce will do that for you. What’s he doing here?

I have no idea, but I bet I won’t like it. Since Kai’s move back to Hawaii, Brad stopped by on a regular basis to pester Kai into doing something crazy with him, usually while Kai was supposed to be working.

Brad tore up the drive at a rate that Kai didn’t think possible. He screeched to a stop next to the group, hopped off his bike, and flipped off his mirrored helmet in one move. Kai felt a flare of envy at Brad’s effortless grace, which complemented his rugged surfer-dude appeal.

Brad ruffled his fingers through his thick blond hair and clapped Kai on the shoulder.

Great day for a round of golf, wouldn’t you say? Brad waved to the sky as if it had bestowed this day at his request.

Before Kai could answer, Lani ran up and jumped into Brad’s arms.

Uncle Brad!

Hello, my darlin’! He spun her around and then dropped her and gave her a huge smile. You are looking as pretty as ever. What? You’re heading to the beach and didn’t invite me?

Another voice piped up. It was Mia.

You can come with us if you want, she said, her eyes wide at the sight of Brad’s tight T-shirt, muscular arms, and sky blue eyes. Her mouth was slightly agape, as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. He usually had that effect on women, even thirteen-year-olds.

And you must be the lovely Mia I’ve heard so much about. Brad took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Kai thought Mia would melt into the pavement.

And I must be her mother, Teresa Gomez, Teresa said. She seemed unaffected by Brad’s physical gifts and looked a little disturbed at her daughter’s reactions to this thirty-five-year-old smooth talker.

Brad Hopkins. They shook hands. So you’re the doctor?

Third-year resident.

Well, it’s great you got some time off to come visit. I see you’re ready to enjoy our fine weather. Brad looked her in the eye, but Kai knew he had already given her tall, tan figure the once-over from behind that mirrored visor.

Teresa rolled her eyes, but Kai could see that she was amused. Your brother is exactly like you said he was.

Even though the only physical feature Brad and Kai shared was their six-foot height, they were indeed brothers. Half brothers, specifically. When Kai was four, his father died of cancer. Kai’s mother remarried within a year. She was wooed by Charles Hopkins, owner of Hopkins Realty, one of the most successful real estate companies in the islands. They immediately produced Kai’s little brother, Brad, and Charles adopted Kai. Although Kai kept his birth father’s last name, they were a close family. But it was apparent from an early age that Charles was grooming Brad to take over the business. That was fine with Kai. He had no interest in real estate or business. Science was always his passion.

When their parents died in a car crash five years ago, the estate had been split between them, but Brad kept control of the company. Being a consummate playboy, he enjoyed the freedom the business gave him. He could party all night, play golf the next morning, and still have time to close a major hotel deal before the sun set. No wife, no kids, no responsibility for anything but his business. Even though Kai loved his life, sometimes he wished he could trade places with Brad.

Brad flicked his eyes at Kai. So I hope all you heard was good things about me.

Don’t worry, haole, Kai said. Your dark secrets are safe with me.

Haole? Teresa said to Brad. That your nickname?

Brad laughed. To some people. It’s Hawaiian for ‘white boy.’ At least he didn’t call me ‘ass-haole.’

Kai shook his head in mock disgust. See what I have to deal with? I’m thinking about changing the gate code. Again.

It is so freakin’ boring around here, you need me to come in and liven things up. Brad winked at Teresa. I swear, this is the most secure nerd farm in the world. I don’t know why they need a fence around this place, anyway. Who wants to break in here?

That decision was before my time, after the Oklahoma City bombing. I suppose the higher-ups thought some nut would think we were a secret CIA base and try to blow us up.

Whatever. Come on, Kai. Let’s go shoot a round of golf.

I have work to do this morning. Some of us work most days.

Today is Memorial Day, you know. A holiday?

Not for me. The director is on vacation, so I’m in charge while he’s gone.

So give yourself the day off, Brad said. Hop on.

You know there’s no way I’m getting on that thing. You drive like a maniac, and I hate donorcycles. Kai had adopted Teresa’s nickname for motorcycles, so-called because a disproportionate number of organ donations came from motorcycle crash victims. You’re about as likely to get me on that thing as I am to get you scuba diving.

Brad’s smile vanished. That’s not funny.

Why not? Teresa said.

He had a scuba diving accident a long time ago.

It wasn’t an accident, Brad said with a scowl. It was a near-death experience.

You’ve got my attention, Teresa said. What happened?

He’s exaggerating, Kai said. Nobody got hurt. We were diving in a shipwreck off Oahu, and a rusty bulkhead came apart, blocking the door. Brad got locked inside, and his oxygen gauge almost pegged zero before we could get him out.

Now I know why you were reluctant about the scuba camp, Teresa said.

I didn’t want to scare you.

"He should scare you, Brad said. My Harley is a hundred times safer than scuba diving."

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