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Body of Evidence: Scarpetta 2
Body of Evidence: Scarpetta 2
Body of Evidence: Scarpetta 2
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Body of Evidence: Scarpetta 2

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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#1 New York Times bestselling author Patricia Cornwell’s classic forensic thriller, featuring gutsy medical examiner Kay Scarpetta.

A reclusive author, Beryl Madison finds no safe haven from months of menacing phone calls—or the tormented feeling that her every move is being watched. When the writer is found slain in her own home, Kay Scarpetta pieces together the intricate forensic evidence—while unwittingly edging closer to a killer waiting in the shadows.
Release dateDec 1, 2009
Body of Evidence: Scarpetta 2

Patricia Cornwell

Patricia Cornwell is recognized as one of the world’s top bestselling crime authors with novels translated into thirty-six languages in more than 120 countries. Her novels have won numerous prestigious awards including the Edgar, the Creasey, the Anthony, the Macavity, and the Prix du Roman d’Aventure. Beyond the Scarpetta series, Patricia has written a definitive book about Jack the Ripper, a biography, and three more fiction series among others. Cornwell, a licensed helicopter pilot and scuba diver, actively researches the forensic technologies that inform her work. She was born in Miami, grew up in Montreat, North Carolina, and now lives and works in Boston. 

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this second novel in the Kay Scarpetta series. Much improved over the first. The "who dunit puzzle" held true to the end. I was also pleased the romance storyline went the way it did although I wasn't really on board with it. Wrapped up quite nicely.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    AWSOME love your books thank you for your dedication to keep us going
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This story had me not trusting anyone who Kay came into contact with during this novel! They all seemed shady to me and I didn’t like any of them. The mystery itself is suspenseful and my guess of who the killer was flipped multiple times and once it was revealed I was definitely shocked!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This is the 2nd book in the Kay Scarpetta series and I really enjoyed. Just when you think you have it all figured out it takes a turn on you. This book had a lot of twists and turns it really kept me guessing. A great book in the series!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed reading this book. Dr Scarpetta's personal relationships are not as developed in this book as they are in later books, but that is what happens when you read books out of order. I liked that the story was about an author. The central mystery was a little convoluted. The killer seemed pretty random, but maybe that was the point. Sometimes bad things just happen. I am looking forward to reading more in the series.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was my intro into the world of Kay Scarpetta and while it was interesting it was rather predictable. The "Killer" was of no interest to me and the story becomes almost too staged for there to be any real suspense. However, Kay and Marino are very interesting characters whose opposing personalties blend well. I am a Patricia Cornwell fan now and would love to see how her writing has progressed.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Not bad story, but many characters feel artificial when acting to that set script... author also seems to like Scarpetta too much at the expense of other characters - understandable, but still... OK read overall - short format helps
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Inhaltsangabe:Kay Scarpetta untersucht den bestialischen Mord an der Schriftstellerin Beryl Madison. Gerade war die Getötete aus Key West in Florida zurückgekehrt, als sie den Täter in ihr Haus ließ, obwohl sie offensichtlich schon Monate vorher von ihm bedroht worden war. Wie der Täter ihr Vertrauen gewinnen konnte, bleibt der Gerichtsmedizinerin und dem ermitteltenden Polizisten Marino ein Rätsel.Kays einst große Liebe Mark James taucht plötzlich auf. Er erzählt von einem Manuskript, das Beryl Madison vor ihrem Tot verfaßt hatte und das ihren Mentor Cary Harper in arge Schwierigkeiten bringen würde, wenn es veröffentlicht werden sollte. Ein windiger Anwalt setzt Kay mächtig unter Druck. Schließlich wird Cary Harper vor seinem Haus erschlagen und die Schwester des Toten begeht Selbstmord.Doch dann ist da noch Alan Hunt, der auch irgendwie als Täter in Frage kommt, aber auch er begeht kurze Zeit später Selbstmord. Als der Täter sie auch beginnt zu bedrohen, weiß sie, das des Rätsels Lösung in dem verlorenen Manuskript und in Alan Hunts Erzählungen liegt.Mein Fazit:Der zweite Fall von Kay Scarpetta hat mich von Anfang an gefesselt. Nach dem ersten schwierigeren Teil war diese Geschichte eine wohltuend spannende Fortsetzung.Da wird eine junge Schriftstellerin ermordet, die offensichtlich auf der Flucht war oder versuchte, ihr Heim vor der Bedrohung zu schützen. Alarm-Anlage und eine eigene Waffe können sie jedoch nicht vor ihrem Schicksal bewahren. Bestialisch wird sie ermordet. Zwar taucht irgendwann der Name des vermeintlichen Täters auf, aber bis zum Schluss beschäftigte mich die Frage, wie er es schaffte, ohne Gewalt in ihr Haus zu kommen. Ja, des Rätsels Lösung ist einfach, aber nie im Leben wäre ich darauf gekommen. Sonst habe ich oft eine Ahnung, aber hier tappte ich bis zum Schluss im Dunkeln. Das war schon echt spannend.Die übrigen Figuren, Marino und auch Mark James, paßten irgendwie ins Bild, wobei ich Mark James zum Teil auch verdächtigt hatte. Aber seine wahre Geschichte war dann doch ganz anders – aber auch einleuchtend. Vertrauenerweckend war es aber lange Zeit nicht.Dieses Mal wurde nicht ganz soviel von den Vorgängen in ihrem Institut erzählt. Die vielen Erklärungen und Fach-Ausdrücke können zuweilen verwirrend sein. Aber hier war es genau die richtige Mischung. Spannung und ein bißchen was fürs Herz. Ja, der zweite Fall hat mir sehr gefallen und ich bin gespannt, wie der dritte sein wird.Veröffentlicht am 22.03.15!