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Thunder Bay: A Cork O'Connor Mystery
Thunder Bay: A Cork O'Connor Mystery
Thunder Bay: A Cork O'Connor Mystery
Ebook385 pages6 hours

Thunder Bay: A Cork O'Connor Mystery

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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In William Kent Krueger’s “finest work” (Michael Connelly), detective Cork O’Connor unravels a mystery for his old friend Henry Meloux, only to get caught in the blistering crossfire of jealousy and revenge.

The promise, as I remember it, happened this way.

Happy and content in his hometown of Aurora, Minnesota, Cork O’Connor has left his badge behind and is ready for a life of relative peace, setting up shop as a private investigator. But his newfound state of calm is soon interrupted when Henry Meloux, an Ojibwe medicine man and Cork’s spiritual adviser, makes a request: Will Cork find the son that Henry fathered long ago?

With little to go on, Cork uses his investigative skills to locate Henry Wellington, a wealthy and reclusive industrialist living in Thunder Bay, Ontario. When a murder attempt is made on old Meloux’s life, all clues point north across the border. But why would Wellington want his father dead? This question takes Cork on a journey through time as he unravels the story of Meloux’s 1920s adventure in the ore-rich wilderness of Canada, where his love for a beautiful woman, far outside his culture, led him into a trap of treachery, greed, and murder.

The past and present collide along the rocky shores of Thunder Bay, where a father’s unconditional love is tested by a son’s deeply felt resentment, and where jealousy and revenge remain the code among men. As Cork hastens to uncover the truth and save his friend, he soon discovers that his own life is in danger and is reminded that the promises we keep—even for the best of friends—can sometimes place us in the hands of our worst enemies.
PublisherAtria Books
Release dateJul 24, 2007

William Kent Krueger

William Kent Krueger is the New York Times bestselling author of The River We Remember, This Tender Land, Ordinary Grace (winner of the Edgar Award for best novel), and the original audio novella The Levee, as well as nineteen acclaimed books in the Cork O’Connor mystery series, including Lightning Strike and Fox Creek. He lives in the Twin Cities with his family. Learn more at

