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Shotgun Bride
Shotgun Bride
Shotgun Bride
Ebook391 pages6 hours

Shotgun Bride

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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One ranch. Three sons. Only one will inherit, and on one condition.

In the second novel in the New York Times bestselling McKettrick Cowboys trilogy, Kade McKettrick is determined not to lose to his brother in the marriage race—but he hadn’t counted on falling in love.

Kade McKettrick’s got five mail order brides-to-be at the local hotel, and they’re all more than eager to brave the frontier and provide the heir that will win Kade the Triple M ranch. The newly appointed marshal already has his hands full with a troublesome outlaw gang, yet he can’t seem to think of much else besides “Sister Mandy” who is obviously not the nun she claims to be.

On the run from her outlaw stepfather, Mandy Sperrin is hiding a wild, passionate nature beneath her solemn disguise, and when Kade makes it clear he wants her, she finds she cannot resist her own heated desires. But are her ties to a shadowed past more threatening—and closer—than Kade realizes?
PublisherPocket Books
Release dateNov 1, 2003

Linda Lael Miller

Linda Lael Miller is a #1 New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author of more than one hundred  novels. Long passionate about the Civil War buff, she has studied the era avidly and has made many visits to Gettysburg,  where she has witnessed reenactments of the legendary clash between North and South. Linda explores that turbulent time in The Yankee Widow.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Patriarch Angus McKettrick has decreed that his three sons must get married and have kids in order to inherit his ranch. Middle son, Kade, gets himself into a pickle when five ladies show up in town in response to his letters, all vying for the honor of his hand in marriage. Unfortunately for them, Kade takes a shine to Mandy, who shows up in town on the run from an evil stepfather and hiding under a nun's habit. Mandy's hardscrabble past has made her an expert in riding and shooting, which intrigues Kade. The two fight and bicker all the way to falling in love. These books don't have much in the way of substance, but they sure are fun to read.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Read for Fun!Challenges: Read for FunOverall Rating 4.50Story Rating 4.50Character Rating 4.50First Thought when Finished: These McKettrick boys sure know how to make a girl lose her mind :)Oh I love historical romance! Specifically, early American historical romance--it makes me smile. Kade McKettrick is all Cowboy: stubborn, hard-headed, loyal, smart, and sometimes just a wee bit cocky (ok nothing wee about it) and Sister Mandy (LOL) was just the woman to put him in his place. I don't know about you but hard not to love a western romance where the girl beats the man in a horse race! Have to admire her gumption!Final Thought: If you like stubborn cowboys and hard-headed women, you will love this series!

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Shotgun Bride - Linda Lael Miller



Kade McKettrick rode slowly into Indian Rock, that raw and ragged afternoon at the tail end of winter, hat pulled low over his eyes, the collar of his muddy black duster raised in a futile effort to warm his ears. He’d grown a beard in the weeks since he’d left the Triple M, at the old man’s worried urging, in search of the recalcitrant brother riding beside him now. Far as he was concerned, the old man had nobody but himself to blame for all the problems. He’d been the one to pit his three sons against one another in the first place by issuing a decree that the first to marry and produce a child could get the ranch.

Now, Kade’s hair was shaggy, his scalp itched, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a hot bath, a sound night’s sleep, or a decent meal. After following a number of false trails, he’d finally tracked Jeb to Tombstone, where the little bastard had been having a high old time, and the whole experience had left Kade with a sour taste in his mouth. Right about then, he’d just as soon knock out a couple of Jeb’s perfect teeth as look at him.

Jeb had come along willingly enough, probably because he’d been up to no good in Tombstone and gotten on the wrong side of some bad people, though if he’d wanted to stay, Kade would have had a fight on his hands. Jeb hadn’t offered any insights into what he’d been doing, and Kade, being equally stubborn, hadn’t asked for any, though he’d surmised on his own that women were involved. With Jeb, women were always involved.

The fact was, he was curious about his brother’s exploits, but he was in no mood for Jeb’s patented smirk and smart-ass rhetoric, so it was better all around to leave well enough alone, for the time being at least.