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is ok but not as good as Post Mortem. I don't mind reading a long book but it's a bit disappointing to find out after reading so many pages that the ending had practically nothing to do with the bulk of the material I just read. I hope this is not a spoiler for anyone. Well, actually, even other mystery/suspense books I've read share this common characteristic. It's like you'll never guess who did it because the culprit is hardly connected to the main characters, or the connection is so tenuous. It's almost like an accident how the characters met and the intersection of their lives was just all a coincidence. Long story short: people being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    One of her older ones before people say she started phoning it in. I liked this one. The plot was probably a bit of a stretch, but the story moved along without being predictable. Good character development and writing style.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I found that I had a hard time getting into this book. I remember liking the first book, Postmortem. Not my reaction for this one. I suppose I was frustrated when this book turned out basically exactly like the first. It was imaginable for the killer to go after Kay in the first book but I did not see any reason that she had to be a victim again in this book. She’s a medical examiner, an occupation that generally doesn’t get one into those sorts of situations. There was also much less about her profession, that of coroner, and much more about the investigation going on outside of the office. I do hear though that some of the later books are much better. It’s still a series interesting enough that I will probably continue with it but it has been moved from my immediate ‘To Read List’ to one of lesser priority.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The heroine is Dr. Kay Scarpetta, the Chief Medical Examiner in Virginia. Oh, no, you say, another Ouincv. Wrong, corpse-breath. Scarpetta is intelligent, short, (we don't know whether she is attractive or not, a relief) and she doesn't swoon over each drooling Sylvester Stallone imitation that happens by. (That's something I've always wondered about: How does Travis McGee, the blue-Rolls-Royce-truck-driving hero of John MacDonald's colored-titled novels avoid AIDS, since he seems to have the self-restraint of a male nymphomaniac?
    Anyway, Scarpetta is investigating the murder of a well-known novelist who has returned from the Florida Keys where she has been hiding from someone who keeps threatening to kill her. The night of her return she inexplicably opens the door to the murderer who does just that. The plot thickens as her former boyfriend, a lawyer, appears on the scene worried about her safety and to prevent her (he says) from crossing swords with a crooked entertainment lawyer (redundancy?) who desperately wants the victim's last manuscript. The book is filled with fascinating detail such as the difference between dextromethorphan and levomethorpan which has to do with right and left and why one is legal and the other not. Enough about the plot.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    An author receiving threatening phone calls decides to hide for a while down in Key West and work on her memoir. She’s murdered the very night she sets foot back in Richmond. Kay Scarpetta, Richmond Chief Medical Examiner, investigates the case along with the intensely dislikable Lieutenant Marino. It looks like a psycho stalker did the deed, but the missing manuscript has an unscrupulous and greedy agent complicating the investigation in order to get his hands on the valuable pages. Cornwell’s writing is fast paced, technical enough to be realistic to those familiar with law enforcement and psychiatry, but also understandable to the lay person (although I’m not sure why the ME is getting so involved, it’s been my experience that they mostly limit their investigations to autopsies and evidence found on the body).Unlike a lot of female protagonists in crime novels, I can’t fault Kay very much with putting herself in dangerous situations, but again, she does get much more involved with the case than one would expect from someone in her job description and much, much closer to the killer than necessary. I mentioned this in my review of the first Kay Scarpetta book, Postmortem but it bears repeating: if your lengthy and intensive investigation leads you almost to the point where you know who/where your killer is and said killer shows up at the protagonist’s home/work/favorite restaurant, etc. and tries to kill him or her, your entire investigation is pointless. You pretty much could have waited until he showed up and saved yourself a lot of trouble. I get that it’s nice to have a suspenseful, dangerous climax, but that does not have to happen on the investigator’s own turf.I like a good crime novel, and this had enough twists, turns, and possible suspects to keep me entertained, but the ending seemed a little pat and coincidental. I would rate it as average. 3 stars.