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Henry Meloux asks Cork to help him find his long lost son. Cork tracks the man to the Canadian town of Thunder Bay, Ontario, where it turns out he's a prominent (if reclusive) industrialist. When someone tries to kill Henry, and the evidence points to his son, Cork digs deep into his old friend's personal history, where he uncovers truths that might be best left buried.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    When Cork O'Connon is called to the bedside of his elderly friend Henry Meloux, it seems as though he may be dying. Henry wants Cork to find his son, a son he's never even seen. Henry, an Ojibwe medicine man, sense that he has a son and that his son needs him.Henry gives Cork a woman's name, and soon Cork O'Connor finds himself headed to Canada to find a famous recluse by the name of Henry Wellington. People who are reclusive, don't want to be found, and neither did Henry Wellington. By the time Cork and Henry Meloux finish the journey of locating Wellington, Henry Meloux's story emerges.What I found with this book was that there wasn't anything in either extreme for me. There wasn't anything that stood out as magnificent and nothing that stood out as bad. It was simply an enjoyable book. I didn't make any great connections with any of the characters, but they were decent characters. I'm not sure if this is a case where I would have had more connection had I started reading earlier in the series. I think the subplot with Cork's daughter probably could have been eliminated altogether. It seemed to be more of a distraction from the main plot than adding to it. The main plot tended to be a bit on the predictable side and this is definitely a slower plot. The action is not edge-of-your-seat-type action. I mean, we're dealing with a 90ish year old medicine man and his 70ish year old son here. Not a lot of speed at those ages.I'll definitely follow up with this series, but it won't be one I have to read immediately.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A very good story and my first read of Krueger's. I will definitely seek out his earlier stories of Cork O'Connor.This one has to do with an elder of the Ojibwe tribe, Henry Meloux, who asks Cork help in connectiing him with a son he has never seen. The story revolves around Henry's wish and the resulting mystery of his life.......hidden gold and greed and jealousy add to the drama.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Favorite one of the series so far! I loved the back story on Henry. Audio, as usual for this series, but a new narrator which I really didn't mind. David Chandler, the old one also did all the CJ Box books and the same voice and the different Jo(e)'s always had me confused. Moving on to #8.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Fast-paced read. Enjoyable Am Indian back story.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    I found it a little disconcerting to read this book, which uses first-person narrative, after the 3rd person narrative of the earlier books in the series. The change definitely impacted my enjoyment of the book. It kept pulling me out of the story.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    William Kent Kreuger's mystery series featuring Cork O'Connor seemed, in my mind, to start out relatively slowly. I felt that it wasn't until his fourth or fifth book that he really hit his stride. I'm very thankful that I had bought up his complete series before beginning to read them (based on an enthusiastic review I read of a later book).. otherwise I might have given up on the series early on and missed some really great stories. And in hindsight even the early books have a great deal to offer. The novels are set in rural, northern Minnesota for the most part with the action shifting to The U.P. of Michigan in one story and to Wyoming in another. Mr. Kreuger gives Cork O'Connor a family life that is anything but 'storybook'. From one end to the other this is a loving, but modern family, with real life modern problems that they do manage to get resolved. Fairly early in the series, the stories begin increasingly encompassing Cork's and his family's Native American connection to good advantage!This is a very good and satisfying series which I gobbled up faster and faster towards the end. Now I have to sit and eagerly await the next Cork O'Connor adventure. This is a series where the books could be read as stand alones, but for maximum enjoyment I would strongly recommend reading them in the order that they were written.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is another very good book by Krueger. This themes of this story are love, loyalty and family relationships. Krueger has an intriguing and compelling way of drawing the reader into the story with his telling of the Indian lore and history that go with the area of the country that he so loves. Truly a good book and I highly recommend it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Great book.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Of all the Cork O'Connor mysteries this one would have to be my LEAST favorite. Krueger changes the writing style to a first person narrative of Cork's stories and then switches to Henry Meloux's story, which would have made the story my favorite! I loved how the reader got to see Henry's side of things and his back story. Maybe now they should be called Henry Meloux mysteries, because it seems Cork is drying up.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Elderly Indian asks Cork O'Connor to locate a son he fathered with a white woman 70 years ago. The old man believes his son is in trouble and needs him. They find a Howard Hughes type secluded on an island but sense something is not right. They spend time tracking through the woods looking for the campsite that the Indian said was used 70 yrs ago by the woman's father and wealthy benefactor while looking for gold. Subplot has Cork and his wife concerned over their teenage daughter's unplanned pregnancy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    William Kent Krueger never disapoints. Great storyteller and good writing - great combination!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I had not read a Krueger book in at least a year, and I now question why I had put it off for so long. I always very much enjoy the Cork O'Connor series and this entry was better than most as I remember it. It tells the back story of Henry Meloux, who has been the local Native American wise man and father figure in the previous installments. It was great to read about him, and I thought Krueger did a fantastic job of keeping the story balanced and plausible. I look forward to the next one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I'm of two minds about this book. There's a story within the story and the inner—the backstory of Henry Meloux—is well done. The plot of the surrounding story was a bit threadbare with a rushed ending that, by itself, would leave this book with a much lower rating. We also get a little drama in Cork's personal life that seems almost perfunctory before it passes. If you're enjoying this series, this is worth reading simply to put some flesh on Henry beyond "wise, old shaman."
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Maybe more stars after I have finish reading it.. By page 8, I'm hooked. A nice mix of characters, the elderly and the college age girls, one with a boyfriend problem. Set in Minisota. I'm intrigued
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The series continue with focus on Henry Meloux his early life and his current quest for his son. A good story well told that offers the color and atmosphere of Lake Superior country as the background for and old rooted but stile alive family mystery.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Good read until the needless sex scene. Such garbage. Ruined the book.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    So hard to get into this story. The first person narrative doesn't flow well like the preceding books. The author rehashes every minor detail from previous story plots in his books, if I skip this book I'll be caught up by chapter three the of the next, if I decide to pick it up.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is book number 7 in the Cork O'Connor series, and I think it's the best one so far in this fabulous series. In it we get an up close and personal look at one of the most fascinating characters in this series--a ninety-something year old Ojibwa man by the name of Henry Meloux. I am sure that I am not the only one who is a fan of Henry Meloux in the Cork O'Connor books. He is Cork's spiritual advisor, and a man who has visions of events that will be occurring sometime in the future. This is the book where we learn of Henry's earlier life, and about the love that he lost when he was only a young man of about 19. The book also takes us to a part of the world that I am familiar with. Most of the Cork O'Connor books are set in and around Minnesota, but this one takes us to Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Cork travels there with Henry and his old mentor, former Sheriff, recently widowed, Wally Buono on a search for Henry's son who is about 70 years old himself. Henry insists that he knows his son is in trouble even though he has never met him, and he must find him. The three put themselves at much risk to try to track down the elusive industrialist. The combination of Henry Meloux's decades old love story, along with the present-day occurrences meld this book into a sprawling story about the importance of love and the destructiveness of hate. It also further fills out Cork's own character, and his own personal life, which plays a fairly prominent role in this book. This is a series that keeps on giving me pleasure and I cannot wait to continue the story.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I loved Henry Meloux's story. He is one of my favorite characters and it was great to read about his youth.