Main Street was uncommonly quiet, and the air had a certain weight, as though something were waiting out there, just beyond the edge of town, building up steam. Without exchanging so much as a glance, the brothers reined in at the livery stable, where Old Billy kept his blacksmith shop, saying as few words as possible to each other or the talkative proprietor while they made the arrangements and left their horses to be fed, groomed, and put up for the night. Kade wanted nothing so much as to get back to the Triple M, back to his books and his own bed and Concepcion’s fine and consistent cooking, but night was coming on, and the animals were spent from several days of hard riding. The ranch was just two hours away, but it might as well have been twenty, in terms of the effort required to get there.

Leaving the livery, Kade and Jeb walked side by side down the broad wooden sidewalk, spurs jingling in discordant concert. The emptiness of the street made Kade edgy; he scanned the storefronts and roofs on either side—looking for what? Strangers? Riflemen? He didn’t know, but something.

A skiff of a snowfall began, riding a stinging wind and putting a seal on his glum mood.

The Arizona Hotel was just ahead, spilling light from its windows, the new parts of it framed in with lumber but still skeletal, and Kade raised a hand to his beard as they approached, wishing he looked a mite more presentable. There was a good chance that Emmeline, their elder brother Rafe’s wife, would be there, since she was part owner, along with her spirited and unconventional mother, and Kade had a tender place for his sister-in-law. Rafe he hoped to avoid, at least for a while. Ever since their father had laid down the law abou the ranch, they’d been at odds.

Reaching the hotel’s front door, Jeb put out one leather-gloved hand and wrenched it open in mocking deference. After you, he told Kade. The look in his eyes was downright irascible.

Kade gave his brother a scathing once-over, squared his shoulders, and stepped over the threshold. The lobby was warm and cheerful, with curtains and carpets and china-globed lamps, offering a pleasant contrast to the hardship of the trail, and a blaze was crackling on the hearth of a newly added fieldstone fireplace. Steamy, savory smells wafted from the direction of the dining room, the only restaurant in town. It didn’t compare to the ones in lively Tombstone, where there were any number of such establishments, including ice cream parlors, but if there had to be just one eatery in Indian Rock, Kade was grateful it was a good one.

A small nun with striking blue-green eyes stood behind the registration desk. His brain dulled by fatigue, Kade blinked once, certain he was seeing things, before he remembered meeting the young woman on a couple of other occasions, once at a party a few months back, on the ranch, and on a previous visit to the hotel. She’d come in on the stagecoach one day, by the account he’d heard, and Emmeline and her mother had seen she was down on her luck and offered her work at the hotel. Something about her worried at his memory like the teeth of a dog, but he put it down to being road weary and saddle sore.

Sister Mandy, she called herself, he recalled that much. He smiled a little and ambled toward her, with Jeb chinking along a few strides behind. Irreverently, he wondered what she’s look like in a party dress.

Welcome to the Arizona Hotel, she said, watching him in a wary way, as though taking his measure. She looked about half-ready to bolt for the nearest exit. She probably figured him for an outlaw, with his seedy countenance, and that amused him as much as her disguise. Whatever Sister Mandy was, she was no more a nun than he was an outlaw; he would have bet his favorite saddle on that. Or traded it for a real good look at her.

Would you gentlemen like a room? she asked.

Kade remembered his manners—he hadn’t had much call to use them of late, so he was somewhat out of practice—and removed his hat. Two rooms, he said, without looking at Jeb. He’d been bunking on the opposite side of a campfire from that polecat for almost a week as it was, and he needed some elbow room, literally and figuratively. Please.

Sister Mandy nodded and swiveled the registration book around for Kade to sign. He picked up the pen, dipped it into an open inkwell, and wrote his name with a flourish. Jeb penned his own signature underneath, barely legible, like always.

I’ll be wanting a bath, Jeb said. Seemed he hadn’t forgotten how to talk after all, damn the luck.

You need one, Kade observed, without looking at his brother. He was spoiling to tie into somebody, had been since they’d left Tombstone, but he’d bide his time. Becky had worked hard to make the Arizona Hotel a respectable place, and the last thing she needed—or would tolerate—was a brawl in her cheerful lobby. Besides, a lady was present. So to speak.

Go to hell, Jeb responded blithely. Out of the corner of his eye, Kade saw his brother flex his left hand and knew he felt the same longing as he did to throw a punch and feel it connect.