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  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    USA, 1990.Body of Evidence starter den 30 oktober 1990. Datoerne er baseret på bemærkninger på side 283 og 311-312 om at 10 april 1979 var for 11 år siden. Pete Marino er for nylig forfremmet til Lieutenant og har fået en ny Ford i stedet for hans gamle Plymouth. Han er i starten af 50erne. Mark James, som kom sammen med Kay Scarpetta da de læste jura mere end 15 år siden, dukker op igen.Kay Scarpetta undersøger det brutale knivdrab på Beryl Stratton Madison, som er en storsælgende forfatter. Hun flygter fra Richmond og tager til Key West, hvor hun få timer efter bliver myrdet med knivstik - 27 styks. Det sker den 29 oktober 1990, Cary Harper bliver dræbt den 10 november 1990, Sterling Harper bliver dræbt den 11 november 1990.Al Hunt bliver dræbt den 16 november 1990.Morderen er en Frankie, som også forsøger at dræbe Kay, men hun skyder i stedet ham.Thriller-agtig krimi
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Another great Scarpetta book. Fun read/listen with twists of plot that engage the reader.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a stellar novel by Patricia Cornwell. I especially enjoyed the kind of gothic tone carried in the scenes with the reclusive old lady and her spooky home. The technology, or lack thereof, of the early 90's made me chuckle a few times. For me, the book was kind of slow for the first 2/3 of the novel. Fortunately the last third brought a faster pace and the ending actually gave me chills. Overall, crime readers will probably enjoy this one, and it is alway nice to read about a strong female investigator.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Beryl Madison is writing a book in seclusion in Key West Florida, when she decides to return to her home at Windsor Farms in Richmond, Virginia. Shortly after her arrival, she's violently murdered at her very secured residence that has a high class burglar alarm system. Arriving at the murder scene is chief medical examiner for Virginia, Dr. Kay Scarpetta, during her investigation she's questioning how the murderer gain access to Beryl's residence, was the alarm set, did she let the killer in or was there a delay in the alarm too set. About the only physical evidence that was optained during the search were different types and colors fibers on Beryl and within her residence. The investigation heats up rapidly when Cary Harper an associate of Beryl is murdered in his driveway. Beryl was in a bitter dispute over a contract he had with Cary that was signed years previous while livig in Culter Grove, she thought that she was being taken totally advanaged off. Now the plot thickens !!!!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Patricia Cornwell has to be one of my favourite authors and yet again she has delivered a fabulous book. A gripping tale, strange twists.. Loved it!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This book is well written, however it follows the same "formula" as the first. The main character, Kay Scarpetta, investigates a murder, the killer comes after her and she barely ecapes. The story around this murder may be different than the one in the first book of this series, but I honestly felt like I was reading Postmortem all over again. I don't think I'll be reading any more books from this series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I expected a more dynamic ending to this incredible book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is the second in the Kay Scarpetta series, and I enjoyed it more than her first. The plot moved along swiftly and I really enjoyed the character development surrounding Al Hunt and Frankie.In fact, I wished more time was spent delving into the character of Al Hunt, despite his minor role in the plot. His supernatural talent for seeing colours really intrigued me.Nevertheless, another enjoyable read by Cornwell, I look forward to the next.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Once again, another page-turner from Patricia Cornwell about Dr Kay Scarpetta.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Enjoyed this book, even though the forensic description was a bit burdensome.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was my intro into the world of Kay Scarpetta and while it was interesting it was rather predictable. The "Killer" was of no interest to me and the story becomes almost too staged for there to be any real suspense. However, Kay and Marino are very interesting characters whose opposing personalties blend well. I am a Patricia Cornwell fan now and would love to see how her writing has progressed.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Medical examiner Kay Scarpetta, MD and Detective/Lieutenant Marino team together to solve the brutal stabbing death of a local author. Other murders ensue and the plot thickens.I have gone back to read this book after reading over 10 other Scarpetta novels. The plot is much tighter than her later novels. The characters are not as drab and as depressing in much later novels. Scarpetta smokes and it's really annoying as Cornwell tends to fill a lot of her pages with this activity. Marino isn't as nasty and is less subterfuge with his emotions. No Lucy either. Things are better before things got too complex.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Body of Evidence is a reasonable detective story. It has a good premise and likeable characters. The reader is very talented. I enjoyed the interplay between Scarpetta and the detective. They had a great like / dislike going on. The plot is a little dated with the smoking and the prominent gay theme, but the story is believable and changed location enough to be interesting: VA to NY to Key West. After reading a lot of detective fiction this story does not stand out as one of the best, but it is not predictable, and it is not overblown. Above average.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm trying to read the Kay Scarpetta novels more or less in order even though I've heard it's a series you don't really have to take sequentially. So this is the second--the first being Postmortem. So far I'm having a pretty consistent opinion of the books, even though I'm only two in.Body of Evidence is a mystery novel. And the mystery part of the book is done very well. It had me guessing a new suspect, a new motive, etc. with each chapter. That, I think, is the strong point of this novel. It manages to keep the reader hooked, and the mystery is unraveled at a reasonable pace. The forensic element that is prevalant in the book keeps it realistic--you can tell that Cornwell knows her stuff. (There were, though, a few mini-info dumps that made my eyes glaze over but nothing it was nothing I couldn't apply myself to with a little effort.)I couldn't fault the characterization. The characters were likable, they struck me as real people. I applaud Cornwell for this. The heroine was flawed the way a human being is expected to be and she was just my type of lead female character--strong, smart, independent. (And I'll just go ahead and come out with it, I love her name. Kay Scarpetta. It's so delicious to say.) The thing about some mystery novels, though, is that I sometimes feel more in touch with the victim than the protagonist. That was the case in this book with Beryl Madison. I'm not saying this is a bad thing--it kept me reading. But I sometimes felt myself getting frustrated when I felt more of a connection to Beryl than I did Kay. Now as much as I liked the characters and the mystery, I felt like there was something barring me from getting too caught up in the novel. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I think the problem was Cornwell's prose. It wasn't bad by any stretch of the imagination but it didn't do much to draw me in. I noticed a few cliches as I was reading, but besides that I can't really explain my problem other than saying it just didn't draw me in. The book was good, no doubt, but it wasn't the kind of book that sticks with me. I also felt that the ending followed in too much of the same vein as the first. I won't go beyond that so as not to spoil it.I was also disappointed with the lack of Lucy, who was my favorite character in Postmortem. The final verdict is 3.5 stars. It wasn't anything to get excited about, but I would recommend trying the first book if you like mysteries or forensics.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Author Beryl Madison is brutally murdered and her missing manuscript holds secrets.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Good self contained volume in this series.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Reclusive author Beryl Madison finds no safe haven from months of menacing phone calls -- or the tormented feeling that her every move is being watched. When the writer is found slain in her own home, Kay Scarpetta pieces together the intricate forensic evidence -- while unwittingly edging closer to a killer waiting in the shadows....

