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First You Run
First You Run
First You Run
Ebook326 pages5 hours

First You Run

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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Bullet Catcher Adrien Fletcher is on a mission to track down a baby given up in a black market adoption thirty years ago. He has a list of possible names and one tantalizing clue: the infant girl had been marked with a tiny tattoo. And since tattoo-hunting will mean getting up close and personal with the women on his list, he's the perfect man for the job. But when Fletch meets Miranda Lang, he knows she can never be just a name on his list. If she's not his target, he should move on and find the right woman, despite their electrifying attraction. But Miranda is on her own mission, and every step takes her closer to a deadly trap. Fletch may be the only man who can protect her...forcing him to choose between duty and desire.
PublisherPocket Books
Release dateMar 25, 2008
First You Run

Roxanne St. Claire

Roxanne St. Claire is a New York Times bestselling author of twenty-seven novels of suspense and romance. A five-time RITA nominee and one time RITA winner, Roxanne lives in Florida with her husband and two teens, and can be reached via her website, or on her Facebook Reader page,

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Reviews for First You Run

Rating: 3.8561644191780826 out of 5 stars

73 ratings10 reviews

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Readers find this title to be a very interesting mystery book that leaves you on the edges. Although some readers found the dialogue of the Aboriginal character irritating and unrealistic, overall, readers enjoyed this book and think it would make an awesome movie.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was much better than the first three books in the Bullet Catchers series. It was still a bit difficult to connect with the characters, but the story was very good. The addition of a story line with some history of the Maya made the story more interesting. In addition, there was a continuing story line introduced regarding the black market adoption of triplets that will carry on into the next two books. Much better story.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Australians don’t talk like the Aboriginal character....haven’t talked that way since 1950s.......could not get past the first few pages as the dialogue was so irritating I couldn’t engage in the storytelling....
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book. It would make an awesome movie!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Good story, dragged a bit in the end but I'm certainly invested in finding the triplets now ....also Jack.. . Who gets him?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A very interesting mystery book that leaves you on the edges
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An intense mystery involving the Bullet Catchers and the challenges of their jobs. This story is specifically about Fletch and Miranda. The story also involves a woman wrongly accused and convicted of murder. It also involves the hunt for biological parents of babies illegally adopted. Another facet of this story centers around the history of the people of Maya. All in all, this is a very interesting story and an involved mystery.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This book was much better than the first three books in the Bullet Catchers series. It was still a bit difficult to connect with the characters, but the story was very good. The addition of a story line with some history of the Maya made the story more interesting. In addition, there was a continuing story line introduced regarding the black market adoption of triplets that will carry on into the next two books. Much better story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Bravo! Another stunning read for fans of Roxanne St. Claire. The first in her new trilogy of Bullet Catcher adventures, FIRST YOU RUN nails all the elements required for the ultimate perfect read in romantic suspense. You'll definitely relate to Miranda Lang, the sympathetic professor-author-heroine who finds herself suddenly placed in peril at a book signing. Lucky for Miranda, alpha male hero Bullet Catcher Adrian Fletcher seems to show up just in time. Or had he planned it from the beginning? Some serious sleuthing is about to begin. Fletch is on a tattoo-hunting mission in order to solve a thirty year old mystery and save a woman's life. Does Miranda have a tattoo? Fletch definitely would like to find out. But that requires getting up close and personal. Ms. St. Claire is a master at keeping the reader glued to the page with plot twists and turns, and this latest Bullet Catcher adventure definitely delivers! We're treated to 346 delicious pages of Mayan adventure, intriguing suspects and a twist at the end that makes you want to read the next book in the trilogy - THEN YOU HIDE 'hint, hint, it's already on sale - be sure and order your copy today!'.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    First You Run
    3.5 Stars

    Series note: Although this is book #4 in the Bullet Catchers series, it is book #1 of a trilogy within the series. It is not necessary to read books #1-3 other than the fact that they are very entertaining reads.