That’s fifty cents extra, Mandy said, raising her voice a little, looking from one of them to another, clearly discomforted. The words they’d exchanged had been mild enough, but the testy undercurrent was unmistakable. Kade felt a moment’s shame for alarming the girl, though he wouldn’t credit Jeb with the decency to do the same. With the room, that will be two dollars, she finished.

Jeb laid the money on the desk and gestured for a key with a beckoning motion of his fingers. Kade was reaching for his own wallet when Emmeline swept in from the dining room, looking flushed and plump and happy, and thereby distracting them all. She and Rafe had gotten off to an uneven start where matrimony was concerned, but if her expression was anything to go by, they’d resolved the worst of their difficulties and reached a comfortable accord of some sort.

You’re back! she cried, pleased, approaching Jeb and Kade and rising on tiptoe to favor each of them with a sisterly kiss on the cheek. Kade found himself wishing, yet again, that he’d taken the time for a bath and barbering somewhere along the way. We’ve been worried into a regular fret, every one of us. Where have you been all these weeks?

Kade and Jeb glanced at each other in a desultory fashion, but when Kade turned back to his fair-haired, bright-eyed sister-in-law, he was wearing a stock smile. She was Rafe’s and had been from the first, and he’d best be about accepting the truth of the matter, but facing it sounded a lonesome refrain inside him all the same. That’s too long a story to tell when I’m this hungry, he said. He cocked his head toward the lobby window overlooking the street. Where is everybody? The place looks like a ghost town.

Emmeline reached back, fiddling with the ties of her apron. Some of the glow faded from her face and countenance. Folks are—nervous. There’s been some trouble—

At the edge of his vision, Kade saw Sister Mandy put away his money and Jeb’s, and set two brass keys on the desk. Her color seemed a little high. So there was a flesh-and-blood woman under that get-up.

What kind of trouble? Jeb asked, reaching for one of the keys, before Kade could get the words out. Though he’d never said as much, Kade suspected that Jeb, too, had cherished a few sweet illusions where Emmeline was concerned. She’d blown into their family like a fresh breeze on a hot, dry day, arriving from Kansas City as a mail-order bride, and none of them had been the same since. Especially Rafe.

Emmeline bit her lower lip. There’s talk of some gunplay between the ranches. She inclined her head toward the hotel dining room. Come along, and I’ll get you both a plate of food—you probably haven’t had anything that wasn’t cooked over a campfire in days. I’ll explain while you eat.

Jeb and Kade took a table by the window in the next room, and Emmeline brought them coffee first thing, bustling a little, then put in their orders for a pair of fried chicken dinners.

Has there been any shooting? Jeb demanded once Emmeline had served the food and joined them at the table. Or just talk? He looked even more amenable to the idea of a good fight than he had out there in the lobby, though now he seemed ready to take on half the territory, not just Kade. Typically, he didn’t wait for an answer, but jumped to the first conclusion with a foothold. It’s got to do with Holt Cavanagh buying the Chandler place out from under Pa, hasn’t it? He’s gone and cut off the water to the Triple M. Cavanagh was more than just an irksome neighbor, he was a half brother to Rafe, Jeb, and Kade—Angus’s son by his first wife, born in Texas and left behind as a babe when Ellie McKettrick had died and the old man had taken it into his head to go north. They hadn’t known Holt existed until recently, when he’d hired on at the Triple M pretending to be a regular cowhand, and he was still a burr under their collective hide. Cavanagh’s main reason for coming to Indian Rock, it seemed to Kade, was to rankle the McKettricks as much as possible, and while he had his agreeable moments, he was making a good job of it.

Emmeline hesitated, fidgeted a bit with her hair. A few people were venturing out onto the street by then, even though the snow was coming down faster, whipped into bitter little twisters by the rising wind. Kade was doubly glad to be in out of the weather, though he wished they’d had better news awaiting them. A bare-knuckle row in back of the barn with one or more of his brothers was one thing. A bunch of rowdy cowboys riding all over the countryside gunning for each other was another.

It hasn’t come down to bullets yet, she said. Not so far, anyhow. But there’s been some nasty talk between the Triple M and the Circle C, and a few other outfits have taken sides. Some fence lines were cut, some cattle rustled, that sort of thing.