Book preview

Body of Evidence - Patricia Cornwell



Key West

Dear M,

Thirty days have passed in measured shades of sunlit color and changes in the wind. I think too much and do not dream.

Most afternoons I’m at Louie’s writing on the porch and looking out at the sea. The water is mottled emerald green over the mosaic of sandbars, and aqua as it deepens. The sky goes on forever, clouds white puffs always moving like smoke. A constant breeze washes out the sounds of people swimming and sailboats anchoring just beyond the reef. The porch is covered and when a sudden storm whips up, as it often does late afternoon, I stay at my table smelling the rain and watching it turn the water nappy like fur rubbed the wrong way. Sometimes it pours and the sun shines at the same time.

Nobody bothers me. By now I am part of the restaurant’s family, like Zulu, the black Lab who splashes after Frisbees, and the stray cats who silently wander up to politely wait for scraps. Louie’s four-legged wards eat better than any human. It is a comfort to watch the world treat its creatures kindly. I cannot complain about my days.

It is the nights I dread.

When my thoughts creep back into dark crevices and spin their fearful webs I pitch myself into crowded Old Town streets, drawn to noisy bars like a moth to light. Walt and PJ have refined my nocturnal habits to an art. Walt returns to the rooming house first, at twilight because his silver jewelry business in Mallory Square grinds to a halt after dark. We open bottles of beer and wait for PJ. Then out we go, bar to bar, usually ending up at Sloppy Joe’s. We are becoming inseparable. I hope the two of them will always be inseparable. Their love no longer seems out of the ordinary to me. Nothing does, except the death I see.

Men emaciated and wan, their eyes windows through which I see tormented souls. AIDS is a holocaust consuming the offerings of this small island. Odd I should feel at home with the exiled and the dying. I may be survived by all of them. When I lie awake at night listening to the whirring of the window fan I’m seized by images of how it will happen.

Every time I hear a telephone ring, I remember. Every time I hear someone walking behind me, I turn around. At night I look in my closet, behind the curtain and under my bed, then prop a chair in front of the door.

Dear God, I don’t want to go home.



Key West

Dear M,

Yesterday at Louie’s, Brent came out to the porch and said the phone was for me. My heart raced as I went inside and was answered by long distance static and the line going dead.

The way that made me feel! I’ve been telling myself I’m too paranoid. He would have said something, and delighted in my fear. It’s impossible he knows where I am, impossible he could have tracked me here. One of the waiters is named Stu. He recently broke off with a friend up north, then moved here. Maybe his friend called and the connection was bad. It sounded like he asked for Straw instead of Stu, and then when I answered he hung up.

I wish I had never told anyone my nickname. I am Beryl. I am Straw. I am frightened.

The book isn’t finished. But I’m almost out of money, and the weather has turned. This morning it’s dark and there’s a fierce wind. I’ve stayed in my room because if I tried to work at Louie’s the pages would blow out to sea. Streetlights have blinked on. Palm trees are struggling against the wind, fronds like inside-out umbrellas. The world moans outside my window like something wounded, and when the rain hits the glass it sounds as if a dark army has marched in and Key West is under siege.

I must leave soon. I will miss the island. I will miss PJ and Walt. They have made me feel cared for and safe. I don’t know what I’ll do when I get back to Richmond. Perhaps I should move right away, but I don’t know where I will go.