    Still very much enjoying the series!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This was a thoroughly engrossing story that held my interest until the very end. The whole Cork O'Connor series is packed full with adventure and interesting characters. I am looking forward to the next book as with each one they get better and better.

Book preview

Thunder Bay - William Kent Krueger




The promise, as I remember it, happened this way.

A warm August morning, early. Wally Schanno’s already waiting at the landing. His truck’s parked in the lot, his boat’s in the water. He’s drinking coffee from a red thermos big as a fireplug.

Iron Lake is glass. East, it mirrors the peach-colored dawn. West, it still reflects the hard bruise of night. Tall pines, dark in the early morning light, make a black ragged frame around the water.

The dock’s old, weathered, the wood gone fuzzy, flaking gray. The boards sag under my weight, groan a little.

Coffee? Schanno offers.

I shake my head, toss my gear into his boat. Let’s fish.

We’re far north of Aurora, Minnesota. Among the trees on the shoreline, an occasional light glimmers from one of the cabins hidden there. Schanno motors slowly toward a spot off a rocky point where the bottom falls away quickly. Cuts the engine. Sorts through his tackle box. Pulls out a pearl white minnow flash, a decent clear-water lure for walleye. Clips it on his line. Casts.

Me, I choose a smoky Twister Tail and add a little fish scent. Half a minute after Schanno’s, my lure hits the water.

August isn’t the best time to fish. For one thing, the bugs are awful. Also, the water near the surface is often too warm. The big fish—walleye and bass—dive deep, seeking cooler currents. Unless you use sonar, they can be impossible to locate. There are shallows near a half-submerged log off to the north where something smaller—perch or crappies—might be feeding. But I’ve already guessed that fishing isn’t what’s on Schanno’s mind.

The afternoon before, he’d come to Sam’s Place, the burger joint I own on Iron Lake. He’d leaned in the window and asked for a chocolate shake. I couldn’t remember the last time Schanno had actually ordered something from me. He stood with the big Sweetheart cup in his hand, not sipping from the straw, not saying anything, but not leaving either. His wife, Arletta, had died a few months before. A victim of Alzheimer’s, she’d succumbed to a massive stroke. She’d been a fine woman, a teacher. Both my daughters, Jenny and Anne, had passed through her third-grade classroom years before. Loved her. Everybody did. Schanno’s children had moved far away, to Bethesda, Maryland, and Seattle, Washington. Arletta’s death left Wally alone in the house he’d shared with her for over forty years. He’d begun to hang around Johnny’s Pinewood Broiler for hours, drinking coffee, talking with the regulars, other men who’d lost wives, jobs, direction. He walked the streets of town and stood staring a long time at window displays. He was well into his sixties, a big man—shoes specially made from the Red Wing factory—with a strong build, hands like an orangutan. A couple of years earlier, because of Arletta’s illness, he’d retired as sheriff of Tamarack County, which was a job I’d held twice myself. Some men, idle time suits them. Others, it’s a death sentence. Wally Schanno looked like a man condemned.