Kade picked up a piece of chicken and bit into it. His stomach was so empty it seemed to be gnawing at his backbone, and he didn’t figure he’d be able to think clearly until he’d seen to the matter. What’s Rafe got to say about all this? he asked, taking advantage of a gap in his chewing and swallowing. Rafe was foreman of the Triple M for the time being, and their pa’s mandate notwithstanding, that galled Kade. By his reckoning, Angus McKettrick had been flat wrong to give one of his sons authority over the others, but these days, his opinion didn’t appear to account for much.

Emmeline sighed, fiddling with the checkered gingham curtains at the window. He’s worried, she admitted. So far, it’s just been mischief, mostly, but if there’s violence of any kind, there could be a range war.

History had recorded many a bloody fight between competing ranchers all over the West, and Kade didn’t want to see it happen on or around the Triple M. Has he talked to Cavanagh? he asked. Holt had a good-sized chunk of land, and the several springs that fed the creek running through the Triple M were squarely within his property. If he wanted to cause real grief for the McKettricks, all he had to do was change the course of the stream or build himself a dam.

They’ve had words, Emmeline admitted. She tried to smile and fell a little short of the mark. You know how hardheaded Rafe is, and Holt is as bad or worse. All they’ve done so far is lock horns and exchange accusations. A couple of times, I thought they might actually come to blows. Innocent Emmeline. She’d grown up in the city, in a household of women, even if it was a high-toned brothel, and she knew nothing of the ways of brothers raised to scuffle like bear cubs. Adjusting to life on the Triple M must have been a monumental effort for her, and Kade, for one, admired her grit and gumption.

Where’s our big brother now? Jeb wanted to know. He’d evidently eaten as much as he cared to and pushed his plate away to sip the stout coffee. Kade, on the other hand, was seriously thinking about ordering another chicken dinner, since the first one hadn’t hit bottom yet. Nothing much interfered with his appetite, including talk of a range war.

He’s out with a crew of men, mending fence and rounding up strays, she said. The wistful look that rose in her eyes was gone in a flicker. Kade wondered if, for all her apparent well-being, there might be a problem between her and Rafe after all.

And you’re staying in town? Kade asked, summoning up a convivial smile. What about that fine house Rafe built for the two of you over across the creek from us? Is it standing empty these days?

Emmeline shook her head, and all of the sudden she looked tired. Kade felt a pang of concern; if Emmeline was in the family way, Rafe was certain to win control of the Triple M for good. Much as Kade would have liked to be an uncle, he wanted to be a father first. A father with a legacy to leave.

Becky’s been up in Flagstaff with John Lewis for a week, Emmeline said, so I’ve been helping Clive and Sister Mandy look after the hotel. Becky Fairmont, also known as Becky Harding, depending on her state of mind and the phase of the moon, was Emmeline’s mother, and John Lewis, the town marshal, was her beau. The two of them had churned Indian Rock’s version of polite society into a regular dither, carrying on the way they did; the ladies down at the spanking-new church were bound to be spending more time on gossip than prayer and hymn singing. Good thing none of them knew the family secret, that Becky had been a madam back in Kansas City, before turning to innkeeping.

Jeb let out a long sigh and sat back, folding his arms. He looked as disreputable as Kade felt, being sorely in need of scouring, and he didn’t smell much better than a sweat-lathered mule. I’m heading for the Triple M tomorrow, he told Emmeline. I’d be glad to borrow a buckboard from Old Billy and drive you out there. He was always trying to charm the women, Jeb was, and it didn’t seem to matter much if they belonged to somebody else. Kade set his jaw briefly, biting down on a string of words better left unsaid.

Like you did the first day I came here, Emmeline reminisced, with a little laugh that did a lot to raise Kade’s flagging spirits. She shook her head, probably reflecting on the memory of arriving in the Arizona Territory, believing herself well and truly married to a man who’d just rolled through the doors of the Bloody Basin Saloon to land at her feet. Her introduction to Rafe had been an eye-opener, even by Western standards. I remember wishing I’d signed on to marry you instead of your brother.

That, Jeb said, with one of those crooked grins of his, was your common sense talking.

Just then, a clamor arose in the street, horses’ hooves clattering on the hard ground, saddle leather creaking, men calling to each other in raised voices.

There he is now, Emmeline said, but even without her saying so, just by the way she leaped from her chair with her face all pink and shining, Kade would have known that Rafe had arrived. He felt a sore yen to have a woman light up that way for him and despaired of its ever happening.