Returning the Key West letters to their manila folder, I got out a packet of surgical gloves, tucked it inside my black medical bag, and took the elevator down one floor to the morgue.

The tile hallway was damp from being mopped, the autopsy suite locked and closed for business. Diagonally across from the elevator was the stainless-steel refrigerator, and opening its massive door, I was greeted by the familiar blast of cold, foul air. I located the gurney inside without bothering to check toe tags, recognizing the slender foot protruding from a white sheet. I knew every inch of Beryl Madison.

Smoky-blue eyes stared dully from slitted lids, her face slack and marred with pale open cuts, most of them on the left side. Her neck was laid wide open to her spine, the strap muscles severed. Closely spaced over her left chest and breast were nine stab wounds spread open like large red buttonholes and almost perfectly vertical. They had been inflicted in rapid succession, one right after the other, the force so violent there were hilt marks in her skin. Cuts to her forearms and hands ranged from a quarter of an inch to four and a half inches in length. Counting two on her back, and excluding her stab wounds and cut throat, there were twenty-seven cutting injuries, all of them inflicted while she was attempting to ward off the slashing of a wide, sharp blade.

I would not need photographs or body diagrams. When I closed my eyes I could see Beryl Madison’s face. I could see in sickening detail the violence inflicted upon her body. Her left lung was punctured four times. Her carotid arteries were almost transected. Her aortic arch, pulmonary artery, heart, and pericardial sac were penetrated. She was, for all practical purposes, dead by the time the madman almost decapitated her.

I was trying to make sense of it. Someone had threatened to murder her. She fled to Key West. She was terrified beyond reason. She did not want to die. The night she returned to Richmond it happened.

Why did you let him into your house? Why in God’s name did you?

Rearranging the sheet, I returned the gurney to the others bearing bodies against the refrigerator’s back wall. By this time tomorrow her body would be cremated, her ashes en route to California. Beryl Madison would have turned thirty-four next month. She had no living relatives, no one in this world, it seemed, except a half sister in Fresno. The heavy door sucked shut.

The tarmac of the parking lot behind the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner was warm and reassuring beneath my feet, and I could smell the creosote of nearby railroad trestles baking in the unseasonably warm sun. It was Halloween.

The bay door was open wide, one of my morgue assistants hosing off the concrete. He playfully arched water, slapping it close enough for me to feel mist around my ankles.

Hey, Dr. Scarpetta, you keeping banker’s hours now? he called out.

It was a little past four-thirty. I rarely left the office before six.

Need a lift somewhere? he added.

I’ve got a ride. Thanks, I answered.

I was born in Miami. I was no stranger to the part of the world where Beryl had hidden during the summer. When I closed my eyes I saw the colors of Key West. I saw bright greens and blues and sunsets so gaudy only God can get away with them. Beryl Madison should never have come home.

A brand-new LTD Crown Victoria, shining like black glass, slowly pulled into the lot. Expecting the familiar beat-up Plymouth, I was startled when the new Ford’s window hummed open. You waiting for the bus or what? Mirrored shades reflected my surprised face. Lieutenant Pete Marino was trying to look blasé as electronic locks opened with a firm click.

I’m impressed, I said, settling into the plush interior.

Went with my promotion. He revved the engine. Not bad, huh?

After years of broken-down dray horses, Marino had finally gotten himself a stallion.

I noticed the hole in the dash as I got out my cigarettes. You been plugging in your bubble light or just your electric razor?

Oh, hell, he complained. Some drone swiped my lighter. At the car wash. I mean, I’d only had the car a day, you believe it? I take her in, right? Was too busy bitching after the fact, the brushes broke off the antenna, was giving the drones holy hell about that . . .

Sometimes Marino reminded me of my mother.

. . . wasn’t until later I noticed the damn lighter gone. He paused, digging in his pocket as I rummaged through my purse for matches.

Yo, Chief, thought you was gonna quit smoking, he said rather sarcastically, dropping a Bic lighter in my lap.

I am, I muttered. Tomorrow.

*   *   *

The night Beryl Madison was murdered I was out enduring an overblown opera followed by drinks in an overrated English pub with a retired judge who became something less than honorable as the evening progressed. I wasn’t wearing my pager. Unable to reach me, the police had summoned Fielding, my deputy chief, to the scene. This would be the first time I had been inside the slain author’s house.

Windsor Farms was not the sort of neighborhood where one would expect anything so hideous to happen. Homes were large and set back from the street on impeccably landscaped lots. Most had burglar alarm systems, and all featured central air, eliminating the need for open windows. Money can’t buy eternity, but it can buy a certain degree of security. I had never had a homicide case from the Farms.

Obviously she had money from somewhere, I observed as Marino halted at a stop sign.

A snowy-haired woman walking her snowy Maltese squinted at us as the dog sniffed a tuft of grass, which was followed by the inevitable.

What a worthless fuzz ball, he said, staring disdainfully at the woman and the dog moving on. Hate mutts like that. Yap their damn heads off and piss all over the place. Gonna have a dog, ought to be something with teeth.