    An OK story but not my favorite in the series perhaps because Adrien and Miranda lack the chemistry of the previous couples and the hero didn't really appeal to me.

    With his background, Adrien has the potential to be an excellent tortured hero but is actually bland and boring. Moreover, his "ends justify the means" attitude toward sex is a turn off.

    Miranda is more likeable but her constant focus on Adrien's accent becomes annoying and she manages to get over her fears a little to quickly and neatly.

    The Mayan apocalypse angle is intriguing although the supernatural Shamanistic elements are over the top and the resolution to the suspense plot anti-climactic. In contrast, the adoption and murder mystery threads are very compelling with some good twists and turns, and I look forward to seeing how these develop in the next book.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Mild. Lukewarm. Slow. In other words, this book didn't light any fires for me. Adrien Fletcher wasn't that exciting, Miranda Lang wasn't exciting at all. As for the plot -- meh. I enjoyed the Maya angle, but I had a difficult time getting through this one and have no intention of reading any more works from this author.

    1 person found this helpful

Book preview

First You Run - Roxanne St. Claire


Charleston, South Carolina, 1978

EILEEN STAFFORD FIGURED she had to be insane.

Why else would she be hovering in the shadows, waiting for the married man who’d wrecked her life, busted her heart, and made her give up the only thing that mattered to her? She sometimes thought that the trauma of that childbirth had ruined her ability to think straight.

Why else would she have agreed to meet him in an alley at one in the morning?

She rubbed her bare arms against the April chill.

It wasn’t as if he wanted her back. But when he’d called, a glimmer of hope had flickered in her stomach. After all, they had a bond now—they were parents together. Regardless of the decisions she’d made.

Maybe he’d love her again. Maybe she could undo the mistake she’d made eight months ago, at that farmhouse on Sapphire Trail. If only he loved her.

She snorted softly. He’d never loved her. He’d used her. On the desk. In his car. On the floor. In his own home, on the nights his wife attended a DAR meeting. That’s what powerful men did to their secretaries.

Revulsion rolled through her. He’d called her here for a reason. Money, so she’d never tell their secret? Fine. She’d take every dollar he offered, and he could save his precious reputation.

As she squinted to see her wristwatch, she heard a whisper of sound and the shuffle of a footstep, soft enough to tickle her neck with apprehension. Turning, she couldn’t see anything but fingers of ivy cascading down the brick wall of the narrow passageway and a cement building with air-conditioning units and two trash cans on the other side of the alley.

Instinctively, she backed away, moving closer to the light, closer to the gate that guarded a church graveyard. She wasn’t superstitious, but hundred-year-old headstones and gnarled tree roots on a moonless night were just a little too spooky.

Is that why he picked this spot? Because he knew it scared her? Or did he remember the time they’d met in this alley before and made love against this very wall?

She closed her hands over the cool iron gate, and goose bumps rose when it opened. It squeaked an eerie note.

Footsteps pulled her attention back to the far end of the alley. She could barely make out the shadow of a man and a woman, walking quickly toward her. Her heart kicked up.

She inched the gate wider and slipped inside, stepping behind the wall. Had they seen her?

Their footsteps grew louder, followed by the woman’s voice. Then the man’s.

Eileen sucked in a breath. Her man’s.

She flattened against the wall and listened. Why had he called her here, then showed up with another woman? And not his wife—that was clear from the slender silhouette. She slowly inched out from her hiding place, blinking into the darkness.

He had the woman against the wall, his grunt mixing with her moan. Was that him? She couldn’t tell. He wore a long, dark coat, and the woman’s hands were wrapped around his head, covering his hair.

It sounded like him—the panting, horny bastard. Is that why he’d summoned her here? To prove that it was over, that she was replaced? Fury shot through her, and she opened her mouth just as he backed away from the woman. The woman said something, he moved jerkily, and then an explosion cracked the night.

Jesus God in heaven. He shot her.

Over his shoulder, all Eileen could see was the face of the woman the instant she died.