When he suggested we go fishing in the morning, I’d said sure.

Now we’re alone on the lake—me, Schanno, and a couple of loons fifty yards to our right diving for breakfast. The sun creeps above the trees. Suddenly everything has color. We breathe in the scent of evergreen and clean water and the faint fish odor coming from the bottom of Schanno’s boat. Half an hour and we haven’t said a word. The only sounds are the sizzle of line as we cast, the plop of the lures hitting water, and the occasional cry of the loons.

I’m happy to be there on that August morning. Happy to be fishing, although I hold no hope of catching anything. Happy to be sharing the boat and the moment with a man like Schanno.

Heard you got yourself a PI license, Schanno says.

I wind my reel smoothly, jerking the rod back occasionally to make the lure dart in the water like a little fish. There aren’t any walleyes to fool, but it’s what you do when you’re fishing.

Yep, I reply.

Gonna hang out a shingle or something?

The line as I draw it in leaves the smallest of wakes on the glassy surface, dark wrinkles crawling across the reflected sky. I haven’t decided.

Figure there’s enough business to support a PI here?

He asks this without looking at me, pretending to watch his line.

Guess I’ll find out, I tell him.

Not happy running Sam’s Place?

I like it fine. But I’m closed all winter. Need something to keep me occupied and out of mischief.

What’s Jo think? Talking about my wife.

So long as I don’t put on a badge again, she’s happy.

Schanno says, I feel like I’m dying, Cork.

Are you sick?

No, no. He’s quick to wave off my concern. I’m bored. Bored to death. I’m too old for law enforcement, too young for a rocking chair.

They’re always hiring security at the casino.

Shakes his head. Sit-on-your-ass kind of job. Not for me.

What exactly are you asking, Wally?

Just that if something, you know, comes your way that you need help with, something you can’t handle on your own, well, maybe you’ll think about giving me a call.

You don’t have a license.

I could get one. Or just make me a consultant. Hell, I’ll do it for free.

The sun’s shooting fire at us across the water. Another boat has appeared half a mile south. The loons take off, flapping north.

Tell you what, Wally. Anything comes my way I think you could help me with, I promise I’ll let you know.

He looks satisfied. In fact, he looks damn happy.

We both change lures and make a dozen more casts without a bite. Another boat appears.

The lake’s getting crowded, I say. How ’bout we call it and have some breakfast at the Broiler.

On me, Schanno offers, beaming.

We reel in our lines. Head back toward the landing. Feeling pretty good.

Nights when I cannot sleep and the demons of my past come to torment me, the promise I made to Wally Schanno that fine August morning is always among them.


Sam’s Place is an old Quonset hut on the shore of Iron Lake just north of Aurora. It’s divided by an interior wall. The back has a small living area—kitchen, bathroom, table, bunk. The front is set up for preparing food and serving it through a couple of windows to customers outside. I’ve got a griddle for burgers and hot dogs and such, a hot-oil well for deep fry, a shake machine, a carbonated-drink dispenser, a large freezer. Pretty simple fare. In season, I do a fine business.

It’s called Sam’s Place after the man who made it what it is—Sam Winter Moon. When my father died, Sam gave me a hand in a lot of unselfish ways. I grew up working summers at Sam’s Place, advised and gently guided by Sam as I stumbled my way into manhood. When Sam died, he passed the place to me.

The Quonset hut houses my livelihood, but it also holds part of my heart. So many good memories from my adolescence involve the smell of a hot griddle coupled with the drumroll of Sam’s easy laugh. Several years into my marriage, when my wife and I were having serious trouble and my life was at its darkest point, I lived at Sam’s Place. It was a haven. In recent years, my children have worked beside me there, earning their spending money, learning lessons about business and people that I believe will serve them well.