Rafe strode right into the hotel, just as if he owned the place, bringing the frigid, snow-flecked wind and nine or ten rambunctious, spur-jangling range hands right along with him. When Rafe entered a room, it always felt as if the ceiling had dropped and the walls had sucked in like the sides of an empty bellows.

Well, he said, towering in the doorway and jerking off his work gloves one finger at a time, if it isn’t my little brothers, home from the far country. Kill the fatted calf.


Mandy Sperrin sneaked through the hotel kitchen, having avoided the dining room entirely, and took refuge in the alley beyond. Oblivious to the snow and the cold searing her flesh even through the heavy woolen habit she wore, she stood absolutely still, with her back pressed to the wall of the general store, one hand to her chest. Her heart thundered like a herd of runaway horses.

She was sure Kade McKettrick didn’t remember her from that night five years ago down in Cave Creek, which both troubled and relieved her, but he’d given her a curious glance or two just the same. Doubtless, it was only because of the nun suit, she thought, grasping at straws. Next time she needed a disguise, she’d darn well pick a garment that didn’t draw so much notice. Or itch like something off the floor of an abandoned teepee.

One moment, she was standing there, hiding out and battling the urge to scratch, and the next, she was pinned to the clapboard wall, nearly choking, with an icy rifle barrel pressed lengthwise across her throat. She scrambled onto her tiptoes and pushed with both hands to free herself, but it was no good.

Blinking with fear and breathlessness, she stared into Gig Curry’s furious eyes. Curry would have been her stepfather, if he’d ever taken the trouble to marry her mother, though he never hesitated to claim the title if he saw any benefit in it. The old emotions rose up in her, bitter and violent but at the same time sustaining. Her blood burned like kerosene in her veins.

Slowly, degree by degree, Curry relaxed the pressure of the rifle, allowing Mandy to drop to her heels and draw a desperately needed breath. Curry was a thin man, not particularly tall, but full of rangy strength, and he’d been born pissed.

Well, now, Gig crooned, his face so close to Mandy’s that she felt a splash of spittle as he spoke, so here’s where she’s been hiding, our own little Sister Mandy. He paused to shake his head. "Now, that’s funny, you posing as a nun. That’s downright hilarious."

Mandy closed her eyes for a moment in a desperate bid for courage, then fixed Curry with a glare. He thrived on other folks’ fright, and he could smell it, like the wild animal he was. She’d learned a long time ago not to show fear, whether he was around or not.

What do you want? she asked, chin raised and jutting a little. She thought of Cree, her half brother, and hoped he was far away, and safe.

Curry raised his free hand as if to backhand her, then apparently thought better of the idea and let it fall to his side. I want to know where that little war-whoop brother of yours is right now. He’s been bad-mouthing me, and messing in my business.

Mandy might have called out for help just then, if there had been more people on the street, but the nip in the air and the rising fear of trouble between the various ranches had driven most of them inside. I haven’t seen him, she said, and made sure she was snippy about it, though it might just earn her a beating. Or worse. But if I had, I wouldn’t tell you.

Gig looked as if he might be about to choke her again. You double-crossing little—

She tried to stare him down.

Now you listen to me, Amanda Rose. If that savage gets the chance, he’ll ambush me, and that means my life is on the line. There’s one person in all the world he gives a good goddamn about, and that’s you. So it does seem to me that you might need a little persuasion to get that memory of yours fired up.

As if she’d betray her brother for any reason. He was the only person in the world she’d ever completely trusted and, besides her mama, the only one she’d loved. Cree’s no savage, she said. He makes ten of you.

Gig lifted his hand again, and this time, she knew he wouldn’t hold back; he meant to hit her hard enough to loosen her teeth. The way he’d done with her mother so many times, and with Cree, too, before he’d got his fill of it, when he was just sixteen, and ridden out for good.

Door hinges creaked nearby, and Mandy’s heart squeezed itself into her throat. In a glance, she saw Kade McKettrick standing on the back stoop, about to light a cheroot. He’d shed his trail-worn coat and left his hat inside, but a .45 rode low on his right hip, loose and ready in its holster. Mandy’s attention went right to that gun and got stuck there for a long moment.