Clamping her hand over her mouth to stifle a scream, Eileen dropped back behind the wall, sliding to the ground as shock and disbelief rocked her. Running footsteps—his footsteps, a killer’s footsteps—scraped the stones, then disappeared onto Cumberland.

She couldn’t breathe. A dead woman was ten feet away, shot by the man Eileen thought she once loved. A man who’d sent her here. Why? To witness it?

No. No—he’d set her up. It was so like him. He could do anything. Didn’t he always say that, laughing and cocksure, when they lay tangled in sheets or half-undressed on top of his desk?

I can do anything, Leenie. I fucking own this town.

He could even commit cold-blooded murder…and set her up to get the blame.

With shaking hands, she pushed her hair off her face, her brain frantic for a way out.

Run. Before the gunshot brought the police and they found her here. She whipped open the gate and took one last look at the woman, blood oozing from her stomach, her eyes open and lifeless.

What had this beautiful blonde’s sin been? Had she said the fateful words, too? I’m going to have a baby.

Swallowing bile, Eileen ran, her legs wobbling. She tripped on a cobblestone, stumbled, and gasped. If she could just get to her car without being seen, she could get home. The streets of Charleston were abandoned. No one knew she was here.

Trying to be calm, she forced herself to maintain a brisk walk, just in case someone was watching, all the way to her Dodge Dart. She opened the driver’s door, slipped in, grabbed the keys from under the seat where she always hid them, and started the car.

She put the car in reverse, then placed a shaking foot on the accelerator. She hit the pedal too hard, and the car jerked back, tapping the car behind her and yanking a grunt of despair from her chest.

I can do anything, Leenie.

She had to get home.

With each passing mile, her breathing slowed, her shaking stopped. Had she even seen that? Maybe she’d imagined it. Maybe this was just a bad dream.

She reached the Ashley River, the rickety old bridge the last barrier between her and home. Blowing out a breath, she glanced into her rearview mirror—and saw a flashing blue light behind her. How long had that cop been following her? Her heart slid around like the back end of the Dodge as she checked the speedometer and smashed the brakes. Thirty-five. Relief and worry all warred in her muddled brain, but she managed to pull over. Before she even touched the handle, the door was whipped open.

Get out of the car.

She froze, blinking and shading her eyes, unable to see anything but the blinding light in her face. She pushed herself from the car and saw another policeman, aiming a gun.

Was I speeding? She sounded remarkably composed.

Wordlessly, the first cop moved his flashlight to the passenger seat. His eyes narrowed. She turned, following the beam, somehow knowing what she was about to see.

The gun. It had been right next to her all the way home.

Eileen Stafford, you’re under arrest for murder. You have the right to remain silent…

And she would. He knew exactly how to keep her silent. He could do anything.

With a sob, she fell to the ground and let them take her away.


Astor Cove, NY

The Hudson River Valley

Spring, 2008

ADRIEN FLETCHER WANTED something, and he wanted it bad enough to skip his beloved Sunday afternoon rugby game, remove his single hoop earring, cover his Aborigine axe blade tattoo with a long-sleeved shirt, and make small talk with his boss.

Amused and curious, Lucy Sharpe obliged.

The client on the diamond drop sent me an e-mail last night, she told him, clicking through her BlackBerry for the message from the Dutch jewel trader. He said you performed the job flawlessly and has requested you as his Bullet Catcher escort next month, when he plans to deliver another forty million dollars’ worth of… She smiled as she read the rest. Useless overpriced carbon to the jewelers of the world.

Fletch chuckled, deepening a set of heartbreak dimples. He’s a good bloke, that Maurice Keizer.

He’s also one of our very best clients. I’ve already e-mailed him back that you will be assigned to him next month. She set the device on the desk. I’m delighted with your work for him, and for the company, Fletch.

He tested the fortitude of Lucy’s Louis XVI salon chair with a backward tilt of six-foot-one, two hundred pounds of sinew and muscle. Then it’s a perfect time to ask a favor.

She lifted her brows. You can always ask me a favor.

That’s what I like about you, Luce, and that’s why I’m here.