I’ve been sheriff of Tamarack County twice. The first time was for seven years, at the end of which the constituency removed me in a recall election that resulted both from my own inadequacies and from things beyond my control. The second time it was for thirteen weeks, and I stepped down of my own accord. People who don’t know me well wonder that I’d give up my badge for an apron, thinking that flipping burgers is a big step down. If they asked me, which they don’t, I would tell them that when a man stumbles onto happiness, he’d be a fool to pass it by. It’s as simple as that. Sam’s Place makes me happy.

North of the Quonset hut is the Bearpaw Brewery. South there’s nothing for a quarter mile except a copse of poplars that hides the ruins of an old ironworks. The road to Sam’s Place is a couple hundred yards of gravel that starts just outside town, crosses a big vacant field, then humps over the Burlington Northern tracks. It isn’t particularly easy to get to, but people seem to find it without any problem.

In season, from early May, when tourists begin to flock north, until the end of October, when the fall color is gone, I arrive for work at ten A.M. I spend an hour getting ready for business. Turn on the griddle, heat the fry oil, get the ice-milk machine churning, restock the rack of chips, double-check the serving supplies, put cash in the register drawer. A few minutes before eleven, help arrives. In the summer months, it’s one of my daughters, either Jenny or Anne.

That morning after I fished with Schanno, as I was getting ready to slide open the serving windows, I saw Anne jogging up the road to Sam’s Place. She was sixteen, very Irish with her wild red hair. She was an athlete hoping for a scholarship to Notre Dame.

Where’s Jenny? I asked when she came in. She’s on the schedule this morning.

She had kind of a hard night. She reached into the closet for a serving apron. She wasn’t feeling well. We traded shifts. She’s coming in this afternoon.

The night before, Jenny had been out on a date with her boyfriend, Sean. I’d heard her come in. Sean had finished his first year at Macalester, a small, elite college in St. Paul, and was home for the summer, working in his father’s drugstore. Jenny had graduated from high school in June. Most of the past year, their relationship had been long distance. Sean was a bright kid. Like Jenny, he wanted to be a writer. One of the places, Jenny often said, where their spirits connected. They’d been out a lot together that summer.

A hard night? I pressed her. Something happen between her and Sean?

She concentrated on tying her apron. What do I know?

You’re answering a question with a question. What’s going on, Annie?

She gave me the look of a runner caught in a squeeze between third base and home.

Is it bad? I asked.

Define bad. She caught my scowl. Not really bad. Worrisome, I’d say.

Just tell me, Annie.

Dad, I promised.

I’m going to find out anyway. The minute Jenny walks in here I’m going to grill her.

Talk to Mom first.

"Does she know?"

You know Mom and Jenny. They talk about everything.

So everybody knows what’s going on except me?

Behind Annie, the window opened onto the parking lot, the long gravel road to Sam’s Place, and the distant town bright in the morning sun. She turned away and watched a car raising dust on the road to the Quonset hut. We have customers, she said, sounding greatly relieved.

Just before the lunch rush, Kate Buker, one of Annie’s friends who worked for me part-time, arrived. When the rush was over and the girls were handling things up front, I slipped away to call my wife, Jo. It was Saturday, so she was home. When she answered, I could tell by the shuffle of papers on her end that she was working in her office. She’s an attorney.

How’s it going? I asked.

Quiet. Getting lots done.

I could see her, black reading glasses perched on her nose, ice blond hair probably roughed from running a hand through it, her blue eyes sharp and focused. On weekends, she usually works at home, overseeing the rights of her clients. She often represents the Iron Lake Ojibwe. Long before they had their own staff of attorneys, she was legal counsel for the reservation, and they still rely on her expertise in a number of areas.

What’s Stevie up to? I said, asking about our young son.

Playing with Dumbarton in the backyard.

Dumbarton was a big sheepdog that belonged to a couple on our block. Sometimes he’d wander down to our yard, much to Stevie’s delight. At our house, the only pet was a turtle named Clyde.

Jo, is Jenny there?

Upstairs getting ready for work, she said.

Is there something I should know? Something about Sean and her?

What makes you think that?