Some people simply want company, I said.

Yeah. He paused, then picked up on my earlier statement. Beryl Madison had money, most of it tied up in her crib. Apparently whatever savings she had, she blew the dough down there in Queer West. We’re still sorting through her paperwork.

Had any of it been gone through?

Don’t look like it, he replied. Found out she didn’t do half bad as a writer—bucks-wise. Appears she used several pen names. Adair Wilds, Emily Stratton, Edith Montague. The mirrored shades turned my way again.

None of the names were familiar except Stratton. I said, Her middle name is Stratton.

Maybe accounting for her nickname, Straw.

That and her blond hair, I remarked.

Beryl’s hair was honey blond streaked gold by the sun. She was petite, with even, refined features. She may have been striking in life. It was hard to say. The only photograph from life I had seen was the one on her driver’s license.

When I talked to her half sister, Marino was explaining, I found out Beryl was called Straw by the people she was close to. Whoever she was writing down there in the Keys, this person was aware of her nickname. That’s the impression I get. He adjusted the visor. Can’t figure why she Xeroxed those letters. Been chewing on that. I mean, how many people do you know who make photocopies of personal letters they write?

You’ve indicated she was an inveterate record keeper, I reminded him.

Right. That’s bugging me, too. Supposedly the squirrel’s been threatening her for months. What’d he do? What’d he say? Don’t know, because she didn’t tape his calls or write nothing down. The lady makes photocopies of personal letters but don’t keep a record when someone’s threatening to whack her. Tell me if that makes sense.

Not everybody thinks the way we do.

"Well, some people don’t think because they’re in the middle of something they don’t want nobody to know about," he argued.

Pulling into a drive, he parked in front of the garage door. The grass was badly overgrown and spangled with tall dandelions swaying in the breeze, and there was a FOR SALE sign planted near the mailbox. Still tacked across the gray front door was a ribbon of yellow crime-scene tape.

Her ride’s inside the garage, Marino said as we got out. A nice black Honda Accord EX. Some details about it you might find interesting.

We stood on the drive and looked around. The slanted rays of the sun were warm on the back of my shoulders and neck. The air was cool, the pervasive hum of autumn insects the only sound. I took a slow, deep breath. I was suddenly very tired.

Her house was International style, modern and starkly simplistic with a horizontal frontage of large windows supported by ground-floor piers, bringing to mind a ship with an open lower deck. Built of fieldstone and gray-stained wood, it was the sort of house a wealthy young couple might build—big rooms, high ceilings, a lot of expensive and wasted space. Windham Drive dead-ended at her lot, which explained why no one had heard or seen anything until it was too late. The house was cloistered by oaks and pines on two sides, drawing a curtain of foliage between Beryl and her nearest neighbors. In back, the yard sharply dropped off into a ravine of underbrush and boulders, leveling out into an expanse of virgin timber stretching as far as I could see.

Damn. Bet she had deer, Marino said as we wandered around back. Something, huh? You look out your windows, think you got the world to yourself. Bet the view’s something when it snows. Me, I’d love a crib like this. Build a nice fire in the winter, pour yourself a little bourbon, and just look out at the woods. Must be nice to be rich.

Especially if you’re alive to enjoy it.

Ain’t that the truth, he said.

Fall leaves crackled beneath our shoes as we rounded the west wing. The front door was level with the patio, and I noted the peephole. It stared at me like a tiny empty eye. Marino flicked a cigarette butt, sent it sailing into the grass, then dug in a pocket of his powder-blue trousers. His jacket was off, his big belly hanging over his belt, his short-sleeved white shirt open at the neck and wrinkled around his shoulder holster.

He produced a key attached to a yellow evidence tag, and as I watched him open the dead-bolt lock I was startled anew by the size of his hands. Tan and tough, they reminded me of baseball mitts. He would never have made a musician or a dentist. Somewhere in his early fifties, with thinning gray hair and a face as shopworn as his suits, he was still formidable enough to give most people pause. Big cops like him rarely get in fights. The street punks take one look and sit on their bravado.

We stood in a rectangle of sunlight inside the foyer and worked on pairs of gloves. The house smelled stale and dusty, the way houses smell when they have been shut up for a while. Though the Richmond police department’s Identification Unit, or ID, had thoroughly processed the scene, nothing had been moved. Marino had assured me the house would look exactly as it had when Beryl’s body was found two nights earlier. He shut the door and flipped on a light.

As you can see, his voice echoed, she had to have let the guy in. No sign of forcible entry, and the joint’s got a triple A burglar alarm. He directed my attention to the panel of buttons by the door, adding, Deactivated at the moment. But it was in working order when we got here, screaming bloody murder, which is why we found her so fast to begin with.

He went on to remind me the homicide was originally called in as an audible alarm. At shortly after eleven P.M., one of Beryl’s neighbors dialed 911 after the alarm had been going for nearly thirty minutes. A patrol unit responded and the officer found the front door ajar. Minutes later he was on his radio requesting backups.