Here in the United States working for the Bullet Catchers or here in my library on a fine spring day, when you’d rather be getting covered with mud and bruises?

He glanced at his watch and shook his head, his honey-toned mane grazing his shoulders. Game’s long over. The boys are on their last pint of Four X by now. But it’s the latter. I’m here for my next assignment.

I thought you were taking a month off. I expected you to be headed to Tasmania to have that conversation with your father you’ve been putting off for most of your life.

He let the front legs of the chair thud back into place, tumbling one burnished lock toward a sharp cheekbone. Don’t you have some unwritten rule about not throwing confidences back in your men’s faces?

She purposely let the sincerity show in her expression. I’m not throwing anything back in your face. I respect what you’ve shared with me. I’m simply giving you time to do what you need to do—for purely selfish reasons, of course. I like my team to be as fit emotionally as they are physically. You put your life on the line every day to protect principals, conduct investigations, and ensure the overall security of our clients. You can’t do that with the perfection I demand if your personal affairs aren’t in order.

He shooed that off with a wave. The personal stuff is aces right now, Luce. I work hard, play harder, and rather like putting my life on the line. I’m here for a mate.

A friend of yours needs to hire the Bullet Catchers?

Sort of. And I’d like to use the time between official assignments to take the job, which might require your resources and… He paused and pinned her with a steady gaze. Your support.

Her curiosity ratcheted up at his tone. He clearly wasn’t expecting to get it easily. What’s the project?

I need to find a woman. I don’t know who she is or where she is. And when I find her, chances are I’m going to get her naked, rock her world, and then make her wish I were dead.

A smile pulled at Lucy’s mouth. And how is this different from any other Saturday night for you?

Because this sheila might very well hold the key to solving a thirty-year-old murder.

She propped her elbows on her Victorian writing table, nestled her chin onto her knuckles, and met his level gaze. Start from the beginning.

He took a breath, nodding. For a man whose personal hallmark—and occasional downfall—was impetuosity, this deliberation surprised and alerted her.

My friend is working on a case to reunite a woman with a child she gave up at birth. A while back, he was digging up information for another client who was sold through a South Carolina black-market adoption ring back in the seventies. Evidently, a rural midwife ran a baby-selling operation from a farmhouse on a road known as Sapphire Trail. The whole deal was blown apart in a bust in 1982, and ever since, there’s been an ongoing effort to reunite something like a thousand babies with their birth mothers.

Lucy nodded. I’ve had some cases of black-market adoption searches, and I’ve heard about the Sapphire Trail babies. All the birth certs are falsified, and the leads are very, very hard to follow. But it can be done. How much documentation did they discover when they broke the ring?

Some. He stroked the shadow of whiskers that lined his jaw and the bit of golden hair under his lip. My friend did locate the son of his client, and that case is closed. Now another Sapphire Trail mother has persuaded him to help her find her daughter, too.

And you want to help him, and this other mother, find her child? Why was this something she would object to?

Yes. But it’s a bit more complicated than that. This birth mother is serving life for murder one, and that sentence is about to end because she’s been diagnosed with leukemia.

So she wants to have this reunion with a lost child before she dies?

Yes. Especially since a bone-marrow transplant from a living relative might give her a few extra years. Years that might give her the time she needs to prove her innocence.

Her expression must have been skeptical, because Fletch leaned forward to plead his case. My friend believes her. He really does. He’s a bonzer investigator and thinks her case was botched from the beginning. So time is of the essence.

Time was always of the essence to innocent people in jail. Especially when they were dying. Fletch, if you’d like to conduct a private investigation that could save someone’s life and even lead to the release of someone wrongly accused, surely you know I’d have no problem with that. You are free for a month, until the Keizer diamond drop is scheduled. If you need to tap into our database or work with Sage Valentine’s research and investigation team, by all means, you may. How much information do you have so far?

He looked a bit relieved, but not completely. Did he really think she’d take a stand against a standard adoption search? Something wasn’t right.