There it was again. I was being answered with a question.

Just tell me, Jo.

Look, Cork, it’s not a good time to talk right now. Let’s sit down tonight, okay?

How about I just talk to her this afternoon when she comes to work?

Don’t do that. Let me talk to you first.

I hesitated before asking about the concern that came most readily to mind. She’s not pregnant, is she?

Jo laughed. Heavens no.

Well, that’s a relief.

Look, we’ll talk this evening. But promise me you won’t say anything to Jenny.

Annie says it’s worrisome.

Promise me, Cork.

All right. I’ll talk to you first.

I put the phone down just as Anne stepped into the back of Sam’s Place.

Dad, she said. George LeDuc is outside. He says it’s important.

George was waiting for me in the parking lot. A big gray bear of a man seventy years old, he was the Iron Lake Ojibwe tribal chairman. He was wearing a short-sleeved white shirt with a bolo tie, jeans, boots. He’d been staring intently at the lake, but when I came out he swung his gaze toward me.

"Boozhoo, George, I greeted him. What’s up?"

In the Ojibwe fashion, his face betrayed nothing, though the news he brought was deeply troubling. It’s Henry Meloux, Cork. He’s dying.


Henry Meloux was the oldest man I knew. He’d had white hair ever since I could remember, which was well over four decades. His face was heavily lined. There were age spots like patches of rust on his skin. His eyes were brown and soft and deep, and you couldn’t look into them without feeling Henry saw all the way down to some dark room in your soul where you kept your worst secrets locked away. And you understood that it was all right that he knew. He was a Mide, one of the Midewiwin, a member of the Grand Medicine Society. He’d spent his life following the path of Ojibwe healing.

When Sam Winter Moon died, Meloux filled the void in my life left by Sam’s passing. I’m part Anishinaabe—what most people know as Ojibwe—on my mother’s side. Not only had Meloux’s good advice guided me during a lot of confusing times, but also, on several occasions, his intervention had actually saved my life.

Now he was dying.

And the Iron Lake Reservation had gathered to keep vigil.

LeDuc and I made our way through the crowd in the lobby of the Aurora Community Hospital, greeting everyone we knew as we went. On the way there, George had explained to me what happened.

LeDuc owned a general store in Allouette, the larger of the two communities on the rez. That morning Henry had walked into the store to buy a few groceries. Meloux lived on Crow Point, an isolated finger of land on Iron Lake far north on the reservation. There was no road to his cabin, and no matter the season, he hiked to town, a good five miles, mostly over forest trails. LeDuc and Meloux passed some time talking, then the old man paid, put his things in a knapsack he carried on his back, and went outside. A few minutes later, LeDuc heard a commotion in the street. He rushed out to find Meloux collapsed on the pavement and people crowding around. LeDuc called 911. The paramedics took Meloux to the hospital. The old man had been conscious when he arrived. He was weak, barely able to speak, but he’d asked for me.

Meloux was in intensive care. They weren’t going to let me see him. Relatives only. But Ernie Champoux, Meloux’s great-nephew, put up a stink, and the doctor in charge, a young resident named Wrigley, finally relented.

Do you know what’s wrong? I asked.

His heart, Wrigley said. I suspect an occlusion, but we need to run tests to be sure. Only a few minutes, all right? He needs his strength.

Meloux lay on the bed, tubes and wires running from him every which way. It made me think of a butterfly in a spider’s web. I’d never seen him looking so frail, so vulnerable. In his day, he’d been a great hunter. Because he’d saved my life, I also knew him as a warrior. It was hard seeing him this way.

His brown eyes tracked me as I came to the bedside.

Corcoran O’Connor, he whispered. I knew you would come.

I pulled up a chair and sat beside him. I’m sorry, Henry.

My heart.

The doctor told me.

He shook his head faintly. My heart is in pain.

The doctor suspects an occlusion. A blockage, I think that means.

Again he shook his head. It is sadness, Corcoran O’Connor. Too heavy for my heart.

What sadness, Henry?

I will tell you, but you must promise to help me.

I’ll do what I can, Henry. What’s the sadness?