The living room was in shambles, the glass coffee table on its side. Magazines, a crystal ashtray, several art deco bowls and a flower vase were strewn over the dhurrie rug. A pale blue leather wingchair was overturned, a cushion from the matching sectional sofa nearby. On the whitewashed wall left of a door leading into a hallway were dark spatters of dried blood.

Does her alarm have a time delay? I asked.

Oh, yeah. You open the door and the alarm hums about fifteen seconds, long enough for you to punch in your code before it goes off.

Then she must have opened the door, deactivated the alarm, let the person in, and then reset the alarm while he was still here. Otherwise, it would never have gone off later, when he left. Interesting.

Yeah, Marino replied, interesting as shit.

We were inside the living room, standing near the overturned coffee table. It was sooty with dusting powder. The magazines on the floor were news and literary publications, all of them several months old.

Did you find any recent newspapers or magazines? I asked. If she bought a paper locally, it could be important. Anywhere she went after getting off the plane is worth checking.

I saw his jaw muscles flex. Marino hated it when he assumed I was telling him how to do his job.

He said, "There were a couple of things upstairs in her bedroom where her briefcase and bags was. A Miami Herald and something called the Keynoter, has mostly real estate listings for the Keys. Maybe she was thinking of moving down there? Both papers came out Monday. She must’ve bought them, maybe picked them up in the airport on her way back to Richmond."

I’d be interested in what her Realtor has to say . . .

Nothing, that’s what he has to say, he interrupted. Has no idea where Beryl was and only showed her house once while she was gone. Some young couple. Decided the price was too high. Beryl was asking three hundred Gs for the joint. He looked around, his face impervious. Guess someone could get a deal now.

Beryl took a taxi home from the airport the night she got in. I doggedly pursued the details.

He got out a cigarette and pointed with it. Found the receipt in the foyer there, on that little table by the door. Already checked out the driver, a guy named Woodrow Hunnel. Dumb as a bag of hammers. Said he was waiting in the line of cabs at the airport. She flagged him down. This was close to eight, it was raining cats and dogs. He let her out here at the house maybe forty minutes later, said he carried her two suitcases to the door, then split. The fare was twenty-six bucks, including the tip. He was back at the airport about half an hour later picking up another fare.

You’re sure, or is this what he told you?

Sure as I’m damn standing here. He tapped the cigarette on his knuckle and began fingering the filtered tip with his thumb. We checked out the story. Hunnel was shooting straight with us. He didn’t touch the lady. There wasn’t time.

I followed his eyes to the dark spatters near the doorway. The killer’s clothing would have been bloody. It wasn’t likely a cabdriver with bloody clothes was going to be picking up fares.

She hadn’t been home long, I said. Got in around nine and a neighbor calls in her alarm at eleven. It had been going for a half hour, meaning the killer was gone by around ten-thirty.

Yeah, he answered. That’s the hardest part to figure. Based on those letters, she was scared shitless. So she sneaks back to the city, locks herself inside her house, even has her three-eighty on the kitchen counter—show you that when we get there. Then, boom! The doorbell rings or what? Next thing you know, she’s let the squirrel in and reset the burglar alarm behind him. Had to be somebody she knew.

I wouldn’t rule out a stranger, I said. If the person is very smooth, she may have trusted him, let him in for some other reason.

At that hour? His eyes flicked me as they went around the room. What? He’s selling magazine subscriptions, Good Humor bars at ten o’clock at night?

I didn’t reply. I didn’t know.

We stopped at the open doorway leading into a hallway. This is the first blood, Marino said, looking at the dried spatters on the wall. She got cut right here, the first cut. I figure she’s running like hell and he’s slashing.

I envisioned the cuts on Beryl’s face, arms, and hands.

My guess, he went on, is he cut her left arm or back or face at this point. The blood on the wall here’s cast off from blood slinging off the blade. He’d already cut her at least once, the blade was bloody, and when he swung again drops flew off and hit the wall.

The stains were elliptical, about six millimeters in diameter, and became increasingly elongated the farther they arched left of the doorframe. The spread of drops spanned at least ten feet. The assailant had been swinging with the vigor of a hard-hitting squash player. I felt the emotion of the crime. It wasn’t anger. It was worse than that. Why did she let him in?

Based on the location of this spatter, I’m thinking the drone was right about here, Marino said, positioning himself several yards back from the doorway and slightly to the left of it. He swings, cuts her again, and as the blade follows through, blood flies off and hits the wall. The pattern, as you can see, starts here. He gestured toward the highest drops, which were almost level with the top of his head. Then sweeps down, stopping several inches from the floor. He paused, his eyes challenging me. You examined her. What do you think? He’s right-handed or left-handed?

The cops always wanted to know that. No matter how often I told them it was anybody’s guess, they still asked.