I have a list of infants that were sold from the Sapphire Trail operation during the six-week period that this woman says she gave birth, he replied. But the list only has the names they were given, not the names of their birth mothers. There are eight or nine female babies, who would be about thirty-one now. I’m going to track them down and interview them all.

Why doesn’t your friend do that himself, and how are you going to be sure you have the right woman? Some might not even know they were adopted, and their birth mothers’ names might mean nothing to them.

True, he agreed. But evidently, this baby was marked with a tattoo.

Lucy gave him a look of pure incredulity. Really.

I believe my mate has the facts right, Fletch said, his strong jaw set in defiance. He has very good instinct, and he’s dependable and smart.

Had she said he wasn’t? Which brings me back to my first question. Why can’t this man go interview these women himself?

Because he’d like to dig into the murder investigation files in Charleston while I find the daughter. Since the mother’s sick, there might not be time for him to do both, so we thought we’d do the job simultaneously. Like I said, he’s an ace investigator.

Lucy’s fingers began to tingle, the way they used to when she was an operative for the CIA and she just knew that right around the corner, someone was waiting to take her down. That tingle had saved her life more than once. Who is this friend of yours?

Fletch shifted in his chair. He glanced down, then back at her.

The soft scuff of a footstep outside her library door broke the silence. Lucy looked over Fletch’s shoulder, and suddenly all that hesitancy, that you’re going to hate this one tone, was crystal-clear.

Good afternoon, Ms. Sharpe.

Jack Culver leaned against the door jamb, his hands tucked into the pockets of khaki trousers, his thick, dark hair tousled as if he’d just rolled out of bed, his jaw stubbled.

She resisted the urge to swear and thanked God for the training not to move a single muscle in response to a man she’d stripped of responsibility and fired last year. Instead, she stood. We’re finished here.

Aw, Luce, come on. Fletch shot up. Just hear him out. Tell her the story, Jack.

She should have figured out what brought Fletch all the way up to the Hudson River Valley on a Sunday afternoon. He and Jack were as close as brothers.

She kept her gaze solidly on the Bullet Catcher she still respected. What you do in your free time is your business, Adrien. He flinched at the use of his first name. I don’t mind, as long as you don’t get yourself killed and you return to work when I need you. But this time… She cut her glance to Jack. I would counsel you to steer clear.

Jack kicked up one side of his mouth in a half-smile. A move that might weaken the resolve of most females, but not her. His sexy smile was wasted on her.

I told you, Fletch. Jack’s smile widened. The woman has a heart of stone and a soul of steel.

She stabbed him with a glare that had buckled the knees of men far braver, stronger, and smarter than Jack Culver. You are not welcome in this house or at any gathering of the Bullet Catchers. I don’t give help to people who lie—

I did not lie.

By omission, she volleyed.

Lucy, listen to him, Fletch insisted.

I don’t want to hear—

Eileen Stafford did not commit murder, Jack said, straightening. She’s been rotting in jail for a crime she didn’t commit for thirty years, and now she’s going to die. I believe her in my gut, Lucy. She needs to stay alive long enough for me to prove it. To do that, we need her daughter. If we succeed, you get all the credit.

I’m not interested in credit.

Well, this job doesn’t pay, so you might have to take kudos instead of your usual astronomical rates. That, plus the fact that you helped free yet another person unjustly imprisoned. You take those jobs pro bono all the time.

She crossed her arms. Of course, he would zero in on one of the things that really mattered to her; they all knew her pet projects. There are a lot of wrongly accused people on Death Row, Jack. I can’t save them all.

You don’t have to save them all. Just give me Fletch, and let him use your resources. I believe Eileen Stafford when she says she’s innocent, and I also think there’s just something noble about giving a dying woman a chance to live.

Lucy blew out a breath of pure disgust. Oh, please.

Come on, Luce. His voice dropped low. That New York City–tinged baritone of a jaded cop always snagged her. Doesn’t everyone deserve a second chance? He had the audacity to wink. As if that could make her forget that he’d lied and it damn near cost the life of one of her best men.