Meloux hesitated a moment, gathering strength. My son.

Son? In the forty-some years I’d known him, I’d never heard Meloux speak of a son. As far as I knew, no one had.

You have a son? Where?

I do not know. Help me find him, Corcoran O’Connor.

What’s his name, Henry?

Meloux stared up at me. For the first time I could ever recall, he looked lost.

You don’t know his name? I didn’t hide my surprise. Do you know anything about him?

His mother’s name. Maria.

Just Maria?


Maria Lima. How long ago, Henry?

He closed his eyes and thought a moment. A lifetime.

Thirty years? Forty? Fifty?

Seventy-three winters.

Seventy-three years. My God.

It’s a big world, Henry. Can you tell me where to begin?

Canada, he whispered. Ontario.

I could tell our conversation, spare though it was, was draining him. I had three pieces of information. A mother’s name. An approximate year. And a place to start looking.

Have you ever seen your son, Henry?

In visions, Meloux replied.

What does he look like?

I have only seen his spirit, not his face. A faint smile touched his lips. He will look like his father.

He’ll look like his mother, too, Henry. It would be nice to know what she looked like.

He motioned me nearer. In my cabin. A box under my bed. A gold watch.

All right.

And Walleye. He will be alone and hungry.

I’ll take care of Walleye, Henry.

Meloux seemed comforted. "Migwech," he said. Thank you.

Outside the room, LeDuc was waiting.

What did he want, Cork?

He’s worried about Walleye, I said. He wanted me to take care of the dog.

The rest had been told in confidence, and I couldn’t repeat it. Nor could I say what I really thought. That what Meloux was asking was nothing short of a miracle.


George LeDuc dropped me back at Sam’s Place. Jenny was there, looking pale, but she seemed to be doing fine. Several customers stood lined up at the serving window. I pulled her aside for a moment and asked how she was feeling.

Okay now. She offered me a brief smile. Customers, she said and turned back to her window.

As they went about their work, I filled the girls in on Meloux, what I could tell them anyway, and asked if they’d hold down the fort while I took care of what the old man needed. Jenny said she’d call in Jodi Bollendorf, who wasn’t on the schedule that day but would be glad to help.

I hopped in the Bronco and headed home.

My house is on Gooseberry Lane, a quiet street of old homes, mostly two-story wood frame. We don’t have fences, though often lilac hedges or shrubbery serve that purpose. I grew up on Gooseberry Lane, a child in the house where I’ve raised my own children. Until his death—the result of a gun battle in the line of duty—my father was sheriff of Tamarack County. He’d come from Chicago, married my mother who was half Ojibwe, half Irish. Her mother, Grandma Dilsey to me, was a true-blood Iron Lake Ojibwe, though she preferred to call herself Anishinaabe—or Shinnob—as do many on the rez. That makes me one-quarter Ojibwe. Though the other three-quarters is Irish, Grandma Dilsey always swore it was the blood of The People that counted most.

Until I was elected sheriff, my heritage was never much of an issue. After I put on the badge, whenever conflicts arose between the two cultures, red and white, I found that I was never Ojibwe enough for the Ojibwe or white enough for the whites. That wasn’t the reason I resigned my office. I turned in my badge when it became clear to me that my responsibility as a lawman was often at odds with my duty as a husband and father. I was lucky. I had Sam’s Place to fall back on. At least during the warm months, between May and November. The long winters were always a concern. The PI license I’d recently acquired would, I hoped, give me something to do in all those dark months.

Stevie was playing by himself in the front yard. My son was eight, then, small for his age. With his straight black hair and hard almond eyes, he was, of all my children, the one who showed most clearly his Anishinaabe heritage. He’d recently discovered golf, and that afternoon he stood in the shade of our big elm, a driver in his hand, swinging at a big Wiffle ball that sailed twenty yards when he hit it. I spotted a number of divots in the grass. When he saw me pull into the driveway, he dropped the club and came running.

What are you doing home, Dad? He looked hopeful. He was the youngest kid on the block, and with Jenny and Anne often working at Sam’s Place, I knew he was sometimes lonely.