Kade put out the match he’d just struck, slipped the unlit cheroot into his shirt pocket. There some difficulty here? he asked easily, but some quality underlying his words reverberated through Mandy like the hiss of a rattler, invisible in the tall grass, primed to sink fangs into flesh.

Seeing Kade, Gig muttered a curse, and Mandy figured he must have been skulking around long enough to learn who was who around Indian Rock, starting with the McKettricks. His eyes blazed with a brief, ancient malevolence; he hated most folks, just on general principle, but especially the ones he perceived as privileged.

The display was quelled in an instant. Curry was part reptile himself; he could slither right out of his skin when it didn’t serve his purposes and take on a whole new aspect, just that easy.

No difficulty at all, he said, taking a step back. His smile was ingenuous, mild, and wholly false. Mandy reckoned the devil probably smiled like that while he was watching souls roast in the fires of hell.

She shuddered at the image. If stealing was indeed a mortal sin, she’d surely end up in Hades herself, turning on a spit.

Mandy forced herself to breathe slowly, by dint of will, and to calm down. Straightening her habit and adjusting her wimple, she struggled against an undignified inclination to dash over to the stoop and hide out behind McKettrick. Her fierce pride prevailed, though, even over the instinct to protect herself, and she stayed where she was.

It’s cold out here, her rescuer said moderately, addressing his words to Mandy, though his gaze remained fixed on Gig and slightly narrowed. Maybe you’d like to come inside—Sister.

Mandy straightened her spine and let her shoulders down from her ears. She’d ponder over the cynicism she’d heard in the word sister later; right now, she just wanted to put as much space between her and Gig Curry as possible. Yes, she said agreeably. I think I would.

She felt Gig reach for her arm as she passed and just as quickly suppress the motion. She kept right on walking; ten more steps, seven, five . . . keep going . . . one foot in front of the other.

You know of any ranchers lookin’ to hire a good hand? Gig called to McKettrick from behind her. I’ll be sticking around here for a while, I reckon.

A chill struck the length of Mandy’s back like a wall of cold water.

Nope, McKettrick replied. His gaze didn’t shift from Gig, nor did he raise his hands from the railing on the stoop, but Mandy sensed a bone-deep vigilance in him as she drew nearer. He might not have been looking directly at her, but he was taking in every nuance of the situation, subtle or otherwise. He would be a hard man to deceive, should that become necessary. But, then, she’d known that since the episode in Cave Creek.

I heard there was a fellow name of Cavanagh lookin’ to take on some help, Gig said, friendly as could be, all smiles. Mandy thought she heard the sound of sinners sizzling on a griddle.

That would be between you and him, McKettrick said flatly.

Mandy had gained the steps by then, and Kade stepped aside slightly to let her go by. When she considered lingering to see what would happen next, however, he passed her a look that made her think better of the idea.

I’ll be seeing you soon, Sister Mandy, Gig called in jovial warning, as she stepped over the threshold into the radiant warmth and temporary safety of the hotel kitchen.

Mandy’s stomach pitched at the threat, but Emmeline was there, solid and sweet and practical as an angel, just taking a fresh pot of coffee off the stove, and it wouldn’t do to let the boss lady see how shaken she was. Kade McKettrick might have saved her bustle this time, but Gig would get to her sooner or later, or die trying.

Emmeline paused, taking her in with a concerned expression. Are you all right? she asked. Kade lingered outside on the porch, the door still open, and the faint scent of tobacco smoke curled into the room, oddly comforting.

Mandy forced a smile. I’m just a little cold, she said to explain the visible shiver that went through her. She was generally brave when face-to-face with trouble, but afterward, when she let down her guard a little, well, that was when she was hard put not to fall apart. Here—let me take that coffee.

Emmeline hesitated, then set the heavy kettle back on the stove and handed the pot holder to Mandy. Thank you, she said, her gaze straying to the open back door, full of questions.

Mandy willed some starch into her knees, picked up the coffeepot, and headed for the dining room, which had filled, in the last few minutes, with cowboys and other customers. She poured coffee for Rafe McKettrick, Emmeline’s husband, and for Jeb, his brother, along with the other men, all the while waiting for Kade to come back in, then moved on to the large corner table next to the window. A small group of young women had settled there, all of them impatient mail-order brides, gathered for one of their regular war councils.

Mandy wasn’t without sympathy for the aspiring wives; all of

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