Not everyone, she said, pointing a red nail at the door. You can wait downstairs, Jack. I’d like privacy with Adrien.

He nodded, his dark eyes giving nothing away. No hope, no gratitude, no glimmer of apology for the misery he’d caused a year ago.

When he was out of earshot, Lucy turned on Fletch. Why are you doing this? You know that man is…dubious.

"I know that man is the best mate I ever had. I know that what happened a year ago almost killed Dan Gallagher, and I know how you feel about that. But bloody hell, Lucy, I wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for Jack. He needs help, and I’m only doing what he’d do for me."

He needs more help than you can give him.

He’s gotten his act together. He’s got his own PI business now. And he’s sober. He just wants a chance to prove he still has what it takes.

She held up her index finger. You have one month. If you need my resources, let me know, and I’ll decide on a case-by-case basis. After one month you will be on a plane to Antwerp, ready to escort one of my top, astronomical-rate-paying clients on another diamond drop. Do what you have to between now and then. But do not, under any circumstances, expect me to aid, abet, or otherwise enable Jack Culver.

Ace by me, Luce.

She took a deep breath, surprised at how much seeing Jack again had spiked her blood pressure. Just tell me one thing. I understand why this news might rock a woman’s world and make her hate you, but why would you have to get her naked?

He grinned. How else am I going to find that tattoo?

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is the great honor of Page Nine Bookstore to introduce Dr. Miranda Lang, assistant professor of linguistic anthropology at Berkeley, an expert in Maya studies, and the author of The Cataclysn’t: The End of the Myth, Not of the World. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Lang, who will read a brief excerpt from her work, answer your questions, and sign copies of her book."

Miranda nodded her thanks to the store manager and started across the Page Stage. She’d been at the university long enough to know this was a big deal. A camera flashed—probably one of her students—as she stood at the podium and looked out at the crowd of fifty or sixty people. A big turnout, especially considering that most of the anthro faculty would come only if they thought she’d fall flat on her face.

She smiled at the crowd. With her book finally published and her tour set up, that wasn’t going to happen. Especially since Dr. Stuart Rosevich himself was in the front row, beaming at her. She beamed right back, hoping the head of Berkeley’s impressive anthropology department knew of her gratitude for the chance he’d given a young Ph.D. Next to him, Adam DeWitt smiled more moderately, but it was sweet of him to show up tonight after their awkward conversation last week.

A few rows behind them were two low-level lecturers from the department and a few TAs. The rest were your basic anthro and linguistic nerds, some Maya enthusiasts, and the usual intellectuals who frequented readings at the Nine.

Good evening. She aimed her gaze just above the last row, a speaker’s trick that gave the appearance of eye contact. The Long Count calendar, she read, is the defining touchstone of the ancient Maya civilization, but that’s all it is, not a prediction that the world is about to end. On the contrary studying the calendar can assure us that we will wake up on the morning of December 21, 2012, just as alive as we were on December 20. There will be no asteroid, no Armageddon, no astronomical conjunction in the heavens. There will be no cataclysm, no doomsday.

A pale-haired young man near the front started coughing, and she paused, waiting for him to finish.

If you study their culture, their language, and their symbols as I have, she continued, the Maya did not believe the world would end on December 21, 2012, despite the fact that their calendar and computations ended then.

She looked up to fake eye contact again, only to encounter some powerfully real eye contact. A tall, muscular man standing in the back burned her with a stare so intense it made her stumble over her words.

Wow—who let him into this mecca of geekdom?

She forced her attention back to the page. Although some people believe this proves the end of the world is imminent, my research of the Maya hieroglyphics proves that is only a myth. There is no threat that something in the heavens will cause havoc on earth. There is no proof that December 21, 2012, will be the last day of human existence on earth.

She stole another glance at the man in the back. What was he doing here? Men who spent their days doing scholorly research didn’t have bodies that belonged in the Temple of Warriors, or golden brown hair that curled over their collars and brushed their square, unshaven jaws. They wore glasses, not gold

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