I ruffled his hair. Work to do, buddy.

Mom’s working, too, he said, disappointed.

Where’s Dumbarton? I asked, speaking of the neighbor’s dog.

They called him in.

I nodded toward the driver lying in the grass. How’s that back-swing coming?

He shrugged.

Maybe later we’ll play a few holes together, I said.


We’ll see what we can do. Mom’s inside?

In her office.

Remember, head down and keep your eye on the ball.

I went in the house. He turned back to his game.

It was cool inside and quiet. I walked to the kitchen, ran some tap water into a glass, and took a long drink.

Stevie? Jo called from her office.

No. Me.

A moment later she came in wearing her reading glasses, blue eyes big behind the lenses. She’s a beautiful woman, Jo. A few years younger than me, but looks even more. One of the smartest women I’ve ever known. Also one of the most courageous. For years, she’s represented the Ojibwe of the Iron Lake Reservation in litigation that has often put her on the unpopular side of a legal issue. She’s never flinched. We’ve had our problems. Show me a couple married twenty years who hasn’t. But we were in a good period that summer.

What are you doing home? she asked.

Meloux’s in the hospital.

Henry? Why?

He collapsed this morning in Allouette. The doctor thinks it’s his heart. Meloux thinks so, too, but in a different way.

What way?

He has a son, Jo.

Surprise showed in her eyes. He’s never said a word.

He has now. But only to me, so you can’t say anything to anyone else. I’d told her because she’s my wife and a lawyer and understands about client privilege. He asked me to find this son of his.

Did he tell you where to look?

Ontario, Canada.

That’s it?

That’s it.

Did he give you a name?

The mother’s name.

Anything else?

Yeah. He fathered the child over seventy years ago. And he’s only seen him in visions.

Then how can he be sure?

He’s Meloux.

What are you going to do?

First, head to his cabin. There’s something I’m supposed to find.


A watch. Also, he asked me to take care of Walleye while he’s in the hospital.

Do you have any idea how you’re going to do this?

I’m waiting for inspiration to strike. Okay if I take Stevie with me? He’s looking a little bored.

Thanks. I’m kind of overwhelmed with paperwork.

I filled my water glass again and took another drink. Jo pulled a cup from the cupboard and poured herself what was left in the coffeemaker on the counter.

I saw Jenny at Sam’s Place, I told her. Whatever had her sick this morning, she seems better now. Sick from drinking, maybe? Is that what we need to talk about?

Tonight, Cork. We’ll talk. You need to get out to Meloux’s. She practically pushed me out the front door.

Outside, Stevie was using the driver as a rifle, kneeling behind the railing of the front porch, firing off imaginary rounds.

Okay, Davy Crockett, I said. Time to desert the Alamo. I’m going up to Henry Meloux’s cabin. Want to come?

He jumped at the prospect. Is Henry there?

Meloux and my son had a special bond. Stevie had gone through a traumatic experience a couple of years earlier, a kidnapping. The old Mide had spent a good deal of time with him afterward, helping him deal with his fears and return to wholeness.

Henry’s in the hospital, Stevie.

Is he sick?

Yes. And we’re going to help.

Can we visit him?

We’ll see. But Walleye’s alone at the cabin. We need to take care of him.

Walleye and Stevie. Another special bond.

He dropped the golf club on the porch and ran to my Bronco.


I pulled to the side of a dusty county road a few miles north of Aurora. Far behind me were the last of the resorts on Iron Lake, hidden in the deep cover of red pines and black spruce. All around me was national forest land. A few miles farther north lay the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. I parked near a double-trunk birch that marked the beginning of the trail to Meloux’s cabin on Crow Point.

Stevie leaped from the Bronco. He was already on the trail before I locked up, skipping far ahead. I followed more slowly. Age, yeah, but also because the trail to Meloux’s cabin always had a sacred feel to me. It was a hot afternoon, typical of early August. We were in the middle of a grasshopper infestation, and the woods were full of their buzz, a sound like tiny saws cutting the air. Sunlight broke

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