It’s not possible to tell from this blood spatter, I said, the inside of my mouth dry and tasting like dust. It depends entirely on where he was standing in relation to her. As for the stab injuries to her chest, they’re slightly angled from left to right. That might make him left-handed. But again, it depends on where he was in relation to her.

I just think it’s interesting almost all her defense injuries are located on the left side of her body. You know, she’s running. He’s coming at her from the left instead of the right. Makes me suspicious he’s left-handed.

It all depends on the victim and assailant’s positions in relation to each other, I repeated impatiently.

Yo, he muttered shortly. Everything depends on something.

Through the doorway was a hardwood floor. A runway had been chalked off to enclose drips of blood leading to a stairway some ten feet to our left. Beryl had fled this way and up the stairs. Her shock and terror were greater than her pain. On the left wall at almost every step was a bloody smear made by her cut fingers reaching out for balance and dragging across the paneling.

*   *   *

The black spots were on the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling. Beryl had run to the end of the upstairs hall, where she was momentarily cornered. In this area there was a great deal of blood. The chase resumed after she apparently fled from the end of the hall into her bedroom, where she may have eluded him by climbing over the queen-size bed as he came around it. At this point, either she threw her briefcase at him or, more likely, it was on top of the bed and was knocked off. The police found it on the rug, open and upside down like a tent, papers scattered nearby, including the photocopies of the letters she had written from Key West.

What other papers did you find in here? I asked.

Receipts, a couple tourist guides, including a brochure with a street map, Marino answered. I’ll make copies for you if you want.

Please, I said.

Also found a stack of typed pages on her dresser there. He pointed. Probably what she was writing in the Keys. A lot of notes scribbled in the margins in pencil. No prints worth noting, a few smudges and a few partials that are hers.

Her bed was stripped to the bare mattress, its bloodstained quilted spread and sheets having been sent to the lab. She had been slowing down, losing motor control, getting weak. She had stumbled back out into the hall, where she’d fallen over an Oriental prayer rug I remembered from the scene photographs. There were bloody drag marks and handprints on the floor. Beryl had crawled into the guest bedroom beyond the bath, and it was here, finally, that she died.

Me, Marino was saying, I think it wasn’t any fun unless he chased her. He could’ve grabbed her, killed her down there in the living room, but that would’ve ruined the sport. He was probably smiling the whole time, her bleeding and screaming and begging. When she finally makes it in here, she collapses. The jig’s up. No fun anymore. He ends it.

The room was wintry, decorated in yellow as pale as January sunshine. The hardwood floor was black near the twin bed, and there were black streaks and splashes on the whitewashed wall. In the scene photographs Beryl was on her back, her legs spread, her arms up around her head, her face turned toward the curtained window. She was nude. When I had first studied the photographs I could not tell what she looked like or even the color of her hair. All I saw was red. The police had found a pair of bloody khaki slacks near her body. Her blouse and undergarments were missing.

The cabdriver you mentioned—Hunnel or whatever his name was—did he remember what Beryl was wearing when he picked her up at the airport? I asked.

It was dark, Marino replied. He wasn’t sure but thought she was wearing pants and a jacket. We know she was wearing pants when she was attacked, the khaki ones we found in here. There was a matching jacket on a chair inside her bedroom. I don’t think she changed clothes when she got home, just tossed her jacket on the chair. Whatever else she was wearing—a blouse, her underclothes—the killer took them.

A souvenir, I thought aloud.

Marino was staring at the dark-stained floor where her body had been found.

He said, The way I’m seeing it, he has her down in here, takes her clothes off, rapes her or tries to. Then he stabs her and nearly cuts her head off. A damn shame about her PERK, he added, referring to her Physical Evidence Recovery Kit, swabs from which were negative for sperm. Guess we can kiss DNA good-bye.

Unless some of the blood we’re analyzing is his, I replied. Otherwise, yes. Forget DNA.

And no hairs, he said.

None except a few consistent with hers.

The house was so quiet our voices were unnervingly loud. Everywhere I looked I saw the ugly stains. I saw the images in my mind: the stab wounds, the hilt marks, the savage wound in her neck gaping like a yawning red mouth. I went out into the hall. The dust was irritating my lungs. It was hard to breathe.

I said, Show me where you found her gun.

When the police had arrived at the scene that night, they’d found Beryl’s .380 automatic on the kitchen counter near the microwave oven. The gun was loaded, the safety on. The only partial prints the lab could identify were her own.

She kept the box of cartridges inside a table by her bed, Marino said. Probably kept the gun there, too. I figure she carried her bags upstairs, unpacked and dumped most of her clothes in the bathroom hamper, and put her suitcases back in the bedroom closet. At some point during all this, she got out her piece. A sure sign she was antsy as hell. What you wanna bet she checked out every room with it before she started winding down?

I know I would have, I commented.

He looked around the kitchen. So maybe she came in here for a snack.

She may have thought about a snack, but she didn’t eat one, I answered. "Her gastric contents were about fifty milliliters, or less than two ounces, of dark brown fluid. Whatever she ate last was fully digested by the time she died—or better put, by the time she was

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